The Help Of The Holy Spirit // Pastor Nancy Dufresne // June 30, 2019

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I remember I was at a set of meetings I was at actually the Southwest believers convention several years ago and I don't they have five meetings a day there you know it's like a marathon and I think it runs for six days total so that's 30 meetings and so you know I'm usually leaving there and going someplace to preach so I can't be tore up and worn out before when I leave to go somewhere so I paced myself in those and I select which ones I'll go to I ended up usually making about anywhere from 21 to 25 of them so it's not like I'm you know shirking my duties you know but I had there was one minister in particular that I wanted to hear and he was ministering several times and and I had decided to go to one one of the meetings that he was doing but not another one that he was doing and the night before one of those meetings that he was conducting I had a dream and in the dream I saw myself at his meeting so I knew when I woke up I'm going to this meeting it's important and he's a he's a precious minister and I was blessed by the service but you know the sermon but nothing in particular heads had been said that really stood up in in me as why I was there and he made a closing statement and in his closing statement was my answer and in his closing statement he gave a scripture that it is God who worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure and God said that's why I brought you here that scripture you're going to have to put in your mouth to arrive at your end because I don't you have to use your faith to deal with your flesh you understand that you have to use your faith to deal with your flesh because your flesh can disqualify you from fulfilling a call that's on your life you understand that being called does not equal automatic success and every new season puts another demand on your flesh every promotion every revelation every increase puts a greater demand on your flesh remember I talked about for those of you who were here last night Joshua started out as a second man to Moses for forty years but when he became the lead man at Moses is homegoing he had another demand put on him that had never been put on him he could not think and operate like the previous season of his life he was in a new season and God offers us new seasons but we're not automatically successful in those if we don't bring our flesh and our mind to what that season calls for you understand that it's very important because I want to help some people this morning with that that's not my sermon so I'm going to get to my sermon in a minute but while I was praying God prompted me this way and you know I have flesh just like anybody else and God said to me the way you're going to arrive is he said you're gonna have to put your work my word in your mouth about it that it is me working in you it's not willpower working in you it's me working in you both to will and to do to see the will deals with the insides both to will I want to do this I will to do this and to do cuz a lot of people are carrying out actions they know are required of them but their insides are not in agreement their insides are struggling their insides are not rejoicing at what they're getting to do you go I don't know what you mean by that well there are people for example I know I'm pastoring there have been people that have you know they're there they're assigned and/or signed up to work with their children's ministry and they're showing up but they wish they weren't there we'll see they're doing but they're not willing and it is he that worketh in us both to will and to do he's helping us work on our insides so that our doing is pleasing doing without the insides being right is not pleasing but sometimes other people will think that because you're doing it that you're okay with God but if if some if the insides aren't brought up to the new season in the new demand your flesh can disqualify you you understand me your flesh can disqualify you from your call from your assignment from the anointing that's on your life from functioning and so God said to me for you to succeed in the next season save this time and I started saying that over my life father it is you who's working in me both too willing to do why because by willpower we try to do better we try to deal with this deal with that that part of the flesh put these habits in place and break off these other things I'm not talking about things that are out not blatant sin I'm talking about things that won't help us in our race things that are distractions things that are unimportant because if we don't if we don't quit doing what doesn't really matter to our call at some point it's gonna cost sir it's gonna cost us and I was if I could say it this way I was endeavoring to make things right for where I knew God was taking me but I wasn't succeeding at it and he says cuz you're trying to do it he said my grace does it through you but you have to put a demand on that now don't misunderstand when I say it's His grace we do it we do it by His grace we do it by His grace he doesn't do it by His grace we do it by his grace we have to do our doing so we can't sit back and think we're going to wake up the next morning and we're automatically where we're supposed to be we have to do something that puts a demand on the grace in in us and so I began saying father I thank you it's you who's working in me both to will and to do of your good pleasure and I would say it's my pleasure to bring myself into line with your will it is my pleasure that where you send me I go and it's my pleasure to call it a joy everything you tell me to do it's my pleasure to give when you tell me to give it's my pleasure to say what you tell me to say I'm not going to struggle with you know you heard my husband talk about that at one time in his life cancer came on him and one of the reasons first of all he wasn't resting but the second thing God said you're not telling you're not saying everything I tell you to say as a prophet through that prophets office because of what the people that oppose and the people that will get upset with you and he said and he said so you're not obeying me and saying what I tell you to say and I tell you we're human you get up you know in a service and God tells you to deal with something in you and your your mind kicks in and go oh I don't want to say that to them see I'm not doing that anymore it is my pleasure to do his will and I'm not gonna let my mind deceive me wrong thinking deceive me to draw back because it almost cost my husband his life and he talked about that and he made that right and I've gotten to the point where all I am is the delivery person I am NOT going to personally struggle over what I deliver no delivery man says I don't like the size of this box I'm not delivering it or I don't this box is too little to even be worthy of my time I'm not going to deliver it none of his business you take the box and you get put it on the porch and you walk off you walk off I'm not going to carry it home with me and say oh I should do this or I should have done this I'm just going to say it the way God says it and I'm going to leave the package that will bless that person with them and I'm not going to say no I don't want to do it because if God wants to bring correction to somebody that means nothing to me because this isn't me this is not my business this is between guarding them and I'm not saying my words I'm saying his words amen so when we say father it's you who's working in me both to will and to do of your good pleasure sometimes we don't see ourselves as we ought and we don't even see what needs to be worked on but if we let him do the work he sees what work not what needs to be worked on did you get that phrase sometimes we don't even recognize what needs to be worked on but if we say father it is you who is working he sees what needs to be worked on and he'll start helping us through working in us and he'll bring things to us and sometimes it's not even always a negative button he's pushing on sometimes it's a positive button that needs to be more pronounced or needs to be more balanced or needs to be more assertive all of us need this all of us so I invite you to at some point in your day father I thank you that it's you who's working in me both to will my insides want what you have authored in every facet not just the enjoyable parts not just the part that's easy on the mind or easy on the flesh anything that comes from you is the best and I'm not going to kick against her struggle against he might ever kicked against or struggled against or gone back and forth it only ends up making you uncomfortable and delaying the inevitable father it is you who's working in me I let you work unhindered I'm not going to put I'm not going to put the clamp on you working if you're touching on something that's sensitive with me I say work away work away there was a little gal that I know of and she was little and and somebody had thrown a rock and hit her in the mouth and broke out a tooth it wasn't apparent I don't remember if there's a permit to no it was a permanent tooth and so we took her to the dentist and the dentist had to work he said sometimes because she's young enough I can push that tooth back up and it'll reattach and so you know he was pushing that tooth back and it wasn't really hurting but there was a lot of pressure you know from him pushing and the little guy of course grabbed his hands you know because he's working and that pressure was something she hadn't felt before and so it frightened her so she started putting her hands on his hands that were doing the work and pulling them away and he said honey he said if I can you you got to take your hands off my hands because unless you do my hands can't do the work sometimes God starts working and we start pulling away at that saying no don't touch that no I'm not no everybody else needs to leave me no that's the way I am know that let him work let him work it is he that worketh amen let him work it is he that worketh in me both to will he's he's helping my will I need his help from my will to be pleasing to him uh otherwise I'll end up wearing my will I want his will God God is not going to take our will out of us he wants us to accept his will into our will and make our will one with his understand so it is he that worketh in me both to will and to do of his good pleasure not of what I think out to do not about what other people have told me up to do not what I'm telling God I ought to do anybody know what I'm talking about I would say every one of us need this God gave me a dream sent me to a service to hear the preacher quote that the preacher didn't say all that he just quoted the verse and then God started saying to me and things that I had struggled with inwardly began to not be a struggle anymore why because I was mindful of him working instead of me trying to work and I was screwing it up messing it up I want him working in me amen how about we stand to our I want us to stand to our feet and I want us to take this seriously this is not just a verse of the day this is going to help us run his race run the race he authored the way he wants us to run it amen with joy say this after me say father I thank you for your word I hold to I put in my mouth and I put in my heart and I say this from my heart it is you who is working in me right now both to will and to do of your good pleasure that which needs worked in me work it that which needs to be done in me do it I give you full permission because I love your will I love your plan your plan is an honor in my life that I get to fulfill hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord I want to obey the Holy Ghost miss Rachel give me your hands look father I thank you divine divine workings both to will and to do we thank you Father that your work will never leave us the same I thank you Father for the wonderful plan for her life and your wonderful plan calls for your wonderful work we love your work father in us highly lujah hallelujah hallelujah how many of you say I take it I take it I take every day say it every day when you find yourself struggling over let's say a bad habit you know just something in your temperament something in your way of thinking that person just perks me up no father it's you who's working in me because they're not my problem they are not my problem my husband is not my problem my children are not the problem my pastors not my boss is not the problem I am my own problem and you've not left me alone with this problem of myself it is you who is working in me both to will and to do of your good pleasure that's Philippians 2:13 learn it say it and mean it it will literally change struggle into flow amen hallelujah ha ha I'm so glad I went to that service I'm so glad he gave me that dream because I got so tired of struggling with myself when we when we use by faith when we take the word and apply it to our flesh that's the only way to win over your flesh it's only way willpower fails every time warning to deal with something it's not enough not enough but we employ we employ his working he's working in me he's working in me how about this in your marriage honey when you're when you're when you start handling your spouse around catch yourself say honey forgive me he's working in me he's working at me he's working in me we have to have faith for that that he's working in me he's working in me someone had come up to me and said pastor you know they were having severe marriage problems and they started talking to me about the other spouse and I said no no no no wait a minute you have no responsibility to work in them you only had the responsibility toward you you you leave them out you aren't you glad you're not left to flounder by yourself on yourself he's working how about we learn to say this every morning father you're working in me you were working and then when we miss it say forgive me God's working on me he's working in me amen instead I forgive you God's working in you [Laughter] allelujah there's so many people there approaches that way instead of this way when something is needs to be addressed let's say it again it is God who is working in me both to will to deal with my insides and to do of his good pleasure allelujah how many of you know this he's good at his work he is masterful at his work but we have to yield to that masterfulness amen we we have to allow him to do the work we have to invite him to amen you can be seated father we thank you these kinds of moments thrill me because these are things that have gotten me from one place to another and I've still not arrived and any of us that have arrived it shows he's needing more work on you if we think we've arrived it's a sign more work needs to be done hallelujah last night we talked about something and in keeping really with this and on one occasion I was talking about how I have been disappointed in myself and you know if you've ever been there and you want to be right with God and you repent and you find yourself repenting over the same thing again and again because you find yourself tripping over the same thing again and again anybody ever been there please don't leave me up here by myself please get real loud on your amens right at that point and I sensed I had a prompting to get on my knees and I was reading something I had I had I had talked to God and they repented again and you know then I was going on I was reading and while I was reading I was prompted to get on my knees and when I did Jesus was standing there and he said I didn't know I didn't see him but by word of knowledge I knew he was there and he said as soon as I hit my knees he said to me he said you have failed many many times but there was no sound of displeasure because why he's not a condemned ER he said you have failed many many times I thought was absolutely you ain't telling me known I don't know I know it that's why that's why I just had the conversation with you I had because I know that so it didn't come off as a negative when he said it he said you have failed many many times but he didn't leave me just with that he said but I never have but I never have so I share my success with you and when he said that I said I take your success but you don't just take it with one it's a day by day taking it through how you think how you act how you behave what you say where you go what you do what you allow yourself to watch what you allow yourself to click on and so he said so I share my success I share it with you well if somebody wants to share it they're offering it but there's a taking on the end of that so last night we talked about Joshua chapter 1 verse 8 because when he said I share my success with you it's God's definition of success not human natural definition of success because men men men's definition is quite as skewed sometimes and so Joshua chapter 1 verse 8 says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night so they'll most observe to do according to all that's written therein for then thou shalt make that way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success and as other translation says thou may be able to deal wisely and all the affairs of life so we dug a little bit last night into that verse and we saw the three things that God prescribed for Joshua if he was going to get people out of disobedience out of a land of never arriving and get them into arriving at what he authored for them something was going to have to change something was he was going to have to take a very definite action to get them into that success that God offered them you see all the blessings of God are offered to us they belong to us but whether or not we succeed in what's offered it depends on what we do and he told Joshua what to do number one this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth speak the word all the time speak it to the devil speak it to your flesh speak it to the world around just speak it to your circumstances speak it speak it in worship speak it in confession speak it in calling things speaking learnt top top top top top top top top two things so that was the first step to success the second step to success was this book Allah should not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night so he's telling us how to it's it's not speaking it from the head we've got to speak it from the heart and meditation pushes the word down into our spirits it drives it down into our spirits so that we're not like some people who make confessions but they sound empty they don't ring true they don't sound right it just sounds like learned words instead of a flow of a life in 25 years of pastoring I had so many people come to me and the words they were saying were right but it sounded empty it didn't sound there was no there wasn't the spirit of faith attached to the words it was coming out of their head and God wants us to say the word but he wants it attached to the spirit of faith that amen how do how do how does the word hid a flow of the spirit of faith and you have to meditate on it that's how you get that word and you you speak it to yourself you think it to yourself you rehearse it and replay it to yourself and that's what the second thing was that God told Joshua you had to put the word in your mouth but you got to get it in your spirit and getting it in your mouth helps you get it in your spirit he dealt with the mouth first because that's going to help drive that down into your spirit and then he said so that you will observe to do according to all that's written there in the word in your mouth and the word is in your spirit is to arrive you at the doing of the word it doesn't matter that it's in your mouth if you never do it it doesn't matter that it's in your spirit if you never do it and then he says when it's in your mouth when it's in your spirit and when it's in your doing success is automatic it's automatic you don't have you'll have to try to succeed you you your effort is toward doing these three things and this success is connected to these three things accomplished it's not enough to have it in our mouth and stop and think we arrived all three things all three have to be flowing it's part of our life and then we end up in success we don't struggle for success we do the work toward the word and it it arrives us there at success so Jesus did that if he said I share my success with you that means pay attention to what he did because he succeeded so we must do it the way he did it to arrive at success so in arriving at success he arrived there by being a doer of the word he was the word but he still did it as a man in flesh he had to do the law he did the word right in the wilderness the temptation we see him demonstrate it whenever all things were opposing him every day something opposed him but notice what Jesus said he said my yoke is easy and my burden is light do you know that the yoke for his own destiny was easy and yet a night for him it wasn't hard for him it was like for him he demonstrated that likeness every day people were against him and he did not get under the burden and carried under the weight of that he was going to be dying and suffering on the cross and paying the price treat humanity he didn't live under the weight of that he carried it lightly he carried it lightly in fact the only time now he foretold about what would happen to him he told his disciples what was going to happen to him but the only time we ever see him deal with it now we we do know the Mount of Transfiguration Moses and Elijah appeared to him and talked to him about it right and we don't know what all they talked about in detail but the only time we ever see the word telling that he dealt with it was the hour before his arrest he didn't deal with it as a child he didn't deal with it as a teenager he didn't deal with it as a man as a carpenter working with his dad he didn't deal with it when he started his earthly ministry he didn't deal with that hour while he was out among the people and living under the burden with it and waking up under it and going to bed under it he lived under the likeness of his call and the only time we see him dealing with it was one hour before his arrest in the garden in the garden and he labored that hour you understand that he didn't live under a burden to live in success we're not under a burden of trying to succeed Jesus Jesus was opposed every day of his life once his earthly ministry began hated applauded and hated all in the same hour all the time all the time but it says he knew the hearts of men he he wasn't he wasn't deterred by what men did and how fickle men were and how did he live under the lightness he did the word he did the word when he's preaching in Mathew 6:25 and he says take no thought for your life what you shall eat what you shall drink don't you know your father takes care of the birds I mean he'll take care of you you know what he's telling you he's telling you how he operated everything Jesus instructed written and read is how he operated he said it to us but he said it from a place of having experience this is how I operate and I'm telling you this is how to do it so he did the word for us to do have success we have to do pay attention what he did and he wasn't just giving us words he was giving us insights into how he operated amen so anything you can see that's instructional written in red in your Bible that's instructional to us he's telling you the instructions he lived by so when you do what he did you had the success he had that's how we share his success we do what he did does that make sense to you it's not like Oh God tell me how to succeed tell me how to succeed do what he did and you will arrive at the same success he he achieved and walked in as a man he did this as a man but not only was he a doer of the word during his earthly ministry he relied on the Holy Spirit it was a a two-footed walk one foot doing the word the other foot relying on the spirit one foot doing the word another foot relying on the spirit it was a two footed walk through the plan of God does that make sense to you and so I am prompted today to talk a little bit about this relying on the spirit because last night we talked about the word I'm not going to address this morning because what I have in my heart for this morning and I won't keep you too terribly long because I'm taken long but is I I'm not going to focus so much on learning how to follow the spirit your pastor teaches so well on that you hear instruction on that but I want to focus on if I could go with me to John chapter 14 John chapter 14 and I want to focus on the role of the Holy Spirit Jesus did not endeavor to launch out into his earthly ministry until after he was baptized by John in the River Jordan right and what happened at that the Holy Spirit came down on him tangibly and John the Baptist saw this anointing the Holy Spirit delivered to him now he's empowered to fulfill this earthly ministry he had the word but he needed the power that come there's a power of the word but there's also a power of the Holy Spirit that we rely on John chapter 14 and verse 16 Jesus was speaking to the disciples and he was talking to them about the time when he wouldn't be here and he was talking about that there's a time that he's going to go to be with his father and he says in verse 16 and I will ask the Father now let me ask you this when he asks does his asking work [Laughter] his asking works and I love how acquainted he is with how his asking works he says I will ask and he will give I will ask and he will give no ifs ands or buts no hesitation no doubt no wondering if it's gonna work I will ask and he will give I will he will I will he will I will he will I will ask the Father and He will give he will give you another comforter then the amplified spells out what all is contained with this word comforter counselor helper intercessor advocate strengthener and stand by that he may remain with you forever Wow he's not gonna leave you when you feel like you can't feel him he's not gonna leave you when you feel like things are pushing on you he always remains he always remains I want to draw on this one word containing the word comforter is helper he is our helper he will help us share the success of Jesus you understand that because Jesus had success because of the spirits help he had help he had success because of the word but he also had hel had success because of the help of the Spirit if you would go through your Bible and if you would highlight maybe in a different color the gifts of the Spirit that operated through Jesus's ministry you're going to see your Bible colored all throughout with the moving of the Holy Ghost upon him when he said zai kiyose he's curled up in a tree come down I must go to your house today how'd he know his name was IKEA Holy Spirit was helping him how did he know he had to go to his house that day the Holy Spirit told him he relied on the Holy Spirit how did he know how did he know when he faced the religious leaders you whitewash Sep lockers full of dead men's bones how did he know that the Holy Spirit you don't you don't just see her a religious man and assume he's that you better know when you start calling out the religious leaders in public you better know how do you know the Holy Spirit so much of what he said he said from divine knowledge that came to him by the Holy Spirit amen if we're to sharing his success we need to rely on the one he relied on and we can because he's in us forever amen now God has made provisions for our continued success God just doesn't want us to have sporadic success it's continued success that he has given him he's given his word the blood of Jesus the name of Jesus our authority that belongs to us he's given us all these things but he's given us the power of the Spirit but for us for these things to work we have to do our part all these weapons all these tools all this divine artillery all this divine defence that belongs to us they don't just work because we have them we work they work because we work them right so when many hit hard situations they just sit back and wait for God to rescue them well I know God God God can change this yes God can change this but you can't just sit back and wait for the word and the spirit to rescue you without you doing your work without you doing your part amen we won't get anywhere just waiting for God to do something this is why people so many Christians they just say well if I just give money I'll succeed really I know that my dad and my husband went one time my dad went several day several times a day to go look at his farms his farms were scattered throughout the county because land is such they pass it from generation to generation especially the better land and it's rarely comes up on the market and so whenever it comes up on the market you get it it doesn't matter where it's at it's not the same proximity and so my dad would have you know parcels of land all throughout the county so every day he would drive around and look at his crops and that was his pure delight pure delight to look at what he saw for years everyday and then he'd asked when we were home you won't go with oh yeah we'll go with you so is it was the best times of our our lives with our daddies just to just let just sitting them in the in the pickup and let him love his land and watch him love his land and listen to him love his land and tell you the same thing for the hundredth time about his land and so ed edd always wanted to be like a cowboy a rancher a farmer he was all of that on the inside of him so he loved going with my dad and and Edie and my dad got along really well because my brothers told me told me I didn't realize it at the time they said you married daddy it's who you marry I didn't know it because I wasn't around my dad that much he was working so much and my brothers knew him in a way I didn't know him and daddy handled the girls differently than he handled the boys you know and and and so I never saw that aspect but when I married ed my brother said you married daddy I said did I make oh yeah you married daddy so two daddies were sitting in the truck you know going to going to look at the farm this particular day and loving each other's company because they thought alike and daddy was certain ed was an expert in his field but my daddy was an expert in his field too and so ed said to my dad one day he said Kenneth isn't it just amazing they were looking at his crop and said isn't it amazing you plant a scene you get a harvest daddy said that's not true he said that's not true he said look over here looking brother Johnson over here he planted a seed look at his harvest look at it full of weeds sparse eaten up not properly watered my dad had the potential for success but he worked his success success is something you work not work for because he shares the success but the success steps that are taken you have to work them God won't work them God did not work Jesus's success for himself Jesus had to get up every morning hear what the Spirit wanted walk it out by faith he had to do the exact same steps we have to take he had to know what the word said he had to find himself in the word amen when he stood up in Luke 4:16 he said the Spirit of the Lord Luke 4:18 the spirit Lords upon me it says he turned to the book Isaiah where it was written how did he know it was written there he found himself and the word and then got up and declared this is Who I am that's what we have to do you have to find yourself in the word and say this is who I am my father is working in me both to will and to do of his good pleasure this is Who I am I am the object of his pleasure and he's working in me amen so this is what many people as Christians miss they think if they know some faith statements and make some faith confessions they can just sit back and give an offering and sit back and wait for rescue to show up wait for harvest to show up but there's a work of success God Jesus worked his part to show us how to work our part you understand Jesus's work of success where I was our example that's why he said you should he said I share my success with you he wasn't telling me now go inactive because my success is going to dominate you he was telling me imitate what I did imitate follow my example and when you do I've already worked it and I arrived at success if you'll do what I did you arrived at success that's how he shares his success with us he gave us an example of what to do and then the same power that met him in his doing will meet us in our doing why because he prayed the father and the father gave the Holy Spirit amen I don't know about you but this thrills me then it made sense it made more sense to me when dr. Summerall made this statement he said when I need something from God I start doing something many people when they need something from God they sit back and wait for God and then it never happens and they're sitting for years thinking well I'm just standing no you're not standing well praise the Lord because having done all to stand you stand you don't stand having done nothing now Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 17 and for time's sake we won't read the whole passage but Ephesians 6 verse 17 talks about the the armor that belongs to the believer and one of that thing he one of it is he says though that word is the sword of the Spirit right the word is a sword of the Spirit so as we speak the word we are putting something in the hand of the Holy Ghost for our lives you understand that we have to give him something to work with why he's the helper he's not the doer he's the helper he's not the doer he's the helper he's not the doer that means he will help us as we do as we speak the word he takes what we're doing speaking the word and he helps and that word becomes a sword of the Spirit you understand and that word will cut away things in our lives that's unlike God it will cut away opposition right isn't that what a sword is for it's for challenging what opposes you cut it away you challenge and you hold up that word when you need something something's opposing you lack is opposing you or lack of with something as opposed the devil's trying to withhold something from you you have to give the holy spirit something to help he's the helper but we have to give him something to help with what is the help the sword that he will employ in our behalf is the word as we speak the word the holy now we've given the Holy Spirit something to help he can take that word that's in our mouth and bring victory to pass that makes sense to you it's the sword of the Spirit we're putting the sword in his hand so that he can help us in our victory so what does this mean the way Jesus succeeded was he spoke the word and therefore that word was able to be employed all around his life to protect him that no devil could take him out ahead of time the devil is trying to kill him every day every day every day multiple times a day and he spoke the word he lived in the will of God and all these things were a help that the Spirit had available to him to employ over jesus's life does that make sense to you so as we speak the word as we let me say this way everything that comes against us every individual thing we have to the Holy Spirit is our helper but we have to give him something to help so let's say financially there comes a strategy against your life you have to speak the word and that becomes the sword the Spirit drives into that thing ah in the spirit realm cutting away the biting amen but if you don't speak the word to help her God he can't he came to he can only do what you put in his hand how do you put his hand through what you say you you plant the word all around your life and in the spirit realm that word goes to work for you does that make sense but just because you spoke the word of your finances now you've got to speak the word over that flesh and you got to speak the word over the children and you got to speak the word over the business and you got to speak the word over to health every need calls for the word and if when we say my God shall supply all my need and he employs that word in your behalf but that's not going to be employed for your health you're gonna have to speak something else for your health then you can speak something else for your business you see what I'm saying every individual thing that needs the help of the word and the spirit you're gonna have to put the word in the spirits hands so he can use it that's what Jesus did amen that's part of the success he experienced I said it last night this the Holy Spirit is a performer and he can only perform based on what we say why why can the Holy Spirit Jesus said you'll have whatsoever you say why because when you say something Spirit of God takes those words and brings to pass in your life what you say because we gave him something to do we gave him something to help us with because we were doing something with the word when we don't do something with the word he has nothing to help us with but when we say we're giving him the ability to help us for our own lives amen if we take a day off from saying he has to take a day off from performing because we put nothing in his we've given him no sword did the sword of the Spirit the sword that works in the spirit realm and the sword that the Spirit of God employees in our behalf is the words in our mouth it's called fighting the fight of faith the good fight of faith amen those words work those words work those words work and they work exactly like a sword works we have to be aggressive and this is the thing that God is holding big before me is where God has us to go for us our ministry to go we can't get there passively we can only arrive aggressively where God has this congregation ago you won't get there passively you won't arrive because as quick as you passively state something the devil will aggressively oppose it the devil is not passive it says he walks about as a roaring lion seeking he's seeking on he's seeking seeking seeking seeking whom he may devour not just whom he may you know punch a little bit he wants to devour destroy he wants to devour the vision he wants to eat up and and absolutely disengage and destroy the vision that God's given your pastor he wants to that's his job and he's seeking how he can do that and he walks about loudly he's not a he's not a lion but he sounds like one wise loud he's loud he's loud about it we have to be loud you have to be loud about what we believe what about what God's doing I'm not talking about volume I'm talking about constant this is what God's doing this is what God's doing this is what God's doing this is what God's doing this shall come to pass this shall come to pass and this is why some Christians lives just look like they have to look like for the last 20 years is because they haven't been as interested as they ought to in success praise the Lord God is interested in our success we better get as interested because listen the devil is interested in our failure we have to be more interested in our success the devil not just once you fail he wants you destroyed Satan comes to kit steal kill and destroy he's not just want you to fail he's wanting your example to preach to others an example of failure it's preached to others destroy you destroy your children destroy your business destroy everything connected to you that's his intent but God empowers us that everything connected to us succeeds but only as we give the Holy Spirit something to help praise the Lord Matthew 11 listen we cannot succeed sitting back in a spiritual easy chair half making half-hearted confessions reading our Bible whenever we feel like it and we have to be interested Matthew 11 and verse 12 you remember what I said when you read in read what Jesus said and it's instructional to us what do we know about that this is what he did this is how he operated and he's telling you this is what I do it works do this so it says in Matthew 11 verse 12 and from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth or invites violence violence not a destructive violence but of violence that accomplishes something and then he defines this violence how it acts and the violent take it take it take it take it by force by what force by human force nope by willpower no by the force of faith faith is a force we take it by the force of faith you know what Jesus is saying he could we could say this that from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and I take it by force that's what he's telling us this is how I do it I take it I take it you know when Jesus fed the multitudes we have no one do we have no record that God said feed them Jesus decided Jesus initiated this I'm feeding them and God met him too many times we're waiting back for God to tell us something when he's waiting for us to take a step of faith just do something in faith do something in faith do something in faith I'll meet you take it you know how you don't get your next building or whatever God has you take it how you gonna take it you're gonna you're gonna give the Holy Spirit something to help you're gonna do something amen you're gonna put the word in your mouth and you're going to put you're gonna follow the Holy Ghost into making faith actions now the violent take it by force take it notice this the violent don't sit back and wait for God to give it they take it too many times people are trying to get God to give them something if you're praying trying to get God to give you something lack of knowledge it's like a knowledge I'm trying to get God to give me money I'm trying to get God to give me a job I'm trying to get God to give me a house I'm trying to get God to give me healing like a knowledge God has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus what's this mean here giving it all he's already giving it all why don't we have it it's waiting for someone to take it it's waiting for someone to take it it's waiting for someone to take it it's waiting for someone to take it we're waiting for God to move and he's waiting on somebody to take it and Jesus said the kingdom of heaven invite you to take it heaven has already provided it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it how do you take it you put the word in your mouth I take it health belongs to me I'm not trying to get God do you know you don't have to get God to give you a building another building you don't have to wait for God he's already started provided before you ever born before time began he already authored everything this congregation is gonna need you already already already already now your job is take it take it you know those who are trying to get healing too late he's already given it now it's just waiting for you take it those who are trying to get rich too late your art he's already giving it that's a just waiting for the taken as we speak the word we get the Holy Ghost something to help Philip Philippians chapter 3 verse 14 I won't keep you too too much longer here I'm almost done but Philippians chapter 3 verse 14 Paul is writing and we need to notice the very descriptive words he uses in this Philippians chapter 3 verse 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus is just on the other side of the press and if you never press you never get it he said I press i press what's this mean aggressive I take action I give the whole I do something the Holy Ghost can help the Holy Ghost can't help us sit and watch the TV and flick because he's here to help fulfill the word I'm not against watching television I'm saying it's wrong to sit back and and do something passively when it when your success is calling for aggressiveness and then you come in just say pastor pray for me pray for a prayer won't take the part of you taking it prayer won't take the part of you putting the word of the Spirit the sword of the Spirit which is the word in this in the Holy Ghost hand to work for you amen I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus we have to get to the point where we love the press instead of dread the press to dread the press is wrong thinking to dread taking it is wrong thinking you talk to anyone who's training to be an Olympian all they talk about is the gold none of them talk about the bronze they'll hang a picture of it they talk about it they have they have even what I don't know the word right word psychologists that work with these athletes from mental training mental training to see themselves they don't just have they don't just have a trainer to train them in their sport they they have trainers to train them in their thinking absolutely do and why because it helps them keep pressing when the body's hurting they get beyond that get beyond that pain they'll set press past it press past it right and you start doing that and you love that level you start loving that and anything else is a disappointment to you you you get up and I mean it puts you at a certain degree of achieving and aggressiveness and you know don't want to go back to that passive way of living anymore because you know you get nothing being passive you get it all taking it yeah Amen hallelujah and think about the woman with the issue of blood sick for 12 years she did things she tried for 12 years to get better you got appreciate this woman is no quitter this woman is not somebody who just sits back and floats and puts up with what life hands her even though she was doing it wrong she tried all that tried that route and tried that route and tried that route and nothing worked she didn't give up boy you got appreciate it why this was a woman who kept pressing against her flesh kept pressing against it and kept pressing against it and quit being okay with what she had for so long the Holy Ghost can't help us when we're okay with what we've always had I'm not okay in myself with the way I've always been there's always something more for me amen hallelujah so can I say this the this woman would never been healed as she wouldn't have been interested enough to press she she says she pressed through the crowd it's not coincidence that it's using this very aggressive active word to show what she did well if God loves me why didn't he come to my house well if Jesus loved her why did he show up in her house didn't the Holy Ghost know she was there suffering sure he did but he wants to know how interested you got to give me something to help you got to give me something to help and what did she do she got out and she pressed and the Holy Ghost helped she touched she touched the garment and by the Holy Ghost Jesus felt that Holy Ghost power go out of him who touched me the Holy Ghost is involved in all this but she was given him something to help she was pressing even though she was pressing in the wrong directions before directions that had no help for her if you'll keep pressing even if you do it wrong if you'll keep at it the Holy Ghost will be able to end you up at pressing the right thing the right way but people who don't take any action he can't help impress at anything because they're not pressing it's like trying to steer a parked car all you do is run the where the rubber down on one of the point of your tires and get nowhere amen it is not up to the pastors alone for this congregation to arrive at the fullness of the vision it's not enough for the leadership to press understand that one man's press will not be accepted on behalf of a congregation if it would have Moses would have gotten all the Hebrews into the Promised Land did Moses have faith to going you had faith yeah Joshua had faith Caleb had faith they were leaders but there were other leaders who weren't willing to press beyond their doubt in feelings and their own wrong thinking they weren't interested nothing the Promised Land to think maybe I'm thinking wrong amen what am I saying this comes to my heart you are you have a divine invitation to press into the next thing God has for this congregation join unitedly I remember something that the Spirit of God now I take that back the way it was said was a woman in our church who she was on her deathbed and when she was in her final days she actually died and she saw her mother in heaven she saw other people in heaven she said she'd been part of our congregation for years she saw my husband in heaven and he said to her he said it's not time for you to come you have to go back she didn't want to come back so she said no to him I'm not coming back and then finally Jesus walked up to her and said it's not time for you you have to go back and I love the questions she asked Jesus what do I have to do to stay what a great question that is it and he said I need you to go back and pray and he gave her three things to pray he said pray for the congregation to get it and I said later I said and asking him what did he mean by get it that they would find out who they are what they had what they can do in Christ what and he actually said this way pray that they would get what pastor Nancy's preaching who they are in Christ what belongs to them their authority prayed that they would get it number two pray for revelations that belong to this era to come well see that's what God had said to me yours before and I'd been teaching that phrase in the third thing he said prayed that the congregation would be in unity why because until they're in unity the pressing won't work half pressing and half breaking won't lunge ahead we all have to press we all have to press that's unity if we say we're in unity unity is not just showing up in the same building at one time unity is us doing the same thing in the building and then us doing the same thing at home us bringing our faith at home us speaking our faith at home amen this is true for every congregation member this is true for every staff member on it on any Church staff on any ministry staff it's up to them to press press press press press the way God's going we're going to get into what God has for us I mean in our ministry and that company we got it press it's not just going to show up on our door God has an airplane for this for y'all's ministry it's not going to show up just by sitting back same thing for my airplane thank you for my airplane we got a press you have to be interested in arriving at that amen and it's not enough for our pastors and we can't just sit back and watch him press and enjoy their press and be benefited by their press we have to press we have to press amen and the more we press the more we love the press and people who don't like to press just haven't done it long enough to love it you do anything long enough you start loving it amen because when you do it long enough you start seeing the success connected to it and if people just press randomly every once in a while they don't see continued success so they don't they don't appreciate that action but the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it and we're not just taking it by ourselves the Holy Ghost is helping us take it amen the word and the spirit the word and the spirit will help us to arrive at the success that Jesus shares with us amen are you help this morning encouraged this morning assigned this morning amen you need to have what what are you saying about where God's taking this church we need to be saying something all the time what are we saying not just what is the pastor saying and you go oh I'm not sure what to say well listen to what they're saying when they say something in a service especially when they're under that anointing of the Spirit and they say it by the spirit even if they might not even recognize it because sometimes we can say something we didn't even recognize but it was really marching orders learn to hear it and say that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying and we should all be saying the same thing and sometimes in a congregation God may have one emphasizing one aspect of where you're going in another emphasizing but it's all to get the whole covered with the taking amen we're taking it we're taking it why because as we take it we're giving the Holy Ghost something to be helped her with we're giving him something to help and that's what he wants to do he doesn't want to sit inactive just hovering over our lives he wants to help help help but if he can only help what's in line with the word he can only help what of the word is spoken all he caught he can only work with the word if we're speaking if we're just speaking out of our minds he can't work with that if we're speaking out of our hurts and how the past and out of a bad marriage and on and the emotions and he can't he's not there to help he's not there to work with emotions we've got to grow up and give the Holy Ghost something to help something worth helping amen hallelujah stand with me to your feet father we thank you we thank you for this divine success that belongs to us the word has success built into it the Holy Spirit only knows how to perform success he doesn't know how to perform anything a failure there is no air of failure about the Holy Ghost so Holy Spirit we honor what you've come to do and we set ourselves in agreement that what you put in our pastor's heart it shall come to pass we don't even have to know all the details in the sense of maybe God would not have him to share everything but that which is shared we agree with it raise your hand and say this with your heart agreeing with these words let your heart agree with these words thank father we thank you for joining us to this church family I bring my supply in every arena I have a precious supply that this church body needs and one supply is my saying of the word and I bring my supply and I say the vision that you have put in my pastor's heart I agree I come into agreement and I say it shall come to pass it shall come to pass all the clarity shall come the wisdom shall come the funds shall come the favour comes the ability the grace it belongs to us we can do it we will able we are well able and we take it the fullness of it we're interested in what you offer us the success you offer us and Holy Ghost we are available to move with you as our guide will go where you take us and we'll go with the word in our mouth for victory is ours success is ours and we take the success that Jesus has already won for us hallelujah hallelujah on purpose think about everyday what God has for this church and where you're going pay attention listen to your pastor when he unfolds clips of the vision or talks about it doesn't even really matter the time it doesn't matter the location it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what the playing out of that is what matters is that we're bringing the word to what God's telling him to say to us that's what matters well I wouldn't do it that way I wouldn't go to that places that leave that out leave that personal preference mess out I don't have a preference other than just bringing the word to what God says to my man Oh God amen my job is just getting line and shut up shut up about my preference amen you know when you join the military get up at 4:00 I don't want geta form oh really and you think that matters right all preferences are gone why because we're part of this thing now we're part of something now amen all preferences are gone we're just here to carry out our instruction that's what the Lord calls us that we're to be like good soldiers a man we say yes sir be glad to do it sir my privilege yeah I want to scrub the latrine with the salt brush I tooth brush I want to don't they do they they have to reply right they have to respond right yeah because that's how you get men who in the face about it will die for a brother they're not looking to get stationed back off the off the front they want to be out there where the fight is amen and when you start pressing that's where you want to be is where the press is Leslie and hold of success amen you don't want to just be sitting home just wasting time and passing time and doing what's unimportant amen hallelujah hallelujah well as I said last night very quickly I know that I've kept you a little bit long today but just real quickly if you're here and I minister to those who needed healing last night but if you're here this morning and you need healing I'll be glad to minister to you because healing belongs to you amen hallelujah anybody here just real quickly you can come up if there's anybody that you need healing in your body and we will minister to you praise the Lord congregation we're interested that they receive what Jesus paid so much for them to have amen so reach your hands out toward these you release your faith with them hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah those of you that are up here or if you're in the aisle waiting to come up here and the congregation will do it with you that's just worship Jesus is our healer with your own mouth say this after me say Jesus you're such a wonderful healer I worship you as my healer you paid such a great price for my health and I honor that price by receiving that healing power I thank you for it you're my healer you are my healer thank you for being my healing when hands are laid on me the healing power of God will go into my body it will drive out bangin symptoms sickness and disease and I shall behold I thank you for it in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name father we thank you for this the anointing that can be stored and caught in this cloth and carried to the one in need we thank you that when this cloth is laid upon the body that's sick when it'll drive out pain symptom sickness and disease and they shall behold if there's a presence of an evil spirit it'll drive it out we thank your father be whole in Jesus name we thank your father we thank you Father we thank you Father be whole in Jesus name be whole in Jesus name behold in Jesus name be whole in Jesus name behold in Jesus name behold in Jesus name behold in Jesus name be whole in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah for you for her for both for her hi baby doll ah oh they're all party aren't oh yeah you look like you had waffles this morning yeah you do you look like you've been living off the fat of the land sister how cute is that I know I know it's a party I know it's a party isn't it it's just a party what a happy baby this is you want to come live with me I got waffles I got waffles what's the what does she need yeah father we thank you for your Oh for your power I speak to every bit of that leave her body in Jesus name yeah yeah eat some for me would ya huh the fat doesn't look the same on me as it does on you he look cute on you [Music] right huh hey oh my gosh isn't don't you just want to bite them wanna bite on father we thank you we thank healed in Jesus name we thank you for healing power healed in Jesus name healed in Jesus name healed in Jesus name for you to love okay for her for healed in Jesus name every bit of the difficulty go every bit of it go in Jesus name healed in Jesus name we thank you for it father hole in Jesus name we thank you for father for you too we thank you for wholeness father in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we thank you Father we thank your father we thank you Father we give you glory and honor healed in Jesus name healed in Jesus name healed in Jesus name healed in Jesus name healed in Jesus name healed in Jesus name we thank you for healed in Jesus name healed in Jesus name we thank you for it father we thank you for it I thank your father for wholeness and refreshing in Jesus name we thank you for it father hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah yeah we thank your father thank you father hole in Jesus name we thank you for it father we thank you for it father let's just raise up our hands and thank him Jesus thank you so much we appreciate it so much we so value we so value we so value the price you paid thank you so much thank you that power is working in us right now it's working in us it's working in us those of you who had hands laid on you last night or this morning be aggressive how do you do it say thank you that powers are working that power is working you know dad Hagin used to say this and I so appreciate it he said if you will give an all-out effort to the word he said it won't take long what you need it won't take long for it to show up but what happens is we're so practiced at giving a half-hearted effort a convenient effort but he said an all-out effort that may not interest in anything else but this right now my focus is on this I know I've got to do other things I've got to carry out other duties but this is where my real interest is amen hallelujah we give an all-out effort - what - the race were running amen an all-out effort to the the thing that God is taking us into next hallelujah whole hearted whole hearted so as you leave this place all you have to do is say thank that power is working in me those of you who have had hands laid on debt power is working in me it's working in me and he's talking about the aggressiveness of saying it they're taking it by saying it don't you know if you only if you only just think of it every few days you're not that interested but on purpose up the interest up the interest the aggressive was saying be aggressive with worshiping him for it Amen hallelujah we worship You Jesus we worship you you know I had been dealing with something in my body that was just lingering there for four years four years and in a day and a half I gave it all out of there just all that effort worshiping God and day and a half the symptoms gone after four years didn't take long in take long for the word to work if God can get us to give a wholehearted wholehearted wholehearted aggressive violence Amen that's really what violence is this is a wholehearted wholeheartedness toward the word Amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that's us amen we're wholehearted toward what God has for us pastor thank you congregation again thank you thank you for letting me keep you into your lunchtime I appreciate it and I have loved being with you and I get to see you again not very long from now
Channel: Jay Eberly Ministries
Views: 15,018
Rating: 4.8021202 out of 5
Id: PsA2zBVGuhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 55sec (5395 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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