Leave Uncle Si Alone | Si and Willie Robertson with Sadie Robertson Huff

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so we're in a new location today we actually showed up to your office instead of you coming to my office because i wanted you to feel more like at home so do you feel comfortable oh yeah i'm a couple okay i'm comfortable here where i'm at well good my chairs that in my office are like short fluffy chairs and i couldn't really see you in that chair so that's why we're here also i invited dad to be on the podcast because you know y'all lived a lot of life before i was ever in the picture i thought he could maybe bring up some some more uncle scifix than i know and then of course christian's in and you just laughed hysterically at how he looks and headphones so he's already getting bullied he's already like why am i here let me translate that about her office it's really clean and so you're out she was scared you would mess it up so when she says your office which is the duck which is not even his office he's rarely here oh i was always in charge here son you just didn't ever know it you were in charge yeah yeah oh here we go he's already starting he's already this is why i wanted you to hear but i have to ask you the question and ask everybody who comes on the podcast are you ready for this you probably don't know this because you've never listened to my podcast have you no i haven't so with that being said i probably no i'm not ready for this all right get ready it is what is the best piece of advice that you have ever been given you can think about it that would be because when i was out when the show was going on full blast i got asked that every time of right before we left and i would always tell them you know learn to laugh at yourself okay don't don't take everything so serious life is too short okay and we live in a mean and cruel world yep that's that's good i'm actually really shocked you were prepared for that well i actually wanted to ask you about that anyways because everybody thinks that you're hilarious because you are hilarious but the main question i get asked especially in the height of the show is the question is uncle psy really that crazy to which i always say yes you're crazier in person because the show only shows 22 minutes but you're like this 24 7. so how do you learn to laugh at yourself were you in poetville always as crazy as you are now well uh like i said okay i had uh four brothers and two sisters okay and growing up to say i had a identity crisis is an understatement because every in school and everything i did okay the reply was always well jimmy frank wouldn't have done it that way or judy wouldn't have done it that way you know and i was going hey i'm not jimmy frank i'm not judy yeah so you know but everybody takes uh everybody takes everything too serious that's true that's true look worry and like if you take everything too serious that's worry yeah like he's a businessman he worries too much okay but on his good side okay he's the biggest prankster in our in the robertson family that's true no oh for sure hey first off i don't worry the only thing that worried me about business was you were part of my business well it's kind of worried me that's worry right having to depend on you it was a little worrisome hey i've always been dependable that's why i feel when uh all the other people that down there at duck commander home was at field's house i'd be over there sleeping after we had a big meal for miss kay and everybody has to go to work and he would just say hey leave him alone or do you need some reads and they say no and i said hey he's doing his job leave him alone i was actually just telling christian uh we were talking about memories that i have with you and i was talking about how before the show even i remember we'd be down there at mama campbell fields when duck commander was down there and every single afternoon after lunch you really would take a nap and what you don't know though is me read colin's elite would hide behind mellow case kitchen table and wait for you to wake up because 99 of the time you had gas when you woke up that's true story that's a true story the one time when you was little we when he had a poker game i showed up early and i'm dealing the cards out for all five people you're watching and i'm talking all five of them you asked mom and dad somebody what's wrong with uncle sam he's in there and he dealt five hands and he saying hey it's your bit or foe do whatever you're gonna do but do it now well first of all no you show up at the house nobody was there except for me and my babysitter and we thought somebody broke in the house and we were like oh there's somebody's in the house we can hear them talking in there and so we sneak around the corner and we look in and it's you and you're doing five hands out to yourself and you're saying i fool jack and we're like what is happening i like how sadie is uh i like the advice that he gave learn to laugh at yourself like like you had to learn that side i mean that has to be natural right for you to laugh at yourself because i mean probably with me no no probably with me no i would say it had to do because like i said okay i really did have an identity crisis because nobody would say hey yeah so what about it yeah it was always oh hey tommy wouldn't do that especially with the teachers okay you gotta understand the teachers at the high school taught my whole family okay jim frank harold judy tommy phil and then me and it was always i always it was well good grief so-and-so wouldn't do that and i'm going hey i ain't so it's so dummy yeah well but but your other siblings are really smart so maybe maybe don't go there dummy maybe it was the teacher just going like look your your siblings are really all right like i'll put it this way they're educated idiots okay just like you are okay just because they got a piece of paper okay saying they're smart don't mean to do this right jack you didn't get that paper did you no look it took me it took me about three days going to college to figure out okay that they're they're wasting six years or eight years of your life just to hand you a piece of paper and then when you go get a job here's the first thing other guys that's interviewing you oh i'm sorry we can't use you you're too educated is that what you thought no any what i thought i had friends okay your friends and some older ones okay they had degrees and guess where they was working they had a ba and a master's degree and i said hey where are you what are you doing now he said i'm down at uh mcdonald's flipping hamburgers but i'm gonna work my way up to be a manager you know so i looked and said wait a minute why would i waste four years of my life just for some idiot that's got a piece of paper to tell me oh you're too educated i can't hire you well so you you may have should have talked to other people besides that one person no no no no no there was more than one okay but hey look here it all worked out it works out because i guess who runs this country it ain't the educated idiots okay it's the ordinary common man that's down there and getting the job done well hey y'all i'm so excited i got a new fab fit fun box in if you've never heard of fabfitfun it is incredible there's seasonal boxes that come right to your door with all types of things and this box is the spring box and their theme actually is grow forth which is really cool for me because as we know i am growing a lot right now and growing a sweet little baby and she is coming forth very soon and so this box is going to be very personal for me and pretty fun my sisters and i have always loved fabfitfun my mom loves it my grandma loves it and it's just so fun to get a box in the mail of goodies so this box i know has a lot of self-care rejuvenation um things as we're talking about growing forth and so i'm gonna actually open my box for y'all and show you a few things in it so a fabfitfun always has a magazine based on the season that we're in that's always so fun and cute and they also have coupons like hellofresh they have coupons for a lot of different things so you're really getting a huge deal when you get fabfitfun because you're getting one box with everything in it across the board so i haven't actually opened my box yet so this would be a surprise to me and you oh this looks amazing aloe infused gel line socks you guys i actually need this because my feet are so swollen if you notice i can't even wear my wedding ring anymore because it's my hands are so swollen so it's everyday i don't know if i'm gonna be able to wear it or not and my feet are definitely taking on that track and some other goodies for my feet some amazing slippers so all kinds of fun stuff and i also range across the board so i got stuff for my feet but also check this out this is so cute little hair clippies from each they have incredible brands too that they work with um oh cute this is a four pack of gold foil lip mask because why not everybody needs to go to a lip mask right i love chapstick so that's gonna be great here is a clean hair mask so i'm telling you they literally have everything and some of their stuff is pretty big like this this is a cosmetic organizer case and i love trying to organize my drawers i've actually been really intentional about that lately trying to get everything ready for baby so so great they have so many fun things a face moisturizer they have all types of things to rejuvenate your skin and just add to your self-care fabfitfun has always been one of my favorite things to get so you need to go sign up for fabfitfun right now and get the spring box order your spring box today go sign up now and you can snag amazing products like the lip mask i showed you with the aloe socks when you customize use coupon code wow 10 for 10 off your first box at www.fabfitfun.com remember use coupon code wow 10 that's woe 1 0 whoa 10 for ten dollars off your first box at www.fabfitfun.com sadie were you going to ask me my advice again or was that just for psy that was just for side but do you want well yeah because i was really panicked you were going to ask me because if you've been on the show more than once if you get the same question so i actually went back and listened to them first when i did that to see what advice i gave yeah yeah i did research so but i wanted to give another i've got another piece of good advice if i get invited back um and i'm going to use that one well you can see you're not you can answer it now no i don't want to share that one i'm going to save that one but i have another no i'm just dying to figure out what you're going to say you won't you won't let me know i'm going to give you another piece of advice that was given to me when i take over duck commander so i'm the new boss and i'm looking at payroll and i'm you know we gotta cut like like we're not making enough money and so i looked down there in size on the payroll well i i was trying to figure out who do we keep who keeps going so i've got uh psy who basically sleeps on the couch for four hours every day at work which is we're working in the house right and i thought look well you know i hate to be the ceo side of it yeah i got i got to trim the i got to trim the fat or lack thereof and so i go to phil and i say phil we need to let psy go like i mean i just the word the productivity's not there and phil gives me this advice he said leave side alone uh he makes the reads when he's awake and nobody else wants to make the read so just leave him alone he'll be fine i'm like oh man okay we'll keep psy but then as it turns out when the show happens when doug dies still there everybody gets to meet uh had i done what i was gonna do sigh you would have been you wouldn't even been a duck commander it's true and so the one of the best piece of advice i got was to leave side alone you never know that that that jewel that's right there you may overlook that and we had no idea you were a diamond in the real like really rough now that is crazy to think about and that is good advice so on that note did you ever ever ever think in your life that you would be as famous as you became no no i mean and for you i mean obviously you could say it to yourself too but would you ever thought that uncle sai would be as famous that wouldn't even enter his mind okay i'll tell you so listen so here's how the story goes so i end up keeping saw on and it wasn't because it it wasn't anything personal so i just wasn't having and so then i start making uh a tv show like we're still doing the video so i'm having a video but i thought we can't video sigh like he's too awkward nobody's gonna get it and so i was filming around him so we'd be in the duck blind and i would just film a round oh no no i was always camera shy because when you pointed my face well you wouldn't say anything well no no that's what i'm saying right he was like you like the turtle i mean the the frog on uh uh tom and jerry you know every time the spotlight hits him he just wouldn't broke why were you so nervous it was say it wasn't say you didn't understand okay nobody had brought out the green stuff oh my god i was paying you green stuff yes but you would pay me peanuts son hey nobody was paying me what i was worth well now i'm starting to see the mcdonald's thing nobody would pay you what you were that's right that's why i didn't flip hamburgers well i mean i was trying to get you to audition you wouldn't say anything and so it wasn't until i put a hidden camera on the table and i covered it up and we were watching the footage and you just come to life i'm like that's the guy and i had a hidden camera and we ran it we we we showed the footage of you i know say i said you killed everything i didn't even know it i wouldn't have done that i know that's crazy and that's how that's how really the first time i saw that and then when they actually came to do duck dynasty sal wasn't even on the list well it just had the couples and then i called them back i said hey uh y'all need to check out uncle psy and they go well here's what they said we may use them from time to time on the show and then they met you yeah and then they didn't have enough room and then they started paying you i guess what you're more for but you're accustomed too okay obviously the green stuff you know helped you but how did you go from being so nervous that you wouldn't do anything on camera and obviously even in your childhood feeling like you're the one that nobody understands to literally singing three songs on a platinum selling album you are the main character of duck dynasty you speak everywhere like where did the confidence all of a sudden come from i've i've always had it you just you gotta no no you gotta understand okay the robertson family or most of them phil's not really phil likes the limelight okay the rest of us are pretty good storytellers but i'm the best of them the storyteller because your stories are not always because you make them up no it ain't you think that i don't tell you i wrote a book it's 95 percent true five percent just to give a little punch at least you admit it but i you asked a good question because here i got one for you and him okay okay okay okay did you ever dream that you would be what you are okay because of the show never i mean dancing with the stars dancing with the stars i wasn't even on the list at the beginning either it was john luke and cole were the two kids yeah and then somehow i made it on i think because of the prom dress video that the prom just episode that y'all were both in and then that really hit i don't even really liked it you don't remember the prom prom dress that's when you were dancing with the mannequin up at the oh yeah was really my first kind of episode and then when we went driving and that was my first time to ever drive and i drove with you and i was terrible i remember that that was the first day back from shooting remember we just that was the first episode and it was like 105 degrees yes it was camera guys were passing out and i literally had no idea what i was doing and i actually kept hitting the little duck decoys yeah and i was like i cannot i i really don't know how to drive somebody actually has to teach me so that was really what did it but then dancing with the stars happened because they asked you to be on and you said no and mom was like sadie can do it i wasn't so they asked me to do it and then they said you get paid so i looked down and got paid and i'm like well hey but i never watched the show then i watched like five minutes of the show and i was like heck no i'm not doing that at all so i passed and then i think that was the way it was meant to be yeah for you to come on and it's crazy would you ever do dancing number one no they asked me no no they asked me i said no i said hey i done watched that's for young people yeah even without all the problems i got no i could pull that off yo have you ever heard of feature socks feature socks are super legit look i'll show you right now they have super cute colors i got purple blue pink i have the no show all different times all different types of socks because features is absolutely obsessed with making the perfect socks so that once you put it on your foot you don't have to think about it because how many of you know that whenever your socks are slipping and sliding off of you and you have blisters all day that's all you can think about but you shouldn't have to think about your socks they want you to be comfortable from head to toe and they really worked on that in a great way for me i play a lot of tennis i like to go on a lot of walks and especially playing tennis your foot's moving a lot so it's super easy for a sock to slide off so these you can see are nice and snug in the back and we'll say on great they also have a seamless toe so it's not really annoying all in all they're just a great pair of socks and for you to perform your best i think that you should have the best socks out there and future certainly is at the top of the game not to mention they have a lifetime guarantee features are so durable and long lasting that if you're unsatisfied at any point they'll give you a replacement pair no questions asked futures is challenging you to try a pair and if they're not the best socks you've ever worn they'll take them back that's pretty cool y'all they are so confident that you will love their socks they're going to also give the whoa that's good listeners 10 off your first pair of features when you go to features dot com slash woah that's f e e t u r e s dot com slash whoa w h o a for ten dollars off your first purchase pair of features okay so i want to ask you a question and and we need your advice me and christian so you know when the show started to everyone's surprise pretty much every girl in america had a crush on uncle sai which i don't know how that happened but it happened but people don't know you've been married for so long like how long have you been married april the 7th will be 50 years oh my gosh 50 years 50 years to that mean redhead american she needs to write a book called 50 years yes oh yeah yeah no no that wasn't put you in the loony bin nothing no no because everybody everybody asked her yo well why aren't you on the show and asked me they said why isn't your wife on the show i said because number one she's a lot smarter than all of us okay she don't want no part of it but the real reason that she said hey i have to live with him okay so i don't need to be on the show she needed a break so what what's your marriage advice for me and christian 50 years down the road never go to bed after an argument i love that that's awesome no no i'm serious don't go to bed if you're arguing you know you just have to come together and say hey look we're just going to agree to disagree on this yeah you got to watch that though one time i stayed up for two and a half weeks no no well in that case i bought that down here that corey's hard-headed as you are okay nobody wants to kill here that's true now most of it is uh that and then you got to communicate yeah okay it's good you can't just quit and say okay oh you made me mad what sure you're gonna make mad you're two individuals for crying out loud yep yeah that's good yeah we'll take it yeah and the laughter part comes into play in the marriage that's good okay don't take yourself it's always easier to laugh at stuff you do especially what you get like me and christine old age is hilarious no no i'm serious we do stuff now and then just bust out laughing nothing's sad we just we do something and we both must bust out lives we know each other so well that's awesome it's ridiculous that's awesome that's awesome that's really good advice christian what'd you think of uncle psy when you first met him well i remember the first time i met you was when i was interning for duck commander that summer that we got engaged and we were traveling so much that i wasn't actually here that much um but i was building duck calls with jay and you walked in and i thought that you were the funniest person i've ever met yeah even i think it was like 15 minutes maybe you were in and out real quick but i thought you were hilarious dad what do you remember about uncle cy growing up because you have all kinds of crazy stories uh i remember he gave us all his uh army stuff uh the clothes oh that's cool which had robertson which was really cool we were super poor so like we had our name on our camo shirt that was too big for us when we were in fifth grade uh the sleeping blankets uh with the real uh feathers in them and you gave us those uh i remember we commandeered your truck the nissan oh yeah no unicorn dude i gave it i gave it to phil no and then jason and i commandeered it well and that was our rig we drove around we drove it until it just finally wore slap out that was actually a good truck it really was oh yeah it was a five speed cory would ride in the back uh that had the little seats that folded down and so we would go around town and yeah we i remember your truck but yeah i mean so i was always funny and you know just like he is now and uh but not like i've watched him over time then he really you know just started really coming out of that shell too i think it was probably tough with you with your with your older siblings no that's kind of difficult to really come out especially someone like phil because he's so dominant all of them are dominating okay i'm serious dominating family it was yeah because you know it just and and here's what's funny i didn't even realize that i had the identity crisis to feel son oldest son al said hey i want you to do a sermon you know for church so i got looking in doing all this stuff and it took me like a month you know he told me it's up it's fought the way it took me the whole month because i i was chasing rabbits every time i'd read something like oh yeah that's what i want to do i'd get going down there and then it would just go blank and i'd go god knock he did yeah and that's when i come to the conclusion that you never did exist from you know like from a child to high school you know because everybody was always well hey you know harold wouldn't do it that way judy tommy phil none of them would do it that way you know and i was sitting over here going jumping up down telling me hey i ain't them yeah yeah it's like they couldn't see me you're actually like such a good example of our whole message live original which is like my whole ministry everything we talk about and it's becoming confident in the original person that you were created to be because so many of us compare ourselves to everyone around us and we don't feel like we're good enough when we don't feel like we're worth you know anything all that yeah yeah and like what you experience is the same that so many people experience but it's so cool that you share that because so many people look at you and they're like that's uncle sad that's you know my hero that's my favorite tv personality that's you know the person but you went through all the struggles everybody else did yeah but that's the thing okay and and again back to your marriage like your deal don't put don't you put him on a pedestal because he's going to fail you mm-hmm and don't you put her on a pedestal because she's going to fail you yeah you human beings yeah yeah and that's what people do you know that's why that's the wildest part of this and i've got the greatest answer in the world of why i am who i am is because of the almighty that's good preach okay no i've got chill bumps all on because it's just you know that's why when i'm i'm out talking to people about jesus the father the son the holy spirit and after i get through talking about them i hear this way too often i can't see this god you're talking about uncle psy and i said you know i actually feel sorry for you because everywhere i go i see him i see him in a in a rose bush you know the the a honey bee if it wasn't for the honey bee and the insects guess what folks there would be no fruit yeah okay vegetables all that stuff that's god little creatures that he created doing all this yeah so you need to open your eyes and take it all in and use your brain that god gave you good grief the animal kingdom the fish kingdom the bird kingdom you know they got i don't remember where it was i saw it on nature's show on tv they got these huge parrots and i think it's south america somewhere they're gorgeous bright red yellow blue and everything you know just you know he's a creator of beauty yeah you know and i i've gone to preaching besides i went to preach yeah i wonder if they're i wonder if they get tickled at you in heaven like looking down at what he created oh no no look god's got a great history of humor well obviously oh yeah he made you so yeah he made that brain look and here's the good thing about it i'm unique and so are you and show us she so is he that's it hey so tell me this though so paul who is your dad my grandpa i heard paul say like a hundred words in his entire life to me so he didn't say much now was that is that the way he was or was he always kind of quiet or i'm wondering like i'm seeing a lot of dynamic personalities come out of the family yeah but if you hung out with paul he just didn't say much that's it's you had to get to know him or he had to get to know you yeah so when you were young was he pretty quiet or was he no no he was always awake that was like you know i seen him daddy never laughed out loud wow yo tommy was the same way yeah daddy would i seen him twice actually fall off a couch hit the floor and he looked like he's having an epilepsy fit he's got crocodile tears coming out of his eyes he's shaking all over and ain't a sound coming out of him he did it red skelton he did it with the groucho marx okay look and look they said stuff okay and i'm not gonna repeat the the screen of the tv went blank and then we read in the paper like you know a week later red skelton gets to 300 thousand dollars you know uh groucho marx gets sued three hundred thousand dollars for inappropriately inappropriate yeah i thought it was funny yeah oh no you know mama will come right in because all you heard was good going she's coming at james you are he does you know so you had to get to know him but he was he was quiet okay yeah from growing up like you know uh this child has childhood stories you know phil was always center of tension for the family yeah okay even back then no no from from my viewpoint right okay so finally you know me and dad's gonna duck blind by ourselves and uh i just bring it up you know i said well phil's your favorite you know oh wow no yeah we had that conversation he said no you're misinformed you don't know what do you mean i'm missing phone he said you got your head on straight he don't you know so yeah i have to give him more attention than i give you john he just said he said you'll understand this once you get married you have kids you it'll look like your favorite you know favoritism but it's really not you're giving the child that needs it the most the attention when he needs it wow that's good no no just you know and that's part of growing up you know now granny was not that what granny seemed to be very outspoken no no that's funny part okay because we all have a different outlook on my mother you know most of the kids think my mother went insane at times well she did clinically did well no no that's what i mean that's different opinion okay from everybody she went to the insane hospital no no but hey all it was was a vacation you got to understand here's some medication no no no no here's the deal here's my viewpoint on that oh my goodness she's married to james h robertson my father yeah okay and the only way i can describe him and phil both okay is they're hard to men okay uh you you don't want they don't want to show any kind of emotion that's a sign of weakness yeah okay she was married to daddy okay she had seven kids yeah okay just think about it look at me okay she had to put up with me okay and then she had to put up six more okay that wouldn't make anybody want to take a break so hey she would finally get fed up with it i'd do something wild and i did it put senator hospital but she had a chemical imbalance right uh i mean that's what the doctors say okay my view point is okay hey that's what the doctor said hey i'm just saying i've seen it differently than all the other things because she would say did you were you around when she would have her episodes yeah i mean she stayed up all night one night crowing with the chickens right on top of the chicken house like i witnessed that well i've never i never heard that one you were there oh one hundred percent i saw her doing it yeah well i was like hey she had some christmas lights strung out in the yard no they weren't christmas lights they were they were like lights like that well i thought jason said they had christmas trees jason no it was just outside okay well anyway hey the boys were walking around shooting 22's she said give me a 22 boy and she just started pay a pal pay up she shot every ball battle which was impressive okay so she was basically raising me at the time so i got to see all the she cleaned the banana she cleaned the windows with banana just smeared bananas over every window pace oh my gosh and i'm a little kid like oh what's up with that that is interesting and then she painted uh everything square red yeah and then when she got home from being at the hospital she said who painted all this red yeah did dad did that take her and put her in the hospital oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah okay hey hey vacation time hey so i was sitting there with so so paul paul is sitting there playing solitaire right you got a winston hanging out of his mouth and one burning in the chat she just walked by and grabbed every card on the table except for the ones in his hand and threw all the cards in the fireplace what and paul just looks and looks like paul goes oh boy and he just went back to smoking his son you got to understand because okay because i'm moving forward to my mom lived to be 94. okay she told me she was 96. 94. i thought she was 97. no she told me 96. 94. anyway but anyway she would go on vacation to the net house okay okay to get away from james robertson and seven kids okay go fake take a vacation now you gotta understand that was back in the days that doctors come in okay and put wires and then got over and turned the machine on and just turned it up having a kick watching her jerk with electricity do you know for sure that happened yeah yeah that happened i'm just making sure no no yeah okay so you gotta understand she was 94 and she was just as sharp today she was born okay she was on prices right when she was 84. okay in the whole thing and one two two one okay yeah she won both showcases okay and she wasn't close to what the items were bob parker would say man how much is that right there you know how much is that bottle of shampoo 399 there bob boom 3.99 yeah oh she wasn't i watched it with her oh yeah y'all married harold and mary took her up there yeah she had a blast doing it but i mean i i just that's why i've got my viewpoint of mama and her her craziness okay all the russian kids got their viewpoint okay and then if you go and bring in the police and say okay we got 10 witnesses to this shooting and they get the story and they get 10 different stories okay so hey that's why eyewitness reports are no good wow and consider the source on you calling anybody crazy look like i like though that you you know you see everybody for who they are and let them be who they are because today we're very quick to diagnose everybody for everything and it's kind of nice to say you know what she went through some stuff she had some moments certainly she you know rubbed bananas and windows and threw cards in the fire pit but she was a good woman and she raised you well no no because here's the thing about it okay in this world okay any time you see anything happen or you have an argument or something you might want to go into the bathroom or somewhere where a mirror is and turn around and say okay what is your part in this did you have any part in this doing making it what was happening happening yeah yeah because hey whatever he did can you change can you change him yeah before he wouldn't do it nope nope the only person you can make a difference in is hey what can i do for you today that's good oh here's what i'm gonna do for me today i'm gonna try to do everything i do i'm gonna be good and it's gonna be right it's gonna be the right thing to do at the right time that's good i'm gonna be good and it's gonna be right come on well i do want to tell one more one of my favorite side stories i'd be remiss if i didn't tell the story so duck dynasty hits it's a big hit and um i was driving out to fields and you passed by a size uh house uh ish uh so i'm house so uh facade had like a hundred people a day coming to his house right i mean every day and so i would open the door just shitty chat yeah just every day so i drive past and i thought golly man that's got to get old and i thought i'm going to do something nice for so i was going to wake up and do something good for you so i said so i'm gonna put you up a fence just i was thinking along the highway just like a wooden fence you know just so you couldn't see directly and so uh so i said yeah i appreciate that and so i told my uh accountant i said hey psy's going to defense and pay for it so um so she comes back about a month later and says uh hey i just want to make sure you're am i good to pay this bill and i thought why is she calling me to pay a like okay in my mind thousand bucks 1200 bucks no wooden she goes well it's uh 32 000 and i just wanted to make sure i said whoa whoa whoa it's already installed so i go out there psy has put a fence like you have never seen he had to tell the fence person you do whatever you want to do willie's paying for it all right nope not what he's wearing i mean there's a thing inside there's like no no let me correct that let me correct that my wife was in charge of that project okay oh my gosh yeah okay it's a it's a mobile home don't hate ain't a mobile home it's a prefab home which is a nice lovely home but the defense almost rivals the cost of the there's fences on the inside outside i said okay well you got me so i hung one on me on that one it was my fault i should have been more clearest of what i was thinking i thought oh wow so i'll go to side i'm thinking well at least at least so i've got the nicest fence in west monroe now and sagos man i appreciate that fence scott's gonna love it he was moving it wasn't even where he stayed he put another place on the other side of the street and to this day there's still not a fence around your place and my cousin has the nicest fence and it wasn't for you that was the funniest part of the story well that's where i was limited in time but no here's the thing and look mine's got three quarters of the fence around it and i i was checking into it i got the the roundabout driveway and i was gonna have to put up two gates on the roundabout and when i i looked at the price of them i said uh-uh i'll put up with the fans coming this evening i still were like oh no i put a fence up everywhere now that today and i still every time i drive by it i think about it because now nobody's even living it's just tina lives there oh wow they take care of my wife okay well tina has a nice that is hilarious well i have loved this uncle it's fun to hear more stories about you and from you uh plus you gave so much good advice i love how you'll be laughing and being a little crazy one second and the next second you'll drop a bomb hey crazy is fun crazy is fun it is just one let the world know it well thank you for being on the well that's good podcast and spending some time with us today uncle scott oh hello hi hey hey yeah this is sadie and christian hi how are you guys so good how are you good happy wednesday this is so awesome i'm so excited to join you guys today i know i'm so excited and we're even talking on well that's good wednesday it's perfect yes mr perfect will remind me of your name my name is lucero i knew it sarah that's such a beautiful name i know we didn't want to pronounce it wrong so i wanted to i was right i was right on the annunciation so beautiful well what was the question that you sent in yeah so the question that i sent in i think it was a week ago is what are some practical things that you can do to be reminded of god's faithfulness um what a great question that's a great question it makes me think of uh promises have you heard of promises to saw about maverick city i don't think so no oh you got to go listen to it it's basically just talking about god's faithfulness and it talks about like from the rising sun to the setting same um i will praise your name as kind of the course of it's like from the morning to the evening i'm gonna praise your name because of your faithfulness and you know whenever i think of god's faithfulness and just practical ways to remind yourself is literally to you know whenever the um i think it's in the book of joshua yeah whenever they're crossing the jordan river and we know the story whenever they're crossed and they stop and they pick up 12 stones and these stones are their memorial they're making a memorial they're literally standing in the river holding up the stones saying like this is going to be our memory of what god has done today allowing us to pass through the jordan river and i think that can teach us a lot about how sometimes in life when god does something extraordinary and there is a faithfulness of god it's so important to make a marker of those moments like if it's a stone if it's writing in your journal if it's taking a piece like even if you go maybe it's like you go to a passion conference and you keep your lanyard like keeping things that just remind you of the time that god really showed up in a powerful way i even think social media can be that in a sense like when you post pictures and you share captions of what god's done like you're just like setting um you know kind of picking up a stone in the middle of the jordan saying this is what god has done in my life and i think that those are the things that help you be reminded of them is whenever you really make a moment out of them um but that's for me christian what about you yeah well i love i love what you said about markrisk i think i think that's so true and so important for me um the way that i you know oftentimes look at look at god's faithfulness over my life is just remembering back to um you know where i was before i knew jesus where i was when i first encountered jesus and and kind of that that that the moment of time when when i had that conversion of how my life has changed since then how much more scripture i know how much more you know better of a person i feel like how all the fruits of the spirit that i feel like my life is is starting to embody um and that's when i think back to god's faithfulness from how much he's brought me from when i was lost when i was found to when i was um you know living in sin to where i'm i'm walking in freedom and i just look back to those markers in my life where why i saw god show up in this i saw myself um stop struggling with this then and then kind of looking looking through those periods of life throughout my walk so basically you're reminding god's faithfulness when you look in the mirror you say hello i'm like hey what's up hello no and i'll just say one more thing on that is there there are some things in life where god's faithfulness is like loud and it's huge and you see it and you're like this is when he did that this is when he did that and then there's some other moments in life where you're like okay god like am i hearing you i'm not seeing you i'm not you know nothing crazy has happened i don't feel like my prayers are being answered and i actually felt like that kind of when cove had happened the pandemic happened and you know everything was closed and everything was getting canceled and i remember christian you'll remember the suit when we moved into back to louisiana and everything just changed and i honestly just kind of felt like a lot of the prayers that we had prayed that we thought were getting answered just all of a sudden weren't like a lot of the ways that god was speaking really loudly all of a sudden he was quiet and i remember every night when the sun would set and don't you i get emotional like in a good way because it was just a reminder that god is still moving and every day when i woke up and the sun was out i would get like this gratitude of like okay it's a new day and it was like even though everything's being canceled even though everything's going crazy like god you're still waking up and setting this day you're still you know the sun's still going up sun's still coming down and then it's coming up again you still have the birds coming out and chirping you still have the trees glorifying you and if they're still doing it i'm gonna still do it you know and so there are some times in life when the faithfulness of god is huge there are some times in life where the faithfulness of god requires your perspective to change um and i think when you allow your perspective to change and just see god for the beauty in front of you you're gonna be a much more at peace person um and so i love this question great thanks for bringing up such a good conversation yeah that's a that's that's such a deep question i love it yeah no thanks guys i think everything that you guys said are just practical things that anyone can kind of do for sure and just kind of remember you know where you have been before where you are now and how far god has brought you and you know where you are today so that's super cool i love it thanks guys so much yes well thanks for calling i appreciate getting to talk to you over the phone and thanks for sending in a question thank you so much bye guys that was so good i love you all those questions that you send in it brings up great conversation topics so don't forget follow along the way that's good podcast instagram page and dms any question that you want to get answered and if we love it and if we want to talk about it we would love to give you a call thanks for following along guys don't forget if you're watching us on youtube to subscribe to our channel because we do post all the podcasts like button so subscribe to our channel and if you wanted to like button that would be great button share the love today love you guys you
Channel: Sadie Robertson
Views: 225,922
Rating: 4.9484701 out of 5
Id: F3Rbogzw-as
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Length: 49min 41sec (2981 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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