How to Break Soul Ties | Pastor Jeremy Foster

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everybody say this I am a spirit I have a soul I live in a body okay I'm gonna show this to Yuma show you a graph right now it kind of helps you understand so we are created member in Genesis we are created in the image of God so God is triune in nature father/son spirit these three are one you are also trying in nature you have a spirit you are a sphere you have a soul you live in a body okay so God took your spirit he gave it a soul he wrapped it in human flesh and your spirit according to scripture is dead in its sins okay so your spirit is the part where you receive revelation from God okay your body is where you receive information from your senses you understand being driven by your body right it's why many of us and when I say us I mean me struggle with a diet why because I like fried chicken people are like hey you want some chicken would you like it grilled or from like what is that I like fried fish I like banana pudding y'all they have Bananas Foster that's my last name and we get led by our body so we receive information and we start following and we're not getting input from anywhere else so your soul is tainted because you've made so many bad decisions that there's a darkness in there and then you come into relationship with Jesus Christ and your spirit is awakened to God and you begin to have a realization I'm broken and I need Jesus many of us don't even know that we're broken until we have a revelation of God I need Jesus and it begins to change things but here's what I want you to understand the only thing that gets saved at salvation is your spirit you realize the body your ends not even go to heaven you're gonna have a new body thank God that's why I ain't doing Crossfit in this one cuz I'm like I'm gonna have a new one so I'm just gonna let God take care of that playing CrossFit people don't get mad I do CrossFit that CrossFit come on somebody alright treat you jokes here's the problem most believers this is where new believers get in big trouble because they think somehow when they actually when their spirit is awakened that it changes everything and that it doesn't change everything it just gives you information so that you can begin to walk after the spirit and not after the flesh and somehow you think that when you get saved God is going to take away all the old cravings and all the old desires and I'm not even gonna be able to go the places I used to go I'll be walking in the club but the Holy Spirit is not gonna happen you want to go to the club you only have to go to the club you fish in the club you won't catch something to club to I'm just helping you understand the Holy Spirit will begin to whisper to you just begin to whisper hey paint come over here I can set you free from that I know so many people who are saved and not set free and here's wine because over time they gave their spirit to God but there's still pieces in their life that they haven't allowed God to take or maybe they did allow God to take them and they've gone back and gravitated because your natural inclination is to gravitate to brokenness this is why you have to be renewed in your mind and stop doing the things that you did and here's what I want you to understand you can give your life to Jesus and he can begin to change everything and he can begin to remove those broken pieces out of your life and he could be he can make something beautiful out of your life if you allow him to but I'm getting ready to show you some of the most important thing that I'll tell you this weekend listen to me because there are many of you who had something beautiful and then something went wrong because somewhere in your life there was a soul time what are you talking about I'm talking about a tie to something in your past that you have held on to and you have not released or maybe you released at one point and then when you got mad at your husband or your wife you picked that thing back up again do you realize about 60% of divorces in today's culture reference social media most specifically Facebook as one of the demises of their marriage because somebody had a soul tie and went back and rikka acted to some do you realize I'm connected to that girl right there and it's a healthy salt i we're connected this happened just a few months ago I was out preaching somewhere I was a thousand miles away and she called me on a Sunday afternoon and she said are you okay I feel like just I feel like you're battling somehow are you okay I was like yes I need your hat your prayer yeah I'm battling some stuff that wasn't just the Holy Spirit we have a soul connection we're connected she knows if I'm struggling Wow because we've opened a superhighway to one another through a sexual union and through a covered covenant relationship with God that is actually beautiful she knows if I get hit on so don't hit on your boy I walk around I'm married I don't get hit on do I don't get hit on I don't I don't I'm like Mary Mary guy I happy with my life why because she's a ninja she'll kill you and she might just kill me I'll be collateral damage a plan we love each other we covered you can open that same kind of unholy connection with somebody in your past you wonder why out of the blue you listen to a song that reminds you of an old life and you start feeling depressed and anxiety and fear and you don't even know why because that person has become a superhighway and at some point you've got to get that stuff out of your life because here's what will happen if you don't your life will be all good and be all nice but there'll be a broken piece that you allow back inside and it'll attract more brokenness and before too long you have messed up the thing that God tried to give you and some of you're sitting in a marriage going how did I make it 20 years and then I messed it up because I desired something that I never actually gave to him here's what I want you to know this is the truth a lot of people won't tell you the truth and will tell you the truth God is the great cake maker and he can take all of that pain and he can cut it out but it is going to leave a scar so those of you who have not yet entered into those kind of scarring relationships you don't want to go through this it's painful just don't do it but those of you who who are in this situation right now here's what I do want you to know it is gonna be painful and it is going to be hard but you have a holy God who is the great cake make and he can take this and he can reconstruct and he can make it beautiful again if you'll just begin to trust him you've got to put it in his hands there's four things you have to do I'm gonna give them to you real quick number one you got to surrender your life to Jesus truly surrender every aspect do you realize that God can save you and you can still not be set for you some things that's why in two weeks when we open freedom groups I want to urge every person in our church getting a freedom group it will change your life right the people you hear clapping that's the people who've been through freedom it's a game-changer surrender your life to Jesus number two release and remove all that old baggage release it to God somebody that hurts you maybe it wouldn't even your fault listen to me and said this in all of our services but I do want to say it today listen to me maybe somebody hurt you in the past and it wasn't even your sin it was a sin they committed against you but it's created so much pain that you still find that pain in every relationship because it's it's hindered you from getting close to somebody at some point you got to release that to Jesus and hear me they may never say they're sorry some of them are dead and gone in fact you don't even have to talk to him to release him if there's a boat connected to a dock a person in the boat and a person on the dock don't have to release it to set that boat free only one person or the other has to somebody in the boat or somebody on the dock so maybe somebody's got you tethered to a dock of past pain and past hurt here's what you can do today you can through the power of the holy spirit release that thing without them ever saying anything and you don't have to ever say anything to them and you can sail into the destiny that God has called you to and you don't have to be bound by that pain anymore and it may take counseling it may take some books it's gonna take a small group it's gonna take growth track it's gonna take serving somebody else but you could be set free you don't have to deal with that for the rest of your life my wife is living proof that it can happen okay number three rejoice because God has set you free don't hold on to any of that stuff release it and rejoice if there's an old shoebox somewhere in your attic that reminds you all your old girlfriends are all your old boyfriends get rid of that stuff now some of you are in a weird situation and I'm teaching this weekend this is hard but you need to hear it some of you are in a strange situation and you've been through a divorce I get this question a lot well what do I do with the divorce well listen if there is no way to restore that I'm not saying like hey go get restored and they're married to somebody you're like hey we gotta get married again like you got divorce and no it's um what I'm saying here's what preachers don't often tell you just from my study and I've studied a lot divorce is not the unforgivable sin okay yes it will bring scars but God can still make something beautiful out of something that's broken so when you release the things in your life that have held you down you begin to rejoice because God has set you free and the fourth and final and most important step is you got to repeat this process a lot because if you're not careful you'll let something back in in a moment of weakness you have to release it you have to repent you have to confess it you got to get an accountability group so the God can help you stay free not just set you free and when he sets you free you are free indeed that means in what you do you can be free you don't have to go back and get bound again hey man aren't you glad we serve a God who loves you unconditionally [Applause]
Channel: Jeremy Foster
Views: 73,485
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Id: wY_FKWBusxY
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Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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