Kyle Got WAY TOO HIGH at Applebee's | PKA

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let's talk about the time that you and Kyle wrestled outside the Denny oh there's been many times there's been a few wrestling matches many Denny's I would drive at the Denny's and Kyle and I wrestled outside of the Marriott I went one outside the Marriott in Illinois fighting record yeah we always had a great time on those trips I'm trying to I want to tell the story about then I'm go to the water and an Applebee's but I'm trying to like tell it without driver maybe was this a paintball event yeah I'm gonna tell that story in a way that doesn't incriminate anyone okay except for myself and white boy yet so like I found this we were at paintball and and woody and I were walking around and I think I told woody I was like I'd like to find some weed and and and I was like I don't how to get it though you know I've never been here before and we see this paintball referee long hair like down to his shoulders big mustache like I was awesome and I walk up to him hey man I don't want to offend you but like the kind of guy who'd know where some weed is hell yeah brother alright then so like it wasn't long before like a quarter ounce of white rhino was produced at the hotel and so me and white boy in the back of the van and gassy mexican is driving that thing and me and wipe are in the back and I'm breaking the weed up on a copy of modern warfare 2 and and and as I break it up in little piles white boys rolling up these J's like like a [ __ ] expert was there for Tommy back there so I wasn't in this car mister I was driving that was a van I think I was driving a smaller car and like the legend of white boys rolling made it to me like oh my god all the windows were down it's blowing everywhere he's rolling he doesn't lose it I don't know a seed like whatever you wouldn't want to lose you know you wouldn't want he lost the seeds but nothing else okay thank you yeah yeah he only let the seeds blow but but apparently he was like a savant at rolling these things he might have done at a time or two before and and so every time he rolls one up he passes it to me and then I light it I spark it up and I take a hit to get it going and then I pass it forward and because I'm it's just he and I in the very back seat there's like four rows of this van I don't even know it's one of those big-ass vans yeah nobody can see how much I'm smoking so I feel like I can take a couple extra hits before I pass it forward you know we've got plenty I'm all they do rolled one inch is just a roach so so I'm every time he rolls one I'm like and then I pass it forward and and and so he's rolled like three or something like that and the Vans full of people and the drivers not smoking just to be clear and but but we're passing them forward and I am getting rapidly way more high than I've ever been and I hadn't eaten since like lunchtime and it's dark and I essentially blacked out that's only ever happened to me one other time but I essentially blacked out and forgot where I was at the same time it's this is fun it's such a stupid coincidence but at the same time gassy mexican the driver went the wrong way he got lost so he had to pull into a residence so that he could like do it like a j-turn and like like so he's literally pulling up into the driveway of a home outside of Chicago so that he can leave their driveway and head back toward where the Applebee's restaurant is well I come to right about there while we're pulling up to a house in the dark and I'm like where are we where are we going right now where whose house is where we go in my head I've been kidnapped and they are taking me to an abandoned house that I've never been before and I don't know who all these people in this van are it was like no no it's cool we're going to Applebee's and we got a little lost it's me and you and there's there's Taylor up there and and and and and gasps he's driving and and everybody else is in the car behind so we're going to Applebee's to get some some appetizers all right was a good - hi tour guide he was great so we get out of the car at Applebee's and we start walking toward the door and I'm walking right next to Taylor and I'm taking these high steps I'm walking like like this is like knees were coming near the chest he was walking like he was going through a swamp like and we're just on the sidewalk going into Applebee's as he's taking these enormous Lehi steps just enormous Lee eyes maybe eight feet coming into Applebee's and I remember like walking next to Kyle like we were friends at the time but not as tight as we are now and you were just walking next to each other and Kyle's walking like an absolute lunatic and I just looked over at him he looks over at me and goes this is the highest I've ever been and just continued our way in and we got in there and kitty we are all this giant a stable and Applebee's and and we're all sitting there and Kitty being astute quickly realizes ordering it one by one is not an option for this table right now it'll take forever like Kyle can't decide lots of people can't decide on what they want and so kitty just goes just two of every appetizer and wears like what it's like like for you or for know for the table just two of every appetizer for the table and jus that's what we did and I think after that she ordered one more round a bit more rallies and we was done at Brant was suctioned up like through a shop-vac yeah mmediately all of those of those poppers those jalapeno poppers all those [ __ ] bottle relative chicken wings the yeah the bloomin onion or whatever their version of yes the waitress says what would you like to drink and I said to Mountain Dews and she says what do you mean and I want to glasses of Mountain Dew she's like I'll bring you a large and I'm like wait you're gonna see cuz I'm so thirsty comes back and she gives me this Mountain Dew and she hands me my Mountain Dew and she starts distributing everyone else's drinks and right about the time she finishes handing everybody their dr. peppers and [ __ ] I go umm refill I have just sucked the whole [ __ ] 20 ounce Mountain Dew down instantly because I was I had such dry mouth from smoking all that goddamn weed no I wanted to and so after that she brought me [ __ ] too and I was double-fist in those [ __ ] and this is how successful YouTube yeah I I won't tell the other part of the story but someday maybe we will because the mother [ __ ] happened that was that was [ __ ] hilarious it happened at the restaurant woody there was a there was a thing that happened at the restaurant was I involved all right in the chat but the whole thing you know but that was that was a very fun night goddamn it's a shame we're not doing those trips anymore that was so much fun yes yeah and and that other individuals started crying yeah oh you have to do you not have our chant okay no I do I see it I just don't get it somebody else tweeted from somebody's account oh it was a tweet that he would like out there there was a flippety-flip at the end with what it was me and white boy and kelly white boys longtime girlfriend now and and we were we were gone and we were like getting like the information of what had happened at the other end of the table with the drama like a piece by piece and we were I was like I think they did this thing and now and now that other person over there he's he's crying Kelly was what and we're just we're just laughing our asses off down there we just had a real good time that was a wonderful night I had a really good time I that would that was awesome that was it that was a great time we smoked all that [ __ ] weed up before we got there we smoked a quarter of an ounce so we booked on the drive to Applebee's that was a that was an interesting [ __ ] night I remember how much I enjoyed all of the an atty tzer's me too yeah me too yeah it was just really [ __ ] good how good those boneless buffalo honey wings were how good those potato skins were how upset I was when I it might have been white boy but we were both reaching for the last like jalapeno popper or something and of that serving I had noticed he had already had three or four it only comes with about six I had had no jalapeno poppers than that one and so I reached towards it me we did that kind of coy like oh you take it no you take it I was like no seriously white boy you take it he's like well okay then no you know you won one too many times missed out on that popper yeah yeah I feel more comes down on the poppers I feel comfortable telling telling the weed stories now that like I can't get in any more trouble than they already have the other the other hilarious weed story I went to Vegas one time and I hadn't smoked in like two or three months so I had like no tolerance and xjawz was in Vegas at the same time coincidentally like I was there for shot show which is a big gun convention ex chalice was just out there playing he was just staying out there with like little Wayne's cousin whatever that rappers name is I can't I can't remember what it is and so goodbye perhaps now was it a little twist something like that and white boy excuse me extra oz comes up to my my sweet and and he's got a backpack and he opens up the backpack and he's got an entire quart mason jar full of weed and I'm like I'm like how did you get that out here he's like I just went on Instagram and looked for hashtag 420 and then I just hit him all up anybody that had it I just I was like hey yo I want it I want some I want some and he had like three ounces of weed you know like a lot of wheat and and I was he's like you want it you want to smoke one I was like I would love to smoke one and so he rolls up a blunt and I'd never smoked a blunt before for Woody's benefit a blunt is it's a blunt is like a small cigar and the wrapper is also made of tobacco and so what you do is you cut it down the middle with a razor blade you get all with tobacco that's in it out your refill it with marijuana lick that pitch roll it back up so it sticks together and and then you have then your getting a mixture of tobacco and marijuana at the same time a lot of rappers smoked the things that got killed by Taylor did too right Mike Brown maybe you stole the Swisher's anyway yeah that's what he was sure that's the kind of brand that like people buy to cut up and dump out all the tobacco and then make we were smoking a swish and so xjawz rolls this big [ __ ] thing up and we start we've got we go in my bad the bathroom of the the suite there next to the door and he's got his laptop opened up and he's showing me what he's been up to while he's out there and I think I've told this little tidbit of the story before but it's important to know just how stoned we are while this is happening like like at 12:05 streaming the whole know god that would that would have been good so we're why he pulls out his laptop and starts showing videos of what his life is like now and he's hanging out with this look this rapper little twist and little twist he's like I guess extras holding a video camera and little twist is taking him on like a cribs style tour of his penthouse suite at one of the major hotels out there like he's got like the penthouse of the Rio or something like that some some 12,000 dollar a night [ __ ] penthouse and he and he's smoking a blunt in the and I know for a fact he's smoking the same weed that I'm smoking while I'm watching him smoking it because thanks dras is providing it and I'm just [ __ ] weed ception all right let's see how this is going and he's like yo welcome to my suite we instead of saying the n-word now we say brother brother and and you go a little bit farther into the suite and hey then there's a cage and he pulls a cloth off the cage and there's a monkey in the cage and he goes yo brother this is my monkey and he blows the weed out on the monkey and the monkey goes and it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] jumping around in the cage I was and I was like he's got a monkey and in a penthouse here right now he's like yeah he's got a monkey Xero's flex it right and we're touring this place and it's beautiful it's like something out of a gangster movie or something like that this huge sunken living room when you know the whole walls are glass and everything you're seeing the whole strip and we go back to a bedroom and he goes and he's like holding the doorknob looking at the cameras like you ready for this brother opens the door up this is my links cat he's got a Lynx he's got a Lynx [ __ ] pissing and [ __ ] in a hotel suite in Vegas and it's just over there it's the one with a real tall pointy ear holes like this it's just like you tell it's thinking like did I kill a little twist and make it to the door in time he had two exotic animals and it was at this point where I start not feeling well this is the second time I've ever blacked out in my life did you see but Justin Bieber tapes at all I didn't see anything now I don't know monkeys X Charles and Justin Bieber were hanging out together they were there was some video but I might be making some of that up nothing that I saw nothing that I saw but I mean I know they were chilling together and you know exercise was always telling me about like what it was like hanging out with Bieber and how he was kind of like a spoiled kind of you know he'd be like real [ __ ] up laying on the floor and he just yell I see go get me sushi and somebody would literally have to run out and get a damn what a life that's awesome so that you guys don't do that now so I started not feeling really well at all I'm like I got to go I got to go sit down man I opened the door of the bathroom and I take about two steps and I collapse face-first onto the tile floor like whack and and and and everybody freaks out ah are you okay you okay and I'm just like I'm okay but I'm gonna lay here for a while don't take anything by that but this floor is real cold and it feels real real right now yeah and I just want to rub my face on this floor and then we're gonna order you some food sounds good but I'm gonna keep rubbing my face on the floor and I laid on that floor for a long long time before I started feeling normal what happens when you smoke too much weed I know what happens when you drink too much and if you can't get sick you throw up oftentimes things spin too much we have to smoke so much weed to actually have what I just described happen to you that it's it's it's not even financially viable for the for the everyday man okay it takes a lot and it really usually requires edibles which are you know a whole other thing your livers process easy to OD it's it's easy right erm yeah I mean it's pretty that's what's the term I use I I'm like yeah I definitely overdosed on [ __ ] edibles I ended up vomiting you know I vomited from edibles before and but but with smoking it's like it's over in an hour anyway whereas what like if you if you drink too much alcohol it's like well here we go you know I'm gonna be drunk all [ __ ] night long and there's not there's no coming back from this but DMT I'm told us 15 minutes mm-hmm I get more perception of time and stuff but I feel like I can survive it's like some pretty yucky stuff for 15 minutes 15 minutes isn't that long yeah I don't think the MT really gives you bad experiences anyway one of the scariest videos that I ever saw was when you were getting choked out woody that was terrifying to do that a couple times I got quite a laugh oh my god I remembered like type texting on nature I mean y'all check this [ __ ] out he's like your last scariest walking up my I know that's like some real some real [ __ ] yes yeah I've had that happen in training too it was Joe Lauzon scrapland coach at the time guy's name is Ricky and he's very good at grappling
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 205,795
Rating: 4.9523125 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, Dr Chiz, pka podcast, podcast, FPSRussia, Kyle, pka kyle, PKA 463 w H3CZ Costume Night, OpTic Drama, Funny Chicago Stories, Denny's, FPSRussia Prison, Lorkappo, FPSRussia Jail, Prison, Jail, Kyle Prison, Kyle Jail, Kyle's Jail Tales, Painkiller already podcast highlights, Applebee's, chicago
Id: KKPZCgUo21o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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