Kyle's Guns Compilation

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is this a standard thing where you lie just walk around with weapons and pistols awesome if I think that I'm going into a dangerous area yeah I have a couple guns yeah I've got a gun in the mimetic oz back there I would have one well if you see me I'm probably strapped every really two shotguns in the corner my is so different and company yeah likes it when I went to Floyd all right what I liked when I went to Florida like there was people walking around with pistols and that was pretty freaking scary coming from coming from Nottingham it's a concealed carry permit holders like like I am and I know Kyle is I don't know if Taylor is part of the crime rate amongst us is lower than the police well yeah so I have here what he's gamertag explained through how awesome is this it's way smaller than the other one he has it's got those World War one fighter do I knock your flamethrowers no it's on the way to work and you know what it is it's much smaller it's like a concealed weapons permit flamethrower so you were saying what are these components I'm not familiar with this flamethrower boot he has another one that's more loaded he will show you this is mine so you've got your pallet sharp so you've got your fuel here gasoline alcohol or diesel or a mixture of alcohol of diesel and gasoline that's what I've been using something you've built no no this is the XM 42 flamethrower they are $900 you've got a butane can here too and you've got an on/off switch over here get up in the house I am as you do on the back there's an igniter Wow so if I were depressed this button I would shoot napalm inside my house you keep this thing the investigation at all times just in case there would be if there were to be an intruder right now like I could just totally hose him down over there and you just hear the screams but it's it's excellent for home defense because it doesn't over penetrate like a normal gun might go through the wall and hit someone on the other side right this one stop it the first wall you have the best toys I know it makes me so jealous I'm so excited it was yeah it was a really good day when when I found out that that thing was coming it's the range on that compared to the big one it's very similar so the big one kind of works like a pressure washer cuz it is a pressure washer one and it kind of makes a cloud of fire out in front of you and the range with like diesel and gasoline just regular liquid that you haven't thickened up with napalm mixture is like 25 feet the same is true with this one because this one instead of shooting like a dispersing and sort of shooting a cloud that's atomized it kind of just squirts gasoline or whatever fuel you're using in a really narrow stream I don't know if you can see how small that aperture is that hole but it's a lot smaller the Super Soaker flaming death laser yes when you said it shoots today check it out when you said it shoots a stream because it really would I intend to use it for is starting fires in the backyard I have a fire pit and and I stack the logs up i coat it with gas I light it and then instant fire that's my typical process and I do it a couple times a week if this thing Kyle was like it shoots a stream and then it instead of just going away in a puff of a cloud like a normal flamethrower the thing that you just shot tends to stay on fire for a little bit right this is yeah yeah this is perfect for like you know we have a fire outside a couple times a week is this for entertainment purposes or like cleaning up home defense all of those things all of those things yeah we have so we have a dumpster in the backyard and in that we put all the things you wouldn't want to burn like roofing shingles some sheet goods and stuff like that but we also have like two by sixes and two by fours and stuff and as dr. cheese describes it would use nature's dumpster the sky what is cow coming back with what do you have yours so brand-new shotguns we should have to do like tactical shotguns you should have to be more like this look at that thing about we all have to use one of those really shitty ones that you said you hated more than anything Oh that'd be a challenge yeah hey or we could use wow that feels heavy does this watching him lift it yeah this looks like I know that one ah that one's terrible and call of duty as well it's agency so I doesn't hold 16 rounds yeah so each one of those tubes holds four rounds and then you shoot four you spin it 90 degrees and you shoot four more and it's a 16 round shotgun it's like a lot of ways for it to just go wrong and not it's true I've watched Kyle shoot it a lot and like sometimes what will happen is he'll shoot two rounds and the third one doesn't go he's just like lubed it up it rained good this one actually works really well this one I've seen others that work shitty but this one I'm proud of I trust this one mostly Kyle like I've watched Kyle shoot it when it when it runs well but not perfect and he's really good at it like it doesn't shoot he's just kind of like he slaps it does it you know coxeter I don't know exactly what the sequence is but he just gets the next shells to advance and and in a heartbeat it's shooting again but to a regular person well I don't know they might be like putting up a cam their legs banging and looking down the not the barrel but the thing that holds it around restful just what is this one he has it seems to have some sort of like COD three camo oh he's shot paint with that what is that the which ones that this is the ute uts-15 so if you rack the slide three times will it break hope not my that's the one it's it's a very peculiar weapon I haven't played with it in quite a while so forgive me if I'm kind of not that smooth with it but basically trying to figure what the best no maybe if I just point it right at you so the danger you've got a tube here and a tube here and you put your shotguns in here and you've got a it's kind of spring-loaded and so you've got a row of shotgun shells up through this entire area in there on both sides and you can say there's it's open on over here too so both of these doors are full of shells and when you do that then the spring-loaded thingy comes down that feeds the shells and can you pick which side so you can put like slugs in one and bucking the other bird this is one of the major design flaws is this right here is made of plastic and that's what chooses which is which left side or right side chooses the feed and then the rest of it you know it's kind of just clunky a lot of plastic in there looks really [ __ ] cool though right sounds like a nerf gun if I close my eyes and listen to it rack and back and forth I mean that it's painted oh me too like I think that's cool like I don't know that guns seen some [ __ ] oh you're damn right it here that's like goat was mounted yeah but yeah we should have to take a shotgun like that a real piece of [ __ ] I only have one so I'll just have to bum 150 shotguns they're fairly light yeah at a third barrel that that Chiappa is a little unwieldy although like all of the silly shotguns are I mean this is the you toss and it's [ __ ] like I mean it's all plastic but it's still pretty heavy Kyle's got so many weapons just sitting right by him ins on deck over there bro this is the 1216 like from modern warfare 2 you know with the magazine down there sure I know these ribs with that thing I'm so many [ __ ] noobs these things are pretty great actually I like this but you know it's very heavy because it's an oddball kind of special thing you're trying to do and I can't really reach the other three over there but all of the special ones are like that they're just I don't know what Connecticut's gun laws are like I think they're kind of tight its Massachusetts they're e very tiny they keep changing what seems to be every two years at this rate they're about to actually make some more changes to make it a little more difficult for you to even get your license advancement I got a saying which I really hate those liberal gun laws yeah I used to live in Alabama but they got all they got very liberal Alabama I don't know if you're aware of this they they made it so they were gonna take my rocket launcher away and I was like we got to go to Georgia where they believe in the Second Amendment and anyone and everyone can have an anti-tank missile because I just feel like that's the way the founders intended things we should all have one I think it might be in the Declaration of Independence that the anti-tank missiles yes absolutely it was like anti carriage rocks with the time you know so you find a pro who could design this thing and he probably knows what you whoever does injection molds needs he'll build them create it in that format you get a couple prototypes in refine the design and then yeah I'll say what it was I I designed a I designed a thing one time see it's for the lower but if it was a much bigger magwell so that you know when you put the Maggie and sometimes you can be uh I don't have I can't get it straight in like if you're trying to load quickly but the one that I designed was like really big its flared around the bottom and it you know it's the same size and there where the where it ends up but yeah I get it so wider so you could you could be quicker kilos and stuff there's much bigger yeah and it had some knurling right here so you actually had a bit of a handle right here instead of just grabbing the mag and I got that made we designed it they engineer put it in the CAD the injection molded mode place did a run of prototypes and then you know they give you pricing from there that's all that's what I did this is my survival rifle by the wise is what I'm taking on the trip is that the toy - did you know I learned this from Freddie Wong you can't point a gun at a camera for like a TV show and such and if you like right and if you think about it have you ever seen a gun pointed directly at the lens really a bad shot but I feel like an artist you know a videographer could do something special with that like I don't have any for my guns right behind me but if you do like a big open boar in the yeah yeah like that shot especially if it weren't even bigger gun like a shotgun it could become sort of an iconic oh my god this is scary moment that is unloaded the light source is perfect down there I can see the rifling this is awesome but uh yeah but you can't do this on TV Freddie Wong made a commercial for battlefield the video game and they had pointed a gun right at the camera and it got rejected but fortunately they had an angle and they had another angle and they just swapped it is he gonna have an arm full of guns you have a 870 that's that's pretty heavy isn't it yeah it's a self-defense guy if you're an audio listener Kyle just came back hugging as many guns as a man can carry all of them apparently shotguns I may have shot that one before if not I've shot one that's just like it that belongs to you it's very like what is that one go Benelli Montefeltro it's like eight or nine hundred dollar Benelli semi-automatic I like it a lot I'm speaking of gun camos let me show off these think these guns on yeah I got all these guys CONUS these they're cool this is my m1 a1 stuck in a juggernaut rogue chassis it's it's it's chrome this is a pretty cool thing it's really cool look at that I'm moving around trying to get in the reflection I was it literally had my picture in it earlier like it reflected me it's putting a national match m1a1 sniper rifle 308 semi-auto inside of this bullpup chassis and so the whole thing is very short you know this flash hider is what four inches long so I mean the rifle is is really really shortened by this thing and I don't you can shoot this thing out of your car now it's pretty badass the magazine goes down here I gots a big fifty round drum magazine that goes in it hopes 308 fight back yeah in case the deer you know retreat and reform an assault even then you would be on the winning end of that battle if you don't have antlers just pick up the ones left this is my ACR I really like the camo job because it's like a standard just sort of wilderness camo tree leaf kind of thing I really like this thing I've had this thing for a long time I like that uh that muzzle break - it's a it looks it and it is really sharp on the end you could really poke the [ __ ] out of somebody with this if you if you wanted to you could scratch them wicked scratch yeah what's up next they take one more step Kyle attacks him with their ACR and they're in a vicious hunt for aloe vera this next is just in case Kyle ever has to infiltrate a Home Depot if we go to Fite Eskimos or something I guess this is my FN fs2000 I like that gun I have to do but in black and I it's it's my favorite that people won't like calling an assault rifle it's my favorite tactical gun I don't call it what you will but I don't know why but I seem to hit what I'm aiming it with that gun like if I miss a target once or twice I break up that one and I seem to hit it all inside just fits me this is the DeWalt 12-gauge this was my idea I think I may have seen one on the internet like this so they really Dewalt branded this this 12-gauge up big time nice that's so cool I heard I'm picking a favorite I like them what a lot I like the chrome one a lot I like the F in mm a lot I like the ACR is nice I really what kind of shotgun is that Kyle it's an MK 8 1919 semi-automatic magazine-fed I don't think you can get these magazines on the market anywhere I had these custom-made and machined from aluminum you know usually the mortar at BK you could pick up a lot of karma on gun it for those just saying yeah I may do that but but yeah that one's I'm gonna load that when it was slugs I think cuz it's got that cool optic that it that that's the same color and everything yeah I thought they did a decent job I had a dispute with the coding company for like two years and we finally like sorted it all out took forever I think they've still got some of my [ __ ] I had to get lawyers involved is the whole thing so [ __ ] them you know if those people are listening [ __ ] you you know but did a good job when I got him back this gun right here the rifle on the inside was yeah [ __ ] it might have been 2004 though just for the rifle I think I hope I'm not getting that wrong cuz it's been five years since I bought that rifle is that right it's a National Match m1a1 was it used in World War two that kind of rifle the m1 no that's it that that doesn't like a ram that's the one with that that you know the the clips were yet you push them in and carefully don't make your shame off when it's done ray this is an m14 this is sort of the box mag stick there this they're analogous it's it's it's two different companies making them that but the one a 1 here was like 2 grand I think and then the chassis it's stuck in I think is another grand but then this is like my special edition chrome chassis so it's like another 900 or something so I was happy to spend what I spent and get my [ __ ] back I mean that a CR was 2300 I think they have two thousand two thousand dollar gun you know all of that stuff it's just the suitcase got a six thousand dollars you know it says it was expensive [ __ ] that I want it back it's a lot of money in firearms they do a good job on the suitcase gun the suitcase gun because it's so [ __ ] cool they it's actually the more impressive of them but I'll have to assemble it which will take 30 seconds yeah I have full confidence that cow knows how to assemble every gun in there like it he's got like ar-15s and ak-47s by the living room couch and he like mindlessly assembles and disassembles weapons while watching television it all worked out seems like you won that transaction like these are some super yeah so it's an appellate house walked over with a Pelican case I don't think that we'll whole thing will turn into again it will the whole know it's not gonna transform itself into a gun there's a gun inside box Robert Downey jr. is in there there is a gun in this suitcase suitcase gun now gonna watch him assemble it beautiful firearm keep going Taylor we're all engaged well I I can't I I have to see more of it before I can delight our listeners with details - case closed oh it's a great it's like one of those uh ASMR ridiculous watch people eat cereal and breathe videos 60 minutes of me clanging my fork on my teeth will I eat pasta for so long about being an expert in gun assembly Oh with this thing I've put this thing together like six times in my life this is a little bit different that one needs some time next to the television well the evil dictator is waving at the crowd in his limo and quickly making his way to safe so you quickly need to get this assemble well the thousands will die of starvation in their horrible horrible hellhole sir Kyle Kyle's the good guy in your scenario yeah he's the spy who got into the evil despot you know vicinity and he's he's preparing to assassinate that's what other purpose could this be for if not some sort of you could assassinate good people here bad guy I'm giving Kyle the benefit of the doubt here he is wearing a Black Hawks Jersey so I don't have a lot of faith I am starting to believe he's doing this gun right though it started looking for a solution it's got all the tell-tale signs of a gun in case rifle I thought it was gonna fold up into the shape of a suitcase oh well the flashlight rifle that we've seen let's see let's see this Spartan design mm-hmm oh that's cool I like oh yeah it completes the whole thing with the magazine get a Spartan helmet there and on the other side on the reverse it says Milan la baie what does that mean come and take them come and take them so that's why I'm pretty happy with that as well what's on that gun called I don't know what is this apparatus it's apparatus I can't recall right at the moment I don't know that's okay they're just gonna ask a lot let's say it's apparatus something or another ah DRD yeah real catchy forgot that part peretta already that is dird yeah yeah those are really neat I want to get a cool designed gun like that some day I did a bunch of stuff today I wouldn't got my guns I got these these yeah I had to get some matching pistols finally and go akimbo just you simony salmon it up over here all day these are Coonan 357 magnum 1911's then use the compact version I've got the full size version but I've only got one of those this is the these are the compacts discussion he's hoon in consider the top neighbor like I only know the like the well-known top names like Colt as a top one Springfield and Keenan Coonan is more of like a boutique type thing it's a specialty thing I don't think anyone else makes a a handgun like this it's kind of a one cut one of a kind kind of a thing that they've got going on the grip is enormous it's a proprietary magazine like this isn't a standard 1911 magazine this is for the 357 magnum you know it's a semi-automatic 357 magnum which you don't see all that often this is what's the capacity I think seven or eight something like that I don't know I get a lot a 357 911 sounds great I like 357 is great you know like does it have like is it only is it a big old moose killer at 357 but you can put a 38 in there and shoot it all day well not in this because it's a semi-automatic pistol over a way that makes it but the 357 is one helluva round it's things like the 1911 is a fat slow bullet it's going like 800 900 feet per second a thousand feet per second if you've got some sort of plus P rounds maybe for the most part subsonic slower than the speed of sound 9-millimeter I think you know at 1215 feet per second something like that like 115 grains but with a 357 Magnum you're at like 1,400 feet per second you're like a third faster with a somewhat smaller bullet but it's it's it's really devastating to to larger things like you kill a deer with a 357 magnum and these things are just they'd make just [ __ ] fireballs come out then they're little they're a little expensive they're I think there are 1,250 bucks apiece or something like that I don't really know that's expensive but for 350 I mean for a 1911 that's in the ballpark right there's a lot of yeah 1911 is there and you're just not getting a standard pistol it's it's one of those things like I like always like to get it's kind of something funky like not many people have seen one of these but they're it's the only 357 Magnum night 357 Magnum 1911 this it's kind of a one-of-a-kind thing super crazy long barrel so long as that barrel I'll give you something I'll give you some reference long in there too long I don't like it that way kind of does stuff to his guns that other people don't let you kill dislike I know what I need a gold a K and he'll spray paint that [ __ ] this would be a cool way to get an idea so here we go it's like impossibly long hold up buy this stock like you're a soldier I want to see how much it extends past your shoulder oh hang on I'll stand back here Wow so for people that don't an amount of pellets onto like a flying target look at that you still can't even see the top yeah Bubba he's trying to hunt it with his hand and by having a long barrel like that it keeps the pellets together so if you shoot it well all the pellets get on target well that's ludicrous yeah it's her particular kind of for home defense if you live in a long hallway what's in your hand now what do we got there I don't know if I've shown this one on the on the show yeah this is my my Nighthawk my AAC addition Nighthawk it's a 1911 and I've got a Osprey 45 suppressor on it from Silencerco it makes it very very quiet and because it's not a round suppressor its square gives it more volume why do you need a silencer I'm just being an [ __ ] I like silencers because you don't have to wear your protection and you can kind of casually talk back and forth with people like yeah yeah watch this yeah yeah that was cool watch it and like especially with the 45 ACP because there's subsonic so the rounds are not breaking the sound barrier you can suppress them down to the point where they're about as loud as a paintball gun that's how loud this one is and when I want to put some water in here too which makes it more effective it's it's a little bit it's even a little bit quieter you can shoot one of these in a house and maybe somebody either into the house probably wouldn't even notice it's really quiet it doesn't Morgan would not approve there's more of any of those fun guns well I definitely approve I think it looks real cool and and they they kind of punished heard it out last time I got it coded so it's got a nice you're right there and thank you and for the first time ever I have a couple guns yeah you do on the show yeah I got a carry she this is her Kate she does she's a 357 it's not like your tiny little jframe either that that's I think it's okay that's a full-sized gun yeah yeah it's it's solid and then I've got my not carry because it would be ludicrous to carry this been on the Navy SEAL who has room to just carry it my sig p226 mark 25 I've chambered in 9 mil 15 plus 1 a lot of fun to shoot it rodents with or really anything but not oh well I think it's riot I was I was shooting one of those when I was in Texas I shot a rabbit with it I liked it a lot it had a laser a flashlight on it it's pretty cool I don't have a laser I'm not anything on it but I feel like I look kind of like a tool if I put something in the rail it's pretty night you know if you're actually clearing a house or something like that you know you're looking for somebody making sure there's not a boogeyman in the closet it's nice to have a light on there because you can you know a lot of those lights you can tap into eyes and it's like pulsating long version shotgun I guess I can show the whole PK that is a short barrel that is a shot pistol yeah I'd have to say that holds nine rounds is that right this is I guess a 12-8 shotgun so it's 12-gauge shotgun semi-automatic and you've got a magazine down here that holds two rounds in each of these four tubes here mm-hmm you know these depress and the shells go in and that goes in here how do you get to nine one in the chamber yeah one of the Chamber's so one in the chamber eight down here I'd be able to fire three times boom boom boom and then rotate I just lift up on there's one of them there's one of these switches on the other side too and I'm flicking it up with my thumb and then it allows me do that every rotation you have to do that every to every other shot every two shot two shot after every two shots so it'd be boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and you'd have a that's something that's in call of duty isn't it the ghosts it is but but not this one it's the I've got another one in the back room it's a that's a 12-course yeah three [ __ ] but the other one holds 16 rounds because it's just a much longer barrel this is actually a short barreled shotgun which requires a little bit more paperwork than the average every average shotgun which requires about as much paperwork as chapstick yes yes you can't really see it right now I've gotta zoom out of it it's like he's undressing it oh yes Kyle yes holy [ __ ] that's and that's like some No Country for Old Men like pop desk pop what's the lower portion of it for like the abortion that kind of extends below the the main tube of the silencer that's where the baffles are that's that that's there's volume down there so it let's see if I can line it up so you can kind of see through right now wish I had my tactical light but basically there's a series of rods that that continue from the back of the sound sort of the front of the silencer and the the wadding with the shot riding in front of it glides along those rods that's why it doesn't blow the silencer up every time you shoot the shotgun these baffles are basically a bunch of air chambers where air pressure and noise can be diverted and muffled so you don't hear it so all the noise and a lot of the pressure is being contained inside of here so like realistically I mean besides what do you mentioned like a 22 oh I see the rods now like realistically you can't shoot that in the same house of somebody and not have somebody be like oh like something just went down like you know hit me and stuff is going on with a silenced shotgun not with the shotgun I don't think but like I love this one of my 8 other rifles right here actually Tucker the furthest you've gotten into a show without him displaying at least for us I'm upset about this is awesome I love weapons so this is my FN p45 a long silencer 45 huh yeah so this is a this is an AAC tie rant 45 suppressor it is very very very [ __ ] quiet I could shoot this down here and they would not know upstairs prove it no and and I don't have anything to shoot into how many blocks or anything to shoot safely but like kill the dog the dog wouldn't stop the bullet but it's a 45 ACP caliber it's very very quiet and you know just screws right on yeah you can kind of see you in there it's awesome murder my in-laws just there it is [Laughter] and then this is my 30 Cal can this will go on I am like a 308 or anything like that and will make it so quiet that I try to like subscribe it this way so it's so quiet that you could shoot it on your back porch and your father watching television wouldn't know I've been practicing with my bow like about an hour every day and I I've got this idea that uh that I'm gonna go deer hunting with it and maybe shoot a squirrel with it it's not going that well I haven't gotten very accurate I think that's partially because I don't have any sites do not sure if I said that kind of bow doesn't use this site right you mean get sites for it so that you've got a peep sight back here and you know a pin side up there and you draw back and look and then you let go but I don't I'm just pointing and and I don't think I'm as accurate as I could be if I were aiming so I've never used a bow with the sight before but it seems like because the path of the arrow is so curved compared to a bullet that that sight would only be accurate in a small distance range right no they 60 70 80 yards those are shooting a bow is a lot like shooting a rifle they're extremely accurate like a modern compound bow is more accurate than your rifle probably it's accessories unlikely more accurate than inaudible the the bullets the the arrows will all touch and be in the same hole at you know 30 yards can I spend a grand on something I don't like I just bought a house I can't blow grand on on stuff I may or may or may not achieve good sound the compound bow has has sort of a wheel and pulley system back here that gives you much more power and it it stores the energy and a cam until you release and it releases it all for it and the effect is that when you draw the bow it gets easy right here you're only actually holding like 25% of the actual weight or something like that so you're able to stay steady but aim for long periods of time on that tire your arm that it's hard to back 60 pounds for a long time like this it's good for a wimp like woody yes background I need to know is that pac-man that's that's a pac-man but it's also got like I don't know Galaga everything literally everything like dozens and dozens of games in it and I want to go I want to go to there please me and the other ones area 51 with the pistols and everything but I mean you have to hunt with one of those because you don't have the compound holding it back you also get that cool Lord of the Rings II look yeah you feel like a rocky Roman courier and I I heard him loud noise earlier and that that's what I picked it up on I wanna go check it out I the other night I woke up and I said yeah the other night I woke up and I could have sworn that someone was like picking the lock to my front door they weren't but I'm standing there at this corridor where I have a viewpoint of that lock you know it's got a gold like it's a deadbolt and I'm staring at it so it's like 3:00 in the morning right yeah I thought I heard something I could have swore as I like looked at it for a moment I saw it turn the only way it turns is if somebody's picking or turning a key from the outside nobody got key so I'm just like the wrong house for the guy to come in so I'm gonna just be like don't move don't move and if he braces a gun shoot you know lucky you're talking to him first you do like a buffalo bill yeah I'm not gonna shoot first I would I would always try to take a prisoner first because I for a number of reasons but it it rubs the lotion on the skin what do you thinks I'm a nice guy because I'm not just shooting first I'm taking the prisoner woody we're gonna put him in the basement in the hole I'm not calling the cops you're coming with me edit that lock and I was just let after about I'm not gonna exaggerate after three or four minutes of staring it I was like all right it's not turning so get my flashlight go out there and look around sure there's nothing but like blockhead and turned a bit but but I was [ __ ] bike I heard that noise and I was just I guess wore that lock turned I was so was breaking in and I was staring at them with a gun I thought that was happening right in front of me glad you're safe um I'm glad that didn't happen I am I there aren't many worst choices I can think of and to break into FPS Russia's house like did I well there were three guns to choose from flavor paint one of his first due to money goods my cell phone camera so I can see myself yeah this is a Springfield Armory TRP TRP stands for tactical response pistol the grip I don't know if you can tell but leg that's really aggressive they're like that's that's metal and the same is true back here and then this is wood it's some sort of a I don't know Island hardwood and it's also really aggressive so the thing about this pistol is I have such a good grip on this like when I squeeze this it's really I mean it's cutting into my hand to a certain extent but I've really got a grip on this thing and this is the first one I bought it had my eye on it for a while and they're like 911 hundred dollars something like that and anyone picked it up I really like that cz brought on the pKa rafting trip yeah I like that one I'll grab it the speed you get with that gas station quality in the next 30 can you see me okay yeah yeah at the time you were like a slideshow but now it's going fine alright one second I should probably stop watching that Netflix documentary huh it's not torrenting Quigley down under that way who comes this is the cz what he likes it and I like it too they actually me this to do a video with I haven't gotten around to doing the video yet but I will eventually it's got a very nice trigger it's like three-and-a-half pounds I think it's very light it's barely touched it I like it and it's aluminum frame not polymer which I prefer and it's got some pretty intense in there I would call it stippling but it's aluminum it's you know me I guess you would still call it stippling it's almost like skateboard tape there and on the back so it's a real I like that in a pesto like a good grip mmm how much - one of those rania I'm not really sure 1,300 maybe I had 1500 in my head something like that could be this one will get this one's a little closer to that this is the FN five-seven everybody loves I hate it like I don't even I don't even shoot it I got 250 rounds for it upstairs having shot out in years it's [ __ ] plastic pistol that shoots a small rifle caliber that I got no use for even with good sights it's kind of hard to shoot the recoil is not that bad and with the right amyl it'll shoot through body armor but that ammo is really expensive and you can't really find it and I mean really expensive so what's the point of it like why would someone want that doesn't like it well if you've got the good ammo you could it would be a pretty good pistol for combat I suppose because it will shoot through [ __ ] body and it's it's a small rifle caliber it's just shorter 5.7 by 28mm but the ammo that we get here is ballistic tip so basically hollow-point and I'm not saying I want a gun that I shoot through body alright I don't got any use for that either but like if I was gonna shoot this thing and like hey let's go out and shoot the five-seven it would be to show you guys like look at this I can shoot through [ __ ] concrete you know that would be the cool thing that made this worth shooting and I can't do that so it's not cool tuned and I'm saying something else like it's in between stuff like it's not a particularly good defensive round because it's so thin and you know I'm trying to paint in a circle but it's small and it's light and then it wasn't good at something else because I forget it's just in between you know like I don't I don't find to be good for targets because it's expensive to shoot and you're gonna get your practice and really like you can with this 45 ACP that's fairly affordable to shoot this is a hk45 I bought this one used it's one of the few guns I ever bought used it's also got a really good grip it fits my hand well and it's got a high capacity I think I think it holds actually now take it back it's ten my F in tactical that's the one it's like a 18 like 18 to 45 it's ridiculous but the thing I really like about this one is the coating they put on it might the coating on my FN which is a more expensive handgun is come off and the coating on a couple my other guns has come off but whatever this stuff is whatever HK uses never comes off it has zero rust on it despite having been conditions and it still works great it is polymer but I don't know it's weighted well I like it a lot and it's got really good night sights I found a couple of guns the other day as I was going through my stuff that's ridiculous to me that you can just sift through your things and find weapons you didn't know you add shotgun with the recoil okay that's the coolest one you own right there that's my favorite one so close no [Music] it's just a Mossberg got this heat heat shield up here and it's got a a Barrett break on it so I need to do without the Barrett break and there that's something very similar seventies but this is one that I kind of did like a traditional mod - I put the saddle on the side for more ammo and you got I got new gun 22 cricket yeah I know that gun yes shooter what do you do with that realistically Kyle do you like sit on your porch and it is like [ __ ] it let me shoot this this is this is for a video tomorrow and not pink but I want one of those that might be my son's first gun it's a single shot right it do has no Maggie no one as a first gun it's cool because you can put a round in there they shoot it and then you know it's unloaded right which is safety you know yeah yeah also if you're shooting like squirrels or something that's a great first gun yeah I had a value accuracy it I'll teach them the meaning of death you know help out the carcass and like realize that's what he's what are you gonna do with your son you're gonna take him out there with a 22 and he shoots a squirrel and you're gonna go pick up the carcass fulfill the deed [Laughter] real man they use every bit of it ground the bones to make some meal pistols like why is there ever ever ever a reason to clean this unless I drop it in the mud like there's no amount of this that is ever going to going to cause a problem like there's there's just not like this thing is coated everywhere with a super-duper coating there's like three or four my don't know which one this is if this whatever it is but you know it just won't rust it can trust I can do it SATA 686 this is the the the M&P like a rope eight shot Smith and Quest if you're watching the audio version of this Kyle's holding up the revolver yeah it's real pretty I like this kind of hole punch I've got lots of stuff too I get sent a lot of stuff like gun stuff like there's an extra barrel to a like I got little things like this or laying everywhere it's got a thing stuck to it but like they're everywhere and I don't know where to put them what is that behind you I can't is that a tripod on the on the couch it's over your left shoulder oh no I'll get my vectors here oh yeah and then behind that I've got my rifle stand it I hand-painted this one what is that one pistol rifle father's didn't imagine that kind of men who thought progress stops here will be achieved from here on out and there will be no innovation which first of all you were allowed to have cannons under the Second Amendment back then so the whole point is bunk but whatever their lives don't have the progress happened during their lifetime thinking that one it was just gonna stop there yes them lived old enough to see like the first lever-action rifles and they were like alright whatever cuz we're really gonna get it now that's they said they didn't give a [ __ ] that's they than 700 stuck in like at a seven or $800 chassis it's a steel chassis it's 10-round detachable magazine and a suppressor there has a good message but that is maybe like an anti-nazi war song or something like that where in some clearly only on the right side of history you're talking against the Nazis but there's a lot of Nazi esque phrasing in there that she asks out if you're uncomfortable see it's your gun Kyle somebody's robbing you get your gun get it Kyle I think there might be a critter living in my closet over there nothing that a plays drummer can't fix I just saw your face what just fell out of that gun clip just fell out well keep your eyes on that we can we go kick it around real quick make sure there's no yeah just go boot it yeah move your mic so we can see the closet and then go investigate it yeah I'm just looking out for your own here oh my god I hope that something crazy happens what it looks a teen feet away to me like this that this is a freaking I thought you had to get up and walk me to this is like a perspective [ __ ] yes it's right there I feel like if he would walk over to that closet like that gun is smaller than a real-life gun like the whole thing is like a music video trick that's what they call it Hollywood the classic music video the old MV t they call it in the business what Wow I mean that's like right there that's a to step away closet I have a drum Maggie has on that mmm it wouldn't be Kyle if he didn't have a drum bag on it oh my I think it might be a paintball gun really oh there might be a nice paintball gun is it no I feel good a mag on a real gun look really good a 308 oh you're ten so a 50/50 round drum magazine for three ho hey I like hunting deer with that too sometimes you need 40 to 50 308 love it it winds up those are called followers they're shaped like bullets and look like bullets you know Suey follow the bullets and push them along but as I wind it you'll see that recedes back in so so that trail of red followers is what's pushing the bullets and as I can keep winding and winding and winding and winding it's good yeah every time you would load your your bullet in here you'd make a little bit of space put a bullet in make a little more space put a bullet in yeah you got a handle and everything yeah there are so many I'm sorry Kyle I should interrupt you there's not much in shooting that you don't have to hand load like it and and I I don't know many people who shoot a lot who use the gadgets to load I was gonna say I plow is that gun loaded no now yeah what is loaded no no there's no bullets in it at all I said it's just the handling for brandishing as such but your toes on camera that would be an amazing at the time this is the time were cows like I've got a point deformity thanks for bringing it up child this is the kind of [ __ ] that proves PKA is getting better in the patreon era put that foot on camera Oh monetize it we haven't monetized it hold on wait he's fine see we're stepping up our production quality where's the fight where is also make sure that everybody and you kind of hummed so I can see your screen you click on the person's screen so that you get a condom at the bottom man I'll revolutionary yeah all right so now you got to grab bring the foot down model it model this Harry's nothing grossest toenails were now he's doing it okay hey do it from the other angle I can't see the hair on the toes Kyle I don't know if you recall it is literally other foot it's one of the smallest rounds you could use to like still shoot a deer with a pistol my own and I've always wanted to do that my father-in-law used to drive around with a 357 and on his um riding mower in case of beer a bear bothered him I don't know how it would go I'd go bad for the bear think well I mean it had to be a pretty angry bear to attack a lawn mower with a mounted gun yeah yeah they always had bear issues in New Jersey killing a bear is a really big deal but he had ten acres of property and I'm like who's gonna who's counting the Bears I don't know just shoot it and throw it in a river douche I love that episode of Sopranos when there's a there's a bear coming in the yard and Tony's wife Carmel come out she immediately runs and grabs a [ __ ] ak-47 she's like going looking for the bear like it's a [ __ ] a que that's their best herb air gun that would do the trick I bet oh yeah I did get done real nice there that would get it done for good I've deer hunted with that round before you know have you I mean I think even you wouldn't want to kill a bear with a two to three but the way you can follow up so nicely like I feel like I could put 15 rounds in a bear pretty quickly with like an ar-15 I'd it would have to hate that I mean come on near 15 you could just you go hardcore and just go like three round bursts and just destroy you got 40 rounds in here this thing's fully automatic and you can shoot shooting from like 500 meters away yeah that what scope is that tonight it's that night for scope or excuse me it's the premier optic scope who's not the night it looks amazing I don't like it it looks good on this I like it on this I've been I've been playing with it some yeah any out there is that it Ruger I still can't tell from them as an eagle okay yeah so this is the target version it's uh it's got some extra barrel so normally the barrel would in there like when you have a slide back it is long this was a 357 and I've got 44 Magnum and a 50 Cal but I like that I like this one a lot we had a we had a mannequin up one day and somebody was with us and they didn't they they were talking about shooting and they're like see if you could hit the mannequin between the ass and I was like I'll shoot his [ __ ] fingers off and I shot all of his fingers off with this pistol hmm it's a really accurate pistol and it's got very good sights I'd like to show you the sights there's no way for me to do it with that point I guess I'll pointed it myself yeah no it's clear and all that stuff but oh I see they're not lined up quite right but I definitely see what it is and they blew on the door there tritium so that's cool I like 357 s I've got the 357 revolver I've got the 1911 357 and I've got this thing hmm I just have a revolver in 357 I like it it's fast it's and it works for hunting try it again I wonder if I could shoulder that [ __ ] it's hard it's meant to be shut off the bipod obviously hold on I'm gonna try this [ __ ] again it's freaking heavy so you really think you could do that Kyle yeah I think I could as well I think it's mainly just you know the elderly and the infirm who have difficulty with it yeah like I feel like even if that thing is a solid piece of steel I could do it you get it oh is that like one of those uh they use for like mass killing ducks or something like one of those punt guns and that's a cookie I'm looking forward to seeing him he was actually lighter than I expected it was 42 pounds 42 pounds still a heavy gun yeah and but we'll see when Cal comes back well that is owned these and they look like regular paint balls but they're in fact reball they're they're soft and they're like squishy it's like a rubber ball mm-hm and I haven't shot any through my paintball gun yet but uh but I think I want to now you want to see I do you like to use these on people I don't know they have um he said his was squishy but I've seen on YouTube they have hard balls that are used for like I guess you shoot them at objects and that's a great target and it has boobs anyway you shoot him and you can keep using him I saw a guy get shot with one did you if you guys had those last couple shots there was no ball he ran ran out of ammo but it makes nearly the same sound when you're not shooting anything and in the heat of battle that'll mess you up well I can miss me yeah may have shot a hole in the wall I think I see a little divot above the things head where would it be yeah go and put your finger in it right above his a year so Kyle can you use those on people that won't really hurt or it'll really hurt but I really should put a mask on for this you should good safety thoughts they're ricocheting really far I want to zoom it I know enhance I'm curious so you guys have recently been shopping for a carry revolver was it for you Taylor which I assumed all this time yes yes it's for me I want to carry revolver I've been looking now that I've been texting you guys about it the Ruger LCR that's the one that Melissa carries a 357 Smith & Wesson is like a 686 either light m60 686 is big I've got one of those barrel it's pretty big but it fits in my purse exposed hammerin Onix earth or an onyx is okay I know the one yeah I like those they don't they don't not work I've actually got a gun right here that I had recently there's a shocker color be surprised of course what am I looking at is that a paintball gun absolutely not it could have been holy [ __ ] folks this is my 308 it's a 338 Lapua ar-15 every time you fire the trigger it cost you five [ __ ] dollars when you've got to fight like velociraptors or something it's just like it's 5 10 15 20 25 30 they call it the bad news it's the Noreen bad news 338 Lapua it's it's a bad [ __ ] that looks expensive oh yeah um I don't know six or seven grants I'm like that that is really nice I don't like the color it's in right now I got it back from the high wages and it's it's okay Seco de you normally use my complaint was no it's different guy my complaint was that it look let he took all the extra colors they had and just yeah I don't I was Charlie I did it looks nice I mean I like it I like the magazine too yes it's nifty I haven't shot it in a while it's a it doesn't even he doesn't kick that bad it's it's cool to have is it hardly older at all I thought I saw you kind of late I was I was trying to lock it back but I've got the mag stuck in earlier is it hard to shoulder when anyone like would Melissa be able to shoulder it you think yes she could I've got one I'm convinced none of us can shoulder you need the mountain from Game of Thrones looks like a Bioshock gun Oh in the pan oh the plan is to do the biggest explosion on YouTube but they all do 500 pounds Oh God I don't know who's that now I can't from how far I've tried I'd like it if you didn't have Full Metal Jacket ammo but I mean you know I feel like the likelihood of my girlfriend shooting in my house is like zero unless she needs to be and which pro point I don't know I guess I don't care any bullet hit any bullets a bad pull it really and if you want if you're if you want something bigger though as a guy I recommend this as a carry piece this is a Rossi 357 Magnum not a pit of pussy-ass 38 like this is uh this is the this is a legit cartridge 357 Magnum but it's still small and compact and this thing weighs a couple of pounds you could beat someone to death with this if you need to I mean it's I can't stress how much more hefty this is than this like this weighs three times what this does it's a real brick in your hands which helps a lot with the recoil and I don't know it's just an overall nice gun you've got a lot of heft so Kyle what makes you like the tea CP over the LCP they're very similar guns I bet if you held them side-by-side that they'd have about the same footprint yeah I could grab mine I would say the TCP has a slightly larger silhouette and that's what's good about it there's more there's more to grab here the distance between this part of the gun and this part of the gun the width of the grip is beefier the fatness of it is also beefier and I just feel like it overall it gives me a better firmer grip on the gun it's more stable this gun but just so everyone knows it's very very unloaded yeah I did the same thing if you don't know it myself but I'm gonna let you look through the sight this is my squirrel gun if we if we ever actually go on this revival trip I got an M&P all right 15 is just gross the scroll that survived that or no this is what I'm gonna take whenever we go screw on our survival hunt trip it's an M&P 15-22 with a suppressor on it I can't so there's no scope on it at the Play you get a scope it or suppressor so the other squirrels don't get wise just what happened to Ted that's how it is though like with subsonic ammo this thing goes click yeah yeah you know I know nothing about guns didn't come from a gun background I probably fired a gun like once or twice and it was a little like a BB gun and like a rifle like a its fault very small rifle so uh that gun to me looks really big and I'm just wondering is that it is it not that's a big because it feels like you're gonna be shooting [ __ ] squirrels squirrels are not that big do we need this for vehicles look very slightly bigger than the last one so predict a truck the last will takes out a squirrel okay do you happen to have the rounds Kyle yeah do you that might be what I'm missing might be where they actually fires looks just 22 just expect me to be like when they're asking me questions I get gun questions occasionally and I'm like what like oh [ __ ] am I supposed to answer a question this is the small business there's a 22 long rifle this is what the the first gun shoots and this is a 50 BMG it's a little rusty right now but it's what the other gun shoots so it's very different which is actually a camera for comparison size-wise as well cuz I would really kind of help with that home it's just to clarify Kyle the the larger one would also kill a squirrel can you go further away this is actually an explosive round I paid $50 for this one bullet this is a ralphus round so there's a little bit of high-explosive in here it's like rattlesnake venom though just a little bit yeah it's awesome all my 50 BMG is tracer which is kind of fun I must have missed out on the boys club he really this is like where's let me get you involved like I got that room I keep disappearing into like trust me like we can hook you up we'll have you in full body armor and the body armor thing I've got a one of my sponsors is a is a body armor company so I've got like full plate carriers would like it'll stop a 30 Cal machine gun if I get shot with it and there's all kinds of cool little things laying around here so is that the one that doesn't cycle right yeah so once it doesn't [ __ ] work right now yeah and you came to cycle it enough so that it starts working that's not a damn shame it looks practical that's a loaded magazine it's an everyday carry gun this one or um what's that oh I was laughing at the color scheme it feels like you have like a green one as well and like a red one it just really depends on what you're wearing or DLC microtransaction I think the pistols already like closing on $2,000 so like why not make it gold point everybody who's got when these two thousand dollar pistols has a black one so like why do I have to be like them I don't want to conform to their black pistol [ __ ] I like these things and the cool thing is like if I if I don't want to shoot 50 Cal then I can just like let's see here yeah that particular decision so when would you say to yourself I have this pistol I don't want to shoot this video I want to shoot what else yeah some is cheaper so 50 cows are out so I can just go ahead and put my my other barrel on and now I can shoot 44 Magnum so it just goes back and forth that easy that's kind of nifty I don't know it's a loud big [ __ ] pistol it's the biggest Pitts the biggest Desert Eagle they make it's the 50 action Express if you've ever seen snatch it's the Desert Eagle Point five-o that you know it's just kind of nifty to have the biggest one they make for video purposes and for you know big dick purposes whatever you want I was gonna point that out to filthy I don't know if you know about Cal makes gun videos and yeah so these are in some and I want to call them props they're real guns but it makes a video more interesting when you have something that no one else has now if all them liberal your opinion countries had them a little firepower I'm lusting after that wrong with this everyone should have one guide a hand that went crazy there for me yes this is my new gun of course it is this thing is a it's a DP 12 it's a double-barreled shotgun and every time you pump it cycles two shells so it's when you shoot it how many shells does it shoot DOS well each trigger each trigger pull is one round some I'm Popol cycle so in essence I have five of them and I would happily sell you one for I don't know a thousand my purpose of having them is I intend on selling them Kyle it is a lock I will either buy one for a thousand or I will buy that in decked out one for some other price yeah I don't know how much this [ __ ] costs or I really don't want to sell this [ __ ] I'd rather like keep it cuz I don't have a lot of accessories but you I don't have to well I'm gonna give one of my Dan right oh I didn't know that I'll probably keep it too do I need a special license for that behemoth or driver's license but um my golf carts like but yeah I'm going to wings definitely next week like one day next week I could even go this weekend but but yeah that'd be cool I'll bring you one of these things up there I'm gonna test-fire this one a lot tomorrow so if these things fall apart in my hands you'll know that it's a piece of junk but I'm gonna tell you it feels nice and heavy I was telling Taylor earlier that like compared to like this gun looks pretty similar like not too far off it's but it's this gun the you tast 15 is so light I can hold it with two fingers and I mean it's just it's just plastic everywhere the back is liability issues yes piece of [ __ ] I had I had three of those and two of them broke before I could get a video filmed just in the course of filming a video in one day like but this on the other hand is very hefty you you know you got something that needs to sit right back there I mean I if I bought like I would want those little scary you know spiky things on the end yeah those yeah so those are door breaching chokes normally they're not quite so extreme and the idea is you stab it into the door by the locking mechanism or right over the the bolt if it's a dead bolt or whatever and that holds it you know you're securely poked into the door and then you can shoot without having a barrel flat against the wood it's for breaking a lock if you didn't this one is not quite so ridiculously aggressive not as cool yes this is more of a standard I feel like if you poked me in the chest with that I'd survive and I would like to die just from the poking action the gunshot is just for fun but I'm looking forward to playing with this some tomorrow I'm gonna be shooting drones out of the air with these I think that'll be cool yeah it's Wednesday this is just the standard one with nothing on it I can see putting my yo tech on that because I don't love my EOTech for the I think I have it on an end it's either on my m4 ar-15 variant thing or on the FN mm I think it's on the ar-15 that's the one that we could buy for a thousand yeah it'd be just like that yeah I think retails 1250 something like that like that's about as cheap as you get them online but I would sell them for a thousand for you guys if either of you wanted one that'd be awesome I really like that yeah well I need that yeah I need that means I need to kill those pheasant and I need that what my family's not home and the dogs bark at nothing that will be the thing I grab yeah you want to take away this flamethrower I would love to see the flame yeah let's shoot the flamethrower I think I think before we blow our ace in the hole Kyle we should be some negotiating points here this thing's pretty cool I'm gonna like I'm gonna go through like how to load it and show it and everything it's kind of neat I'm gonna put my protective suit Buster's suit on it's a protective fire retardant suit it says fire I want a suit that's instead instead of fire retardant it's it just says fire [ __ ] on the back I wonder what that guy was thinking when he was designed a flamethrower you know it's got to be like a military project be like hey there's people over there that I wish to throw flame upon but I want to be he break it link it up link it up link the bit it's like a minute that's George Carlin I know I've seen the bit George Carlin but I'm just thinking like I'm told my dad actual more liberal I'm creating a weapon designed to burn people alive in bunkers you could say that about a lot of weapons me not specifically burning bunkers but a lot like you make a weapon and I guess you just hope that she's more good than bad that comes from it but I mean every explosive I'm gonna burn those Nazis in those bunkers that keep murdering all of my friends ray it's all this Ryder why is your Ghostbusters suit fire retardant it's not fire retardant not wears they just said that I actually have a fire retardant coverall and like it's a lot thicker than that no that's just a coincidence this is reformed this is a it's more of a costume really making it easier to burn alive with I am flammable onesie this is more about protecting my clothing from that gasoline smell than anything really like there's no safety to be had from this also I like the idea of what being a Ghostbuster and if there's anything in the real world that's close to a proton pack it's a [ __ ] flamethrower all right I just did that but are you on up with your flames yeah you know but it's just walk us through what that pieces are of that I want to see this okay so this thing it was a little uh at first I didn't know how it worked but here's how it works so you screw the valve off fill it up with gasoline or diesel fuel or a mixture of both or really anything not anything I've been experimenting with some other things but they recommend only gasoline or diesel yeah I'm looking into ways to make the flames different colors but decently smoky she's food Keisel is more smoky so you fill it up put the valve back on and I've got this 20 ounce co2 cartridge here that's refillable and got a like a standard coiled remote like you might see in paintball village key action sports and and for the igniter on the way well first of all this is just a pressure washer wand that's what this is it's the pressure washer one and this is just a standard arbic you do a sparker yeah I knew that looks familiar it looks like something when you drive up and do like the manual car wash that's what that you pull off the wall and you're shooting right out of it yeah so the thing that powers this am i doesn't think we should I shouldn't tell people how this works I'm advertising for these people then they sell them this was 5000 $1,600 I've got a propane cylinder taped onto the side here because it's bigger than the one they normally recommend and and so that powers the flame on the end now to pressure it pressurized the tank which is the fun part with the safety on yeah so if you remember I say this every time someone new is watching me do it but if you've ever seen that scene in ghostbusters when they get into the elevator and they're like oh you know nothing to be worried about each of us has an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on our back they finally turn it on for the first time anything goes sure when they all like back away from the guy who's a proton pack is on listen to this I'm sure I got everything connected look at the gauge go up it's pressurizing so we're now shoot this with you [ __ ] here yeah so now all that gasoline in there about three or four gallon three gallons it's pressurized that there's only 200 psi but I think once I start shooting it'll go up just watch the gauge I'm gonna be watching the play Kyle what are you about to shoot so please wait I want to mess with the video and give you more of a center stage give them hell Kyle it's ready whenever you ready so nice put it on it's shooting pretty much all the way to that target that's pretty far the targets not in frame oh that's a shame if you line yourself up with that tree Kyle just put it in front of that tree to the that's yeah yeah the target I have a target set up you just can't see it I'm gonna fix that all right it's gonna move the target I know that he's an expert with this stuff but it just seems like yeah yeah well I mean I just assume he's willing to but it seems dangerous he's poured over the day that he knows does he look like an expert to you he's wearing a totally flammable cost he's just like a Ghostbuster dragging mannequins ooh he's got a propane tank taped onto his rig because it's bigger than what they recommend expert you know what like a piece of metal piping so there's a trash can and a cinder block I'm sure that's to hold up this on a mannequin there we go yeah mannequin on top mannequin appears to have more protection than Kyle that's good just imagine how much brass balls you'd have to have to run into enemy Japanese soldiers wearing something bad on your back well they had real they didn't wear Coast Buster suits I understand that they did we're much better than hope well Oh weather you know my the uniforms what we're talking about like just imagine how much brass balls you'd have to have to run into like Japanese fire would one of the get him is that getting it spray him first see a flame yeah I'll do the thing where you shoot gas in the air watch this yeah lighting those before you light it cuz he can go back into the can except now that works that's [ __ ] [ __ ] there's someone the news every year about something that's all [ __ ] yeah well he would know gotta put the glasses oh he's gonna wear it okay a nice overcast day perfect for glasses it was hastily propane tank right there looking like a real expert like right there holy so you can't see it I hope nothing bad happens I don't know what fell off and you know it was a joke earlier but the dummy is more fire retardant you know it'd be right now Kyle is really look at there on the internet but he is that neighbor that no one wants he was spraying the gas onto the semi on fire okay Taylor see you got you a new car yeah Lane throw imagine with Realtors having to like do the neighbor's house just ignore those flames eccentric neighbors like this just sit on my for she washes my place on their new yard I prefer an uncle I don't want a neighbor like him just a guy could come visit a friend actually works that's like thinking like no that'd be so cool to hang out with it's always sunny true and real right know what I get me awful they're mean people that would be so scary to see in real life yeah we should tell them that something no let's not tell them didn't work again I don't want him to get hurt we lost your camera there Kyle Oh tell them that as soon as you can John oh no we lost the camera as soon as I started shooting good to see his response cam look Tanner I hate Wade that [ __ ] like numbs your face Kyle yeah yeah we saw the first bursts towards the doll and then your camera went out can you see us you're kidding right no can you do it again I I can tell you're all [ __ ] with me because cheese is bad at pretending and so is woody god damn it you guys you know fresh you ever seen those people get chemical peels and then they look like theirs they died three days ago for a couple days no hot that [ __ ] that's gonna be hot I don't know a thousand degrees yeah did you see when I was like spraying the gasoline and the fire was all twinkly and the coldest part was when you put it on that cool blast right at the end very hot very hot when you do that that's when I got burned yeah I felt it the second it happened I felt it like that wasn't I didn't turn red because of everything I just did I turned red because of one like two second mistake I made where I walked so that the wind was blowing it back Abbi that's when you really do look like you just finished like a half marathon better than you did a minute and a half ago though like it's yeah what's going away I can feel like oh no it's not burn it's just likes yeah that's burn a little I guess yeah everyone always asked this one so it's Kyle as someone who knows next to nothing about guns I've been looking into learning to shoot and eventually once I'm confident with a gun get a concealed carry permit how should I go about learning basic gun safety and how to shoot and what gun would you recommend I get with a concealed carry being its only purpose with concealed carry being its only purpose yeah if you've got like zero shooting experience you should what I would do in my personal situation I the local gun store to me rents pistols for seven dollars for as long as you want to shoot and then you just buy your ammo so you could literally go in there and get a 1911 for seven dollars and an LCR for seven dollars you know pick five guns and take them back there for $35 rental and shoot everything you want yeah you probably want an instructor at first or at least someone who kind of knows what they're doing you don't you don't need someone who's an expert but you need someone to teach you the basics but yeah practice with a gun and get confident with a gun and then I like the Ruger LCR and things like it I like concealed for concealed carry I like revolvers with with internal hammers that are light it it's funny you mention that my local gun store rents guns also at $7 they also have an instructor which is what I did the first time and it was really well done like you went there I took a test and they're like we don't care if you get every question right or every question wrong I just want to know where you stand you know like if you don't know what a muzzle or a trigger is and that impacts what we cover in the course you know if you come in here and you nail everything then that impacts you know then we'll focus on the Windsor stance or whatever it is that they're gonna teach so I I went in there I took a test he knew where I stood he taught me to shoot and then after that I would go back without an instructor and just rent different guns cuz I was trying to pick the right one for me I went in thinking Glock I guess because it's a really popular name and it was known for reliability and when I shoot it it wasn't shot it wasn't my cup of tea and I went and tried some more and then got a gun I'm really happy with and I actually have it right here memories of us like myself what does that even mean when you felt like you found a gun that you liked what was it what was it that you liked about it like what were the things you were like sitting there going this one I don't like quite as much and this one's a little bit better like well what criteria was that that you were even making that decision on when I shot the Glock it like the the trigger didn't pull in a way that I really liked I didn't like the way that they did I guess I do like the safety on it but it was too hard it was kind of gritty the one that I had it's really boxy the Glock and also it points at a different angle like this Kyle tell me if I get anything wrong here but this angle like that if you could pretend that's an angle is I don't want to call it standard but it's pretty similar amongst most guns and a Glock is a little different so like when I pick up a Glock and point it like without and you know it's aiming I was off like you can see the difference is substantial yeah so the the Glock wasn't right to me to some people it is right but it wasn't as natural to me and I I didn't enjoy shooting it as much to me this is much more natural which is a 1911 yeah that angle fits perfectly when I draw it but the Glock takes some getting used to and I don't particularly like it another thing is the way the trigger breaks like when use the actual part where you've squeezed the trigger enough for the gun to go off and that trigger breaks it clicks it comes back the hammer drops or the firing pin or whatever the way that feels is important and with a Glock to me it feels kind of like I don't know it feels junky it feels cheap and with something like the 1911 it feels really crisp and clean and like a snap like glass breaking and it feels clean and yeah there's lots of things that are different about the Glock that I don't care for but I really just like the trigger safety yeah it's you know it's got this little aggravating trigger safety that's not the thing about rocks I don't like I think theirs is done pretty well actually I think I might even like it more than the gun I picked which just like this bottom part sort of straightens out mm-hmm what is that this is Mickey Smith & Wesson M&P in nine-millimeter it's a I think it's a pretty good gun for the house to me it's way too big and heavy to carry I wouldn't want to carry this I thought I was going to when I bought it and I don't know maybe I did once or something but it's it's a big rock for your pocket man and went for a carry gun I've talked about this before you know you shoot it a little he carried a lot it it been my ideal carry gun would be a knife that somehow is a transformer that expands into a gun I want something small for a carry gun like either these work I've got a little like behind the back and it goes in the small of my back holster for this thing and it really tucks away nicely and any of the robbers rock armory one or the the semi was a car 40 and this is a Rossi 357 Magnum I see yeah those are pretty horrible aren't they yeah yeah couple hundred bucks two or three noir dollars something like that I think it's been a while though I don't know but yeah I like the Ruger LCR with like 38 you know 38 s and the thing it's it's it's a nice light concealed carry gun that's what I would they're ones like I'm actually a country boy so I'm gonna be shooting everywhere I go I've got two weeks in Texas in April so I'm basically gonna do like a talk at a university and then spend a day at range talk at University a.m. to cookout talk at University down the range again that's what I do for a living my youtube channel is all guns hi oh maybe that's the best armory of anyone you know I get to see you shooting that's like the best pony ever yeah oh you have no idea it's it's we have a real good time Oh check that thing out yeah I like - it's a shotgun it's a double-barreled shotgun but it's a pump which is kind of a revolutionary it's just covered with [ __ ] it's like kind of like a you don't even want to know who's in our piece right now there's an RPG behind him yeah it's an RPG round America all right well listen if I come to Georgia I'm gonna um I'm gonna call on you to take me out and blow something up I can absolutely handle that oh look at you it is his inner ten year old just came out didn't know wow I can keep this going for a while literally they literally all in reach on me then no this is just a small fraction of the know yeah he has I'm not gonna say anything other than the fact that he's very well armed well over a hundred this is oh that's just a duplicate of the one I showed you before I've got five of those Glock here hang on I got this feels like a you task fifteen yep yeah haven't that much money and guns just sitting out while not in the safe [Laughter] living embodiment of toxic masculinity that's what I do I do a lot of machine guns and I don't know fireballs and explosions and [ __ ] like that right well if I if I come to Georgie we're gonna blow stuff up together okay certainly I had that's what we do here right now I'm in the process of building a giant castle out of hay bail so I can burn it with my flamethrower your semi [ __ ] employee it's a little dim I'd like to have him tested just so I know if I'm violating some state law by like employing this guy fixed there's no fix in that maybe they'll you know fit him with a helmet all you can do at this point is prevent future damage it may be something like that you know there's things when like a two-year-old is can barely walk and it's like he's in that little ring that keeps him from falling over it needs one of those i'll he just [ __ ] [ __ ] up all day every day guy can't do for the the pka youtuber meetup paintball games OB I know it's nearby look at that thing yeah on it zoom out a little bit here all you figured out the zooming under Skype yeah yeah you did you're gonna ruin oh my god Wow this is my paintball gun I've this is the die damn damn is die assault matrix I'm not sure what kind of optic I'm gonna put on this thing I'm going back and forth I'll put this elk in on there most likely but if I'm able to get my thermal stuff in time and I'm I'm about 80 percent sure I'll have the scope in time for the thing then I'm gonna put like an 8500 our scope on this $1500 gun that's already got about five or six hundred dollars worth of accessories on it and I think I'll be able to honestly say I have the most expensive paintballs set up ever assembled automatically will fire once it's right on target it's got its magazine feed you can do it that way and in each of these is ten rounds of first strike rounds if I want those conically shaped rifle projectiles that shoot accurately very painfully very people or I can flip a little switch here I just flip this yeah that forward and I can go to hopper feet so I can have like a big 200 round hopper on top or my personal favorite though I've got to update the software on the gun apparently 320 round box mag 28 balls per second about the upcoming paintball game I'm gonna put a bayonet on this thing like a fall one like a foam one and I'm gonna have a go amount of a couple GoPros I got a GoPro thing that attaches to my back and so I am like a it's like a scorpion tail and the GoPro hovers over my shoulder right here and I'm gonna put a GoPro looking straight through this site so you leave this again Kyle I'll show it to everyone yes let me let me get that so I'm gonna have like four GoPros total rocking and mortems gonna be on the front so if I pay an ant somebody it's gonna be from that point of view as I poke them all right thanks oh I'm just jealous you know those kids are gonna hate you I have been working out hurts like
Channel: PKA Highlights
Views: 397,521
Rating: 4.9447708 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka podcast, painkiller already, pka kyle's guns, kyle's guns compilation, guns, painkiller already clips, painkiller podcast, pka highlights, pka clips, pka kyle, FPSRussia podcast, FPSRussia reveals his gun collection, FPSRussia, ak 47, gun collection, my gun collection
Id: L6_zYVNqdVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 48sec (5808 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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