Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties // How To Break A Soul Tie // Pastor Ken Claytor

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today's message is entitled breaking ungodly soul ties okay and this is going along of course with our um series that we've been on called the goal and if i was to give you one hopeful outcome of today's message it would be freedom somebody say freedom please put that in the comments freedom all right i really believe that when we discover god's way we submit to god's way and we do things god's way we'll get freedom when we don't submit to god's way we don't want to do things god's way we want to do things our way we have bondage that ain't what we want and so my hope for all of you all who are watching is that we find freedom and we find healing on the inside of today's message and so today we're going to talk about soul ties we're going to talk about what they are we're going to talk about where they come from and god knows we're going to talk about how to break them at the end of this i'm going to pray for you and my hope and my prayer has been that the power of the holy spirit will meet you right where you are to sever your past from your future and cause you to move into who god's called you to be and so before we get there i want to lay a bible foundation very quickly and i want to look at first corinthians chapter 6 verse 12. how many of you all want to be like jesus let me see by show hands anybody here want to be like jesus i believe everybody who's watching do of course that's what our series is about we said that we want to walk like him we want to talk like him we want to love like jesus he is our goal i know you got all kinds of goals some of y'all have relationship goals and you got your financial goals and you got your career goals and you got your weight loss goals but our number one goal as a believer should be to be more like jesus to have his compassion to have his perspective to have his mind how many of you all say that that is your number one goal all right hopefully by all this preaching everybody back here got their hands up praise the lord all right and so uh that's what we're about right but here's my question for you how many of you all would say being like jesus is my goal even if it's not popular okay even if it cost me something even if i'm misunderstood or even if i'm persecuted or if it goes against what i want to do he's still my goal you know with everything that's in me i really want to preach a segment about the lordship of jesus i think the lordship of jesus is like huge right now because when you raise your hand at the end of a service or somebody leads you to the lord there's two things that happen when you surrender your heart to jesus you say i'm going to make him savior of my life but you're also going to make him lord and the savior part is the easy part that's the popular part that's like jesus i accept you and i surrender my life to you you be my savior thank god that he is our savior that means that he saved us from our sin he saved us from eternal damnation matter of fact when we accept jesus eternal life starts as soon as we accept jesus eternal death ends and eternal life starts so he's our savior but he's also our lord and the first one is something that you receive but the second requires a whole bunch of change on your part that you make him the lord over your emotions he's the lord over my spirit he's the lord over my body he's the lord over my finances and what does the word lord mean write this down that means master ruler and controller that's what it means when you say jesus be my lord that means that i'm not going to do what i want to do no longer i'm going to do what you've called me to do and what your word tells me to do so you are the lord over my body my spirit my emotions and you're also the lord over my sexuality and so i submit not some of who i am to his lordship i submit everything that i am in everything that i have to that jesus is lord so right here um jesus of course you guys know he lived 33 and a half years and he lived a sinless life all right and so for 33 and a half years jesus put aside his divinity and he walked as a human being for 33 and a half years and the bible says that he never sinned and so he became sin for us to pay the price for our sin but he never sinned the bible also says that he was tempted at every point like we are can you imagine that that he was tempted with everything so jesus was tempted to murder somebody jesus was tempted to cuss somebody out come on jesus was tempted with adultery fornication homosexuality gossip jealousy evil speaking he was tempted at every point that we've ever been tempted in but the bible says that he did not sin i believe there's a grace for us where we can move towards how jesus was i believe that that is the goal and i know all of us might not be there but i believe that he set the bar there and by his grace we'll be able to move to be more like him and so jesus if he didn't sin that means that he was sexually pure for 33 and a half years of his life he was not married he he operated as a single man and for 33 and a half years he didn't let his sex drive drive him but he drove it and i believe that that's our goal that you are not um in con your your sex drive is not in control of you you're actually in control of it and if we're going to talk about being like jesus god knows we need this one so right here in um first corinthians chapter six if you're there say i'm there i believe today's message is not just for single people i don't believe it's for married people i don't believe it's just for young people or older people i believe it's for people people that live in a fallen broken world people who have a past but are wanting to do his will if you want to do the will of god now i realize that not everybody who comes to church or watches us on youtube really wants to do the will of god but i know there's a remnant group i know that we got some radical right or die people that are like for god i live and for god i die i want to do the will of god if i know it i can do it if that's you this message is for you today first corinthians chapter six are you already back here let's rock and roll first corinthians chapter 6 verse 12 it says i have the right to do anything you say but not everything is beneficial i have the right to do anything but i will not be mastered by anything you say food for the stomach and stomach for the food and god will destroy them both the body however is not meant for sexual immorality before the lord and the lord is for the body by his power god raised up the lord from the dead and he'll raise us up too do you not know that your bodies are members of christ himself shall i then take the members of christ and unite them with a prostitute never do you not know that he who unites himself with the prostitute is one body with her for it said the two shall become what one flesh but whoever is united with the lord is with him is one with him in the spirit and here's the command of the lord for all of us flee from sexual immorality all other sins a person's commits are outside the body but he who sins sexually sins against his own body do you not know that your bodies are the temples of the holy spirit who is in you whom you receive from god and you are not your own you've been bought with the price the precious blood of jesus that was shed on calvary's cross has paid for us so we are no longer our own and underline this last part therefore honor god with your bodies now there's a few things that i want us to know today if you're ready say i'm ready number one i want us to know that god created sex somebody say praise the lord he created sex guys and so it's not nasty it's not bad it's not wrong it's something beautiful and holy if it's done inside of the context in which god has created it all right now if you're watching this at home and you got young kids in the room you might want to excuse yourself right now and go into another room get on the laptop get on the phone and put a live kid's church on them okay and so here's my disclaimer for you there will be pg-13 information that i share with you but before you do that i would say this i have a 15 year old i have an 11 year old and i have a 9 year old and before they hear about sex anywhere in this world i want them to hear about it from god's word i want to i want them to hear about this in a pure holy way i want them to hear about it from god's god's word and so i'm going to do the best that i can to be able to minister in an age-appropriate way but if that's concerning you maybe you have um elementary kids you are dismissed right now but you got to come back because i'm going to be sharing some things that you need but this is what i believe i believe that we should be talking to our children about sex in a godly biblical way i really believe that i'm not saying speak to them about things that they're not there yet i'm not talking about give them the details but i need my children to know as they come through middle school um this is you're gonna be tempted with this kids are gonna be doing this but you're worth the wait you can be sexually pure god has given you authority over it's something powerful about two virgins coming together and consummating their marriage under a blood covenant this is the way that god originally created you to be and i want to help you walk through that so i want to be talking to my kids in middle school and in high school and even my elementary my elementary kids i talk to them and and i tell them about their body parts and i don't use these fake names i use medical terms of this is your body part so if anybody touches you here nobody should be touching you here and if anybody touches you here you tell us immediately and then i can come back to them and ask them like i got one that's a little stressed right now hey is everything okay has anyone touched you inappropriately i think if we have a healthy communication with our kids then sex is not something that is dirty nasty or bad they understand that it's between a married man and a married woman and it is held with that sanctity for the covenant of marriage and then they begin to put a value and an honor on being worth the wait all right number two this is what i believe we should know are you okay okay i got my audience today they didn't know what what to expect my teaching today praise the lord number two god created sex for two main reasons i need you to know this today all right number one for procreation and for the continuation of humanity meaning that if man and woman don't come together then we don't have kids and then the whole next generation dies off all right number one number two he also created sex for the enjoyment and also the increase of intimacy between a married man and a married woman somebody say amen and number three i want you to know this that one of the ways that jesus honored the father is that he honored him with his body so look guys when we're looking through the book of corinthians what an interesting read you know it's written between 55 and 57 corinth a.d this bustling city i mean it's this growing city and the reason is is because it has two two main harbors one is facing italy and the others facing asia so it's the center point between the east and the west that everybody was kind of um coming to and at the time corinth is this melting pot i mean there's all kinds of different philosophies religions and cultures and there's a whole bunch of paganism all right and so now there's a church in corinth and these aren't jewish converts these are gentile converts and so they're bringing some of their paganistic ways into the church paul hears about it and he's like listen i gotta do something about this so he begins to write this letter that we call first corinthians and second corinthians and it's basically to address some of the sin that was happening in the church and so he talks about the petty division amongst believers and how to settle those he talks about love in first corinthians 13 he talks about the gifts of the holy spirit he talks about not eating meat that was offered to idols but this one main thing that he does first corinthians through the book of corinthians he talks about sexual purity he talks about sexual immorality because at that time corinth was known for their sexual permissibility you know it was it was known as the sensual city it was known matter of fact um most of them worshiped the goddess aphrodite who was a greek god of love and passion they had temple worship two pagan gods where a thousand prostitutes would come to the temple and you would be with a prostitute as a form of worship to a pagan god so adultery fornication even pedophilia all of these things were actually the norm in the city this was like normal culture that a man would have a mistress he would have a concubine and then he would have a wife just to give him children this was the normal culture and paul is like uh-uh that ain't godly we're not going to do that in here and i need to teach you something about your body and so even there was terms like to corinthianize meant that um that was another form a way of of calling a prostitute or fornication was to be corinthianized or if you were a corinthian girl that means that you were a prostitute literally the name of the city went along with the sexual and sensual appetite and atmosphere that was created so out of that atmosphere paul begins to write this and let's look at it again now because y'all know that right first corinthians watch this again in chapter number six he says i got the right to do anything and i know a lot of y'all grace-based believers you got the right to do anything that don't mean you should you say but not everything is beneficial i have the right to do anything but i will not be mastered by anything and so whenever we sin sin actually has the mastery over us it literally we give our dominion away and we give it to sin because sin is now dominating us so he says listen i can do whatever i want to do but i will not let anything master me you say food for the stomach and stomach for the food and god of destroying both the body however is not meant for sexual immorality but for the lord don't miss this so your body that god has given you to steward is not meant to sleep around with anybody and let your waters be in the street you should drink from your own will if you're married at home proverbs right so what it's talking about is that you can't do whatever with your body matter of fact romans chapter 12 says that we are to present our bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god which is our reasonable service so we should not give our bodies back to god after years of drugs and alcohol and just eating whatever no we have to steward our bodies and the way we give our bodies back to god is actually a form of worship and so he says you give your body back to god um instead of to sexual immorality what verse am i at y'all don't know the body however is meant right right here in verse 14 but by his power god raised the lord from the dead and he will also raise us up also and then he says don't you know that your bodies are the members of christ himself shall you take the members of christ and unite them to a prostitute translation that whenever you sleep around jesus is sleeping around with you because he lives in you so we are literally the extensions of christ's body so if i am a part of his body literally his arm his leg whatever it is what i do i involve him in then it asks this question will you then take christ and will you connect him because that's what sex does it connects you soulishly it connects you to another person would you connect him to a prostitute and i kind of want to extend that word from prostitution to will you connect christ in adultery would you connect him to fornication would you connect him into pornography would you connect him to anything that is sexual immorality and then the bible gives us the answer never and you have to come to the place where you say never ever ever never again what i not steward my body in a way that would be pleasing to god and i'm i'm thankful for the body that he's given me verse 16 says do you not know that he who unites himself with the prostitute is one body with her for it is said the two will be one flesh but whoever is united with the lord will actually be one spirit with him and then it gives us the command flee fornication any sexual immorality everything that's perverse lustful flee at all and this word flee is actually one of the strongest greek words it literally means to run in terror it's kind of what you would do if like freddy cougar was after you or jason and chucky or somebody i know this old school horror flicks you know i don't i never watched that kind of crap i don't know how people watch stuff you know like that you know i got enough challenges trying to be in faith to go in and pay for somebody to put me in fear but anyway there are certain things that you would run from and and just think of this language because most people the reason that they fall into sexual immorality is because we kind of play around with it a little bit well you know i love you i love you too girl when you stay a little bit longer you know i'm supposed to go but okay okay we're just gonna watch this movie and i got my head right here and then i got my hand right here and i got my hand right here and we play around with it instead of fleeing from it see the word flea is so strong because it lets you know that you are worth the wait there is a destiny on the inside of you there is greatness on the inside of you and you have to protect you have to put boundaries around you so you don't oops i did it again come on britney spears you know what i mean right and so it says flee fornication because all other sins a person commits or outside the body but whoever sins sexually they sin against their own body now i try to find what this really means i looked at all kinds of commentaries and i don't know what it means if you know what it means please put it in the comments or dm me what does it mean i think what it means is that sexual immorality you mess yourself up every other sin you might hurt somebody else murder and think but sexual immorality you actually hurt your own soul you actually hurt your own self you're actually digging a grave for your own self my god and verse 19 said do you not know that your bodies are the temples of the holy spirit that means god lives in you and so we want to start more churches the greatest church that we could start would just be when a person gets born again we started a new church because the holy spirit lives in us the holy spirit is in you whom you receive from god and you are not your own and that's the lordship of jesus you've been bought with a price therefore what honor god with your what come on somebody honor god with your what honor god with our bodies honor god with our bodies my hope is that god has given us a season here where we've come through the pandemic and we've really had to do some self-evaluation and my hope is that you're watching this and the holy spirit is whispering it's time for you to honor me with your body my hope is that the culture of our church will be a culture of a bunch of sexually pure people married and single because both have parameters and boundaries and contexts in which we must live but my hope is that we will make a church-wide decision that we're going to honor god with our bodies that we will teach our teenagers that you are worth the wait our young adults that you are worth the wait that you have value that you have purpose that you have destiny do you know why people don't don't wait and do it god's way it's because we kind of think we know better than what god does you know when my parents got a divorce and now i want to try before i buy so we gonna live together listen the statistics and the stats from those who live together they end up alone because they're taking matters into their own hands this is all i'm saying as your pastor is that god's ways are better than our ways that he knows more than what we know and if the creator has created sex to be enjoyed inside of a context to do it outside of that context we'll do nothing but harm ourself and we have to believe him more than we believe us with the church please say amen today i want to pull out a few principles are you guys good back here everybody enjoying this praise the lord all right a few principles write this down very quickly number one i want to find the will of god and submit to it fully here's a few principles that i want us to live out please write this down to find the will of god and to live it out fully okay many times we say god what's your will you know god is it your will that i stay here in gainesville orlando is it your will that i go to charlotte is your is it your will that i stay here or is it your will that i move to denver is it your will that i take this job or take that job and you know it's only okay to pray god what is your will when the will of god is not known see the will of god and the word of god is the same so if you ever want to know what the will of god is you got to go to the word of god for the word of god and the will of god is the same and so whenever you find what the word of god says you no longer pray let your will be done because i already know what the will is and this is something god is clear about watch this in first thessalonians 4 verse 3. watch this here first thessalonians 4 and 3 it says it is god's will oh here it is so i'm not going to pray let your will be done because i know what your will is it's god's will that you should be sanctified what's that holy what's that separated what's that set apart that you should avoid sexual immorality that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable not in passionate lust like the pagans who do not know god there should be a stark difference between how we steward ourselves and how people on your explore page do so as you're flipping through we're going to see a bunch of sensuality and butt naked people but that's not us because we don't live our life like the pagans do and those who know know god and those things are attractive to the eyes we see those things but we still have a discipline and self-control in our flesh because we understand greater is he that lives in me than he that is in the world number two write this down if you can number two you gotta learn to look for the exit now first corinthians 10 13 watch this one here it says no temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind and god is faithful he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear but when you're tempted not if you're tempted but when you are tempted because we all will be tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can endure here's what i believe is that no matter what temptation we go for go through look for the exit if you look around this building right now if there was a fire to break out what do you do you look for the exit when it comes to sexual immorality and you get yourself in a compromising situation look for the exit you get yourself into a toxic relationship look for the exit you get yourself into a situation with toxic look for the exit because the exit is always there god makes sure that it's so write this down number three you got to fix your focus on that which is godly these are just principles that we can live out so that we can fulfill this command to flee from sexual immorality write this down fix your focus on that which is godly all right because what you focus on will expand listen if you play violent video games all day every day that is going to affect the way you see the world it is going to affect your heart and your mind please don't think it's just the game and now everything is becoming virtual what is it doing it's painting on the canvas of your imagination your imagination is one of the most powerful gifts that god has given you to be able to see the end from the beginning don't allow the devil to pervert that if you fill yourself up watching the bachelor and the bachelorette all day every day i'm not talking about that's a sin what i'm saying is that you have to know yourself if you are a person that's in a marriage that you feel like is not going anywhere and you kept keep looking at new love and the endorphins that's released in new love and you are so fascinated with the infatuation stage of a person's relationship that you're now looking at your 40 year old marriage trying to find somebody that just met each other and wondering if you're gonna give her a rose oh my god you have to give yourself a fighter's chance to not allow this world system to program the way you i'm preaching better than you saying amen today you can't allow the enemy to program the way you think in the way that you feel your emotions right pornography it is actually the biggest trick of the devil in our generation other than abortion i really believe that the biggest trick of the devil in our generation is pornography the stats show that 28 000 people visit a pornography site every second in america 28 000 people another 28 000 up another 28 000 people and they don't understand that they are opening up a door to the demonic he's grabbing hold of their soul their mind their will and their emotions one in five mobile searches right now on a mobile phone one in five is for a pornographic site there are eleven thousand porn films made in america every single year it is a 13 billion dollar industry in america alone 90 to 96 of young adults are encouraging accepting and even neutral when it comes to talking about pornography with their friends nine out of ten of young people if or not somebody else is talking about pornography they won't even say anything about it where are the real can we please stand up for what's right all right and for married couples because some of us you know we don't believe that bring it as long as we're in a monogamous relationship and it's in a marriage please statistics are showing us that sexual frustration goes way up when you involve yourself in pornography as a married couple sexual satisfaction goes way down and the divorce rate for those of you all who are married that watch pornography together the divorce rate doubles doubles it's already at 50 can you imagine doubling that simply because we're bringing in the world's sensuality and sexuality when god has given us this wonderful gift called sex to be practiced inside of a particular context so the bible says this in psalms 119 and 37 watch this it says turn my eyes away from worthless things who preserve my life according to your word and my prayer for you today is that you will begin to turn your life your eyes away from worthless things things that cause bondage things that create generational curses pornography right now is a man and a woman issue it is a sin issue and i i kind of want to jump into some things maybe i'll do it online this week follow me on social media because i want to get to the bottom of this pornography thing because those stats alarming i'm sure they're affecting the church in a really really big way and the one way that you get over a pornography addiction is you got to tell on yourself sin festers in the light you need to tell your spouse you need to tell your pastor you need to tell your small group leader and have other people pray for you because all of a sudden temptation it goes way down when somebody else knows number four you got to make no provision for the flesh okay make no are you all enjoying this today if you're enjoying this please holler at me in the comments make sure that you share this message this is a message that needs to go viral i really believe that god has made us try part type in makeup we know that right meaning that we are a spirit we have a soul we live in a body okay now the body part of us is the flesh part of us and it ain't saved and never will be the flesh and the spirit or antagonist against each other so there's a part of you that wants to do what's right like romans chapter 7 is talking about with paul why do i when i want to do what's right evil is always present with me oh wretched man that i am what he's saying is that there's this battle between my flesh nature and my spirit man all right and so we have to understand that we are to give no provision to the flesh romans 13 14 says it says watch this put on the lord jesus christ and make no provision none absolutely none i'm not going to give my flesh what it wants i'm not going to feed my flesh and starve my spirit i'm going to feed my spirit and starve my flesh and so how can we do this here's just some simple how-to's if you're ready shout at your boy let me know if you're ready all right i was just talking to one of our um up-and-coming leaders he's single he's in a relationship with a young lady they're not married yet they're just dating um they're in love with each other and all that and i said how are you doing he says we're sexually pure i say what are you doing he gave me some things that i want to share with you he says that if we're ever in a room together we always leave the door open for our roommates to to be able to know what's going on all right we don't stay out past a certain time of night so we give ourselves a curfew because the later you stay out the more woozy you become and you don't even make good decisions no more all right he says we try to do things with friends um he says this one and this one is huge he says we don't make out we might kiss but we don't make out you know what i mean by making out you know you know what i mean you know what i'm saying making out touching and fondling because once you turn that on you can't turn that off and i'm here to tell you that when you begin to release those things in your body you no longer make good sense any longer you're not you're no longer making and your destiny is too important now here's the thing if you are a single person you should go home and have a conversation with that who you're dating or whoever let's say you don't have anybody right now the one of the first conversations you should have with somebody is like hey i want to save sex for marriage what do you think about that and some people will lie to get what they want so you need to give it some time and this needs to be a continual conversation and those two things should line up and if they don't it's okay god got somebody better for you you are worth the dog on weight would you holler at me up in here and understand that you have value and that you have worth and if somebody don't want to pay the full price for you don't give out discounts you a bentley you ain't hyundai you can't negotiate on this car lot buddy this is it is what it is i've been paid for about a blood y'all know this is funny come on let me give you some some how-to's as a married couple because married people y'all need to live sexually pure there's too much adultery in our land there's too much flirting with people that you work with in our land and so the principles of self-control ain't just something that you need before you get married you need them more after you get married with the married people please say man it was like back in the day you would go out by yourself and nobody want to talk to you at all you go out to the club go out to the lounge wherever you go you come home absolutely no numbers but as soon as you get married you can't go to the public's without somebody else hey how you doing how you doing it's like oh my god the devil watch this the bible in proverbs says that the adulteress looks for the precious life that means that it looks for the born-again believer trying their best to live for jesus the adulterer looks for you and so you have to have boundaries and guards around you so here you go married people how do you do this all right what if you limit alone time with the opposite sex even the same sex if that's your temptation what if you limited that time okay don't allow yourself to have deep emotional conversations with somebody that's not your spouse you know how the bible says it's not good for a man to touch a woman it ain't talking physically it's talking emotionally it's not good for you to be sharing these deep dark secrets with somebody that you work with while your wife is at home taking care of the babies or vice versa whatever it happens to be speak about your spouse all the time what if you just talked about your spouse all the time everywhere you go every business trip you went on when you're out at the happy hour everywhere you're just talking about how great your spouse is you would be amazed at how much the temptation would go down i know people try to hide their wedding ring like they ain't married because everybody else that they're around and everything no you need to let everybody know i'm already taken i've already been i've already made a commitment here say no to social events that will cause you to compromise you can say no can't you of course we can hey you know all of the the partners are going out here and we're going to get a lake house and we're going to do this and oh no i'm sorry saturday already got family day planned i'm sorry i can't come what if it means you might lose a promotion so be it my promotion comes from the lord i will not compromise avoid things like drugs and alcohol because that causes the bible talks about being sober minded because when you ain't sober minded you don't make good decisions most most relationships that we counsel that fall into adultery there's always drugs alcohol involved because somebody let the guard down [Music] have sex regularly come on married people somebody should comment right there i heard pastor eric say come on have sex regularly because if you don't you'll become roommates and intimacy is very important in your in your relationships if you have problems with intimacy get help right away you're not alone there's a whole lot of people that we need to go to counseling we need to get some natural help and we need to get some testosterone shots whatever we got to do to make sure that that area there i will not allow a foothold of the devil to come in and we've gotten through all this y'all to get to number five which is break ungodly soul ties and i want to read to you um something that i got off of a website called the moral revolution listen very carefully sex is tri-dimensional experience spirit soul and body anytime you have sex with a person you bond with them dr daniel amen writes in the book change your brain and change your life whenever a person is sexually involved with another person neurochemical changes occur in both their brain that encourage limbic emotional bonding limbic bonding is the reason casual sex doesn't really work for the most most of the people on the whole mind and body level two people may decide we're gonna have sex just for the fun of it yet something is occurring on another level that they might not have decided on at all sex is enhancing an emotional bond between them whether they want it or not one person often the woman is bound to form an attachment and will be hurt when the casual affair ends one reason is that usually the woman who is hurt most is because the female limbic system is larger than the males this is what we call soul tiles sex is like gluing two pieces of wood together and the next day ripping them apart of course wood from the opposite board remains on each board a piece of your sex partner the good the bad and the ugly stays with you and vice versa and for the rest of your life you can only imagine what it looks like when you bond with multiple partners unhealthy soul ties are often the ramifications of of having partners that you create a lifelong bond through sexual encounters but with whom you only have a short time relationship with the bond a soul tie remains long after the relationship is over leaving both sexual partners longing for wholeness so a soul tie is this it's like taking these two pieces of wood that are kind of stuck together and you you come together and it's and it's hot and it's steamy and you're releasing all kinds of endorphins and you think that you're in love but then something happened and the relationship is over and i don't know if you can see this but there is a piece of the other piece of wood on each piece meaning that when it's ripped apart in toxic relationships this is what happens they get ripped apart and neither piece is ever the same again you literally carry a piece of that person with you until that soul tie is broken okay let's handle it now a soul tie write this down it is being attached to another person emotionally or mentally specifically after intimacy this is not a spirit tie okay now i was on the internet i know that there are some people that don't believe in in soul ties because they say well my spirit is with jesus you're right your spirit man is intertwined with jesus as a believer but not your soul your soul is your mind your will and your emotions now those of us who we have history of counseling we understand that when people come and they're in bondage they're in a relationship that they wish they could get out of they feel like that person is with them all the time it is what we call a soul tie there is emotional and mental bondage that's there all right now your soul is your mind your will your emotions all right and so the principle is very it's very simple so the bible does not say the term soul tie you will not be able to google this and find this in the bible but you will see the principle part of where you see the principle of course is with not being equally yoked together with unbelievers so that yoking is a bondage second corinthians 6 14. the bible says that david and jonathan their souls were knit together and they became one soul now this was a friendship so that lets us know that soul ties don't just have to be sexual soul ties are anything that you are tied to emotionally and mentally and some soul ties actually can be good like me and tabitha we've been married for 21 years and we have a healthy soul tie praise god for that that we are tied to each other financially mentally emotionally in every area that we possibly can be and i don't want nobody to break it until we go home to be with the lord amen all right and so you can have a soul tie with a lifelong friend and hopefully if it's a good friendship that's an okay soul tie i believe there's even a soul tie that you have with your church come on you shouldn't be able to jump from church to church just because somebody says something or they didn't do what you like come on my kids were baptized there i was married there i got counseling there god did this to for me in that church he encouraged me i didn't know who i was and now mentally and emotionally i'm all in i'm not looking people used to invite me to their church especially when i was in dc hey will you come to my church no i'm completely satisfied in my church you do what you do on sunday i don't want to go visit i don't want to miss one thing that's happening in my church i don't want to miss one word that my pastor is saying i'm mentally and emotionally there i think that's okay but i think it's a problem when we have sexual relationships with people that are no longer in our lives but we carry them with them into every new relationship and so seven signs that you have an unhealthy soul tie if you're ready say i'm ready you're in a relationship with a person and you feel so attached to them that you refuse to cut off the connection and set boundaries might be a soul tie you've left a relationship maybe long ago but you think about the other person obsessively and you can't get them out your mind you might have a soul time whenever you do anything make a decision have a conversation with somebody you feel like this person is with you or watching over you you might have a demon and we want to cast it out in jesus name number four when you have sex with somebody else hopefully your husband and wife and you can hardly keep yourself from visualizing the other person you might have a soul time you take on the negative traits of the person that your soul is tied to you carry their offenses whether you actually agree with them or not you defend your right to stay in a relationship with the person that your soul is tied to even though it's negatively affecting you or destroying important relationships in your life i.e husband wife kids leadership and last but not least you're in a new relationship but you find yourself comparing your old relationship to your new one and you really would love to go back but you can this message is for for us today i believe it's a message for the moment so what can you do to break out if you're ready say i'm ready i laid a big foundation because i really want us to know i believe faith springs forth from information here's the thing if you're here today if you're watching this online is because god has freedom ready for you he has healing ready for you if you're anything like me i have soul tie after soul title after soul time from pornography to sexual immorality thank god that the power of the holy spirit can separate my sin as far as the east is from the west and he can give you a new beginning today if god has done that for me and he's done that for many of us he wants to do it for you how how can it happen well i think the first thing you should do is you got to admit hey yeah this is a problem for me i have a soul tie okay then i think you need to do a clean sweep what does that mean you should go home and you need to throw away every gift that that person has given you you know any any ungodly tie you might want to delete them off of social media because right now you're still stalking i mean checking on them i think you need to come to the place where you allow yourself to move on come on somebody i'm preaching better than you saying amen it's okay to burn that teddy bear he gave you at the amusement park you know it's okay whatever it is that has a tie on you this is a spiritual thing guys you need to seek deliverance i believe that 90 of our deliverance or the majority let me just say that of deliverance happens just because you sit under the word you read the word and you do it all the stories that tabitha and i tell of overcoming a bad marriage and depression and oppression and addiction and all those things it wasn't because anybody laid hands on us necessarily or because we went through counseling we read the bible and we did it but then there's some things that you have a hard time getting over where you need somebody's help and we want to lay hands on you we want the power of god to fall on you so you can find freedom or if you need natural counseling you can get freedom there as well and i say that because i don't want people depending upon i need somebody to pray for me pray for yourself first and praying for yourself don't work come on here we're going to pray for you and we're going to get this thing on but we need to seek deliverance all right we also need to renounce the behavior in any vows that we have made i will never love nobody like you 20 years later go and take that back i'm sorry lord that i said that i rebuked that and i take that vow back in the name of jesus whatever vow you have made you need to go back and you need to renounce those commitments and those vows and last but not least we need to repent to god for any sexual immorality and recommit our bodies back to the lord i would love to lead you in this prayer today if you could just make this a moment between you and jesus if you could just put down your bible for a moment in your note taker for a moment if you could just clear out the space and tell everybody around you okay can you just give me a moment with my savior and my lord can you just give me a moment with the power of the holy ghost i want to speak some things over you i've been praying for this moment and i know that you're online but i believe there's no distance in the spirit and that god is with me and he's also with you and i've been praying for you as we've come into this moment that god would do something supernatural on the inside of you i'm talking about the secret areas of your life the secret things that you've been watching online um i hear the lord saying you have to close the window you know david had his window open looking at bathsheba and there's a time you've got to close the window maybe the window for you is your explore page maybe it's your feed maybe it's a neighbor maybe it's somebody at work the lord is saying you got to close the window and i believe that when you make a decision in your heart god forgive me i'm ready to close the window the supernatural power of god will sever you from your past and give you freedom for your future and i want to pray for you right where you are if you don't mind just kind of touching the screen or putting your hands right here or just lifting your hands to the lord father i ask for you now by the power of the holy spirit that you begin to fall right now in every home in our sanctuaries and our cars wherever we're watching this message oh god you are i'm not present i pray right now that you've always been a waymaker that you've always been a deliverer if there is power in your name so in the name of jesus we command every soul tithe every generational curse every wrong sexual act we come against the spirit of abuse molestation pedophile whatever has tried to define us and we just give it to you right now we break the power of it over our lives we have not been we will not be defined by our mistakes of the past we are defined by our destinies in the prophetic word that you are speaking over our life that our best days are ahead of us so we pray god right now and begin to talk to the lord right where you are say god forgive me forgive me for what i've done forgive me for that sexual immorality or that pornography sometimes you just gotta talk to the lord and let him hear your heart god the way to overcome a sin is to confess it and then turn away to confess it and turn away would you give it to jesus today would you say god my body is for you from this day forward i pray right now that you're making a commitment where your body is for the lord and the lord is for your body and i pray that every time that has been held on to your spirit your soul your body wherever there has been a soul tie i thank you lord that by the power of your spirit that tie is now being broken and i pray that the only person that we are tied to like that ultimately is jesus himself so lord by the power of your spirit i call it call him healed right now freedom is yours right now deliverance is yours right now healing is yours right now come on peace is yours right now i sense the lord doing a new thing on the inside of you old things are passed away behold all things have become new i declare that there is a birthing that's happening in you right now i pray that the addiction that held you bound even last night will have nothing on you tomorrow that the temptation of that way god is showing you the exit signs all around your life and i pray right now that his grace is sufficient for you i come against those toxic relationships that have been in your life and i pray that god is removing that and he's putting the right relationships in your life right now i pray for those of you all who've been sexually frustrated or you've had this dirty nasty view of sex that god will give you a holy perspective of that which he's created done inside of the context of a marriage of a husband and a wife i pray right now that god is placing back the pieces of your soul that has been broken that has been ripped away that somebody else has and he's making all things new in jesus name amen come on would you all put your hands together [Applause] if you just felt like god did something that was miraculous and powerful in your heart and mind would you share with us in the comments you know i think that we have a transparent culture nobody wants to judge you we want to celebrate with you if you're uncomfortable with that please email us we want to know what god spoke to you today we want to know what god did in you today and we want to walk this thing out with you we love you so much um if you want to give your heart to jesus i'll pray this prayer with you say this with me say lord jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins from this day forward i'm yours amen if you prayed that prayer we believe you got saved text the word saved to the number that's on the bottom of the screen let us know what god's doing in your life and we'll see you next week god bless you hey thank you so much for tuning in to a live online today i pray that message was a blessing to you i pray that the holy spirit just takes something from it he illuminates it to where your life will never be the same again that's the case make sure you let us know how your life was impacted and changed because of the message on today we would love for you to share this content you know we have a saying in the live church that one invite can change a life we also believe that one share can change your life i mean get your share on god will use your share as a lifeline to reach people around the world all right if you like what we're doing here we would love for you to be a part of our online family you can do that by hitting subscribe we want you to be the first to grab hold of all new messages and all new content as they are released you know the bible says that when we give it'll be given back to us good measure pressed down shaken together and running over and one of the greatest ways that you can make a difference and change lives is by giving and so if you would like to sow into the ministry of a live church hit the button below and i know that god will bless you and you'll also be a blessing to other people we love you and we'll see you real soon god bless you
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 40,408
Rating: 4.9602304 out of 5
Id: 62Y5VA2Kdv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 12sec (2952 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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