IN THE SPIRIT:The Spirit Of Joy (Part 9) (August 4 2017) Keith Moore

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we're going to John the third chapter if you turn there and look there please gospel account of John chapter 3 we've been on a series on Fridays for some weeks now that were calling in the spirit in the spirit John 3 verse 5 John 3:5 jesus answered he said verily verily I say to you except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God so just because you're born of flesh born of a woman born naturally does not mean you're automatically then in the kingdom of God there must be another birth a birth from above a birth of the Spirit verse 6 that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit so he's making a very marked differentiation between flesh and spirit they're obviously not the same at all you got flesh and you got spirit verse 7 he said Marvel not that I said to you you must be born again then the fourth chapter and the twentieth verse John four and twenty the woman at the well of Samaria said our fathers worshiped in this mountain and you say talking to Jesus that in Jerusalem is the place for me and not to worship so basically she's saying who's right us or them us are you all about where is the right place and right way to worship and you'll find that people get into large and small wars over natural things churches have split over which side of the platform the piano should be on oh yeah or what kind of carpet should be I'm not exaggerating well that shows carnality right and it shows that you you don't know what's really important and Jesus went on to say in verse 21 he said woman believe me the hour comes when you'll neither in this mountain nor yet in Jerusalem worship the father now what does he mean that people in those two places couldn't worship God anymore no it's that your worship is not going to be based on where you are or what you're doing in the flesh or physically verse 22 you worship you know not what well that's true with a lot of folks we know what we worship salvation is of the Jews Abraham has seed but the hour comes and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeks such to worship Him worship praise prayer faith all these things are not a matter of physical exercise they're not a matter of repetitions or memorizing things are going through the physical motions at the right physical place none of that works with God ah verse 24 God is a spirit and they that worship Him must if you're going to really be what you can do some stuff but no she just got through saying true worshipers so a lot of people are doing a lot of stuff but for all the good it's doing them they could they should have quit a long time ago you know people are spinning wheels they're counting beads they're chanting things isn't that right I put them up millions of people and more and people think well if I go to this certain place and I dressed a certain way and I do this certain thing then God will hear me know with him it's about the heart always about the heart and that things are not just done in the flesh but done in spirit God is a spirit they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth thank you Lord in the 6th chapter and the 63rd verse jesus said this john 6:63 he said it is the spirit that quickeneth now the spirit we're talking about is the Holy Spirit and he is also the spirit of life numerous names that you'll see describing the Holy Spirit he's called obviously first of all holy he's the Holy Spirit he's also the Spirit of Truth he's the spirit of Revelation he's the spirit of Resurrection I mean there's numerous phrases that describe who he is and how functions and operates and by any one of those you can see by contrast what he's not if he's the spirit of life he's not the spirit of death if he's the spirit of truth he got nothing to do with a lie or deception come on can you see that if he's the spirit of peace he's not the spirit of fretting and being upset angst and worry fear right he's the spirit of faith he's not the spirit of doubt the list goes on and he's Jesus said the spirit quickens the flesh is good for what it's good for motoring around down here on the earth because if you lose your flesh suit you got to leave you got to have one you know just like you'd have to have a spacesuit to be out in space where you got to have earth suit to be down here but you're not just a body this body is the house you live in it's your vessel it's your tabernacle you are in made in the likeness image the image of God you're a spirit - amen and he doesn't want you just doing things just in physical just in the natural just in the flesh if you're going to do something that that resonates with him that he can receive that he can respond to it'll have to come from the inside not just the outside is that okay we'll go with me please we've talked about a number of things we want to advance some more today go to Isaiah the 61st chapter we read this recently dinner that was like three people yeah anybody have any foggy memory about Isaiah Isaiah does that ring a bell at all cause if it doesn't come on now we have bookmarks back in the information area here in Sarasota and an online you can get online we got an app right that you can you can look and see what's chapter you're eating them which day I mean it's all right there and I know there's many ways to read the Bible but if you feel like you're part of faith Life Church you're to do this with us it literally puts us on the same page we're thinking the same thoughts about the verses I believe the Lord led us to do it so you don't want to ignore that but in Isaiah here in the 61st chapter and the first verse this is a passage of scripture that we know Jesus used and preached from repeatedly we have reason to believe that Jesus often in town after town and place after place where he went he would take this text and read it and preach on it this very one right here the Spirit of the Lord what spirit we will be talking about the Holy Spirit now he told my what's in the spirit and what's flesh what is the spirit the Spirit of the Lord he said is upon me you know the Holy Spirit can be upon you we need to differentiate between the spirit within and the spirit on our upon yes he's in you when you're born again but it's also the will of God for him to come on thank you lord I never forget some most early earliest experiences in my life of the Spirit coming on me and thank God some recent ones too but when I was just a boy I must have been I don't know eight or so and went to spend the night at Grandma's house in the wintertime well our house was cold but grandma my Papa always built the big fire in the fireplace and you were good for a little while to let one out but then grandma had you backed up with about 12 quilts anybody experienced that I mean she'd layer them until usually you're like this you you could hardly move but if you'll just stay put you'll be warm well I went back to to the bedroom the blue room it was painted blue and my grandmother had given me a book by a man of God and as I was reading this book it talked about miracles that had happened in this person's of life and ministry and while I was in the bed there reading that book the Holy Spirit got in the bed with me my momma every every child of God needs to have experiences of the Spirit of God coming on you coming on and if you have it then you want to press in it is for everybody everybody Here I am a year old boy well Spirit of God came in that room he was already there but he manifested hallelujah where I could sense him where I could experience him and I didn't know what to do I cried I thought I might laugh son I didn't know what to do I'm in the spirit of God it move onion you you won't know which way to go but you know you want to have them again right away hallelujah and so the Spirit of God comes on you yes he's in you when you're born again and he'll never leave you and he won't forsake you but he also will come on you if you yield to him amen focus to him and we need this amen are you open I think everybody ought to say Lord I'm open I'm I want your spirit to not only be in me but to come on manifest own me in my house in my car at my job hallelujah amen be open what do you keep reading here he said the Spirit of the Lord is what upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek to the humble he sent me to bind up the brokenhearted proclaim Liberty to the captives opening of the prison to them that are bound thank you Lord to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion to give unto them beauty for Ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness hallelujah that they might be called trees of righteousness or trees of what is right the planning of the Lord that he might be glorified in talking about what is the spirit versus what is flesh or what is even the wrong spirit we've been talking about he he is the spirit of life he is the spirit of peace he's the spirit of grace we've been talking about different things here's another one he is the spirit of joy somebody say the spirit of joy look at that verse again verse 3 to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion to give unto them beauty for Ashes the oil of joy that oil is a type of the anointing and there is joy oil there's healing oil they're saving oil there's revelation and lightening oil but there's joy oil oh somebody say joy joy oil joy anointing the oil is it oil didn't it oil is greasy oil is slippery oil remedies dryness I just feel so dry that's because you are and what you need is to get oiled up real good with holy ghost oil are you bold no no huh anybody bold in here didn't say all me up Holy Spirit a lot of folks are more than a quart low more than a quart low not now again we're talking about two different things so I said well I got the Holy Spirit inside me when I talk about the Holy Spirit inside you we're talking about the Holy Spirit on you right if you drive it's obvious lack of oil huh how many got some hand lotion at the house come on anybody got it any hand lotion at the house and any conditioner for your hair I mean huh why why to prevent dryness to address and remedy dryness is drying this a problem can dryness be an issue especially certain times of the year and right reckon dryness is an issue in the body of Christ hmm in the worldwide church there's a lot of dryness hmm there's a lot of dryness said that there's a lot of services you can hear cracking as the service progresses which is why people want them shorter and shorter and shorter oh but if you got enough oil I said if you got enough oil you don't care how long the service go because you are thoroughly grease and when you greased enough you can slide right through you can slip right through all kind of issues is that right let me try to bombard you and and hold you up and stop you and you just go through and he goes where are they where they go when you greasy you hard to hold office you hard hard to catch you hard to stop ha ha ha grazie in the Holy Ghost grazie grazie and one of the big indicators of how greedy you are in a good way is joy somebody say joy the dryer you are the less joy you have sign of extreme spiritual dryness is that you don't laugh anymore you don't sing you certainly don't dance you don't do all that and you even have phrases like I just don't think all that's really necessary there's a lot of stuff that you don't have to do but your is fun when you do right Lord deliver us from all this dry dry stuff I don't want dry services I don't want dry sermons I don't want dry chapter reading I don't want dry praying if it's dry something's wrong that's an indicator of flesh can you see this we're still talking about what spirit and what's flesh the drier it is that means no oil which means flesh and if something requires oil the longer it goes without it the more binding it gets right start squealing which explains a lot right squawking squealing shrieking complaining there's a saying the squeaky wheel gets the grease this is not a scripture and it's not right not right you don't get more Holy Spirit anointing because of more complaining and squawking just just the opposite we're going to talk about it more you okay the Spirit of the Lord Jesus says Isaiah prophesied it Jesus quoted that he preached on it it belongs to us the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he's anointed me somebody said I love the Spirit of the Lord his own me because he has anointed me he has anointed me he has anointed me all you need to say it you need to say if you don't believe it enough to say it you don't believe it enough to have it so let me give you another opportunity say that loud the Spirit of the Lord is on me here excuse me he has anointed me he has anointed me he has anointed me part of this anointing verse 3 the oil of joy the oil of joy in the place of mourning now here's the thing about the the oil of joy in the Holy Spirit it has nothing to do with your circumstances it has nothing to do with your feelings it has nothing to do with getting a good report are getting the money are feeling good or any of those things in fact the time you most see it is when you feel the worst that's when it shines the brightest the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness somebody say garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness now here we see a big contrast we see the Holy Spirit ministering oil of joy but there's another spirit spirit of heaviness we do not want to yield to heaviness you have I have before you hadn't if you've lived very long I sure you you have didn't have - shouldn't have most folks live their life and never learn not to but just because you feel Hevy does not mean you have to act heavy this is where walking my faith comes in just because you feel depressed feelings of depression can come and they're real but this you're supposed to as a child of God you're supposed to resist that not just give in to it you're supposed to resist it there are times you need to stomp your foot and say get out of here get out of here heaviness get out of here grief get out of here sorrow get out of here depression I resist you leave me and you need to change clothes hmm you need to get all up real good and then put on the garment of play peel off that old spirit of heaviness peel it off you know Ephesians talks about put excuse me let me get a drink of water here put on the new man somebody say put on put on the new man are you supposed to do that reckon you should put on the garment of praise but many people would tell you I'm not a put-on and so they never do it they never what put on put on the new man this is referring to uses a clothes or a coat or a garment in symbology just like he uses the word here garment of praise will a garment we got garments all over here tonight and in Sarasota thankfully how how'd you get in these clothes huh you had to put them on didn't you you had to put them on well what if you refuse to put on it's not going to be only right and and if you hear the excitation or you tell somebody else put on the garment of praise and they go I don't feel like it well you didn't feel like you had this on before you put it on if you had waited till you felt like it was on to put it on you had to put it on before everybody wait you had to put these on had to put this jacket on before I felt it if I had waited till I felt it on me and then gonna put it on I'd be coatless tonight I'd still be waiting I'd still be waiting tomorrow next week next month next year because you have to put it on before you feel it right you have to put it on before thank you Lord praise God they've helped me out here come on come on up here brother take your coat off hold it up here for me please just hold it up like you want me to put it on yeah what if I said I'm cold brother Dave I'm cold and he said well here put this on and I said no now you know if I'm cold I'm not gonna say I'm not and I just call it like it is and if I'm cold I'm gonna say I'm cold he said I understand but but put that on and you'll warm up and I said no I'm not a put-on I am NOT a put-on I feel cold and so I guess I'm just going to be cold and if I if I get to feeling warm I'll put it on if I get the feeling warm out but I you know I'm just real what if this is the spirit at the garment of praise everybody said the garment of praise what if this is the garment of praise what what the Bible say put on the new man and we're to put on the garment of praise what if I say I don't feel like praising actually feel lousy today I feel bad y'all y'all pray for me y'all pray for me that I'll I'll get my praise and the Lord is saying here put it on no known if I get to feelin better I'll praise but I'm not going act like I'm gonna praise when I don't feel like praising I'm I'm real and I'm not real carnal real fleshy no if you cold you put part of it on and you're not instantly warm but you begin to feel a little bit warmer and you put the other one on and after a while you start feeling you put it on first then you feel thank you Dave you put on you put on praise like a coat you put on praise like a garment before you feel like it before circumstances change you put it on and begin to say glory to God not because you felt like it cuz you're putting it on praise be to God thanks God thanks to the Lord I praise you lord I praise you lord I praise you look at when after you put it on you'll begin to feel it after after somebody say the oil of joy the oil the oil of joy instead of the spirit of heaviness praise God the garment of praise the garment of praise hallelujah Romans 14 they'll put it on the screen for us Romans 14 says the kingdom of God is not meat and drink Romans 14:17 but it is righteousness or rightness it is peace and it is joy in the Holy Ghost somebody say joy and the Holy Ghost the kingdom of God it's not in natural things you can't get your diet right enough to get close to God no you can't Bible says specifically that you can't you can't get your natural things lined up enough that that's going to make you acceptable to God and please go it's about heart and one of the thing one of the biggest things that is will is you yielding to the holy spirit and will cause joy to come is believing somebody say believing in Romans and 15 go there please Romans 15 since now the god of hope Romans 15:13 the god of Hope fill you with what fill you with all joy and peace in what in believing believing is connected to joy and peace the God of hope the hope is expectation of good fill you with all joy and peace and believing that you may abound in confident expectation through the power of the Holy Spirit set out loud joy and peace in believing in believing that Philippians 1:25 talks about the joy of faith the joy of faith you show me somebody that's in faith I'll show you somebody that has some joy the stronger in faith the greater the joy and the joy of the Lord is your strength even if you are making some good confessions if you're still depressed over it you're not in faith simply or not why because if I'm fully persuaded of the good thing the Lord has told me it gives me expectation of a good thing right if I'm expecting all my bills to be paid if I'm expecting paying off everything extra coming in is that right that doesn't depress you that excites you if I'm expecting my body to change right and wrong symptoms lining up and being able to do what I want to do need to do and with long life the Lord satisfying showing me his salvation if I'm expecting that that doesn't make me want to lay around and feel sorry for myself if I'm laying around feeling sorry for myself I'm not expecting that I'm expecting to stay the way I am or get worse faith is evidenced by joy or the lack of faith by the lack thereof the more faith the more joy the more joy the more strength the more joy the more oil the more oil not dry anymore said out loud thank you Lord for delivering me from spiritual dryness ha ha yeah you get the feeling dry don't just keep going hmm I mean I I have been dry had my hands dry at times when I didn't have to Phyllis offered me some lotion some grease but it smells so pretty that I decline well then it's my fault did my hand was still dry right okay well I'm gonna believe the Lord is offering us all the oil we would ever need right to prevent dryness healed cracking right and make us so slippery the devil can't stop us get hold on to us well it's obvious when you dry and cracking and got no joy and depress it's easy for the devil to pin you down and right cause your problems praise God look in Luke the eighth chapter and you see what we're talking about Luke chapter 8 verse 12 Luke 8:12 talking about what we call the parable of the seed the parable of the sower jesus said those by the wayside are they that the word was sown to them said they hear it and in comes the devil and takes away the word out of their heart unless they should believe in saved just because you hear the good word that doesn't mean automatically you're going to have some results the enemy comes tries to take it away verse 13 they on the rock are they which when they hear they receive the word how do we know they did how do we know they did with joy but these on the rock they have no root which for a while believe and in time of temptation follow away and do you know how you could tell when they got offended and when they fell away it be the same time that they lost their joy sadly we've seen that too many times people get excited about God get excited about the word get excited about faith and so they launch out and and they pray and they confess and they release their faith a soul but then didn't happen as quickly as they thought it would or didn't happen just the way they thought it would and by-and-by they don't have the root they don't have to stay in power and so after violate they believe the lies of the devil well that didn't work as nothing to all that stuff and so that would be exactly the same time when they lost their joy they lost their excitement about serving God they lost their excitement about tithing and giving they lost their excitement about praying they lost their excitement about reading the chapters reading the word we should never dry up and get bitter and get sour nobody enjoys being around bitter and sour am i telling the truth nobody nobody enjoys being around grumpy bitter dry skin complaining that's when you got all that squeaking squawking it because they're so dry they're unhappy because they're so dry they're trying to make everybody around them feel like they do but you don't have to feel like that and they don't have to be like that we can get them grazed up again right and the squeaking can stop and the squawking can stop praise God the oil of joy praise God instead of mourning the garment of praise instead of in the place of the spirit of heaviness you don't have to go around heavy you don't have to go around sorrowful you know the rich young ruler he got so stirred up hearing Jesus preaching teaching seeing the things that were happen he ran to Jesus and he said what else do I need to do to go all the way what can I do to you know inherit enter the kingdom of God and the Lord looked at him and loved him and he said well you you want to go all the way this is what you need to do you need to liquidate and come follow me become part of the team how many think that would have been that would have been the end of his sowing or would there have been harvest on the end of it you know it would be but he went away what sad sad see that's the moment he quit believe it in this that's the moment he should have been more excited than ever really really I get to be a part of the team yep come on okay okay I'll go I have been calling the officers that right have been talking to the bank but that would have required faith faith that God's going to take care of me right faith that this is not the end and I won't be broke the rest of my life it would have required faith faith maintains its joy and as long as I'm believing I got joy and I got peace the moment you quit believing you can tell it by the look on the face you know in in healing school I had a privilege to working in brother Hagins ministry for a number of years and I saw after a while that if people got quiet on me they're in trouble you know people they they're getting bad reports and they got symptoms and it's understandable but maybe you go visit them in the hospital and whatever and and when when you see them just sitting there quiet well there's something don't change they're gonna die now you're listening miracles happen all the time for folks that believe but if they just sit there they try to put on a stronger face if somebody comes in the room oh hi how you doing but you can sense the depression you can sense the fear if you don't get rid of that there's not going to be any miracle why because if you're in faith what's there to be depressed over doesn't lose somebody you know but I got a bad report yeah but God's bigger here but I have to die said who said who all things are possible to him that believes other people have been healed right are the people of that miracles God still in the miracle working business right but it takes faith and faith doesn't feel sorry for itself right faith doesn't lay in crying feel sorry for yourself faith doesn't lay in tremble in fear first of all dines not the worst thing that could happen to you oh I love somebody right there if the Lord tarries just that much longer you are going to die right you need to be ready hmm if you live to be a hundred it's going to come and go real quick a lot of you already halfway there right or more so you need to be you need to be ready to go tonight if you're not ready to go tonight you better get yourself ready to go tonight you don't know about tomorrow and that's not the worst thing it could ever happen to you to die just simply means you leave this body like a hand comes out of a glove and you go and depart to be with Christ which is better than being here and when you got no fear of dying the devil loses his leverage what if you die what if the Lord tarries is coming I'm going to die I'm ready to die somebody needs to say it I'm a believer I'm not afraid of dying I'm ready to die hallelujah whether it's tonight or next week or 20 years from now 100 years from now you need to be ready need to be ready now now if you're not don't leave here in that condition this world's a dangerous place right you didn't leave before you thought you're going to leave you need to be written if you're ready you can have joy it was a man of God who had a situation and the doctors were saying you know we don't know about this procedure you know you uh you might not survive it he said what I thought ha ha you mean I might see Jesus right away whew look it ought to be so real to us that you cannot scare us about dying at all and if you get free from the fear of death the devil loose he'll completely loses his leverage over you and now you're ready to live he can't scare you but right up under that line is I don't have to go when he thinks the devil thinks our to go I don't have to go with one of his stinking diseases I don't have to go when one of his dumb accidents I can go when me and the Lord get good and ready for me to go and not before somebody proclaiming I will live and not darling and declare the works of the Lord with long life he'll satisfy me and show me his salvation now if you really believe that how can you tell how can you do if you really believe that it gives you it makes you glad and that gladness that joy gives you strength if you still depressed over it you don't believe what we just said you don't believe those verses if you still depressed over it you don't believe it when you start believing it you start getting as wild as the rest of us oh yeah you will well I just don't feel yes you will you just watching see well I'm more as a yes you will you will if it's real if you're full of it hallelujah I'm to my full of gladness full of joy full of faith a glad heart a cheerful heart it makes a glad countenance it shows up on your face you can hear it in the voice you can see it in the eye as long as you well I okay okay you just don't believe it yet you just don't you've heard it but you don't believe it you don't believe it thank God his word is true also somebody say his word is true thank thank God his word is true if you catch yourself just sitting in being quiet and being melancholy kind of sort of feeling a little sad if you want to be defeated keep going that way if you want to be robbed of the rest of the years of your life if you want to be robbed of your finance you want to be robbed of victories just keep on doing it but if you know the truth you better get yourself by the ear is that right that's yourself up out of there it's a where's that garment of praise I got to put it on I I got to put it on come on here here we go here we go put it out you don't feel it yet but you better be putting it on put it on and you get to praising and you get to thanking and you get to declaring that God's Word is true by His stripes I am healed hallelujah all my knees he does meet he does supply right you start decreeing it you start proclaiming it and if you really believe it the oil of joy gladness that's the Holy Spirit and you want to yield to him and just go further and further with it this depression this heaviness that's the flesh and even wrong spirits you don't want to go there you don't want to yield to that because it'll just get worse and worse and you'll get weaker and weaker and you'll just be talking night and day about how you feel right I've just feel and I feel sewing and I don't feel them and I just wish I felt no no where's that garment where's it where's that praise jacketed break it out where's the oil I'm feeling dry come on come on pour some all on me we got to get greased up if we're going to have a victory we got to get grazie Oh as you can see some of the looks I'm seeing it some of them are not joy they are not Grievous they are dry come on don't sit through this and stay dry don't be like me when Phil is suitable here here's some cream and I said now don't put that girl smelling stuff oh she's like well okay stay drivin no this smells good this this smells like salvation this smell is that right this is a sweet savour and the smell of victory and the smell of life somebody say put it on me put it cleans me up like raise me up he won't do it unless you let him you you have to yield to it praise be to God praise be to God praise be to God oh thank you lord thank you look thank you lord thank you lord praise you look glory to God grease me up dealer come on testify to somebody justify say I'm a greedy Christian I McGreevy I'm a greedy creature oily if you want to be more technically correct oiling well my experience all is greasy but in a good way in a good way go to second Corinthians please the seventh chapter oh praise God what kind of spirit is the Holy Spirit he's the spirit of joy how do we know what's flesh and what spirit what to yield to what not to yield to depression fear dryness angst worry all of that not the Holy Spirit as flesh and even wrong spirits don't yield to that don't put that on don't keep that on but joy and life hallelujah peace that's him that's a Holy Spirit yield to that yield to him praise God in 2nd Corinthians the 7th chapter now there's a whole lot of this in the whole book of second Corinthians you'll find numerous things here but in 2nd Corinthians 7 and 4 he said great is my boldness of speech toward you great is my glorying of you I am filled with comfort for the Holy Spirit the comforter I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation somebody say exceeding joyful in all our tribulation tribulation is we probably say today trouble and if you look up the words it has to do with pressure and trouble brings pressure right anybody ever had any money trouble huh did you feel the pressure pressure got to have this by certain time don't know where it's going to come from don't know you're going to have that's that's pressure but just because pressure comes against you doesn't mean you have to let it in you right that's right you're going to see some trouble I mean you're gonna have to deal with some things whether somebody else's caused it or whether you called it yourself or or the enemy living down here you're not going to go through a whole life and never see trouble I'm sure don't confess that over me yes you already know it's true I didn't say I have to go around and confessing it and leaving for trouble it'll come without you believing for and the pressure but what you do have control over is your response your response and Paul said by the Spirit of God I am exceeding joyful now the Greek word here is wonderful it literally means to super abound abounding is good super abounding that's way over the top super abounding in what joy super abounding in joy but what was the circumstances in in tribulation how could you do that because a lot of folks would say that's that's just not that's not real that's not reality you can't do that I mean if you got enough pressure ain't nobody going to be rejoicing you don't know everybody Paul said he was if he was is possible not just to rejoice but super abounding in joyfulness which would explain why he was so strong which explained why he soared sale fluid and had victory after victory after victory after victory hallelujah somebody say exceeding joyful in all a tribulation how can you do that go to James 1st chapter let your eyes rest on it I know a lot of you could quote it but go there and look at it James chapter 1 we're talking about joy in trouble I mean anybody can shout when the money's in the bank anybody can shout when you feel good but it takes faith to put on the garment of praise for a man if you went by feelings you'd pull the shades you would lay down and say I feel faint but joyful in tribulation joyful on our way owner whether James stop buying Hebrews tenth chapter he said this I mean this is amazing when you see ie somebody's operating in these guys are operating Hebrews 10 and 33 he said partly while you were made of gazing stock both by reproaches and afflictions partly why you became companions of them that were so used for you had compassion to me in my bonds and took joyfully the spoiling of your Goods did what to joyfully the spoiling of your goods the amplified said you bore cheerfully the plundering of your belongings and the confiscation of your property you took it how you took it how joyfully when they came and took your property there's a friend of mine over in Africa years ago he'd been there for years ministry great ministry one day the police showed up at his door he answered it and they said they needed to come in and they did and took all his stuff the police and took it away now you might be tempted to cry right that was your favorite chair that was your watch that the Lord gave you Oh y'all look ya'll are said and didn't even have to use that's not a good fan that's no are we talking about but he said these people took it huh if you heard about you said what happened they came over there they confiscated all this stuff they took all their belongings well how they taking it joyfully what that sounds foreign to us doesn't we still have much to learn about faith they took it how come on read the rest of it how did they take it joyfully in the knowledge and consciousness that you yourselves had a better and lasting possession the reason they took it joyfully is because they experienced this because of their stand in being Christians and being associated with Paul and standing up for him and they knew this is just our temporary junk anyway our good stuff is over there and the more faithful you are for him and the more you sacrifice for him the better stuff you have over there and in just a few days you're going to be out of here anyway so no need crying about that old cherry was halfway out anyway is that right and they make new chairs every day and the Lord can give me a better chair and a better couch and a better house and if you focus on that and talk about that you will have joy if you focus on how mean they treated you and then how sorry they were and how unfair it is I've had people say how's life treating you don't even ask me that question life can be cruel man people don't know God treats me good the devil is trying to kill me every day and a lot of folks are cooperate with him so forget about how life's treating you forget about what's going on down here but God now that's another thing he treats you good he pays you more than you're worth right and whatever is going on down here is temporary that's what he said in this fourth chapter sukuk written he said we look not at the things that are seen but if the things that are not seen because the things that are seen are temporal temporary but the things that are not seen they are eternal and these guys were so focused on how short this life is how real heaven is how real the kingdom of God is that they said I no big deal honey and they shut around talk to each other about their mansion in heaven and their nice stuff where no thief can break through and steal and where nobody can mess it up nobody can get it not now not ever our reward is secure it is sure in him and all this temporary stuff don't you cry for three minutes about this if we thought right if our focus was right took joyfully the spoiling of their goods why how could they argue with me hebrews 1034 how could they do that knowing in yourselves that you have in heaven a better and an enduring substance Oh somebody say glory to God do you know this is how Jesus endured the cross did you know it Hebrews 12 go there Hebrews 12 just over a chapter 2 verse 1 this is how Jesus endured the cross it says seeing we accomplished about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us let us run with patience the race that is set before us doing what look in and all the problems looking at how mean people are huh look any what I don't have looking at what I've lost no you look at that you're not going to be joyful can't be you look at that you're not gonna have joy but looking unto Jesus who not only got you started but he is the finisher Oh hallelujah the Perfector oh that which concerns you through what for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross how did he go through you talk about Hell literally he went through it how how could he have gone through it he was looking beyond did somebody say beyond it he was looking he was looking beyond it how could he go through the cross how could he go through the scourging how could he go through death yielding up his spirit how could he go through being in the heart of the earth being judged and then the sins of all man can he go through all and how Bob will tell you right here because of the joy that was set before him while they were pounding those spikes through his hands and feet he was he was looking at you he was looking at me he was looking past the cross he was looking past the resurrection he was looking past the 13th century 15th century 20th century come on he was looking past all of it to see in the catching away of the church he was seeing the marriage supper of the Lamb he was seeing me and you sitting there save rejoicing and praising God his forever he could see it he could see it by faith and that joy gave him the strength to endure all of it if he could endure that why can't we endure a few things it depends on what you look at I said it depends on what you look at what you look at sadly it don't take much to steal a lot of Christians joy and peace a flat tire can completely rob a lot of folks of all their joy and all their other peace a speeding ticket being pulled over and stock no you should see something looks about just now well there wasn't fire was there I see you're still upset over here I realize that that's what the enemy intends it's not about that it's about you going dry dry and snarky crusty because you're so dry solids it's hard to live dry uh so dry you might touch it don't touch me I'm dry cry it's a drop of a hat hi can you still drive because I'm out I'm cracking I'm so dry well put on some motion put on some praise right get grazie oh I think I could preach this get get grazie please is crazy in the Lord the oil of joy the oil of joy somebody say all of joy oil of joy oil of joy here's the reason for us to be dry and crackin no reason because he never runs out of oil never glory to God looking beyond the present circumstances is how you do it in James are you there James 1 James describes this in detail James 1 verse 2 he said my brother count it all joy when you fall into different temptations now this is a similar word it means tests trials it also means being pierced which is akin to pressure if there's pressure that can be piercing but it's the same idea when you feel pressed even pierced in trials in trouble what do you do most people don't do it but we can do it do what count it all joy if it felt like joy you wouldn't have to count it joy again it's putting on the garment before you feel it count it all joy you got to be a put on got to put it on right man the enemy hit you with something you weren't expecting your first natural response is to be upset to be mad to cry you better get hold of yourself you want to come out of this or not better get a hold of yourself what do you do by faith you go ha ha ha dumb devil ha ha you mess up this time you should have picked somebody that just lay down and die with it because I won't I won't and you're going to be sorry that you mess with me because not only am i more than a conqueror but I'm gonna make you eat it I'm gonna make you eat it you gonna wish you had never messed with me ha ha ha this is an opportunity for God to get glory in my life this is opportunity for a testimony for a victory for somebody else to get inspired haha I counted joy I counted joy you say you just felt like it but you count it you count it that way I've thought about this before brother Kenneth Hagin senior in line with this he was born prematurely he had what the doctor said incurable blood disease deformed heart they said nobody in his condition in Deborah live past 15 or 16 and when he got to be that age when just the way they said he became bed fast months at a time couldn't see couldn't move and he's dying they told him he's dying but the Lord showed in mark 11:23 and 24 showed him enough about-face showed him the woman with the issue of blood that her faith made her whole people told him Alistair nas all been done away with us that's passed away and the Holy Spirit asked him in the bed said did you notice her faith made her home yeah yeah have you ever heard faiths been done away with they ever heard salvation has been done away with if there's no faith there's no salvation there's no church well if faith hasn't been done away with and her faith made her whole why wouldn't your faith make you whole he got excited on the bed when you start believing you're going to get excited come on can you see it believing in joy the joy of faith they are inseparable and the moment you could believe in the joys gone but when you start believing there's the joy and if you keep on believing the joy stays why well why should he be depressed and sad he's not gonna die he's coming off the bed he's gonna live that's something to be glad you talk joyful that's something to rejoice about and he did and it was much later but he did he came off the bed lived for decades preached healing and faith all over the world Phyllis and I our ministry is some of the fruit of that amongst many thousands and you know you you know the devil wishes he hadn't a messed with him on should it just put it on somebody that would have just died with it because not only did he receive his healing he wouldn't shut up for 60 years he wrote books and sent them by the millions all over the world telling everybody you can be healed too you can have faith you can in the devil's going no no no no no he's going yeah that's what I mean by making him eat it make it I mean make it make it him eat it every year that you keep living and you keep testifying of the faithfulness of God and the goodness of God another opportunity for God to be glorified another opportunity for victories testimonies and others to see and hear and believe and be inspired Oh somebody say I'm a testimony I'm a testimony in many ways I'm a testimony Lord get glory to yourself in me and in every every part of my life get gold teaser well that'll only be if you stay in faith and live in faith walk in faith he said count it all joy say count it all joy account Karen it all joy when you fall into divers temptations pressure testing knowing this again you know something knowing this that the trying of your faith works patience but let patience have her perfect work that you may be perfect and entire wanting nothing you're not rejoicing over the trial and the test you're not rejoicing over the pressure what are your rejoicing about I'm not looking at the things that are saying I'm not looking at this right now I'm looking beyond this hallelujah I see the victory by faith I see the victory by faith Phyllis and I could see a church building paid off in full before we had a dollar or one person in a seat hallelujah and so we rejoiced about it when it looked impossible and faint after they have every part of the vision you've been with us along the way those have been here for a while every piece of it you didn't see how and there were times it look like there's no way but there's a way there if you can look beyond it you can look beyond come on can you look beyond where you are right now lift up your eyes quit looking at this quick look at quit looking at this we look not at the things that are saying we're looking beyond it what are you looking beyond you can sit there and look at that pile of bills on the table cry feel sorry for yourself and when you get through they all gonna still be there is that right you're not going to be any better shape than you are you're going to be in worse shape right or you can look beyond the bills and by faith you can see everything paid off does that make you happy I said does that make you happy everything paid up house paid off car paid off credit cards paid off back things paid off everything paid off everything paid off not writing payment checks anymore all paid off all paid off all paid off all paid up that if you believe that what does it do for you it makes you smile you go glory to God go over to God that's what I believe that's what I'm looking at that's where I'm going no need looking here I'm already here now changing so fast that after I say it it's already past I say right now that's too late now when is right now when I just said it's not now why should I be focusing on right now when it's already gone right I need to be looking at here is everybody awake come on you're late where are you looking I'm looking out here where am I going no said I know about the plans I've planned for you good plans I know the thoughts I know the things it's good and faithful say I believe that I believe that I believe that I God's got a great plan for me a good plan for me so no need any fussing and crying about all this stuff right now because right now is already behind me I'm moving somewhere I'm moving ahead I'm moving forward and Jesus could see by faith you and me saved name in the Lamb's Book of Life mansions with him hallelujah ruling and reigning with him and because of that he could endure the very tough stuff that was going on in the right now and he made it through he is our example we can endure whatever is going on right now not by looking at he right now but by looking beyond by seeing victory seeing healing seeing abundant provision come on are you seeing it with it I think come on I can see I can see faith Life Church Branson and faith Life Church Sarasota and folks joining us that join us regularly on the internet I can see all your stuff paid off I sincere I can see it can you see it or not I can see it I can see the only checks you write monthly they're not for payments anymore they're to spend to support ministries and do oh I can see you symptom free body healed organs healed bones healed joints healed hallelujah moving the way you want to move doing where you want to go doing what you need to do and not just using it to sit around and do something useless but do something for the Lord go somewhere for him do something for him accomplish something I can see it I can see it can you see it if you see it if you believe it it don't make you sad it makes you happy it gives you joy look up from where you are now and look where you're going glory to God highly let me stand on your feet everybody stand on your feet about
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 5,060
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, love, faith, peace, Jesus, God
Id: _KJCpo8nLPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 18sec (4938 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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