More Grace to the Humble - Part 1 | Keith Moore | LWCC

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would you look with me in the scriptures please to Habakkuk the second chapter now that may be back there where your pages are stuck together depending on how much you're into it but maybe they'll put it on the screen for us so Habakkuk the second chapter if you go to the Malachi and start backing up you'll you'll get there but Habakkuk just three short chapters but uh in the fourth verse Habakkuk 2:4 it says behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him but the just shall live by his faith you didn't think we could preach without having faith somewhere did you tonight that phrase the just shall live notice son this is one of the first places you see this in the scripture although it's quoted in Romans Galatians Hebrews you'll see it in the New Testament numerous times but this is one of the first places you see it and actually they're quoting from there the Holy Spirit through them and it says the just shall live by his faith you know you can't live by anybody else's faith this is a whole series here read it read in that one phrase and our camp you know word in faith I'm right in the middle identify with that but there have been some issues of people trying to live by others revelation and it's you used wonderful to be inspired by somebody's revelation and their faith but you can't live on their faith you're with me friends that includes your spouse and when you get any aged at all you know especially you get you know 13 14 15 16 you get to where you can't live on mom and daddys faith any longer if did I lose somebody you can try but it won't work you'll come to the place where the Lord expects you to trust him personally hmm directly and you'll have to have a relationship with him personally and you'll have to pray once in a while and you're for yourself and you'll have to read the word for yourself what's in a hug you know what I'm talking about and whatever it is you're believing for it can't just be that it's real to someone else even the people you love and respect the most that's wonderful that they see it that they're excited about it that they're believe it but that doesn't automatically mean that you see it or that you are fully persuaded the just shall live by his faith a her faith but now notice the previous part we don't want to exclude this because it goes together it said behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him but the just shall live by his faith what does that have to do with living by faith why why say that in the same sentence in the same breath the Naas says it like this it says behold as for the proud man our proud one his soul is not right within him but the righteous will live by his faith the proud one one of the biggest enemies of faith is pride I don't think we've talked enough about it one of the biggest enemies of faith is pride in fact in walking with God by faith there's no room for pride there just is not and yet some folks have misunderstood and they thought well you know I I can get everything I need by faith and and I don't need anybody and I'm independent well you don't have to be reliant on men that is true you look to God but when you're walking by faith it means you are completely dependent on him and if you realize that you'll show some humility you show some humility I know one one of the first cars automobiles that Phyllis and I believed for it was a used car and it was it was nice had a few miles on it it was a Oldsmobile Toronado anybody remember that back in the 70s women always mobile had big chrome bumpers and we got it was black and silver two-tone with wire wheels white wall tires oh yeah it was the seventies okay it was happening in the seventies and so uh that's when the car came out and just at that time that we got it I was working in the ministry some and I I drove it up and some people that were helping me they said oh man this your car it's your car I said yeah they said how'd you get this I said I believed for it and they said oh wow Wow and they you know something bothered me when I said that something you know not not a big thing but something and I thought hmm what was that later on I was getting quite about something that came back up to me I thought Lord of something wrong with that what did I you know a lot of times it's not just the exact phrase you use but it's your mentality and it's everything that goes with it the Lord knows your heart he sees past everything right down inside all things are open and naked before the eyes of him with whom we have to do and so I don't mean to hurt a voice but inside me he just immediately took me through the scenario I heard the the man asked me about that and I heard me respond as he said how'd you get that now and I said I believe for it and and the Lord asked me a question and said he said so uh you bleed for it I thought I said I thought I did he's asking me and he said where did you get the faith to believe me with I said well Lord it's a measure of your faith and he said well how'd you get it I said well it came by hearing the word he said how'd you hear the word I said well you anointed people to teach and preach on things and and you quickened me and and and he said then weren't there times when you and she got a little weary in and I encouraged you and stirred you up and I said yes sir and he said well as my faith my word my encouragement he said when it happened who helped bring it to pass who brought the money in it helped you do the deal I said it well it was you he said my word my faith my encouragement my sustaining my money excuse me me bringing the money in and he said I wouldn't even mentioned you just said I believe for it do you know what we're talking about here I said I'm sorry Lord I'm sorry I didn't say that right dinner he said well and again I'm not hearing a voice and you know he speaks to you the way you understand he talks to me in Mississippi slang whatever whatever your brand is he he that the Holy Spirit is the most amazing teacher there has ever been he can teach anybody anything and the Lord quickened to me said well the bigger issue is a debt young man and the people that heard him left impressed with your faith not me and there are no closer to believing me for that because the enemy will tell them well brother keith has faith for that but you don't have that kind of faith because he wanted them to leave impressed with him so what's a better answer ha yall already know this huh what what's the better answer how did you get that huh how'd you how did you get that amazing message how did you get that revelation well I tell you you got to pay the price brother I mean while others was playing we was praying you got to burn the midnight oil know what I'm talking about we've got to pay them now oh no no that's not what Jesus would say you know how I know because of what he said in John 7 they came to him and they said how does this man have these things having never learned he's got no degrees where did he get this you know what Jesus said my doctrine is not mine it's not mine the father you know Jesus never took credit for one healing one miracle one mess ever he said I can of my own self do nothing well the service not above his master if that's how he spoke how should we speak and it's not just trying to be humble a big part I'm getting ahead of myself a little bit but a big part of humility is honesty that's one of the chief qualities and characteristics of humility it's just being honest hmm it's just being honest to say it was the Lord who gave it to me who helped me right and when you say the Lord did it the Lord showed me the Lord sustained me the Lord led us the Lord you know what people that are hearing you you know what the Holy Spirit is telling them every time you say that he's saying I'll do it for you I'll do it for you I'll do it for you come on can you see that I'll do it for you too I'll do it for you too that's what you want you don't want people impressed with you you don't want to focus on you you're not the provider you're not the healer you do want to be a good example but you don't just want them to leave impressed with your faith now the reason I'm talking about this is because we're touching on the pride side of this and then the focus is the desire to impress looking first John to please are you okay all right first John and two we were familiar with this verse 15 it says love not the world now the world he's not talking about the earth he's talking about the ungodly way worldly way of living and thinking and doing neither the things that are in the world If any man love the world the love of the father is not in him it's a replacement for the love of God loving what's you know this life and loving the ungodly stuff verse 16 for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and what I mean he mentions three big things that are kind of summarize the worldly ungodly existence the the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life it's not of the Father but is of the world and it goes on to say that all that's passing away it's all very temporary this phrase the pride of life in other translations is Trent one translations translated their ostentatious nasaw stand Taoiseach sness that's a good translation another one is showing this show eNOS there's no such thing as one of us who doesn't have to deal with pride and it's so subtle oh it's subtle it's the nature did I lose somebody did you want to hear something else it's so subtle and because when you got born again it wasn't your entire beating being that was recreated your inner man your spirit became a new creation in Christ Jesus not your mind not your bodies you're with me and because of that the flesh was not born again you got exactly the same flesh it's Jo sinner did you not realize that and it will do anything you let it do it'll do anything Jo sinners flesh holder if you let it that's why Paul I mean he's a man of God who's been to heaven and had visitations seen the head of the church and he says I keep my body under I bring it in the subjection lest by any means after I preached to others i myself should be a castaway he's saying I have to stay on my my own flesh right oh that's wise I can wind up yielding to it and getting disqualified well if that's true appalled but uh just being aware of it is such a big step forward because in our society people are proud that they're proud [Laughter] unless they get religious sized and then they're proud of how humble they are it gets very confusing are you talking about well there there's so much ignorance and so much confusion about what these things even are and people are gett fighting madness oh I don't care what you say I'm proud of my kids mm-hmm I had a preacher kind of want to take me to task about it a couple of years ago he said well my brother Keith I mean you got your good pride and your bad pride don't you I see no no there's no such thing as any variant our form of good pride plan it is the nature of the devil y'all with fear not and God hates it I'm quoting scripture he hates it I didn't say he hated proud people he hates pride he despises it and when you see it for what it is you'll despise it too and there's no need in judging anybody else about it what do you do let me tell you something in fact I'll lead you in it if you're brave enough and you won't particularly enjoy it but it could be one of the greatest things that has happened in your life to ask the Lord to help you to see pride in your own life because until you identify it you're not going to deal with it do you care to deal with it and identify okay set out like father God you hate pride I love what you love and I hate what you hate and so I set myself against it anything that's of the evil one I reject I ask you enlighten my eyes reveal to me help me to see pride in my own life and grace me show me how to deal with it how to stop yielding to it and how to yield to your grace and christ-like humility thank you lord thank you lord now if you if you meant that he will do that and it won't be fun it's not complimentary because there will be times of situations you'll say something you'll do something and when you do the Spirit of God to say that's prime why are you saying that why are you telling them that I mean I've had people come up to me before and say brother Keith God uses me and all nine gifts of the Spirit okay why are they telling me seeking to impress em we've done it since we were children it's part of the nature of the unregenerate flesh but if you want to be like the Lord this is one of the biggest things in being christ-like do you remember what he said he said you that a labor and are heavy-laden What did he say huh come to me and what else did he say he said learn about me I mean of all the things he could have said hmm What did he say I'm meek and lowly of heart and you'll find rest to your souls why because it is exhausting maintaining phony fronts it is exhausting you're gonna help me preach this or not am i telling the truth it is it is exhausting exhausting I've heard people say oh man I'll be so glad when I can get home and I can just let my hair down and be myself who you've been being with us look I can just beat us it really is people people maintain facades and France he in our camp has had significant issues with this ya got 10 credit cards maxed to the hilt and acting like we live in by faith yeah you know God gave us up huh won't let anybody come have a meal with you because you don't want them to see where you live you know park your car way in the back parking lot at heart because you do anybody to see what you driving this is the enemy of faith do y'all see this friend any any degree of this is directly blocking and hindering your faith because there's something that comes before faith even know how he how he got saved how you get saved we're saved Ephesians says by grace what through faith he there's some contention among some folks going with it you and your faith God gray sky gray sky faith guy grace faith hood yes well you mean you you can't really be one without the other I should take out the word really you can't be one without the other what do you mean you won't have any results unless you walk by faith that's right you wouldn't even know what faith was if it weren't for grace huh every is that's what the Lord was saying to me when I said I believed for it he was reminding me of His grace all right his grace that gifted me the faith to start with His grace that gave me the revelation gave me the opportunity gave me the association's gave me the encouragement gave me the leading of the Spirit oh that's a gift my ass gifts gifts from God now you got to receive it you got to act on it that's your part to faith part but without the grace you got nothing to hecto hallelujah go with me to the book of James please thanks be to God oh thank you Father thank you Father thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord James for you know this you're probably familiar with it but let's read it again verse 6 God does what he gives what more more grace you can always receive more grace always God's grace is is all that he has given if you want to just sum it up in one word grace equals gift it also includes all of his help all of his help and men that covers so you know that's the Holy Spirit's name is the helper and with enough grace you can receive anything with enough with enough grace you can get through anything but God night and then that you just may shake you God doesn't give His grace to everyone huh what it's available but as far as the receiver being able to receive it keep reading keep reading he gives more grace for he since God resists the proud did the proud get the grace do they or not no they don't but he gives grace to the humble to the honest to the open to the teachable to the receptive there with me to take the new birth Jesus has paid the price for everybody on the planet that has has lived every will live are they all saved no they're not what's the problem are they waiting on God to get ready to save them no are they waiting on God to give them salvation what's the problem what's the problem you have to acknowledge God's real you have that take some humility you've got to acknowledge something's bigger than you are you gotta acknowledge you're dependent on someone other than yourself and other human beings for your breath and your brightness of mind and the gravity that's holding your feet to the planet huh see can you begin to see why millions and millions are lost they won't humble themselves that's why these lies were developed these godless evolution theories these godless Big Bang Theory's they're with me what anything to eliminate God just that there's no God why because if God is real he's the creator of the heavens and the earth and Genesis 1:1 is true in the beginning God created the heavens are there if you if you if you get that you accept that you got no problem with the rest of the book if he can do that right but if you don't accept that it's not just I'm sorry I just I just can't accept that I just I'm sorry I know you all you have your faith and that's fine but you know I think probably I'm just too educated to believe that kind of thing you're too proud you're too Hardy and actually dishonest what do you mean brother keep Rowlands one goes into great detail that God's eternal power even the mysteries of the Godhead are revealed in the things that are made and it goes on to talk about so that there's no excuse what do you mean every human being every every young boy every young girl that has ever lived ever will that has any kind of cognitive ability that looked across the ocean that looked at a mountain range they looked at the moon that breathed the air come on you know what I'm talking about people say there is no proof of God what are you talking about it's everywhere you're breathing it you're standing on it it's everywhere it's all around you and especially in the youth and childhood there's something inside them that tells them somebody made this somebody that cares about you Oh hallelujah and if you'll be honest I don't care if your parents and in previous generations go back for millennia in idol worship and ungodly things if you will acknowledge that and say I believe it I want to know more he will lead I don't care where you are he will lead you from total darkness to full salvation in Jesus Christ he'll take you every step of the way but the problem is is not God's willingness he's not willing that any should perish the problem is the haughtiness of man the arrogance the pride elevating their pitiful intellect on par with his it's it's sad is what it is it's ridiculous it's laughable but they they think it's reasonable it's pitiful it's pitiful but smart ones bow the knee now there's coming a time when every knee haha I don't care what they believe I don't care what label they atheist agnostic other religion it doesn't matter there's coming a time when God is going to manifest himself in such a way till everybody without hesitation will go the Lord he is God the Lord he is gone and they will they will bow their knee which is a picture of humility the bowed knee is a graphic picture of humility bow their knee and confess that Jesus is Lord but Wise Ones do it now Wiseman's choose in this dark world to do it against the current of unbelief and the father will never forget it that you stood up for him here and now in this dark world huh in this brief life that you stood up for him and you said I don't care what they say I believe I believe and I bow my knee and I humble myself before you and I trust you and when you do that grace flows I said grace flows to the low place hallelujah oh do you believe it says he gives more grace God resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble do you want more grapes friend come on dear did let me said like this do you want more help friends there are different levels of Grace in day-to-day life and it's not just dependent on God it's dependent on how we walk with Him and it's directly tied to our humility and our faith following the leading of his spirit I've experienced personally different levels of grace when you're just fumbling and bumbling and you find yourself more often frustrated than not you're walking in very low level of grace and when you're always saying I don't know I don't know that reveals darkness because in the light you see and when you see you know now we've all been at different places there have been places I can't say I've walked there all the time but there have been times in my life from the time I open my eyes in the morning I just knew what to do no questions no wavering I just knew I just knew I just knew I'm flowing in the knowing your function in the auction it's the best it's the best there are different levels but you know tell me what the enemy of this is what's the big inna me of this I'll take care of it myself ah yeah I got this now if it's something big Lord I'll check in with you no but I got this I got I got it yeah we can sail you got it the trail of debris we need his help every moment of every day in everything in our life we should be checking in continuously we should be checking it well but what does that require humility I'm acknowledging I need help i need help getting dressed in the morning I need help with my clothes me I need help I need help driving to work I need help they working with these folks and I need I need help dealing with these customers I need help huh I need help then when you get managing upset get frustrated now you're getting outside of grace because faith works by love what you want to do is let's take a step back and go Lord how how do i how do I deal with this help me I'm asking for help see proud people don't ask for help they won't ask for help including whatever you do with people that resents what you do with God that's just how you are you don't just flip a switch and you're one way with God in different way with people had something happened a while back that uh the Lord helped me and the kind of thing we're talking about Mike and I were stopping somewhere to get fuel in the plane the Lord gave us a nice plane he's got new paint looks real good I went inside the FBO to get something to drink and I came back out and the guy was sitting there eating his lunch he said who's playing he called them the model he said whose plane is that and it was at a smaller field so it was biggest thing out there he said whose is that and I said that's ours he said what do y'all do I said we're a church he put his fork down he glared at me he said that's why I don't go to church it's all oh y'all care abouts money money and so that's why I don't go to church well it kind of felt like somebody backhanded you you just I really had my mind on something else and just I'm like what what and so you're tempted to be offended whatever or to try to justify it which is a mistake it's a mistake I don't need to justify anything to him but I don't know I just paused a minute what do I need help me out what do I need I need some grace I need some help right what we don't want to get any worse I don't just leave it like this my first thought that crossed my mind is well you know you don't know me you don't know what we've done or again not now you're trying to justify yourself trying to impress him with your spirituality and most likely he is not gonna be no matter what you say and just like that came to me when I when I stopped and asked go to proverbs three I'll tell you the rest of the story but look at this verse [Laughter] proverbs 3 well if you may know this 1 3 5 what does it say what does it say trust in the Lord with all your heart let wait wait wait wait trust in the Lord with all your heart say this out loud with me humility that's what that is lean not to your own understanding well what if you're leaning on your understanding pride you think you can do it without the hell verse 6 verse 6 in what in the big stuff huh the big things the big things the big things in what you believe the Bible or not in all your ways do what do what do what how do you do that how do you acknowledge him we just got through talking about that that's a prerequisite for getting saved you got to acknowledge that God is real you got to acknowledge the gospel is true you got to acknowledge you need salvation right it takes humility to do that so how after unsaved and walking with God how do I acknowledge him in all my ways I'm continually checking in with him I'm continually you know you don't you don't necessarily to kneel down or fold your hands to do this you just you can be in the middle of something and inside you you check him inside because the greater one lives inside the one who knows everything about everything lives inside and you know because you've developed in some humility and reality and honesty that you need his help all the time come on somebody help Messer I need his help all the time in everything well you have not because you didn't ask and so you should be looking and checking and asking Lord what do i what do I say how do I do humble yourself acknowledge you need to you need to help ask for the help get in faith and what does he do he resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble I pause just a minute instead of just leaving the room and that's without saying it out loud I said Lord can I say anything what can I do just like that I mean before I could get this sentence done inside me I saw it I said well I said sir I said there's a lot of people feel just like you do about preachers and airplanes a lot of churches and a lot of preachers and I'm sure you could find one that you'd have no trouble agreeing with what they believe about these things he looked at me he said well he said you know probably my kids do need to go to Sunday school I said they do and you and your wife do too and you know we may not be your cup of tea he kind of shook his head okay but there are people they feel just like you do about this but they love God and this is what you do you go to a church and if you don't feel right you just go to another one but you keep going till you find where you you feel like you fit and you're comfortable and get your kids and I mean he's listening to every word and he stoled I know my kids that I said they really do they need to be here I said so just just go and keep and there's some folks that never talk about money at all and I said you know but hey I didn't say they would one too many of those but but you know what I'm talking about there are people that think we are off the rails but they love God and if they're walking in all the light they have will the Lord receives them where they are and instead of it just getting worse and just getting into a combat ething it worked out really good can you see what I'm talking about but I know what happened I cannot say well I was smart enough yo listen I was smart enough I was spiritual enough that that be a lie I said that be a lie for me to try to take credit cuz that's the wisdom of God come on can you see that I mean the Lord knew how he'd respond to that that's surprised him that took him off guard and it is kind I think he said it before he meant it he said well yeah my kids probably do need to go to Sunday school and then when he said it I really look like I didn't mean to say that but God's dealing with it come on can you set God's working only dealing with it in all your ways come o help me out in what Oh your ways do what acknowledge him read the rest of it and he shall direct your path and when he's directing your every step in your every path you're gonna be at the right place at the right time with the right thing to say in the right thing to do and you're gonna make your way prosperous and you're gonna have good success and you're gonna be a bright light and a good witness can you say Amen go to John in closing I think hallelujah John the fifth chapter and look at verse 30 well y'all listen good thank you Lord John five and thirty jesus said I can of my own self do what not much know who's talking here head of the church so there's been a lot of preaching that's incorrect in the church what I mean by that is people say you know get wound up and say you know Jesus walked on the water why because he's God Jesus you know open the eyes of the blind and the deaf ears cast out Devils and raised the dead why because he's God well he is God but you're leaving the wrong impression and you're saying he can do he as he walked the earth he could do anything he wanted to any time he wanted to jesus said that's not true that's not true you know there's people that have implied that if you and I would get enough faith we'd go clean out to hospitals we'd go clean out to mental institutions if we just had enough faith we then could go do it Jesus didn't do it Jesus didn't do it what do you mean there were five porches full of sick people you remember that Jesus went and found one man ministered to it he was raised up Jesus turned around and left he left five porches full of sick people sick why he said I can of my own self do nothing as I hear I judge other places he said I only do what I I see my father do I only say what I hear the father say why why do you only do that for him because that's what he saw why did he only say that to them because that's what he heard now there were other times he's having a healing meeting he's preaching healing and faith is coming from what he's preaching and everybody that came to be healed was healed can you see that but that's faith and that's hearing but it wasn't everybody in the city Jesus didn't heal everybody in the whole geographic region but everybody that came to him to be healed and believed left healed multitudes masses are y'all okay why because he's functioning as a man and he's acknowledging I I can't do it unless I hear from the Father unless I get it unless I get by grace I get the revelation I get the direction I get the quickening hallelujah I seek not my own will but the will of the Father which has sent me skip down I believe it's in the forty love small place forty second I think it is yeah before 39 is what it is search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me and you'll not come to me that you might have life the amplified this is it possible to search the scriptures can we put the amplified upon that or not thank you you search and investigate and pour over the Scriptures diligently that's not like anybody you know because you suppose and trust that you have eternal life through them and these various scriptures testify about me verse 40 and still you're not willing but refuse to come to me so that you might have life see that there's this thing in in all of us our our flesh and in the enemy has braved this from our parents all the way back in Adam and Eve the big thing that was going on let's not the enemy told him you'll be as God's knowing good and evil ocation is you won't be dependent on God they already knew good and they didn't know but they didn't need to know about evil would we be better off if we'd never found out about evil but this thing about I can get it I can study it out for myself yeah you can study to your eyeballs glaze over and you follow the chair from fatigue and get nothing but a bunch of goofy ideas and human reasoning that has no anointing and will help anybody unless and until the Holy Spirit reaches inside you and turns on the light and then you see it and then you got it and the verse you read a hundred and thirty times you go whoa that's what that says that's that's that's been in there all the time that's that's what it means well then you don't go away and talk about how smart you are and how hard you studied unless you're dishonest how did you get that how'd you see that how did you say help me out help me the Lord showed me the spirit revealed it to me the Lord had her tell me Brian help me it was a gift hallelujah and when you say it like that you just being honest when you say it like that he said what's he telling the other person I'll give you something - I love you - I'll give it to you - but keep keep reading he said verse 41 I received not glory from men I craved no human honor I look for no mortal Fame but I know you and recognize and understand you've not the love of God in you keep going I've come in my father's name and with his power you don't receive me but if another comes in his own name in his own power you receive him and give him your approval o friend this thing about wanting to be seen wanting to be noticed wanting people to be impressed with you it needs to die it needs to be crucified because it's right in between us and our faith can you see why he said in Habakkuk he whose party and proud his heart's not right in here but the just will live by his faith keep reading how is it possible for you to believe how can you believe if you're seeking and receiving praise in honor and glory from one another the Lord said how can you believe how can you have faith if you're trying to impress can you see it right here in the words of the master can you see it what would be the obvious answer you can't it's not gonna work there are people who should still be among us but they died early they died young they died Rome trying to prove to other people their faith understand what I'm talking about so concerned about what somebody else might think or might say or trying to show my unbelieving family that this is real and this is this works that's not your job honey child that's like an ant in front of the track of a tank saying I'm gonna prove to the world that this tank is real and this is big God don't need you to prove that he's real that's not you're just too big for you you are to be a lie and he'll use that every way that he chooses to but you must not have it in your mind oh no they'll think I don't have much faith well what if you don't in that area you might be strong over here but you just may doing so hard over here right you try to play bigshot it's gonna be a disaster [Music] hmm but if you don't start where you are you stay where you are what do you mean you got to acknowledge somebody say acknowledge acknowledge it's not I need some help on that I know it's possible but I can't say that I'm I see it right now I can't say that I'm really excited about it but by the grace of God I can get there right and do what I need to do to stay alive until I get there not without God people say well you trust God or do you go to the doctor or have the surgery or have the procedure honey you better not have a procedure without trusting God huh you know what the Lord in one of the visions told brother Hagin personally personally he said anytime any of my people have a procedure a surgery always ask me to speed up the healing process in there notice what he didn't say tell them don't do that you just look to me he didn't say that because he knows where you are but it doesn't mean it's either or you better not let them roll you into that cold operating room without you have prayed and you release faith let me show you how to do it how you do it you say father I ask your hand on the surgeons on the nurses every instrument every piece of equipment you help them Lord to get the best rest they've ever had huh pray your hand on their mind help them to be quick sharp bright alert ask you to guide them guide their hands their eyes their minds their fingers anything they need to know about reveal it to him anything they shouldn't do arrest them hmm guide them help them to do the best work they have ever done well we've done this with people and procedures different times and I've seen the surgeon after he worked on the people they just come out with a gleam on their face you can just tell they for lack of a better word they're proud of how of what they just their life man you know what happened they just did some of the best work they've ever done in their life they didn't realize that when they went to do it somebody else laid their hands on top of theirs and then you say Lord and afterwards we ask you we know that the normal healing would take certain amount of time but we ask you to increase the healing power working in the body and speed up the healing and it'll be a witness we've had person after person that came back you know and the doctors say Oh dear me your your multiplied times ahead of the schedule well that's a witness too right and if next time you don't need to go that route you face in a different place well praise God but you can't live on somebody else's face you can't live on what's real to somebody else and you must not pretend when it's not real and living to you can you say me
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 29,525
Rating: 4.8996139 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, keith moore teachings, keith moore ministries, keith moore more grace to the humble, more grace to the humble keith moore, keith moore mac hammond, keith moore LWCC, keith moore living word christian center, keith more living word church, keith more living word, keith moore sermons, sermons keith moore, grace, grace for the humble, humble grace, grace that humbles, living word christian center grace, faith and grace for the humble, moore life ministries
Id: sTxinD-UWo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 12sec (3672 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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