Guest Speaker: Keith Moore | September 8, 2021

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hallelujah everybody happy christians are supposed to be happy you knew that right one of the worst witnesses is a grumpy sad believer contradiction of terminology the scripture said the lord was anointed with the oil of gladness above his brethren he was full of joy the joy of the lord is our strength so let me look at you again how many how many happy in here let me see okay hallelujah it is a joy to uh to be with you we hold your your pastors your leaders and their family and this work in in high esteem in high regard how many would acknowledge the lord has answered a lot of prayers for you guys and has sustained you helped you kept you there's a lot of churches closed their doors the last especially the last couple of years and the lord's so merciful and so gracious isn't it to keep us and um in in seeking the lord about what my part would be to share and minister there's no way any of us ministers could get it right for everybody you don't know everybody's life you don't know what's going on but the holy spirit can do it he can do it he he can minister to everybody at the same time individually together and yet separately it's amazing what he can do somebody say he can do it he he can do it and so believe with me i know we've we prayed before we got here and we've prayed since we've been here but let's agree together that you will hear from him that was how about folks in the back we go you're going to hear from him and and how many think one word from him can absolutely fix things can change things now now you know what the answer is now you know what to stop doing what to start doing what to change uh the enemy he's able to flourish and steal kill and destroy in darkness in in ignorance in the absence of light but oh when the light comes faith rises up and if you'll step out and obey the lord great things happen father all of us agree together as touching this and asking for utterance and anointing the manifestations of the holy spirit and anointing to heal to deliver to enlightened to reveal to lead and guide we ask for it in jesus name and we thank you for it hallelujah somebody say amen that means so be it so be it to me so be it to the people round about us the scripture said in psalm i believe psalm 107 20 said he sent his word and healed them say that out loud he sent his word and healed them and goes on to say and delivered them from all their destructions i know pastor talked about healing school years ago and i was reminded of one of the first couple of times the lord helped me to understand how these things work thank god for laying on of hands thank god for anointing with all prayer of agreement uh but there's more than one way to to be healed by the power of god and one way is just the word healing you without being prayed for or touched or any not that those things are wrong obviously they're right but there's just more than one way did you hear that phrase he sent his word and and you can say it like this and it healed them the word healed them i know oh man this must have been 30 some years ago i was ministering at this healing school by the kenneth hagin's ministry that pastor was talking about and this was a small group in the morning and we were probably i don't know 25 30 people and it was only people there that had physical problems their self and so i had already begun speaking and teaching and in from the back door i saw it open and some my ushers were hauling in a young man and you could tell he was very very sick he was yellow jaundice and thin skeletal thin and they were basically carrying him in i now i found out later i didn't know this but i found out that uh he had last stages of cancer and that he had been given up to die and was just on pain meds and he had been unable to eat anything because of the cancer for months they had been feeding him liquids and and intravenously and and i didn't know all that i found that out later but he couldn't he it affected his lungs and he couldn't breathe without great difficulty you could hear him breathing all over the room i mean he would finally get a breath and it was very distracting but that's what this place is for this is healing school right and so he sat down he and his i found out later it was a young woman i found out later was his wife they sat down on almost the back row and he couldn't even raise up by himself he was sitting in the chair but he was folded over completely with his chest almost on his legs he couldn't even look up at me and he's struggling to breathe he kept hearing him and you know you wouldn't have been surprised if he was not able to get that next breath he looked like he was dying and i guess he was for all practical purposes and so i was ministering that day on proverbs 4 20 through 22 god's word is medicine it's it's medicine it's life and it's medicine to those who find it and we were talking about the healing life giving properties of the spoken word of god how many believe what jesus said the words i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life can can the lord speak life into something into someone all of his words in our in the great bible are inspired god breathed there's life and there's light and there's restoration and healing power in these words so i'm talking about that i'm teaching about i mean i wasn't preaching real fast and loud and there was no music playing it was you know a small class in the morning and kept talking about the life that is in this word and how he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions and destruction and about 20 minutes in i see him looking at me over the top of the seat and his breathing is not as raggedy and loud you can still hear him breathing but only just and this has only been 20 30 minutes and by the end of the service he's sitting straight up in the chair you can't hear him breathing at all he's got this big smile on his face he's rubbing his chest one of the most amazing things i've seen you know i've seen a lot of healings but you know this radical this fast how could you miss this and so as soon as the class was over i made a beeline back there i i know something has happened back here in the back i get to the back and his wife is holding onto his arm and crying i'm thinking oh what's wrong and then i realized it's happy cry happy tears because he's saying i'm hungry and she just broke out crying because he hadn't been able to eat for months i'm hungry and then he said i feel it all over me i feel it all over me it's just tingling and going all over me hallelujah he walked out of there on his own power and him and her went across the road to the restaurant and ate a big meal hallelujah and nobody touched him nobody prayed for him nobody laid hands on him the word did it i said the word did it the word did it hallelujah that's a lot different from coming to a boring church service and watching your watch i hope the preacher don't go too long well if life is coming into you and healing you from a terminal disease i reckon you got time for that wouldn't you i mean got time for that but it comes back to what you are expecting if you expect to be bored it's probably what you have but you can expect more of god i said you can expect more because he has a lot more for believers and these signs will follow not scoffers and doubters but they follow believers believers a while after that i was the lord prompted me before the service on thursdays we had laying on of hands and the lord prompted me this week don't do it this way have a miracle service go to miracle service yeah announce it that we're going to have miracles really announce it it's a miracle service well what do you have in miracle service you have miracles we're going to have and see here here's the thing you run up against and it's tradition and unbelief and the thought will come well uh how do you know you're gonna have miracles i mean everybody liked abs miracles i mean how do you know well here's the thing is it god's will or not is it or not are we waiting on him for him to decide at some point in the unknown future that he wants to have a miracle service see that's that's wrong thinking he's never changed jesus used to have a miracle service every time he ministered did he or not did he or not i mean everywhere he went people got healed people got delivered it is his will somebody say it is his will healing is his will miracles are his will even signs and wonders always have been his will always will be his will but did you know that in his own hometown in mark 6 5 and 6 he couldn't do any mighty works because they didn't accept his ministry they didn't believe any they didn't believe in that he said he was anointed they didn't believe it they scoffed and mocked so it matters who believes and who doesn't who believes the word and who doesn't so the lord prompted me that it's always his will to minister healing and deliverance to his people always and whatever type of miracle it takes to get the job done he's well able to do it you'll hear sometimes people say well man that'd take a miracle we believe in miracles right and we have miracles well somebody needs to say it we have we get miracles we have miracles in this church we have miracles in my family we have miracles in our lives we have them we get them it's the will of god and so the lord prompted me about what to do we talked about the power of god we talked about his will and these things and at the end we had everybody stand up and i i was prompted led by the lord i believe to go this direction i said now you know a lot of you have prayed a bunch about your own needs and these kind of things but the scripture said one way that people are healed job was healed when he prayed for his friends anybody remember that job prayed for his friends and he got healed well that's also sowing and reaping right helping somebody else and then you reaping the same kind of thing and i said i want you to release faith we're going to believe god to work miracles in our midst and you are not just going to think about yourself you're going to believe for the person in front of you or behind you or beside you right and we're going to ask and we're going to release faith for that and then once when when we say amen thank you lord we are going to actively begin expecting things to happen in our midst right now because it is the will of god it is the will of god and so we did that we did it and i'm telling you man you could sense the anticipation you could sense the expectation and so we did that and we and we just kept going for several minutes and and and i don't know the service probably went a half hour longer than it normally did and uh and we had testimonies at the end lots of testimonies lots of testimonies i mean people that couldn't raise their arms could raise their hand arms ears that couldn't hear could now hear i mean outstanding things i mean all over the place well the next day i found this out uh that there was a man there that his wife these are his words that she had nagged him until he finally came to one of the services and she was a supporter of brother kenneth hagin's ministry he was he wasn't didn't even go to church and so she was always trying to get him to take her out to tulsa oklahoma and to the ministry there and she wanted to attend some services no he didn't have time for that and the years went by and so finally she you know the lord's got smarts and wisdom he he gave her some apparently about this you said you know there's some nice lakes up in there in that area not too far away and i hear they got some good bass fishing and good he said well no that's a different thing there you know and so he agreed that he would go with her take her up there but he's not going to services he's going fishing and so after they got there she says well just go to one service with me one service and he didn't want to but finally he he gave in and he was at our miracle service [Laughter] that's the one he wound up at and it made him angry when he left he said i thought that preacher would never shut up he said he's talking about me i said don't ask me ever again to go to something like that i'm telling you i'm not forget it and they went out in the car and he's starting the car and he's fussing and he's cussing and he reached up to rub his neck because he had had a big bump on there for years and he couldn't find it [Laughter] it had gotten half as big as his fist because he wouldn't go to the doctor and it was and and he said he said huh huh put your hand up there put you so she put her hand she said oh glory to god glory to god he said oh and he got the rear view mirror and he cranked it around and a miracle a miracle and another miracle is he was back in service there the next day hallelujah somebody say hallelujah hallelujah he's the god of miracles he's the god of miracles stand on your feet everybody if he did it then he'll do it now if he did it there he'll do it here do you believe it or not i said do you believe it or not there are people in the room that have needs they have things that need to be fixed and need to be changed in their body some in their emotions either way there are things you can't do and things that no human being can do for you if it's just up to you or them it can't be fixed but not with god i said not with god with him it's possible i said it's possible for you to be free from that faster than you can blink your eyes who else pleased with me on this that that god is still doing miracles today he's still doing healings he's still working wonders and said out loud nothing nothing it's too hard for the lord nothing is too difficult for him nothing all things are possible with my good god now i want us to do the same thing right now i don't want you the next few minutes praying for yourself huh that may be a change for you but i want you it's it's easier in some ways to believe for something when you're not dealing with the symptoms huh so i want us to release faith and i want you to be believing just by faith for somebody behind you or you don't have to pick anybody out you're just you just know there are people who need some things and you when we say amen to this prayer you are going to release your faith you are going to be fully expecting that power manifests that the spirit of god manifests in people's bodies behind you in front of you to the side are people watching online there's no distance or time uh limitations with god's spirit are y'all with me now listen once we once we start doing this don't be too quick to want to quit and sit down you need to stay hooked for a few minutes what i mean by that you just are actively expecting you're expecting things to happen in people's bodies in front of me and behind me is it god's will or not is it god's will jesus paid a high price didn't he so we could be forgiven and delivered and healed didn't he he paid a high price you know it's his will for us to have it and you know he has the power to make it come to pass and sometimes uh in a service like this numerous times since then sometimes the lord will show me some things that he's doing now that that doesn't mean he shows me everything he's doing but sometimes there are some things i may call them out and if i don't call anything out that's fine too and if i don't call out what was going wrong with that situation doesn't mean it didn't happen he didn't show me everything just some things in situations like this so quit looking around and focus on him completely and let me lead you in a prayer and then we're going to pray in the spirit for a few minutes but we are going when we say amen to this we are going to be actively expecting the spirit of god to manifest miraculous things right here right now in our midst [Music] it out loud after me father god we believe in you we trust in you and in the lord jesus we know it's your will for us to be healed and delivered and restored and made right and you have the power to make it happen and so we we ask you right here right now for our brothers and sisters those behind us those in front of us those to the side those online you know what they need you know what's going on with them and we're asking you to work miracles in their bodies in their minds in their beings in their lives we're asking you lord work miracles in our midst we believe we receive it we thank you for it now in jesus name amen now start praising in the spirit praising god in the spirit and expecting expecting panda at my meet my ate my oh my bye i buy stomach problems are being healed just keep praying and praising god stomach problems are being healed right now [Applause] [Music] don't know don't know don't know deny anybody decote anybody with stomach problems put your hand on your stomach and receive it right now covia asha curl stomachs be healed intestines be healed every growth every thing that should not be there be removed in jesus name every inflammation every infection stop being leave be healed up healthy whole and strong in jesus name oh call me keep expecting keep expecting for people around you yes kidneys are being healed kidneys if that's you put a hand on your back somewhere ah abedici dead dead tissue be made alive organs be quickened in the name of jesus kidneys come alive and be cleansed and work normally and work fully oh we are stole we are stoked a pie bindi bali flomenco and kyle juno yes yes mindy bala profamol profamol profamol brendi balak soda mindy basha pasha viti kosa brenda healing power is working in hands and feet where there's been arthritis where there's been inflammation and swelling and crippling effects be loosed in the name of jesus fingers knuckles hands bones sockets be loosed in the name of jesus inflammation subside corey pia cada kore pidakara propa brema if that's you put your hands on your own hands and believe you receive it right now in the name of jesus the healing power of god the anointing power of god moy [Music] [Applause] oh keep expecting things are happening just keep on expecting and thanking god and prada beno and darmalisa and no pastuccio and ver mangika and myande buchtman mia growth and tumors and cysts are being removed they're being dissolved every growth every tumor every cyst everything that ought not be in these bodies we command them die dry up be removed in the name of the head of the church jesus be removed be removed be removed be removed be removed be removed be removed yes yes yes there's there's healing anointing here for hips and knees and problems in the that hinder walking problems that hinder walking koi nia if that's you put your hands on your your hips or your legs or your knees somewhere and receive it right now in the name of the head of the church be reported hip sockets be restored and be renewed knee sockets ankle sockets be renewed be renewed be restored be made sound again be made whole again and function normally and then pali blite full range of motion without pain in jesus name full range of motion without pain in jesus name that goes for your arms too your shoulders your elbows your wrists and if that you begin to move your leg if something hasn't been right begin to move your leg or your knee as an act of faith believing you're receiving that healing anointing power and you're not just believing for yourself you're believing for people behind you and in front of you and besides you but when something is called out you respond to it too oh say waikai bill i say say what god say waka say why god yes yes healing is here for headaches headaches caused by a number of different things but if that you put your hand on your head and receive it right now nothing's too hard for the lord if it takes fixing part of your brain that's not too hard for him heads be healed brains be healed brains be healed in jesus name anything that's not right there anything that's been damaged be corrected be made right be healed in the name of jesus oh wash day wash day wash day praise god with a with a voice praise god with a in other tongues praise god in a known tongue koeli ko wei li ah yemanjendo bavilo ko villa mae keep expecting keep expecting people behind you people in front of you people to the side people online thank you lord for hearing our prayer manifest healing and miracle working power in people's homes where they're watching right now in their kitchens in their dens in their offices in their bedrooms cabia jitter fire bona costa boom barrel crook so yes yes yes oh my oh my the power of the lord is here to heal birth defects birth defects and the child or the person doesn't have to be in the room we're believing god for miracles to manifest wherever they are right now oh lord let your power manifest in that child's uh crib in that child's chair in that child's bed where that young person is sitting [Applause] miso bamiro brink something needs to be made or created we're asking you to do it we're asking you to do it work a miracle in their heads in their bodies we send ministering spirits into those rooms into those places to work on them and to work a miracle go ministering spirits hey balay no hey baleno hey balay no bayabaya ninta we're asking you lord put in body parts recreate body parts my wachino my uh-huh yes yes yes oh yes yes nothing's too hard for the lord oh aka waka [Applause] god is healing hearts hearts god is healing hearts he's healing hearts if that's you put your hand put your hand on you near your heart god is healing valves he's healing arteries kewachena he's healing muscle and tissue yeah tissue come alive dead tissue come alive and start working in jesus name damaged tissue scarred tissue be restored by bracer by bracer be restored in the name of jesus and pump normally and flow fully and normally muscle becomes strong again muscle becomes strong again all the parts all the valves all the tissue menta kofa bin wan a full flow and a normal flow way but you know covalent covalent and be limited no more be restricted no more and everything that had been restricting it i command you to go and leave in the name in the name the wonderful glorious name of the head of the church jesus i wake up and many other things many other things that i'm not calling out many other things naiwa chill day when they chill yeah if that's you if you've had ear problems put your finger in your ear and receive it right now ears be opened be restored hearing be restored be healed in the name of jesus okay what you don't have to be restricted your dormitory follow company you generify fire dharma you don't have to die young you don't have to die young oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you father in our midst i don't know all the details i don't have to know but my parts to believe and i'm expecting hallelujah what we need to do right now what we need to do right now is give glory to god hallelujah hallelujah we need to do it specifically specifically i want you to check yourself and if something has already changed i want you to raise your hand if something has already changed in your body and you know it you can tell it i want you to rise okay hands hands hands now you know don't try to make something up but if you can tell i mean i mean if it was hurting and it's not hurting you can tell that right if it wasn't working and now it's working you can tell that right so so check it and if that was you uh and you've uh raised your hand or should have raised your hand i want you to remain standing and everybody else can be seated for a moment and but you're going to keep doing what keep expecting keep expecting those of you standing i want you to come up to the front hallelujah come on up to the front and just stand here and face this way [Music] hallelujah thank you lord just stand along the front [Applause] now you got to watch about changing gears what are you doing what are you what are you doing you're continuing to expect for things in the house and things outside the house things online things are happening in people's homes hallelujah do you believe it or not do you believe it or not and and and real um you know everybody can't preach you know or we it would take weeks you know but i want to come by one by one and i just want to hold up the mic to you and i want you to just tell us i had this and now i don't or just real quick what what happened on this and we want to give god the glory do you remember when the ten lepers were healed in the scripture and only one of them came back and the lord said hey where's the rest of them right where's where's the other night does it matter that we tell it when god does something for us it it matters so much uh for one thing we need to acknowledge this didn't just happen god did it very important very important well we don't know the stars aligned and i just got lucky no no come on now huh it wasn't right and then we prayed and god moved and now it's right that's not confusing come on somebody say the lord did it the lord the lord did it he did it he gets the glory so so tell us sister what it was what it was my left knee um has been hurting now for about six months or so yeah really bad and it's kind of getting worse and worse and worse and tonight i feel it's all loose it feels good it feels really good hallelujah hallelujah it's good to feel good it's good to feel good it's good to feel good praise god who did it for you come on help me god did it for me god did it for you um the lord's healing joints tonight the back of my legs were really bothering me lower back and your lower back feels better i'm feeling good can you move around so yes i can yeah hallelujah hallelujah yeah that was that was one of the things the lord showed me we could call it mobility miracle right something that was hindering you from moving the way you needed to one reason i'm talking about it is because it's still going on i said it's still going on it's still going on i said it's still going on if you've had anything that's hindered you from moving in a normal way something that's restricted and restricted you and limited you said out loud i receive healing power so i can move without restriction and without pain and you're still expecting is that right you're still expected yes my left foot was severely sprained in march and it was much better this evening same kind of thing perceived as healing you can move it yes all right hallelujah healed heal what i had a small stroke a couple weeks ago yeah and at my heart rate has not been below three digits since then and it is at 45 and i walked up here without use of my cane hallelujah hallelujah this this is a miracle [Music] this is not progressing over a period of months yeah but i'm talking about how long it would take you to recover and get back this has happened in a couple of moments here hallelujah somebody give glory to god lift up your hands oh father we praise you thank you thank you thank you and your your words are i'm healed i'm healed in jesus name i'm healed by the power of the lord this does not have to restrict you it doesn't have to cut your life short with long life he'll satisfy you and show you his salvation you can get so old the old people call you old i'm looking forward to it all right all right all right hello hey i've had a stiffness in my shoulder months and months and as we're praying it's gone can you move that that shirt way hallelujah the lord did it the lord did it i had a terrible head i i had a terrible headache coming in yeah no i don't and i struggle with that for a while it's better now hey hallelujah good good hi my left foot was um fractured last year and i've been going to the doctor and he told me i had 20 days before he would either have to have surgery and no so tonight that's what i was specifically praying for and now i can do that all right you couldn't do that before no that's mobility that's mobility god's doing mobility miracle can you see that god's doing mobility miracles now somebody in the crowd or at home have still you've still had issues with your hands and your knuckles uh like with arthritis and that kind of thing do not miss this opportunity god's moving right now in this area and so if that's you you need to start moving your hand i said you need to start moving your hand i know i talked about healing school earlier and there was another day just i mean it was no big fanfare no fast music i wasn't preaching loud and i just talked about mark 11 23-24 believe you receive them whatever you desire when you pray and you shall have them and we started talking about that word believe you receive means same word translated take believe you take it just like somebody's offering you something and you reach out and take it and so there was a woman sitting about three rows back she raised her hand and like i said a little small class i said yes she said i just believe i take it i said yes he said okay and i went back to preaching at the end of the service she comes up and says look and she's taking some notes i'm like okay you took some notes she said look i said okay she said you don't understand for i think two years i've been totally paralyzed on this side of my body i could [Music] [Applause] she took all those notes with that oh hallelujah and all she did is say you just believe you take it i said yeah that's what he said she said okay somebody say okay okay so watching at home listening to this even later that's what you want to do you just say i believe i take it i believe i receive it i believe i take it into me any kind of mobility thing something that's hindered you or restricted or made it painful to move god is healing tonight miracles are in our midst do you believe it some of you stopped expecting i want you to start expecting again turn you expect reach up and go okay i'm expecting again hallelujah who's next i am 15 weeks pregnant and i've been nauseous since i found out i was pregnant and i have not been nauseous or sick today so that's amazing no knowledge no nausea hey that's good it's amazing i can sit next to someone and not feel nauseous so that's great yeah nice nice forever yeah it is [Laughter] can this last tonight and tomorrow ever and the next day absolutely so be it absolutely in jesus name in jesus name and a safe delivery absolutely hallelujah and a healthy child baby girl and whole baby girl amen in jesus name yeah rotator cuff i actually felt it like tingling and now it hurts something was going on yeah inside there okay okay and you can move it hey hey rotator cuff problems you don't you don't do that thank you lord amen thank you lord i have some hearing loss in my left side and uh i can hear now you can hear that i can hear hallelujah amen praise god please put stop put your hand over finger in that ear and let's just check you a little bit so can you hear this yeah amen yeah can you hear that yes all right hallelujah hallelujah what what did you say i had a shooting pain from a back down to my foot um and it doesn't hurt it's shooting pain yeah it's not there now no man it feels good not to hurt yeah it does praise god hallelujah let's lift our hands and thank the lord the bible said he took our pains did he say that jesus took our sins he also took our pains the bible said and so if he'd do it for this sister he'll do it for you he'll do it if you're watching at home he'll do it for you in this section or this section if there's something hurting right now put your hand on it come on we're still expecting put your hand on it in the name of jesus whatever's causing that pain we speak to it to stop and to be changed and be altered and be adjusted and whatever is causing it that's wrong be removed in jesus name hallelujah somebody say i receive it i receive it i take it in jesus name thank you lord yes yes brother tell me right kidney you had some discomfort yeah and of course as we were given glory i don't feel any discomfort hallelujah feels normal so something something's going on in there yeah doctor said that i had a small cluster of kidney stones okay which i've spoken against yeah and but i had some discomfort coming in yeah and while i was worshiping i don't feel any discomfort hallelujah hallelujah whatever needs to be changed inside the anything that ought not be there be evaporate call it with jenna disintegrate and evaporate kawhila in jesus name hallelujah somebody say glory to god tell a sister what so i had stomach pains for many months yeah and so it became to a point where i got used to those pains like it feels normal and so i came in with the pain today and the pain is gone so it's been every day for a while but it's not there now no who did it who did it church come on help me out huh it was it wasn't luck it wasn't an accident it wasn't the alignment of the stars unless god aligned the stars but god god did it somebody say lord we give you the glory we give you the glory we give you all the praise we give you all the thanks you know whatever you confess the lord to be to you that's what he is to you jesus took the sins of the whole world did he or not but not all the world is saved why because what he has done and given you have to receive he won't force you to receive it and so in order to be born again you and i have done it and everybody that's been born again you believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth jesus is my lord i receive jesus as the lord of my life you also need to receive him as your healer he will be to you what you confess him to be whether it's savior or more say it out loud jesus you are my healer my deliverer and my provider and my protector thank you lord for keeping me oh hallelujah you have a savior and you have a healer too hallelujah say it again jesus you are my healer you are the lord who heals me you know the psalmist said bless the lord o my soul forget not all his benefits and the first two he mentioned he forgives all my iniquities and the next one was he heals all my diseases same verse same verse say it out loud he forgives all my sins and he heals all my diseases every problem hallelujah praise god i'm happy sister what what happened for you i didn't know why i came here on the jewish new year social network yeah my heart still has a warm heat inside and that was my main concern was to live to just for heartbeat the next day and you call them numerous things like like arthritis you call for kidney you call for lumps so i don't know why the heat is here is it from the lumps or from the heart healing but i think i'm healed with all of it i will start the jewish new year right hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that frequently frequently frequently that's how the power healing power is manifested in heat i mean it's often it's often so that's what's going on healing is going on inside you hallelujah hallelujah yes and it is the master yes tell us i had a shooting pain down my um pinky finger that's gone and i was scheduled for shoulder replacement surgery august 30th which got put off due to coven yeah and it's there's nothing wrong with that now oh praise god praise god thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord pastor what what what is it bad headaches for over a month yeah gone go go go hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh he the lord's still healing this don't you know like like we heard earlier you know things can go on for days and days and days and you just you learn to tolerate it you learn to try to deal with it but you don't have to i said you don't have to and so if you're watching online and there there are headaches uh receive it right now just put your hand on your head it's still happening is everybody still expecting or not come on instead still expecting just put your hand right on your head and in the name of jesus somebody say i receive it i receive total healing i receive complete healing in my head in my brain in my neck nervous system be healed anything that's been impeding nerve energy flow be removed be corrected yes we'd call it something pinched a pinched nerve is what we might call it but now in the name of jesus become unpinched become loosened in the name of jesus and let the life flow flow up and down the spine flow through all the vertebra flow through the brain and the synapses fire correctly and the pressure come off in jesus name pressure be relieved and and released in the name of jesus hallelujah somebody say i receive i receive i receive it in the name of jesus in the name of jesus yes brother tell me what what happened i've had um uh vertigo for about a year and a half and i can actually see you have whiskers glory to god vertigo is a debilitating thing and and it's a hindrance to a lot of things including your mobility and getting around god is our healer somebody say the lord is my healer he's my healer hallelujah and no more of that from the top of your head to the souls of your feet be released and loosed from every cause of that and be made whole and complete in jesus name somebody say i receive it i receive it i receive it and there's a whole host of other things said out loud from the top of my head to the soles of my feet everything in between i receive healing from the great healer the lord who heals me i receive it now i take it now in jesus name oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord healing is still working powerfully in uh in people's stomachs and digestive tracts and just all the way from your your mouth and throat your esophagus everything down to your stomach and your your small and large intestines and colon i mean everything every bit of that is is being affected and touched by this and if you've had problems and gotten used to being restricted restricted restricted get ready to be free put your hands on your belly and put your hands on your outfit your throat whatever and say i receive it in jesus name i receive healing throughout my digestive system hallelujah any and every blockage i speak to be removed in jesus name and there are there are adhesions places where things are scar tissue in some cases and places where things have adhered together and stuck together and they've caused problems problems narrowness or even blockages i say in the name of jesus be opened be reopened be restored in jesus name blockages be removed adhesions come unstuck and open up and scar tissue be healed in the name of jesus somebody say i receive i receive i receive i receive it i receive it there are people online receiving this too hallelujah you need to let us know i know you can't we can't hear from all of you tonight but but write in to the to the church here right or our email or text whatever you do and to the ministry because it's not just for our sake like the nine that didn't return that wasn't good why it's not good for them it doesn't bode well for them holding on to and keeping their healing because if you don't acknowledge who gave it to you you stand to lose it come on can you see that or not keep it everybody say it's the lord god who has healed me in the name of his son jesus is my healer hallelujah and we're we're not embarrassed who knows it and we're ready to tell anybody and everybody that it didn't just happen it wasn't just an accident it wasn't just an unknowable mystery the lord did it the lord did it he did it he did it and he gets the glory he gets all the glory all not you not me all the glory he gets all somebody say he gets all the glory all all the credit all the glory all the praise all of it all of it hallelujah tell me brother all right um had a dislocated knee cap and inflamed tendons yeah my right leg for about a year yeah and it was not actually it was after we prayed after the knee yeah um when we started praying for the kids yeah and when i started pouring in actually i felt strength and knees immediately go back to my hallelujah so your knee feels different now yeah glory to god feels great oh somebody say praise god a good strong knee is a wonderful thing it's a valuable thing hallelujah our body parts are not supposed to wear out prematurely they're supposed to last us and serve us for a full duration of life and even if we have damaged them ourself if uh are we we were really stupid and damaged our liver with a bunch of alcohol before we got saved or whenever or we we did drugs and messed up a organ or a this or that the enemy will say well you know you sowed it and you messed up you no that's what mercy's for i said that's what mercy is for that even though you maybe you're the one that did it you can still get healed and restored and and your body serve you well your entire life somebody said out loud my body will serve me well and function well my whole life law hallelujah it'll serve me well praise god amen brother what else is tell me i've had pain in my shoulder for a few years and during prayer a while ago i just felt this warmth so i believe i got healed there's the warmth again yes hallelujah and what you'll see in many cases i've seen is that that heat or that warmth it'll stay there all night it'll stay there in the morning you'll wake up and it'll still be there and it's the anointing working in you hallelujah you know uh god put healing in every human body he put a measure of it elsewise when you scraped your knee it that it'd stay like that so anybody that says they don't believe in healing power is being dishonest have you ever cut yourself scraped yourself did it heal then you believe in healing or that's why something's wrong with you and the creator put that in there and it's an amazing thing it's amazing how the white blood cells rush over to something and how the the the blood and and the brain and the nerve energy focuses life and oxygens and puts extra into that area and causes healing to begin i mean new cells it's it's miraculous it's a mate we're used to it but it's amazing it's miraculous and here's the thing where that healing came from there's more i said there's more where that came from and that's why sometimes you'll feel heat i've seen situations where something was so hot people didn't hardly know what to do they couldn't be still they were like ah and it was creating a new body part and so the normal healing that's in the body it'll heal up over a period of days weeks months but god can increase that healing working by twofold fivefold a hundredfold he can ra he can increase it a thousand times and that's when you see things happen in a moment it's the same healing that's been in our body just a lot more of it same thing somebody say thank you lord for healing me tell me sister what i've had a shoulder issue and i've had shots that didn't help last week i tried to swim and i couldn't swim with this arm at all yeah so i just swam one-handed yeah and i raised both hands today because i believed but i didn't i didn't it hurt to raise both hands but it wasn't until a friend put her hand on my shoulder that i realized there's no pain at all at all hallelujah and then there's that principle of somebody praying for their friend too right glory to god hallelujah well you need you need to go swimming yes yeah yeah you do praise go away i've had hearing loss in my left ear and i can feel that it's opening opening mm-hmm praise god stop up to your other side and let's uh you're okay you can hear my voice [Laughter] glory to god glory to god hallelujah we we don't have to go through life with half our body not working right and and people say well yeah but you know you start getting older things just start quitting and start this and they don't have to now certainly you know if you're when you're 80 years old you know you're not 18 it's not the same but you can still be in good operating condition is that right everything working everything functioning say it again my body will be kept by the lord my healer and it'll work well for me my entire life long hallelujah this body will i mean he only gave gave us this one for right now right so it's got to last it's got to last until it gets changed hallelujah tell me sister what well i was praying for everybody else she talked to that's it that's it that's it but the first thing he called out was for me because my stomach was so messed up and i started watching faith school i watch you every morning everybody knows not to call me at nine o'clock cause i'm in baseball he's good and god started doing so many things for me i mean he delivered me from so many things and started healing me yeah and but i know he wants me to just keep on going and just get delivered and healed from all that that's it so i don't have to just stop because i got a few things right get to in it get the whole thing so your stomach feels something going on and the inflammation stopped burning and then it was burning in my legs and my hips so i guess that inflammation was all over me because it just stopped all over me and and i'm gonna just keep on go and i'm gonna be in face school still i've been telling everybody about it because this i i have received miracles in faith school are you all in faith i believe it yeah please and you can get it online yeah it's it's no charge yeah it will change your heart yeah praise god yeah yeah i i spent all this past week working in in faith school yeah it's my privilege my privilege praise god tell me sister what what you know i wouldn't raise my hand if i know you're going to pull us up here but i had to be honest be we want to give the lord to credit amen that's right yeah so um my left foot has been numb for quite a while and um so it's you got feelings uh-huh praise god let me move it around for me son so you can figure out a little bit of a pop right here where i mean just as i was standing still yeah and then also i have been having pains which i'm pretty sure is kidney stones and that eased yeah and and let's go so you know i'm just falling apart so anyway so my ear was flushed and it's not anymore it was not um yes not anymore but i am hearing better in it yeah praise god praise god amen hallelujah put your hands on your side right there where you were talking about now sister put your hand on there too i'm gonna join faith anything that needs to be changed in there anything in jesus name be dissolved be removed and cause her no problems anymore in jesus name in jesus name everybody say i believe i receive it i believe i receive it in jesus name tell me sister what my jaw and my teeth have been giving me headaches for the last week and i had a headache up until about 30 minutes ago when we were praying not now not now praise god no headaches he is so he is so wonderful our healer yes tell me i had a knee that's not been working properly since i got in a car accident last year and it's working perfectly can you move it around i can pick it all the way up feels good yeah i see all the way up your foot hey hey full mobility yes god's doing mobility miracles yes yes can you tell that tonight i didn't plan any of this god's doing mobility miracles you can see it you can see that tell me so i've had a lot of fear and animosity holding me back and it's gone gone gone hallelujah that's freedom that's freedom and a lot of other folks need to receive that as well you know uh it's a mean old world and a lot of people do things and many times people don't they don't realize how cruel or how bad their words and actions were what did jesus say about the folks that nailed him to the cross what did he say father forgive them what did he say they they don't know what they're doing and in so many cases people don't they don't know and so if they're not even aware of it and then it's still hurting you and making you mad then it's it's ruining your present days and they may not even be thinking about you anymore so everybody said out loud anything that anybody has said against me are done against me i choose to forgive them i release it in jesus name i say father forgive them they don't know all that they do i forgive them i ask you to forgive them i release it it can hurt me no longer in jesus name now i speak peace and grace over every heart and mind and soul and emotion and people that have had their hearts broken the lord said that the anointing was on him to heal the broken hearts and it still is by the work of his holy spirit i speak to broken hearts be healed you don't have to carry a broken heart you don't have to be a broken person your your whole life don't believe that there's a god who can heal anything he can heal your insides just like he can heal your outsides so everybody just lift up your hands everybody and right now every bit of emotional and soul pain and and hurt and anger and bitterness and all of that thing let god heal you let him heal you don't don't say i'm a broken person even one more time don't say my past has scarred me you don't have to be a scarred person you can be a healed person you can be a delivered person say it out loud he restores my soul he heals my heart i receive it in jesus name now see you're continuing to believe for people here in the house and people that are watching online in different places said out loud lord work a miracle in their broken heart do for them what they thought couldn't be done in jesus name oh hallelujah now receive it receive it watching there by your television set receive it receive it right now watching on your computer screen receive it right put your hands on your chest and on your midsection you do not have to be a broken person you have to quit saying it though you got to quit saying it and begin to say i'm healed i'm healed of a broken heart i'm healed and he restores my soul is that scripture church is that scripture he restores it out loud everybody he restores my soul hallelujah well if you're restored you're not broken you got to quit talking about being broken you got to quit talking about being scarred that keeps you from being healed we've received it tonight and it's working in us it'll work in us while we sleep it'll work in us while we sleep and in the morning when you get up you'll know something's going on inside me yes going on inside bodies but also souls and emotions he's the healer of the broken heart he's the restorer of the hurt soul and he's my healer he's my healer i'm not going through life broken how about you i got a god who heals i'm not going through life damaged goods i'm not all of us have been through some things but doesn't have to uh make you something for the rest of your life i'm healed and i give all the glory to god hallelujah hallelujah tell me tell me well my hips were hurting and my hips my hips yeah okay and but the pain left and so when you said come forward i did but i've been short of breath for a few days and i noticed as i was coming forward that i was breathing hallelujah as well hallelujah take take some deep breaths what the lord do for one he'll do for another everybody take some deep breaths because the obviously the lord's healing respiratory things he's working healing and take a deep breath everybody by faith you do it you're believing for other people the lord is the strength of my life hallelujah he's he's my inspiration hallelujah spiritually and physically inspiration means breathing in exploration is breathing out somebody say he's my inspiration he he he's my inspiration hallelujah he he's my life force i i breathe it in i breathe it out hallelujah he's my inspiration hallelujah you're telling me sister what i had kovid 19. yeah and god healed me from it i had a lot of prayer and i recovered praise god but i couldn't breathe all the way to the bottom of my lungs and now i can he's your inspiration amen hallelujah and my healer he he's he's my breath you know when he made man he made his body out of the the clay and and soil of the earth and then he breathed into man the breath of life hallelujah so the source of that in-breath the source of that inspiration has not changed he's sitting on the throne tonight and his spirit is here in this church his spirit is moving over the internet his spirit is in our working in our bodies it's still happening so take take a deep breath then breathe in breathe out say i receive inspiration of the spirit i speak to lungs this is me speaking now i speak to lungs in the name of jesus be cleared out and be cleansed all the way to the very bottom tissue be cleared up be cleansed in the name of jesus somebody say i receive it i i receive the anointing i receive there's a lot of other people similar situation sister a lot of other people say it out loud i receive it i receive it inspiration i breathe in not only the breath of life but the healing power of god i take it into myself i receive it into myself it's working in me now in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah now tomorrow and the next day any time a thought crosses your mind you want to say i call my lungs clear i call my lungs clear in jesus name hallelujah tell me i had some disc issues in my back and it's been this it started up again last week and it's been affecting the way i sleep i couldn't turn my head without pain i couldn't lower my head without pain and i was in the back in the green room and i was like oh my god i can't move and that and my knee and i'm like thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord let me let me put my hand on the back of your neck you're gonna sleep good tonight you're going to sleep well say it out loud i'm going to sleep well hallelujah he gives his beloved sleep do you know that church he gives his beloved sleep in the name of jesus ocoee reita prasa libedibanyane ecuage ma alignment alignment o te ruvi inibrate from the top to the bottom to the greysta to ferroche biannani lecture well a hosta hallelujah [Laughter] somebody needs to needs to say uh he gives his beloved sleep that's scripture he give are you his beloved are you his beloved you you are included in the beloved by your faith in jesus and so good sleep belongs to you but you've got to quit saying i can't sleep you got to you got to quit saying oh i go to sleep and then i wake right up and i can't go back to sleep stop saying that are y'all with me church this is not a game now do you want to sleep good or not well stop saying you can't sleep stop saying oh i wake up and you just watch i wake up in three hours now i can't get back to sleep if you say so you're locked into it here's something else to say i'm his beloved and he gives his beloved sleep i sleep well i sleep well he gives his beloved sleep i'm his beloved i sleep well hallelujah thank you lord yes tell me i have pretty extensive nerve damage in my head and one of the symptoms is the last four years i've had trouble hearing out of one ear i have a lot of buzz in it and i came in with it with it buzzing pretty good and it's not buzzing it's not buzzing now no praise god which here what's yours this is the bad one yeah it used to be it used to be a bad one yeah yeah for real well it's your area that's it it used to be but it's a good ear i said it's a good ear it's it's a good ear that here's clear it's a come on somebody else is receiving this too somebody a lot of people say it out loud it's a good ear somebody somebody else in the house somebody that's watching online needs to put your fingers on your ears and say i call this a good ear it's a good ear and it hears clear it's a good ear and the ear here is clear clearly it's a good ear and it hears clear now the reason i i keep repeating the phrase like that i'm not making these phrases up i didn't have these written down the spirit of god i believe is giving us these phrases when he gives you a word remember we were talking about in the beginning of the service he sent his word you remember that he sent his word and healed them so when the lord gives you a word and it applies to you and it quickens to you you don't want to forget that word you want to grab ahold of that word and you want to keep saying it over yourself right until that is an established thing in your life and you don't doubt it anymore and everything else has to come in line with that word it's a good ear it is a good ear you got it i know you got it tell me tell me well i wasn't coming up here but then you called me back up here and you said there's somebody with their hand that's not coming up here and so i came up i had like you came me too i had carpool tundra yeah yeah and i can feel and everything but i'm expecting i had shingles i got shingles in my right eye back in uh february 2020 yeah it's caused nerve damage yeah and i've got a scar across my uh pupil so i can't see it's like a windshield that you understand i understand so i'm i'm expecting my nerve damage from the shingles in my eyes me too me too okay if i put my hand on yeah yeah everybody to reach your hand out this way oh colin break got enos knock saudi dana uh an anointing go into that eye go into that side of her head and enjoy it treasured it nerves be restored and enlightened by an eye and vision be clear be clear you you make clear ears and clear eyes too eyes be a kalo be ha-ha-ha be clear gar of on the nerves be healthy and then go into my left flat that's oh yeah amending in the name in the name in the name in the name where's dama oh it's happening healing is working healing is working not just up here in the line we're doing this to give god glory but also because it's continuing are you still expecting things are still happening you can see that right people say things happen since they walked up here things have happened i know i could ask and there'd be a whole nother line could come up now i'm just going to say i'm not going to call you up because because of the time but how many could now lift a hand and say something has changed in my body look at this look at this look at this see what i'm saying we could call a whole new line up if we were supposed to take the time praise god and we can't see all the hands being raised online thank you father who did it come on help me out who did it who who gets all the glory all the glory thank you master thank you lord thank you good father thank you lord you're so good to us so gracious to us who who's next yeah tell me i wanted to thank god for healing me from severe headache uh tonight yeah also i felt strength return after having a fever for eight days previously yeah i was felt so weak i wasn't sure i was going to come sure i started praising oh you came to church you came to church and i wanted to also thank um god for using you to teach me about that it's god's will to heal so the devil can't steal my heart praise the lord praise god praise god hallelujah hallelujah uh the lord is still healing you i i got that when she's saying this people who have been weak people who have been weak whether it's from covet or fever or or whatever the case might be and they just still have been weak even though maybe it was months ago or just weeks ago the lord is the strength of my life hallelujah and the bible said let the weak say i am strong so everybody everybody watching online everybody everybody can take some extra strength everybody put your hands on your body and say i call my body strong i'm strong in the lord and in the power of his might i call myself strong strong in spirit strong in mind strong in body i call my body strong strong immune system immune system be strong in jesus name be very strong be quickened be restored all of my body be strong be strong be strong be strong i'm strong in the lord and in the power of his might hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so uh this joel 3 10 is the verse that let the weak say i am strong let the redeemed of the lord say so we're supposed to say some things whom he has redeemed so if in the future you feel weak tell me what you say come on tell me what you say i'm strong you're not talking about what you feel you're talking about what you believe right and you're calling your body strong so anything feels weak about you don't just say man i feel so weak i don't know what's wrong with me i just can't seem to get over this quit that quit that quit that that's playing right into the hands of the enemy what do you say i call my body strong i am strong in the lord and in the power of his mind when you do that believing it you you open the door for the holy spirit to manifest in your life you just invited him in because you are choosing to speak what god said over you and the holy spirit can manifest that he can back that up hallelujah what tell me uh my thumb right here has been hurting for i don't know how long and i could barely bump it really bad you know and then yeah the first thing when you said put your hands on your hands yeah i i was scared at first saying a lot because i thought it was gonna hurt really really bad and then i just like pushed it and i was like oh okay it didn't hurt mm-hmm it's still working out but it's you know praise god nerve things being healed okay in jesus name yes in the name of jesus okay let me put my hand on yours nerve things are being healed still being healed in the crowd nerve things things these are mobility miracles the lord's been doing them all night so nerves all through your hand all through your thumb and fingers up through your arms and shoulders from your head in the name of jesus be completely restored and right he's done it we give you the glory lord in jesus name we give you the glory yes brother tell me about four or five weeks ago i uh caught coven and uh when you when you instructed us a few minutes ago to take a deep breath it had been really hurting right here okay shortness of breath was something i was you know believing against yeah but when i took that deep breath i didn't have that pain in my chest praise god praise god and i didn't get winded walking up here praise god following you you're healed yes lungs clear yes completely clear yes in the name of jesus some other people need to take some breaths again take some deep breaths and say he's my inspiration [Music] he's my inspiration hallelujah the breath of life comes from him into me i call my lungs clear in the name of jesus oh hallelujah everybody stand up y'all y'all can be seated you can go back to your seats thank you so much for giving god the glory everybody stand up and lift up your hands everybody begin to thank god begin to praise god begin to give him the glory everybody lift up your hands lift up your hands i mean we ought to praise god tonight he's done a lot of things he's done a lot of things did he do miracles in our midst did he he did he did just because we asked him to he did god has done and is continuing to do miracles in our midst somebody say thank you lord thank you for answering our prayer thank you for responding to us believing in you thank you thank you thank you what do for doing what man can't do thank you for doing what we couldn't do for ourselves thank you thank you thank you lord we give you all the glory we give you all the praise all the thanks we worship you we worship you we we acknowledge we we we couldn't do this for ourself you've done it for us we we couldn't buy it we couldn't pay for it we couldn't earn it we can't pay it back but we can acknowledge that you did it and we can say thank you thank you come on everybody say it again thank you lord thank you thank you for healing us thank you for delivering us thank you for sustaining us thank you for setting us free oh somebody say thank you thank you thank you thank you good lord thank you good father thank you great master thank you thank you thank you thank you oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you the 91st psalm ends up the last verse verse 16 i believe it says with long life he'll satisfy me and show me his salvation but that's not disconnected from the rest of the psalm that's what the whole psalm built to what do you mean well somebody said i thought psalm 91 is a song of protection yeah you'll never get old without the lord's protection and if you're going to make it all the way to your full length of days and satisfied with long life it'll be because you dwelt in the secret place of the most high under the shadow of the almighty and you said of the lord he is my refuge he is my god he keeps me he protects me so the pestilence didn't get you the plague didn't come to your dwelling the arrow didn't get you come on do you see all those things he goes because he gave his angels charge over you and they kept you can you see all of that didn't get you didn't get you didn't get you didn't take you out you got over it you recovered didn't get you didn't get you in verse 16 with long life he satisfied you and you know you can testify about how god brought you through your teens and your 20s and your 30s and your 40s and 50s and you just keep counting hallelujah kept me all away so everybody said out loud thank you lord you are my keeper and you who have brought me this far kept me this far you will take me the rest of the way and i will say of the lord you are my refuge my fortress my high tower my god in you i trust thank you for keeping me and satisfying me with long life and showing me your salvation hallelujah praise god praise him one more time lift your hands past them [Applause] anybody glad anybody glad you came there's all there's a whole lot of us glad we came we just saved a whole lot of doctor bills tonight anyway i'll tell you that that is one so if you if you would like to give all that to keith's ministry go ahead but it's we well there's an offering envelope it's right by your feet we'll just do it as we walk out we won't pass the plate but again you can make it out to more life ministries you can make it out to the ark you'll get to him and so have a good night we love you we'll be back tomorrow night seven o'clock i don't want to miss that one either we'll see you then [Applause]
Channel: The Ark Church
Views: 1,737
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9buXziCtXaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 44sec (5984 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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