Kari Jobe with Sadie Robertson Huff on the Whoa That's Good Podcast

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[Music] what's up what that's good fam welcome back to the podcast today it's gonna be a fun and exciting podcast because we have an amazing human here miss carrie jobe is in the house [Music] welcome thank you i'm so excited yes and i'm excited we get to do this in person like you said it's so sweet i feel like i need to like really freshen up on my people skills i know right just conversational skills can i hug you should i just film your hand i don't know it's true you have not been around people so this is so nice well we'll get started with the question i asked everybody which we just talked about can be an intimidating question you can but what is the best piece of advice you've ever been given you know i i don't remember where i heard this it's just something that's just really stuck with me and i think it's like really in the fabric of my heart now because i the lord will even bring it up to me when i forget about it but it was comparison will always steal from their creativity and calling on your own life it's so good and it's so true because when we look at someone else's life or what they're doing or what they're called to and we compare maybe what we're doing and think well i'm not doing it that way it doesn't look this way you know i think it steals from it's true it steals from so what we're called to it can even steal from you being creative in your own right and what you know you feel you're supposed to be doing that's so good that's literally like in the heart of liver original too like what we talk about it's like you have to be confident in who you were originally created to be that's right because if you start comparing it does steal and i still struggle with that sometimes like yesterday i was at this conference and alex seeley was there which i love her i know y'all are so close yes i was like you know i've been like struggling today because i was gonna speak and i was like the last one and everybody else was just like so smart and like so factual and so like bold and strong and i was like i don't really talk like that and she just started going no no no no no no no she's like yeah you don't talk like that and that's not your anointing and you don't need to try to be somebody else like it was just like yeah she just spoke truth straight to my heart and so i couldn't agree she'll do that every time i'm like oh thank you i want to cry and smile and run and take over the world now but she's she's awesome so that's so good i love that advice um i'm so excited to talk to you about your new album the blessing it's like literally went all around the world especially the song but the album too and when your album came out i've had so many friends like sending me like this song this time oh you gotta listen to this respect me like no joke i've had several friends text me just different ones from the album and so this is super exciting um i know this album was different than other albums because you had to do it you know without a live audience you're making me emotional oh it's so good it's amazing but i know you did it without a live audience was that hard for you to like go there in the midst of like knowing that this is just totally a different time mm-hmm the idea of doing it that way before i stepped into the room and felt the anointing and the team was with me the idea of it before i i cried my eyes out yeah i mean i really had to i feel like it was like grief i kind of feel like i grieved the worshipers not being there with me and you know as a worship leader as a speaker like we love to connect with the heart of people because that's what we're called to do and so i was like lord how like how am i gonna do this i won't be able to see anyone's faces and i just feel like the lord was like but i'll be there well and i i'm like well of course she'll be there but i think sometimes we just think oh wow you're right and yeah that whole like idea of we we do worship the audience of one i just had to dig into that it's good and you know and i think what helped is we we had experienced a lot of really strong moments doing the live streams for church and there were no people in the room for those yeah it's true and you you just kind of realize you're worshiping with your friends on stage so you're not alone yeah um speaking in a room alone would be hard to me yeah you know because you're like you can't vibe off of anyone you're just literally having to follow the holy spirit but it actually ended up being so one of the most sacred things i've ever wow and now i'm like maybe i'll always do it without the people that's awesome i mean not that it's not sacred when the people are there of course it is but there's just like this different i just i closed my eyes most of the time and i just was so focused on the father and just like this conversation and all the songs i just felt so connected to the lord and uh even you know henry produced it and he was like take your time there's wow there's no rush i didn't have to like transition moments for people or you know like things you think about as a worship leader i don't have to worry about some of those things that's cool it kind of made it neat that's so cool you can hear that like in the album it literally sounds like you are just talking to the father and it's so sweet and i think that that's super encouraging for everybody right now whether you're a worship leader or speaker if you're at home alone or you've felt that isolation just that reminder like dig into the fact that god is there i remember whenever i covered and i was sick for two solid weeks and like you know already quarantining before that because my family had it and so i hadn't been around people and i had one night where i was just like christian um i'm gonna go sit in the car and i need to worship and man it was one of the most sacred moments ever and i actually will never forget that and i hope i never forget that moment because it was me like pressing past the feelings that i've had the isolation the loneliness and just saying like god i know you're here i'm just gonna keep worshiping you like as if you are right here in the moment and i feel great and it was just a really cool moment so i love how you said i had to dig in because sometimes you do have to dig in in the midst of these moments that are really hard um okay so i want to talk about the blessing the song because obviously it is just like it is so cool as a friend as a person watching from afar seeing just that song go across the whole world and just how it impacted people and it was really cool so when chris and i found out we were pregnant that was like the first song i like saying over like our child because i was just like thinking about that like in a thousand generations and your children and their children and it's just so beautiful but when y'all were in that room and writing that song did y'all know like the strength that carried like the anointing that was on it or were y'all kind of like wow this is good we'll see or was it more it was more the second part like this feels really good and special but you always want to try it in a room to know like oh is this going to connect with people or is this just like we've been here too long and we should get some fresh air yeah it was that night though so we had written all day and we were finally getting to bed it was like one in the morning and the elevation team stayed longer to work on the demo and they sent it through at like one in the morning and so i'm crawling into bed and cody was like you need to listen to this grab your air pods so i get them and i no joke i laid in bed with just warm tears running running down my cheeks and i was like this feels really special and it just felt so sweet like yeah listening to these promises we've believed and said heard you know all growing up i was raised in a christian home so i heard the aaronic blessing a lot and just that inner coming and you're going and you're weeping you know just different like blessings of god i'd heard that kind of stuff my whole life but in the context of like hearing it all in one place with a beautiful melody with it and i just remember thinking like this feels really sweet yeah i can't wait to leave and we let it the next day for the first time and i yeah wow you see that on the video yes i love it we've watched it a million times i remember when it first came out and chris and i were watching on youtube i think i cried every time i listened to it for the first like 12 times like seriously and i remember um i don't run okay i'm a walker i'm not like a runner but when i was listening to that song i got in the treadmill i cranked that sucker up i was like can you go yeah like i was like sprinting i our christians was like whoa you were running on this like i had the blessing on like there's something on it that you're right it's so exciting to hear all those promises in one place and and the timing of it was just perfect for what we were about to walk into as a country or as a as a world we didn't know you know and so that's really cool yeah um i know you're obviously a mom of two if nobody else knew that she's a mom and a sweet mom and a wife to cody and i was thinking about that like i said i was singing that over just our child and thinking about that and declaring that you know in this time i feel like there's so many fears that come like even knowing like we're gonna birth a child into this world and wow there's like a lot of bad things and a lot of hard things um as a mom like what gives you hope for like your boys and like that next generation to come in the midst of you know a lot of trouble yeah it's interesting you you're tying like talking about kids right after you talk about the blessing because that fear of raising kids and bringing them into the world but also just like the attack of the enemy on a mom i think on a mom and dad of like you know what could happen or yeah you know all these what-ifs i this is kind of a um a big part i think of what happened with the blessing because i was dealing with extreme torment and fear with my boys um in the first few years of being a mom and it was something where it would be like that you know like that nagging in the back of your mind you just you'd have a fearful thought and you're just like ah yeah but finally i got to a point where i was like i am so tired of constantly feeling like something could happen and just because my sister uh dealt with an extreme traumatic sorrowful experience and that fear grips it can grip you as a mom and so i have i've had to and i know you you just have to take authority over these thoughts and what has helped me the most is just getting the word out and just declaring truth good declaring truth because it says we are our minds are renewed by the word it's so good and so that's been i think for a mom you know i think that's also what's kind of um pent up in the blessing i think maybe those moments where it causes a mom to cry listening to that song is as a mom i had to kind of dig in with my relationship with the lord as a mom and just declare i'm gonna believe these truths instead of the tormenting spirit of fear and um there were some nights even maybe a year before we wrote the blessing where in the middle of the night i couldn't sleep i was super fearful silly stuff like i would go check did i unplug the toaster is the is there gas coming through the you know stuff like things were like i just was so nervous and fearful constantly checking and you know and finally one night i got up and i just was like that's enough and and that's a very nice way of putting it i was i got really fervent that night and just began to like i i almost woke everyone up in the house i was that fervent in my prayers and in my declarations of that's enough i'm going to believe the things that the the word of god says over my life and over my babies you won't steal from me anymore that's enough you know so that is so good that's a long answer but no i i need to hear that i i just opened up to a bible study group about this because i was like it's so crazy like when you find out you're a mom like there's so much gratitude and then at the same like it's almost the same moment there's so much fear and i had a friend that had a miscarriage and my sister had a miscarriage and it's like you just start to think like what if this happens what could happen all this stuff and i remember i was talking to somebody and i was like i just feel like it's so hard because you have to have so much faith because you can't see you like once you do and they're they're like no once you do you'll still have fear if you don't deal with it now like you'll still have that fear you'll still feel like you need to check everything and make sure everything's okay and every little thing will make you afraid and so they're like if you don't surrender that right now like you're gonna have to later it's gonna keep nagging and so that's such good advice like you need to get serious about your fear whether it's about a child or about just fear in general and what you believe about the character of god yeah that's good that right there was what set me free not it's not that it set me free it's that i've been able to overcome those those tormenting thoughts and i take authority over faster and it's good and don't let them like have a heyday in my mind but alex is actually one of the ones that helped me with that because she just had she said to me one night you need to resolve in your heart what you believe about the character of god well for yourself that's so good not for other people but inside internally and yeah i remember um that was a rough night for me uh then it was just this this night that actually something had happened with kingston at seven weeks old he fell into some water wow in his stroller wow it was a really wild traumatic experience at radnor lake wow and um i rescued him he was fine but it actually wasn't as like traumatic as i thought it was at first you know i was able to get him he was fine but um what it did for me though was like god i pray all the time for protection and something still happened and alex was like yeah things are going to happen we live in a fallen world we're going to experience some things we don't understand but she's like if you don't resolve this in your heart now you're going to consistently deal with this fear and torment wow and so i remember that night she said you need to ask him what he wants you to believe about his character and i remember saying to her like um i don't i don't want to do that and i think there was like this fear of what if he says like something i don't want to hear yeah and i think people deal with that i think i think sometimes we don't want to ask the lord it's really good something because it's like what if he says something that i don't want to have to walk through like i have a friend who her child has autism she didn't want to walk through that but in the midst of it she's watching god's beautiful faithfulness and he's meeting her in places she never even realized she needed him to meet her like those are the things where you see like the grace of god that we don't fully understand and anyway well i got really quiet that night and i finally just said what do you want to tell me about your character and i just kind of waited and all i heard him say was you need to know that my character is good and it's been one of those processes of walking that out to really fully understand what like what do you mean by that yeah and i i think what he means by that is he's just saying he's good and he turns things for our good because that's all he knows how to do well and so things that we walk through that we don't understand we can see his faithfulness because he's he's just good that's he's going to turn it for good so so that fear element of it it really helps because it's like okay whatever i end up walking through god will be there with me and his he's good that's amazing he's faithful you know so wow that's so good i i know you say that with tears in your eyes and i but people on the other side listening have tears in their eyes because fear is so gripping and i know you sing about that and and your song no fear and i i even wrote i was like you're like a guide and a friend to people on like how to not fear and then you go beyond the how and you're like why you should not fear because you declare that god is good that he is there and so it's cool because everything you say that's in your heart that you're like this is what i walk through this experience you really do feel that all in the album it's like you hear that truth you hear that declared and so if you're like i need carrie to walk around with me and tell me all these things every day go listen to the album because she really does declare that over over you and helps you through those moments um i wanted to ask you two and i don't have this on my notes but just because we keep talking about alex i think it is really unique that you and cody are like really global for church leadership and worship i mean y'all songs everybody knows songs both of y'all and together um but you also like are a huge part of your local church and like y'all lead worship at your church like i remember when i came to the belonging for the first time and you were leading and lauren was leading and uh natalie was leading and i was like that is really cool all of these people who and it wasn't cool from like oh these people are so cool because yes you are but it was cool that y'all choose to stay in that local position and pour into this body and you're you know leading globally and so what is that importance to you as a family that you're so plugged in and even help start really the church yeah i mean yeah we got to be there from the beginning i will always be a local church girl you know that scripture that says those who are planted in the house of god will flourish i've just watched the fruit of that you know and it also says in the word to test something by its fruit and so it's like and abide in me i will abide in you abide in me as the you knows the vine and it's like there's just so much richness in our lives by staying connected to godly friends community pastoral leadership you know um i love that that relationship with a pastor or a leader or a mentor can be difficult at times because it's confronting yeah or it's challenging yeah or it's uncomfortable you know but the fruit of it is always so incredible so you know and someone like you know alex she's become a dear friend you know maybe it's not a pastor in someone's life but it's just a godly uh someone who has a different perspective that's good but i think it's important that they be very very in tune with the holy spirit full of the word of god it's good you know it's we can get kind of squirrely if you're not if we don't have that you know those there's maybe a covering or someone that's like hey i see some some stuff you need to tweak here um or watch it like i think you should deal with this in your heart like that's the kind of friendship alex and i have that's good and it's really good and i think i recommend that for everyone i think it's really sweet to just also get to pour into people that you see on a weekly basis and you know the sacrifice of worship and praise on their life like you know the deep things going on in their family like my friend with an autistic child like just doing life with people that it's just normal yep keeps it very normal yeah and everyone all over the world no matter where i get to go i feel like i can connect with them because i have a connection with people just it's good that we're doing life with right you know yeah i think that's so important too and even just for people who you know i think sometimes we exchange that for like social media relationships that we get yeah yeah and i would just encourage people who are listening that you know you can have relationships on social media and there are fun elements to that but doing like life on life with people and actually having someone to say hey this is where you might be wrong or like the lord is really speaking this to me and let me encourage you with this okay i'm really walking through this like we need that as humans and i was talking to um louis giglio about like what makes somebody like a good leader like someone that you like would you know want to speak at your conferences or want to invite and he's like i always look to see if they're like plugged into their local church and if they have a church family around them amazing i think that's really good like even just to hear from somebody like him that that is really important to him that he sees leaders surrounded by church families and like because then he knows that you're not getting squirrel you're not just running off and thinking everything you do is right and so yeah i think for everybody listening like that is just good advice period no matter who you are or where you're at like you being surrounded by a church family or a mentor or a friend or somebody who is in tune with the holy spirit is so important um i love the song heaven invade on your album and i was thinking about this because you you talk about that moment where you're in worship and you just kind of like feel like heaven just enter the room and when you said something about the wind and i thought about passion whenever this moment happened i remember seeing you backstage and you were like i thought that the lord was there like the wind came out of nowhere i did see you guys like right after you're like so shook and then i heard that they actually weren't they had tried to get that thing to open and they told them no and then it just randomly really randomly opened in that moment so it really was a god thing it really was so cool and so i wanted you to speak to that to the people who have never had an experience like that who have like never felt or maybe even been in a worship service you know we might have people who are like i actually go to church i don't know what this whole thing's about um when we talk about a moment where you just kind of feel heaven touch earth we just kind of feel the presence of god what does that feel like as a leader in a room where you're like whoa it feels like the lord is here and what changes in the room oh man this is a loaded question i know it kind of is it's good no it's good though what changes in the room you know we are spiritual beings so everyone listening even if you don't have a relationship with the lord you have felt some kind of spiritual experience somewhere somehow and we're wired to to worship like if we don't worship the lord and and his goodness we will worship things you know whether it's fashion or food or you know it's like we are just wired for worship we're wired for adoration we're wired for so when you're in a room and the presence of god comes in i mean i've never heard someone not say that their arm hair didn't stand up and like they got our bodies are just we're we're wired for the eternal so we're wired for the supernatural yeah and so it's fun as a leader when you when you pray bold prayers another thing that was so wild and beautiful about that experience of the the roof opening at passion was we had just prayed backstage god i pray and and the presence of god was already moving and there was so many incredible things going on in that room already so but i felt like praying god i just pray that kids that haven't experienced you tangibly yet wow that you would blow through the room like a mighty wind and that they would feel you even on their faces wow and so when the roof open in that building it it has like a um world a whirlwind effect so it literally like kind of does this like circular air thing because the way that it opens so the air comes in and starts to do a circle so it felt like it's a whirlwind of his presence filled the room you know so i think i think you could ask daring prayers yeah you can say i want you to reveal yourself to me that's cool because he does he will yeah you know oh i love that especially when you're asking in faith not not god prove yourself to me but god show me something about you that's tangible and real yep i'll promise you he'll do it that is so cool i feel like you know skeptical people would say something like well but it is the the the room did just open so it's not really the lord and kristin kane said this she said you know what all i have to say to you if you think these are coincidences and she says the more i pray the more bizarre things happen it's true that's all i have to say and so it doesn't hurt to have faith and when you start to see god moving your life in tangible ways like healing someone or setting someone free from an addiction you know and it's a super natural thing yeah then you start to go wow okay god i see that you're you're real it's working yeah it's amazing it's fun um last thing i want to ask you is your song uh first love i think it's so beautiful and uh it's so special so i'd love for you to talk about that but also i just love that you just declare you're still my first love you're still my only one what is the importance of those words to you and that that declaration that you wrote this song to just almost like reposition your heart back to like your first love like i don't know i just wanted you to unpack that song because i think it's so beautiful and it really connects with me and i think really probably everybody especially in this time where you kind of do need to go back to that first initial love and those feelings that you have when you fell in love with the father or realized he was in love with you yes all that um it's it's one of my favorite songs i've ever been a part of writing and i from beginning to end like from beginning we took communion the morning that we wrote that song and we spent like two hours on our faces after that just pouring our hearts out with the lord i was with stephanie gretzinger and alyssa smith and a dear friend and my drummer that's been with me for years she's like my brother and those girls really cultivate and have just like carried such an anointing to just like be such good friends with jesus and and i love that too i that's my favorite thing about knowing the lord is that we're invited into friendship it's cool relationship yeah and so um that song comes out of revelation 2 where where the lord is addressing one of the churches in revelation and he's like i know the things that you love and the things that you hate but i do have one thing against you that you've left your first love wow and then he says go back and do the things you did at first and if you don't i will remove my lampstand from its place which represents his presence i will remove my presence and i mean the idea of him removing his presence from our life that would be one of the scariest things it would be the scariest thing because i i just live my life based on what is your presence are you in this with me are you what are you saying what i want to hear your voice and so for him to give a challenge and a declarative thing of this is how you need to live your life you need to seek me first stay in love with me not just keep me first but stay in love yeah stay in love good not know about love not talk about love and you know to be in love you know for me to be in love with cody takes um being intentional yeah takes like date nights and being creative and not just like printing something off of the computer that someone else says about somebody but like writing it with my own handwriting yeah and like staying with the lord it's good and i think a lot of times we will we will go to church on a sunday morning we'll sing someone else's song we'll hear someone else's sermon and we think that we've said everything we should say to the lord but having relationship is god i want i want you to be my first love and um not that i had fallen out of love with the lord but i think sometimes just the the mundane routine of life we can we can just get to a place where it's like gotten stagnant you know you're still um in your honeymoon phase cutting with you and christian and i'm about to celebrate six years of marriage and you know there's just these ebbs and flows that you begin to get into which you're seeing even now like yeah there's days where you're like i think i'm just gonna go for a walk like by myself you know like you just there's these ebbs and flows of relationship and um sorry this is a very long answer oh i love it i just love the aspect that the lord invites us into true friendship it's good to stay in love and it's so good there's so much that he wants to do in our lives but he wants to do it because there's deep friendship yup you know that is so good i can relate to that i think especially in this year because i didn't even realize that i had gotten into a pattern of like i was always at churches i was always at conferences there's always that things and i love listening to other people so i'm taking everything everybody else is saying and worshiping and i love it and then whenever church is closed i was like yeah like i'm so like i love you god like you know i just started to realize i'm praying the same prayers like every single day like i'm getting like really in the routine of things and i wasn't reading as much as i should i wasn't pursuing as much as i should i was almost waiting for church to open back up instead of like opening up my bible opening up my heart opening up my life like like you said like not taking what somebody else said by actually writing it with your own handwriting like that's so beautiful and that's so true and so staying in love is is it does take intentionality and i've been challenged by that myself during covert and i'm one to like i i love to pursue the lord and you know this has really even hit me in this time pretty heavy and so i know for people who ask me questions like how do you say you know in the routine of you know this or that or reading or praying and i think it's like forget the routine as much as it's just staying in love like say in love all of that will will kind of help your routine and in relationship and so that's so good i mean if you didn't already love carrie you really love her now and if you haven't listened to the blessing go listen to it but also listen to it and i think even hearing these answers that she truly prays over these songs that she writes like they come from a really real place and so um she took communion the day she wrote those songs and so they really are a um i think a collaboration of prayer and friendship and heartbreak and speaking for what the lord has mended and so i think the album's beautiful i think you're beautiful and thank you so much for sharing all of your incredible advice thank you love you love you friend [Music] all right fam let's go over some good and bad advice y'all just so you don't forget we get all of our good and bad advice from the woe that's good podcast instagram dms and our ella sister app so be a part of the podcast by sending in your good and bad advice for some entertainment all right baby you ready i'm ready all right wind extinguishes a candle but energizes a fire great advice did you say that i said that question then you sent that in yeah i did i was deploying did you say that i was the plug for that one yeah that wasn't a book i read um i can't remember what book it was though but yeah i thought i thought it had so much application like literally but also like spiritually just the idea of like i mean if i'm going to isolate myself whether it's the wind of the world or whatever that looks like it's going to be quickly extinguished extinguishable if it's by myself but if i surround myself with the community of people then i think the lord's going to send that out that's so good i love that it's like people you know say after they go to a conference or something like oh i was on a spiritual high and then like i lost it and i think that's because like they go back from a conference and they try to just like keep it going the fan like fan the flame of just like a candle and wind will actually take that out instead of like going back and like joining a church body or joining a group of friends who believe the same thing and then the wind goes the fire gets crazy there you go then you gotta fire get a wildfire all right live in the moment it's good that's good yeah i think what are you thinking you don't think it's good no because because sometimes like sometimes little things like that can be kind of they can be kind of counterintuitive they can be like big words on the surface on the surface you want to think good about get it good but then you think a little deeper about it then it's like i think it is good advice because i think if you start living too much in the past or in the future yeah well as you say if you start living too much in the past then you don't like continue to grow if you start living too much in the future you probably have anxiety yeah so that's why it's called the present yes live in the moment ah hey that was good well that was good i i didn't just come up with that oh you didn't no i wish it if i did i would be making a lot of money right now yeah all right see rejection as protection see these these little singers they're getting me these little zingers yeah that one is hard because rejection hurts yeah but a lot of times it is for you a lot of times it is it is like an accountability but i think sometimes people you know that can be pointed at like an envy or like a jealousy it's like wanting to reject something if if i'm not on your team you know i could reject you but it's not for my protectionist because i don't want you to do that or i'm envious of you i would have never thought like that well that did that's why i swear that's why i thought like it was a zinger all right so if you sent me that question i don't know what you were thinking but a friend rejection yes i think it could be for your help but if it's someone that you don't really trust and i'd be cautious that's good yeah that is good that was a really deep thought i feel like we could have talked about that for longer but we must continue it's the thought that counts um i think it's a thought that counts but sometimes you're like okay bro yeah well my first thought was like my first thought about that thought was like if i get you like a gift or something it's like oh it's the thought that counts um but sometimes sometimes i think you can use that as like a cop out that's what i was saying like sometimes like that's a continual thing it's like okay you've said it's a thought that counts like 12 times it's trying to not be there because i can look at my own life and i think like sometimes like if we if we're like talking about something i can use that as i could being like defensive like oh it's the thought that counts so you should just be grateful with that that's true you have done that you've done that numerous times but there i didn't send into that question but there are moments where it really is a thought that counts like our wedding gift like your wedding gift to me so i like had these i had like been saying on one of these slides for like on i actually just randomly said one just oh i love those slides i want some of those slides and then one of my wedding gifts was the slides and i had said it a long time ago but i didn't even think that you remembered but they were like two sizes too small so like that that was nordstrom no offense we do love you if you want to sponsor us come back but no we i ordered like a nine it was like a six or six anyways he really was about the cows because i was like so impressed with you that you remembered that i said that i know you're a size eight but then you did order those shoes and they were seven and a half thank you you said nine just keep the questions going okay this is a good this is a really good thought if you can't afford virtual virtual reality headsets you can close your eyes and imagine everything you want um i think that's true i think what i don't know if that's true it's not true because some of those things are like actually pretty legit like it you're like i don't own one but i've like been to best buy and i've kind of put them on before and they're pretty cool but i think sometimes by use by that being your first option sometimes we lose our creativeness oh that's good i think like when i was younger like i would much rather like be imaginative with like my brother than like going to put on like going like isolate myself in a room and just putting on i do hope that virtual reality doesn't take away from our imagination and creativity like you know because sometimes whenever no i hope it doesn't like i'm saying it it could like because sometimes whenever you have a better experience than the experience that you had even though it was good like okay for instance six flights is awesome then you go to disney world and you're like six flags is still great but disney world is amazing you know disney world more than certain no because actually wow it's disney so it's like wow virtual reality and you're like oh my imagination i hope we don't get to that point because your imagination is way more creative and your imagination is going to actually create things that the world needs not virtual reality yeah but hey it is cool yeah good time if you're listening to this and you work at disney we love disney would love to come in there and i also went to six bucks for like four of my birthdays also love sex flags okay we out and universal studios if you're listening send us tickets i love the hulk [Music] thank you so much for listening to the whoa that's good podcast i have so much fun doing this i hope you all have fun listening and don't forget to follow me on instagram at legit sadie rob and follow the podcast at woe that's good podcast head on over to liveoriginal.com to see when i'm in a city near you or visit live original blog on our online store which carries my exclusive words by cityrob line also be sure to subscribe to my podcast and leave comments so we can hear what you're loving also want to give a special shout out to my audio engineer marcus depala the whole team at united talent agency and my live original team you guys are awesome and hey so are all of you too thanks so much for listening [Music] you
Channel: Sadie Robertson
Views: 136,173
Rating: 4.9586692 out of 5
Keywords: kari jobe, sadie huff, sadie robertson, sadie robertson huff, whoa that's good podcast, sadie rob huff, kari jobe forever, kari jobe songs, kari jobe worship, kari jobe live, kari jobe video, kari jobe and cody carnes, kari jobe albums, elevation worship, blessing kari jobe, sadie robertson preaching, whoa that's good, sadie robertson dancing with the stars, sadie robertson duck dynasty, sadie robertson podcast, sadie robertson sermon, dwts, duck dynasty, cody carnes
Id: 5bwYzSVq0Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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