Keith Moore What Love Does Pt 1 Love By Faith

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Jew he already knows the answer you'll never bring a problem to him and say and him say I'm not to think about that and get back with you never never he already knows he's already known and could he tell us and show us exactly what to do and they just straighten things out and lead us right out of the problem into the answer first John the fourth chapter first John four let's begin about verse seven first John 4:7 says beloved let us love one another for love is what of God and everyone that loves is born of God and knows God what's the indicator that somebody has been born again the love of God what's the indicator that somebody actually does know God the love of God he that loves not what doesn't know God I don't care how religious they are I don't care if they've got a doctorate of divinity you know listening friends I don't care what kind of ministry or group they're with if you don't love you don't know God hmm why because you can't know God without knowing love and if you got God you got love because God is love everybody say God is love keep reading in this was manifested the love of God toward us because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him we don't see this in different ways as we go but God has proven his love to us beyond any question for people today to question God's love is so disrespectful and actually very ignorant and yet you got all kind of people well you know well if God loves me then one of this and one of that and gonna prove it to me that you care about me he has everybody say he has the love of God has been manifested has been demonstrated he loved you before you ever born before that before you were conceived before you existed now somebody who knows you really knows you and all the dumb stuff and then the evil stuff that you would do and will do and did do and still loves you enough to give his son for you he has proven his love he has demonstrated his love and actually he he continues to show it every day and every night all the time but he's proven it he's demonstrated it's been shown and manifested in him sending Jesus now keep reading verse 10 herein is love not that we love God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation to be the the payment and the substitute for our sins beloved if God so loved us we ought art means it's owed they have the same root word o w/e ode we owe it to other folks to love them now let's just stuff right here do you owe other people to love them hmm a lot of folks may not think so but you remember Romans talks about this you know to pay your debts and don't let any debt remain outstanding but you do have a debt to love one another and you don't get that paid to the point where you don't love anybody anymore you ought to love people we ought to love our brothers and sisters in Christ he specifically refer one another means you fell a believer it's what he's talking about which is the New Testament commandment that Jesus gave us isn't it of all the things he could have commanded us he could have commanded us be good couldn't he of all the things he could have commanded us he commanded us to love each other now that's our brother in Christ to love each other as he has loved us we're commanded to and based on what God has done for us we owe it to each other true or not we owe it to each other we ought to love one another no man has seen God at any time if we love one another God dwells in US and his love is perfected in us even though we've not seen the face of the father sitting on the throne even though we're not in heaven we're here on the earth yet we can experience God here and now in experiencing divine love because God is love and in knowing love we know God keep reading hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us because he's given of his spirit Romans talks about by the Spirit of God the love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts we've seen and do testify that the father sent the son to be the savior of the world whoso shall confessed that Jesus is the Son of God God dwells in him and he in love he and God and we've known and believed the love that God has to us everybody say those two words we've known and believed those are two different things you can know about the love of God without believing it you can hear that God loves you that doesn't mean you believe it there are a lot of folks that don't believe the love of God I've counseled with folks in the past and in marital counseling and some of those other things and and I'm thinking of one couple one time I was talking to him and and he he told his wife he said well I I love you and and she said you're just saying that you know it and and he looked at me in pain he said I do that she said you're just saying that you don't really and he's worth trying to convince her but she wouldn't leave it and you know God is trying to convince the world that he loves us but millions don't believe it and even many Christians they know it they've heard about it but they think because of their mistakes and their failures in their past how could God really love me and it's not real tool and sometimes people say well I wish I could believe it that is not right you could believe it if you would faith is a choice it's a choice if you say well I'm I'm not sure I wonder about it that means you've chosen not to believe it yet it's sin it's a simple choice God says he loves you anybody ever heard that God loves you how many ever heard that God loves you let me see here comes the next part do you believe that it's a simple choice it's got nothing to do with how you feel which begins to get into an issue what is love God is love and because this is such a big part of who God is and what he is it's no surprise that the devil has worked long to confuse the subject of love hmm to twist it to change its meaning to alter people's impression of what love is and so you've got folks you know they they they love their family but they also love pizza and they love football and they love this and they love that and and they love the other and and love is this broad concept that covers so many different ideas and is all that really love what is love help me out Saints what what is love God is love what is love God is love and you know people people think love is a feeling or an emotion people think love is ooey-gooey and so if you start talking about love folks go okay I know it's important but I just don't feel so ego here right now can we talk about something else love is not just doing good love it's not just a feeling love it's not just an emotion tell me about love tell me about love God is love God is love we need mind renewal on what love is because it's really been botched up and messed with in the world are you believing with me for utterance on this light on this if you're experiencing real love you're experiencing God huh if you know real love you know God and a lot of folks know that a lot of what they called love wasn't God hmm say la think about that keep reading verse 16 we have known and believed the love that God has to us toward us for us said out loud I have known and I believe the love God has for me accept it by faith the creator of the universe said out loud the creator of the universe loves me [Music] the creator of the universe loves me not only did I hear about it I believe it I believe it Oh friend there are a few things that'll do you and me more good than to go around saying this and get our mind renewed faith comes by hearing right to the devil he's a sorry cuss he's the accuser of the Brethren and he will accuse you to you and he will say you know yeah yeah God loves you God loves you but what about and how in God knows and how could God really feel any good way about you because people primarily think love is a feeling Belov is not a feeling it can indicate and will affect your feelings but it's not a feeling tell me about love God is love we've known and believed that love that God has to us he says it again god is love and he that dwells our stays or lives in love lives stays in God if you stay in love you stay in God if you live in love you live in God where's the nicest place on earth to live it's not Florida it's not Hawaii come on are you listening where's where's the nicest place on the planet to live it is in the love of God no contest greatest place on earth to live who he that dwells in love dwells in God and God dwells in him herein is our love made perfect fully developed completed that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is well let's stop right here what is he we've already heard it twice he's loved as he is which is love so are we which is love in this world he's loved and so are we somebody said out loud I am loved in this world you and I are God's representatives on the planet people are supposed to see him by seeing us and what is he he's love so when they see that love in us and through us they're not just seeing Joe and Mary and Susie they're seeing him and they come in contact with him and I don't care who you are who you think you are how much of an atheist or agnostic you may imagine yourself to be when you come in to experience your contact with the love of God you know it's what your hearts been aching for your whole life you know it whether you admit it or not is another thing it's up to you but deep calls unto deep and the creature calls to the Creator right and who is the creator none other than love himself who you can't get this anywhere else in any other religion I know they claim to have it but they don't I said they don't they don't they don't Kate Kate there's only one place to get this it is from the Father God it is through faith in Jesus who himself is God manifested in the earth which is what love manifested in the earth you believe it Saints keep reading there is no fear in love how can you tell you're walking in the fullness of this love God is love you walking in the fullness of love you're walking in the fullness of God you're not scared of anything because the biggest one of all is in you and with you you get absolutely fearless you're not afraid of death you're not afraid of any devil or demon you're not afraid of any person why because you've met after you meet him you're hard to impress when you know him you're hard to intimidate reminder what I mean by that when you're experiencing the presence of the Almighty I don't care who tries to scare you or shake you you're like no I've been with him and you don't even compare and long as I'm with him and I'm pleasing him and I'm connected to him I don't have to worry about you now you get outside and and leave your Shepherd and get off on your own will you become easy prey but he that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him and you become fearless keep reading keep reading there is how much how much no fear in love why can you imagine God being afraid the creator of the heavens and the earth what's he scared of huh what bothers him I'm talking about what what intimidates him what shakes him what what is God scared of Saints what what nothing you can't bring up anything he didn't already know about he's already been there he made it or allowed it to be he knows and because there's no fear in him and he is loved there is absolutely no fear in love there's no fear in love perfect love now that doesn't mean that the word perfect doesn't just mean flawless it means complete fully developed fully develop love does what it casts cast is a strong word it throws it out you want to get free from fear get full of the love of God and the law of displacement will occur hmm you ever had milk in a glass sit it in the bottom of the sink turn the tap on and just let the water run what happens what happens for too long there's no milk in there right absolutely no milk wine the water has completely displaced the milk you get the love of God flowing in you according this this perfect word unfailing word you get the love of God flowing in you enough it'll push all the fear out of you all the fish you won't be afraid to live you won't be afraid to die you won't be afraid to drive you don't be afraid to fly you won't be afraid to talk to people don't be afraid to get up talk to people you won't be afraid to go somewhere and help somebody your fears will leave is it possible to live fearlessly without fear he that fears what's wrong he need he needs to develop more in the love of God didn't say needed to get saved said he needs he's not made perfect he's not fully developed in love keep reading we love him why we love him because he first loved us somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord for the love that is God the love that God is go with me to Roman's please we quoted this but I want you to rest your eyes on it you said you're believing with me right for utterance how big a subject is this well it's as big as God because he is love so what parts to emphasize and look at and come out were believing the Lord to to show us and put his finger on for us in Romans the fifth chapter Romans chapter 5 I'm already glad I came tonight did you know there is absolutely nothing love won't fix why love never fails but what else that's like saying there's absolutely nothing God can't fix because he's love that means enough love would heal your body enough love and get your debts paid off enough love would stop you from having headaches anymore enough love would cause your kidneys to work right cause your blood pressure to come down here you stomach not have intestinal problems anymore a lot of things are connected to the fear you quit worrying and fearing all the time you buddy just heals up automatically because the irritation is taken away the pressure and the tension and all that's gone romans five five five five hope makes not ashamed because what the love of God is not going to be he's riding the Christians he's riding the folks of the born-again and he said this love is shed abroad in your in our hearts he's included himself in this by the Holy Ghost Holy Spirit which is given to us said I the love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit say it again the love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit closed eyes everybody said again the love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit people say well I need love God give me more love no he already gave you love it's in you God I need I need you to give me more love no the Bible didn't tell you to pray that way help me Lord I need more love no no so much praying is is ignoring scripture that loves in you you got it when you were born again can anybody relate of an experience in the love of God when you were born again I was a school kid I was that's 10 years old I guess 10 11 I don't know exactly and my dad well actually I better back up just a little bit my my dad and my mom grew up in Christian homes where there were strong believers but after they married they kind of got away from the Lord and well I don't know that my when my dad had ever given his heart to the Lord I know my mom had as a little girl but I don't know that my dad ever had and they they didn't go to church and as little kids we didn't go to church my little brother had a motorcycle accident ran head-on into a truck his head hit the bumper oh man it cracked his skull knocked all his teeth out it broke his jaws and and later only found out it broke his neck and when they got him to the the ER they didn't expect him to live and they they rushed him to a hospital in a bigger city and we found out later they had some gunshot victims and stuff and they tended to them first because they didn't think he'd make it he was that far gone but not only did he survive and live through the night there was a woman that got used to come to us at that time and she told us God would heal him in a way that we hadn't heard before that if we'd pray and ask him to and believed in he would so in our innocence and simplicity we did and the next afternoon I was pushing my little brother down the hall of the hospital he and I were laughing and cutting up I mean had his jaw wired together and everything but they did it years later the chiropractor x-rayed his neck and found that it had been broken they didn't even catch that he said he asked him he said what happened to you here he said what he said when was your neck broken he said I don't know I know my net was ever broken he's at this time he's an adult he showed him x-ray he said you see this right here he said it's a calcium deposit but it's odd he said because most of time they're rough and stuff around the edge he said this is smooth like a welding bead glory to God I reckon if God hadn't healed him like that he'd have probably died from the broken neck or injury you know who knows then moving him and all and didn't know it and didn't catch it I don't don't know how they didn't but anyway God spared him and when we brought him home my grandmother who was always a strong strong Christian she called us up to her house and said she wanted to see us we came my mom my dad me my little brother of course he's still you know all wired up and all this kind of stuff but he's alive and conscious and right this is a miracle and we sat down and she said to us with tears in her eyes she said God has healed our baby she said I told him in praying asked him for his mercy and I told him I would tell y'all and that you would if you if he spared him that I would talk to you and that you would go to church she said did I lie my daddy hung his head he said no ma'am and that Sunday we were in church in a great a great Baptist Church and when the pastor gave the altar call it into the service my daddy got up and he walked down the aisle to the front and I thought so much of my dad didn't still do he's in heaven now then I thought well if he needs to go I need to go too I got up and followed him to the altar and gave my heart to the Lord I knew something amazing happened in me I'm just a kid but the next day it stands in my mind right now it happened then but then the next day it's when I kind of really noticed it at school the people I thought I didn't like I loved them I just looked at him and I used to think you know I don't like him huh so and so and she's mean and and I don't like that teacher and I just looked at everybody and thought Korie - God something was different in me I'm seeing people different it was the love of God shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost it happens to every person that's born again we're supposed to yield to this and let it take preeminence in our life but you can ignore it and squelch it and what's the word quench quench it until it you don't notice it so much anymore but it's still there I said it's there and it's supposed to be having the preeminence it's supposed to rain above our feelings above our desires above our thoughts above selfishness above what we want said another time the love of God is in me it's in me right now it's been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit hallelujah it's the same love that God is I know brother Hagin senior my father in the faith who's also in heaven now he he told this instance that I think really exemplifies some of this he said he was in the church that uh he was ministering at and he was preaching and speaking and he got on the verse in first John that talked about that if if you don't love and if you hate you're a murderer and just at the Lord's leading he said and that includes hating your mother-in-law and after the service he in the pastor and his wife were eating having a meal and she looked at him and she said brother Hagin you got me all confused he said I don't think so he said I think you were confused for I got here and the word just showed it up she said well you said that you know if if somebody hates their brother then how does the love of God dwelling in them they don't know God and he said well what's the problem I didn't say that that's what the scripture said and she said well I hate my mother-in-law and he said he wanted to give her a little more rope to let her get a little further on so he could help her he said well I guess then you're a murderer then and don't have don't don't know God she said I'm a full gospel pastor's wife I speak in tongues I he said yeah but you hate you mother-in-law she said I hate my mother-in-law so well I guess you don't have the love of God and you you're not a child of God well we're in a bad way here aren't we pastor's wife not even saying she was all concerned now he said no look at me look at me he said you don't really hate your mother-in-law she said I think I do she said night he said I want you to look me in the eye and I want you to tell me again that you hates your mother-in-law but while you do I want you to check down in here while you're saying it check your heart she looked across the table said I hate my mother no he said what about it she said something's scratching me in here he said that's the love of God trying to get your attention he just been ignoring it giving it no place in your life he said you don't really hate your mother-in-law and you begin to talk about what to do forget about how you feel now you'll notice we keep coming to this see people think love is a feeling and so if you don't feel good towards somebody you don't love them but love is not a feeling tell me about love God is love and you yield to the love inside you by faith it's an act of faith it's a choice you love by choice you love by faith God loved us well let's just keep reading here I'm getting ahead of myself in verse six when we were without strength in due time Christ died for who did the ungodly were the ungodly loving him no for scarcely for a righteous man or one died yet peradventure for a good man some would eat some would even dare to die but God commendeth other translations say he demonstrated his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us while we were sinners was that giving him warm and fuzzy feelings that were sinners no he loved us because he is loved he loved us because he chose to he loved us because it wasn't dependent on what we were making him feel or not feel this is one of the greatest things we can learn about the love of God it is independent of what you feel what people do what they don't what anybody deserves or what they don't it is completely independent of all that just like God is independent of it said out loud love's not a feeling God's love see why was this pastor's wife saying that you know she hated her mother-in-law because of her feelings things that had happened things that didn't happen hard words had been said no doubt emotions feelings is that the love of God none of that is the love of God and that or the absence of it does not determine whether you can love somebody or not God demonstrated he showed us how to do it by doing it with us hmm come on think about all the people on the planet God so loved the world that includes every blasphemer that includes every evil murderous molesting lying deceiving individual did he love them cuz of the way they made him feel but from what they were doing for him no in spite of it I said in spite of it he just chose to do it and did it and that same love is where is where it's in you it's in me shadow brought in our heart by the Holy Spirit which means we can love that way now you can't love that way if you're not born again you can't get this anywhere else but if you are you can love this way keep reading while we were yet sinners Christ died for us much more than being now justified by his blood will be saved from wrath through him for if when we were enemies we were what we were as enemies can you love your enemy God did we were well your enemies are not making you feel good the enemies hate you the enemies want to hurt you enemies are trying to hurt you they've done things and got plans to do things does that make you feel gooey gooey towards them make you feel warm and fuzzy toward them no no no in fact it'll give you some other feelings that are not so nice and if you got the other kind of feelings people think well I don't love them why because they think love is a feeling they think love is a feeling God is love if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life hallelujah he loved us when we were sinners he loved us while we were still enemies he loved us it's not based on a feeling it's a choice go with me to the Book of Luke please thank you lord where is it that they asked the Lord about the house and shall I forgive what chapter is that I didn't write it down nobody knows that's see well excuse me I didn't write it down hmm what's that 17 for thank you thank you that's right y'all got access up there don't you okay all right thanks guys uh thank you lord verse three seventeen three jesus said take heed to yourselves if your brother trespass against you rebuke him and if he if he repents do what forgiving keep going if he trespass against you seven times in the day and he keeps coming back seven more times in the same day and he said I missed it I'm sorry I called you ugly name again I guess this will be the fourth time I've slapped you today I'm sorry forgive me I talked bad about you again and if he if he repents what do you do what do you do huh you forgive him and notice what they said verse five and the Apostle said to the Lord increase our faith man they've been with him long enough to realize it takes faith to do this and just thinking about this that's a revelation many have not gotten yet we love by faith we forgive by faith somebody say by faith by faith well faith it's not by sight it's not by feeling is it it's a choice and so people that get hung up you know this first time second time third time fourth time fifth time six time the guy comes in I'm sorry I did it again and by this time you may not be feeling so good huh you might think man you ain't trying sixth time today seventh time today you're not trying at all but see if you if you focus on that you'll feel a lot forgiving well I I don't I can't forgive him I'm trying mm-hmm wrong wrong wrong it's got nothing to do with how you feel it's a choice God loved us while we were his enemies it's a choice does God love sin is he okay with it with people that are enemies and blasphemers of God is he is he good with that he's okay hmm no but in spite of all that he decided to love and it's one of the most amazing things you can love somebody and there is not anything they can do about [Laughter] there is no weapon the devil has no weapon that can still of never fails it can't be defeated what you can't if you can defeat that you could defeat God because that's what he is that's who he is there is no weapon successful against God there is nothing that can overcome him people can cuss you and railed at you and do bad things against you and you say I'm loving you quit it No yeah you won't love me after this they do their thing and you go no still do now you don't have to feel like it I said you don't have to feel like it you do it by faith it's a choice it's a choice not a feeling said out loud it's a choice not a feeling you choose to yield to what's already in you it's in you the ability to do this is not something you have to have some spiritual experience and get it's there right now the love to do this with is in you now what we have to do is choose to yield to that instead of what we see and when we hear what we feel our little tempers our little hurt feelings it's a choice every day you'll have to pick you can get mad at them not talk to them and cross them out of your bullet not forgive them and hold it against them and if you do that Love's gonna be like the like the woman said scratching it's going to be you go no don't do that don't do that let let this love out yield to it so brother Hagin said when this woman looked at him and said dad he said so tell me what's going on right right down in here when you said that she see what something's scratching me he said yes the love of God in your heart you don't really hate her and he said this is what I want you to do I want you to go around start tonight and I want you to say I love my mother-in-law she looked at him like he's crazy he said will you do what I'm telling you now she said her her husband's sitting there she said well okay I want you to begin to say I love my mother-in-law don't think about what she's done or hadn't done or the Bible's did the scripture command us to love each other should react on this command he didn't say it was a suggestion he didn't say try to do it he said do it that means that reveals us a choice you ever heard people talk about this girl I'm trying to that's completely wrong thinking the Lord never told us to try to do anything he knew before he told us whether we could do it or not and so just him telling you to do it what does that know what does that reveal to you that means you can't do it he wouldn't have told you to do something you couldn't do when he said love one another just like I have loved you it's a command isn't it the Bible calls it a commandment because it the commandment right so the start of it is a choice and your mouth what she was doing the exact wrong thing saying I hate my mother-in-law when she I mean she's suppressing the love of God she's yielding to her flesh it's only going to get worse and she's rebelling against the commandment she's refusing to do what the Lord told us to do she saw it she said I'll do it she went she began to say it all week they he was with them for two or three weeks I think after that in a meeting and she just kept saying he kept saying it kept saying it and for the meeting was over which you went weeks they invited she invited her over to the house they had a meal together and had some conversations and and she told brother Hagin she said you know she's not so bad I don't know why we let this get so far out of hand well I do you do yield into the flesh instead of yielding to the love you talk about how mad you are if you talk about how sorry they are if you talk about what they did to you and how they hurt you it's just gonna get worse and worse and worse the Lord showed me something years ago with a little child I'm visiting some peoples Phyllis and are visiting some folks they had some little kids that had a little girl I don't know how old she was man she about that tall pretty little thing she coming running in to see me and she said look look and she put her knee right up in my face and she had scraped it and skinned it and she grabs it and it started to heal a little bit and she just pulls it wide open and she went off when she did and she's showing me she wants me to see how bad it is and how deep it is she said see see and I wanted to go oh baby don't do that don't you just you just messed up the healing that had happened the last few days or whatever and the Lord quickened me he said that's what my people are doing they won't let things heal they won't let me heal it when you keep talking about your hurts and your anger we use the terminology reopening wounds don't we and a lot of our psychology and psychotherapy is based in going back and tearing the scabs off things do need to be dealt with but not like that the more you talk about them you're bringing up old feelings bringing up old memories and wounds you're just reopening the wound and how many know that if you keep reopening that wound it's not going to heal in fact it can get infected and get all kind of bad stuff people talk about how they were hurt when they were young and there have been some terrible things that have been perpetrated on children and youth and what-have-you but as a child of God you're not supposed to still be carrying those wounds thirty years later forty years later you're with me Saints what would you think about somebody that told you about a bike accident that they had and they open up their elbow and everything and and you say really and and you say oh man look yeah look how bad it is and when did that happen 1975 and it still like people talk about how they were hurt when they were young and there have been some terrible things that have been perpetrated on children and youth and what-have-you but as a child of God you're not we believe it can raise the dead if he could do that why couldn't he heal a heart why couldn't he heal a soul why couldn't he well he can for him it's easy I don't care how your heart was ripped up I don't care how bad it was it's not too bad for God he made you he can reach inside you and heal you like it never happened do you believe it says but you'll never heal talking about it and hashing it and rehashing it and pulling the wound open and showing it to people at some point you got to let that thing close and you got to ask God to pour in the oil and wine come on are you listening and not reopen it what does that mean quit talking about it stop talking about it stop thinking about it you've got to quit reliving it and sometimes even even your people and friends will try to hinder you in it they'll come and try to bring it up and try to talk to you about it and that's when you got to say no no the Lord the Lord's healed me he's healing me and I'm not gonna talk about that why cuz you don't want to pull it open again you'll never get healed that way close it up forgive them I don't care if they acted means the devil himself for your sake forgiven it's got nothing to do with how you feel towards them it's a decision it's a choice it's a choice you'd have to feel anything towards them just choose by faith to obey the Lord do you believe God is big enough that he could do something inside a person that no matter how how terribly they had been hurt and wounded that he could absolutely make you every whit hold do you believe it no I've seen him do it I've seen him do it from some of the most awful situations people come out and live completely free and you would never know they had been through the past they had been through because there's no trace of it on them there's no smell of smoke on their hair how many though just cuz you've been through the fiery furnace doesn't mean you have to smell like a cigarette but the rest of your life you could have gone through the very fire the pit itself and have absolutely no singes no burns not even any smell by the power gone do you believe it Saints but you have to choose to forgive then the Bible said if you won't forgive he won't forgive you very serious it's a choice and that's as much for our benefit as it is the people being forgiven sometimes more and you have to let him heal you we're talking about bringing it up quit thinking about quit reopening it yet and it better to be healed would you rather be a victim our victorious huh you're the somebody feel sorry for you are you being an example of faith and strength and overcoming power and whatever they've gone through help them to get through it now I know even though you say some of these some people say well you know what I went through well you can hold on to them and you can be a warped bitter person thirty years from now but it wouldn't because God couldn't hear you I said he wouldn't because God couldn't fix you because you had more faith in the hurt than in the healer more faith in the tragedy than in the triumph of Christ no if you'll forgive seal it up let God sew it up he lit up in a passage of time it can get to the V like it's happened to somebody else long time ago it's relative to you unimportant they're forgiving and you're healed what else is there to talk about I'm not living back there I'm having victories today I'm being of service to God now and nothing's holding me back nothing is warping my personality nothing is keeping and keeping my relationships from being what they should be nothing is you know causing me to be less of a person we're not ignorant of Satan's devices we're not going to let him hold us down we're not gonna let him hold us back the past can be the past it can be gone and forgotten we can't we do what the Bible says forgetting those things that are behind and pressing toward the mark ha no more sad sack no more sad story huh no more poor little me no more victim no more victim now I know even though you say some of these some people say well you don't know what I went through well you can hold on to it and you can be a warped bitter person thirty years from now but it wouldn't because God couldn't hear you I said he wouldn't because God couldn't fix you because you had more faith in the hurt than in the healer more faith in the tragedy than in the triumphant Christ know if you'll forgive seal it up let God show it up he lit up in a passage of time it can get to the be like it's happen to somebody else long time ago it's relative to you unimportant they're forgiven and you're healed what else is there to talk about I'm not living back there I'm having victories today I'm being of service to God now and nothing's holding me back nothing is warping my personality nothing is keeping and keeping my relationships from being what they should be nothing is you know causing me to be less of a person we're not ignorant of Satan's devices we're not gonna let him hold us down we're not gonna let him hold us back the past can be the past it can be gone and forgotten we do can't we do what the Bible says forgetting those things that are behind and pressing toward the mark haha no more sad sack no more sad story huh no more poor little me no more victim no more victim the strength victory healing full restoration go II to God rise enough to be the full person that you're meant to be and even though the devil meant to warp in and hold you back and keep you scared and hold you out it did not work it didn't work in spite of all the bad stuff that happened you turned out to be a Earthshaker for God anyway well somebody stand up and give God some praise lift up your hands and say thank you lord
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 30,133
Rating: 4.8005247 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, What, Love, Does, Pt, 1, Love, By, Faith
Id: Qyd0UUAAHao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 19sec (3859 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2013
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