Eckhart Tolle's spiritual comedy 😂

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if only you're driving along and another driver salts something at you you idiot but he doesn't say it like that but when you sense then that that comment and the energy behind it is like a blow and it threatens it shakes your form identity and deep down even if you know very well that this is a very unconscious person [Music] deep down is the in the the little me says maybe he's right and immediately comes a reactive mechanism in order to repair the injury to your form identity because it's painful to the form to be injured not physically painful but emotionally painful and so you would shout something back and that repairs that all you would simply perhaps you're beyond shouting back but in your mind you would be saying you unconscious little worm [Laughter] and that also works you accept the isness of that noise in the mind no longer labels it when you accept the isness it is and you begin to listen to it and there's no longer a me that contracts and says no to it you begin to listen to it without a No [Music] complete non-resistance and you'll be very surprised what you feel suddenly and you mought even the noise might be transformed and the pneumatic drill might be saying oh but it often looks as if life were giving you a little challenge just to see if you can surrender especially you'll get it when you claim that now you have arrived occasionally people come to me and I love it when they come or they call in come and say I am liberated now I'm totally liberated and know it and it's wonderful I love that I don't say only you're not right they may well be right but I often say just wait let it give it a few months before you start writing a book about it and then you love your neighbor as yourself your neighbor is everyone you meet there are no conditions to that I will only love you if you become more conscious and jesus said if you love only those who do good to you anybody can do that I don't think that's exact translation but maybe you're have already transcended all that that's the old lady reminds me of that story a pastor asks I don't know if I can get it right the pastor in such as let's all forgive our enemies and is there anybody located let's do it now is there anybody left here then he asks who has not forgiven their enemies and an old very old lady puts her hand up and says why is that why haven't you forgiven it she said I have no enemies oh isn't that wonderful look please come up here and talk to us this is this old lady here says she has no enemies how is it then the pastor asks that you have no enemies how did you do that and she says I outlived the [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] and of course that's not transcendence if your mind pattern is one that loves complaining and finding faults with things then it's very likely that very quickly this mind pattern will appear here also despite the fact that you and these wonderful unusual surroundings the first thing you might complain about is the dinosaurs and a mind says I'd rather see a big Buddha or something like that or the mind says we've come here on a spiritual retreat isn't there supposed to be a Buddha somewhere but no he said make it your spiritual practice to say thanks for everything I have no complaint whatsoever no matter what happens but if you say it and mean it when instead of being in a luxury hotel you find yourself penniless in the street if you then say it and meaning it that will take you much deeper than being in a luxury hotel bed and saying thanks for everything I have no complaint whatsoever that's relatively easy or do you might say the pillows are not quite the way I wanted nowhere to sleep cold wet thanks for everything Thanks Thanks that's the sarcastic thank you thanks God it's just what I needed it's not the thanks that's not it because many companies are still predominantly run by very big egos I'm not saying that everybody here is entirely free of ego yet but much less so than in many other places so it's wonderful to be here and if my book sales ever decline and I need a job I hope you will probably won't but because first of all I have no computer skills and secondly I'm too old since the average age he is probably about 30 so your question was important you don't need to find some kind of answer abstract answer or come right it's some kind of conclusion about relationships and then live your the rest of your life on the basis of that mentally derive arrived at conclusion about relationships the mind last night it says I need to sort out of mind what relation is all about and whether it's still needed when I'm present and once I once I have the answer to that I can use that for the rest of my life and built my life on that or whatever it is or I only have relationships with highly evolved beings that's another conclusion in your mind and from and then you would look through every human being on the basis of that conclusion which it really is mind stuff and says are you highly sufficiently involved evolve for me and probably not they want some kind of concept to fit that into the meal is the meal a date or is it not a date it's just a it's just a concept we're having a meal together that's all is this a does its relationship have a future no of course not there is no future well good to be here and now on the screen that I have here maybe it's a prompter although I'm not going to read anything from it it says the power of the present moment of meditation so that's what I'm supposed to do with you now this is not a meditation where you need to go because sometimes the moment one says meditation everybody goes and [Music] [Applause] people are in the grip of the stream of thinking it pulls you along amplified these days by the digital gadgets we might be talking about it a little later see the grip of compulsive thinking with one thing after another arises in your mind and you identify with everything that comes into your mind amplified as I said by the digital stuff which called want your attention this is important another email coming in a text message it must be important [Laughter] somebody just posted something on Facebook and you see a photo of a dinner plate having dinner at such a and of course then you have to reply nice a cool cool that's right the difference between being absorbed in your the inner being identified with the voice in your head which is a bit your compulsive thinking and being in a state of a large awareness which looks like this you don't have to look like that I'm acting it Jesus has the same message the kingdom of heaven does not come with signs to be perceived does that mean it means you can never say oh there it is why can't you say oh there it is because you are it it can never become an object in your consciousness because it is consciousness itself and people have been repeating the words of Jesus for 2,000 years with one who is understood them very few maybe one or two Buddhists [Applause] so wonderful practice meetings and so on great places I can hear a phone ringing somewhere think it's behind okay well this is the world we live in the world we live in well maybe it's mommy no it is time to take a selfie and post it on Facebook yeah this is me in what does it mean when the most present person on the planet says where it means that you're in our conversation our and then suddenly you remember oh I've lost them now where is it now and now then the mind says is no point in even looking for it now because obviously you're not in a fit state to be at peace and with all the problems going on around you but there's just no point in even trying often you will hear thoughts like that that your mind is telling you you cannot know later I haven't got the time to be present now as you might have noticed it always takes a while before I fine start to speak I often say it's good to start with a moment of stillness and it is for the main reason yes that I don't know what to say so you might be surprised if I tell you even I'm a small guy even if I'm standing next to a big muscular guy towering above me with a big ego I'm not thinking of anybody particularly at the moment it has happened in the past I don't feel inferior it's just Nord or feel superior I'm the sponge spirit you might have a big body and muscles but I'm the spiritual guy superficial happiness keeps you in the dream world for quite a while it's not that bad my life just can't complain it's not that bad it's going to take I'm quite happy just got a promotion all to come I'm so happy it just got my and your bonus from my board straight bang rate I'm doing great so from there you need transcendence is not directly from Wall Street probably not but if you go from Wall Street to prison [Music] much easier this is by someone who is sleepless at night my wife snores my now at night is miserable [Music] I have tried electronic gadgets and earplugs to no avail how does one respond and not react signed awake but only at night [Applause] PS I have tried your cold soup analogy sweetheart would you please stop snoring it doesn't work the pain body is actually scanning your surroundings or other people's remarks in a conversation or reactions just two and the moment somebody says something are you accusing me of no I just asked if you had put the garbage out are you accusing me of being lazy are you saying to me I'm a liar the cat is awake just checking if everybody is present [Laughter] and then you drink and the taste is so incredible water it's amazing it's they quit alive its alive its liquid no I haven't taken acid before coming and so that makes it more difficult to deal with because then note you don't only have your mind you also have the collective mind in the food comes at you through your iPhone and there are some song which hopefully doesn't explode in your face but so well if it did explode that would make you present and it might suddenly break the addiction another way to tell is whether they've grown up with these things is how they type into their phones I always admire the young people because they type they go like that at enormous speed with their thumbs how they do it with their thumbs I don't know and they can even talk to you about their doing and then I get a text message and somebody expects an answer might not know that I'm not that fast because and then with the text message you can actually see that somebody is replying you know that he's reply and so they wait and say why isn't he he's doing something they don't know that it's I do like that so it takes time and that's a good thing because it's easy to be present when you're not good at this you can be more much more present where's they'll be you're doing something and internally you were complaining that you have to do this to a boy do I have to do this why did I say yes to this why did I mean why I'm giving a ride to this person why he doesn't yes so you're giving this place on a ride who asked you to prove all right but you don't want to be doing it is awful boy stur should never have done that or than he is so he has no manners why did she ask me and he says something wrong with use it was fine done time I'm totally okay I'm spiritual you're standing in line at the app and Cantor why isn't it moving these people are not trained and not doing their job this person operator is out to be unpleasant I've never fly with this airline again and then there comes an announcement that not everybody can get on board and you have been chosen not to go Don great opportunity for spiritual practice do I have a bell here it dissolved I want you to demonstrate how a sound comes into being and then goes out of existence slowly fades out but we have something even better the entire Bell has faded out of existence perhaps II there'll be even more space and there's already already you consist of 99% empty space scientists know that the atoms the space between the atoms that make up your body is so vast that you are more than 99% empty space in Zen in Zen Buddhism there's the they have Satori Satori is a sudden flesh a sudden realization not always lasting but it's there sometimes accompanied by shouting or laughter so when you look in the mirror maybe you even apply makeup they apply makeup to my face because I come on because this it looks too oily otherwise apparently and I look I noticed last night it actually does because last night and in that makeup I saw myself on the little screen I said I'm very shiny and it wasn't the inner emanation of presence at Miscavige it was a different kind of shininess in the depths of winter I finally learned finally means he spent quite a long time in the depths of winter I finally learned that there was in me or maybe said there is in me because that is the timeless if you didn't say is a show Jeff that is would have been even better I'm always surprised when I observe humans interacting my initials are et so I call them [Applause] you
Channel: Gareth Bishop
Views: 91,495
Rating: 4.9424281 out of 5
Id: HDtwDiJZS60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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