The Call of God | Sadie Robertson at Love is Red Conference 2020

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[Applause] hey but that was awesome now it's the best introduction ever how are we doing today wow we are high I love it how many of you are enjoying this conference yes most importantly how many of you already feel close to Jesus yeah awesome I love you a cool bracelet sir prom I just put that together I'm married I'm sorry but I like the boldness keep it up oh that was awesome all right y'all I'm gonna pray for us today and we're gonna get into the word and I can't wait to just share a little bit of my story today with you guys so let's pray holy God we just thank you so much for this day god I thank you for this conference and I thank you for just so many people that have come just to love on these students and pour out the wisdom that you've given them and God I pray that this is just retained by the students I gotta get straight into their heart and just revives their spirit Lord God I pray that these students would leave confident fill with the spirit of who you are with love a joy with peace God that they would go onto their campuses and just touch so many people for your glory god I pray that you speak through me and help articulate this message God and I pray at the end of this there would be a response just say yes say you God Lord we love you I thank you for meeting us in this space when we feel your presence all around it's in your name we pray amen amen all right all right guys I'll be talking today about responding to the call of God on your life okay so pretty casual conversation we've probably all had a message on responding to the call of God on your life and you probably heard a message preached I'm responding to the call but as I was studying and praying for this event I was like Lord you know what do you want me to say cuz last year there was such a specific word that I felt I got for this event and I just felt like to come encourage you to really respond to what God is calling you to do and you might be sitting here in your light we're in high Skol chill have my whole life to respond to the call of God but how amazing would it be if y'all actually took everything that's happening here that you're feeling that you're experiencing and you activated that with an obedient response and started moving on that like it would change a generation actually it would change everything about the world we live in because the impact that y'all have is very significant in the room and so I really want to seriously talk to you all about this and I really just want to share my story and kind of how I experienced responding to the call of God so we're gonna talk about two different types of calls how many of you and light literally raise your hand we're just gonna be so casual and taught today how many of you feel like you're called by God you have a call in your life okay that is so encouraging now not everybody raised their hand but most everybody raised their hand if you raise your hand if there was a right answer that was the right answer everybody should have and could have raised their hand because everybody is called by God now the first call I'm kind of talking about is that everybody call we're all called to say yes to Jesus we're all called to lay our life down take up our cross follow Jesus and live in obedience to the Word of God that's kind of that call that we all feel we all know we're like yes we might have already said yes to that call it's kind of like I put it like this if God like sent out a group text to the world we all got it and it was this that was the initial like first call okay everybody has access to it now there's like another type of specific call and sometimes that's like the call that you feel by the spirit you're like I kind of feel like it wasn't like a group text it was like hey Sadie I really want you to go do this and that's a specific hall that you kind of feel a stirring if anybody's seen frozen - it kind of feels like that you're like I hear this voice and I don't know where it's coming from but I feel like I should go cuz it's good like that's that call like and honestly that whole movie kind of represents it because it's not just like a one call it's like you keep hearing him and you keep hearing him and you keep hearing and you just kind of follow until you really find yourself in the place that he was leading you to go so that's a good movie you should watch it but for that's kind of that second type of call so for me whenever I responded to the first call I was 13 years old and I know it's kind of young but I really just felt like I wanted to be baptized and it kind of came from when I was 13 I went overseas to play basketball anybody play basketball right no I don't know I know I don't look like much but I can ball it up on the court okay and I was playing basketball at 13 over season it was the first time I was like away from my parents like literally could have done anything over there they were like throwing these crazy parties because it was like all the high schoolers and we were in a different country and so we could and whenever I was there like it just didn't feel right my spirit I was like I don't really want to participate in that because everything I had learned everything I knew about the Bible I actually wanted to follow Jesus and so I came back home and I opened up to my parents and so my dad like hey it was crazy over there but it really made me realize that I really do believe the Bible and I really do want to be baptized so I would love it if you baptize me so my dad set me down and he studied the word with me and I got baptized I'm not gonna lie after I got baptized not much happened like my life didn't like dramatically change I just kept following Jesus messed up here and there it wasn't like oh I got baptized and now like I'm on fire for the Lord I wish I could say that it was but that just didn't happen and I don't know if it was because I didn't just fully understand it at a time where I was 13 you know but then fast forward and at this point I was 17 and I was at a conference like so similar to this like the room is almost identical and like I remember exactly her sitting I was on this like section like towards the back on the right side it was just I'll never forget this day and I'm sitting there and honestly like don't expect much I don't really expect much to get out of the conference I've been to so many conferences in my life I like I knew I loved Jesus had already been baptized I was honestly just there right and I'm sitting there and this woman came up and from the way I grew up I grew up a very traditional background and women didn't preach in the church this is the first time I ever saw a woman preach now 17 and she comes up and I mean she is just preaching the word she is on fire and the whole time I mean my mouth could have hit the floor I was just like it was the coolest thing you've ever seen and it was everything she was saying but it was also how she was saying it that just got me and I started to realize at 17 you know my family show had already started I'd already kind of stepped into this celebrity lifestyle if you will and I'm sitting here and I started to think about man everything she says matters like everything that person is saying and she it actually matters because it's from the Word of God and it's actually impacting me and influencing me and I was like if I'm gonna be influencing people I want to influence people like that I want to be saying something that matters I want to be saying something that actually moves somebody and so at the end she does this altar call and I just went to the front and fell on my face I was weeping and I really feel like that's it's time I really responded to the call of God I was like now my whole life is yours like any way you want to use me use me I just want to serve you God and you know I listen to a lot of Billy Graham and Billy Graham says whenever he talked about the color god he said you know we're actually all called to ministry and he says ministry is not maybe not what you're thinking because maybe you haven't felt called by God because you're like well I don't really know if I want to work in a church but Billy Graham says no ministry literally means just to serve it means to serve the Lord and so no matter what you're doing no matter where you are no matter what position you find yourself in if you serve the Lord in that position like Colossians 3:23 says do it for as if you're working for the Lord not for man then you're doing ministry you're responding now to the call of God on your life and so when I was 17 and I went forward and I fell on my face I felt like okay now I'm really responding to the call of God shortly after that this mints were mine she came up to me and I was still living in Louisiana at the time she said say I just feel like I'm supposed to give you this word I just feel so strongly she said the word is affinity anybody heard that word and any it's kind of a different word but it means in the Hebrew language it literally means here I am God no limits no distractions send me and she said I feel like you really need to step into that like you are really following him you you are saying yes but there's like another level of like I don't there's no limits to what you can do like I'm gonna put you outside of your box and I'm actually gonna step forward to what you're calling me to do and I was like okay yeah like I receive that that's awesome I found out that that's actually in the Bible so many times Abraham responded with Hannity Here I am Samuel responded like that Moses responded like that Here I am it's that same word you see it so many times and so I felt encouraged by it but honestly once again just like being baptized I didn't really do anything else my life didn't look different the next day but then in that in the meantime of that happening I felt like I was supposed to move to Nashville and this was like my first like let it go moment it's like I just feel like I'm supposed to do that something in my heart's telling me I I could go there and I could really be used by God there and I could be I know I could be used anywhere just like we all can but I felt like I was supposed to be there and so I told my parents we had this long conversation about it and I ended up moving to Nashville and when I got there to be honest that was kind of me saying Here I am but I still was limiting God I still had so many distractions going on I wasn't fully in it but I took the first step and y'all won't believe what happened this is so crazy so I decided to go to a church first Church I heard of somebody's like you should go to the belonging I was like okay Yeah right so noise is going but I didn't I get to the volume and this woman walks up on stage her name's Alex Ely the same woman who was the first preacher I ever saw preach years ago and I'm like that is so crazy it's Alex healing she's the one I responded to so she gets up there and I'll never forget she leans over and I'm just like so excited to see that it's her she didn't know me shouldn't even know I was there I sat in the way--by didn't anybody see me and she leans over her podium just like this just on a regular Church day and she said I feel so different tonight and her Australian accent I'm not gonna preach the word that I came to preach tonight she said I feel like I'm supposed to change the word because somebody in here needs to hear something very specific and I'm so interested on my Oh who's this gonna be before I like looking around like trying to see who's gonna respond who's gonna be like oh my gosh and she's sitting there and she's like um ya know and she goes and before I start this she said if God repeats himself you need to be listening and I'm just like sitting here like you know I'm already taking notes I literally wrote down if God repeats himself you'd better listen she said the word is Hannity and I'm like oh it's me and she's like I'm not even kidding I was like oh shoot the Lord is literally looking at me right now and she was like the word isn't in here and it means Here I am God and she said no limits no distractions send me she said if you recently prayed that but she still have limits and you still have distractions you need to let go of your safety net and you need to really let him send you oh goodness I like was I mean it was the craziest thing ever like Alex and I had never met see I'm saying like that's her responding to the Lord's voice and me better be listening to the voice of the Lord and I'm sitting there and I knew I had limits I knew I had distractions I knew I was putting the God of the universe and a box but I didn't know how big he was cuz I never trusted him enough to step out and see because I was just keeping all my little safety nuts sure I moved to Nashville but I made sure everything was in order and everything was gonna be all right and my life didn't really have to change that much but after this moment I'm not kidding the next day everything started to shift I let go of my safety net and I knew exactly what those things were cuz the guy was dating it was the agency that I thought I needed but no I really just needed God it was different things that I was saying well this is what the world would say is the right thing to do but that's definitely not what I had peace to do and as I begin to do that God began to blow me away so want to talk to y'all and I want to challenge you with that thought and how are you responding to God it be Here I am it might be I've already walked forward it might be yes god I love you I'm responding to you but is it no limits no distractions I want you to send me are you willing to walk for it and trust them are you willing to let down your safety net are we willing to really respond to God so I started to think about what is that Here I am dot dot dot what's the next phrase for most of us and I came up with something kind of fun anybody do the India Graham okay good not kind of people if you don't know what the India Graham is there's nine different types personality test I love the in agreement we're not really talking about the India Graham but I decided to make nine types of responders to God and this is how we're gonna have this teaching lesson and as we do this it's gonna be fun there's some funny stories or some funny gifts involved but I really want you to think if that's you if this is how you're responding to God let's think about why and let's think about laying that down and actually saying getting to the point of st. here I am no limits no distractions send me so the first one we have it up the first one is the runaways now this is the time that hears the call of God so you really heard him but then you run away from the call of God this is really like Jonah so Jonah we all know he was called by God go to Nineveh he gets his big calling and he's like yep gotta go runs away well what happens to journey we all know he got swallowed by a whale well the Bible says a fish and he was in there for three days until he was like okay Lord you are the god of the universe has this total repentance turning moment and then God ends up using him so the outcome of that is he went back to the call so maybe some of you were like that you've heard you felt called you really feel like you know what you're supposed to do and you just kind of been running away from it because it's really overwhelming you're like yeah no I think I heard you totally wrong got a run but you can't outrun the call God we all know we sing it reckless life he's coming after you he's chasing after you his reckless love nothing can separate you from that reckless love you can't ignore it you can try to ignore it you can try to run from it but it's still there you still know it and let me tell you if you're waiting for peace your pieces on the other side of that obedience you can be in a way scarier situation but if you have peace that surpasses all understanding it don't really matter where you're placed all right the next one let's see what it is this is the proven now this one is very relatable I've actually totally done this before and the funny thing about the nine types is you've probably done a few of them to prove it they typically asked for a sign anybody asks for a sign yep we all have we all been there it says they believe God will use them when he does certain things to prove that he will so this is like Thomas anybody remember Thomas you know Jesus is already resurrected but he and he had shown himself to other people but not yet Thomas and Thomas is sitting there he's like yeah well if God really resurrected I'd have to see the nail-scarred hands then I would believe it and then Jesus comes through a locked door and it's like hey Thomas I want to see something yeah you know like you didn't do it like that Jesus a much more humble and graceful but the point is he proved it Gideon he's like if you do this then I'll believe God did it and so then he went on and did it you know I don't necessarily think we need to ask for a sign Jesus kind of talked about not asking for a sign he said a wicked generation ask for sign I am your sign he talks about that but I will tell you one time I did ask for a sign and God really does always prove it I am ashamed to say I was dating this guy and I knew it wasn't supposed to be with him but I really didn't want to break out with him and I was like oh it's gonna be so terrible is like God just give me a sign if I'm supposed to break out with him no joke that weekend went on a date he ran into a stop sign like ran into it yeah I was like got you you proved it it's true okay we need to end this right now so I'm not saying that he won't respond to his time but I'm just saying we needed God God really is decide his voice is enough but if you actually need it you might legit run into a stop sign okay next the half listeners we might have some in the voting right now maybe that's like me I went to Nashville I halfway listen but then I was like okay now that I'm here I'm just gonna chill in my comfort zone this is the type that here's God's plan and kind of does it but really that's what they want to do in other words it just disobey it's like Adam and Eve they hear the plan they're like cool great don't eat the Apple what do they do eat the dang Apple you know I mean we halfway listen but we didn't really follow through with disobeyed Kings saw a prime example of this he halfway listen he the Lord said hey you're gonna go into this bad I want you to destroy everything about these people well he destroyed almost all of it except for the auxins because those look really nice and some other nice animals and then God was like it's not what I asked and so what happened well they didn't fully obey they didn't get the fullness of God see that's the thing God really is such a good God he's so kind I mean if you don't respond to the call that he has in your life I'm not saying he's gonna strike you down but there is a fullness that we can experience on earth when we follow that call of God like I'm saying I'm not saying in a fullness cuz I think some people misunderstand they're like well life's not going so great I don't have this I don't have this platform I don't have this stage I don't have this amount of money I'm not talking about anything like that I'm talking about the fruit of who he is like that's enough that's better than anything the world has to offer you and that's what you receive when you're walking in the center of the will that he has for for your life so you want to fully listen not because it's a burden to flew listen because it's the best thing that you could possibly do to fully listen because you get the fullness of God all right what's next the who Me's this is probably my favorite one because this gif is hilarious and I feel like I've done that face to God a lot of times it says they don't feel like they are the one for the call God's given them insecurities normally this is Moses like God comes him he actually did the whole Here I am think this is the Here I am and then God's like alright great here you are you're listening I want you to go back to Pharaoh and the immediate Moses is like ooh not me Who am I that I could do that and here Moses is asking God trying to figure out who he is that he could possibly do this and God simply says wait a second it's not about who you are I am Who I am and when Moses gets this revelation it's so didn't ends and Moses literally has this full-on conversation with God gods like drop your staff it turned into a snake pick it back up you're showing a miracles crazy things are happening but it really all boiled down to one thing Moses was there he knew God was real he knew God knew his name he knew God could do miracles but he could not get over the fact that he had a speech problem it's like some of us in here we're like oh yeah we believe in God wholeheartedly yes we know he can do all these amazing things when we worship we feel this presence when we feel called by him all I seen but you know I'm only 17 oh I have a speech problem I'm really not the best at that well I really don't really know what I would do if I was in that and we start to list all the reasons why we're not capable of what God has equipped us to do and so I'm gonna say I feel like I've done that so many times Dahl was calling me to speak and I was like God like I'm terrible on a microphone like if somebody called me out in class to read like the whole popcorn situation that was like the worst day of the year for me I like hated that I would get so nervous because I was not I didn't like that kind of stuff so this is very ironic but I'm telling you when God calls you to something everybody says he equips you for it I can attest he really does the Bible talks about that to pray for that that he would equip you with what you need for those moments and whenever Moses went back with God see that's the difference he went back with God he didn't just go back as Moses he went back with the Father so maybe it's that insecurity that you're holding on to press past it was the next thing the I've got this sir pride is normally the downfall for this time they think their plan is better than God's plan and King Saul I know I mentioned him before but here really is the prime example for this because he literally was like okay yeah I hear your plan but then he disobeyed the plan because he felt like he had this amazing plan to keep all these awesome animals for themselves and sometimes we do that we're like kind of following God's plan but then we see a better situation for ourself and we're like well honey let me just take a little left turn real fast because that would be really appealing that would be really nice and we get off track what God is wanting us to do and it says in the Bible God wish he had never called him and found a new king because here's the important thing to understand when God calls us to something it's for his kingdom purpose it's not for our platform it's not for our financial blessing it's for his kingdom purpose and we don't always understand why he calls us to certain things we won't always understand why he asked us to do certain things because most of the time it's not gonna make worldly sense but its heavens view like when God called Moses Moses was probably like why me I had this speech problem why would you choose me but here God sees that he's the one that pharaoh would listen to cuz he lived in his house for years you see God has this plan and he can see it from a way bigger of you than we can and so we have to trust his plan even when it doesn't make sense and no like without a shadow of a doubt that we will humble ourself to exalt his name and our plan will not be better than his even if you have to remind yourself of that every day remind yourself that's an X that compares this just mostly a girl struggle but I think guys go through this too sometimes he says this person has a call from God but it's normally too distracted thinking other people's calls are better than theirs anybody relate to that you don't have to raise your hand but thank you for those who did because I know people relate to that I mean I think a lot of women definitely do because of Instagram you know you sit around you're like oh god I mean I would totally do anything for kena but I'm not gonna be used like her or I don't have as many followers as her I couldn't really do that because I don't look like this person or this person or had that personality or whatever it is or I whatever it is we could cut with a million things and believe it or not it's actually something the Bible who kind of got distracted by somebody else's call and that's Peter Simon Peter is such a legend and he walks so close with Jesus they were Bros best friends and then we all know right before Jesus was crucified Peter denied Jesus three times well the amazing thing is when Jesus came back Jesus met Simon Peter at the Sea of Galilee and they are catching up and they were having breakfast and all this stuff and Jesus has this amazing moment where he gets to redeem a situation with Peter and ask him three times do you love me Peter was able to say yes you love me Peter it says you love me Peter said yes so there's this whole Redemption here from this denial to this love and then right after like literally right after this amazing moment with Jesus Peter it says turned around and looked back at another disciple and it says it was the one who laid his head on Jesus at the supper table and it says it was the one who beat Simon Peter to the tomb so we know he's already taken notice of who this guy is and it was John and it said that Peter asked Jesus a question he said but what about John what are you gonna do with John like after he had this intentional amazing moment with Jesus instead of just soaking in this moment Peter his response was but what are you gonna do with John's life and it was different than what he was gonna do with Peters and he felt jealous of that from his understanding he thought John was gonna live forever and you know what Peter did by missing that moment he went back to all of his disciples and he told all the other people that John was gonna live forever and that wasn't even true it wasn't even true he literally misunderstood the moment so much said his story became John's outcome maybe and I think we do that sometimes you know we had these amazing moments with Jesus just like this week we're having this amazing time and then we go back to the other people and instead of saying what we experienced which we start talking about another person's drama or gossip and we're missing our testimony and our testimony is the most powerful thing ever because it says sometimes Jesus would visit towns and when he would leave more people would come to know him by the power of the testimony so the hope for a conference like this would be when it's over more people come to Jesus because of y'all's testimony a witness from this place but [Applause] if we're comparing it to others we're too insecure we're too prideful we want our own plan that's not gonna happen but if we can just focus and fix our eyes on our response here I am God with no limits no distractions send me use me whatever way you want to then we can go on and tell our testimonies and truly be used by God and move the city to stay and eventually the world what's the next one the overwhelmed I figured I needed to put a family member in here and he seemed like the best option uh-huh so this type goes in strong the go in super strong to what God has called them to but then quickly gets overwhelmed by the call and wants to quit so this is like Elijah Elijah y'all know this story he was like my God is gonna send fire down on this mountain and he believed in he was such a righteous man and guess what God did like he was in this call I mean amazing things just happened fire just fell from heaven in front of all of these people and like he just got up close and personally proved like God just proved like he is here he is moving he is using Elijah well then right after that lie she gets this word that Jezebel was coming after him and he literally freaked out so much to the point that he runs for his life he's so over owned he's like oh no like I could handle the whole fire thing and believing I was gonna do that but somebody's gonna kill me and he like screams and runs like we do that too we can't go in everything seems exciting everything's going like real okay God we would heard you here we heard you hear there's a success here to says here we see that you're moving on this and there's there's a little observation there's like a hater on Instagram there's a moment where somebody says it's not gonna work really like you're probably right yeah yeah I'm just gonna tap out and we can't do that we can't quit there we get so overwhelmed but listen to how sweet it was but the Lord did in this moment he whispered to Elijah he came and he whispered to him it says that he told Elijah he was gonna meet him on this mountain he wasn't in the fire he wasn't a store he wasn't in any of these big things he actually was just in the simple whisper and I wanted to put that story in there because I wanted to encourage you when you feel overwhelmed you have to draw so near to the Lord that you will hear the whisper don't get distracted by the noise don't get because you will be overwhelmed don't get distracted about how big the the room is or the stage or how big the moment is or the calling is or whatever because if you fix your eyes on God I promise you he's a lot bigger and whatever word he's gonna speak to you is gonna be so sweet and so filled with peace that you're gonna be able to trust him for the next thing guys there have been so many times I felt so overwhelmed this year I spoke at passion I was like so nervous it was I mean I was so humbled to get to even stand in that room and when Louie initially asked me to speak I was like are you sure like I mean there are so many amazing people who could say so many amazing things I know what your speak and they asked me a year in advance and I'm not kidding I prayed every single day and sought the Lord every single day and I felt like I had so many whispers that the stage did not actually overwhelmed by the time I was there and I know that might sound crazy because we were saying you you felt very confident and I actually say I really was but not because I felt capable of that moment at all the reason I felt confident is because I didn't feel capable at all and that's why I knew it had to be God and I think in those moments where you feel overwhelmed sometimes those are the most confident you can be because you can say truly I would not be able to do this and less it is you God and unless your spirit comes through but you have to listen to the whisper because those whispers are gonna keep you confident all right what's the next one the whole look backers this makes me laugh so this is the type that gets really excited about what is gonna do God's gonna do then you're getting stuck in the past they typically struggle with shame and then they get hesitant and not sure if the life God has for them would be better than the one that they have so the only person I was thinking about in this is Lot's wife unfortunately she turned into salt no you're not gonna turn into salt if you look back but I do want to encourage you with this because I feel like we do this too you know we get so far or whatever I feel like God is about to do something big and then we start looking back at all the things that we've done and we start to feel shame and we think can God really use me can God really do something with this story and a lot of the times we stop right there and we go straight back to what we were doing and we convinced herself a why we can't move forward because of our past or we think I don't really know if what God has to offer me is gonna be better than what I'm doing now I'm having a lot of fun party I'm having a lot of fun being the cool person having a lot of fun doing things I just make me feel numb some of us have convinced ourselves that were there and so we'd go back to what we've known after something like this but I would encourage you if you're the first person and you think because of what you've done God can't use you that is like the big I don't even know how that got like so twisted from this to that lie because if you read these stories everybody had a past everybody had something that they had done that you would think would maybe disqualify them if you were looking from a super religious point of view but the greatness the great love of God and what he did through Jesus is there's grace Redemption and there's a moving forward there's like a repentance in a turning point that you literally get to move forward and go on to live a life for Jesus not for your will but for his to be done like the whole story is that and so that's just the biggest twisted lie yes I can use you God used saw God used Peter after denying him God used Moses after being more afraid of his own Security's God use so many people he use prostitutes he used like so many people he used me like you could look at yourself you could look at every preacher anybody if he can use us absolutely 100 percent he can use you he is just that good and then for the second one is the life that God has really gonna be better I mean 1000% I'll just say from my personal experience our family did have a TV show it was successful we were able to go on to do different things I was able to go on a dance with the Stars I was able to do some modeling things do things that the world would think we're really cool and I'm gonna tell you it was really empty and I don't just say that to say that where I am now I say that in a very very real place when I was on Dan Smith stars it was so fun it really was but I was like not in the right place and I had never experienced more anxiety and I'm not gonna say that there were amazing moments there were amazing moments but the comments from people and the hatred I was getting from a very few amount of people in comparison to the it was maybe 1% of a hundred percent of good comments it was really affecting me to the point I got so insecure I started struggling with an eating disorder shortly after and I'm only saying that to tell you the reality of when you walk in the world's weight yes it can look cool yes it can look exciting and at times it can be but it's not filling it will not fill your soul and when you are an influencer and all these people are looking at you if you don't have something to say you feel like a hypocrite and I'm say that in a very real way because I want you to understand the minute I said yeah this is great but there's gotta be something more and found Jesus and started talking about him I've never been more confident in my life I've never had more joy never had more peace never felt more loved now do I still have haters absolutely do they get to me not really because it really doesn't matter people all the time you don't like the number one thing I get is that people hate my voice but you know what how God uses me so if I was to listen to that then I wouldn't be able to be used by God and when I felt hard to do and so you can't let that stop you what I'm saying is everything God has to offer us so much more everything God has to offer is so much more and it's so much more filling and the last one this is the move makers I just had to put Simone biles because she's the goat and we can all look up to her but she this is what I'm saying for this time it's characterized by faith they hear the voice of God and respond and obedience these are the ones that say Here I am God with no limits to who you are with no distractions send me now we see this with the disciples the disciples all responded they dropped everything they had they felt like God we see this would know it would Joseph Joshua David Ananias who literally got called to go lay hands and pray for Saul the guy who used to persecute Christians and he did we see knew this through so many people in the Bible go read Hebrews 11 and the most famous we see this with Jesus these are all people that move by the Spirit of God the hand of God was on them and so I want to encourage you with that was saying if you read the Bible you're gonna see all the nine types and you're also going to see all those other eight and those are some of the ones that became the move makers so does it matter if you've been the one that's been in insecurity if you've been the one that's dealing with pride even the one that's dealing with the shame of the past everybody by the end of today can become the one that says here I am God no limits no distractions and your tomorrow will look a whole lot different so I thought of three pieces of advice I wanted to leave y'all with just based on things that I walked through in my life because I just wanted this to be so personal and the reason being is because events like this when I was here last year it got me so excited because it was so similar to where I was at and I know the impact these things can make when you actually listen and you actually respond because I would not be here if I wasn't in this type of room writing the things I was I'll never forget the journal that I had in this room I still have it it was the first time I ever wrote in a journal maybe I could do like a tour or something and maybe I could just start traveling around and speaking to people about Jesus and we could call it live original and now years later we've done three tours written books and all these things but it started responding to God in a room just like this while I was worshiping I was hearing the Lord people were praying when I was coming up and responding these rooms matter but it's what you do from here that really matters and so the three things that I thought over these things you will probably feel called before you feel ready some of you are feeling called to do things right now and you really don't feel ready to do them let me encourage you by this when I started getting asked to speak places I told you I didn't feel like I was capable of speaking let me tell you I actually who was it when I showed out to the first place I was gonna speak this is me okay I'm just gonna do it I kid you not I was supposed to speak for 30 minutes I spoke for five and the people asked for their money back that is not a joke literally they asked for their money back and guess what that happened twice two times places asked for their money back after I left from speaking when I first started because I was really that nervous and I would get up there and I would totally freeze and I would be like God loves you oh gosh your goodbyes like I was awkward as all get-out but doing this the good Lord used me during that and training me to humble myself and that gosh I was gonna get humble no matter what but just to keep saying yes keep saying yes if you fall get back up you know what there's like a proven fact that if you fall in front of people you get back out like 10 times faster very true I fell in front of a lot of people it get up faster you learn faster I've been in the spotlight since I was 13 years old I've had a lot of fails but man God is so graceful and he keeps picking me back up with him and teaching me as we go and now I can sit here and be confident to talk to y'all freely and you know just flow and talk about whatever because I'm so confident how he his word you know and so you you train you train with him he teaches you don't just respond one time you respond every single day and so I want to encourage you about that if you don't feel ready for what you're called to you're in a lot of good company and you got to start somewhere and it's okay to start now even when you're this young because think about it if you start now how awesome won't you be whenever you're 40 50 60 you know don't wait till you're then started doing it now okay what's the next one you will most likely have a revelation of what you feel like God wants you to do before you have a realization of what he's actually going to do now I know this is a mouthful but the other day I felt like this was so specific the Lord spoke to me as I was journaling for this event and I say this because a revelation is something that like all the sudden you're just aware of your life huh feel like I'm supposed to do this and then a realization is like an actual fact of what's happening when I had a revelation of what I felt like I always want me to do I'm sitting here and I'm like I feel like God maybe wants me to go on to where I'm gonna speak to people maybe I'll call it live original I don't really know like I never thought until I was standing in those rooms I had a realization that he was actually gonna do it like I never thought it was gonna be what it was gonna be at the time yes we had a following but not like I do now I didn't know the place I would have never thought I was faking it passion I would never thought I would speak here I would never thought I'd go on to do this but that revelation was strong enough for me to say I needed to start tapping into that and I didn't start training I need to start learning I need a start reading Scripture I'm gonna stop listening to other music Ellison to stop watching shows i watch because I need to saturate myself in the Word of God I wouldn't know the stories I know today had I not done that years ago when I felt a revelation before I had a realization just like Noah Noah had a revelation who I needed a built-in Ark the Lord told him that but he couldn't have possibly had a realization of what that actually meant until rain came but thank God he started building an ark and responding to God from the revelation before the realization came and he didn't have anything to go on we have to listen and pay attention to that relation and start asking God teach me what I'm supposed to do with this before I get to the moment where I'm gonna need to actually be confident interesting what you're gonna do through it the last one this is so important the majority the time spent walking out the call will be in private I think a lot of people think you know my life with the Lord has mostly lived out public oh no maybe 5% it has to be private if you want it whatever whatever you're doing in private it will come out in public ask my dad the other day I said what advice would you give for people who are wanting to go into becoming like a celebrity or any kind of Fame and he said I would tell them first of all you really need to think about it before you do it he said but I would tell them this I'd say whoever you are now you will just be a magnified version of yourself in public so if you're greedy if you're selfish if you're angry if you're jealous whatever you are you will be a magnified on TV version of that because you can't really hide who you are and so if privately if you're soaking in this word and reading this word and studying this word and worshipping the Lord and listening to the Lord and journaling with the Lord and sitting and hearing the whisper of God then publicly that is the only thing that's gonna be able to flow out of your lips because that's what's within you and what's within you from the heart will be the overflow of life but if you're not and you expect to just know it all and be it all whenever you get on the platform it just won't happen and so I encourage you study pray respond but don't wait to respond just in public spaces respond today but then respond in the private moments every single day when you wake up and so I want to end this and I just wanna pray and I know this is such a casual talk it was learning my story to you what I've seen God do and hopefully that encouraged you to say yes to the call that he has done and that he's calling you in your own life but I want to pray and I want us to give it a mo to respond does it pray I just want everybody to bow their heads and close your eyes and let's just have a moment where we can actually take some time to respond the first response I want to pray for simply the one we talked about and some of you might have already done this this week you don't have to raise your hand if you already feel it you'd respond to God I only want you to raise your hand if you truly feel like I've actually never responded to the original call of God just to believe that Jesus is the Son of God who came to die on the cross to forgive me of my sins he was resurrected and now his spirit can live in me if you've never responded to the gospel of Jesus Christ today I just want to give you a moment to do that because that is the first response before you will ever respond to the Spirit of God so if that's you today raise your hand amazing hands all around at this moment I just want you to take some time and I'll just lead you in a prayer but really pray your own prayer just say Jesus thank you for coming and dying on the cross thank you for forgiving my sin god I thank you for being a God of love that would send your son to die for me God today I lay down my life my will my agenda and I want to live for you and you alone God or send your spirit into my heart and what I learned to obey it every day for those who responded that we're gonna celebrate you in a minute but now everybody keep your heads bowed and your eyes closed some of you have felt a specific call that God's called you to it I don't know what type you were how your response has been maybe it's been fear maybe it's been shame maybe it's been the past shame no I don't know what it's been maybe it's been doubt but today you're like actually I'm laying all that aside and today I want to respond here I am God with no more limits to who you are with no more distractions around me from who you are send to me if that's here today I just want you to raise your hand amazing you can put your hands down and I'm gonna pray over everybody today but I just want you to know if that's you and you raise your hand everything should change obedience has to start rising up and let God teach you ask God for the faith to believe what he's gonna do ask God how to obey His Word ask God to convict you of your righteousness pray the hard prayers because when he sends you be ready to take a step god I thank you so much for what you're doing in this room god I thank you so much for the responses god I thank you that all of these people are saying I believe you I'm responding to you I want to walk with you and god I pray that your spirit would meet them right where they're at God God I thank you that there is never gonna be another day that they can believe the lie that they're alone that they're not loved they're not cherished because God you have a plan for them and I know you're walking with them lord I pray that Hebrews 10:35 or than if they would not forget the confident trust so they have in you for that will be richly rewarded God and I pray that the moments that they get to the places that you're calling to go that that confident trust would rise up in the moment for them to continue to follow through and obey the will that you have in their life god I pray through this response that we would begin to see Kingdom on earth God I pray through this response that after this event more people would come to know the name of Jesus Christ because of the testimonies they'll walk out of this room god I pray that this here I am the sin actually is sent and there are move makers God Lord I know we pray for the move of God but I strongly believe we are the move and so god I pray that we would move we would be sent we would activate faith among our generation among the world god I pray that whenever we have kids that they wouldn't know our generation as this anxious generation this depressed generation this selfie generation but they would know the generation of a generation who turned to You God and who believed that you had more for us and then your fullness came so God I pray that that would be what we're known for because of these people in this room living that out god I pray over tonight I think you've heard Jimmy and his message that he's gonna preach and God I just pray that you would by your spirit flow through him go through the worship and continue to activate responses throughout tonight and tomorrow's church God we love you we praise you and we celebrate all of these responses towards your name and your name we pray amen amen [Applause]
Channel: Sadie Robertson Huff
Views: 490,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the call of god, the call of god on your life, sadie robertson, love is red, love is red 2020, love is red conference, Responding to the Call of God, god, jesus christ, holy spirit, sadie robertson preaching, sadie robertson sermon, sadie robertson message, duck dynasty, sadie robertson huff, sadie rob, sadie roberts, dancing with the stars, dwts, sadie robertson dwts, sadie robertson duck dynasty, sadie and christian, christian messages, christian sermons, live original
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 54sec (2934 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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