Kenneth Copeland On Prosperity

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praise God Oh lift your hands and give the Lord praise father we praise you tonight we worship you and bless you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah glory be to God glory be to God hallelujah thank you for thank you for thank you Father glory glory brother Keith say that say that to me again what the Lord said to you about receiving that would you hand him a microphone please you got one there that we were discussing right before we came out yes sir the Lord spoke to me very distinctly and asked me a question he said Keith would you like to know how to increase your capacity to receive from me I responded just like that oh yeah oh yeah I said yes yes and please yes and this is what he said to me and and I wrote it down but I hardly needed to it was it was etched inside me he said to me cultivate a lifestyle of Thanksgiving yeah cultivate a lifestyle of Thanksgiving praise hallelujah praise go to cultivate that chapter practice it you don't just thank God when you feel like it you don't just thank God when the other you know more than one or two goosebumps no no no no no you if you're going to cultivate it that it becomes a lifestyle - amen and you're just you giving your gratitude and acknowledging the presence of His grace all the time let's do it Oh glow at a godfather we are so grateful to you we're grateful to your time we thank you sir hallelujah throw it glory glory glory glory glory now while you're while you're right there in that place I'm asking you tonight to believe with me exercise your faith right now there's so much and so much to hear so much to do and so little time hallelujah we need to focus in tonight and I need you to help me praise God so we join with min faith right now in the name of Jesus father I set myself to here according to your word and only say what I hear you say and only do what I see you do and we receive from heaven we receive words that move heaven on the earth glory to God your will be done tonight in this place as it is in heaven and your will be done tonight on television as it is in heaven your will be done tonight on the internet as it is in heaven your plan be done said with me your plan be done again your plan because whoa go be the god hallelujah well put a big old grin on your face and shake hands with a bunch of people tonight glory to God and then you can be seated hi-yah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord praise go amen I'm so glad you're here tonight I you know it would be good right now again to thank God for them Boone sister more Keith and Phyllis praise gon let them know how much you appreciate this place yes yes yes yes yes crazy hey man glory to God glory to God thank you bless you bless you bless you bless you bless you bless you yes amen thank you lord praise God hallelujah thank you for that to Keith and Phyllis who have ministered to glory and me into EMI see and Kenneth Copeland ministries our staff our family I tell you it's it's a blessing just to know these people and and and the more the more closely you become involved in what they do and who they are I'll tell you what the more you love them because they're there they're the real deal I can tell you praise God there's somebody else that I want to recognize tonight and it's the parking lot attendants amen yes sure glory to God hallelujah praise come amen hallelujah then I mean neighbor they get you in get you out and they're standing out there rain shine cold whatever it is smiling in a way that slowly they go hey man I love them everyone prays God thank you Lord Jesus praise God let's receive our evening offering there is Amen someone said this is an opportunity to raise the income praise the Lord thank you Father there should never be an offering I mean kind without a purpose scripture said let him give as he purposes in his heart and tonight in praying about this the Lord talked to me about something here that I look back on it and I can see this is the way he was leading glory in me before we knew it before we really had much understanding about it he was he was leading us in this direction God works all the time all the time all the time he's not an absentee father he works and he speaks all the time and there's a lot of people that don't know how to hear him and there are people that don't care nothing about here in him and but he works all of her and he has a plan and we're talking more tonight about the divine plan ago and then the Lord had me make this statement to you I last night God's plan for your life is bigger than your past amen now he's always working toward putting you and arranging you to be in that perfect plan because it is the absolute very best it is heaven on earth for you and for me to be in that plan where we're supposed to be and I began to realize that as years went by that there were times that I thought I was way off and come to find out a won all that far off but you don't have to be far off to file it all up particularly if you general foul up anyway like yours truly amen my daddy you should say boy you could tear up a BB I looked up the definition end of the BB and he said a small round indestructible steel ball but my daddy said I could tear one of your lungs but I finally got off money his confession prego anyway he had he had reason to say that he had a lot of ground they said oh but God he's always moving you in that direction even when we don't know it and we'll see some things like that but there comes a time when you begin to you begin to see that God has a plan well how do I get in it what do i do from here how do I activate this what do I do next amen tonight open your Bibles with me to the eighth chapter of the book of Luke and we will look at how Jesus tied this together with the sowing and reaping principle of giving and receiving praise God we begin reading with the first verse Luke 8:1 it came to pass afterward that he Jesus went throughout every city and village preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God now you notice that it wasn't bad tidings it look lad tidings good news good things happening in the kingdom of God and the twelve were with him and say and so there was more more than just the twelve right now we're not talking about the crowd we're talking those that were with him they're part of his ministry and certain women which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities Mary called Magdalene out of whom went seventh evel's Joanna the wife of chuza Herod's steward and Susanna and many others which ministered unto Him of their substance now this is a good chance to make some notes around that these were his partners and team now let's look at the let's let's look at the the character of these people he went throughout every city and village preaching and showing the glad tiding of the kingdom of God and these folks went they were in every meeting they were in every city they were in every village amen they were there now notice of their work certain women here are three prominent women Mary called Magdalene out of whom went Seven Devils Joanna the wife of chuza Herod's steward and Susanna now he was preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom now how is he showing well if you'll just stop and look at that a moment he had three prominent women with him that were obviously testifying amen and he had others with them that obviously had prospered around his ministry that because they stayed with him and they ministered to him of their substance amen and then of course manifestations and so forth of the Spirit and great wondrous miracles and and so forth but Jesus was not doing those miracles by himself he had the twelve with him we know they got involved in the miracles the Word says he did I mean they cast out Devils they laid hands on the sick and they got healed amen now this same group shows up again in the in the Jordan Valley campaign where he appointed seventy others amen I'll hit who you I'm just going to let that soak in on you a little bit now these people are committed they're ministering to him they're ministering to people amen and there's more than just the twelve they're moving with him his anointing and it's important his anointing is on them not just the twelve his anointing is on them to do whatever they're doing at his command Hassid you he doesn't command anybody to do anything he doesn't say sister stand up and testify about you know and so forth without the anointing being there to carry out what he said amen now with that concept in your mind I want you to notice this now the word let me share something with you this will help you as you study the New Testament particularly Matthew Mark Luke and John Luke wrote in documentary-style the other men wrote from personal experience well so did Luke but Luke questioned people he wrote he wrote a documentary for the King that's the book of Acts and of course he I mean he questioned everybody he questioned you about how you got healed that how you got here and he's a doctor some of them this fellow had leprosy now dr. Luke said he was full of leprosy he lets you know how really he diagnosed it for us now that's the reason right here we've got some information here that is very valuable particularly in our search our asking our seeking and our knocking first the kingdom of God and His plan for our lives this is a key issue right here now notice Jesus began to teach much people were gathered together and came to him out of every city he spoke by parable the sore went out to sow his seed now he talked about this well let's just read them a soul without sow his seed and he sowed some fell by the wayside it was trodden down and the fowls of the air devoured it some fell upon a rock and as soon as they sprung up it withered away because it lacked moisture some fell among thorns and the thorns sprang up and choked it others fell on good ground some preying up bear fruit as a hundredfold and when he had said these things he cried he that hath ears to hear let him hear how come him do that he's a preacher that's what we do anywhere he did it so we do it and men are won by the foolishness of preaching preaching is not foolish but it seems foolish to the world amen has some heavy look at me look when you what you just stay with me you'ii glad you came now why do you say that he that hath ears to hear let him hear he said I only say what I hear my father say and the father that he said my words are not my own but the father that dwelleth in me he does the works well that's the process and he's made it available to us to anybody they'll hear [Music] well what's one of the first things you need to hear where am I supposed to be at what am I supposed to be doing what's the plan for me amen where you can't hear if you don't listen and you're not listening unless you believe he's speaking unless you believe you will hear it amen well I'm listening you know whether open but it doesn't seem like he ever speaks men know you ain't listening you just talking I believe I receive why because he said he that hath ears to hear let him hear now then his disciple asked him saying what might this parable be ah are you ready huh now what did he do he just took his first point of text he just began to preach and the first point was he that hath ears to hear let him hear now he told them a sower went out to sow so he has said something has he not and he said on to you now wait a minute who is you who is you here let's back up and see who you is is it just the twelve no no no no no the twelve and certain women which been healed of evil spirits Mary and and Joanna and Susanna and many others who ministered to him of their substance and he turned around to those people and said true you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God ah this is rich Clover head God and look at it look at it it's tied in with the ribs of the sowing and reaping harvest principles of God and he said if you understand this parable you understand them all you don't understand this one yeah go get to rest unto you it is given to know now that's far as he can go with you he has given it to you under you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God amen now the rest is up to you he'll back it with all of heaven he'll back it with his name he'll back it with his word he'll back it with his power he'll back it by his blood but unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God now what are you going to do buddy it is tied directly as I said before into the the so reap principle of heaven jesus said the whole kingdom of God is as if a man shows a seed in the ground he said now how can we compare it he said the whole thing is compared to all of it if you want to know something so something that come right heart over the throne if you want to know something so something if you want to grow something so something they said increase our faith he said if you had a seed you know what you did with it amen whatever you ask him he's going to point you right back to that principle I'm telling you folks I look back on it now and I see what God was doing and the way he was leading the glory in me and like I said last night sometimes he just can't write that pushy about it well he just pushed me all he wants to go I found out he is pushing me in the right direction all the time all the time even when I didn't know him I look back on it and I see his hand and things that I I didn't understand it off I look back now I can see him now he's but continually bumping me in that direction trying to get me over and in my prosperity place trying to get me over my healing place trying to get me over in must my salvation spots right do always working me towards His divine plan which is beyond what you can ask or think go rid of God amen we're gonna I already know where he has me going tonight in the message and I'm going to jump over in there right now but I'm not supposed to just yet you only go hang okay all right now saul of tarsus later to become the Apostle Paul where was he headed when he got stopped in the road now I'm gonna tell you something right now this was his last day it was his last day one of two things were going to help he's going to get born again and that would have been Saul of Tarsus last day or he going to die on the spot because his persecuting Jesus was over that death but my question for you is where was he headed when that happened the road to huh we're pretty well in agreement road to Damascus it was not a trick question it is an open book test now miss Billy what happened then what where was he instructed to go to the city of what Damascus and there it shall be told you isn't that something he was already on the road to Damascus where it would be told him the plan of what to do he was already headed there when he ran into Jesus huh yeah but it wasn't any accident and he was hitting there's what I'm telling see God had him on the right Road they know usually man to get him somewhere Eddie to take him on down that road there after all is it a little shorter for a blind man to have to travel here folks I'm telling you that this is a big it's a huge concept I'm talking about the command authority of the word of the Living God Jesus I'm telling you our Father God said that would be a virgin give birth in the city of Bethlehem on a certain day on a certain time and seven hundred plus years later it happened exactly the way he said and before the foundation of the world he planned a plan for you that is beyond anything your and my little peanut brains could possibly comprehend it is so marvelous so outlandish and he set it in motion before the foundation of the world and for me in my house that's the way it's gonna be hallelu why don't brings me happy Oh Rita god yes Amen but it is so tied in with honoring him with our substance they were ministering to him on their substance that's what got him stirred up do you remember how you got stirred up over the widow with a little two little mites whoo God but it in on the meeting did me hey we're still talking about her I'll tell you I can hardly wait I get to heaven yeah I'm one of the first things I'm gonna do the Lord them will alive I want to get into archives I want to see what happened to her after that oh yeah uh-huh yes ma'am it's tied in to ministering to him of our substance our lives are tied we are we are joined with him and our lives are so closely tied see when you when you obey the Lord of the harvest his name is Jesus you obey the lord of the harvest and your soul according to his direction and in your obedience you're ministered to him of your substance he's obligated he's not obligated to you cuz you obligated he's obligated because he obligated himself he said unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God with you to know those mysteries gonna have to come from you let's go back over 16th chapter John one of my favorite of all scriptures amen John chapter 16 John 14 10 believe it's thou not I'm in the father and father and me the words us become to us speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he does the works verse 12 verily verily I say unto you he that believes on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall they do because I go to my father now he established that he made that statement he said it out loud and he just got this said I only say what I hear my father say and he said he that believes on me the works that I do he will do also how the same way that's the reason he said listen to me will ya I'm gonna tell you what to say and I'm gonna tell you what to do and if you say what I tell you to say I do what I tell you to do the father that dwells in you will do the work will glory be to God I mean he said it did me alright sixteenth chapter like I said last night it's marvelous thing that fourteen comes before 16 13th verse now he's in the discourse there in that 14th chapter he said I'm going to the Father and when I go to the Father I'm going to send the Spirit of God I am going to send the spirit of our Father and he's going to live inside you and it's the same one live doing the works howbeit when he the Spirit of Truth has come when I has he come oh yeah he will say he will now the moment Jesus said he will that settled it the Spirit of God can't come along and say well now you know I might no no he will he will Jesus had the authority to say that why he only said what he heard his function aha so he will that means he is as you can tell I am very high on this Amen hallelujah glory to God you can get high on dope you can get high on on the liquor you can get high on the Spirit of God you get high on dope and you get high on alcohol and I get high on the word in the morning you'll be sober now still behind [Music] you'll be sober and sick I'll still be drunk I'm right I'll tell you I'm there right now to trade you know I'm hiring a Georgia pine right now go ready god howbeit when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not or he will not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak that set us up the Holy Spirit is here on the very same grounds that Jesus was here and he said when he comes he won't speak of himself either he's going to speak whatever he hears Jesus say well what good is it if he's speaking it and we can hear it I wrote some notes here in my Bible the Lord showed me one night that I said my mind look at that he will so he came he's hearing he's guiding he is speaking and you know what whatever he hears that will he say he doesn't have a hearing problem no no if anybody's got a hearing problem it's you and me so the moment the moment I realized that then I was making these notes in the Bible I just said Lord I could clean out my ears right now glory to God you don't have a hearing problem and from this moment on neither do i I call my ears open I call my ears blessed according to the thirteenth chapter of the book of Matthew I call my eyes blessed in my ears blessed coz that's what Jesus said and he said they have closed their eyes well if they close their eyes you can open your eyes praise God I opened my and I open my ears and I have here to him praise God oh come on now he'll glorify me for he shall receive mine and show it to you now there it is right there that's where it's coming from whatever he tells you to do do it if he says when you stand praying forgive then bless God forgive and do it now is he Lord or not yes he if he said forgive then just it's done now I just don't start whining around now no you get yourself but the urge they come I just shut up your whining and carrying on open your ears to what Jesus has said and obeying do it now let now yet now he'll glorify me he will receive a mine who's here Jesus he will receive a mine and show it to you come on folks we're going to show here all things that the father has are mine and then what is it therefore said I he will take a mine and show it to you all that the father has is mine yes and I say again now you said it twice here when Jesus said something when he says barely is one thing when he said barely barely sit down and shut up right now he just ate something coming here and look what he said he said it twice all the father has is mine he will take what's mine and show it to you and all that the father has is mine and I say again he will take what's mine and show it to you he's going to give you something to say and he's going to give you something to do and ain't nothing little about it folks throughout eternity that will still be happening how many eternities is it going to take to find out all that God has you know what this is deep is calling the deep yeah oh yeah I don't care how deep it is on one side he made it just as deep on the other phrase I don't care how big the problem is there's a big answer hallelujah well let's receive our offering and then we'll get in here and and do some more with this phrase God Father we thank you tonight now listen to me carefully here I'm going to pray this and you listen I've learned this over the last 47 years and living by this God started talking to me about this while I was still a student or robbed University Father I know you have a marvelous plan and that plan is at work all the time day in day out for every human being ever born of a woman you have a plan and you said in your word it was before the foundation of the world sir and I just I just read your words it has been given unto me to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God and sir I'm asking you to pull back the curtain and allow me to see step one of my divine plan your will be done on earth as it is in heaven now you know why Jesus told us pray that I mean that's that's behind everything and this is the process that brings it back so tonight father the seed that I so I'm ministered to you of my substance tonight and this seed his wisdom and knowledge about the plan for my life now you remember what he said to Abraham leave home leave your family and go to a city a place that I will show you but all he said first was get out of town leave you family that's it one he didn't need step two he doesn't need step one amen and for the rest of his life he took those steps one step right after another until the day came the plan just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and he got there was more of it revealed and more of it revealed and more of it revealed and as he walked by faith in and in a small part then that faith would get stronger and he'd get a little bigger and in his faith that gets stronger and he'd get a little bit bigger amen haha glory follow look follow the Ministry of Jesus from the very beginning of his ministry look at it put Matthew Mark Luke and John together and and look at him step by step he didn't start off at the cross he started off with a juggle and then as he went the problems progressively became worse each difficulty that he faced was a little worse than the next and he didn't start off raising Lazarus from the dead but he wound up there and he kept going and he kept walking and he kept progressing and he kept growing and he kept moving until he wound up in the Garden of Gethsemane well the problems got bigger yeah but so did the miracles that's the point amen and we walk in the steps of our father Abraham hallelujah Abraham found out if he do it by faith God would treat him like he never sinned it was accounted to him as righteousness and he just kept growing and he just kept growing and he just kept growing we were down in Sarasota with with Keith and Phyllis in their meeting uh in February Gloria and I just went down there just soak up some word and some sunshine love was there and but the word was brighter than the Sun Shine hot notice I began to notice him Keith kept pointing these things out and I began to notice something about Abraham I knew it but but it just jumped out there at me it was so strong an attribute of his God said do something he rose up early in the morning and did it he and then again and he rose up early in the morning in wind and he rose up early in the morning it is he rose up early he didn't whatever God said he just got up did it and the enormity of this hit me but somebody hit me with a mallet I mean right in the head God told him to circumcise himself and oh the man it is household and he rose up early did it now what hit me so hard all of a sudden I thought about that oh thank God I ain't never been told to do that can you imagine yeah I mean you call all the bunch together has a bunch of a man but and had some I made all that young including him call them all and then they said we gonna do whack yeah that what we gonna do right now [Laughter] whoa well I'm glad he did and I'm glad I came way later quick to obey and quick to believe because he had it in his heart that the plan was bigger than him and it was bigger than his past and it was bigger than whatever God had told me glory to God thank you Jesus thank you Father tonight we're sewing towards knowing the curtain being drawn back for the first step or like in go in my case the next step in the mystery plan of the kingdom of God because it has been given us tonight we got a promise we got we have a promise I got a promise I'm supposed to know I am supposed to prosper I am supposed to be healed I'm supposed to be well I got that from a little boy that came up to brother Roberts I mean he and his family they brought him he was little fella head something wrong and his legs he couldn't walk without crutches and so forth and and and brother brother all had laid hands on note on how many people and he was finished and he was started out the back and and this little fella called him and he said sir uh I'm supposed to be healed today I want you to know he stopped the profit right where he stood yes yes he said sir I'm supposed to be healed today and brother Robert said my son I'm tired I I just laid hands on a lot of people he said I don't know anything about that I just know I'm supposed to be healed today well you know what happened fraid I could just see nothing to see world right now that big old grin come on his face the tears of compassion would start flowing out of it and actors seem come here boy and yeah and he was healed that day I believes a new hip when they Gloria did it and I believe God put a new hip socket in that little fella Hyundai but he said I'm supposed to be healed well you know what so am I and so are you I'm supposed to prosper today I am supposed to know my next step I'm supposed to know and I'm supposed to step it and I am and I will and I do praise God amen thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord blow writter god you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 57,995
Rating: 4.5642343 out of 5
Keywords: 3273154892001, prosperity, Kenneth Copeland On Prosperity
Id: l_TJwpW9Y8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 52sec (3232 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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