Has The MANAGER BEEN Staging Abandoned Storage Units? We BOUGHT TWO! #Storagewars #Grimesfinds

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[Music] fifty seventy five sir seventy five and it gives everybody a hundred uh every time i've called the stages unit it's been staged and man i tell you what somebody just messaged me the other day another unit bar he says getting out of control and it really is i don't know let me get this stuff back in here i'm a little frustrated [Music] welcome back to grimes finds let's get straight to the action let's bid on some units [Music] i wasn't planning on buying this unit today what do y'all think 370. i mean the high bid is now open so go check that out the link is down in the comments we have the guitars all that good stuff is now up for bidding so this is in louisville which is about 15-20 minutes from here depending on what part right now there is five minutes left on this unit i'm losing it at 370. sports treasures you know the dang deal if you bid after it goes below three minutes it will pop it back up to three minutes george treasures also if you choose to sends out text and email notifications when you've been outbid so i'm hoping one of two things either he doesn't have his notifications on or i'm gonna wait till this gets below 60 seconds hoping he's on the toilet and can't get back to the computer i'm gonna tell you right now i am not going any higher on this unit uh that and that's for real because like yeah it's close to be honest let me just show you real quick while we're waiting for the clock to wind down three minutes left okay so the chair right here right the chair for the most part doesn't look high-end it's it's it's cloth oh did he bit again okay he didn't bid again but it's clean it's super clean what i don't like about the unit is this this suitcase right here is really dirty it's unzipped but look this appears to be an outside unit so the dust and stuff could have come in there you see the typical stuff christmas stuff uh you know there's some tubs and boxes there's not a ton i think there's another row behind here there's obviously a mattress right here there's a box up top i'm not seeing anything phenomenal here there is a computer right here the computer doesn't look like someone smoked meth and tried to make like a communication device to aliens uh it's actually clean it's not scratched up so i'm thinking i don't know i don't know but see i was thinking old people but then like i guess it could but then look nerf guns and nerf bullets in here okay uh we're still winning it two minutes left there okay so up next tubs i do like that the tape is clearly uh it's the box is taped shut it hadn't been cut there's a small i think it's a samsung tv look at that layer of dust on top i know you probably can't see but there's a thick layer of dust on that tv which doesn't make me as concerned so i mean it doesn't look too dirty i mean i don't see like big holes but here's the deal i can't tell that that that chair could smell like gerbil pee and butt crack and we wouldn't know until we got there all right guys we got six seconds four three [Music] oh come on baby come on baby so this auction has expired congrats you are the high bidder [Music] all right guys so that is about 15 minutes away let me go tell gina that we have won another unit let's go see what's inside [Music] all right guys gina made a great observation tell them what you're thinking i think this is the same cube smart where all the entire unit got stolen last december yeah stolen yeah i'm pretty cause it's right up here on the right on the circus road yeah this is that place what if it said chick she's hispanic lady right kind of taller she's taller bigger dark hairs right yeah she doesn't have darker hair all right yeah she was bigger than me though robbie tyler yeah yeah she couldn't have took me i could have we're clear on that okay yeah this is this is the one i can totally be the the female storage you know the last lady yep y'all check this out this is that place i wonder if she's gonna be her i'm gonna say well i'm gonna stay in the truck well because it's a small office yeah and she'll probably remember me because i think did i make a big deal about yeah i kind of did you kind of did but i was reasonable yeah right yo this is it you kept asking her why she wasn't called yeah yeah yeah she wasn't worried at all yo i can't let her see the mic she may not give us the unit all right i'm gonna stand here if i see her i'm gonna recognize her hey i'll know if it's hey because we're staying out here will you do us a favor me and the viewers huh if you're in there and at any point you get a second and it's her text me let me know yes or no if it's her okay we'll be curious i'll let you know um i just remember i remember listening to her tell a story while she she was mad she had to be there yeah i remember her birthday that's right she had like hand-tapped she was gonna yeah she she had been in a gang is that what you're trying to say she was in a she was a very different physical appearance slave i know what you're trying to say trying to say she looked like she just got out of prison yeah she did i'm not what oh my gosh y'all this lady looks much more professional do you know that people tell me i look like that sometimes then it hurts my feelings i'm sorry i mean go pay for the unit okay freak hey y'all check this out [Music] so it is the same lady gina just texted me and said it is her so i knew it gina i tell her man i don't forget anything i got a mind like a freaking steel trap but look it is her y'all that worries me is because obviously she still works here we made a pretty big deal about it because i mean it wasted his time it cost us money but anyway so that's concerning because you know here's the deal it doesn't you can apply this to anything in life when people get away with stuff they'll keep doing it and doing it and doing it this is a nice area so i'm thinking maybe old retired person but if we get in there and the boxes are all take or busted open or re-taped or stuff like that if i have any suspicions i'll probably i don't know let's just see we gotta wait i don't like to assume things you know what what that does assuming makes a you know what out of you and me let's don't do it did you get my message yeah i told you oh no that's her she asked me if i'd been to this facility before i told you didn't i tell you i told her no hey what did i tell you before you went in there what'd i tell you what if she asked you something yeah i would i wasn't recording i don't think but i told gina i said i said hey if she asked if you've ever been here before just act dumb because i really do i'm gonna stay in here while she pops the tag because she's gonna recognize me for sure whoa where did that kid come from is that her kid that's probably her kid she probably she probably lives here i know but that kid just darted out look he's looking back like he's a cute kid but he is a cute kid but his mama needs to teach him some manners but if she's out here ripping off units and she does have a really big uh picture in the back of her she i know right she probably got that out of the unit klepto if she lives here then i could do that i bet you if you went in her apartment man did you ask her how long it had been here all right i'm gonna hold on [Music] yeah i'm gonna act like i'm on the phone i'm telling you she's gonna recognize me hey kind of pull past her okay yeah pull uh no no stop right here stop breaking she's gonna see the camera in the window uh go ahead and hop out yeah get out of here i'm just pretending like i'm on the phone yeah because i don't want this chick to recognize me she just tried to stare at me she did she just tried to see if it's me she knows and she's trying to waste time now y'all she's on she's smoking meth i'm not trying to be funny she's smoking meth for real yo i gotta record her she's acting weird no now she's looking back at me yeah she's peeping she's peeping game how are you peeping back at me she knows oh something now i'm nervous are you nervous what's she doing was she looking real jittery in there okay back up and part straight waiting for us uh she's mean mug what is she doing i don't know what she's she's doing she's up to some i'm telling you she's up to something you see that watch her i'm recording her she's doing i'm telling you she's doing shady stuff yeah watch because look she stopped right here she went in that unit she went in that unit she looked back at me she opened it and then she shut it and now hold on don't look at her keep looking forward or there you go she's she's she's acting suspicious 148. i'm gonna remember that maybe it was an auction maybe she's sweeping it out i don't know 418. four okay oh i don't have my glasses my glasses are right here all right let's go look at our unit uh she keeps peeping the camera all right guys hey let's just let's hop out she's gone now we're just gonna hop out we're not gonna do any fancy door opening nothing like that we're just gonna get out turn uh check out the unit how much we pay for this boat 410 410 all right guys here it is all right so was that a cigarette hole oh no look it wasn't a cigarette hole so that's good all right what i didn't like about it was the dirty suitcase this is in worse condition than i thought christmas the leg on the furniture wasn't too beat up so it looks like we got some boxes but that was gonna take up most of the unit okay so we do have some boxes to open that's not a good sign sport tech what is that so we just got to make 410 dollars back let's peep in a tub oh is that a sign is that a sign oh that's cool is that a sign it could be it could be a sign oh whoa is this a sun jacket whoa in that saint show that's old that's old school that's like satin y'all that's satin am i even focusing around y'all look that's a chalk line what all right y'all so 410 dollars that's so it's already that's a good feeling yeah right and look we got a tv right there yeah all right guys so let me uh let's get some stuff out let's do some unboxing right here real quick all right guys we're trying to be loki because i'm telling you man i think that lady might be acting like that because she recognized me because she knew i freaking knew what she was doing we gotta look all right so i'm just gonna get this tub out first i'm not gonna lie this is not the most attractive unit but the units i want were not closing for a few days so i was like man i want to give you all something and this is close and it didn't look like it was in bad condition does it right babe i mean no scratches on the legs of furniture i saw this and then this i mean looked like microfiber but it's not in bad shape they paid for the boxes or did they pay for them maybe i don't know all right let me get this out one box all right guys so let's just come on in sorry for the lighting but i can't control the sun all right let's see oh look more collectibles oh those are nice yo what superman they're superman sheets but these are definitely from the 60s or 70s i guarantee perma press let's see if we got a date on them what are you thinking 70s yeah like 70s right here i just saw it didn't you oh it's on this side dang it don't laugh at me right here 1978. look that thing's like brand new looking so i'll tell you right now all right so look the jacket the saints jacket oh please what if we have vintage clothing that'd be awesome like old ocean pacific stuff would be nice we're not gonna unbox this whole unit look i'm liking these colors because these are like these are nice and bright 80s colors what's that oh that's all miami hurricane insignia it's got the insignia tag on it uh oh look at this babe oh not natural sketch yo that's old school see stuff like this this is what we want sports stuff yeah okay miami hurricanes that's an awesome freaking hoodie look there's old teddy bears in here that'll sell another old teddy bear that's a whole bag of teddies oh teddy's like bears not like teddy's like i wear at night what is that it's like fur like for real fur shoes oh like moccasins look that was like hand stitched but look there's a match in there those might be worth something babe hey these old things right here is that shirt tails [Music] i was just telling you about shirttails when yesterday like yesterday is this a sign maybe this i gotta keep y'all i was just telling her i was like do you remember shirttails and here it is for real there's one so let's look down here look these are sellable though where are they texans for bush yeah look money money currency yeah uh we got old yearbooks we got some old papers stuff we'll go through better when we get back um what's this chris ski pictures oh what's this oh it's a nike [Music] is that safe bro you ain't gonna believe this what bangkok we just mentioned that in a video too this might be a sign we're gonna find something cool in here babe because look bangkok like i think i might keep that y'all that's a nike's no it's what does that say fbt oh somebody just made this look it says nike number 40 i am 40. you are and i was just joking about banging that didn't sound that enough i'm sorry bank it's an innocent kids game guys sorry all right guys i was telling y'all about this look it's a little bit the graphics are still on there the black is in but that's an old school logo seven look up here check out the tag look this up i'm not sure what this one will be worth but definitely can be cleaned up can be conditioned a little bit but that's an old-school logo seven this is exactly the kind of stuff you want to find when it comes to sports like old school t-shirts all right guys so look i'm going to get all the clothing out what i'm going to do is is we actually had a high bid just go live today right yeah so what we're going to do is what is that is that in russian uh 1755 who can tell me what that says i don't have my glasses on i have no clue where they are so if y'all help me out y'all be pals all right guys look this one's in way better condition logo seven real clean real clean graphics new orleans saints old school logo seven all right guys so check it out this is all this was there's no trash in it i like this look it's games it's clean books uh looks like some maybe possible collectible stuff eleven thunder not familiar with that so anyway hey look that's a good sellable box i mean that's 20 30 bucks right there wait i'm telling you right now what i believe you let me know in the chit chat in the comments i'm gonna tell you right now i think the clothing that jacket that saints jacket all the logo seven stuff i really do i believe that that's well over 500 alone by itself i think we're already in the profit and look where we are [Music] i'm not gonna do all of this y'all we can't gina's got stuff to do i got stuff to do that dresser's nice yo is it yeah look [Music] look how this tastes just like this yeah looks like they might have gone first and stuff she's probably like what all this put all that crappy sports clothes in that box yeah that's all [Music] that's the motorcycle y'all look old-school cowboy old-school ninja turtle hey we'll be right back all right guys not like a not fantastic we'll show them down in here but look there's four original xbox controllers and they're in like really really wait are these original no this ain't original that's xbox one that's the original xbox right there this is xbox one are we gonna find xbox one look lego stuff uh look we found this this is sealed it's a thousand piece justice league puzzle you know a little sellable stuff the controllers right there probably worth a hundred bucks i didn't look in here let's see what is this oh look here's some little action figures uh i don't know who that ugly dude is all right so we'll grab another box bear bag oh all right guys so look uh come on in pop this open look some old photo boost a photo boost the way he has stuff i'm going through all of these what is that see because of this what is that certificate of reckon is it reckoning august blah blah blah of helping uh place ticket here nolan ryan's signature two units in a row yeah that looks like it's live pin i think that's my pin i'm gonna i think see that's it that's exactly what i'm talking about just because of the way he has stuff in that box i'm like you're gonna find like collectibles memories because he had baseball cards in a scrapbook [Music] look military outfit looks like i'll take that out in a minute uh look down here we got passports somebody coming um right now t-shirt so look this has got like dude what is this i'm gonna break it oh it's a little plain little metal plane yeah look there's two of them yeah that's a good light right there yeah okay so if this is really someone we might find a few more cool things in here uh because just because it's i think that's it kind of just looking like trash oh there's some jewelry this is the kind of stuff that makes me think that places do dirty stuff but this could just be the way that somebody had it in their house i don't know here's the xbox plug a bunch of skylanders uh not super sellable i think there's a few rare ones we'll make sure there's nothing in there um let's just go in here yeah it is a couch so hey i mean i didn't go very hand the couch is pretty bad so i'll be taking a trip to the dump all right guys so check it out this has a bunch of nerf bullets in it there is a lot of nerf guns in here so look they're in nice condition yeah so there's uh it looks like zombie stuff so it looks like we have yeah so there's probably like a good 40 bucks i think at auction um legos oh look those are sweet look at that that's awesome you know who this is um thor loki what yo i'm shredder full oh that's shredder shredder yeah look at this sun stitches shredder sunglasses all right guys so at least this is going to be easy one to come get this couch is absolutely going in the trash um again i'll just here's my specula here's my assumption uh and it's not it could not be true uh but that lady asking about us usually people who are doing stuff will remember the people that almost caught them um every one of these boxes has been un unpulled open there's a few things they said anyway i would almost bet this unit has been gone through the only reason i'm finding those valuables is because most people don't know they're valuable um but anyway so if i'm not finding anything yeah look there's trash in these boxes and so uh i might go in the office and actually ask just to speak to the manager just because of my suspicions because i'm telling you right now that every i'll just show you let me let me get down and i'll show you but just because of what happened last time the way she was just acting right there and i mean watching us and she's probably watching us on the cameras she's just acting real nervous so this is two encounters and i'm looking at these boxes and this absolutely i y'all know like every time i've called it i've caught every time i've called the stage unit it's been staged like every time and i don't do it often but i can tell like you can tell like this this just some of the stuff doesn't make sense like if this stuff's been here you know you look at the condition of this stuff and then there's two cube smart boxes one of them the tape was real floppy on it you notice that and that the stuff in this those don't match the stuff in the in here and i don't understand why you would buy that but the box of this look the dust on this box does that match this no it doesn't match that you know what i mean like this look at all the dust up here okay no dust on that bag whatsoever that was right here by the door you know what i mean yeah um there's uh multiple it just looks like maybe multiple people but so what it looks like is is like all that stuff's jammed in there and then they they packed a box as high as you could see really so you couldn't tell but my suspicions are i would i lean more towards this has been staged than not and man i tell you what somebody just messaged me the other day another unit bar he says getting out of control and it really is so um i think i may just go in there and ask her and i'm and i'm just gonna say the reason i asked is we've had two two situations here now that just kind of seem off they risk the owner buying it and then saying hey stuff was missing yeah i don't know let me get this stuff back in here i'm a little frustrated so this says legos right and this is how this is exactly how it was when i grabbed the box okay you see that what that tells me that looks like somebody did this number look okay look it's batman's justice league lego set but look that's what that looks like to me when i see that in there because you know why you know how many times i've done that you know how many times i've looked at the unit after i've gone through it so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go in there and ask them if they have a copy of the public notice and i think that's might be all i do i think look the regardless like i just would want it to stop like stop going through the this is twice now that the first time i'm telling you i knew it am i always right though when i when i get to the point of accusing someone i've about thought it through a million times right yeah and my gut just tells me so anyway hey we're gonna run up there i'm asked for a copy of the public notice and we'll go from there all right guys so here's the dang flippin deal look sometimes you just gotta like weigh stuff you got you know you gotta like is it worth it a lot of y'all get mad at me something like trust me you should freaking cut their head off man she killed the firstborn man freaking they screwed you man that's wild this out so we're pulling up to the gate literally pulling up to the gate this is a god thing for me because i was upset and i was i was hopefully going to act in a normal manner oh my blocking you yeah hey man my wife's trying to drive hold on guys and she's walking out and i'm a little bit hot i'm i'm but so lunker's calls rob from lunkers called me uh right at that second for real and so i'm on the phone with rob and he's telling me hey we got good news he goes i think the insurance thing is about wrapped up he says he's got a final email they've got to get a few more information but praise god like y'all i'm telling you look and i was being reasonable i'm telling y'all i was being so reasonable i was not trying to screw the insurance company i was not trying to max it out not one thought went through my head of how can we get more than we deserve like that's not me that's not like that's just not who i am and so anyway he called me that's great news so i was being reasonable but how cool is it that we were trying to do the right thing and i'm not gonna say but it looks like all robbie boy might do pretty good i was telling rob was like man this has been so hard on me and gina because we have literally literally paid out millions of dollars in consignment uh we've handled hundreds hundreds if not thousands of consignments and a hundred percent of them besides the eight active ones or so after when the fire occurred so 90 literally 99 of them have all been freaking paid and if you look at anything before a bunch of lies and rumors kind of started flying around um but anyway we had excellent reviews got our facebook page all that good stuff so uh we we do we have we and we're very proud of that we we have a good reputation so anyway i told you and i said just keep going it ain't worth it i said i got better news didn't tell her what it was i said just drive past her it ain't worth it i'm not gonna freak out over 410 bucks i'll make my money back i'll make a little profit i know it will but uh luckily because they didn't realize this stuff they probably it was probably worth the most in the unit to be honest but so hey good news is that so if we have like eight or whatever active is that'll drop it to seven and hopefully we can get the rest of these done so praise the lord man y'all we've been praying about this so hard y'all this is like beat on our hearts for like our consigners even the butthead one um like it breaks our heart for them but look we have to stick by our contracts and here's why i tell you 120 we've stuck by our contract 810 percent anything that's outside of that it wasn't us breaking it it was someone else so perry dot what we want to see is we want to see now these other seven get their stuff paid out and get done with this because like i said that's why i was telling rob was like man this has been wild on us i said but look we paid out all those people but this is look we never had a fire before y'all we didn't know how to handle this and there's a lot of y'all don't know there's legal ways you handle this and we have contracts with people there's a legal way that this stuff has to happen now just because other people may not like it doesn't make it wrong right so anyway praise god man we just we wish the best for everybody we wish that hopefully that we mean that this means i'll be honest i hope they're not just doing this because they know like because they i think they were a little bit scared of rob i'm not gonna i'm not gonna play they know he's got they know the following he's got they might have been a little bit but so anyway praise the lord for that that is good news hey i'm in the video here i'm in it on a positive note be well we love you we'll see you tomorrow night 7 pm central time see you at the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 25,453
Rating: 4.9309902 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Reseller Channel, how to make money, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, how to resell, Storage Wars episodes, family vlog, vlog, best vloggers, Googan squad, Googan baits, YouTube auction, auctions, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, estate sales, garage sales, sourcing, eBay seller, amazon seller, funny videos, duck dynasty, family videos, challenge video, dumpster diving, american pickers
Id: Ytp-2G8cHwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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