Audrey Kitching - A fraud or healer? ft Newair Fridge

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be talking about Audrey hitching now before I get into who she is and what she has allegedly done according to this article that I was set I'm gonna get a drink from my fridge over here so new era sent me this 126 can fridge this is not sponsored they just asked me to review it as you guys know I'm filming all of the time I'm studying all the time and having a fridge by me is super helpful up here you can see that you have a light and then you can also adjust how cold you want the fridge to be and this for over two weeks before I said anything because I wanted to make sure that everything was going fine I recommend it if you're interested in having a fridge in your room or office as you can see in this picture you can customize the shelves and how you put your cans in them if you want bottles so that's also cool I definitely recommend this check out the link in my description if you're interested okay so the article in question is very long I will link it down below I'm only gonna talk about the things that I deem the most important to know okay so this article from The Daily Dot is titled Audrey kitchen is a myspace queen turned energy healer critics say she's also a fraud so if you don't know who Audrey Kitching is Audrey Kitching is a blogger who came to fame on myspace and has maintained Fame though she used to be more of a scene Queen and now is more of a pastel spiritual healer type Instagram influencer she also has an online store called crystal cactus which fun fact I bought from when I think I was a freshman in college based on our Wikipedia Audrey Lin Kitching is an American fashion blogger model and fashion designer known for her pink hair and Lisa Frank vibe Kitching has been declared simultaneously a fashion-forward female and fashion disaster by cosmopolitan an it kid and goddess by nylon a weakened role model by Glamour it goes on for ages we don't need that much description hitching has over 250,000 followers on her Instagram her Instagram looks like this a lot of her hosts are very aesthetically pleasing there's a lot of crystals there's a lot of pink and they often have captions that are very spiritual now this might be surprising but I'm actually a bit of a spiritual person however I do find that there's a difference between spirituality and mumbo-jumbo that people say that sounds nice and profound but when you think of it even if it's figurative even if it's metaphorical it just makes zero sense Catchings posts often are you know insightful and sometimes I'm just kind of like this doesn't mean jack [ __ ] so that article says her fandom isn't so different from that of your average influencer and you could say kitchen has tapped into an audience that isn't in short supply the young they're hurting those dabbling in spirituality but unlike other new-age social media stars like astrology favourite Ronnie Nicolas who produces socially conscious analyses as well as Spotify playlist for each sign or the other massively popular hood witch who identifies as a modern witch and whose store is accompanied by which tip blogs hitching her beliefs and her services as our healer our loosely defined even in the unregulated healing industry where creative titles are the norm and it's common to have an arsenal of practices that are diverse in a malleable kitchens work as a healer is blurry at best specifically Kitching has a history of reaching for and amassing and the kind of fame that one gains for not any particular talent other than one for being noticed how the path led her to where she's landed today doing spiritual guidance via Instagram Tumblr and Twitter is unclear hitching declined the daily dots request for an interview but what is clear is that her role and her business isn't what she promises it to be and among the hundreds of thousands of followers her work has racked up there are at least three women who now cite their relationship with Kitching as abusive manipulative and controlling so one of the big problems and I think one of the most concrete pieces of evidence comes to light with her website called Crystal cactus this is what Crystal cactus looks from the outside there are a bunch of different options you can click on from jewelry to lifestyle to crystals candles so on so forth the typical spiritual kind of website however there's a lot that does not add up kitchen is described as the designer for all these goods according to the site each item is lovingly made with intention and small batches while embodying the energy to transform inspire and heal in 2015 Urban Outfitters placed orders with Crystal cactus for oil sprays jars of glitter blah blah so it really seemed like her brand was gonna take off because being an urban outfitters would be a significant accomplishment but on January 19th a new Instagram account under the username fraud rikka-ching called kitchens soul project into question several members of the Instagram healing community mediums astrologers and other practitioners tagged the account and their stories advising their followers to check it out for the truth about Audrey kitchen screenshots of handcrafted goods appeared in a slideshow along screenshots of identical items on Aliexpress a Chinese retail wholesaler for small fraction of crystal cactus prices here you can see a fairy drop earrings on crystal cactus are 48 dollars and on Aliexpress are three dollars 30 to be noted that if she bought a huge amount of these earrings that would cost even less than three dollars 30 because that's usually what happens when you buy wholesale then there are other earrings that are $64 on crystal cactus and on Aliexpress or 949 and again that would be just for one pair there are also email screenshots of Audrey kitchen connecting with Aliexpress daily docket these screenshots from a woman called Lauren who used to be employed by Audrey kitchen so I can't say that they're 100% legit but I think this is as legit as we're gonna get also since I saw that a little bit of shady stuff was going on with Aliexpress I decided to look into it myself and see if I could find some copies and alas I did so on her website Audrey kitchen sells these earrings their divine site reen bee earrings $64 interestingly enough what do we have on Aliexpress the same earrings for ten to thirteen dollars again that would be for one piece so that's shady now one thing that I do want to mention though is Aliexpress is known to copy brands right this is my thinking though Audrey kitchen yes has a significant following do I think that following is big enough for Aliexpress to go out of their way to copy it I don't think so because it's not like Audrey kitchen has a brand comparable to Too Faced where Aliexpress it would make sense for them to copy to face because Too Faced gets a whole lot of orders and is too expensive for certain amounts of people Audrey kitchen I don't think people are buying as much as a brand such as Too Faced so I don't know why Aliexpress would go out of their way to make copies of her earrings especially when the people buying her earrings supposedly would want it to be spiritual and made with love or whatever it is that spiritual people do I don't think there would just be a market for that so I really don't think they copied Kitching this is all allegedly supposedly my conspiracy whatever another thing catching sells on her website is the Green aventurine cat and that's for $23 on Aliexpress again I found multiple versions of this which is an adventuring cat statue and it's $4.99 and to me looks incredibly similar I didn't look for more because two are already bad enough and I think that two already indicative that something's up there so as I said previously another thing Kitching is famous for is her uplifting quotes her uplifting captions so she shares a lot of these on Twitter and on Instagram but what if I told you that those are in fact not her quotes but they are plagiarized and she's passing them off as hers I feel like there's a big misconception on what plagiarism is plagiarism has many shapes and forms it's either passing someone else's work off as your own but it's also leaving it to be implied that the work is your own so here in these tweets she doesn't say oh this is by me but if you post something and you never disclose even in the comments that it's not you who said this the audience is led to believe that you in fact said this and this is your original thought this Twitter account called houmous aound has been tweeting about this and they're showing examples of where Kitching has quote with like an aesthetic image she doesn't credit anyone for that quote so people just believe it's her whereas it's actually not her and it's other people who have said this prior and who are just not being credited some of kitchens followers have questioned her on the matter but upon doing so they say that they were immediately blocked which nothing says innocence as just blocking someone rather than answering their questions also I did reach out to Kitching but she has a lot of followers so I didn't really expect a reply but I think I reached out to her over a week at this point so I don't think I'm ever gonna get a reply at this point kind of surprised that I'm not blocked actually previously I mentioned an assistant of kitchens who came forth with some information so her name is Lauren to cut a fine yo so Lauren gotta find you exposed a couple of things where Audrey kitchen again mislead interviewers the audience who ever really was reading whatever she says Lauren confine yo originally was a huge fan of Audrey Kitching and when Audrey kitchen put out a notice that she was looking for an assistant Lauren was over the moon wanted to join she eventually obviously got the job what ended up happening is that essentially Lauren was the entire crystal cactus team when someone has a website and they do interviews where it seems like they're working with a team of people the obvious implication is that you're not gonna be a one-person team that's not what a team is so kind of find you said that she was essentially the whole team and sometimes a friend of kitchens mother would show up after her day job and help package orders as for the energy Alchemist herself both employees said kitchen was largely absent from the workspace she spent 85 percent of her time in her bed or in her bathtub and she would text you or call you if she needed to tell you something so while kitchen did not do the hands-on work she claimed on the crystal cactus website and in interviews kind of Anya said kitchen did on occasion take a pair of pliers and attach a cheap crystal pendant which came from bulk shipment to one of many chains she'd purchased on Aliexpress gotta find you had also shared emails with the daily dot showing Kitching purchased items from eBay to she'd say there you see that make 40 of those so there was one other person who apparently worked with Audrey kitchen whose name is LaBrea well over well Berg had to write product descriptions on crystal cactus she challenged kitchen on more than one occasion regarding the false marketing on her website everything was cheap bought in bulk from China and I had a big problem with that said Welliver she'd want me to describe a necklace having a sterling silver chain and then we'd get customer emails saying my chain is black and deteriorating I'd show Audrey and she'd say what did they expect for a $35 necklace now I also have experience with Crystal cactus like I said well I never was a big follower of Audrey Kitching I didn't really follow her I didn't even know her from MySpace I just knew that she had a crystal website I was really into crystals back then and I was dumb and believed that they were actually ethically made blah blah blah but I remember ordering a crystal necklace that looked something like this just very basic and it came broken into now of course this could be rough handling this could be you know just that it was dropped and that it wasn't handled properly of course but based on what I'm reading I'm kind of just thinking it was cheaply made and it snapped in half not because of rough handling but because it was crap because a regular crystal necklace like I've had a bunch of them don't just go and have the crystal break in half that's not no it's not chalk so after Welliver was fired kind of find you said she became her sole studio employee handling emails stalking shipping packaging and PR and coordinating photo shoots with makeup artists and photographers but none of the extra work amounted to arrays she was making $12 an hour kind of fine you added she was frequently paid late and often only a hundred dollars of what she was owed at a time Kitching allegedly said there simply wasn't enough money in the PayPal account to pay her in full but within days got to find you said she'd witness kitchen using money from PayPal account to purchase clothing for photo shoots or golden Swan faucets for her bathtub she really abused me spiritually emotionally and mentally said gotta find you despite long hours and poor pay kind of find you said she never challenged Kitching until a 2016 photo shoot were Kitching allegedly threw clothes at her and the car ride back she told kitchen that she didn't appreciate was treated she said kitchen replied I know what this is in a past life I was a queen and you are my servant so you're reliving this lesson to chemically heal this wound within yourself it's you're a loony ego it's not me obviously this is all alleged another thing that happened is that there's a private group chat called I survived Audrey gotta find you the assistant is a member and then there's also another member called Alex March who professional medium who became friends with Kitching in 2012 so this is interesting March reached out to kitchen via social media about a deceased relative who was trying to connect with her the two became close and at first Kitching wanted to learn Reiki and encouraged March to take her talents public she gave me confidence March set of Kitching but it didn't take long for the friendship to spiral from intimate to controlling said in March kitchen would allegedly be furious if March spent time with other people even a boyfriend March also described kitchen flying into frequent rages the worst allegedly occurred when March got a taste of Fame March a Jersey native had appeared on an episode of Snooki and JWoww to give the Stars medium readings where she connected them to their deceased loved ones March said MTV had been impressed with her performance on the show and invited her in for a meeting but when kitchen found out she was furious and demanded that March get her a meeting - according to March the meeting went poorly when kitchen was allegedly asked questions she could answer she grew frustrated put on a pair of sunglasses and refused to speak okay so there's this woman called Mila Starfire and her relationship with Kitching was very similar to Marches relationship with kitchen before kitchen set up her shop and Crystal cactus and all that she was seeking to work in the fashion industry as a model but mostly she was successful at amassing a MySpace following kitchen gained visibility because she was dating panic at the Disco's Brendon Urie when star fire an energy healer and dancer signed up for MySpace in 2006 she came across Hitchings profile I felt like I needed to help her I needed to let her know there was sickness around her like March Starfire reached out to kitchen first with some kind of intuition then in 2009 they met in person at the Hello Kitty 35th anniversary party in LA I gave her her first crystal says Starfire I still have the picture of us at a party and she's holding the crystal I gave her later on that night Starfire received a bunch of messages from Kitching and as their friendship progressed hitching got very weird and very controlling and she would say that if they didn't get to hang out kitchen was gonna kill herself she would actually say she was gonna kill herself if Starfire wasn't available to hang out said day but above all both March and Starfire claimed Kitching stole pieces of their identities to masquerade as a healer March went as far as to say kitchen has ripped off her life story in her 2015 new this interview kitchen described her childhood confusion growing up I always thought I was losing my mind and dying in reality as a born healer I've always been able to empath other people's physical alignments as well as their mental vibrations this is me she is no empath said March who claims the inner private conversations kitchen openly mocked those who claim to be impacts she did not want to help anyone she wanted money Starfire felt kitchen was mimicking her style and her teachings without giving due credit in the past year Starfire has posted multiple pictures of herself alongside photos of kitchen - Starfire the similarities are startling between an onlooker it's hard to say that anyone owns these styles in one pair of images the women both where tribal makeup pink hair and sport intricate purposely messy braids so at the bottom of this article it says that Crystal cactuses about the designer page has been edited since they published this article as I said before previously it said each item is lovingly made with intention in small batches and now makes references to specific products being handmade and does not include jewelry all the crystal cactus candles and beauty products are lovingly handmade with intention and small batches while embodying that energy to transform inspire and heal I'll like the article below I definitely think you should have read through it to get a fuller image of everything that's going on my personal opinion is that I don't like believing just one person's account not because I don't believe the person but because people can lie so I don't like putting all my money on one person here to me the fact that there are multiple people and I didn't even read about everyone I just gave you a couple examples that are claiming that Audrey kitchens behavior is controlling manipulative definitely toxic and that she's been lying on her website and her behavior towards even people outside like the MTV interview to me say that something's wrong now obviously I can't know a hundred percent that all of this is true but all of these things put together to me scream some of this has to be true like not all of this can just be made up and pulled out of thin air and what I wonder then is Kitching this huge entire fraud who just decided to embody this persona in order to make money and on top of this is she a fraud that doesn't even make her own necklaces or whatever and has other people do all the heavy lifting while she just chills and takes pictures for Instagram now obviously I do want to say it is possible for people to change in the sense that it's possible that back in the day she wasn't spiritual and that suddenly something happened sometimes just one thing happening can change your entire way of thinking certainly I think that I'm thinking though is that the fact that she edited the information on the website or someone did it for her clearly it was under her direction that to me is shady as [ __ ] because if you have nothing to hide why are you changing things and why aren't you addressing things you know what I mean like I don't expect people to address everything all the time because they don't owe us [ __ ] when you're being accused of selling Aliexpress jewelry at like a super inflated price and that you're not making your own jewelry and that it's not made with intention and that you're a terrible person I feel like if I had a business the least I would do is respond and at least try to prove my innocence in terms of my business practices it's a lot harder to prove your innocence in terms of toxic behavior but even in terms of a business standpoint you'd think that there'd be some kind of I want to call it damage control but some kind of atonement right to just say something to be like hey I might have [ __ ] up in the past I'm working to improve whatever just say something because between not responding between editing the information on the about page I just feel like there's something amok here now obviously I don't know Kitching I can't say anything for certain but to me it seems like something is severely off and to me this sounds like a person who kind of just thinks they're gonna get away with everything no matter what and I really don't support that kind of attitude and that kind of behavior is guys let me know what you think let me know if you've been following Audrey Kitching since your myspace days or if you noticed something of off let me know thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music]
Views: 561,052
Rating: 4.9432397 out of 5
Keywords: audrey kitching, scene queen, myspace, crystal cactus, spiritual healing, spirituality, akitching
Id: ZHqnJWYw5rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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