Lauren Daigle with Sadie Robertson on the Whoa That's Good Podcast

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[Music] what's up well that's good fam i am so excited for today as i know so many of you are because no joke not exaggerating every time i've ever said like okay who do you want on the podcast it is like hundreds of comments that say lauren daigle and today we finally got lauren daigle on the podcast lauren i am so excited that you're on girl thank you thank you for welcoming me on here with you it's so fun lauren you've been like such a good friend and like also somebody that i look up to um so it's really cool i actually this is embarrassing but i'm gonna have to tell you the truth on this today i was posting an instagram story saying like lauren's gonna be on the podcast and you know how like when you go into the dms like you can see if you've ever sent that person a message yeah i found a message that i sent you from 2015 yes and i was like hey girl i like saw you at the dubs tonight and i was like are you gonna be at winter jam would love to hang out with you this is like literally five years ago i sent this to you so glad that we're finally getting to talk but we've obviously gotten to hang out several other times and i'm very thankful for that but i was laughing so hard i was like wow that's embarrassing oh my gosh no i love that kind of stuff i when i tell you it's just what we were talking about i am the world's worst at any of that i feel like fans will go on and i'm like okay i need to go look at the instagram dms and just like even just spend an hour just like looking at it or 30 minutes looking at it yeah i can barely figure out i'm like now what is your primary wait what is your general i'm like i'm a salsa i'm so lost but um you know what sadie i love i don't know if this has ever happened to you but this has happened to me where it's almost like god gives you um almost a foreshadowing if you will of the the people that are going to be in your life i've had those moments where like people that i admired or that inspired me or encouraged me on a hard day um it's crazy how at some point in life you have intersections with them and you're like wow like five years ago god did this and i i remember how influential that was to me in that moment and now we're friends like it's just i don't know how to explain it and it's not like like for everybody listening that might sound like yeah a celebrity of some or whatever no it's like god yeah literally predestines in your heart like he says yeah hey i'm gonna make you love the connection with me through this person yeah and then all of a sudden he brings them into your life like i remember i was in high school and i loved hillsong united like loved loved love the first song i ever sang in church was hosanna by hillsong from that they were like would you lead worship for the youth group and so me and my friends we would lead worship every wednesday night and we would just find like hillsong worship hillsong united after song after song after song and i remember thinking like the highlight of my life would just be either like to see them live or to go to one of their events or something like that and like or and then once i got into the music industry the thing that's crazy is um they asked me to tour with them and i just remember thinking like god you are so funny that you write on my heart like this deep connection with you through that music and then later in my life allow me to to partner with what they were doing so cool it's crazy i feel like i feel like that i love that i know i totally feel like that and i love that you're so right it's not like a celebrity thing it really is like such a god thing i remember because the reason why i remember you from the dove awards um and honestly i didn't really know much about christian music the first time i went to the devil awards we were kind of there because of dark dynasty and we hadn't really been like totally involved in the christian um industry world and so i just didn't really know a lot of people but back five years ago which is crazy just to show how much the lord's done in my life but i was just a very like timid worshipper i guess i was honestly thinking about myself too much i like i never like raised my hands and worshipped like i just didn't feel the like emotion and worship um because of just like a lot of different like religious things from my past and anyways i'm at the devil words and you were sitting in front of me and you were worshiping with like just your heart abandoned to the lord and i just remember thinking like wow like i want to have that freedom whenever i worship and um through several different things in my life and really just having real encounters with the lord no i could not care who's watching i'll worship like crazy by myself and in front of people just because i love the lord and the worship's so free but i remember seeing that influence in you and that's really cool because i know like a lot of girls obviously look up to you um because you know of all the songs you've written and the things that you do but i just looked up to you before even really knowing much of like who you were to the world just who you were in person and that was really cool and then obviously i fell in love with your music and stuff but i do think that was such a god thing i saw that and i was like man i want to be like that and you inspired me in that moment and you continued to so thanks for just being you it's awesome and you do encourage so many people like i said you really have been the most requested person on the podcast and that's just not just because you're cool or famous which you are but it's because so many people look up to you and the words that you've written have literally brought them to the heart of worship so it's awesome but i wanted to ask you the question we ask everybody on the podcast to kick it off and the question is what's the best piece of advice that you've been given or or a good piece of advice that you've been given lately and the reason i ask this is just because most people on the podcast are people that give advice to everybody else and i think it's cool to hear what advice they were given that kind of influences them to be who they are and so anything sticking out to you from from recently okay i think about this all the time it's not exactly recent as far as like the past like two weeks or something but recent as far as this phase of my life i remember i think it was like my maybe it was like my third or fourth tour i was ever on i was with this guy his name is jason gray and um we were on the tour bus and he said to me he was going through a really really hard kind of place in life and uh he had to get some counseling through that season and he told me in the best of ways he said um lauren true freedom is giving people the permission to misunderstand you wow and i'll say it again just because if you're like me and like mildly adhd when like the one-liners are dropped you're like can you say it one more time please so truth freedom is giving someone the permission to misunderstand you well and that to me has been so um so key and influential because a lot of times i'll take it from a few different standpoints but um a lot of times like offense the other like another piece of advice in the midst of that piece of advice is like offense is taken it's not given yeah and so whenever you think about people that you could be offending by being who you are um a lot of times that can cause you to limit your expressivity or just who you are like the way god had wired you the way god made you when you're looking over your shoulder like is this going to be accepted or is that going to be accepted or will i be liked for being this way or will i be rejected for being this way you know um i feel like when you have your identity in christ like on lock and when you've you've kind of paved that road and that changes like there's always a right turn then there's a left turn then there's like a curve you know but you're when you're on that road of knowing your identity and knowing you know who you are and him and kind of what he has uniquely designed you guys um you start to find that looking over your shoulder for acceptance and approval starts to get a little less and a little less with each like risk if you will um of being yourself and so i think i was going through you know when so many people are looking at you and when you realize like the platform is responsibility too like it's not just oh wow this is cool like i got to ride on a tour bus and sing some songs and there we go when you realize like no your words you will be held accountable for and in pretty intense ways like um my friend those words consistently ring true like not only in okay when i'm in an interview ie right now yeah or and i you know and i botch something or i say the wrong thing and it gets taken in the wrong context or whatever um do i walk away and and toil and labor and spin over that or do i accept the fact that you know what there was a moment of humanity that slipped in there and thank god for his goodness that he sees my heart and he knows all that is wrapped up in it you know yeah um so and so it's really it can be in those intense moments but it can also be as simple as like i know a lot of people you know concerned about what to wear okay right and when i when i dress for the day am i dressing because it's like what i love to look like and what makes me feel free or yeah is it because i want certain people to pay attention and yeah i want people to like me you know and none of those and of themselves are actually bad it's just when it actually comes and takes away from the uniqueness of who you are yeah um and honestly what that ends up becoming is a stifling of boldness and i feel like god delights in the meek and he also delights the lights in in boldness and definitely like with the way that the world is right now like boldness is something that is to be um protected and treasured and and cared for and nourished you know yeah and so when you give people the permission to misunderstand it's saying this is this is what god has placed inside of me this is the way he's wired me to be these are the truth that i stand upon right and if you misunderstand it's okay i will give you the luxury of my permission to mis to take who i am and turn it in a way that maybe you only you can you know but yeah and then the flip side is to love people once they have misunderstood you yeah is to still be there and to still say god like that person in they could have hurt me or they could um have taken what i've said and ran with it and allowed it to offend them or become you know something painful between us um but it really is saying even in that i'm gonna choose to love and to bless and to move forward with um good intentions towards that person that's so good wow that's so huge honestly i'm like taking a lot in right now for my own heart me a friend were just talking the other day and we were talking about like our biggest like irrational fear like what's the biggest thing that you're afraid of that's just kind of irrational and she said i think my biggest fear is honestly being misunderstood and wow we both just kind of talked about that like that feeling of being misunderstood is so hard and it's so hard to swallow but if you can get past the fear of that and like allow people to misunderstand you the freedom you would feel like what you're saying is so huge and it's really cool that you said that because i just shared with you why i asked people the best piece of advice they've been given it's normally because it's what you know we see in you anyways and it's something that somebody shared and this has never been more on point because my first like question i was gonna talk to you about was how you were like the most like free and fun and like fearless person and that watch you and like you just you don't let other people his opinion or anything like seem to really shake who you are and so it was just like so spot on that you literally just said all of that because if i were to say how do you do all that it goes right back to that allowing people it's okay to misunderstand me and so that way you can fully lift free and have be your fun self and be fearless in the way that you dress and speak and act and i just think that was so cool that that's probably never played out so perfectly that was really cool that was awesome and i wanted to ask um just along those lines because you talked about like what people say about you what people think about you um i want to talk about you say you know that that song like literally wrecked the world like i thought it was so cool as like a friend i was like cheering you on left and right every time i heard it on any tv show or anytime in the car i also belted it out not nearly as good as you but the words were just like everything i wanted to clear over my life um and what so many other people even people who weren't christians that were just like yes like that's genuinely what every human wants to believe that like somebody says that they're loved and that they belong and that they're all of those things and um you know whenever i write anything whether it's a book or a blog or a message like getting to the words that i write like it takes something for me like i have to believe it first right like something has to hit me like in a god way for me to be like okay like i believe this before i can ever go like sing it or write it or speak it or whatever and so for you like where did those words you say like come from and how did you like what was that moment like for you to actually believe those things that pretty much everybody in the world that craves to creates to believe okay so this is god in his humor that everything in this podcast is connecting so good ironically that came from the dev awards um literally what started off with this whole conversation but yeah i was at the dev awards it was my very first time there and um i remember like and okay tell me if you ever had this kind of thing go on but um i remember feeling like wow okay there's lights everywhere there's cameras everywhere um and there's just a piece of me that is a longing for home like i'm just longing for the girl that i once was before all of this happened um and at that point i was like kind of in the crosshairs so it was like how can it be come out um but it wasn't quite the magnitude of look up child you know like i knew i was right on the cusp and i remember just um like the next day i had a co-write with my producers and i walked in and i was like i don't i don't know like i can't change for this like i don't want to lose who i am to change in order to fit what this demands and like what this looks like you know being in the music industry and um i remember that wrestle like it was like staring back at the swamp and like just wishing that i could go out on the boat or something and like just genuinely missing that way of life while being surrounded by like tons of pressure lots of expectation a lot of demand and like i mean louisiana people are so low-key like we we really just are like we just have a passion for simplicity and we delight in each other you know and so when i was like all of a sudden thrust into this world where it's just like high demand high pressure high expectation i felt lost in the shuffle and i could see where it was going to take away from the girl that i was in louisiana and so kind of sitting at that crosshairs my producer said you need to just replace all the lies and all the doubt of what you're going into it was definitely the fear of the unknown as well right um like replace all the lies and all the doubt with the truth and that's how we wrote the song like wow point blank like everything that uh was tripping me up or was causing doubt or causing me to be afraid of taking a step forward yeah we just kind of spoke to those lies and wrote them with like and it all goes back to identity like when we go into the bible and we see the promises of who god says we are like that allows our identity and him to richen and to be enhanced i don't even know if regen's a word but i like it i went with it to be enhanced enriching there you go and um is that even a word i don't know who cares bottom line is it sounds like a word it does it's like fancy louisiana vernacular thank you um so it just once you know those promises right um it allows your identity to become deeper and deeper and then in that you know who you can be walking in in this world right like how to kind of take step by step by step um you know so good that was so good honestly it's really cool lauren to hear the back story on that um because it's so like the song already felt really personal but now it feels even more personal because i remember feeling the exact same way it was like right after dancing with the stars and i just felt like where the world and even life and even god like even where it was all pulling me i thought it was gonna mean like me having to change a lot of who i am and what i love and i didn't want to change that like i i felt really comfortable uh here in louisiana and my small school that i love and playing basketball and like you said you said it so right there's a passion for simplicity and just family dinners and just being here and just being uh low-key and all of those things and i just um i love that and i remember just feeling that tug and being really afraid of it and i remember um just kind of getting on my knees one day and just being really honest with god and being like god i think you chose the wrong person because i do not fit this mold i am not meant for fame i am definitely not meant for hollywood i do not want to move to california all that i did not i'm not not realizing that that wasn't even what really god was calling me to um that was just the route that i had seen you know taken from so many and thinking that was gonna happen to me and wouldn't even be able to stand it and all of those things and in those prayers so that's when the word of god became so true to my life and i was like okay wow like everything that you say in this world i can take that personally and like i can become just actually who i'm meant to be in you and that doesn't have to look anything like the world and i can be confident in that and i remember reading hebrews 10 35 and it says so then do not forget the confident trust that you have in the lord for that will be richly rewarding and just kind of taking him at his word and all those things and it's just really cool because i feel like you know for both of us our story happened to be like this moment of like fame that brought us to this moment of like who do you say i am but the truth is like that song literally meets everybody right where they're at because it's the same problem that we all go through that wrestle with our identity the wrestle with our confidence to wrestle with are we loved are we enough do we belong um all of those different things and everybody faces that like if you're famous that kind of is like you know it might not be like the crock pot it's like the instant pot you know it's like all of a sudden you kind of feel it all rising really fast but in life it's a crock pot of all the things you're gonna face those things and so it's just so cool to know that that was came from a time like that and that you truly define your identity from god and like you can see how that's carried you through highs and lows of of everyday life and i would encourage anybody listening you know take that song take the words of god take the scripture personally because when you find your identity in him you know it doesn't really matter where he's taking you you can trust that it's going to be good and even if it's not what you thought it was going to be for your own life like finding not comfortability because it's not going to be comfortable but contentment in him is going to be i mean god's going to be able to use you in so many more ways than you ever could have thought for yourself and i'm so glad that you know we decided to trust him with that but man um it is it is hard but those words definitely do like sing over so many people um for where they're at and i love that um i want to talk to you too about can i just mention like the highs and lows of life because yeah definitely there are highs and lows in life in 2020 we've hit some we've hit some lows for sure and just some some craziness not that there hasn't been good things that have come out but you know for you i know that you were expecting to go on like this world tour um i was expected to be in london all summer preaching and it was just like kind of it seemed like it was going to be this high of a year and then everything got cancelled and so for you like how do you shift that expectation to like okay this is what it thought it was gonna be but now this is what it is and it's kind of even like in life i thought i was gonna be living in louisiana doing this and now i'm doing this like how do you constantly navigate that shifting um that maybe god takes you through a life takes you through to just find like a solid ground for where you're at okay that is the question of the century because i'm i am someone like when i mean i hate change like i hate transition i hate change i do not handle it well whatsoever and um in the moment like like big time change i'm i'm pretty good at i can navigate and like lead people through it and then once like i'm done with the leading aspect it's like okay now i'm going to go in my room and like get on my knees and be like god what are you doing yeah um but so for me like especially with this year i was just at my house the other day just kind of walking around and just thinking and praying and um i remember locking a door and i don't know what the significance of that is but i'm sure god will reveal it to me but there was like i was either walking in out of the door or locking the door or whatever and as i was doing that god it was like in the dialogue i was just like god you had me on a path that was finally at the apex of what i had built since i was a kid like what you had placed inside of me since i was a little girl it was finally meeting its fullest potential and i said and then it all stopped and i'll say that in this regard like i was i remember being a little girl and hearing celine dion and hearing whitney houston and hearing these vocals that were just like out of control and thinking i wonder what that must be like and you know telling people at five years old i want to be a singer when i grow up and then well i i got to high school and i ended up getting sick with an illness and that made me on homebound and if anybody knows my story they've heard that a million times it's like almost it's almost like how much more am i going to talk about that but it was such an influential time you know and so um i got sick and i was actually headed towards like an academic route like going to be a doctor and when i was sick it was kind of when god stilled me and the passion for music came back up and um it it kind of went from like a pipe dream idea to like oh i think this is what god is like asking of me like like come on let's do this and so um i remember like having visions like i would have visions about um tour buses and stages in different like arenas and all these things and then i end up getting signed and then we start touring and doing all of it and it wasn't until this tour that i saw what was in the dream like wow like we had finally got to the point of what god was showing me as far as like a touring perspective is concerned and so i was like lord i am i'm a little dumbfounded like right talk about the rug being ripped out because this wasn't a part of the vision that you showed me like yeah but i think um i'm pretty in these scenarios my grandmother kind of taught me this like whenever you have something difficult it is 100 than making lemonade out of lemons like yeah it is your job and your responsibility in life to keep the positive perspective on things and so like i'm saying you as in me like that's what she instilled in me and it doesn't mean that you're not gonna have hard days it doesn't mean that you're not gonna say god okay when is this gonna be over like please for the love can we not have to wear masks for the rest of our lives like it doesn't mean that there aren't these other things that um aren't going to come it doesn't mean there's not going to be restless nights it doesn't mean that there's got not going to be moments of sorrow like at a lost dream or something you know i mean i think about all the people who are graduating like extreme tenures of you know studying like i know a lot of med students that had just finished med school and didn't get to have a match day and didn't get to have a graduation and yeah kids that were in high school and like basically when you're in the fourth grade you start dreaming about your high school graduation so like thinking about all the time um that you've been dreaming about something and then the rug getting ripped out from underneath you and that dream looks like it's dead but god has this beautiful way of always giving back what seems like the locusts have stolen like he is so faithful in that and so i've said okay god show me the lemonade show me how to like what is the recipe like show me the recipe and the recipe for me has been like reconnecting with friends that i wasn't as in touch with like you know how we i started like a girls group once a week we get on facetime and we just like talk about life talk about current events we pray together we read the word and it's just like something that i hope continues even when i go into touring because you know it's kept me really connected to friends and when life gets harder when like you know people talk about the end times or talk about you know the government or whatever like who who are gonna be the people that stand beside you to hold you accountable yeah like the ones that will say hey this is that scripture don't you remember it this is the way we have to live like this is the way we must walk um and so i think it for me the recipe was to make lemonade get with your friends again like refresh those relationships that have been needed to be watered for quite some time like ever since you went touring like you've been needing to water these friendships and then on the flip side like acknowledging the fact that i've gotten to spend so much more time with family yeah and like you know i have my grandfather's in the hospital um one of my other family members had a baby and it's just like the things that are really dear um actually getting to be present for and not just like look past and say well but i could be in brazil right now i could like actually right now i think i'm supposed to be in tokyo you know i this was the first time i was ever doing a full world tour where we were going to every continent except for antarctica you know and so i i was really looking forward to that but i know the promise that god says and the truth and the validity that he works all things out for the good of those who love him and are according to his purpose we hear it so much but it's definitely in times like this where you're like god i know that everything that feels like it's stolen i know everything that feels like it has been robbed you will give me the grace and the ability to see the good in it you'll give me the ability when the anxiety comes of like how much longer you know people think i'm just like free and silly and all that and i am i absolutely am but it doesn't mean that there aren't moments where i have for sure legit anxiety where i'm like god i need you to not like when i look around and i see how much is changing and like i said i'm the person who hates change when i see that like that initiates anxiety in me and so i say god i want to remain the girl that dances like i want to remain the girl that knows how to laugh in the middle of a storm like how do i tend to that soil how do i keep that alive and alert and rich right now because it will be a positive perspective it will be a hopeful outlook that gets you from one point to the next whenever you feel like um the rug has kind of been ripped out from underneath you yeah it's not to say that bad days aren't useful or it's not to say that bad days aren't helpful but um because sometimes bad days point you to how much you need to keep a positive perspective you know and there's people that struggle or deal with mental illness or things like that and it is okay to have a bad day but to be able to pull from the truth of god's word and say god like you will continue me from this point to the next like it is your power that i will walk through like it is your grace that will get me to the next step god renew my mind like every day renew my mind i don't want to be hostile i don't want to be angry i don't want to be depressed i want to stay focused i want to be invigorated how do i encourage other people in this time like what are those things that i need to do in order to listen to your spirit in a better way throughout this period of time that's good um so that for me that's kind of the recipe on how to deal with different i love it at times that was a long answer but i think it's kind of we need it it's been a long year it's been a long six months so good lauren i am so with you and it's even cool to hear you say like yes you're silly and fun and free and all those things but you have legit anxiety like same for me like i think a lot of people and people even comment this like how are you so happy during this time or like uh why would you be posting things that are happy during this time like are you not like struggling or and it's not that i'm not struggling totally at times there are days that are hard and there are days that are sad and disappointing and definitely days that anxiety can start rising up and even i've woken up in the night anxious about different things you know but at the same time like you said i just feel like it is up to me to like root myself in the scripture and like keep positive positivity in the best way that we can and not be naive to what's going on like you said not be willing to sit in those bad days and feel it for a minute and also help other people through it but yeah where it does said that we are the light of the world right and so it is kind of part of our job to preach the light to share the light to share jesus to share hope in the midst of this um and i love what you said christian actually said to me today he's like you know you know the bible talks about like seeking and you will find he's like i think in this time like more than ever like you have to seek because if you're not intentionally seeking then you're gonna miss it like you're gonna miss what god's doing but if you like fix your eyes to seek like you're gonna see god even in the midst of this and he's it's so true and he's so right um i want to circle back uh to something that you said that i thought was just really cool you were talking about like when you were five and he started singing and like you knew like uh i want to be a singer but it was kind of like a side passion you know you're like but i might be a doctor because that's actually what i'm good at um that was kind of me too when i was five years old i would preach on the table to my parents and they were like oh she's you know she's a little preacher all this stuff but like never in a million years did i ever think i would actually preach like no way i was actually banking on uh getting a scholarship to college for track and hoping to play basketball i was like so dedicated to that i didn't know what i'd do past them but that was my goal um and then whenever you know doug dynasty all that started my grandpa found a video of me preaching when i was five and uh it was just so crazy that that came up during that time and i just wanted to like share that with people because i just wanted to like encourage people who are listening girls out there like don't underestimate what god has put in you don't underestimate what god has put in you in a young age and the things that you might think oh this is just this is just silly this is just fun this is just whatever because god can use those little talents and those little passions and the purpose that you put in you in such big ways also on the flip side don't put an expectation of exactly what that will look like because you'll you know you could think of a million different things but his ways are going to be higher than yours but don't underestimate those little things because i think god can use those things in huge ways and take you down roads that you never thought you would go so i wanted to encourage you with that and also something i'm learning in this time because i think a lot of you have been asking like how to get through these times of quarantine and what god's teaching and just for the sake of being on a podcast i thought i'd share um i was supposed to be in london and lauren's talking about supposed to be in tokyo and all these things and there were these big plans ahead and i remember at the beginning of quarantine asking god like god like what just happened like i thought i was gonna be here and why did i feel such a peace about that why was i so excited about that like so many prayers went into that and as soon as i said that to the lord like so many prayers i just felt like such a conviction and like i stopped and i was like wait a second like my prayer for london the whole time was that the lord would send just a fresh revival in the young people in london that they would just be excited for the word and that god's spirit would just be something that was talked about amongst the youth in london and i was like wait a second like my prayer is still on like everything is canceled but my prayer is still on and just because god decided to not use me in that place right now doesn't mean that god's not still working in that place right now and so i think that that's something that i've taken on this year is that like maybe sometimes i get so ahead of myself then i'm actually like not just praying and that's where all the power is like beyond anything i can do like god's gonna be the one that does the thing and so just because everything in 2020 is canceled like prayer is still on and god is still powerful and god is so good and so whatever you were praying and expecting or maybe even not what you were praying maybe what you were planning and expecting that didn't work out like shift that plans to like prayer and see what god does during this time i think we'll look back and as hard as it is and as devastating as some things will be i do hope that we come out and years later say man we grew so much and we're so strengthened and refined by by that time even like lauren was saying with friendships with family with our identity and ourself what better time to root yourself in scripture and talk to god about who you are you know when everything's stripped away and so i do think some beautiful things can come from this but lauren you're so encouraging i i feel really encouraged by this conversation i want to go back and listen because i am the 80d person that will miss the one-liners and be like wait i need to listen again and write that like everywhere but you had so much good advice i know people are going to be so encouraged and strengthened i for one and the lo team is so for you and cheering you on so much and everything that you do everything that you say also wanted to shout out i know you have a podcast daiglebites everybody go check out dagobytes and ldtv another thing that lauren has and go follow her on instagram lauren underscore daigle she is a light in the world and um i just love you think you're awesome lawrence thank you so much girl i love you and if it takes a podcast for me to just hear your voice and hear how you're doing i'll do it any day it's so interesting to hear from you i wish you the best girl oh thank you youtube friend yep i'll see you soon bye everybody [Music] are you ready for it well that's good well that's bad advice i am ready for that well that's good well it's whatever that was that was done well that's good well that's right advice well that's good well that's bad advice good job all right so the one that's good and bad advice is always brought to us by the word that's good podcast instagram where you all send in dms of good and bad advice all right fellow dancers so thank you everyone who follows and dms alright the first one we got some people come into your life as a blessing and some people come into your life as a lesson i thought that was supposed to rhyme better than i just read it no i think blessings i think you did a good job i don't i don't know if it was meant to rhyme actually that's really good advice though yeah i mean some people you know definitely come in your life whether you want to call it seasons or a time period or whatever but certain people um you know just just for whatever stage of life you're in you know people definitely help you learn things and teach you things and you know sometimes you know certain friendships last for for a long time and some some are short some are true some are seasonal some are life long yep gotta know you just summed up everything else gonna say well we're better as one um it's funny actually because my dad's been kind of roasting us for our christianese apparently so you know how like sometimes in the church people say things that like nobody else in the world really says pivot pivot seasons seasons my tribe all these different things and so now we're like hyper aware when we say those things so christian's like well whether you call it seasons or whatever but i still i'm gonna say seasons and because i don't care if my dad makes fun of me all right in a year from now you'll wish you started today there's no better time than no that's true except for christian also likes to inform me that you can't do everything today yeah that's so true yesterday was it yesterday that we were talking about yeah she listed like 20 things that she was going to do and i was like you might do three of those because there's only 24 hours in a day technically 12 hours because you sleep for like two hours so there's not enough time as all the stuff that you were wanting to do yeah i do like to be well rested i do feel like we operate better rested okay um but at the same time see i like to set a big list and then if i get like a lot of things then i'm like well hey i might get more done setting like 20 things than i would if i set like three things that's yeah that's so true it's just my method and then whatever i don't get yeah so tomorrow tomorrow um she shoots for the stars yep and if you miss you'll hit the moon is that the saying oh man okay if you don't support me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best [Music] that's a hardcore just 90. if you don't i mean it's probably true that's probably true yeah i would say that's probably good advice yeah you want do you want friends who are who love hit you worse and love you at your best and are with you through thick and thin i don't know that it's good advice to ever say that to anyone yeah but it's a good advice to just kind of touch it be aware like be aware of it hey they probably don't deserve me at best if they can't yeah yeah um god's way or the highway that should be a song god's way you're the highway good advice could be um hope to win but expect to lose that's good that's i guess was kind of what we always talk about expectations yeah i'm surprised you said that you never really expect to lose that's true yeah but you also get in life yeah you got to be humble yeah wow i love that yeah yeah i'm really pivoting you are pivoting this is a new season the season of pivot for our drive [Laughter] oh man all right well thanks for sending in getting bad advice that was actually really good all advice was great thanks thanks for sending your advice this is us now see normally we're doing this not on camera and so we can cut this is just like wrong this is raw um so thank you for sending in advice and following the word let's go podcast i hope that you enjoyed today's podcast lauren day go brought it she's so good you wanna you wanna do a little lauren daigle yeah give me a line still rolling stones still rolling stones you're still rolling rolling you still rolling stones we'll let lauren sing sterling stones lauren seriously brought it i hope that you guys feel so encouraged and strengthened today and got so much good advice love you guys and can't wait for the next week [Music] thank you so much for listening to the whoa that's good podcast i have so much fun doing this i hope you all have fun listening and don't forget to follow me on instagram at legitcityrob and follow the podcast at woe that's good podcast head on over to to see when i'm in a city near you or visit live original blog on our online store which carries my exclusive words by cityrob line also be sure to subscribe to my podcast and leave comments so we can hear what you're loving i also want to give a special shout out to my audio engineer marcus depala the whole team at united talent agency and my live original team you guys are awesome and hey so are all of you too thanks so much for listening [Music] you
Channel: Sadie Robertson
Views: 172,333
Rating: 4.9187727 out of 5
Keywords: sadie robertson, sadie robertson preaching, sadie robertson huff, lauren daigle, whoa that's good podcast, podcast, whoa that's good, lauren daigle interview, you say by lauren daigle, you say song, you say, sadie robertson dancing with the stars, dwts, sadie robertson duck dynasty, duck dynasty, sadie robertson sermons, sadie robertson and lauren daigle, sadie robertson podcast
Id: 8Bo8piqpfhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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