Dancing Through Sorrows And Joys | OUR RSV STORY AND NEW PROJECTS

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are you nervous no are you all ready [Music] guys the followers said we should start a vlog so here we are we are starting our blog this is a christian desk in the morning i know isn't it i can't see that this is a really great time to start a vlog yeah we're doing it we are vlogging we're joining the trend we are we are vloggers we're actually inspired by my brother no no no we're not vloggers we have to be people who are doing a vlog yes that is not who we are that is what we do okay no my brother will and his girlfriend abby started his vlog and we were like that looks so fun and we were like that would be a great way to document our life honey's life and all the things cabo said i'm not a vlogger i'm out so we're like around people a lot but like people don't really know like our life like what it looks like behind the scenes and i think whenever i was asking people on instagram like what kind of stuff do y'all want to see people were like more of your real life and honestly just because so much of my work is public my private life i like to like keep private i like oh come on but i think this is a great way to welcome you all in and let y'all see more of what our life is actually like so this is cabo and she's crazy and quite a distraction honey is actually taking a nap right now and we're gonna talk about just some of the stuff that went on the past two weeks and that's what we're gonna do on this vlog we're gonna come to y'all every other week and put out a new vlog the past few weeks have been a little crazy yep let's get into it let's get into it steph's here because we have an ello photo shoot so excited with simple modern the water bottle company and our new bottles are so cute it's so cute is it not it is actually it's really it's really cute say it it's really cute it's really cute i happen to hire the hottest male model on the face of the planet for my simple modern shoot this guy so you were modeling honey was marlin the cutest baby in the world and it's pretty funny because honey is like the biggest spit upper like spits up just constant non-stop so we like take a picture and then she'd be like blah and we're like wait um change outfits oh yeah yeah it was bad four months old today and drinking her own bottle okay well that was not a good indication because she's spitting it but that's impressive you're awesome she was like confident oh yeah like she was like she like she grabbed that bottle yeah she she thought she was really cool she is cool i wish it but i was saying in the moment you could tell she was like what's up like i do this often do you think honey's gonna be cooler than us which one of us okay and then whenever things went wrong uh two days later after that honey like did this cough and i was like that sounded different like that didn't sound like a normal cop it kind of sounded like very creepy like she was really congested and i had been really nervous about rsv all summer because i've been hearing that rsv is like going around the nation it's like really weird because normally it's like a winter virus but like this year it's hitting in the summer and so that night um kind of just monitored her and she was like coughing and the next day she was like really coughing and just had a horse cry and just sounded different i don't think honey's feeling very well which she has been like spitting up really weirdly lately and so our daughter told us like if she keeps doing that then to bring her back in so i need to go in and make sure she's good and then um right after that i have a podcast with charlotte gamble so i think oh i have to finish some book details today so i'll do that at the office and kind of work up there for a little bit um and then i think we're gonna play some tennis tonight should be a fun day all independent on this doctor's appointment goes well and we got there um they did a rsv test and it was like positive so the doctor was really sweet and she was like look this is not mean you're gonna be in the hospital this does not have to be terrible this could be you know this could be nothing so just not getting home from the doctor we were there for like three hours because honey would not pee they had to get a grand sample so um we just got back i cancelled everything for the rest of the day because i just want to take care of her and honestly i was really sad this morning and uh about it and pretty afraid but then i was reminded of the prayer that i pray whenever she was born that there would just be a lion inside of her lungs that would fight for her uh just like the lion from the tribe of judah and whom referring to is jesus that jesus would just be the breath in her lungs fighting for her and i just looked at her and i said you have a line inside of your lungs and you are strong and you're going to do great a beagle nebulizer she was coughing a lot she was had like a ton of mucus but overall like pretty good we did the nebulizer a lot um christian watson one day yeah she was had the like thing on her nose to where she was doing the nebulizer she just managed to spit straight in the hole so this just started blowing that's disgusting so then all of a sudden it's like humidifying like spitter oh kids man they would just humble you okay so honey has rsv and with that i am going to go do some boxing uh because it has really frustrated me and i'm not saying that that is the right or proper thing to do is to go punch a bag and take out some of my frustrations but it is what i'm going to do right now so then um we go back to the doctor the next week because um she sounded really horse and i could hear the crackling in her legs i just want to make sure she's okay so the doctor was like okay rsv you kind of have to go by stages like at first they might be fine and they don't need anything and they shouldn't nebulizer then you might need steroids you might need hospitalization so that we're at the story point so we're gonna give her medicine and see how she does with this what is wrong with you my throat hurts really bad and if i were to talk to normal then it hurts so you're talking like this it's the only thing that doesn't hurt me but what if it hurts me then that's your fault i mean getting away from me i'm being serious i cannot right now i had two stickies in the house i'm so tired and not been easy and now christian's sick and i am preparing for a podcast tomorrow and i am so tired so i actually posted on instagram today that honey has rsv so a lot of people have been praying for her and that really means so much and makes me feel so much better that people are praying and hopefully tomorrow she'll make a turn around so we'll see but it's no joke having a sick kid is so hard and my heart gives out to all the mamas out there whose babies are sick because it is not fun but every time she smiles it does make it a lot easier but it's really sad and it's been really hard so tomorrow's a new day we are currently on day five of rsv [Applause] [Music] he's doing so good cabo is there for moral support thank you pablo that's his cute sister that night we went to sleep and honey seemed fine i mean really great yeah she seemed great we actually thought she was getting better [Music] i don't have words but we'll talk about this later we just got to the hospital honey are you going to start to feel a lot better we are in the hospital because she has a bad case of the resvera it's your little this is so sad so last night was crazy um so we have an outlet which is like a little monitor that you put on as like a little sock that honey sleeps with and it monitors like her heart rate and her breathing and everything and last night the like red alarm went off like alerting that her oxygen level was lit well then it did it again three more times and um was saying her auction was below 80. so we took it to the doctor our pediatrician and first thing in the morning and pediatricians said we need to meet her to the hospital which i cried a lot even in the doctor's office because i was just so sad and i didn't want to have to see honey like hooked up to things and it was just sad that we were at that point um but then after that we went and got we went home and got our stuff and came to the hospital and so now she's on oxygen and puts it to an iv and will be here until until she gets better um but it's very sad but we're grateful that we're here grateful that the owlette let us know that we were even needed to be here that our nurses know what to do and that our doctor had wisdom so um we're very thankful but just sad for honey she's so sweet [Music] sweet girl again like i know so many people go through this and no kids should have to do that it's just horrible so if you have to watch your kid go through sickness like i'm so sorry and genuinely christian had both like prayed for the world for that standpoint like just children that are sick and parents watching that so it's really sad but our doctor was so sweet and really affirming and the nurses were amazing and the nurses who loved her which honestly just brought so much joy to my heart like they wanted to see them love her and like they they call her a wild woman because honey's crazy she is so energetic and i have to say everyone keeps saying like oh i bet you're like mom anxiety is so high and like i did not have anxiety in the hospital i did not have fear like i was anxious for a little bit yeah like but you weren't i was very emotional i was very sad but i wasn't afraid and i think two reasons for that i think one like we had a lot of people praying for us i genuinely felt that and i like i knew deep down like i knew she was gonna be okay and then two like genuinely i was like really dealing with fear whenever i first got pregnant with honey and i really went through this time where i was like god like she's yours like you numbered her days you have a plan for her life that is good and you have a purpose for her life and like you've established strength in her life you say that in the psalms and so like there's no reason for me to be afraid i can do the best i can in stewarding this will and of course i'm gonna be sad because i love her more than words can say but like i had a deep peace i really did we kind of were in this dance of like sorrows and joys and um i think life a lot of times thanks i think a lot of times in life you're kind of in that dance you're kind of dancing with joys and you're dancing with sorrows like we read this verse in the hospital and this was kind of like what we were just declaring over our situation message version psalms 30 verse 11 through 12 it says you did it you changed wild lament into whirling dance you ripped off my black morning band and decked me with wildflowers i'm about to burst with song i can't keep quiet about you god my god i can't thank you enough and um i just think it's a beautiful thing that like this psalmist is like recognizing that like god did it like god like there was a point where i was like in deep sorrow it was like a dark black morning but like you've now decked me with wildflowers you've got me out of this and i can't thank you enough and we just kept thinking about that like yeah we're really sad and like this is really hard but like it's gonna get better and so god like we want to see every part of you that's in this to be able to just say thank you you know i think god does turn your hard things into good things for sure he does turn like your lament into like dancing but also i think you have to be a part of like allowing him to turn it you know because i think sometimes like we can just sit and like the star and just be like why did that happen to me or we could be like it's a new day like we now is the time that we get to dance and we just chose to see the wildflowers and so um as you dance through this sorrow and joy in life i just encourage you like let god turn you let god turn the page let god spin you into a new day and um take the next day for what it is and be grateful and yes it's gonna be hard and it's okay to cry and it's okay to be real with god and be frustrated in those moments like christian had to box it out i had to cry it out we had to talk to god ask why ask god to help ask god to bring the healing but when it happened then it was our time to rejoice and so now we're rejoicing and so i hope that helps you and i hope in the next vlog whatever happens in the next two weeks you'll be encouraged by that too but hang out with us yeah we're really excited i hope you enjoyed our vlog we hope you enjoyed our vlog that after that i decided to get like scripted i know that was not scripted but i was trying to think about what a good end it was and that was what i thought of [Music] we hope you enjoy our vlog if you want to stay up to date with the hub fam then subscribe and follow along we'll also still be posting questionable podcasts on wednesdays and christian might have something coming in the future too watch out but on mondays we'll be doing our vlog so catch us here and we look forward to y'all getting to know us more and hopefully it's getting to know to you you too in some ways [Music]
Channel: Sadie Robertson
Views: 287,966
Rating: 4.968812 out of 5
Id: KWtFhh850Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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