A Sadie Robertson Interview: How to be Confident | Church Unlimited

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what is up church unlimited wow great to have you  guys here thanks so much for joining us i want   to say a quick hello to all of our campuses all  those people who are watching online as well as   well as our god behind bars guys let's give it up  for those guys too grateful for you guys as well   what a great crowd thanks guys for showing up  it's so good i'm so honored that you guys came   to see me wow what an honor to have you guys  here well listen we're so excited we have an   incredible special guest here we're so fired up i  have so much to ask her i want to get right to it   so let's give a warm welcome right now  to sadie robertson huff come on up sadie gonna do this all right have a seat hello hello oh  man this is so great to have you here we're just   honored to have the duck dynasty princess in the  house wow thank you thank you right and so it is   great to have you here we were already talking  backstage about how you're going to go crawdad   fishing i believe it was in florida you're talking  about that i mean all kinds of stuff so yep so   it's real i mean it's real like you're fully like  indoctrinated louisiana all the way it's reality   tv i love it it's so good it's so good it really  is real though it's great i love having you here   it's such an honor i want to just first of all say  first of all you know so many people right now are   canceling events we felt really called just to do  what we do to do church even with kobe because i   just you know last time i checked the bible says  the church will prevail and the gates of hell   will prevail against you so we're going to have  church so here we are and we reached out and just   said to your team and said hey is sadie still open  and you guys didn't back off one big oh no we're   coming we got that date set are you all so open  we were so excited because of like the whole year   i was supposed to do events every single week  and this was the only event of the whole year   that stayed open with the crowd so that is pretty  awesome that's pretty awesome i love it love it   love it we'll say there's so much i have to ask  you so i'm going to dive right in i've already   been digging in your book which is really great by  the way thank you thank you great stuff i'm sure   it's doing well and uh you got to pick up a copy  you don't have a copy i'm going to show you right   now it's called live and so it's a derivative all  the names of your books have the word live in them   i love that and so great read really really  powerful stuff and so now before i start asking   some questions about that though i just want  you to back up and just tell us when did you   become a christ follower when did that happen  for you yeah so i always grew up in a christian   family my parents are christians i went to church  but um for me whenever i kind of came to my own   relationship with the lord i was 13. i actually  um used to play basketball pretty competitively   and so i went overseas to play in austria and  whenever i was playing over there you know   i my family couldn't afford to go with me so i was  the only one i you know raised money to go and so   super excited and i get over there and i just did  not know like how sheltered i had been you know i   live in a christian home my town is just like  everybody i knew was a christian and i remember   praying to god like give me one person who doesn't  believe so i can just like preach to them like i   remember thinking that like 13. and i go over to  austria and i didn't know like nobody there was   gonna be a christian like they were just shocked  i remember my roommate her last name was lazarus   and i was like that's so cool she was like why  and i told her and she was like you didn't even   know the story so i was like wow this is my place  um and i just realized over there that i love the   lord that i really wanted to follow him so came  back got baptized my dad baptized me um but it   really wasn't until 17 that i really took my face  super seriously and that's whenever i kind of say   i've really started following jesus you know  in the bible whenever jesus would walk up to   disciples like they would drop everything and  they would follow him and i feel like whenever   i was younger i followed him but i didn't like  drop everything and i feel like when i was 17   that was more of my like drop everything i'm  following you more serious i love it i love it now i'm going to dig into that in a minute because   i have all kinds of questions  about your faith and all that   but you know you've had a big event happen in  the last say about 10 months sure enough dude i say christian why don't you at least take  a couple of steps up so we can get you in   the light you can wave your husband is with  you right now he's a cutie so coming up here   this is the man right here i like that around the  world babe christian do your friends just say dude   you pulled off sadie robertson like did they kind  of you know say that to you at the beginning i bet   they did yeah okay so how did that happen because  we got a lot of young people who are looking for   that person in their life and so how'd that  happen for you guys and what lessons can we   learn from that yeah i was kind of joking with  them back there they asked me how i met christian   i said well it's kind of funny the day before i  met christian i had just broken up with somebody   and i was so done with dating i made a very  dramatic statement to all my friends i was like   i'm done with this like i am taking six months  to just be with the lord and not date anybody   and so they're like can i get that on camera and  i'm like yes record me so they filmed me say this   and the next day i see christian on the beach  and i turned around and i said delete the video i was like oh gosh but we were talking about how  that is really a thing like it seems like a lot of   people whenever you finally are like okay i'm done  with the search god i just want to be with you now   it's like when you finally surrender that  um even desperation for a relationship   i think that's sometimes whenever god puts  the right person because even me just saying   that slowed me down a lot to actually just get to  know christian as a person and him get to know me   without the whole like oh are we going to date  what are we talking about with this we're just   like you're a great person and you make me  better and then all of a sudden we were dating   you know wow that's great it's so it's such a  good insight you were saying backstage about how   everyone i know who said i'm only gonna i'm  just gonna date god for a year or whatever   time frame you attach on the dilemma they always  face is that they're like i don't know what to   do i'm nine months in and i met this amazing  person i'm like what a great dilemma to have   yeah so so you're saying the surrender was  the difference maker like you're saying   when you're done that means jesus can pick  it up from there for sure and i'll say like   i was in this pattern where i was just dating and  dating and dating the next person i was just like   searching for this relationship and my parents  got married young my brother got married young   and i so wanted that to be my life that i just  like wanted to date somebody but i wasn't really   actually looking to go out and say like who do  you have for me i wasn't surrendering that and   slowing down i was trying to do it like in my  own my own will my own way my own timing and so   that really was a huge surrender it's funny that  i met him the next day and we kind of joke about   it but it really was a significant moment with  my friend saying like i see the pattern i'm on   and i'm laying that down because i really  want what the lord has for me and then   the lord brought him really fast yeah well you  said too that you met but then how long was it   when you met to the first date yeah it was really  funny so very shortly after christian asked me on   a date it was like in july and he said what  weekend works for you and i said how about   september the 10th and he said it's july and i  said exactly i was like i need some time like   i don't want to rush into it because that's what  i've been doing i just rushed it and in those two   months we talked all the time on the phone and we  really got to just know each other and we did not   flirt we did not act like we were dating we did  not and nothing like that we literally taught   and it was so fun because it was like this is  a book i read this is a sermon i'm listening to   you should read this you should listen to  this this is what god's really speaking to me   as i'm reading this chapter of the bible and so  we actually got like really quality conversation   then our first date we had already set the  tone for what our relationship was going to be   which was really special i hope a lot of people  are taking notes right this right now if you're   young and single it's it's brilliant stuff and  it's great to see the obvious foundation that you   that you both have so okay here's i want to keep  going i've got so many things to ask you uh so   many young people right now you sadie you you've  really captured the attention of a generation   and unfortunately right now most girls your  age that are trying to capture attention of   a generation are doing all the wrong things to do  it and so you are as my wife would say a unicorn   you're very rare in the way that you you know you  you have attracted followers by your innocence by   your purity by your moral stance by your godliness  it's incredible that you do that so my question   for you is so many young people are are desiring  to be famous now what would you say to that person   who's desiring that that's a great question yeah  i see that a lot you know i think people need   to understand what it means to be famous it just  means simply that a lot of people know about you   you know that you're known by a lot of people and  i think you really need to think about that you   know like who you are right now you're going to be  the same person when you're famous but now a lot   of people know about you you're going to face the  same insecurities you're gonna face the same fears   it might even be magnified and you know it might  even be expedited because you have thousands and   millions of people talking about what they think  about you so sometimes that insecurity can raise   even higher and so i think people have this idea  what fame looks like but it's really just who   you are with a lot of people knowing you and so  it doesn't add anything to your life it doesn't   really add value to your life unless you use it  for something so i see a lot of people wanting   to be influencers and i always encourage  people instead of being just an influencer   try to be a leader like think about like think  about what you're saying like think about the   person that you are and what you're influencing  people to do and the kind of leadership that   you're gonna have because it really matters and i  just remember whenever fame kind of took on for my   family and whenever i went out to dance with the  stars and that's kind of whenever my life changed   i got offered anything the world could offer you  out there in la and i just remember looking at the   outcome that i have for most people and thinking  i don't want that outcome for my life and then   i would look at the bible and i would look at  the truth of god's word and the outcome that   the promises of god had and i'm like which do you  want you know clearly this is a much better option   and so i just realized there's the truth of  the word and there's a way of the world that   kind of makes you lose yourself and there's a  place where you can really find your identity   so i took this route and then i really started to  think about leading and you know i think that's   not just something that hit me whenever i was  17 and fame hit me my grandma used to say to me   every single day before school be a good leader  and example today and i still hear that like be   a good leader and example today and i think girls  and guys too we shouldn't just strive to be famous   again we need to strive to be those good leaders  and examples because the world really needs that   and that makes a difference i remember whenever  i was 17 right after dance with the stars and   i just remember asking the lord like what am i  supposed to do with this and i remember telling   the lord i think you chose the wrong person like  i specifically remember telling him that because i   was like i think like a lot of girls would really  want to be famous but this like really scares   me and i don't really know what to do with this  because people would say like oh you're gonna end   up like this person you're gonna end up like this  person no reality tv star you know stays in their   faith and that like scared me i was like well i  don't want to do that i don't want to go crazy   and i remember looking at my mom and saying if i  show signs of crazy locked me in a basement like i   was like do not let me do that but seriously i was  so afraid of that and i was so afraid of people   just knowing what i looked like and all the things  and so i had this prayer with god and i remember   the lord just speaking the sweetest thing over my  life and it wasn't audible i didn't hear the lord   say it but i just felt it and i knew it was just a  word and he just said just be a good sister and a   friend don't think about the fame just be a good  sister and a friend to people and so now through   instagram podcasts blogs my whole like foundation  is just i'm just gonna be a really good sister and   a friend of people and what i would do and being a  good sister and a friend is to be vulnerable with   them i would be honest with them i would not  point them to all of their fleshly desires but   i would point them to the truth of god's word  just like i do for my own sisters and friends   and so it keeps me you know rooted in what  i know i'm doing and not trying to reach for   everything that the world is tempting me to do  that makes sense that's impressive that's so good   wow so you know it's funny you mentioned dance  with the stars so your dad this is hilarious your   dad approved every outfit you wore he sure enough  did so i can only imagine how many outfits that   most of you must have gone through to get him to  say well he didn't think i was gonna make it the   whole way i mean i remember him saying like try  to make it to week three so you're not the first   to get out and i was like i'll try thanks for the  confidence dad right hey i i kind of was shocked   myself so no offense well you did great but you're  right i can only imagine what's been thrown at you   you know the opportunities that the world's  done and i will tell you to say you know i   went back and i watched it you know back when  it first began but i went back in the last you   know month i've been watching some older episodes  again just to remind me the show and i again i was   shocked at how vocal your parents are in their  faith uh i mean even crazy psy is vocal in this   faith crazy is he really that crazy by the  way he's way crazier oh wow you all have like   23 minutes with him this is a lifetime uncle i  remember it's actually kind of funny everybody   loves uncle sai but i mean we all have the weird  uncle right you know and i remember like growing   up we just he was like so strange you know we  would just literally watch him and just be like   he is so strange and then he like became the most  famous of all of us we're like how did that happen   i'm not gonna lie he's hilarious oh he is  hilarious so he is that funny all the time okay   yeah he really is but you know i loved i loved  it because at the end of every episode i was just   i was the first one i saw that i was like there's  no way this is an accident no wait did just the   boldness to stop and pray and at the end of the  prayer to say in jesus name amen i mean i just   have to say first of all hats off thank you to  your whole family for sticking to your faith it's   incredible so i want to ask you and i don't we're  not trying to run anyone down but i mean these   networks are not exactly christian networks so how  there had to be some battles with that what was   that like with crew with executives there had to  be some battles that your mother and your father   and your grandfather and you have fought for sure  yeah there was a lot i remember specifically the   in jesus name thing so um whenever the show first  started you know you film for like a week and then   they pick 20 minutes of the week that you filmed  the one episode and so you really don't know what   they're gonna pick and honestly the prayer wasn't  like and it wasn't supposed to happen we literally   just sat down for a meal and we prayed because we  always pray and so we asked them you know when you   put that on they put it on and then we started  noticing that in every single episode they would   take out in jesus name at the beginning and my  grandpa seriously told them if you keep taking out   jesus name we're not gonna do this show like he  was so mad and then they were like well you know   defensive all the whole thing and then he said  well it's really important to us that you put in   jesus name and so seriously we're not gonna  do this show if you don't put in jesus name   so i remember this whole thing was happening  all week they were talking back and forth and so   i'm very glad i was there for this dinner scene  because it was a moment i will never forget we all   circle around the table and i mean melmo came  pillow phil's house is very small it's like a   double-wide trailer pretty much on a high-rise and  so we were all around this table but there's like   tons of film crew like all around us so there's  cameras everywhere and we're just sitting there   praying and then i remember paul phil said  lord and he always says creator of the cosmos   and he said i pray for these starbucks  drinking i remember that's how it started   and then he said guppy people in hollywood  who keep taken out in jesus name yes and then   he proceeds to say in jesus name in  jesus name in my jesus name i pray amen that happened and i remember  all like holding hands rolling   so you're like this is the last show this is  the last oh yeah it was a good ride season one   very short-lived um but no but they put it and you  know what i will say like people clap for us to we   always say thank you so much for those who watch  and support it because seriously hollywood was   so blown away about how much people supported that  because it was shocking because they've never done   that they don't put in jesus name for a reason  because most of the time it doesn't go well they   don't put kids respecting parents because people  don't watch that i mean i remember that was a big   thing too they don't put whenever couples actually  get along because where's the drama where's the   fun and so when we had more ratings than every  other show they listened and i just think that's   a really good lesson for the church to learn  that actually hollywood can be influenced by   the church when the church is loud about their  faith and so i'm like don't be quiet about that   support people i think sometimes as a church we  tear down you know people who are christians who   become famous they're like oh they're about to  lose it they're about to do this but if instead   we champion them and tear them on like it would  make a huge difference like we saw it firsthand   well you guys are staying towed the line  and thank you for that that's incredible   because it does inspire all of us it really does  including your crazy uncle and so yes now okay   i want to dig into the book there's so much good  stuff here and again i want to encourage you guys   to get her books are really great but i actually  uh was blown away the very first thing you covered   was depression and suicide and uh and i'm so  thankful you did i don't even think you knew   at the time because we didn't know coveted  was going to happen right i mean you had a   book tour coming up and all this so that's the  first thing you cover and you know right now   it is the second leading uh killer of young people  is suicide and so you address it directly and so   i just want to ask you this question this is  we're living in unprecedented times people are   depressed young people are very depressed and and  sometimes even suicidal is there a time you just   openly said hey i'm going to be a sister so would  you just right now be a sister to someone right   now who's really having a tough time because this  is reality i mean we're having fun up here but   not everyone's having a good time yeah so what do  you say to the person like when were you in the   dark spot and what do you do to get out of that  yeah that's great um i'll kind of make a round   way to go to go to that because i think it is  really interesting that i wrote the book about liv   and about life and i immediately addressed  suicide that was very intentional because i   actually was writing a book called live united  that was the book that i had signed to write i   had started writing it was about unity and you  know dropping the comparison to and champion   relationships and then then i found out that  suicide was the second leading death of young   people and then one of my friends um husbands  committed suicide and i was like devastated and   i just thought i need to scratch this book like  i need to write a book right now about choosing   life and celebrating life and um i did not know  what i was gonna write about honestly i was like   i hadn't personally struggled with that  i've struggled with deep anxiety but i   never struggled with the depression side i  never struggled with the suicidal thoughts   and so at first i felt really unequipped to write  about this but i was like god okay you're gonna   give me the words like you are the creator  of life and he who your spirit lives of the   yes the cosmos so god like i know i can write  this and so this was like the hardest book to   write because every word was like really searched  for but everywhere was so intentional i know that   our tongue holds the power of life and death and  so i knew this would bring life to people and this   is such a crazy story so it was my final night of  writing the book my book was due the next day and   i was like up it was like i was way too late to  finish this book our procrastination i really   actually wasn't procrastinating it was just so  hard to write and so it was like literally two in   the morning i'm writing as fast as i can i'm like  i gotta finish this book tomorrow's the deadline   and i really just felt in my spirit that i needed  to go check my instagram messages which i know   sounds funny but i don't read my instagram  messages like ever because people are crazy   and some of you are very kind but people are  crazy and so i just trust the lord that i'll   meet the people i'm supposed to meet so i don't  really check my dm box and so i just felt like   i was supposed to so i'm right and then i'm like i  just keep feeling this in my spirit something okay   i'll just go look so i go look and literally  this girl had posted a sermon that night about   the prodigal son and i talk about the prodigal  son in the book that's kind of where i go off up   because the prodigal son of course leaves home  his inheritance and he reaches this point where it   says he's at the brink of death and i think that  that's where a lot of young people are where they   get to that point of hopelessness they feel like  they wasted their life they feel like they don't   matter anymore and they are at the brink of death  and you have this decision do i follow through   or do i repent and turn in the direction of god  and literally go back to my home my inheritance   and so i was like this is where i'm going to  go off of so i post this message and meanwhile   i'm right in the book and i see this girl at  the top of the page and she said hey sadie   i just wanted to let you know that i just watched  your sermon on the prodigal son and it was amazing   and i'm about to commit suicide she said i'm  going to follow through with it but i wanted   you to know before i did that you changed my  life and i start typing as fast as i can back um   i hope i'm not too late are you still there i  would love to talk to you and she responds i'm   literally sitting here with pills in one  hand and a note in the other and my phone   rang and i went and checked and i  can't believe that you dm me back   and we start chatting and i tell her i'm writing  this book and i say i'm just like there's no way   this is by accident that we are having this  conversation and she didn't she didn't commit   suicide she chose life and we've kept up with her  and so i say that because god is so intentional   i mean even writing this seeing the miracle like  that was a miracle that that girl chose life   and so if you are here and you are struggling  with that you're not alone and you're not crazy   for feeling those feelings the world is dark right  now it's scary and you might have made decisions   in your life that have made you feel like i'm  not worth living but that is so contrary to what   god would say about you even right now in the  way that you're feeling god literally breathed   life into you for a reason and i always say this  god is not shocked that you're alive right now   obviously you know like he knit you together in  your mother's womb who knew you before he formed   you like he knows your beginning and he knows  you're in so he's not surprised that you're living   he's not disappointed that you're living he's  proud that you're living he loves you and so i   always just say life is not only worth living but  it's also worth celebrating and so this book i try   to get people to the point of believing that  people always said like when this whole start   this whole thing started they said so do you feel  like it was kind of funny that your book came out   called live an exciting and fulfilling life during  the quarantine i say i know that is funny but   no this is exactly the time i would want this  book to come out because it is in the time when   people don't think it's worth living and we're  celebrating that i want them to know that god   still has your life worth living and still  it's worth the celebration that's so good so before i put a period there i wanted to say for  those of you who have been looking for a sign from   god you just got your sign from god that's your  sign life is worth living don't give up don't give   up let me just say this real quick too you know  your parents are obviously amazing people and um   i told you because you had honor meet your mom  just real briefly one time in an airport um and   your your dad i just i love their obvious faith  i know they get that from their parents as well   which is incredible but i just have to say you  know you have faced unprecedented opportunity   but also unprecedented temptation to easily be  conformed to the world so i got to just ask you   what did your parents do different because so  many like you said so many young christian kids   growing up in the hollywood or in the famed  stream kind of just wreck i mean just just   you know unravel what in the world do willie and  corey do right mom and dad do differently with   you guys to keep you from doing that it's awesome  yeah my parents are amazing um they're the best i   will say they're not perfect and they would never  want me to come up here and act like they were   but i think that's actually the beauty to them  is that they never tried to be and they were very   relatable to us and very real with us throughout  the whole process of the show but i remember my   mom said something to us and she would always  respond to this when people would ask they would   say like how did y'all decide to you know keep the  faith whenever you stepped into hollywood or how   would you decide to become a christian you know in  hollywood and my mom would say i never decided to   become a christian in hollywood i decided that way  long ago and she would tell us she was like you   don't get to she's like when you make a decision  to follow jesus that should not come as a decision   that's like dependent on if you get famous or  dependent on if you get this job position or   depending on if you get into this relationship  if you're a follower of jesus that is your first   priority and commitment and so she's like i think  people it's so weird because they're like you   know you're a follower of jesus but then how did  you decide in hollywood it's like no if you're a   follower jesus and you get the opportunity to go  to hollywood then you better still be a follower   of jesus and be confident in that you know  that because that's your relationship that's   what you're committed to just like a marriage you  know it's like if i'm committed to christian then   if something happens i'm not just like oh well  now i can do this no i committed to him for a   lifetime it's the same with god stand with the  bible and they were never they never shied away   from their faith no matter what situation they got  into i saw them on some of the biggest platforms   the biggest stages but i also saw them with one  person in our home and they were never different   and i think that was something that spoke really  loudly to me as a kid that i saw the same people   on stage as i did in my house and that's huge the  consistency was really huge because i knew their   faith was real so the private robertson family  is the same as the public robertson family yeah   that's beautiful i love it and i think it's such  a challenge for all of us to just what you just   said is keep your commitment you committed to god  keep keep it i want to read this this is so good   your mother said this in the introduction to your  book it's really powerful she said this about you   she doesn't listen to the haters or  let the opinions of others define her   she listens hard to those who love her and is  always eager to learn she seeks the wisdom of   those before her and passes on what she  has learned to those coming up behind her   my favorite part she says she listens hard to  those who love her you know some young people   are listening to everyone they don't even  know and ignoring those that do know them   so what would you say that young person who maybe  is balking they're saying i don't want to listen   to this i don't want to have to submit to  this authority i don't want to have to do   what would you say to that person i mean i  think a question would be asked is like well   how do you want your life to turn out you know  and i think that's kind of the question i asked   myself i talked about whenever i saw fame how do  i really want my life to turn out how do i want to   live my life because i can take this route and  there will be temporary moments of highs and joys   of success but that's not ultimately what my life  but i care about that's not whenever at the end   of my life i don't want to be known for being the  most famous person or for doing this or doing that   like i want to be known for following jesus and  a girl like on instagram that night where i get   the opportunity to change her life for the gospel  like those are the things i want to be known for   so i think about that with people you  know especially young people you know they   look at tick tock all day long and then you don't  realize it but it affects how you dress and it   affects how you act and they look at instagram  all day long and they're wondering why they're   insecure and why they're so anxious and why they  feel lonely they're looking at twitter and they   wonder why they feel so filled with anger and hate  and i'm like because that's what you're looking   at all day long and if you think about not being  conformed by the world the bible even talks about   that don't be conformed by the pattern of this  world but be transformed by the renewal of your   mind then you will be able to test and improve  god's will so when you think about that in life   okay if i'm not going to be conformed to  the pattern of this world then i can't   follow the pattern of this world 24 7. i can't  read it 24 7. i can't look at it 24 7. if i'm   going to be transformed by the renewal of my mind  then i need to stop listening to the world and   i need to listen to the voices of god i need to  listen to the voice of my parents and my friends and i'm not like 50 years old tell you this  i'm 23. like i just i'm walking this with you   guys i just walked through high school i just  walked through the years that i would have gone   to college you know i feel the same things you  feel and i've done the same things i've looked   at it all day i've you know immersed myself in it  and i've seen how it makes me feel and that's not   how i want to feel you know and then i put it  down and i read the word and i'm like wow i'm   so confident in who god made me to be you know and  i'm like that's not that's just what the word even   promises you know it's not that big of a surprise  so you said the word you said the word confident   tell us your favorite verse my favorite verse is  hebrews 10 35 it says so then do not forget the   confident trust that you have in the lord for  that will be richly rewarded and i have stuck   with that verse since literally i remember when  i wrote it on my board it was january 16 2012   so it's been quite a hot minute since i first  read that verse i remember i was in eighth grade   and i wanted to be confident so bad because  everybody's like you need to be confident in   who you are and i'm in eighth grade and i'm like  how in the world am i supposed to be confident who   i am like i had the braces with the like band  going this way like it was not cute okay i was   not looking good in eighth grade my mom would  not let me wax my eyebrows it was rough okay so   i did not know how i was about to be confident and  so i just remember googling a verse on confidence   and what i really wanted to find is just something  that god would just be like you should just be   confident because i made you awesome and that is  not what i found actually um i found do not forget   the confident trust that you have in the lord  for that will be richly rewarded and i remember   it like literally like shocked me because i was  like i don't have to be confident in myself this   is amazing i don't have to be confident myself i  get to be confident in who god is and that will   be richly rewarded because when i stop actually  thinking about myself and i think about my creator   i become really confident in what he's gonna do  and it changed every bit about how i think and i'm   so glad i read that in eighth grade because had i  had not gotten that in my mind and gone into being   a celebrity if you will or having a following  and listening to the critics or seeing the things   people say about me it would have crushed me if  i tried to do it in my own self i mean it doesn't   matter how good you think you are people will  crush you you know like people will always have   an opinion you can look at my instagram and on  the same post on the same post you will see five   people say you're so beautiful and five people  say you're the ugliest person i've ever seen   i mean it's just that's just the way the world  is and so if you let your confidence dependent   on what the world said you would be like this but  i am so confident in who god is and i'm so glad   because he is the alpha and omega and he never  changes so it doesn't go like this good so good   ah you're you're you know you've grown up with  this amazing family and um we're starting a series   next week called fight for your family i keep  hearing about people fighting in their family we   need to be fighting for our family and so in that  can you just tell i know i'm putting you in a spot   what can you tell me a time when you're family  maybe not with a network maybe just whatever   to where you've seen your family fight for  your family whether it's your parents or your   grandpa or whoever your grandma when you've seen  your family fight for one another yeah for sure   i've seen it a lot i mean just like i said on  instagram you know you post a picture and you   get five comments of great and five comments of  just terrible it's the same way with even press   and different things um and it's also the same way  if you don't have press you have moments in life   where things are good and you have moments in life  where things are bad you have moments where you're   winning and you haven't been you're losing and  you have moments when you're on fire over your   faith and then sometimes you just fail and you  know of course with a big family you get that   a lot because everybody's in a different day  everybody's going through a different thing but   i've consistently seen my family fight for a  family over and over and over again and the way i   see that is like this like when something happens  whether it's public or private every single time   my family has like a get-together if something  goes wrong and i love that and i do think that   that is intentionally fighting for our family  because we don't let time pass without hearing   what actually happened or hearing the truth of  what actually happened so that we can defend   each other i remember even whenever and i'll take  it to press because that's just an obvious thing   when the biggest things would come out about  my family because sometimes things would come   out before we would even know and we'd find  out on twitter or we'd find out on the news   and that is really weird and i remember my mom  would be like alright everybody come together   and we would hear the person out as to what  happened or what they were going through and let   truth reign and if they didn't know truth  yet somebody would speak truth over them   i think about my mom even in that with me and  i'll kind of go back to even a question you   asked what were practical things when you're in  a hard time because i remember a practical thing   for me was asking questions to people around me  i remember whenever i was in like the depth of my   like anxiety i was just like having panic attacks  left and right and just saying no to everything i   really should have been saying yes to because i  was so scared and i remember i wasn't taking the   time to learn truth but i was but i was talking to  my family about it and i remember my mom took the   time to learn so many verses on not being afraid  so that every time i came to her and i would be in   a panic she would literally recite do not fear for  i am with you do not be dismayed for i am thy god   i will strengthen you i will uphold you on my  righteous right hand from isaiah and i didn't   know that verse of the time but here i am to  y'all reciting it because my mom took the time   to learn it and speak it over me and so practical  things is find people in your life who speak truth   over you whenever you don't know truth or  whenever you can't speak it over yourself   and the moments where you fight with your family  you fight for your family is when somebody needs   to hear truth speak it over them but you have to  come together to be able to do that i think the   temptation that's so good i think the temptation  whenever something bad happens is you get so mad   you don't want to talk you don't want to show up  you just want to run away but that just creates   distance and that just creates hurt but whenever  you come together there's amazing things that can   happen and i've seen my family do that over and  over and over again i love old school get the   word out learn the verse on what you're dealing  with that's so good it just works okay we're out   of time i want to ask you one last question  because we could go all day there's so many   it's been great by the way thank you so much sadie  this has been amazing you're doing great thank you   so you have a very popular podcast and i love  how in-depth you go like you you interview   people and ask amazing questions and one of  your favorite questions ask them is what is   the best advice you've you've been given so i  want to ask you who asks all these wonderful   people i love it what's the best piece of  advice that you've heard that really you   really implemented in your life that's awesome  thanks for asking that this is so cool because   actually the reason i started my podcast is i was  at this event with my mom it was a sorority girl   event and it was so funny my mom and i both had  the headset mic so like you can't put the mic here   if you didn't mean to say something and they asked  me this question what's the best piece of advice   you've ever been given and i answered it and my  mom didn't know she was on the mic and she went   whoa that's good and i said we should do a podcast  and ask me the best piece of advice and we'd say   well that's good and that's literally how it  started so um the best piece of advice i've   ever gotten i love this piece of advice it really  has changed i think a big part of who i am but   my great-grandma she's one of my favorite people  in my life she is still going and she's awesome   she told me one time i came in and i was like  just so upset because somebody was so rude to me   and i just remember asking her what should  i do you know what should i do about this   and i remember she told me that she said sadie  oh she said this honey she always calls me honey   honey you are not kind because other people are  kind to you you are kind because you are a kind   person and it was the best piece of advice because  people are mean sometimes people do say hurtful   things and a lot of times we want to react and we  want to respond and she said no you're not kind   because they were kind you were kind because  that's who you are and you know it kind of goes   up to everything we're saying when you're rooted  in the word when you're rooted on your identity it   doesn't matter what people say about you who  you are remains and shines through for sure   sadie robertson huff unbelievable wow so sadie  sadie thank you for coming we're so honored that   you're here i want to encourage you guys to get  a copy of this book it's called live it's out   today please order it we encourage you to do  that incredible resource i was already digging   in and i'm like i'm a grown man i want to read  this this is really good it's some really great   stuff it's not just for your generation because  it's timeless truth and so only encourage you to   get a copy of this and i want to say on behalf  of all of our church and those who are watching   thank you for being the real deal you guys  give it up for robertson huff thank you so much   thank you wow amazing thank you you may be seated we're so glad you guys  been watching us and staying with us all of our   campuses i just want to say to everyone right  now you know what sadie experienced something   she saw jesus in her home she saw it with  her parents or their grandparents or their   great-grandparents what a what a legacy of  generations of people who follow christ you   may say pastor that's awesome i don't have that  but you know what someone in her line someone   in her lineage someone in her family didn't  have that either and someone started it someone   said i recognize truth when i hear it that's  real that's not fake that's not fame chasing   that's legit that'll last a lifetime and  beyond i want that kind of faith and if   that's you today you can receive jesus as your  lord and your savior and you can start the chain   and your family for generations on and so right  now we're going to take a moment you can just bow   your heads right now across all of our campuses  and we're going to pray it's a simple prayer of   faith just receiving christ what he's done for us  the bible is very clear if i could give you the   sparknotes version of the bible it's this god sent  his own son jesus to die on the cross for our sins   where we have committed things that that are  wrong god said it's okay i love you enough that   i'm going to send my son to pay the price for  those things if you'll simply receive him you   get heaven you get a relationship with god with  your head bowed in your eyes closed you can pray   this prayer with me you can just say it out loud  you can just say dear jesus i realize i need you   i believe you died on the cross for me  i believe you paid the price for my sins   and i believe you rose again i  ask you to come into my heart   be my lord and be my savior i repent of my  sins i put you in first place thank you jesus   for saving me in your name we pray  amen isn't god good his word is so true
Channel: Church Unlimited
Views: 91,913
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Keywords: duck dynasty, sadie, Sadie robertson, confidence, sadie robertson huff, Sadie Robertson Huff | How Can I Be Confident? | Interview at Church Unlimited, how to be confident, how can i be confident, How to gain confidence, become confident, believe in yourself, believing in yourself, bil cornelius, bil cornelius church unlimited, church unlimited, live original tour, Sadie Robertson Huff | How Can I Be Confident?, A Sadie Robertson Interview: How to be Confident | Church Unlimited
Id: yAF7obCebF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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