Keith Moore What Love Does Pt 4 Love that Gives

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[Music] thank you lord he is more than enough thanks guys y'all can be seated what's quite when I quit talking in y'all happy tonight everybody happened well we got a good healthy congregation we've got the folks here they got the folks in Branson we've got the folks on the internet and the internet congregation is as strong or stronger than everybody else in the in the two places and then we'll have a lot of folks that'll join us tomorrow and the day after that we'll look at these things cording to their time zone you know it's different times all over the world but are we believe in God tonight for a word in season exactly what we need to see and what we need to hear what we need to do and for n equipping of what we need to do the next things hmm I mean just you being here says a lot you must believe something right I heard you'd be somewhere else doing something else but here you are ready to believe God amen go please to first John if you didn't bring a Bible with you this evening hold your hand up real high and the ushers will get one to you and let's all turn to first John three first John three now no Branson most of the folks there we understand how we do these things some folks here in Sarasota maybe some of this might be new to you don't misunderstand what I just said about us claiming that money we're not behind on anything this is just how we operate this is how you should operate in your friend or y'all with me when you need something you and your family should catch hands and agree and ask for it and claim it and believe will put your faith on it well the church is a family supposed to operate the same way now with me friends and so don't don't misunderstand that and don't feel any any pool at all this isn't nobody said you had to come up with it you don't have to come out of your pocket with nobody said you had to put a dime into it everybody should do what the Lord directs them to do in that regard but if this is your church you should be using your faith for these things right and we practice on these things so that when we need to do something that cost 10 million you're warmed up right you you've practice you used to believe in God on these things he's anything too hard for the Lord is anything too big for him no it's not it's not and one reason we do some of these things is so that if you hadn't been doing it at home you get to practice it at the church and you need to take this to your house do it just this way there you ought to have projects at your house just like we got a paid-in-full project just like we put a graphic up on the screen you ought to have a picture on your refrigerator or on your mirror or whatever it is something that you and your family are believing for you got your faith on there's a point where when you you're sure that you're sure that you're supposed to get it you're supposed to have it even if you don't know have any clue how it could ever happen you believe you're supposed to get it supposed to do it supposed to have it well you release your faith you join hands you pray about it you come into agreement about it and you keep it in front of you and you start saying things on a regular basis will have that will do that will accomplish that will pay this up if you owe anything on your car or your house do not just bump along you need to you need to have a picture of it or something that'll give you a visual and put big big red letters across it sold our paid for our finished if you believe in to sell something or to pay for it or your house you should be actively believing to pay that house off right and so you get together with you your spouse and your kids whoever is in the family and and y'all join faith and you don't let it go months that you never think about it and talk about it on a regular basis you're saying we call this house paid for what kind of car is that what model is that that's a paid for what style house is that's a paid for paid for stuff right and just keep your faith on it keep it in your in your mouth keep it before you're expecting things to happen come on or y'all with me see you don't just say well whatever happens happens would you see what well nothing will happen nothing out of the ordinary is gonna happen when you bump along like that you have to apply yourself you have to exercise your faith it takes some involvement but it how many I found out it is well worth the involvement it's well worth staying with it can somebody say I believe it first John the third chapter and the fourteenth verse first John three and 14 it says we know don't you like that I don't didn't say we think so we wonder about it we know that we have passed from death unto life how do we know it not because your names on the church roster not because you were sprinkled or dip the appropriate way are you listening Saints how do you know that you have passed from death unto life because we love the Brethren Brethren means you fell a Christian male and female now you you supposed to love the world too but that's a different thing need that you need to distinguish it when the Bible says love your brethren that he's not talking about the unsaved you do care about the unsafe but he's specifically talking about you fella Christian people say well you know we're all you know children of the same God not true there are two spiritual families in the earth are you listening we don't all have the same father Jesus told some of the most religious people of his day you're of your father the devil didn't he tell her no and unless you've been born again you're not in the family of God and God is not your father so that this universal thing about well we're all we all have the same God we're all brothers and sisters everybody on the planet not true not true I know it sounds good it's politically correct people like it it's not confrontational but it's a lie y'all with me friends if you see the way you need to be more open I mean being a Christian is being open and accepting yeah being a Christian is believing what the Christ told you to believe never heard people say well yeah well Jesus preached love and acceptance you should too that's not true Jesus preached repentance see some of these things sound good but they're religious they're not the word when you say Jesus preached something you need to have a chapter and a verse not just some wild idea you pulled off the top your it and don't let sinners tell you what Jesus preached people who don't even believe in it don't even accept it gonna tell you what Jesus preached and believed bore off to an exciting start here tonight on how do you know you've passed from death unto life we love each other the Brethren keep going he that loves not his brother abides in death whosoever hates his brother is a murderer you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him hereby perceive our see or discern we the love of God because he laid down his life for us we ought to lay down our lives for the Brethren who so has this world's good and sees his brother half neat and shuts up his bowels of compassion from him how dwelleth a love of God in him if you love your brother you're not okay with seeing him hurt and do without right if he's if he's hurting or she's hurting you want to help them the love of God compels you doesn't it to to help verse eighteen my little children let us not love in Word neither in tongue but in deed and in truth don't just love and talk love in action in what you do go to the fourth chapter first John four and nine in this was manifested the love of God toward us because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him keep going here in his love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins keep reading beloved if God so loved us we ought also to love one another no man has seen God at any time if we love one another God dwells in US and his love is perfected in us keep going hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us because he's given us of his spirit keep reading we've seen intent do testify that the father has sent the son to be the savior of the world keep on going whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God God dwells in him and he in God and he'd got to say in more than once that God is love and so you're dwelling in love go please to the gospel account of John John the fifteenth chapter that was first John we were in go now to John gospel account of John chapter 15 John 15 and 9 Jesus said as the father has loved me so have I loved you continue you in my love stay in it live in it keep going in the love if you keep my Commandments you shall abide or live or dwell or stay in my love even as I have kept my father's Commandments and abide in his love love is not a feeling now it affects your feelings but God is love and living in love is living in a person and living in and in a place in an environment where you live where you dwell is a place but it's also a person love is not just something where to do love is to be the environment we live in it's a place where we are to stay now it's obvious you can leave love just like you can leave the house and he's telling you don't do that stay in the love live there dwell there stay there keep reading these things have I spoken to you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full this is the key to what no drug can do for you what no amount of alcohol can do for you what no amount of sex can do for you our stuff our money our gambling our success all of these are attempts to plug a hole in you that nothing can feel are y'all with me Saints this is not just a a giddiness a happiness now this is something more this is the joy of the Lord the joy Jesus has the joy the Father has did you know the father has joy did you know he rejoices the Bible says the almighty who created the heavens and the earth who sits on the throne that he sings he rejoices he sings he gets glad how many know this is not some little empty shell put on hyena laughs some little teeny giddy ha ha ha hee hee hee this is not world tinsel happiness this is God joy and it's powerful in fact the Bible said the joy of the Lord is your strength you want to be more than happy you want to have fullness of joy everything people are looking for in accumulation in addictions in climbing the corporate ladder trying to get to success everything people think will make them happy if they get it without God they find out immediately it didn't fulfill me what else what else do I need what else do I need and it doesn't fulfill you and give you fullness of joy because there's only one who can and only doing what he told us to do allows us to enjoy this fullness of joy somebody safe full of joy full of joy full of joy full of joy when the jugs full it's not half full it's not three-quarters full you know my remember the psalmist said my cup runneth over that's full full and then some keep read these things have I spoken to you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full oh this is what so much of the church world is lacking and missing folks get up and they chant their little book prayers and and they do this and they do that and they go through their regimens and they try to do their good deed for the day and and it's just dry and it's just empty and they do it year after year anything cuz this all there is no it's not all there is it's never all there was when we do what he told us to do there is to us fullness of joy you never been stronger than when you were full of joy think about it at your lowest weakest moments could you say you were full of joy it's your lowest weakest moments no you were sobbing you were crying you were depressed and what did you need you needed a double-barrel shot a joy you need a good measure pressed down shaken together and running over joy in your soul the more joy the more strong the more strong the more victory can you say Amen jesus said these things I'm telling you now what things is he telling us this connected us our joy be in full verse 12 this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you now what did he just get through talking about fullness of joy what's this got to do with fullness of joy everything the connection has not been made between keeping the love command and being full of joy but Jesus is saying I'm telling you these things so that your joy will be full he told us to love each other so we'd be full of joy and so we'd be fulfilled and content and strong nothing else will accomplish it keep reading this is my commandment that you love one another a very specific way how as I have loved you very specific so before you understand this you're gonna have to know how he loves you how he has and does love us this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends and this is a Anax pounding on how he has loved us and we just got through reading the same thing that we in our text in 1st john he said if he laid down his life for us we ought to lay down our lives for each other when you hear that is your first response glory to God joy joy he's with them so we haven't made the connection lay down your life and be full of joy the connection is not been and there's a reason why the connection has not been made there are I don't know how many believers who are not in church tonight they won't be in church on Sunday and yet they believe in God they believe in Jesus they believe he died on the cross and paid for their sins they believe he's the coming king but they also are convinced that if they completely dedicated their life to the Lord their fun would be over that they would just you know it would be a dull drab no fun no joy life and they're not connected that though they're partying hard they're still not full of joy they spent all their money they lose respect they mess up the relationships and tear up their car and the next day they are not full of joy they're sick and they're broke and they're alone and nobody cares about them and they're unhappy but they got to keep having fun the devil is a liar I said the devil is a liar you know people forsook Jesus for love of this present world people forsook Paul and left him and his company for love of this present world why it's a great big lie the devil will show you you the man oh man you're dashing you got the sports car you got the money you got those the drugs you got the beautiful girls you got to this your life and the devil will show you a picture that is a sliver of the first part he will show you what comes next he won't shows you that after the money's gone so is all your so-called friends he will show you that when you're older and broke and alone with the disease in the hospital nobody'll even come see you come on are you listening to me there is pleasure in sin for a season it's a short one but then there's just death death death the wages of sin is death oh but friend though the devil has tried so hard to hide it the most fun life there is is the completely dedicated to God life the most fulfilling joyous life there is is the life of laying down your life and giving him your all it's the most joy the most peace the most fulfillment the devil does not want you to see this he's convinced so many I remember said across the table from the guy one time I knew he had a call on his life he come from a family of strong anointed ministers and he's been doing his best to make a bunch of money and cutting corners and lying and breaking laws to get his millions and as I was talking to him over a lunch tears came up in his eyes he said I know I got a call on my life to preach I didn't ask him head it just came up out of him I said why don't you do it he said I don't want to be broke all my life my daddy was broke his daddy was broken and we never had anything and always pleading and begging everybody for everything he said I'm not living like that I said who said you had to I said I'm not broke I preached but he shook his head and he wanted to change the subject to not talk about why he is convinced of a lie that if he completely dedicated to serve God he couldn't have what He desires in life he couldn't be happy he wouldn't have anything or have his needs met much less any abundance and it's a big lie I said it's a big lie it's not the truth devil try to convince everybody in order to be happy you have to look out for number one you got to get what you want what you need you've got to live for yourself look out for yourself but it's not true the more you look out for yourself what did what did Jesus say if you if you cling to your life if you hold to that well that you will lose it it was sitting it will slip through your fingers like saying oh you might get a few things here and there but it's not gonna make you happy you're not gonna be satisfied the key according to Jesus to being full of joy is what hmm look at it again look at it again verse 9 let's let's back up John 15 9 as the father has loved me that's how I've loved you stay in this love continuing my love if you keep my Commandments you shall abide in my love even as I've kept my father's Commandments and abide in his love these things have I spoken to you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be for what things did he speak to them into us he stole my love keeping the love command and he said I'm talking to you about this so that my joy would stay in you and your joy might be full somebody said I believe it and he goes on to say this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you and what's the result of that your joy will be full according to Jesus greater love has no man than this than a man lay down his life for his friends that's how Jesus loved us back up to John 3:16 how did Jesus love us how has God loved us for God so loved now that word so literally means in this way he loved us in this way and Jesus said love each other in the way I've loved you how God loved us in this way love the world now this is not just believers this is everybody in this way that he what that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life the how did he love us one word gave the the greatest expression of divine love is giving not my idea red letters right didn't say God so loved the world he had a tremendous feeling God so loved the world that he yelled from heaven I love you not that that's bad at all but the greatest expression of divine love is giving so how are you and I going to keep the love command how are we going to love each other like he has loved us we'll have to give to each other and another way of saying giving is laying down your life which is giving something that's yours and your life but you're giving it to them and you're not giving it this is your brother in Christ you're giving it to your brother or sister in Christ not because somebody's make can you you're doing it because love is motivating and what's this the key to fullness of joy hmm there's no other way you and I will be full of joy unless and until we do this that we love each other or give to each other the way Jesus and the father has given to us there's not enough money to give us fullness of joy there's not enough big houses or sports cars or limousines or jets or yachts there's not but this can give you what no drug what no natural success can do has anybody touched any of this in your life walking with the Lord I have I can't say I've gone all the way but I there's been times in my life before I touched it I remember I was coming back from a country from doing some ministry work years ago on a commercial airliner it was real late I was several time zones changed and I was tired we had had some outstanding meetings I mean we had outdoor meetings and before dark there were just people scattered around in the on these wood rough pews and as it got dark I kept hearing things and of course this pitch dark out there and you'd feel a bump here and you'd feel above the filing when the lights came on that place was packed baby I don't know when the people came in but in the dark they came in and got into the seats we had miracles miracles of healing and deliverance and many people came and gave their lives to the Lord and came back and as we're going back I'm sitting on an airplane on this particular time Phyllis went with me on that one I was by myself and I'm just sitting there quiet and and the Lord spoke to me I don't mean to hurt a voice but he said I I said to him thank you lord thank you Lord for meeting us like you have in this meeting thank you Lord for the miracles and things that you did thank you I just under my breath nobody could if you have been sitting beside me you probably wouldn't heard it but in my heart and under my breath I said thank you lord and as I was saying that he said thank you for going thank almost had to shake my head I thought no he didn't say that because we're not we're not used to that but there think about it do you have children hmm would you ever tell them something like that certainly you would I said well sir I'm honored to do it thank you and and when he said that to me I could sense his pleasure no oh my and it is when God's pleased with you the grass is greener the sky is blue do you know in our time it's something it's hard to describe but what you're experiencing is his manifested love and and you know it when you touch it that this is where you want to live forever you want to live in this and increasing measures of this and the only way you and I can experience you can't experience this through a drug or a bottle our accumulation you experience it through pleasing him and if you obey Him it pleases him if you believe him faith pleases him favor is not just the result of confessing unfavored I have favored I have favored I have favored I have favored I have favored I have favored I have favored it's okay to say you have favor but it takes more than you saying you have favor when a man's ways please the Lord he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him when you trust him and believe him that pleases him and favors gonna come your way when you obey Him that pleases him and he will deal with people and incline them towards you and you won't have to deal with them come on y'all listening sighs it's good to say I have favor but that's not all there is to it and nothing pleases him better than you loving his other kids do you believe it which is why it is ly New Testament commandment not a suggestion he didn't say try to do it he said do it do it and what's it key to fullness fullness fullness of joy somebody say I believe God so loved the world that he did what gave the greatest gift he could give us Jesus Jesus so loved us himself that he came and he gave let me read some scriptures to you that talk about this you you know him but just here how often you hear this in the New Testament Galatians 2:20 don't turn to these just listen to these for the next moment or two Galatians 2:20 he says the Son of God loved me and gave himself for me Ephesians 5:1 it says Christ has loved us 5:2 and has given himself for us said out loud he gave himself for me Ephesians 5:25 he says Christ as the head of the he's loved the church and he gave himself for it Titus 2:14 he gave himself for us first Timothy 2 6 he gave himself a ransom for us what did he do and that's another way of saying he loved us how did he love us he gave himself how did he command us to love each other just like he has loved us how did he love us he gave himself for us how do we love each other we give of ourselves right if we're not giving of ourselves to each other then we're not keeping the command and we won't be happy we won't be full of joy and that'll be the thing that's missing go with me in the epistles here please is this okay tonight can you take some more of this go with me to Galatians the fifth chapter don't think this is too simple don't assume you already know this this is something the enemy has worked very hard to hide from the church to obscure because it is our witness to the world and it is our for personal fulfillment and joy are those some two big things those are here if you have no witness to the world and your unfulfilled personaly your life's of massive failure right it's no wonder he's worked so hard to obscure this and hide this confuse people about this and of all the things Jesus said this is my commandment this is it and that all the law and prophets are summed up in it he could have said a lot of things but how many I believe he doesn't get any bigger than the New Testament commandment to love one another as I have loved you that's as big as it gets in Galatians the fifth chapter and the 13th verse he said brethren you've been called unto Liberty I'm gonna believe the child of God's called to be free only use not the Liberty for an occasion to the flesh but what do you use your Liberty to do to serve I'm set free so I can serve right I'm saved to serve that's my call that's my purpose you've been called to be free don't use your freedom for an occasion to the flesh listen to the New Living Translation new living says you've been called to live in freedom my brothers and sisters but don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature that the flesh don't use your freedom just to do what your flesh wants to do give it so we're free we're not under the law we're free we're free we're free free to do what well whatever I want no actually no you're free to do what why does the Lord want us healed so we can serve what does the Lord want us blessed and prosperous so we can serve free in the best shape of our life not just zooming sitting and lazy boy and count our money huh you'll never be happy no matter how much fishing you do or how much golf you play all right that's not enough has anybody found out it's not enough some folks all I'd like to try it so no you don't not to say you can't ever do some but if you think that your life's fulfillment and joy you're going to perpetually be dissatisfied it's not enough I said it's not enough he said you've been called to live in freedom my brothers and sisters but don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature instead use your freedom to do what to serve one one another means who that you fell a Christian use your freedom to serve one another in love let me read the the message translation it's absolutely clear that God's called you to a free life just make sure you don't use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom rather use your freedom to serve one another in love and that's how freedom grows you must be truly free if your joy is full you couldn't be in joy if you're in bondage your fullest joy my fullest joy is in us ministering to serving our brother you believe it says in acts 20 we're going somewhere can you stay with me we're laying believing God to lay a foundation here a rock that we can be established in and not be deceived and misled acts twenty and thirty five familiar verse to many he said I showed you all things how that's so laboring you ought to support the weak and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus how he said it's more blessed to give then to receive what is the New Testament command love each other the way I've loved you how did he love us he so loved us that he gave so the way we keep the command is by giving to each other and that is the people that are the more blessed now there's a whole lot of folk that don't go to church so they're not in this at all they need to be an academy but then there are millions of folks that go to church primarily to receive is that right primarily to receive if you stood outside the parking lot of most churches and you asked person after person that's coming in what do you come into church for most folks come in to receive and most folks are a part of a church so they can receive but these these are the less blessed then say not blessed less blessed because who are the more blessed the ones that they're primarily want to give they're more focused on giving so we this this has to do with a fundamental mistake the church is made go with me to Ephesians please and we'll talk about it specifically Ephesians and we're starting the fourth chapter when Phyllis and I begin pastoring it at Branson I'm talking about the first before we had a service and then the first week and the second week and the first month she and I both are praying and seeking the Lord about how to have the church how to lead the church what the I thought the Lord earnestly and study about the purpose of the church I'm meant that I was not just going to copy somebody I needed to hit not not that a lot of folks are not doing great things because they are but every family is unique in some ways and every area is unique in some ways and you need to hear from the Lord do you believe that about your your group and your family and your place and I sought the Lord and Phyllis did how what do we do people so well when are we going to have this and and I checked myself to go well we're not unless the Lord and until he directs us to you have to watch about doing what everybody wants to do because you'll have a whole lot of stuff that the Lord never told you to do and it's a drain on people's resources and their monies and and it's an open door for the devil to cause problems a lot of churches have had a lot of terrible things happen in projects and trips they were never supposed to have and do folks didn't realize it but the door was open the Lord didn't tell him to take that trip he didn't tell him to do that thing he didn't tell them to have that group and to have this and people get into these groups and these things that the Lord never told him to have and then folks have affairs with each other and and if folks get involved in this and get involved in that and Fant people wonder why well the door is open the Lord never told you to do it yeah but it's a good thing yeah but that's not a leading yeah but it's a need yeah but it's not a leading what is the purpose of the church why should you have a church why you have to watch especially if you grew up in church because you think you know but it's not what people have done it's not what people are doing what did Jesus say what does the word say what's the main purpose and focuses in Ephesians 4 it talks about Jesus the head of the church and it talks about what he has done in the church and for the church ephesians everybody there everybody wait Ephesians 4 and verse 1 I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that you want worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called with all lowliness and meekness with long-suffering forbearing one another in love endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace there is one body and one spirit even as you're called in one hope of your calling one Lord one faith one baptism one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all he's emphasizing unity and we ought not be splintered because we all got the same one right keep going unto every one of us is given grace not not to who the preachers every one of us is given what grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ for what grace to do what grace for what well don't just fill in the blank read the rest of the passage verse eight wherefore now wherefore connects what he said with what he's saying now so he's talking about the grace that has been given to every one of us is connected to this that when Jesus ascended up on high he led captivity captive and he gave gifts unto men verse 9 what were the gifts excuse me not that now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth verse 10 he that descended is the same that ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things why did he do all this 12 he gave some apostles these are the gifts that he gave and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers now the next verse is where much of the church has missed it I know that's a bold statement but I say it boldly why has God given us these ministry gifts most people think it is to do the work of the ministry and our words that we've used so frequently lend to that idea well you're a minister aren't you than us obviously you should do the ministry ministry means service that's what it means we got to watch about titles ministries not in a title it's in service service that is makes a difference fruit is born out of it he gave these gifts why verse 12 what are the why are they given for the perfecting of the Saints now let's go back to the previous verse every one of which has been given grace right keep going verse 12 for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ now because of the way this is worded and because the way people believe that work of the ministry is attributed to the gifts but that's not what is talking about let me read to you from another translation actually I'll read to you four or five or six or you got time Hey because this is super important we're told not while we're having a church the amplified verse twelve his intention the head of the church is intention in giving these gifts apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher was for the perfecting and full equipping of the Saints why then they should do the work of the ministering toward building up Christ's body this is where the church has made big mistakes many many churches believe and many many people believe that they hire the pastors and the staff to do the work of the ministry mmm their to be the spiritual one's there to do the praying and the studying and all the visitation and all the counseling this was never so for one thing it can't be done can't be done you know what you'll wind up with a handful of people overworked and a whole lot of things not touched not met not done his intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the Saints that they should do the work of ministering toward building up Christ's body who should do it the Saints should do the work of the ministry is this foreign thinking too many people think well I if I if I make it out of bed and I'll make time to go to church and especially if I put a dollar in the offering you ought to be happy when you talk about me we talked about the head of the church What did he say the job of the ministers as we call them is to equip the Saints to do the work of the ministry this is not commonly believed but it's always been the plan and it's the only way you're going to be full of joy do you believe it Saints it's the only way and as I as I prayed about this and Phyllis and we sought the Lord about this he brought me to this passage and he showed it to me and he emphasized it to me I had always known there was some things that weren't right about common church mentality but he began to emphasize it to me more and more he said you and Phyllis and the staff are not supposed to do all of the counseling and all of visitation and all these things you can't do it for one and if you do you there people bless the hearts their their dedication is unquestioned I mean they work two jobs and they cut the grass and they vacuum the carpet and they preach the sermon on Sunday and I appreciate that and that's you know sometimes when you first get started that's what you need to do but then you got a church full of people 10 years later and the pastor still do it all this and people say oh we got such a good little pastor he just does everything himself you got folks that are coming and doing nothing year after year after year and they're not going to have reward after this life and they're unhappy and they're unfulfilled and you got a handful of people that are overworked and then he's not ready for the pulpit come on are you listening to me Saints how many know the leaders in the beginning days of the book of Acts they told the folks it's not reasonable that we should leave the Word of God and wait tables that's not about you being too good it's about the plan when I first got into ministry I thought my job as a preacher was to basically do anything that anybody asked me to do and so I tried to man if somebody wanted me to visit somebody I visited them I'd show up hospitals and places everywhere and after several times they're getting shut down I'll begin the prayer I remember I walked into a guy's room one time and he said who are you I said well your uh your mom called and asked would I come by he said I don't believe in all that blankety-blank blankety blank blank you get the black out of here blankety-blank like I said okay so I turned around the left and as I was getting back in the car to go home I thought no Lord here I drove up here for an hour and and there's other things I'm not doing and I'm supposed to speak tomorrow morning and I feel like the enemy has just robbed me some time and energy and effort where am I missing it here there'd be other time people say I'd like to talk to you if I could get with you for a little bit I'd like to talk to you and so I did and I did and I did and I did and I had people set and yak and yak and tell me the most useless stuff for two hours and then I'm supposed to get up and go preach and be spiritual or y'all listening after hearing all that and I realized the devil is robbing my time through all this unspiritual stuff well with mistakes because I believed that old mentality of I'm the minister I'm supposed to do all the work of the ministry and basically and that never was right so you got a handful of people tryna do the work of the ministry and you got masses of folks doing absolutely nothing only interested in receiving not keeping the love command and very unhappy and unfulfilled and dissatisfied so the Lord dealt with me about he said you this is this is how you're to do this and that's when the service teams were implemented because that's what ministry means a lot of folks had call them ministry teams but a lot of times when people start hollering I'm a minister it's more about a title or entitled service kind of brings it down home don't you think service service and so we begin with the team leaders and we begin with the teams and I begin to preach about it and talk about it and not just say we need you we need you know it's a matter of all of us finding a place and operating in our grace in the kingdom and man it begin to blossom and things begin to happen and instead of a couple of people trying to do everything you know our teams there in Branson and the ones here in Sarasota are already you already seen some of this we'll have somebody on a team have an issue or a problem and a lot of times but by the time we find out about it the other folks on the team are already on the scene and everybody's helping their own and ministering to and not only are they doing it but they're getting the reward and they're getting the experience and they're getting the development can you see this things and they're also getting the joy I said they're getting the joy let me read this to you from some other translations since we're all excited now well let me let me talk about this some more in many churches pastors are hirelings they're pretty much hired counselors that are replaced regularly just to shake things up keep things new a lot of folks change pastors every year to whether they need it or not just keep things fresh you know and they don't really have a pastor the Lord spoke to my heart some years back he said my many of my people are not getting the full benefit of the gifts I have given them they haven't given them the place in their life what are these gifts given for what back up and look at it again they're given for what they in the new American Standard put that one up the new American Standard for the equipping of the Saints for the work of service to the building up of the body of Christ now a lot of folks don't like this they don't they don't millions of Christians don't want a church like this not going to go to church like this they just don't they want a no fault no responsibility Church they want to be told that no matter what happens in my life it's not my fault it's God's mysterious ways no matter what doesn't happen in my life it's not my fault it's just God's will we don't understand why zero responsibility and expect you to do anything oh no no if you can show up that's great but that's not gonna cut it with the head of the church when you stand before him you can say well they my preacher told me it didn't matter ain't gonna cut it because you had a Bible right and the Bible said you've been given grace you've been given gifts right and a command to do what loved one another when you get excited about serving your fellow Christian you are about to break into an area that's better than you've ever lived hmm do you believe it it's it's growing up spiritually babies are naturally self-centered I mean if you're born again last week well you know we understand that pretty much all you're going to think about is it's what you need and what you want right you need a bobbin I need your diaper check we understand that that's okay that's okay but you've been you've been saved 25 years 35 years and somebody slightly suggests that you might get out of the crib and help one of the other children here you actually expect me to do something it's not me it's healed the head of the church expects us to love one another by serving and giving to one another how do you keep the New Testament commandment how do you do it how did they do it in the beginning days of Acts it wouldn't be by doing things for yourself that's not loving one another right I hear gears turning New Living Translation I'll go further New Living Translation says their responsibility whose respect the preachers responsibility the apostles prophets evangelists pastors teacher their job is to do what God has graced them and gives things through them that equip God's people to do his work anybody believed in the word you hear in here tonight it's not just the preachers job to do his work now what they're doing is his work but all the saints of God are to do his work aren't they and the reason you come to church and the reason you have the anointing and the word and the ministers is so you get another piece you get another part you get enough some more light and you get some more anointing and equipping so that you can serve your brother you can do something that benefits them genuinely do you believe this sites then right now close you everybody close your eyes and if you're sincere might raise one hand up in an act of submission and said out loud father God I believe your word show me how to serve how to give - how to love my brother my sister in Jesus name show me where to do it show me how to do it how to use the graces the gifts the abilities you've put in me to love my brother loved my sister build up the body fulfill your will in Jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you everybody stand up for a moment just stand up and pray we need to pray something about this right now stand up and pray in the spirit some more with your understanding every how you know how to pray don't be silent your praying about how to serve your brother how to serve your sister Oh Flo mom Carrick wings et filli gia Ness come to Van Osten Elif Raymond a convent na mono software Julia Alex in a given army and develop Rafa the goal ja well XE giddy well Xing Oscar thank you Lord for showing us our place of service our grace for service our giftings our abilities in elegy any caviar enemy no sir any Vanguard any Felicia any vendor Bailey any business on current orange edevalla any managing and at the Kavala brahmand available nice elack revenue manasik on any Janelle acavano balasso Jilly Freeman the venom of shoo-shoo shoo-shoo the very what what can I do more what can I do Lord well it remain what what would you use me to do more for my brother for my sister Miranda Vinnie's Gaugin availab Romana dasya deliveryman the Vale acremant the Vandal emblem on the D Jeanne dot the coaching that we'd not just live unto ourselves but unto you that saved us and lay down our life for our brother our sister jinguk's Awan dungeon and doc t Ezard evicting the lock so vera blotchy bailey bremen delivery seeker the volume nearly prevent the consumptive Alex II biases NASA says she'll press Mandy G now the Congreve ad body Jojo Val softly oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord everybody wants to be valued everybody wants to be loved everybody wants to be ministered to but as long as you focus on people loving you and ministering to you and helping you you got no seed in the ground we are with machines we've got to forget about ourselves in that regard and begin to think about how can I encourage them how can I make them feel valuable and loved and important what can I do to help and assist them and as you do that you're getting seed in the ground aren't you you're getting something God can multiply and cause to come back to you can you say Amen let me read this to you again the needle just keep standing the New Living Translation said these ministers responsibility is to equip God's people to do his work and build up the church the body of Christ verse 16 he makes the whole body fit together perfectly as each part does its own special work did you hear that as each part does its own special work can you see how many churches have got it wrong a handful of people trying to do all the work of the ministry and you got thousands of people or hundreds of people or whatever the church is that doing nothing except coming to receive and then people aren't understanding why year after year the mass of folks in the congregation are unhappy they're not developing they feel like there's more because there is do you see the Saints and you got you got pastors and leadership begging for it can somebody help because I'm going to do this and are perpetually understaffed where the truth is if people thought God was was their priority and therefore the love command and loving each other was the priority you should be able to say we could use somebody different do this and a hundred people show up two hundred people people going man then don't don't leave me out let me help and you've just got masses of people involved and somebody pulls up at the church and four people surround their car and go hi how you doing can't Oh jeepers can hold you bother I'll help you out the magico huh and you gin stead of having a handful of people you got people everywhere exhibiting love and grace and life come on are you listening and ministering the Saints building up the body can you can you see this pictures friends as each and every part does its job that's God's word translation he makes the body to grow so it builds itself up in love new living again as each part does its own special work verse sixteen it helps the other parts grow so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love am I talking about faith Life Church huh Branson Sarasota am I talking about hmm faith Life Church family worth it folks all over working and ministering to each other and loving each other and helping each other it's not some utopian fantastic ideal it's God's plan for every church do you believe it says can we have it we have some of it in Branson it's already developing strong here in Sarasota I'm believing we're not going down we're not standing where we are we're going up it's going to increase and multiply and multiply right and multiply we'll have so many people serving on all the teams that you'll be chomping at the bit until it's your time to serve again instead of being overworked and every service come on are you listening to me overwork doing something all the time it's not supposed to be that way and it won't be that way we can have faith for abundance in our finances and we can have faith for abundance in the church said out loud we will have abundance of people to serve in every area on every team at every service at every season not just enough we're more than enough abundance abounding flowing over everybody serving everybody working everybody rested and happy and being fully equipped and receiving and serving hallelujah thank you Lord lift your hands praise praise praise you oh thank you Lord we want to say
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 9,663
Rating: 4.8120804 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, What, Love, Does, Pt, 4, Love, that, Gives
Id: BLtA0iA3H28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 22sec (4702 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2013
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