The Future of Weed Legalization | PKA

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and we're live the price of pot is tumbling in colorado um how about that article the town of cannabis this is october so almost a full year ago was about 2500 and now it's about 1500 nearly in half so you're telling me things get more affordable when you take them out of the black market and let competition take place i don't believe that it turns out to be true um man this isn't really a bold position but the prohibition on pot is turned out to be a real problem it's done more harm than good and oh yeah i i see the rest of the country just tumbling in that direction oh yeah there's multiple states that vote on it this time around uh florida arkansas i think maine and maybe maryland i think maryland already did and it's about to go into effect but i think maybe maine is voting ah there was a whole list it was a bunch of them and they're either voting for full legalization like california is which would be you know it's like the world's eighth or ninth largest economy all of a sudden has legal marijuana not just medical marijuana um but i know there's like me like really stringently controlled medical marijuana coming to florida and maybe georgia too but it's always like oh yeah you can use this kind of oil if you're about to die but you can't bring the oil into the state nor can you produce it in the state so if you could magic up some marijuana oil feel feel free to use it you dying personally voted on it in missouri like four years ago and it was just a resounding like nope nope [ __ ] you like whole middle of the state says no which sucks but eventually it'll just be so many states that all the rest kind of have to be like all right [ __ ] it like now we're just losing a bunch of money which makes like some states do that one of my buddies or i had quite a few friends uh there's a college in kentucky uh murray state and at murray state it's in a dry town and so you can't just go out to a store and buy booze and so what do they have to do everybody at that university with like couple ten thousand people will drive across state lines spend a ton of money in the adjacent state county that sells alcohol and then they come back so it's like all that you've done is say oh we are so against booze in our county that we're gonna let everybody here basically tourists for four years because they're in school spend all their money outside of our local economy which is just stone cold [ __ ] like why it makes no sense it's the same thing that's happening with marijuana like i feel like states should be like come on let's get this going there's money to be made here we want to be one of the like if missouri got it suddenly illinois people are coming through [ __ ] minnesota michigan wherever like you're pulling tons of people in just like colorado you're missing it though see they're already making money off of it because of you know their prison systems and their law enforcement like they're already making plenty of money off illegal marijuana so yeah it's it and and i think the way they're looking at it is like oh this our neighbors uh you know colorado here are bringing all this uh these drugs into our state and all this crime into our state so they look at it like that they always take the moral high ground like money to come like what that's not making money though is it it's not making money but it's keeping jobs right so you've got these police unions and all those groups who are like oh absolutely not do not legalize the thing that's keeping us in and work it'd be like if the if you know you told janitors all of a sudden statewide hey no you don't have to clean up vomit ever again like like one in three school janitors then loses their job right and i'm sure that water i'm sure that water fountain manufacturers threw a big hissy fit when they decided everybody could drink out of the same one because they're like well our business is cut in half we can't put two everywhere anymore for blacks and whites like you just have to get over that i think like one of them is like if you have pot there people are going to start spending money they're going to start like having prisoners like getting incarcerated it makes sense because they're quote making money from it but it's also not stimulating the economy the same way that if people were buying a consumer good in those states like it's one of them is to keep jobs in a neat system that they like that they have the other one is opening up a whole new world of commerce and different types of businesses and competition i don't know it's interesting to see the capitalism around it too right because i'm not an expert in pot but apparently the raw bud is just not where the money's made anymore it's in all the enhanced stuff the cookies the lollipops the the i don't know maybe the accessories like the bongs and the glassware and things like that but the the butt itself for sure but then there's concentrates and edibles is what you're getting at right um yeah but it seemed like it was more clever than just like cookies you know that people were doing stuff with it they have stuff like home they have like gummy bears and sucker i have a couple friends who live in colorado and will send me pictures of stuff that they buy and it looks like you walk into like the candy isle at a cvs and just grab a bunch of stuff and they take a picture of that and it's like okay you just showed me a bunch of snacks whatever but there's little x's on it to show how much pots in there and it's like this is a baby ruth but if i eat the whole thing i'll probably have a panic attack there's like the pot version of gatorade and and you know things that like i i feel like people at home can make brownies you see i don't i didn't even occur to me that might taste bad there's a taste that doesn't come out easily is that the scoop i've never had a pot gatorade so i have no idea but that doesn't sound like if you told me i don't know that just sounds gross yeah i believe that most edibles whether you're buying them from a store or you're making them yourself are going to have a rancid they taste like they smell i would say yeah and pot doesn't have the best smell but if you've ever smelled pot you're usually just like oh well that's pungent i know it's gunky i know a little bit about two things right like with alcohol only certain things are able to like mask that alcohol taste and another one is creatine like um so i work with gamma labs right i like them a lot g fuel etc well they have another line that's for people who are exercising like a pre-workout formula and in that they have fewer flavors because only some flavors are able to mask the creatine flavor whereas like you know if you take that out all of a sudden there's every kind of like green purple orange drink creatine tastes like [ __ ] yeah yeah yes it does hydrated you gotta drink a ton of water that's there were kids that died from that their coach they'd be on creatine and their coaches would have them out there like you know doing two a day football practice and not giving them water you dehydrate and [ __ ] die or you are a college kid taking a bunch of creatine but you're also not drinking enough water and getting hammered every night and so your body's just like withering into a crispy husk of dehydration i think one of the things you may be like referring to what is like some of the processes that they now use to obtain the uh the concentrates uh there's there's co2 processes and then there's um butane processes and then there's some other ones and there's there's a big contraption that's going into creating those concentrates we were watching a youtube video the other day and they had created this uh it was it was 99.999 percent thc and they were clear crystals that looked like meth it was a clear crystal that looked like meth and there were little granules and he would take this little spoon and he spooned up some of these these this crystallized thc and and he poured it into his thing and smoked it and but first he dripped some terpenes on it for the flavor it so it was pretty ridiculous that's what it's like no that's what i like about the is like the flavor notes of marijuana i like the idea of weed being legalized as like that legal drug because it's like it's the not scary drug you know it's the one that like if you're walking around at a concert and you see people with like a scary looking like crack pipe you're like all right we're standing not [ __ ] here we're gonna go stand somewhere else if you see somebody with a joint you're like okay more likely than not they're gonna smoke that and then kind of sway back and forth and just be in a good mood i'm not afraid but i i don't know i just don't like making it seem scary you know like like like white crystals and powder like when i see white crystals and powder i think scary drugs which is probably just a stupid dare campaign that seeped in but and kyle said that i was like someone's going to od on thc i know no one's ever odd on t you can't i i i don't know i just feel like if i just not a thing if i drank a coffee cup full of thc crystals would i not die no i i don't think you would i just don't think you would um i think you could i think if you ate a coffee cup full i think a caffeine overdose i think you could definitely over date some caffeine and die long before you would overdo those if someone makes me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and replaces the jelly with that [ __ ] wax that people smoke is that not gonna kill me fine you'd be fine really you could od on salt water so easily you could go buy a bottle of uh like a handle of everclear which is just i don't know if you guys have that in your state a lot of states don't have it but if you're super super concentrated grain alcohol like 99 uh blasted on grain alcohol you could kill yourself on that way easier than marijuana like people accidentally died from alcohol yourself on marijuana or you or someone would have done it by now like look at the society we live in with warning labels on shampoo and fingernail clippers and people having their cars burnt down burn up by their iphones right you just have to pretend they're not for your ears thank you yeah because because of the legal ramifications of suggesting that someone sticks something inside of their head you just can't do it because people are so dumb and irresponsible so if you could kill yourself with weed someone would have killed themselves with weed by now they just would have yeah i i'm thinking like a dozen people die every year from vending machine accidents right like don't forget that and they'll transmit those could be related yeah that's an indirect weed accident pepper it's definitely happened where like someone's probably gotten really really high and then done something stupid like like of course and then and then killed themselves that's why marijuana related how many people were trying to score some weed and this the system pushed them into a scary neighborhood where they were then stabbed to death you know like you could call that a marijuana related death but nobody has ever eaten you i bet you could eat you could eat more marijuana than your than your stomach could hold and it still wouldn't matter and it's got to be heated up to become psychotropic anyway so like just eating that wax while it would taste bad i think and maybe constipate you because you're like eating some sort of wax yeah see gunk it wouldn't get you high at all you know you'd have to know that yeah i didn't know that about wax either well anyway i think that what's happening in colorado is super interesting like you know regardless of where you stand on pot if you're at all interested in economics like adding capitalism to this thing and legalization and watching what's happened and and they've taken it from these like i don't know crazy mexicans growing it in the middle of a forest in like a tiny little plot and growing garbage to like scientists with grow lamps and indoor like you know perfect cultivation you know and guys who are just like really passionate about their flowers and they don't look like flowers to me but you know whatever we'll go with it um and and and now like drinks and lollipops and all that stuff is like the where the money is made and and the other stuff is just getting so cut rate that like you know the profit margins are down and it i don't know i'm just fascinated by what's happening with pot and and somehow colorado is still the pot state right like who else has legalized it alaska i think did washington did um you think it's just washington i think it's just washington and colorado i didn't i don't know about that but well no so there's a difference between legalizing like the sale and and use of marijuana like everybody's got these weird different laws but the two places that i know you can just as as joe blow walk into you know a store and say give me a you know an ounce of weed and then walk out with it i don't know if color will give you an ounce but you know what i'm saying colorado and washington are the only ones that i know of i'm pretty sure i could be wrong but i'm looking at it right here that it's colorado washington alaska and oregon okay here we go okay is that right what are the two top left states that's oregon and washington yeah yeah washington so we're gonna get this like weird time in the nation where like half of the it's legal in half the states and the other states is not and then like you have to like you it's like kind of like buying fireworks like you're just gonna drive the nearest 30 miles yeah i don't know it's going to get weird yeah the fireworks are illegal in my state but um i i don't know but in my head anyway colorado colorado's still the place like i don't see a lot of people taking like washington vacations it's it's colorado yeah it's ground zero so when maryland legalizes it well maryland's maybe a little different because it's local to like like the new yorkers and philadelphia guys is it medical in maryland oh i don't i don't i just thought it was on the ballot to be fully legal i don't that seems super unlikely i i i thought they were getting medical marijuana because you know gun surgeon was going to be able to get it for his uh for his whole thing um yeah i think that's the reason that the reason it's big in colorado is a they were the early adopter they're the first ones who to do it and you know they've got the infrastructure already laid down when there's a whole process for determining who can grow it who can sell it there's a limited number of licenses so they've already went through all that all those processes and all those growing pains and it seems like they didn't limit them at all because we were out there every single little po dog town had three dispensaries in it like three and like the town would not have a burger king but it would have three dispensaries did you see that netflix documentary on on it no oh it was super interesting so it was you did was it breckenridge is that the name of the town yep yeah yeah yeah so it was breckenridge had a bunch of play i'll make it up like three or four places that were on the main strip the spot you really want to be to sell pot and all but one went out of business while waiting for pot to be legal because it was expensive to sort of have a spot there and it was it was legal for medical but they just turned away customers all day long and then finally the with one company left standing in the good spot it became legal and those guys became millionaires and started like exploding and investing in new things but the town was just pressuring them all the time because they felt like it was a bad look that they didn't want on their like prestige i think what they were telling them was like uh we want you to have to move your shop over to this like other corner of town and their big thing was like okay if we move to that part of the town like this is breckenridge people come here on vacation they walk around the strip and they go eat then they'll walk back to their hotel or walk back to their condo whatever like if you put us over here even though it's like only a couple miles away nobody's going to go like people are only going to like go to seek pot there nobody's going to do what actually they would do would be like hey let's go look around there were like four or five stores and literally the one in on the strip got 80 of the sales and all the other ones hated it they felt like it was unfair and that you know the sales would be evenly distributed at the edge of town if you took the one that was sucking up all the sales away and eventually that's what happened they kicked them out of that area and uh and they had to go set up shop with the peons on the edge of town the next five years is gonna is gonna i think marijuana is gonna change big time i i don't i don't it's not that i have any faith in whoever's gonna be president next but just our culture is moving in a way that i don't think can be slowed down where the stigma around marijuana is decreasing every single day and more and more people like like middle aged common sense kind of people are seeing the benefits and realizing that there just really aren't any drawbacks when you when you when you look at this thing when it's practically put forward to you know you look at the situation in colorado with fewer uh uh underage drinking deaths and and few and less marijuana use for like that lowest of age groups they they're they made weed legal in the state but children are doing less of it you know what i mean like like there's your proof right because now it's like booze you know like you regulate you have to find yeah it's regulated you have to find someone to buy it for you if you're not of age same thing i always said that when we were in high school like like it's so hard to score booze because nobody wants to like like no adult wants to be the one to slip us a case of beer no adult wants to buy me a bottle of vodka but ever we all knew that you could go get weed easy because crazy mike's wheat is illegal so he'll sell it to kids he'll sell it to adults he's just trying to sell it you know he doesn't [ __ ] care he's trying to get rid of it so he's not holding on to this illegal substance anymore yeah sure take it it was always so much easier to get uh to get marijuana than it would be to get alcohol and we wanted alcohol it was hard to get alcohol
Channel: PKA Clips
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, pka podcast highlights, pka plays, pka highlight, pka moments, PKA 299 w/ OpTic Hitch - Fat Shaming Playmate, Fast Food Tales, Pimple Stories, optic hitch, hitchariide, weed, legal, colorado
Id: 4VHtX2eufAY
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Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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