$50,000 Collection of Comics, Purses, Coins & More Unboxing.

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so say hi to all my 15 no thirteen hundred and thirteen but what did I say I'd do if I if I hit fifteen hundred that why not gonna paint it I'm gonna diet but I know I'm doing this hey I'm doing this for you this is an honor of you in your pink hair and I'm not gonna Punk out I'm not going blue like Alex I'm gonna paint for a week just a week camel where I'm animal wear a pirate eye patch I'll send you want I got some of my Halloween costume okay I'll go I'll go pink all right yeah hey so I'm gonna I'm setting up really really cool a a meeting of things like cool cool backdrops yeah the winds that are is that tomorrow no it's much this is it tomorrow's Tuesday I'm sorry neither one of us know what the day is she does okay it's in two days but I'm gonna have I'm doing I'm gonna do teams and I'm gonna on this back wall over here I'm taking all this art down I have all the toys here and this is gonna be our backdrop but I'm gonna have like little jeopardy squares of in each channel and I'm gonna keep it short to like a little 15 20 minute deal but we're gonna do two teams we're gonna do a Jeopardy thing I think it'll be fun okay so anyway uh I've got a bunch of customers that walking I do appreciate your help man and I'm taking a consideration pirates been helping me get the station up and the titles I know I'm working on my titles and he's really good at this so anyway how cool is this that you can call this guy at the drop of a dime to help you so hey I'm gonna be putting your phone number out in the public everybody's gonna be calling you okay oh wait hey I never told hey did you get a bunch of calls for a free TV you didn't ah that takes me I'll put up a Craigslist ad in California for a free flat-screen and I put your phone number on it got deleted so I figured you did it oh well ask her if she got calls for free TV but hey I'm gonna help these people but uh I'll see you Wednesday night have fun talk to you before then later homie [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys it's Justin from Grimes fines I am just now leaving the office maybe see you back there anyway we are down one person Leo said his back was hurting or his a bear - an appointment for you - anyway so I'm down one person we have pick up we had a great successful auction last night so we printed out all the invoice we had like 150 invoices something like that from last night sell but anyway on three invoices so I always asked where you hear about it we had three people say from what the hell's we had one person call in and say how much fun they had they wish they would have won more stuff but they were trying to watch what the hell's oh who knows maybe we need to redo our time but anyway hey what the hell's thank you so much thank you for everybody our moderators everybody that's been helping this whole YouTube thing so anyway make sure to subscribe hit that bell but I'm on the way to pick up some very cool consignment consignment is a big part of our business if you do auctions I do recommend that you do consider taking in consignment but only do it if you have a established buyer base or your consigners you just you'll build over a quick reputation for not getting good prices we actually have done a lot of marketing we get good prices for our stuff we sold a ball for a thousand bucks last night that was pretty cool but anyway so I'm on my way to consignment to a person's house to pick up an assignment just down the street and route that anywhere I probably shouldn't be doing this and driving at the same time but we'll see you there I'll pop in I don't know if he's gonna want to be in the video he's actually a longtime client of mine but who knows we'll see we're about 10 minutes away and I'll pop back in while we're loading up [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright guys so I just left the consignor obviously there's no video to show because he said prefer not to so anyway I am just now leaving his house I came up with a great idea right I wanted a video today and I'm boxing seem to be like the coolest thing to do and I don't have any boxes so we're gonna unbox the box truck for a consignment when I get back one second I was stopping in my old church here - it's right across from where I was picking up consignment but anyway Pastor Kurt they had pastors were a good friend of mine did ministry with him for a few years and anyway I was just stopping by to give him a hug and say hi but anyways okay so real quick let me stop only got a few minutes so we're getting to unbox is there all right we're gonna unbox the box truck for consignment right nobody's doing it we're the first ones to do it I think or at least someone said but look real quick you see that see that I've got all the good stuff up here so I've got a bunch of stuff in the back I'm gonna give a little teaser because I'm gonna draw it back and then we're gonna unbox the box truck some of you may know what this is okay this is the kind of stuff I picked up you know what that is that's called a Hulk 181 that it's the first full appearance of Wolverine this is probably a four to five condition okay this is going to knock let me just show you something else I got Hulk 180 the very first appearance of Wolverine is in here it's in the very end but it's the first picture of Wolverines in here and just to make it complete I got a hulk 183 so we got the full little three run right here let me show you one more little teaser before we get back okay almost save just save this one now I'm gonna show this one I got a couple more time save anybody know if this s get the glare off that is the first appearance of the Punisher and it's a 7.5 spider-man 129 if you if anybody who knows comics knows these books I just held up a notice it's a big deal so anyway I've got a lot of other stuff so I'll show you one more thing maybe a little something for the ladies ladies I don't know like do you like these you like these what's that say on her Louie anybody should I get the light the guy's got to see a bunch of comic book shows that show one more for ladies one more place we won't pick how about this I don't know how about a little Mont Blanc watch and I'm playing it's in here this is authentic guys this ain't fake we always check our stuff you want to see the price tag on this watch $5,100 guess what its brand is never born let me show you you have no idea ladies what I got this trouble what's it say it yeah wait till we get back anyway alright I gotta get on the road I'm on the side of battery almost out of gas and I stayed there way too long talking so anyway I'm on my way back and we're gonna unbox the box truck normally we take these to unbox boxes but I don't got boxes so we're gonna unbox the box truck there's not a lot in it but what is in it is super duper expensive so let's go around this way and we'll unbox the camp first so anyway like I said I went down the street in Rowlett we're in Garland now so we're unboxing the box truck what I did pick up is not gonna look impressive but I promise you it's impressive make sure my straps make sure I look like I know what I'm doing so anyway doesn't look like much does it shot hop-up and Shawn one thing yeah I want to see one thing maybe we should just go here right that's it this looks it's very cool how about we do this okay so if anybody's heard of hot toys they're hot it's hot in this bankrupt - okay so this is what you call a hot toys this big massive thing is a very beautiful Batmobile and I'm not gonna take it out now but you will see it soon show you one more thing and you actually we're just gonna keep going the truck man oh so I didn't bring in here to show you bird cages actually this worked out perfect so just a little tip if you got loose boxes anyway if you have a lot of loose boxes you can strap them in throw a blanket over to help them from scattering places so anyway the big unveiling unboxing the box truck consignment ready one two three all right so check this out what we got here is probably probably upset about 20 grand worth of very very high end action figures just show you a few hey David while you're in here do you mind taking some of these in for us once I hand she is Jenks I'm not doing anything either well I know you want to see the Darth Vader room so let's pop these open just look at it for you okay look at this got different claws oh these are the adamantium ones and these are his bone ones that's pretty cool I don't got it okay check this out okay guys these are these are new hot toys these have not been out I might take this off just so you can see the detail what I'm talking about I'm gonna pick Wolverine because it's one of my favorites so on the hot switch you got different hands different weapons different faces these are really really cool toys check this out look at the detail on that is that not freakin amazing oh but give us a hand we grab that hand got his sword look at the detail on the sword you know I just I love love love hot toys okay so David will put that one back in the corner real quick this is actually a pretty cool one not my favorite spider-man but this one's super cool because this has got the massive Sandman in it from spider-man 3 of the movie I'm not gonna take that out because it is a little bit more difficult here we hold this things don't get down okay check this out y'all want to see this one person - I got to take this out I got oh I guess I'm gonna show you Sandman - well he's under more plastic I wish I could show you this we're gonna do more when we go inside but look at all the different hands it's really cool guys I really would like to take these out look at all the different webs tell you the detailing hot toys is amazing guys check the Sandman out remember that scene where he's battling the huge Sandman look at that is that not amazing okay so put spider-man back in there so we've got Thor we've got who is this it's probably an Iron Man maybe we've got tons of Iron Man we've got the Joker this is actually I think a pretty desired one we've got Batman armory what does it say armored Batman can't wanna see Batman from Batman and Superman is out easy check this out check this out it's got batteries in it so a lot of these hot toys will have LEDs in them and so you know his eyes are gonna light up like they did in the movie look at the mouth look at that mouth with a detail on it okay so you got Batman yeah we got a predator so we got a Thor let's do a few these huh not every day you get a truckload of hot toys look at Thor we got a look at Thor I have a feeling Thor's gonna look really cool let's look at the door let's see how much detail he's go look at that dude that looks just like is that not nuts look at these little hands little baby hands like David look at this look is this not a mate look at that guy that's amazing just like you dude hot toys are the bomb and if one day when I've got money to waste I might do that but until now we won't be buying hot toys actually a cool thing is the consignor of this collection gifted me my favorite Michael Keaton Batman so we got a Darth Vader you want to see Dora what's the Darth Vader all the reason why is because the ding dong over here is a Star Wars gendered so check this out the unboxing look at that that's a picture of the actual toy you know that right yeah yeah oh yes what okay look at this underneath here all the hands gloves out looks like he talks bet his batteries aren't in there I bet they're in the package and if I could get this guy's look at this look at that this is I mean this is leather guys this is high-quality stuff this is going to be in the freakin auction this week here go freaking make out with Doris let's see what else we got so we're gonna have guardians of the galaxy let's see who we got in here who is it oh yeah we got star-lord he's done a really good job at this character Wolverine has done the best long-term on a comic book character and who's my other favorite one nailed it Tony Stark mmm-hmm Robert freakin nailed it so let's look at one of the big ones okay we'll do this one and I might show you a few more this one actually I would spend money on okay this is the Hulk deluxe not just the Hulk it's the Hulk it looks thank you take furniture would you look at that predator classic predator okay we got a look at this one yeah yes yeah dude I'll put this one a Wolverine together because well I'll show you in a minute I showed you at the beginning but a lot of people don't know Wolverine made his first appearance in the whole comfortable oh boy oh boy this is my favorite right that's my wife's favorite this one yeah she loves the whole hey when y'all run side help that customer would got a look at him oh you gotta take his classic yeah PC we're definitely stripping now kind of I'm married oh yeah take this one get this outta my way look at this okay look at my hand back that up look at this look at the detail who goes I boss look at the teeth man these hands and look at this extra one you get to put on top of these feet oh you know what that is don't you yeah she's doing the whole match small mole hey man that's where you smash this crap look at that oh my gosh holy cannoli look at that alright so that's all I'm gonna show you for now I just say trust me when I tell you look lookie here what we got comics these are all hot towards okay I've got hot toys under here might even give you a little sneak peek of what's in here what's that that's an Iron Man the Iron Man was there some of my favorite Mansouri yeah I've got about every Iron Man that they made in here guardians of the galaxy let's see what we got down here here's the Iron Man I'll show you this one because it's kind of opened I'm not gonna take him out of a box but look at this these are just amazing toys I'm telling you oh actually look at that look at Tony Stark space look at that look his knees or showing I mean that busted uh this thing for sure has LED lights on it anyway so that's all I'm gonna show you on the hot toys now we're gonna pop up front to the truck we're gonna undo the unbox the cab and maybe we'll do something else maybe the video I don't know [Applause] [Music] all right so now the second part man I really got myself now we're gonna unbox the cab has anybody ever done this before you ever say this I need you to Google I so everybody's ever done a box a box so this I lose key so bad so we make sure mr. Grimes don't lose the keys all right now y'all hold your breath I'm not playin what's up losers safe this is fake Versace yeah all fake this my friend is not fake this is a brand new Sachi purse never used here make sure tango rained on us and be by my luck what we got here Cindy I've never heard of this brand of you yeah sure yeah so in here I actually had the receipt for this purse still got the tag on it check it out I can see I'll probably want to see the purse oh it's a fanny pack fanny pack Rican fanny pack that costs how much you don't have anything else in this bag oh yeah what is this we got to get you to goochie goochie goochie everything's get you baby I know what they say and there was a full consent look so these are authentic this is a big Gucci tote comes with the bag brand-new this is not fake I will guarantee your thent is Lee if not we do what we do we make a mistake we give me your money we try not to make this anybody more Gucci anymore is it in here yeah oh oh that's the card we need oh there's a receipt how much you think it does everybody take it I don't know what it is yeah it's a Gucci it's a Gucci 26 brand new Gucci 2600 yep how much you guessing me yeah gosh I don't even know this is like so far out of my realm I've said four or five thousand hundred thousand ninety fourteen ninety got their seat came from Neiman's you box that back up we can take these inside anybody know what kind of brand this is I've never seen you know oh is that what that is oh is that what that price Texas $1,350 y'all want to see inside little matching something something a little wallet these are going to the displace different color different color I like that one that's the one that I want okay ladies look Gucci what are they called a murse yeah yeah maybe huh all right oh wait I don't we got something here we got a receipt yeah I want to guess on this one to 1816 huh how much my bag is it only for shoes yeah is that all it is yes okay oh we got more Gucci okay little Gucci action oh we got the Gucci bag okay we got a receipt 1,250 bucks twelve hundred and fifty dollars can be yours actually cheaper Ruby in the auction just tell get a good deal on what we got here not familiar with this brand anyone it feels nice that's what she said that was inappropriate I'm sorry flora forgive me and the pygmies in Africa or whatever that guy's says 1950 what is this oh it's gucci gucci bamboo it's Gucci Gucci alright we got a different brand here oh I was gonna try to be funny or deal yeah oh I didn't say I showed him to watch I didn't show him show him to watch the $5,100 watch I got in there oh really I didn't see that right here not familiar I mean I know the brand I've actually seen while he's in a storage unit is there a tagging there I want to get blood around the white all right let's get that inside not sure how much this one was this needs to go in do not bend this don't do it just 300 or Ashley okay dead look like much but this is the McFarlane action figure brand new sealed it's pretty expensive try not to bend it I always say try not to bend it don't bin hey toy lovers back to the toy lovers ladies your times over I think make sure don't peek okay all the Gucci and stuff we got but all I mean shoot that's great okay who knows what g1 transformers over generate expensive generation one transform okay it probably costs just as much as the smoochy bag to be honest know about this this is my stuff this is when I was a kid okay hey is it complete of course it's complete of course we got the weapons okay Jiwan I was telling this is probably more expensive than the person's yeah okay so this Gucci can go back in be very careful he's going definitely on consignment from the truck this is a lot more exciting than an unboxing right because you know so from now on we're gonna do a consignment unboxings because we do a lot of consignment but this is just as exciting don't you think if you think this is just exciting because consignment unboxings you know you're gonna see some killers so so anyway let's finish this box up and we gotta end the video because we're going too long okay so this is actually Voltron okay this is the diecast this has got a lot of weight to this super cool right here oh these actually shoot off I had this we gotta hurry the rains coming in so peak gotta hand let's just show when we go exit don't actually show now I'm playing though soon okay so here's where we go got a bunch of graphic novels in here okay these right here are all this is all gold take that inside would be fine these are all gold every one of these it's gonna be between 10 and 18 carats that's what these are we got some beautiful range so we've got graphic novels and we've got a silver like casino kind of type chips these are indie and I'll actually probably put these in the Western sale because they had Indians I'm kind of Civil War theme to it these these are called peace dollars let me give you I know y'all like to educational videos so the two most you know known dollars and I picked the two worst ones so this is a peace dollar okay and this is a Morgan what they call a Morgan Silver Dollar these are 90% silver the peace dollar yep has this yes in so condition of coins I'll do a whole video on that I'm not gonna do right now she's trying to get me off test place she's correct she sees the rain bowing even though this is looks like somebody gave it to their dog for a chew toy if this would have been a great point it's a 22 it's a pretty common piece dollar but the rain bowing people do like that but so anyway the peace dollar the only thing I would teach you today between your Morgan's and your peace dollars this is the Morgan okay peace dollar has the spikes and the Morgan will say Liberty right there and she's just got the little kind of little leaflet thing so that's your peace dollar that's your Morgan these can go anywhere from right now let's say silver just has spikes that's about fifteen fifty but peace dollars and Morgan's hold a premium Carson City's for your Morgan desirable ones anyway I could do two hours on points we sell thousands and thousands and thousands of points a year I'm mostly on consignment but anyway so those are those I see if I have a few more little things so these are called in the coin industry these are called walkers these are Walking Liberty half dollars these are 50 cent pieces okay but these are also 90 percent silver not a lot of key dates in these you can see it's worn down still a lot of detail but you can just tell where it's worn it's been circulated in and out in people's pockets so anyway I got a whole bag of Morgan Silver Dollars here but not all 1921 that's probably what you're thinking I did get these these were kind of interesting these are silver rounds these are Mexican never seen these before the reason why I told them yeah I'll take a few these because they had the Olympic symbol down here so I'm assuming that in 1968 I don't know the Olympics was in Mexico these are 40 percent silver JFK's 64 and earlier is 90 percent but it's 65 to 70 there are only 40 percent silver and we will disclose that because there's a lot of people just don't know and they start bidding like ding dongs like okay so real quick example we had a Indian Head Penny commemorative said it all it had a ruler showed it was three inches big penny was this big and last night at auction we had two ding-dongs actually shouldn't say ding dongs cause one of them's are really I'd love if he spends too much money he said he was gonna stop then they didn't he's not gonna he stopped he had a sabbatical he had a sabbatical this guy's literally filled up three huge storages from just our auction but I tell you what do sit on nest egg cuz he knows how to buy but anyway so I guess maybe they thought it was a real penny but I don't know how you do that but they paid a hundred and fifty did he pay for that I don't know yet okay he didn't well I mean I'm an honest guy I'm not hiding either if he does yeah I might here's the thing I'm probably not gonna make him pay for it oh hey what the heck were you doing we've done this before people spent way too much money look like did you mean to do that and if they say yeah all right have your item or there's been several times where we just make the decision and we're like we can't do you can't let them over spin because then they're not gonna come back or I don't care if they don't come back here they'll be turned off about auctions just altogether and auctions is my livelihood so anyway anybody got anything to say no what do we want them to do before we get off the video clicking light that's Facebook subscribe subscribe yeah whoa no you're right you can't like click like subscribe I said fish flick you like us push the bow this is chaos here I feel confused we need to call Mike again we didn't call Mike again and call the pirate we need some counseling parts does YouTube these confusing crap those anyway hey thanks Mike Smith yeah get inside hey thanks Mike for popping in and always being available to help the same thing to the rest of the resource loved group but anyway hey share the hash tag restore love you guys want to see a big big big collaboration with all the a members you got to keep sharing that everywhere hey and we're gonna make it happen but anyway hey we love you we'll see you the next you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 5,180
Rating: 4.9619951 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: zIuSGfkcMfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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