Keith Moore Gods will to heal Pt 12 Authority over demons and disease

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would you turn to Luke this evening and if you didn't bring a Bible with you hold up your hand we have extra Bibles would be glad to let you use one of ours hold up your hand to the Usher see you and turning the in the Bible to Luke the fifth chapter let your eyes rest on the words sit out loud again God's my source my eyes are on him not on man and I will receive what I need not everybody said that I'm not just trying to fill up the time everybody awake are you with me huh missus won't know if I want to sit why not why not I won't say that but I know why not but I'm not going to tell you right now but if you'd like to let's let's say it again everybody's safe God is my source Lord my eyes are on you not on man I believe I will receive what I need tonight hallelujah glory to God from who God because your eyes are on on him he's our source he's our everything in Luke the fifth chapter for some time now we have been on this subject called God's will to heal do you like it I do God's will to heal now you need to know the answer to the question is it God's will for me to be healed and if you if you're not sure then you cannot have faith to be healed are you with me now if you're still wandering in waving wavering about is it God's will for me to be healed or not you can't have faith in that condition and faith is the victory that overcomes the world faith is how you receive your salvation being born again your sins forgiven and healing and anything else but before you can have faith how does faith come comes by hearing hearing by the anointed word of the Lord and what what's going to happen while you're hearing the anointed word of the Lord well you gonna find out his will right while you're hearing what he tells you you're gonna discover his will and once you've heard his will on the subject and his word on the subject then you can believe it you can be persuaded of it and it's that faith that'll get you the roughest through the roughest and toughest places in life and get you through anything to be an overcomer in him Luke chapter 5 Luke chapter 5 now I feel it necessary to say just a little bit more about this I had the privilege of working in healing school brother Kenneth Hagins ministry for a number of years and I told some of our folks one time I said I think some people would like it better if we had a healing drive-thru that uh you know they could just pull up at the window and we could just read out reach out our hand and go bless you be healed and they could say thank you and take off because we live in a world where things are happening real fast and people think the way to do everything is just as fast as you can and the microwave is too slow right and we don't like to wait on our email at all right or anything else we want it now why can't I have it now okay no of course that feeds the flesh because that's the nature of the flesh your flesh didn't want to wait for anything and the Bible says though that people came to Jesus to hear him and to be healed have you read that you see it in Luke 6 you see it in Luke 7 they came to what hear him and be healed and I had a lady come by the healing school one time and and she said I want you to lay hands on me and pray for me to be healed and I said well we believe in that and we do that I said but let me ask you a question or two first she said why she said I have other appointments today and I just want you to pray for me so I can be healed I said no she said what what like how dare you which already tells me volumes about her she has no respect for me no respect for the ministry did you hear me I'm her servant she see her her concept is you know that I'm supposed to be like her little preacher who jumps when she says jump and they changed their little preachers every year to whether they need to or not hmm what do you think we hired you for do our praying for us do our believing in our counseling and our visitation well then you know I have a colleague what church is even supposed to be hmm no if you don't respect the Lord's ministers you don't respect him you don't respect his word you don't respect him you don't respect his things you don't respect him I said well sister I'd you know we do this we practice this I said but uh we don't just do it to be doing it we do it to get results I know I don't like to pray and not get results and I've learned that you got to do it the right way and I said let me ask you just a few questions just well okay I said what about this what about and every question she answered wrong she hasn't a clue I said well sister I said I don't think we're ready right now to pray what I said we're about to start healing school and can you stay and get under some teaching and get your faith built up she said I don't have time for that what you just got through telling me the doctors told her she's only got a short amount of time to live well what do you do what you in a hurry to do well we've planned to shop this afternoon with my daughters well what are you doing with folks like that they don't see the value of the word they don't understand how this works faith comes by what by rushing the preacher uh-huh faith comes by what demanding that God give me some know what does it come comes by hearing and hearing and hearing right but if you need some more and hearing and hearing well I don't have time for all that well I guess you think you know better than us so if you get good results be the first time no they that wait upon the Lord so much they wait upon the Lord so you plan on going all night tonight I don't know what if I do but the reason I'm not reading my text yet is because we got enough folks that are in too big of a hurry and got too much of a mindset about what's supposed to happen what I need and what you're supposed to do for me what you can miss it like that don't don't do that don't do that relax relax and say it again my eyes are on the Lord I'm open to him I'm waiting on the Lord trusting in him amen glory to God open waiting to many peoples in too big of a hurry and that's how you miss it that's how you miss out on it they that wait upon the Lord what had happened with them huh those that rush rush rush rush can get weaker and weaker but those that wait upon the Lord they shall renew their strength could you use some of that tonight renew their strength everybody everybody just close your eyes lift up your hands right now and praise the Lord song Lord we bless you tonight our eyes are on you our ears are open unto you our hearts are open to you o we worship you O we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship You hallelujah thank you Lord so many folks are so used to getting their way when and how they say but you know that didn't work with the Lord he's the boss he's the big boss right you don't tell him how he tells you how right you don't tell him what you need you ask him you might say I think I know what I need but you tell me hmm you know some even on the highway system how many know sometimes you need to go south in order to go north hmm there are interchanges right that's a mr. go up here take such a subsection you go we'll take me south yeah I know it but that's how you got to go that's gonna bring you back around but I'm going south because I need to go north well are you gonna turn south no I ain't going south I need to go no I know which way I need to go well just stay here then look five did you find it good we're all happy we ready we open okay all right listen why don't you hurry up and get with it we're not waiting on me I was ready for I got here Luke 5 verse 12 it came to pass when Jesus was in a certain city behold a man full of leprosy whose seeing Jesus fell on his face and besought him saying Lord if you will you can make me clean this is the question that many many Christians are still asking today they still pray in this way now if the Lord had a responded to this and say well you did the right thing by asking if it was my will because it's not always my will and every time you pray you should pray this way then maybe there'd be some confirmation for pray in that way but that's not what he said or anything remotely like it so then why does most of the church world still pray the way the unbeliever who'd not didn't know Jesus prayed when he answered his prayer and answered his question and he is the same yesterday today and forever right why don't we take his answer his answer Jesus answer instead of the lepers question to direct our praying some got that some didn't should we base our preying on the lepers question our Jesus answer what did the leper ask Lord I know you can do it what if if it's your will if it can heal me if it be your will and the millions of Christian ministers and people are stuck right there in the lepers question and govern all their praying according to the lepers question and you would think they could have just read the next verse right and come into a whole new world huh somebody say verse 13 whole new world what'd he say Jesus put forth his hand touched him and he said ah will I can't speak for you but that settles it for me right I don't care who wrote a book and who went to school and who had an experience and who had a fault and the question I got the words of the master read letters read letters read letters read letters Trump's PhD read letters Trump's doctor of literature done it read letters read letters Trump's somebody's experience well I saw a vision well I heard a voice told me it gets God's will for you to bear this sickness well I got read letters though read letters trumped your dream right are your experience jesus said I will call me to God be thou clean immediately as leprosy lefty is he the same yesterday today and forever then what's he still saying today I will is he no respecter of persons does he love you just as much as he loved him or anybody else then it wouldn't he say the same thing to you that if if he doesn't say the same thing to you as he does to him why is the respecter of persons if he's not saying you know I know people that they don't they don't seem to be saying it like this but there's a whole lot of people who tell us well the age of miracles has passed all that's passed away he's not saying that any more safe what who are you to tell us he's changed and he's not no longer he's no longer saying I will I don't believe it I believe this I believe jesus answered the question once and for all to people who believe his word I will be thou healed and cleansed well we've been on this subject for some weeks now establishing from the Word of God God's will to heal we saw it here right out of the mouth of Jesus but we know the scripture said in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established and so we've been going reason by reason to give you 30 reasons 3-0 from the Bible why we are sure it's God's will for all to be healed today we saw a reason number one God's Word is medicine number two a strong spirit will sustain you number three of the original creation number four God's will in heaven number five the origin of sickness and disease number six sicknesses the work of the devil number seven we got a covenant of healing number eight the eternal names of God he still is I am number nine sickness is a curse right number 10 the types of redemption number 11 redemption itself by His stripes you were healed number 12 first fruits of our inheritance actually of the resurrection number 13 the Fatherhood of God number 14 the children's bread and number 15 the mercy of God aren't you glad for the mercy of God well that's halfway to 30 isn't it can you make it the rest of the way [Applause] hmm okay turn if you would to uh let's see Luke the ninth chapter I believe it is you were there in Luke five just turn that on over to Luke nine Luke nine verse one and two Jesus called his twelve disciples together and he gave them power and authority over all Devils or demons and to cure diseases and he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick we're sure number 16 we're sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because of authority over demons and over disease authority over demons and disease ready to get excited about this tonight Jesus gave them power and authority we're going to talk about the authority side of it tonight authority to do what over demons and authority to cure diseases and he sent them he told them you go preach the kingdom of God and you go heal the sick now this sounds strange to us you go heal the sick did he tell them to go preach come on don't get hung up with man I read the Bible read the Bible he sent them to do what and to heal the sick who to heal the sick them to heal the sick well how're they gonna do that they're just human beings like you and me how they gonna do that well they're gonna do it the same way he did it cuz he's operating as a human being he's not operating as God although he is the Bible tells us he emptied himself he laid aside his mighty weight and glory and power and then and performed no miracles until he was baptized in the river and the Holy Spirit descended on him in the bodily shape and form as a dove and he came out in the power of the Spirit and you begin to see miracles we'll see if he's just doing these as God he could have done them when he was 5 years old right our 10 or 12 so I said well you know he did no he didn't so as to whether our apocryphal writings that said he did I know it some of them's got him healing his little friends while they played and raising a little bird from the dead don't you believe it I said don't you believe it first of all he's God he could he is God but no he couldn't operating as a man he emptied himself and the Bible tells us the scripture tells us the first miracle was the turning of water into wine at the wedding of Cana right so we got to believe that and that didn't happen till after the Holy Ghost came on him and anointed him why because he's not doing it his God he's doing it as a man now we know that's got to be true because when he tells us in John 14 he said those that believe on me in my name the works that I do they will do also and greater works than these shall they do how in the world could we do it if he did it as God and we're not God impossible but if he did it as a man undaunted with the Holy Spirit and he would authorize us with the same Authority and anoint us with the same spirit then we can see the glorious possibility hallelujah of us doing the very same type of things that he did and that's why he came and demonstrated it to show us how to do it oh but for centuries the church has sat back and put Jesus ministry on a pedestal that cannot be attained by any mortal human on the planet and just so you and I and he could do that but you're not you're just the worm he's the son of God how dare you think you could do something like that listen to me as a person as our sacrifice for sin Jesus is in a class by himself did you hear me nobody else could pay the price for our sin nobody else could do what he did in obtaining our Redemption but in his ministry his teaching his preaching his ministering to the sick the miracles had happened he did them as an example for us to follow and told us to do the same churches not believe that Christians have not believed that at all I think I'll need to read that scripture some folk are looking at me funny remember the Bible John hold you place there and Luke John 14 I quoted it but let's look at it you know if you don't know this the enemy will rob you every good for every victory every miracle every healing every deliverance you read in Matthew Mark and Luke and John you read it and get excited about it and the devil will come and say yeah but that was Jesus that was Jesus he could do that cuz he's the son of God but don't you think you can and that's not what the Lord did it for he demonstrated to us how to walk in authority how to walk in piler and he got it back and he gave it to us he gave it to the twelve he gave it to the 7d and you see it continued in the book of Acts after he's in heaven isn't that right you see the same kind of thing one and the book of Acts is still being written the Acts of the Church backs of the Holy Ghost of the church still being written it's not done somebody talked about the early church in the latter church like it's two different churches we're part of the same church part of the same church did you find John 14:10 believe us now not that I'm in the father and the father in me the words I speak to you I speak not on myself but the father the dwells in me he does the works see Jesus didn't take credit for the works that happened through him did he he never said I did it he said the father in me obvious he's operating as a man believe me that I'm in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very works sake verily verily now when the Lord says verily verily why would he say that why would he say that should when we hear that should we become all ears she was he is saying something that is an ever lasting truth and he's endeavoring to impress it upon us it's wise he did you said it if he just said it it's true forever but if he says listen to me now verily verily this is the truth an everlasting truth what what's the never lasting truth he that believes on me the works that I do shall he do also do we believe it or not do we believe it or not you see people think they're honoring and respecting Jesus and they're doing just the opposite if you respect Jesus you need to respect what he said but here right but people think oh now now Jesus could do that Jesus could do that he could speak to the wind and the waves he could cast out demons he could minister to the sick but but he's Jesus he's Jesus and you're not we already knew that but they're trying they they think I have more respect for Jesus because I'm not gonna bring him down on a human level he's the one that brought himself down to the human level and became a man and operated as a man showing us how it could be done we need to believe what he said don't we he that believes on me the works I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I go to my father somebody say I believe that I believe that now that applies to us anybody that believes on him now we see an example of it with the twelve and the 70 so go back to Luke go back to Luke please the ninth chapter let's remind ourselves we're sure it's God's will for all of us to be healed why he has given us authority over demons and over disease well if we've got authority over them they ought not be run running roughshod over us who's got authority over who well according to the Bible we got authority over them you never read anywhere where the Bible tells us to be patient because the Lord has temporarily given demons and disease authority over us or anything like it he gave them power and authority over all demons even the great big ugly hairy ones and the cure diseases can you say hallelujah can you say glory to God hold your place here go back to Matthew the tenth chapter it said just a little bit different in the this is the same happening it's just Matthew's account of what we're reading in Luke Matthew 10 Matthew 10 and 110 1 when he called unto him his 12 disciples he gave them power now if you look it up that is the word for authority and it can be a little bit confusing because in the King James are used interchangeably and there's a different word for power Dunamis it's the word we you know we get our word dynamite from power we're talking my explosive strength might but this is another word exclusi a-- EXO sia depending on which greek scholar you read after and and never argue about pronunciation of some of these things scholars who spend their whole life at disagree and spread particularly some of the hebrew words we have added vowels to them to make them pronounceable to us and besides that it's not can you pronounce it right do you know what it means you can pronounce it perfectly and not believe it but there's a word for power and there's a word for authority tonight we're told my authority we got the power in the Holy Spirit he's the power house he is the greater one he's the one who was hovering over the face of the deep and when God spoke the word who he manifested power to create planets and he lives in you and me but you know you can have power without authority in the earth I mean you might have a tank and you got power but that don't mean you got the right to drive it down the street and blow up my house do you you got no authority to be riding down the street shooting it you'll find out real quick the people that do have authority or gonna come get you you might say I got the power I got the power yeah but we got the authority and some power and you they gonna shut you down you need both but you got to have the authority to use the power and we do he gave them he gave us both you read that in Luke didn't you power and authority now here when he says power it actually is the word for authority in Matthew 10 he gave them authority against unclean spirits to do what with them cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease if you put them both together Luke said all demons Matthew said all sickness and all disease all means what everything included nothing excluded does that mean there is no demon that exists that we don't have power over there is no disease that we don't have authority over we have power and authority over all demons we have power and authority over all sickness over all disease we need to say that we need to think that we need to get that built into our consciousness I know having the privilege of working in healing school for year after year we'd have a day where we ministered to people in a special way and I'd spend extra time waiting on the Lord and getting quiet and the Lord led me to these verses these very once Matthew 10 Luke 9 and he led me to get in there and get quiet and not just wear myself out praying at the top of my lungs but to get get in there and get quiet and just begin to say the Spirit of the Lord is on me because he's anointed me you see in a few minutes someone go out there and minister to people and lay hands on people and take authority over disease and that kind of thing I need to believe it right how does faith come come well when I'm saying and I'm hearing it too right and I'd lay there sometimes 30 minutes sometimes an hour at a time and just say the Spirit of the Lord is on me because he's anointed man the Spirit of the Lord is on me because he's anointed me the Spirit of the Lord is on me because he's anointed me I'd say that part of the time and I'd say this the other part of the time he's given me power and authority over all demons and all disease and I'd say it again he's given me power and authority over all demons and all this he said out loud with me he's given me power and authority over all demons and over all disease now you hear that and your head says I got it I heard that but that faith is not of the head faith is not of the intellect that's why I'd lay there for another 45 minutes and keep saying it and keep saying it and keep saying it and there was some time I mean time after time the Spirit of God had come into that little room and I'm telling you the glory of God would be so strong when I come out of there I'm just I'm looking for something to rebuke I mean I you know it's the difference between somebody coming up and saying I've got terminal cancer and you going ooh everybody stand up and pray hard well that means we're intimidated by it did you hear me we're scared of it missus wellick is something to be scared of no now if we have authority and power over it we don't have to be afraid of it it has to obey us most of the church does not believe this and most of the church did not see the kind of miracles that you read about in Matthew Mark Luke and John either most of the church still believes it might be God's will for me to die from this terminal disease God might be teaching me something no never mind they can't find it in the Bible people have made the Word of God of none effect by their traditions they have refused the word in order to keep and hold on to a tradition friend when you get adamant about something you think and say you believe check yourself why do you believe it where is it at where is it in the book not just what half a verse and then two or three witnesses multiple verses where is it where is it well we're on reason number 16 right and we're reading verse after verse it is his will it is his will why would he give us authority and power over demons if it might be his will for them to rule over us why would he give us Authority and power if it might be his will for the disease to rule over us hmm it's like putting you out in the wild with a grizzly bear and putting you know I'm a huge magnum rifle in your hands and going now I'm giving you this rifle but don't use it it might be God's will for the bear to kill you so why don't you give me the gun just want you to have it make you feel a little better while you get mauled I'm gonna use the going big barristers coming out on me and I'm not gonna wait till he gets to my nose either right why did God give us the authority why did he give us the power so disease could rule over us and destroy our life so demons could make us miserable and destroy that now No so we could do what he did while he walked the earth he rebuked him he bound him he shut him down he ran him out right didn't he do it yes he did turn to mark the first chapter please mark 1 now you start talking about some of these things that some people get nervous a lot of folk don't even like talk about demons at all and of course it's the devil's favorite thing that you just pretend if there is no devil his favorite thing is that you just you know there are no demons there's there's no devil if he can't get you to believe that he wants you to be afraid of it mortified terrified and you see most of the church of getting one ditch or the other hmm they either get in the ditch over here and pretend there is no devil and there are no demons who don't talk about that oh no I don't like talking about that don't talk about that or they get out of that ditch go across the middle of the road into the ditch on the other side and everything's a devil and it's all fear oh there's a devil behind every bush there's a devil there's a devil oh you're a devil Oh it was the devil the devil everything's devil and you know you can know it's wrong when it is fear the Lord didn't tell us these things to be afraid of the devil he gave us these things to have Dominion and authority and victory and when the devil started doing stuff to shut it down shut it down in mark 1 mark 1 down in verse 22 he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day verse 21 and he talked and they were astonished astonished as a strong word and if you look it up to define it it gets even stronger than what we think they were absolutely amazed all stroke at his doctrine wine why not for the reasons you might think he because he taught them how well and as we cover point number 23 it would be good to remember that dr. so-and-so has this position but of course other dr. so-and-so has his position and perhaps there is a happy medium between the two and you just decide whatever it is you think it means and should be because we all have a right to believe whatever we think is better I think how Jesus taught at all you know I taught like a lion he said God said this this is what it is and they no other way huh and the people were talking theories hmm he taught with what authority this is one of the I don't know the things that marks his whole ministry authority authority in his teaching in his actions in his operation now lest you start down the wrong path you myself oh brother Keith is Jesus he's operating as a man as a man don't take my word for study it out study it study it in Hebrew study it in Rome when study it in Philippians study it in the Gospels Jesus emptied himself and showed us how to do it verse 20 verse 22 he taught him as Authority not like the scribes had been teaching there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit and he cried out and he said Lord let us alone what if we to do with you you Jesus of Nazareth are you come to destroy us I know who you are the Holy One of God and Jesus said [Music] did y'all hear that it's a devil Oh intercessors pray oh oh oh oh everybody pray pray pray Oh what are we gonna do with this devil oh oh oh no no no do you know why I say that because people are doing this they are doing this and they don't realize they're actually yielding to the enemy because the environment he thrives in is fear fear you and I are to have no fear at all none none and when it comes to dealing with Devils we should do it the way Jesus did it exactly nobody's found a better way hmm it is not changed with the times very simply you'll see Jesus again and again two basic things he said shut up come out and they did and that was it and they went to the next part now maybe you think you know better well brother Keith sometimes you just have to its warfare its warfare now the Warfare's between your ears brother and sisters that's more scriptural than you think as second Corinthians 10 no if you had to overcome the devil it ain't gonna work you're no match for him in your flesh are you mind but it's not in your strength it's by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit doesn't wrestle with the devil at all they don't tie up they don't go nine rounds did you hear me oh the devil wants you to think that but it never happens never when you resist the devil he stays well he gets ready to go no he flees flee flee why because when you really do it right he runs up against the power of the Holy Ghost and he nothing he can do with that nothing so his only choices to get out that's it he's got to go Jesus made a statement one time they accused him of casting out Devils by Beelzebub and one of the writings of the Gospel accounts he said if I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God the kingdoms got to come kingdom of God has come to you in another place he said if I cast out Devils by the finger of God he's casting out Devils by the finger of God you read the scriptures you'll see it talks about the hand of God that's more power than finger talks about the arm of God God flexed his arm when he raised Jesus from the dead we oh my that's another message in itself I mean the Bible said he demonstrated the exceeding greatness of his power he wrought it when he raised Christ from the dead semester well thought he had raised Lazarus from the dead why was this hole completely different thing he didn't just raise him his his body from the dead when he raised Jesus from the dead he also raised all of us from the dead anybody that has ever lived or will ever live that believes on him free from all of our sins and death over all believing humanity here's no wonder the ground shook I believe hell should happen God God did this he raised Jesus up out of death when God rolls up his sleeve brother and he did when he raised Jesus from the dead because he also raised all of us but when Jesus was dealing with demons that were causing problems the Bible said he did it by the theme finger Jesus said shut up and come out and the Holy Ghost win we need to get this picture in us that this is how much greater our God is the any work of the devil the devil wants to try to get you to believe he's some kind of an equal opposite to God he's not we're in the vicinity of that he's a created being and he's fallen and stripped and defeated oh no the only way heating function is when people don't resist him when they believe his lies when they yield to him when any child of God stands up in the power of the Spirit in the authority in the name of Jesus and resists him he has one option flee if you surround I just don't know about that well until you know it won't happen with you it happens by faith faith gives you confidence can you say Amen he rebuked him verse 25 he rebuked him semester rebuked him rebuilt him and said hold your peace we might say shut up and come out of him and when the unclean spirit had torn him and cried with a loud voice he came out of him and they were all amazed insomuch that they questioned among themselves saying what thing is this what new doctrine is this for with authority commands he even the unclean spirits and they do obey Him glory to God now if you read carefully Matthew Mark Luke John you know this is not an isolated instance Jesus did this as a regular thing didn't he when it came to sickness turn to 2 Luke and the fourth chapter he did the same thing me read the whole passage Luke 432 Luke 432 they were astonished at his doctrine for his word was with power and that's the word for authority Luke 4 33 in the synagogue there was a man which had a spirit of an unclean devil he cried out with a loud voice saying let us alone what if we to do it do thou Jesus of Nazareth can you see they are afraid hmm they are afraid they are a phrase of mystery yeah but that's Jesus how can we overcome this hundred hundreds of years of wrong thinking by the Word of God yes it's Jesus but he's operating as a man and the enemy is afraid of the authority he's walking in the enemy is afraid of the anointing the anointing and see you don't read about this kind of thing until after he came out in the power of the Spirit after the Holy Ghost came upon him what does the anointing do it destroys destroys destroys yokes it removes burdens well who is in the yoke making business who's in the burden building and Loudoun myth well that's the enemy and this anointing terrifies the enemy they're scared of it this anointing is in you and on you and in me and on me can y'all stay with me a little bit longer to you hmm can we get stirred up in this and believe it enough to act on it tonight how about we put a stop to some stuff tonight huh how about we act in the authority of Jesus name let's do it well we won't happen miss getting tired mmm you know just wanting to leave and quit but but let's focus let's focus let's stay awake let's be here on Kingdom business and let's say I believe this I believe this I believe this I believe this and lord help my faith to get stronger every minute well I hear this right I'm hearing this I'm receiving it I believe it I'm willing to act on it Jesus the Bible said they were amazed when verse 36 they said what a word this is for with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits and they come out and he arose out of the synagogue and in turn into Simon's house and Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever they besought him for her and he said we need to have a prayer meeting huh so she really sick oh yeah big fever well then we got to get a lot of people pray hard it's miserable I say it like that I don't like the way you say that well I don't like the way you think about it who's your example centuries of church tradition or Jesus now it is right to pray it is right to pray we've talked about it we're going to talk about it but study the Scriptures care fully and you see it to be a rare thing that jesus prayed about people being healed you will see again and again and again what did he do he exercised authority he exercised Dominion didn't he again and again and again he lived prayed up didn't he he wasn't happen to try to get ready when something came up he was ready we can be the same by his help and grace we can do the same and when something came up he didn't run and have a conference soon and put a committee together he didn't call a prayer meeting what did he do he shut it down with the authority of words and the power of the Spirit has he told us to operate that way yes he has I said yes he has I want us to turn to three scriptures I'm on a mission tonight can you help me Ephesians I wanted to share a couple of testimonies from brother Hagins life my father in the faith because there's such Revelation in it and it illuminates this area that we're talking about tonight he describes he has a book called I believe in visions and that and other books he describes visitations that he had from the Lord now you have to decide whether you believe that or not but I do and we know it happened in the Bible right and God the Lord's the head of the church he can he can do what he decides in those areas but he said on one occasion the Lord appeared to him he said I saw him just like I see you and he said he was telling me some things and I was so intense to get him and he said a little imp looking creature he realized later is is a demon somebody say little we get this picture of this great big fire-breathing something but most of them are just little ugly annoying creatures he said this little he said kind of monkey looking not not monkey but monkey like imp and said he came and just started jumping up making noise shrill a yakety yakety yak and putting out this smoke screen and he said he stood there and the smokes getting thicker and thicker he can't he can barely see Jesus anymore and all this screaming and shrew he can hardly hear what Jesus is saying and it's really our kid him and he's thinking why don't Jesus make him stop what doesn't the Lord no I'm not getting everything he's saying why don't he make him stop why don't he make him stop and Jesus just kept talking finally he said shut up I command you stop that and shut up and get out of the way and said when he did the thing is fell over to the side and just lay there like a little whip up and the smoke cleared up and he said the Lord looked at him and said if you hadn't done something about that I couldn't have he said lord I I know I didn't understand you right I'm seeing you I'm hearing this but you didn't say if I didn't do something you couldn't have you said you wouldn't have the Lord said no you heard me I said if you hadn't done something about that I couldn't have he said no no no see he know Lord you didn't say you couldn't have you said if I hadn't have done something about it you wouldn't have and now what you said he should know you heard me I said if you hadn't done something about it I couldn't have he said well Lord I can't accept that I know I'm seeing you I know I'm having this vision but unless you can show it to me in the scriptures I can't accept that that goes against everything I've ever heard and the churches I grew up in to say you couldn't he said I'll give you three witnesses and one better he gave him four scriptures through the Bible and showed him you're one of them right now Ephesians Ephesians 4 verse 27 are you there was it say neither give place to the devil who's understood subject you are not to give place to the devil the amplified says leave no room or foothold for the devil somebody said give him no room give him no place give him no room did the Lord tell you not to give him any room why didn't he tell you to pray that the Lord had make the devil stop that's what religion teaches doesn't it it's not what the Bible told us to do he told us not to give the enemy place didn't he go to another one go to James the fourth chapter James 4 and verse 7 James 4:7 submit yourselves therefore to God submit yourselves to God and he'll make the devil quit what wonder how many Christians are praying Oh God makes the devil quit Oh God stop the devil Oh God make him quit did he tell us to pray this way millions of people think he did what did he say who's the understood subject right here huh you you resist the devil and what he'll flee from God from us when we resist him because of what God has put on us that's from God right but people that just try to leave it up to God Oh God make this cancer quit Oh God take this away from me Oh God make it stop make it quit do you see the revelation in this experience that brother Hagin refers to he said this thing is jumping him down it's making all this noise he's putting out this smoke screen and it just bothered he's getting more aggravated every second thinking how many times do you have a visitation of the head of the church in your life and I'm not getting what he said he was just annoyed he was getting frustrated and he thought why don't he do something why is he letting him do that finally just almost out of desperation he said shut up shut up in the name of Jesus quit get out of there quit and he did and Jesus said if you hadn't done something about that I couldn't have Wow how could that be true because the Lord has given us authority on the earth we have a right to be here these things are down here on the earth if he's just gonna intervene and and make you know keep the devil from doing things in your life he ought to do it for everybody else too right where does our will come in where does I Authority come in no he's given us authority oh can you see this can you see this you resist the devil somebody said out loud you resist the devil who you you're is this the devil and he'll flee from you well what if you don't do it well I'm waiting on the Lord to do it he didn't tell you to wait on him to do it I'm praying that he would make the devil quit he didn't tell you to pray that way he told you to resisting didn't he told you to do something about told me to do something about it go to first Peter will look at another one Paul's a witness James is a witness Peter is a witness right read now the New Testament aren't we he let's don't believe tradition instead of this first Peter 5:8 be sober be vigilant be on the watch because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour why why would you need to be vigilant if there's nothing you can do about it right because he's seeking whom he may that means there are those he may not what determines those he may and those he may not he gives it very very next verse very next verse verse 9 how can you be sure you're one of the ones he may not devour whom resent who's go resisting you are you are I am resist him steadfast in the faith resist him and what's going to happen we just got free reading when you resist him when you stand against him he will flee from you he'll flee from you oh we haven't made you doing this we haven't kept on this enough we haven't thought about this enough we live too much in the natural we talk too much about the reports too much about the symptoms write too much about what we feel and what has happened and other people's experience we've lived too much according to our senses and our feelings not realizing there's a spiritual world huh there is a devilish almost devilish energy in disease isn't it you can see it under the microscope can't you what makes it grow what makes it develop what makes it try to develop and choke the life out of a human being it's not the life of God in there couldn't be what is it what is it it's the enemy I said it's the enemy and it's not something for us to get super superstitious and spooky about it's for us to get up and get adamant about and go no no no not in my life no no not in my body not in my child no no I've been given authority and power over all demons and over all disease this is how Jesus operated did he put it all together read Matthew Mark Luke and John and you see not just once or twice not just a half a dozen times again and again he's casting out Devils he's casting out Devils he's rebuking sickness and disease we're reading about Peters mother-in-law we didn't quite get down to the rest of it but you know the story he did the same thing he did with with that fever that he did with that demon just a few verses back didn't he she had a great fever and when they told him about it he went in there what did he do he rebuked the fever that's not the way most Christians think do they y'all pray for me for what well it God heal men have mercy on me but what about all these scriptures why don't we immediately jump up on both feet and say fever get out of here huh infection get out of here disease get out why don't we think like that oh the devil hopes we don't find this out he hopes we don't he's tried to keep us in the dark he's kept millions in the dark for centuries but ah too late too late too late too late too late you came to church and you opened your Bible in too late too late too late you know the good news you know the gospel you know the truth and it makes you free glory to God when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice it's no wonder so many people are down and so defeated and so upset and so confused because they're not in authority they don't leave the happiness that they believe they are helpless hapless victims to this life and the best we can do is beg God that he'd make it quit I'm not making fun I'm pointing out error did you hear me and we've not been taught that we our kings and priests we've not been taught hallelujah that we've been given authority in this name and when the Holy Spirit came on us it wasn't just so we could sit in the chair and go run thy son died but so we could be empowered to look death and disease and confusion and bondage in the face and say stop I said stop and stop now and expect it to happen and see it happen we're gonna put a stop to some stuff tonight in this place and I'm gonna get loud and you might as well get with me hmm we're not waiting on God we're not waiting on God for our victories Jesus bought it and paid for it and he's given it to us but he's expecting us he's instructed us what to do he told us what to do we're to rise up and speak to that mountain and command it to get out didn't in there what he said get out of we're to stand up and resist anything that steals and kills and destroys I said not here not here you don't get brother Smith Wigglesworth was said to on one occasion be standing at a train depot and they're waiting on the train the woman had a little dog that had followed her there from her apartment and either waiting on the train to get there and she said no no honey you can't go and I'll go back to the house go back to the house and he just stood there and waited his tail and looked at her and he's getting later than the train's coming she said no no no go go go go go back to the house go back go back to the house and he just stood there wagons till finally they could hear the the train come in now she looked over she said yeah yeah get back to the house and he took off and ran and brother Wiggins was shouted out that's it that's the same way you got to do the devil just like that just like that it's not a matter of volume it's not how loud we can get that's not it but it's do we mean it or not do me do we believe it and when you're riff strong in your belief it affects you volume song doesn't it I think we've been too mealy mouth about stuff I think we even you know we've talked around it about it and you know and we just played with it and the devil knows it he knows it he know we don't mean business we got to get strong about this we got to get serious about it like do it like we mean it do it like we believe it I want to read to you an excerpt from that book I mentioned just a bit ago this I believe in visions brother Kenneth Hagins book something that he learned that it goes right along with this the Lord ministered to him the anointing to minister to the oppressed and the sick and he I'm saying this because this is in the previous chapter to what I'm reading here he told him that when he sits this anointing it would mean that the work of the enemy was there and for him to command it to leave and it would and this has only been a month ago a month or so before this time well he's in a meeting and this thing happened I'm just going it to you he said my second vision of Jesus occurred about a month after the first I was conducting a revival meeting in the state of Oklahoma I told the congregation what the Lord had shown me about ministering to the sick and about the anointing in my hands one night while I was ministering to SiC a man in the healing line told me he had tuberculosis of the spine he said he'd been through three clinics and all the doctors had given him the same same diagnosis he was beyond medical help at that time the man's spine was as stiff as a board in praying for him I laid one hand on his chest and one hand on his back when I did the fire the anointing was jumping from hand to hand I knew immediately that this his body was oppressed by an evil spirit unless you stop right here is that something to be afraid of no what is it something to do take authority over right run it up don't get spooky don't get don't get afraid at all Jesus has conquered and he said I commanded the Spirit I said you foul spirit that oppresses this man man's body I command you to come out of his body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and then I made a terrible mistake I got into unbelief he said it's easy to get into unbelief no matter who you are and not even realize it he said I said to the man see if you can stoop over and bend your back try to touch your toes anybody here the unbelief where do you hear it see if now now let's just stop right here the examinees what what what is if mean you may not be able to right it might not have worked try to do it that's one thing I really dislike about some of these modern translations some of these modern they're they're not really translations they're paraphrases and they'll say the lord's telling you try to do this or the Spirit of God through Paul and the epistles try the Bible never told you to try to do anything that would imply God might not know where you could do it or not he knew before he told you to do it if you could do it right he said bend over try see if and he said the word if is the badge of doubt when I said see if you can that was doubt God will put up with a certain amount of doubt in a young Christian who doesn't know any better but when one is enlightened in God's Word the Lord won't let him get by with it the man tried to bend over but he couldn't his back was as stiff as ever I laid my hands upon him again one hand on his chest one hand on his back I felt the fire again I commanded you foul spirit that oppresses this man's body I command you to come out of him in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ again I said to the man see if you can bend stoop over and Ben bend your back and touch your toes his back was as immovable as before because I'm acting in unbelief and didn't realize it I said well we'll try it again which is unbelief too I laid one hand on his chest and the other on his back again I had the same manifestation of anointing in my hands for the third time I said you foul spirit that oppresses this man's body I command you to come out of him in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ let you stop right here a whole lot of so-called educated people would think this is foolishness wouldn't he well a man has a physical condition it's been diagnosed it's clinical wonder what you could have said about all the people Jesus ministered to huh the woman with this year blood had spent every dime she had on doctors and not nothing against the doctors they just couldn't help her don't you suppose they had all kind of reports diagnosis prognosis you can choose to only live in the natural and be oblivious to the sources and causes and roots of things or you can get in the ditch on the other side and be afraid anybody says something about a demon or an evil spirit or you can get in the middle of the high road ha and realize the devil's behind everything it steals kills and destroys but never fear you've been given authority right and you've been given power and authority over all unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease and then you can use it but now let's just stop right here so I said well I tried that I tried it well he did to Jesus own disciples tried at one time remember that the man was in lunatics urn he got him set free and they said why couldn't we cast him out and he said because of your unbelief another place that said this kind comes out by prayer and fasting it doesn't you know fasting doesn't give you more authority it just helps you get out of the flesh and get in the spirit are you with me now so somebody said I tried that and it didn't work now it tried you and you failed doesn't change the fact that you still got authority don't look back stir yourself up so this time I'm gonna do it in faith this time I'm gonna do it in confidence right this time I'm not gonna be wavering so he told the man the third time and the man he said now see if he can stoop over see if you can bend down he couldn't I gave up and I went to pray for the next person now let's just stop out here does that mean it wasn't God's will to heal this man absolutely not the man walked back down the aisle I'm standing on the platform about three feet to the right of the pulpit as the next person stepped up to be prayed for I looked to my left for some reason and I saw Jesus standing there as plainly as any man I've ever seen in my life I thought everybody saw him but I learned later nobody in the congregation saw him or heard him except me the congregation heard what I said but they didn't see or hear anyone else Jesus was standing beside the pulpit I could have reached out and touched him he pointed his finger at me and he said I said in my name the demon or demons will Lord I said I know you said that it's only been a month since you appeared to me in Rockwall Texas and you told me to command the demon or demons to come out in your name I told the demon to come out of that man but he didn't again Jesus pointed his finger at me he said I said in my name call out the demons and they will leave the body I know you said that Lord and I commanded the spirit to leave this man's body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ but he didn't go Jesus put his finger in my face and said for the third time I said in my name the demons will go call them out in my name and they'll leave the body in my name weekly I replied he said Lord I know you said that it happened just a month ago it's as fresh in my mind as if you said it last night I know what you told me and I did tell that demon to leave that man's body but he didn't go I think I know how Jesus looked when he drove the money changers out of the temple as recorded in the 11th chapter of Mark's Gospel suddenly it seemed as if his eyes shot fire I could see flashes of lightning in them the fourth time he jabbed his finger at me and said emphatically yes but I said they would then he disappeared I realised then I had acted in unbelief old friends do you get this do you hear this somebody said I said it I said it and it didn't happen what does that mean it doesn't mean that you don't have authority it doesn't mean it's not the will of God hmm see millions of people don't even leave this it's up to the Lord whatever he wants and let's just beg God to make the devil quit he said sometimes we think if we got a special gift or anointing the ministry it'll always work but that's not the case no matter how much authority we might have no matter how many special gifts we might have no matter how much power we might possess it works by faith and faith only when I realize I had exercised out instead of faith I saw my mistake I called the man to come back to the platform he was standing at the rear of the auditorium and hadn't gone back to his seats yet I pointed to him and said come back up here brother come here he retraced his steps back up the aisle I stood on the platform waiting for him to come around to the altar to where I was the instant he stood before me I slapped him on the back and my other hand on his chest I said Satan I told you to leave this body and out you go in the name of the Lord Jesus when I said it to the man I said now my brother and I didn't put it if this time stoop over and touch your toes instantly his back was limber the turbo Colossus of the spine was gone the spine that had been as stiff as a board was healed he could stoop over and touch his toes as well as any normal person completely well because this man had come to our meeting from Arkansas we didn't seem to two weeks later he came back to being the last Saturday night service I asked him if he's still able to stoop over and touch his toes he said yes I'm free still and with a big smile he stooped over and touched his toes and went through several exercises to prove he was still limber and free the experience demonstrated to me once and for all the importance of following God's Word explicitly and I learned that no matter who we are if we move in unbelief we'll stop the flow of God's power we must believe we have Authority we must believe we are empowered and we must do it without doubting we must do it without wavering do you believe this do you have authority have you been given power in the name of Jesus I mean think about what we call the Great Commission we see something well that was just Jesus no he gave power to the twelve but it was just the twelve not only gave power to seventy right well it was just them know all through the book of Acts right yeah but it was just them no what is the Great Commission say go to go to mark real quickly mark 16 let's remind ourselves I mean every Christian believes in the Great Commission don't they huh certainly they do what's the Great Commission go into all the world do what preach proclaim the good news to every creature you find mark 16 mark 16 verse 15 go you into all the world who's gonna do it oh preach the gospel to every creature who's gonna do the preacher us he that believes in his baptized to be saved he that believes not will be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe what's the first thing he mentions huh is this just for Jesus no this is them that believe in my name it's right in the middle of the Great Commission just for the twelve no just for the seventy no just for Paul in the book of Acts no no no in my name shall they they they cast out Devils they'll speak with new tongues anybody tongue talkers in here well you ought to be devil cast routers too and you don't have to get spooky you don't have to get superstitious you don't have to get fearful you don't have to get weird at all hmm so what if I don't see anything is it stealing is it killing is it destroying it's the devil I said it's the devil you got a right to shut it down they'll speak with new tongues they'll take up serpents if they drink any deadly thing it will not hurt them we have one example of the serpent deal that was when Paul got bit he wasn't handle him to prove he had faith he was obeying God and got bit and no matter what I mean this applies to us in so many ways there's enough stuff in the air then the water in the food we eat to kill us in here any day said out loud if I evening did eat any deadly thing drink any deadly thing breathe any deadly things it won't hurt me they'll lay hands on the sick and they shall recover who's gonna do that us we gonna preach the gospel we're gonna speak in new tongues we cast out devils we lay hands on the sick ho do you see it do you see it and we're not to do it mealy mouth and let's try and let's see if and do the best that we can't no no Jesus said I said he would didn't he will stand on your feet glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God let's lift up her voice let's begin to pray in the spirit let's begin to pray in the spirit or storm on Carla floor Monday ba - a flim Bob and a on Dawson on the collodion Evelyn mom body form on Baron broach the multicast oh Sid elevate you see the elevation seed elevation seed elevation seed elevations seed elevate a seed elevation seed elevation seed elevation o su Kamala farmer M the mass from gone the Vimala humble Devon believe Lambada VL undergo von de banda pile of Lopakhin divinely blazing avant de banda by rivet or chip a vagabond e on ozone della della della dog so Villa Blaine McGavin they belong to go Tamil Eelam but a dog or flair by a buffalo bear valid or they'll obey doll a doll velum blow from emotion oh SATA Bala dog cookie shot The Ballad or chico sappy ballad Oh Chico don't you oh ho shorty whoa shorty whoa shorty whoa shorty dough hook shot yo shorty hallelujah now listen up listen up we're going to act on this authority everybody shut your eyes and just stay focused on it's not the flesh it's not the natural it's not our sweat it's not our yelling and screaming it's our faith from our insides people in this room people watching by the internet people watching by TV people that will watch this DVD and and hear these recordings we've allowed stuff we shouldn't have allowed we've healed it - it didn't mean - didn't want to but thought we didn't have a choice though we couldn't help it that were just victims waiting on the Lord waiting on him waiting on him pleading with him begging him and so many times good people love God just ignorant doing it ignorant ly ignorant of the Bible ignorant of our authority but everybody said out loud in light of God's Word that I see tonight I am NOT a victim I am NOT helpless I have authority I have power in Jesus name over all demons to cast them out over all sickness over all disease I've been given Authority I've been given power in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Oh conde now we're going to act on it we're gonna act on it right now and I want you to reach down to your toes I want you to reach down in your spirit don't you be afraid of getting too loud I want you to mean business on this we are running these things out in the name of Jesus are you ready are you ready people watching by TV or Internet stand up on your feet if you're able to get up on your feet right now and get serious about this don't you be doing anything else turn everything else off this is serious we're taking care of business right now in the name of Jesus now stand up on your feet everybody close your eyes again set out loud in the name of Jesus the head of the church you foul spirits you unclean spirits opressing bodies opressing minds spirit of death spirit of infirmity I command you get get out I rebuke you leave the body leave my body leave my mind I rebuke you go in the name of Jesus hot definition hurt overdosing and a burden and a burden and a burden and a burden and a dog and a bird only and a burden and a BA doli and a BA doli Dame Alice Oh - we don't care what you want Co stable and live on Dongola mandolin and a ballot bestival doge ago Lupe deflation baron Brahmas a fungal semen dashi sake of the lawfully bailable amends Bain de Bono's Bain de Bono's ben de bono sir now Jesus rebuked demons he also rebuked disease didn't he so everybody sent for yourself or say it with somebody said out loud disease cancer aids heart problems blood problems every disease every sickness I rebuke you you stop it you stop now get out of my body leave my body be gold in Jesus name hallelujah glory to God glory to God now what happens when we do this huh come on that's too slow in tewi what happens when we do this they go.they he told us resist him any fleas well what if it don't work no if no if no if no if well I'm trying no don't try doo doo doo it's not it's not in your ability to make it happen it's in your faith just just your faith just your faith now we see both things we see authority exercised over demons and disease and we see laying on the fans this healing is good healing comes from God right so if something has been damaged by these wrong spirits by this disease then we can ask God to make that hole right and make it strong of course if you don't get rid of what's causing the problem it just get that way again but we just ran it off I said we just now ran it off then when we ran it off read it out Jesus name glory to God whoa let's thank God a little while Lord we thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah glory to God well if you've been attacked in your body and you've had some damage and you'd like to believe God for the restoration and healing of that raise your hand raise your hand now where's the person don't have them come up have the source and have them come up right now okay look around if somebody's got their hand up next to you then I want you to reach over put your hand on their shoulder the Bible said believers would lay hands on the sick and they shall recover and now what he said these signs that follow them to believe glory to God hallelujah we just rebuked that stuff didn't we and it it has to go glory to God and so now we're gonna believe God for the restoration and healing in the name of Jesus Lord we thank you we thank you that the disease has been rebuked we thank you that the death has been rebuked and now we ask you let your anointing come in to make whole what has been damaged let the power of God the anointing come in to make whole and to make strong what has been damaged be made completely hold be made strong and healed and hold in Jesus Holy Name glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory honorable Nostra Pollachi Wolfe Laban's and Amonte fell on bond James believed that healing power comes into the bodies right now to affect the healing and a cure what has been damaged in Jesus Holy Name whoa come on everybody say I believe I receive I believe I receive I believe I receive I believe I received well shoshone - come on praise the Lord a little bit of Lumumba and no one's going to look shorty every day manse come to bind Amanda Barra Brava demotion le blemish on column and a ballon blonde masseuse in the name of Jesus Lord let to let your anointing saturate these cloths in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus ambolyn Carson de la mota for Milan in the name of Jesus Alif LAAM on dabangg ocean let your anointing lamebull of Lombok Ivanka mongs on the below dosed olaf Lobosco salty laser God divided on Janine on the van Colbert embraces let you run on saturated saturate these cloths and when they come in contact with the oppressed let that unknown and come into them and on them and drive out every demon and drive out every sickness and every disease and affect a healing and a cure in them in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus to your glory tickle Amasa Tico lomasa tico lomasa Tico lomasa Oh safety lever béla bartók available ABCs your code of arbol effective on of amber amber ominous assault Mme hallelujah Oh hallelujah somebody say I'm free I'm free I'm free in Jesus name the devil has no place in me no room in me no foothold in me I'm free I'm free I'm free in Jesus name Oh hallelujah glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God Lord we worship You Lord we worship you we worship you we worship we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship You we worship You hallelujah we're going to get miracle testimonies out of this night tonight hallelujah oh we're going to glorify the Lord what if the thing tries to come back tomorrow or next week or what if you free from it for five years and it tries to come back huh she said oh don't say that don't be afraid of it don't be afraid of it what if it tries to come back same thing that got you free the first time keep you free right same thing remember brother Smith Wigglesworth huh what that woman say yeah yeah someone says all that really necessary be or results or not it's not in volume it's not in sweat it is in faith absolute confidence absolute boldness being sure right no ifs no ifs no ands no buts no what about did you get a picture jesus said to brother Hagin the last time you get that picture huh I got a picture what'd he say I know you said that and I did but he didn't yes I said he would who we gonna believe then that's it I said that's it that's it we have authority we have power over all demons over all disease and we give the devil no place this thing in the name of Jesus I have authority all know that hallelujah in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] how do we're gonna keep singing that as we go just sing it again and again if you're here tonight you're not sure about your salvation don't go out the back come down to the front there'll be people standing here ready to talk to you ready to pray with you you need to know that you know so you know you've got this authority we're talking about that you're in the family but keep saying it keep singing it tonight get up saying it singing in the morning in the name of Jesus I have authority this singing as we go [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] you
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 87,114
Rating: 4.7306228 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Gods, will, to, heal, Pt, 12, Authority, over, demons, and, disease
Id: 6A9U-BHyjgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 57sec (6357 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2012
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