Kat Von D anti-vax - MY TAKE ON IT

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be talking about Kat Von D's Instagram post where she publicly announced that she was going to be raising her child as vegan and non-vaccinated I need to thank Dana for bringing this to my attention otherwise I would have had no idea about this in the first place anyway before we get into it let's look at the actual caption I knew the minute we announced her pregnancy that we would be bombarded with unsolicited advice some good and some questionable unsolicited nonetheless I also was prepared for the backlash and criticism we would get if we decided to be open about our personal approach to our pregnancy my own father flipped out on me when I told him we decided to ditch our doctor to go with a midwife instead if you don't know what it's like have people around you think you are ridiculous try being openly vegan and if you don't know what it's like to have the entire world openly criticized judge throne informed opinions and curse you try being an openly pregnant vegan on Instagram I'm having a natural drug-free home birth in water with a midwife and a doula who has the intention of raising a vegan child without vaccinations my point being I already know what it's like to make life choices that are not the same as the majority so negative comments are not going to influence my choices actual research and educating myself will which I'm diligently doing this is my body this is our child and this is our pregnancy journey feel free to follow me on here if you like what I'm about whether it's tattooing lipstick animal rights sobriety feminism ridiculous goth enos black flower gardening cats or my adorable husband but if you don't dig a certain something about what I post kindly ask you that you press then follow button and move the [ __ ] on so before you feel inspired to tell me how to do this I would appreciate you keeping your other solicited criticism to yourself more importantly for those who have amazing positive energy to send my way I will gladly and graciously receive it with love the first thing I want to get out of the way is that I want to make it clear that I'm not policing I'm not telling Kat Von D what to do not like she'd even give a [ __ ] about what I say anyways but I'm just giving my opinion since this is a public post first of all the veganism thing I have nothing against veganism I never have had however raising a newborn baby as a vegan I think is troublesome in some ways I have read quite a bit of research that proves that it doesn't really benefit the baby as much as you'd hope and that there's the need to take plenty of supplements XYZ however you know like I said that's not really that big of a deal to me I'm just saying that's not the way I would do it the no vaccination thing that I have a very solid and angry problem with actually think about this a lot this being having millions of people watching you make your life decisions and always having criticism of course you also have a lot of support but also just having criticism on everything you do and I actually think about that a lot especially in terms of people like Jake Paul Logan Paul people who have criticism all the time so I definitely can empathize with you know the idea of being criticized on everything obviously I will never understand down her scale that's different numbers but I really understand that I still don't think the woe is me kind of tone of this post was necessary also I'd like to say the thing about being vegan on the Internet I'm like do you know what it's like to be not vegan on the internet though because it's not like either of those sides is particularly easy with a lot of people being super hypersensitive about the topic of veganism or meat-eating aside from that tone honestly the vaccination thing was very disappointing to me for the simple reason that there is proof there is scientific evidence there is scientific research there are so many things that have been proven to show that vaccinations not only are necessary for a healthy child but can avoid enormous problems like the basic examples we all know of is if you get chickenpox when you're like 30 you can [ __ ] die if you get the measles like you can [ __ ] die these are all things that could easily be avoided by getting a vaccination in this particular instance it seems to me a little bit like I don't know I got the vibe of I'm not like the other girls and I'm doing things differently and I'm going against the majority and I'm like girl I understand going against the majority I've done that before all of us have at some point gone against the majority but sometimes unpopular opinions are unpopular because they are not the right choice not getting a vaccinations is definitely the wrong choice I will be leaving links below and I will be talking about some facts in a second however when talking about this I kind of want to place myself in this discussion and by that I mean I just want to kind of explain my background for people who might not know just so like you understand my perspective so before moving this to the States that was four and a half years ago I lived in eight different countries one of which was China and most and all the others were in Europe there is no instance when I went to any of these schools in any of these different countries where they did not ask me for my vaccinations in fact some schools were really really intense about vaccinations to the point where like even if I did have the vaccinations they even made me get x-rays to prove that I didn't have tuberculosis because at the time they were saying that the you know like the vaccine can't completely shield you or something like that I don't remember I was younger all I'm saying is every single school asked for that I've had friends even in college telling me that they wouldn't have gotten in without it and the college confirmed like there's no way if you don't have your vaccinations that we're gonna accept you I'm just saying I've been to a lot of countries I've been in a lot of different situations and the vaccination thing stands now I know that surely now because there are plenty of crazies who are like [ __ ] vaccinations let our kids get sick there will be schools who will be okay with that and that will hurt a lot of people it honestly will and it saddens me that someone with a platform as big as Kat Von D's would just throw that out there and what I'm also wondering is if you don't want to be critiqued on this immensely unpopular and silly choice that you're making by not vaccinating your kid why would you post it on the Internet that's what I'm saying I'm like if you want to avoid criticism in the entirety why are you posting these personal things no one on the Internet is safe one of the best ways to keep your life uncritically on the Internet where everyone is so opinionated so the fact that she's saying oh yeah we're doing this but you know like I don't want any negative comments I'll only take the positive ones I thought was a little bit silly because I mean she's been on the Internet long enough to know that that's not how it works anyway I thought one quick thing we could do is talk about myths about vaccinations that I think a lot of non Baxter's actually believe I'll leave the links in the description below so if you're one of those people you can read about it and maybe reassess your opinion the first I think the most typical is that vaccines cause autism that's not true the cases of autism remain a mystery but to discredit of the autism vaccination link theory several studies have now identified symptoms of autism and children well before they receive the MMR vaccine another one is that infant immune systems can't handle so many vaccines and the real bottom line is though that though there are more vaccines than before today's vaccines are more efficient so small children are actually exposed to fewer immune illogic components overall than children in the past decades another myth is that natural immunity is better than vaccine acquired immunity and that's also not the case there's a longer list here that goes on for a couple more points and I'll link that below my mom told me this story right when I told her I wanted to make this video and she was saying how when she was young there were some kids who had one leg shorter than the other because some of the vaccines either weren't perfected yet or their parents have chosen not to get them so they did get some diseases that in the end caused life-altering life-altering consequences so when we talk about not getting vaccinations I'm just wondering from what perspective it is a good idea especially when a child is raised vegan I just feel like in the situation she's putting her child at risk for so many things because let's say this child has a perfect vegan diet and is perfectly healthy perfect weight whatever whatever there's still all this array of sicknesses it can get now let's look at the other possibility that she in fact is not as informed on the vegan diet she thinks she is for a child for a newborn child and this child is not only going to be weaker but also open to diseases I don't understand at the reasoning behind it and honestly I wish she just wouldn't have said anything if she didn't explain her reasoning why because she's saying oh yeah it's a personal choice but it's like yeah but you're putting it on the Internet so your personal choice is very public now I don't know does that make sense to everyone either way I was honestly kind of shocked and a lot of people were deeming me saying they were disappointed or were unfollowing her because the anti-vaccine disproven so popularly that it just makes you wonder why it is that people would still go in that direction even looking at the past historically people were dying younger there were reasons for that you know it's not like these vaccinations are just ridiculous things we need to do that are uncomfortable no there are things we need to do in order to survive and in order to not infect other people with something but I digress I didn't think I was gonna have to explain [ __ ] vaccinations to grown people but I guess that's where we're at anyways guys let me know what you think about all this remember this isn't a critique of veganism I just said that that wasn't the way I would go if I ever had children though I'm never gonna have any let me know what you think about this anti vaccination thing and whether she even should have posted this in the first place since it is such a kind of divisive topic that you know and I think she knows she was gonna get critiqued for anyways thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 183,577
Rating: 4.8508782 out of 5
Keywords: kat von d, anti vaccination, anti vaxxer, veganism, scandal
Id: a70t-1Iu0jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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