THE LORD MY HEALER :Ready To Heal (Part 1)(Aug 13, 2017) Keith Moore

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go with me to Exodus the fifteenth chapter you just prayed so you're believing with me right for for utterance I can't do anything of myself nor can you but he can do things through us and bias and to us in Exodus 15:26 Exodus 15 and 26 he said if you will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God and will do that which is right in his sight and will give ear to His commandments and keep all the statutes I will put none of these diseases upon thee which I've brought upon the Egyptians for I am the lord that healeth thee praise god i am the lord that healeth thee now this phrase if you look up the words it's the word for jehovah or actually it's pronounced why y'all ova and other there's other pronunciations than that even scholars disagree but we say jehovah and the word healeth is the word Rafa our Rauf a depending on who you readin after but it literally means Jehovah is the self-existent eternal one hallelujah he's not dependent on anybody else for his existence and he has existed from eternity past through eternity future something our brain can't even wrap around yet but he is the self existent eternal one and Rafa means the one who mends you or cures you hallelujah it's translated he'll-he'll ER physician cure mend he is and this is one of the names of God revealed in Scripture I am Jehovah Rapha he also said he said I am Jehovah Shalom your peace I am Jehovah sidqa knew your righteousness I am your Shepherd I am your right righteousness did I say that right I am your Jehovah Nissi your victory nobody has the right to take any one of these names where he said I am and say now he was hmm is he still the Lord who is with us is he still the Lord our peace the Lord our victory the Lord our righteousness then why wouldn't he still be the Lord our healer he is I said he is and he always will be the Lord our he that's the name of the series the Lord my healer hallelujah do you know all there is to know about this or would you uh would you hear it again maybe hear something you hadn't heard before right no maybe about it the Lord my healer don't you like saying it don't you like saying come on sit out loud the Lord my healer if you believe that he's your peace your to believe he's your healer same Bible same word construction just a one of his other names if you believe he's your righteousness if you believe he's your Shepherd if you believe he's the Lord who's always with you the Lord who's there nobody has the right to take anyone of the self-existent eternal Jehovah names and say that was for a season if you don't take one of them and say well he used to heal he did some things in the Old Testament he did some miracles with Jesus and there were some special things and acts but all that's passed away well then how do you know the Lord who is with us hasn't passed away how do you know the Lord our peace hasn't passed away how can you take one and say that's not that doesn't apply that's not for everybody no he always has been he always will be he is right now Jehovah Rapha the Lord who heals you Oh somebody say the Lord my healer closer to God the F liffe I'd says I am the lord who heals you the new American Standard says for I the LORD am your healer the Youngs literal says for I Jehovah am healing thee I Jehovah am healing v you know you can get healed right now it's right here I Jehovah I'm healing v that's not something I said that's not something you said that's something he said centuries ago that was true before he said it it's true right now it'll be true throughout the ages to come Idaho I'm healing you the complete Jewish Bible says I am I don't I your healer the CEV says I am the Lord your God and I cure your diseases I am the Lord your God and I cure your diseases why shouldn't we accept this why should we question this why should we make exceptions for this why shouldn't we just receive it and say this is God's Word and God's Word is God speaking to me and he was the Lord that heals them and he never changes so he is the Lord who heals me he never said I was he's not I will be he is I am I am he's always I am the self-existent eternal one who cures you who mends you who makes you hold your physician praise be to God Oh somebody say praise be to God now Jeremiah 822 says this Jeremiah 22 says is there no balm in Gilead is there no physician that why then is not the help of the daughter of my people recovered this is a revelation just because we have a healer the healer doesn't mean we're automatically healed he's saying is there no bomb bomb would be healing ointment is there no physician in other words my my people they don't have a physician my people don't have a healer my people don't have healing forever the answer obviously is yes they do yes there is balm in Gilead yes there is a physician how many believe the great physician has always been there will always be there well if he's there and his healing is with him why is not the help of the daughter of my people recovered that's a good question hmm why not he's they should be she should be his people should be healed because he's the healer you're with me well it to begin to answer the question we're there Jeremiah 8 just in the 17th chapter just a few pages over anybody been reading close around here okay some of us some people look at you strangely so that answers the question right there let's go yeah yeah well around here we read our chapter every day Monday through Friday right and right now we're reading in Jeremiah so if you haven't joined us go back to the information booth an area after the service get the bookmark and it'll show you what chapter were on and we're literally then be on the same page thinking the same thoughts right and it really does it promotes unity side besides that your spirit needs to be fed somewhere to God every day just like your body needs natural food your spirit needs spirit food and in the 17th chapter verse 14 he said heal me O Lord and I shall be healed save me and I shall be saved for you are my praise said out loud heal me O Lord and I shall be healed save me O Lord and I shall be saved why would you say it like this they are the same they these phrases are interconnected and they are the same they're from the same source they're based on the same provision and and according to the same will and they receive the same way it has been changed in recent times now when I say recent times I mean the last few centuries because to God that's recent I mean if it changed within the last thousand years to him it changed within a day which is recent but from the beginning it was not that way multitudes of church-going people now all across this country all across the world you could not shake them believing that God is the site of Savior Jesus is Savior and that it is his will for everybody to be saved oh I mean they're adamant about it they're solid on it but if you bring up healing that's a completely different subject as far as they're concerned and it's not it has never been it's not supposed to be it's supposed to be we're supposed to be just as solid on that as we are the new birth but most people are not because they hadn't heard it they are they they had they haven't heard it it's part and parcel of the gospel or they've actually been has been preached against a famous evangelist a number of years ago this was going back 50 some years ago he made this statement he said in going to countries and places where people have never heard the gospel he said if I can get to people before they've ever heard anything and when I preach to them the gospel I tell them not only that Jesus is the savior but he's also the healer that when they come to receive Jesus as Savior they get healed to same time nobody told him nobody told him they couldn't nobody told him it might not be God's will nobody told him that it had passed away and was dispensational nobody told him that was just with special with the apostles and when the last apostle died all that ceased nobody had got to him and told him what Jesus did that to prove his sovereignty but that's not for everybody nowadays nobody had got to him and told him the age of miracles has passed sorry might not be God's will to heal you they've never heard any of that so they didn't believe any of that they'd never heard about Jesus period a lot of them had been involved in all kind of idol worship witchcraft another kind of junk but they heard about Jesus he went to the cross he took your sins he bore your sicknesses he carried your pains hallelujah he was raised from the dead for your justification and by His stripes you were healed he said when the people come they get saved and heal they don't know any better thank God I said thank God well then we need mine renewal to undo the stuff that tradition has done on the church for these hundreds of years telling people no no that's different that's different it might not be God's will to heal we just don't know no said I lied heal me and I'll be healed save me and I'll be saved you are my praise they are the same they are the so they're based on the same work of redemption they're based on the same will and plan of God look in Psalm 103 Psalm 103 verse 1 bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits plural everybody say benefits didn't say don't forget his benefit it didn't say don't forget his benefit that's one of the reasons I I talk like I do I say equipments houses buildings uh lands uh why because God is a God of benefits I know folks are laughing but to hear some folk preach there's one benefit huh you usually get saved you you miss hell you go to heaven now thank God if that was the only benefit there was that big that'd be worth going that way but it's not the only benefit hmm at 2 8 mins in a grunt it's it's not the only benefit do you believe there are more there's more than one benefit bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits now he said benefits you know there's more than one but when he says all his benefits you know there's there's several right there's multiple benefits and then he kicks office starts listening some of them verse three benefit number one who forgives all your iniquities but it might not be his will to heal you that's men's idea trying to explain why way back hundreds of years ago and longer than that I should say longer than that somebody prayed for somebody and they didn't get healed why not well somebody came up with the idea it must not have been God's will wrong wrong wrong anymore than you should come to the conclusion somebody came to the altar but didn't receive Jesus didn't get born again so we conclude it must not have been God's will to save them hmm truth is not relative truth is everybody awake truth is not subjective now let's think a little bit have you heard the phrase my truth my truth and your truth it's a popular phrase among some circles it's a despicable phrase well people say well that's my truth you have to go with your truth and I have to go with my truth well what they're saying is truth is relative truth is based on your perception of it or your experience of it well that's my truth no honey job truth is truth it is unchanging it is eternal it's truth whether you see it or not its truth whether you believe it or not it's true whether you receive it or not Oh somebody say truth is unchanging truth is forever hallelujah it's one of the most wonderful things about this Christian life is that there's never going to come down from heaven version 2.0 sorry guys been a couple of thousand years a lot has changed sending you an update receive you ready ah cuz truth doesn't need to be updated it was perfect when he came out hallelujah and the truth is he has always been and isn't always will be the savior and he has always been and is and always will be the healer hallelujah the healer and that truth is not based on who got healed or who didn't get healed or who thinks it's right who doesn't think is right it's independent of all of that it looms like a mountain hallelujah over all the passing generations of humanity it was true it is true it'll always be true I am the lord that heals you Oh hallelujah smart ones will receive it smart ones will lay hold and believe it and not be moved by anything they see your field to the contrary foolish ones will debate it scoff it and say things like well that's not my truth truth is truth whether you believe it or not it's not subjective it's not relative it is eternal glory to God that just does something for my spirit friend I mean I just in this world full of flip-flop and things changing from morning to afternoon right it is so wonderful to build your house on a solid rock hallelujah and no matter how much the wind blows and the rain pours and the flood beats when you found it on the rock you will not be moved hallelujah you won't be moved because truth is truth truth is truth I trust any of you that have been with us for any length of time that this is true and that if you're just with us today you could still get it if I fell out dead right here two seconds later and somebody said brother keep dying from a bad sickness I didn't see what's going to happen if I did does that change the truth of God being the heel hmm if some way or another I missed out on God's full provision I didn't live a long full life does that change the truth but do people base their beliefs on what happens to folks that's foolish foolish ignorant this book was here a long time before I got here right long long time and the author was here a long long long time before the book got here right no you don't base your belief in the new birth and salvation on who does or does not get born again do you do you nor do you base your belief in God being the healer on who does or does not get healed he is Jehovah Rapha always has been always will be the healer God hallelujah he's the saving God and he's the healing God save me and I'll be saved heal me and I'll be healed bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits [Music] mucho benefits many benefits and big benefits somebody say glory to God glory to God glory to God benefit number 1 come on help me out benefit number one who forgives Oh [Music] your how many how many what if somebody told you well now I just don't accept that you know I know God does he forgive some iniquities but it's not always his will to forgive iniquities some iniquities for some reason we don't know why but he's doing something it's it's we just don't understand why but sometimes it's not his will to forgive all iniquities see you you don't accept that for a minute do you well why would you accept that on the next part he forgives all your iniquities same Bible same verse says who heals all your diseases why without why would I treat that any different from the first part of the verse same verse same God same verse who heals what yeah but brother Keith is obvious everybody's not healed it's just as obvious everybody's not safe right everybody don't get healed we all know that everybody don't get saved either it doesn't change the truth the truth Oh somebody say thank God for the truth thank God for the truth tell me what the truth will do for you brother and sister John 8:31 what do you say stick it on the stream for us please John 8:31 What did he say jesus said to those that believed on him if you continue in my word and John 17:17 he said thy Word is truth so you can say like that if you continue in my truth you'll be my disciple you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free glory to God free if you continue in the truth which is why the devil will fight you so hard to get you out of the truth to get you to compromise and talk about my truth and your truth and relative and subjective no no no if it's relative it ain't truth the truth stands on its own whether you believe it or not it's true still true o friend there's something happened to you when this dawns on your spirit there the way it can it'll be an anchor to your soul you will get to the place where nothing can move you I don't care how smart somebody thinks they are some what argument somebody has when you've gotten a hold of the truth all the other stuff you're impervious to it you are unmoved by it you'll know the truth and the truth shall make you free glory to God has the truth made you free from the fear of hell and the fear of judgment in eternity has it made you free come on has it made you free from the feelings of inferiority and being rejected knowing I'm accepted in the beloved hallelujah I'm part of the family well it can make you free from the fear of death it can make you free from the fear of disease it can make you free from the fear of Wick weakness because the same Bible tells you the truth that he is your healer go back to the benefits go back to the benefits some 103 benefit number one come on help me out he forgives how many ALL friend of mine all that's been about 30 years ago we were young students in the Word of God and he was very studious particularly in languages and he came and told me one that he said I did a study on that word all he said I looked it up in the Hebrew I looked it up in the Greek I looked it up in the Aramaic I looked it up in the Chaldean and he just went on and on and he said if you study and you go back to the etymological roots of also the Aramaic the Chaldean the Hebrew of the Greek he said what this word that's translated from those languages into English a ll what it really means is all he said that's what it really means all means everything included nothing excluded what does that mean all iniquities are included no iniquities are excluded how many believe I mean you're not even having to struggle with believing that God forgives all iniquities come on how many how many were side I'm not even struggling with that he forgives all iniquities why would you struggle with him healing all diseases why why is that any different I'll tell you what's different it is different people struggle with this when they don't struggle with the other why because you hadn't been taught that all your life many people were taught God can heal if it's his will hmm that's what most people were talking he could if it's his will well it is his will and he can hallelujah he forgives all your iniquities he heals all your diseases keep going he redeems your life from destruction another benefit hallelujah protection is a benefit he crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies man what does that cover that covers you getting all kind of stuff you don't deserve at all you're getting to have and enjoy and do all kinds of stuff that you didn't deserve it's just mercy it's just loving kindness he satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles don't forget that benefit don't forget that benefit hallelujah I mean that sounds like getting 60 or 70 or so and catching a new gear some happening to you you're getting revitalized renewed and people going what happen to you what happened to you you go Psalm 103 5 what treatments you've been getting Psalm 103 I got two full 103 man you look at yes I did my youth is renewed hallelujah like the Eagles Oh somebody say praise God praise be to God praise be to God hallelujah the truth is to may say the truth just because somebody says something's true does not make it true we got to discern between what people call truth and what actually is true truth is not relative truth doesn't change it's not subjective look in Matthew 18 something's happening in your spirit doubt is getting pushed out I said doubt is getting pushed out wavering is getting removed hmm you believe it and what remains is rock solid faith in rock solid truth that doesn't change that doesn't vary not going to happen by the grace of God but if I back slid and just went crazy man often did stupid stuff does that mean God's not real hmm does that mean the Lord doesn't say salvation is not real new birth is not real doesn't mean any such of a thing it means kids went crazy what's that got to do with the eternal truth of God and who he is come on can you see this you need to know God well enough for yourself then no matter what anybody else does you know in whom you have believed and you're persuaded that he is able to keep you because there's a lot of folks doing a lot of crazy stuff down here and there's a lot of people who get in church and they jump out of church they jump in the ministry and they jump out of the ministry and depends on which day you catch them as to what they believe and who they are and what they're doing and if you base your life on them you're gonna be in you're going to be out you're gonna be up you're going to be down you're not gonna know where you are that's not truth and that's not God that's them I said that's them the truth is the truth no matter what anybody does Matthew 18 here's the truth verse 14 he said even so it is not the will of your father which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish how many is it God's will for them to perish not a one it is will for all to be saved all to be forgiven of all their iniquities all to be healed of all their diseases somebody say all all all but are all saved obviously not have all received forgiveness for all their mistakes and nickel T's no they haven't have all been healed obviously not but you don't determine truth by looking at other people's lives that's not how you determined truth it's not the will of your father which is in heaven Jesus said this that that a one of these little ones should perish look in 2nd Peter 3:9 2nd Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering toward us again it's us we're not waiting on him long-suffering means you're you're tolerant and you're patient you're waiting on we're not waiting on him he's long-suffering to us not willing what that any should perish but that all should come to repentance the key is with us and repentance means change you change from being stubborn you change from not listening and not believing and not receiving you humble yourself and you begin to believe you humble yourself and submit to his lordship you humble yourself and believe and receive his word and obey Him and act on his word that's the key the change lies with us not with him he doesn't need to change somebody said out loud he's not willing that any should perish so when people try to tell you I don't care how many degrees I have I don't care how they dress they try to tell you that people perishing is somehow the mysterious plan and will of God you reject that do not accept it for a moment no perishing of people on this planet is happening according to the will of God not a one not whether you're perishing spiritually are perishing mentally or emotionally are perishing in your marriage and your family are perishing in your body and your health are finishing and your finances are perishing in your career are perishing none of that no perishing no person perishing is the will of God at all go with me to Psalm 86 player actually I don't do that you go to Isaiah 38 and they'll put this on the screen for us go to Isaiah 38 please and put on the screen for us Psalm 80 65 some 80 65 it says for the Lord for you Lord are good you are what ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call on you said out loud the Lord is good and he's ready now do you see this is same language as you saw him Peter he's long-suffering toward us what does that mean not willing that any should perish he's ready to save as soon you know how many understand in your life you could have been born again before you were hmm how many will acknowledge you could have been a lot of you you could have been born again years decades right you had opportunity you saw some things but you didn't could you say you were waiting on God to save you if you did it be alive was he ready for you to be born again sins washed away was he ready years before you were ready oh yeah he doesn't change and here you see Lord you are good and you're ready to forget he's ready to forgive every person on this planet isn't that wonderful tonight he's ready he's ready to forgive he's ready to cleanse based on what Jesus has already done well by the like token he's ready to heal he's ready to do everything bring everything to pass that Jesus is bought and paid for now you'll see that so clearly here in Isaiah 38 are you doing okay Isaiah 38 verse 1 in those days was Hezekiah sick unto death and Isaiah the prophet the son of Amos came to him and said to him thus saith the Lord thus saith Who the Lord set your house in order for you shall die and not live so that proves that in this case it was God's will for him to not be healed but to die but the Lord said it is everybody away it does not prove that rest of the passage proves otherwise the Lord said go back to verse 1 what the Lord say set your house in order get your affairs together get ready to die why because you shall die and not live now if the Lord tells you you're gonna die what's gonna happen maybe not so thought said you go now you're going duck not here he didn't that's not how this turned out some stuff like you said God doesn't change he doesn't but you said truth is eternal it doesn't change it is and it doesn't change guess who changed here everybody awake guess who changed him it wasn't God it wasn't his will it wasn't his word it wasn't him decided you know well when I talked to you this morning I wasn't feeling much like healing but you know I had a good afternoon and uh what you know okay let's hear you is God fickle absolutely not the Lord says set your house in order you're going to die you you shall die and not live no maybes verse two then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord he got real with God he thought this is serious I'm about to die I don't want to die I'm too young to die I don't want to die silversmith he said remember Lord before you in truth with a perfect heart I've done what's good in your sight and Hezekiah wept sore and I didn't tell you everything he said and did turning his face to the wall is a picture of turning away from everybody and everything and you focusing completely on God and getting serious and real with him and in his conversation with God and talking to God some things happened in him some things changed in him come on can you see this prayer didn't change God you can change in prayer God didn't change doesn't need to and verse 4 then came the word of the Lord to Isaiah saying go say to Hezekiah thus says the Lord the God of David your father I have heard your prayer I have seen your tears behold I will add to your days 15 years 15 years things have changed did God change what the Bible said God don't change then what happened here in verse nine Hezekiah set down and wrote some things after he'd been healed the writing of Hezekiah king of Judah when he had been sick and was recovered of his sickness verse 16 he said O Lord by these things men live and in all these things is the life of my spirit so will you recover me and make me to live verse 19 the living the living he shall praise you as I do this day the father to the children shall make known your what your what what was the truth look at verse 20 what was the truth I said what was the truth Oh somebody ready to shout only what was the truth the Lord was ready to say he was ready to save him when he told the Prophet to go tell him he's going die he was he was always ready to save him what was he telling him you might say like this under the present circumstances this is what's going to happen you're gonna die that stuff in order but Hezekiah got serious with God spent some serious time praying and seeking God some changes happened in him and I mean immediately he tells the man of God go back and tell him I heard your prayer I saw you too I saw the adjustment you made in your heart I saw the changes you're going I'm i'ma raise you up you're gonna I'm gonna add to you another 15 years and the revelation he said hey son will proclaim the truth the father to the children I'm going to make known your truth verse 20 the Lord was ready to save me somebody said this is the truth this is the truth everybody on the planet that's lost the Lord's ready to save them come on is that true I don't care how mean they'd be okay ugly they've been how cruel they've been is the Lord right now ready to save them he's ready to receive them hallelujah and do for them what Jesus was bought and paid for he's easy ready is he also ready every person on the planet that's sick with anything I don't care if it's a toenail problem our terminal cancer is the Lord ready is he ready come on is he ready somebody say he's ready he's ready he's ready he's ready to that this race had save here but that's one of the big words in the Bible if you look up like the Greek word that's translated save or salvation it doesn't just mean saved from hell it includes healing sometimes it's translated healed he was ready to save me save me from what from dying with a stinking disease he was ready to raise me up he was ready to heal me somebody said he's ready to heal he's ready he's ready to forgive he's ready to heal always always every hour of every day and every moment of every night it wasn't God's perfect will for him to die right then that way with that disease even though he told the Prophet to go tell him you're gonna die get ready because he was but when he changed some things he found out the Lord was ready to heal me when he told me I was gonna die is this revelation come on can you see this this is revelation look what else the Lord was ready to save me therefore will sing my songs two stringed instruments all the days of our life in the house of the Lord he said I got at least another 15 years and we're gonna sing and praise God all of them I would think that's a good use of your healing right he said they're gonna be some music around here praising God all the time verse 21 for Isaiah had said let them take a lump of figs and lay it for a plaster upon the boil and he shall recover really this up this passage just turns a bunch of people's ideas on its head but you know the truth does that - incorrect theories well this is a natural of assist and it didn't just come from somebody in them in the palace it came from the Prophet he obviously got this from the Lord take a lump of figs make a plaster put it on the boil well why you need to do that and he shall recover people struggled so between medicine and faith for healing and you shouldn't I said you shouldn't you know Jesus Oh on one occasion he spit and made mud and put it in the man's eyes that's something natural why do that why was it necessary it's not uncommon for there to be a natural and the spiritual working together now you need you need to pray and be led about everything you do don't just do anything and everything that somebody says you should do to your body doctors and nurses were thankful for but they're just men and women too and they don't know everything but there are a lot of natural things that can help you a lot of folks wouldn't be here today right if it hadn't been for being helped through the medical profession but here's something that people have completely turned around had somebody tell me one time you know my praying with somebody that was in the hospital they said yeah you know we appreciate that prayer can be a help to medicine and something rose up in me and I thought you got it backwards I didn't tell them that I didn't think they'd receive it but I'll tell you that's completely backwards because doctors don't heal people nurses don't heal people surgeries don't help him coming out listening to them you can have the best surgeon in the world he can go in and do a perfect surgery on you that didn't heal you now you got a heal come on are you listening we're thankful for that don't you misunderstand me I have great respect for this field I believe people can be called to be a doctor to be a nurse to be an assistant just like you can be called just like I'm called a preach I believe you can be anointed you can have the gifts of the Spirit but all of those things are a natural helps to the healer if the healer doesn't work healing I don't care what you do in the natural it's not going to make any difference men don't heal but at the same time we don't have to we don't have to labor and think well if I'm gonna believe God I can't use any medicine I can't use any ointment I can't hear he told him to write he told him to and whether there was actual medicinal quality in that or whether God created some in it or whether it was a point of contact I don't know what it was but I know this it worked and then that the main thing right the devil has heat condemnation on people in our camp you know if you have symptoms if you're using medicine or medical help but that's a lie it's a trick of the devil we shouldn't be condemned that we've got symptoms I feel like we need some natural help we should be thrilled that healing belongs to us we should be excited and thrilled that we have a healer who never changes can you say Amen somebody say I have a heal I have the healer the healer glory to God and you know nothing works let's say you're gonna you're going to take some medicine are you going to do a procedure nothing works like it should unless you mix faith with it you can take a natural thing that would have a marginal effect and mix some faith with it and increase its effect tenfold or more it's not an either-or now if the Lord kicks you and dizzle you don't do that well then don't do that but every situation you just check your heart but when he says get your plaster and put on that boil what do you do I don't use means I'm just gonna trust God trust God or die we figure what's gonna happen to you you're already talking about dying I'm trust God or die you better listen to God and live listen to God believe what he said and put the Pope put the plaster on are y'all okay today this might have been a little different than what we were thinking about Oh somebody say praise God praise God my healer forever unchanging oh praise God praise God never let anybody or anything tell you it's not God's will to heal you are not God's will to heal you yet regardless of what you have experienced he was ready he is ready he does not change all the changes happen with us stand on your feet if you would
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 73,332
Rating: 4.7869821 out of 5
Keywords: Keith moore, God, Jesus, love, faith, peace
Id: cxMYiN5xnbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 3sec (3483 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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