Kat Von D tried to clear her name

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be talking about kat von d's recent video all right so let's just get into the topic at hand i guess you're wondering where i've been one quick thing i want to say because i always get these comments one i don't hate kat von d what i'm saying is just critique it's not hate two people tell me i look like kat von d and i think a lot of the people mean it as an insult but i think she's a very pretty woman if you're gonna leave me that comment just know i'm taking it as a compliment so a few days ago kat von d posted a new video in this new video she talks about how she's not a nazi and she is not an anti-vaxxer now i expected the video to be kind of 50 50 covering these two topics because i think they're both important in different ways it ended up being like 75 i'd say nazi stuff which is important but at the same time i haven't heard anyone say that she's a nazi or an anti-semite in a very long time maybe it's because nobody's talking about her or buying her products anymore we're going to look at the video i'm not going to put all of it in because frankly a lot of it is repetitive and boring so i'm not going to do that to you i want to say i am not anti-semitic and i am not an anti-vaxxer and i wanted to start off with the anti-semitic rumor and how that started just because i think out of every comment that i've gotten um the ones that are calling me and my family nazis those are the ones that really just don't sit well with me i mean if anything they're extremely offensive and just super hurtful not just to me but to my family i am myself a proud latina i was born in mexico in monte morelos i know that a lot of people just assume that i'm white because i was not lucky enough to inherit my mom's really beautiful dark skin uh but i do have her dark eyes uh but i think that it's important too that people know that us latinas come in all different shades of breath okay so do i really need to say it it looks like i [ __ ] do just because you're latina it doesn't mean you can't be a nazi it's like the excuse of i am not racist i have a black friend at that point the friend isn't even a friend it's a token it's something that you're just using to make yourself look better so you being latina has nothing to do with this situation at all and throwing in some spanish also doesn't do you any favors because it just makes you look misguided so let's talk a second about why it is that people think she's a nazi he thought he could cancel my show by going to the network and showing them this 8x10 with a forged anti-semitic message on it i have no idea who actually forged the message but what i do know is that the man who treated me so terribly on set took this 8x10 and threatened the network and saying that if they don't cancel lane that he would go to all these different media outlets and uh release the 8x10 with the forged message on it it's completely believable to me that someone would write something and then attribute it to her which is why you don't leave a bunch of signed [ __ ] on set where anyone can take it especially when you have bad blood with someone but okay i'm not blaming her i'm just saying this could probably have been avoided in some way it's realistic to me that someone might do that because people make fake accounts and pretend to be people so it's not a big stretch to think that someone did it in the old school way where you try and forge something now the thing is it gets more complicated because i found an article that claims that a writing expert actually compared the writing to kat von d's writing and it was a 99 match obviously i can't confirm that that was said and that was done i can just say that i found it in an article you can take it or leave it or look further into it i just think that would be very interesting because there is not just one thing that makes kat von d look like an anti-semite or a nazi there's not just one thing it's not just this and that's what pissed off a lot of people that she only referred to her time on miami inc she didn't refer to the other reasons why people call her a nazi one of the reasons is because she had a lipstick that was called selection selection refers to the death camp practice of selecting those to be executed so it is intentional let's not get [ __ ] [ __ ] up there it's intentional i don't know how and why she would pick that if she didn't know what the word meant so questionable to say the least the other thing is that she has been with men who have done very questionable things also so there's her husband who i want to avoid talking about because he's already talked [ __ ] about me anyways so she dated a dude called jesse james so there's a picture of jesse james as you can see here where he's doing the nazi salute and it seems like he has some nazi apparel as well i don't really like guilt by association i think it's dumb i'm saying that who you surround yourself by can make you look very good or very bad this is an instance where it makes you look very bad whether he was making some kind of edgy weird joke or i don't know what his intention was but just seeing this picture and having your name associated with it looks bad okay i'm not saying she's a nazi because he did that i'm just saying with the selection thing and then the headshot thing and then this it does not look good so this being said she only referred to one part of the nazi puzzle and if anything this video kind of reinforced people who think that she is a nazi because she didn't address anything of actual value so at around eight minutes and 20 seconds she finally gets into the anti-vaxxing situation this is what she says the main gist so back when i was pregnant somebody asked me on instagram if we were vaccinating our baby and after doing a bunch of research and reading the ingredients naturally i experienced some hesitancy i'm choosing not to make our decision or any of our baby's health records public and i just want to thank you guys for respecting that kat von d says that as a first-time mother she was a super nerd uh looking into everything that goes into her child or is around her child and that's entirely fine and i'd say mandated for any parent the thing is that that led to her decision to not vaccinate which she posted on instagram where she has a very big platform now i am for vaccinating i think it's silly not to there's some people who comment saying that they aren't vaccinated and fine and you know that's i'm happy you're okay but that doesn't mean that everyone's gonna automatically be okay not being vaccinated there are plenty of reasons to vaccinate and i'm not gonna make a whole ass video about that nobody put a gun to her head and said post a picture about whether you're gonna vaccinate your child or not nobody did that she out of her own volition posted it now i don't think it's right for her to get death threats i don't think it's right for anyone to get death threats however once you make something public online the blessing in curse is that people will react you can get support or you can get [ __ ] on you got [ __ ] on and honestly i think that was predictable i don't know in what kind of mindset you have to be to think that you're gonna post a thing about how you're not vaccinating your child and you expect people to congratulate you in this economy no no ma'am she never [ __ ] addresses whether she's gonna vaccinate her child in the title she says i'm not anti-vaccine you're like okay so she's going to explain that she changed her mind but then she says that she's not going to release her child's medical records which by the way i didn't i didn't think anyone was asking for that i just think that if you start the discussion people are going to want to continue that discussion and they're going to be confused if you randomly halt it because you're the one who started it that still doesn't answer any questions we really have so what was the point of this video so i understand the purpose of this video was kind of to get rid of these rumors surrounding her to set the record straight whatever so we've established that she didn't really address a lot of the things that people would want her to address it's her video she's allowed to [ __ ] it up to me and to a lot of people on twitter this comes off as a pr move which do i think it's a pr move yeah we're trying to resuscitate kat von d's brand here i haven't heard anyone use or talk about kat von d in a very long time and i follow a lot of beauty influencers so that looks pretty bad even just for an outsider but i definitely think that she's trying to do damage control here and she's just trying to kind of deflect the hate she's getting so anytime that someone hates on her for either the nazi thing or the vax thing she can direct them to this video and she doesn't really have to answer for anything anymore she could just be like i actually already addressed that and she's done with the thing okay so i asked you guys whether you thought the video was helpful or useless and 73 of you said that it was useless and 27 said it was helpful the majority of people were commenting on the fact that you can be anti-semite and latina at the same time and one does not invalidate the other they can both exist which i agree with and a lot of you also said that it was damage control which i also agree with so it seems like all of us in this area of the internet are on the same page with that i definitely did not get a very genuine feeling from it i don't know if it's because she's monotone i know i'm monotone so people sometimes think i'm just like a [ __ ] which not entirely wrong i don't know if that had an effect on it and it just all seemed to me kind of half-assed if you're trying to sincerely present a video on a hard topic like that i think that it's good to be calculated in a good way in the sense that you have a plan of what you're going to address right you have like your list or whatever i think that's fine to be calculated in that way because you don't want to [ __ ] up again but i also think a little bit of it should be somewhat raw because you don't want to come off as someone who's just sitting in front of the camera like this who's like i'm sorry for what i did and um what does it say oh yeah i [ __ ] up whatever so overall i obviously wasn't impressed by this video i didn't love it or hate it and that's what i think is interesting is that i feel like it's completely it was a video that didn't need to be made because it's so halfway done that it's like you don't really get any answers on much so i'm wondering what even was the purpose because she doesn't really set all that much of a record straight because she's not really referring to a lot of the things that people are questioning so you're just kind of left there with okay question mark anyways guys let me know what you think down in the comments i'm very curious to hear your guys's opinions thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan [Music] art [Music] you
Views: 622,727
Rating: 4.8894949 out of 5
Keywords: kat von d, kat von d cosmetics, makeup, kat von d video
Id: 5H4JjvMpWNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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