Who I Really Am | Tim and Demi-Leigh Tebow with Sadie Robertson Huff

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

No drama. Just real. Keep being happy.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/The-Counterpoint 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
well welcome to the well that's good podcast so excited to have you two on um you guys are incredible humans and we haven't got to spend too much time together but we always kind of like our paths have crossed a lot so all the time thank you well thank you so much for having me we're so happy to be here and just to have a great conversation and congratulations to you on everything that you have going and the way you're making an impact all over the world um through this but through your speaking to your family through um just your heart yeah it's super cool we love watching it and from afar so we're grateful for you oh y'all are so encouraging thank you such a great inspiration to not just me but i know so many young women so thank you just for everything that you stand for and just so for me leave in that means so much seriously thank you all and thank you for all the things that you all do i was trying to you know study for this podcast and i was like man they are doing so much and it all is just for like the betterment of the world and so thank you for living such humble lives and just furthering the kingdom it's incredible so i can't wait to chat but before we kind of get into more questions we have to start with the question of the world that's good podcast what is the best piece of advice that you've ever been given which i know is kind of a loaded question i love it you want to go first sure yeah um well knowing that was the question it kind of made me think a little bit sadie and um i think it's such a great conversation to have and i think there's there's a lot of pieces of advice that you know i've received through so many people in my life that has um you know spoken into my life in various just times of my life but i think one thing and that's been very prevalent specifically in my life and just with my background and things that i've been so grateful to have had the opportunity to do is um not just to focus on having self-confidence but to turn that self-confidence into god confidence and once we really have god confidence that's when we can truly have self-confidence and know our self-worth and um fully love ourselves because we know the one that loves us the most the one that created us perfectly and that made us fearfully and how cool is it that we can have full confidence in knowing that that knowing that he literally met us together in our mother's womb and you know all about that right now that's so good we're loving that so just to know that he so detailed and perfectly made us for a perfect plan and i think only once i fully really comprehended that that's that's the first time that i could really say that i've been able to have full self-confidence wow that's so good that's so cool that you said that because yesterday i shared a message and it was about comparison and stuff and i read psalms 139 and i was like and literally every time i read it since i've been pregnant it makes me cry because it's just so cool because i've read that so many times with the perspective of almost like trying to believe that for myself like you knit me together in my mother's womb you form me wonderfully and beautifully and fearfully made and all those different things i praise you and it's always been kind of like a hard thing for me to believe like i feel like it is for a lot of girls but as soon as i got pregnant and found out it was a girl that's like the easiest verse to believe because it's so obvious that god has knit her together like she started out this little poppy seed and now when we see ultrasound she has like a nose and eyes and a face and she's she's a perfect little baby and i'm like i didn't have anything to do with knitting you together like i've just been chilling i've been like eating a lot sleeping puking every now and then but god has knit her together and it's so easy to praise him for that and so that verse has been so heavy in my heart so i love that you shared that um and actually tim before we get to your best piece of advice i actually had a question for you and demi and this goes exactly what you were just saying um so you were miss universe which by the way that's so cool like just saying that i'm like dang that is really cool so congratulations on that but you know i think in the pageant world it's so tempting to compare yourself to other people and not just a pageant world that's every girl in the world and so how did you or maybe when was it that you kind of busted through that comparison thing and finally we're just like you know what this is who i am and i'm gonna own that uh no i love that you asked that sadie because i feel like you know um winning miss universe obviously took some confidence right and and maybe in my case it was a whole lot of self-confidence because i feel like ever since winning that title i've been able to grow so much more and thinking back now over the past three four years i've you know sometimes i just think and it makes me so sad because i know that so many nights i went to bed because i washed my confidence all together with my makeup and um you know that that was what you know not messy just makeup but just all of it the makeup the hair the clothes the shoes the events the glamour the glitz the excitement of traveling all over the world you know um and once i handed over that title sadie you know it just all ended it all ended and i was in this universe the next day and it really just made me kind of you know just stand still and go and reevaluate well hang on i'm not miss universe i'm i'm demi actually and who is demi and it just led me to asking um so many questions lots of tears lots of just praying um and you know it i think it's for young girls i just want them to know that it's okay to to seek that person to seek who you are to and and for me where i found that was just spending more time in god's word in his presence praising and worshiping and it's different for each of us to find um you know a way to get to that point um but it was a great i feel like it's it's just a continual journey it's not like you just wake up the one day and you're perfect and you feel great you still have sucky days i still have pimples and breakouts and you know but that's not the things that we can put our confidence in um i can't remember where i read this but someone once wrote um having full confidence is having confidence in who god says i am and um like you read stuff so many times just like you were saying you read so much about um psalm 139 but it sometimes you know it just takes a specific moment for that to click and i feel like just you know just spending more time in god's word and his presence um and just really letting go and letting god has kind of brought me to that point that's so good i love that i think that's gonna encourage so many girls because obviously not everyone is miss universe but everybody has gone through that struggle of like trying to find confidence in what other people say that they are the achievements that they've done or the thing that people know them as but you're right like those things fade like the filters don't go with you in your everyday life you don't get to like caption your day exactly how you want to form it you don't get to always look the way that maybe you think is at your best and so it's in those moments that you ask yourself you know who am i and can i be confident and who i originally was created to be and so i love that i know that's gonna help so many girls um all right tim what's the best piece of advice that you have ever been given oh that's a really really good question i would say um the best piece of advice would be formed around the idea of this is not our home you know philippians tells us that we're citizens of heaven heaven is our ultimate home so why spend a life um building up for a place that we're going to leave but i would rather spill to spend a life building up for the place that we're going to go to right so all my stuff i want it to be there you know i i i can't um there's no u-hauls behind the hearse you know so guess what we can't take it with us so you know what i'd rather spend a life of building up there building god's kingdom sharing the good news of the gospel um spending a life built on eternity the things that are going to last forever and in my opinion the things that are going to last forever from this earth or god his word people and rewards and so we better spend a life focus on things that are going to last for eternity when i'm spending time with god that's going to last for eternity when i'm his word his word is going to last for eternity when we're loving helping caring serving people that's going to last for eternity and and what we do for him in the rewards that's going to last for eternity the bible is clear in so many different ways and i think the greatest form of reward is is hopefully that moment where we get a will done my good and faithful servant but i think it's going to be just so much more intimate than that and so i that would be um the best piece of advice kind of all summed up into one is let's live for our ultimate home not just our temporary home i love that that's so good y'all are preachers y'all are both like motivational speaker preachers i can't wait um which no rush but whenever y'all have kids just to see their little confidence because they're gonna have two parents who are like so motivating but it's funny because we um have a mutual friend the gig leos and whenever we were planning passion last year it was just so awesome how louis talks about you and he was like man i mean we just put tim anywhere and he's just gonna preach i mean it's just so in him and it's true and i remember i said um last time one day and i was like man we need some more girls up there and i was like i don't i've actually never even spoken to demi i was like but does she preach and we were like i don't know and now i'm like yeah you do and so your next time you need to be up there [Music] friends if you haven't heard about skillshare you need to hear about it because skillshare is an online platform where you can go and you can take classes of most anything you can think of to help you further or become more advanced in whatever you love to do so what i chose to do is a diy product photography class which helps me take photos of my products which is really nice for me to have because we have different products for live original and you know we always need a photographer but it would be nice if i could just do it myself sometimes so i took a class from daniel and rachel and they taught me some incredible things one of that being that you actually don't have to have a professional camera for it to look like a professional picture you could actually use your phone to do that and so learning how to use my phone to make the most of what i have was really helpful but there's so many different classes for you that you could try there's one on portrait photography if you're into that there's also one on finding your style with fashion i mean there's so many different things honestly whatever you're into i'm sure you can find it on skillshare so you can go on skillshare bring some color bring some fun into your life go learn a little bit more about something it's also incredibly affordable which is nice especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops elsewhere an annual subscription is less than ten dollars a month so go explore your creativity at skillshare.com wow that's w-h-o-a and get a free trial to premium membership you can get a free trial to your premium membership if you go to skillshare.com right now go check it out [Music] but i love that advice and you can see that played out in y'all's life with everything that y'all do i was writing down some of the stuff that i collected that you all do but i think there's so much more tim i know that you're a pro athlete y'all preach i'll speak you do night to shine you'll help in slavery through your foundation the list goes on demi you've done all those things with him plus so much more i know you're doing something with altered state now and you look so cute uh you'll just do so much and and maybe what you just said is the answer to this question but what keeps y'all motivated and what keeps that drive going to just keep starting new things and putting out new things you gotta go first um to me that that answer is pretty easy sadie is that we only have one life one chance and i'm not just talking about eminem song right we really do we only have you know um one opportunity right and i i love uh and hamilton um you know how he talks about non-stop how he was um so motivated for an incredible cause of defending the the u.s constitution right i remember we were together on a date watching hamilton and um i just started to cry watching the play and i'd seen it already two times before we went and i was crying because you know what they were talking about hamilton like he needed tomorrow to arrive because he was so passionate about what he did well you see what he did was it was awesome it was noble it's cool it's a good thing but what we get to do is so much better than what he did what we get to do is we get to bring the good news of great joy that's for all the people we get to share the good news of the gospel we get to live the good news of the gospel we get to present it we get to share it we get to go be co-laborers with the god of this universe like that's crazy and so but we only have however many days and we don't know how many days but he does and so you know what every one of those days i want it to count it's good i don't want to waste my days i don't want to waste my time because i think um sadie one of the greatest forms of tragedy is when we look back and we say you know what we were successful in all the ways that don't matter wow and i don't want to be successful in things that don't matter i want to be significant and things that do matter and i want to um have as a relentless effort and focus for the things that really matter and the people that matter which is all people because the bible's very clear it's good news of great joy that should be for all the people and you know what we don't get to uh play god we get to serve god and we believe god loves all people all humanity all the time no matter what and we should too that's so good i love that sadie i'm specifically just very passionate about the fight against human trafficking and that's been something um that tim and i have been able to really work together on which has been awesome and actually covert really led to us getting way deeper way deeper into the country we had way more time yeah and and also because fo that was covered just so many cases just spiked so many um uh especially like online sexual exploitation of children went crazy because the children are trapped with their traffickers the the people are trapped with their traffickers it was so so much harder for anyone to get saved or escape or you know and that just really lit up we knew that if we're gonna make any dent in this crazy evil which we believe is one of the greatest evils that we face in our world today is that we're gonna need hands um to people to jump into this fight with us to take hands to stand together and um you know just to join horses because it's um there's an estimated 40.3 million people trapped in human trafficking right now and you know say something it's only going up it's only going up it's 150 billion dollars estimated in the street annually annually crazy i mean the saturday just wow so so so heart-wrenching but you know um it sometimes gets so overwhelming because you look at this big picture and you realize there's 40.3 million people estimated trapped in trafficking how am i gonna make a difference well guess what you know what really keeps me going is knowing that even helping one woman get saved one child one man gets saved is worth it because that one person is worth it because they are they are a part of god's creation and i believe that it's our job to help give them the opportunity to be a part of god's kingdom and i think i think one of the things that um it's overwhelming for a lot of people when you hear about it you look at it you say oh my gosh what can i do i'm i'm not a navy seal how can i go rescue you know i'm not um uh green beret what can i do i'm not you know but we all have a part to play and we all can make a difference and we all have something um people don't realize so many so much of it is familiar meaning coming from your family um we all can can be taught and learn what to look for how to help um with you know safe homes you know for us it's three different parts it's you know phase one is uh supporting strong families so um when families are um looking like they could be trafficking one of their family members then we want to be able to help to before that even happens and phase two is is the rescues um whether that's here in the states or it's around the world in other countries just to rescue as many as possible bring them to a safe location then phase three his long-term restoration is we want to be able to put a support staff and team and counselors and and prayer warriors around all of these girls to be able to love them and and you know sometimes it takes a really really long time and it's hard because there are so much so many wounds and hurts and and scars but we know that our god is a really big god and um and you know what this is a i really do believe this is the greatest form of evil in the world today and uh but we also have a big god and we also know that he overcame the world and you know he can do amazing things and so we do believe that when we rally together as an army of people that stand for doing good that stand for people that stand for god's word that stand up for him that you know what god can come through and we can have some victories in this against this this horrible evil um that we know uh our our biggest enemy the devil is definitely for you know what and and he's working behind the scenes and so we need to know that we have an enemy in this and and he's working and you know what he doesn't want us to band together he doesn't want the 300 000 churches in the u.s to work together could you imagine if that happened if we put down the banner of this denomination or this denomination or the banner of uh you know what we wear ties and you don't wear ties or you know we're from florida you're from louisiana and so we can't work together but what if we put down that banner and we put up a banner that said jesus and people and that's what our focus was and we rallied together that would be pretty crazy but it would also be pretty amazing the impact yeah come on didn't you mention that sadie one of the um the girls that um is a survivor and that was able to you know go through the whole restoration process she actually was identified as a trafficking victim um by a hospital and today she works as a nurse in that same wow just hearing you know so many stories of hope and restoration really just makes you so encouraged away from that and there's another amazing um young girl that just started seminary yeah it is so so awesome so it's just so many stories that you just you know incredible just can be so encouraging and inspiring too that's incredible well thank you all for sharing that because i know a lot of people need to be educated on that including myself and then also sharing the hope that you'll see to just motivate people that what y'all are doing and things like the organizations that you have like that's truly making a difference like that truly is changing things and so i think sometimes it's so easy to look at such a big problem like you said be like how can i help what could i do to change that but it really does take people believing that what they could do what they could bring is actually going to create change all right friends i'm being a real one to you right now everybody needs to go get birdie you heard me that is birdie birdie is a way that you can feel safe wherever you are so add it to the list of things that you grab when you walk out the house you need to grab your phone your keys your purse and birdie birdie is incredible um you know sometimes it's hard to not think about the what ifs in life what if something bad happens what if i get it put in a situation of danger and you want to know that you have something that you could rely on to help you in that moment well birdie is a great option it's a personal safety alarm that's so easy to carry and it's super simple to use when you activate your birdie you just quickly pull out the birdie and an alarm will emit a loud 130 decibel siren and a flashing strobe light to help you get away from an attacker or you being attacked it's incredible unlike pepper spray or anything else it's not a danger to you it just simply alarms the situation and helps you get out of it which is incredible over 300 000 birdie alarms have been sold and they have thousands of five-star reviews so know that this is a pretty legit thing so go join the flock today for a safer tomorrow by getting birdie right now she's birdie is offering whoa that's good listeners 15 off your first purchase when you go to she's birdie.com that she's birdie spelled s-h-e-s-b-i-r-d-i-e dot com slash whoa for 15 off your first purchase these are so cute so fun and also it will keep you so safe that she's birdie.com whoa [Music] we had tauren on the podcast a few weeks ago and he was talking about he's awesome and he was sharing about the song idea and he was talking about how like he thought okay i need to go start this organization i need to do this and then he was like well why does it have to be me like tim is and demi are already doing this why can't i just join forces with them it was this beautiful moment of him realizing like i can just collaborate like the kingdom of god is so big like god created us like that like as a family as a body and so we can help one another and it was really inspiring and so for our listeners we have a significant amount of listeners what is something practically that we can do to help what y'all are doing today like is there some a place we can go to online and give or what's the best way that we can support what y'all are doing well um the easiest way to be able first of all um there's a lot of amazing organizations um non-profits teams that people could join so we never really say you need to join ours if you want to that's amazing we'd love it but there's a lot of great ones and so we would just say we would encourage people to be involved in something it doesn't have to be with us that's good but you be involved in something you go do something and and if you really want to be involved with us with us there are three easy ways that you could get involved one or all three and one of them is being a prayer warrior um and um so we call it lifting well backtrack you can sign up to be a part of the race two teams yes and the rescue team consists of being one warrior one is a prayer warrior we don't think it's our last defense it's our first offense and we we send out um hey there's rescues taking place there's girls that are hurting here will you be praying and obviously we don't give away too much information but we want to give just away enough so people can know what's involved and so they can be praying specifically for certain things without putting anybody at risk um and number two would be to be an advocate to what we say speak up for and um so we would be we would share materials information um what's happening you know stats and and really be able to give you enough information so you feel knowledgeable and and be educated so then you can be an advocate first get your family together then maybe your school then maybe your team or community and then you can start educating them so you can be an advocate to really speak up for to use your voice to make other people aware and then the third one is to be a defender to really stand up for and um that will be ones when there's hey there's rescues and we got you know 13 girls and we need um some beds and mattresses and socks and shoes and uh and hair ties and toothbrush and and so many different things that um that you know are essential and a lot of people don't think about that is there's a rescue but there's you have to have everything on the back end already planned and ready for of the beds ready the toothbrushes the um dentist appointments the all these other things to be able and so that is something that we we share with the team the defenders that say hey could you help with xyz you know and um and maybe they're connected to people that hey they can get toothbrushes they can get hair ties they can get whatever and they can find ways to get it donated so those are three very easy practical ways of being a prayer warrior being an advocate being a defender um and um and maybe you want to be all three maybe you want to be lifting up speaking up and standing up for um which is that's what we want to do as well it's awesome i love that thank you for sharing that because i think people want to help i just don't know that people know how to help and so that is so helpful and also just everything i've already said leading up to this point about like making your life count we only have one life you know we got to live it to the full we have to do things that knowing that this world is not our home but we have been here placed here for a time you know to hopefully make it better and so all of this is leading to that and i think that's amazing i know you have a new kids book out which i want to show everybody because i'm really excited about this because i did just get my little uh library i'm getting it all set up in her baby room because i have so many kids books and i love it um but one of the things you talk about is well you kind of allude to this is that all of these characters like bronco and the rabbit and the bird and the goat they all have like kind of something a little bit wrong with them like bronco has bad vision the rabbit has long ears the bird can't fly the goat has allergies like everybody kind of has something off um and you guys i've watched like you care so much for all people you've said that so many times it's jesus and people it's all people it's the people who feel left out it's the people who feel or who are enslaved it's all different types of people where did that compassion come from for you to constantly be seeking for that one person who might feel left out or the one person who might feel different than everybody else what uh was that kind of burden on your heart where did that come from yeah really good question sadie um it came from um i think god put it in me when i was really young but i think it really touched my heart um for the the least the last the lost the throwaways um when i was 15 and i was um in a remote village in the philippines and i met a boy um in this village who was born with his feet on backwards and uh the village viewed him as curse as less than as insignificant and literally they believed the more that you touched him the greater chance of becoming cursed yourself wow and um he was literally known as like the throw away and um i just knew that he wasn't a throwaway to god and he couldn't be a throwaway to me and i fell in love with him and god broke my heart and i knew driving down that mountain leaving that village that day um after that boy prayed with me to receive christ um and and i looked at him and said um his name is sherwin sherwin i don't know if i'll ever see you in america if you'll ever see me again in the philippines but i totally believe one day i'll see you in heaven and he looked at me and he said timmy which means brother i can't wait to run with you in heaven she's a boy who's never walked a day in his life but i knew getting in the jeep and driving down that mountain that uh i loved sports and i was passionate about it but i had a new deeper more meaningful more purpose-filled calling now in my life and that was to fight for people that couldn't fight for themselves and our mission statement at ttf was really from that encounter to bring faith hope and love to those needing a brighter dander darkest hour of need to really sum it up it's a fight for people that can fight for themselves and you know i want to fight for all people but specifically i feel like the big calling on my life is to fight for the least to last the loss the people that have looked been past or around the people that haven't been celebrated the people that don't know what it's like to go down red carpet or cheered for the people that um that no one's ever shared their worth or their value um but we get to share their god-given value and their god-given worth and so whether that's the special needs it's the orphaned it's the abandon it's the traffic it is the those with life-threatening illnesses um you know our heart and my heart and i believe that calling on my life is to to to not just passively um do it but to actively seek and find and love and care for and to share the god-given work that only he can give to every single person especially those that have been forgotten well it's so good that's so beautiful and i hope you know even as people listen maybe they haven't had that moment where they've experienced knowing somebody who's got who has a disability like that but i hope that even hearing your story would enlighten people's eyes to see that there are so many people out there um who feel less than or feel you know even if it's just awkward or don't feel like they fit in that we can reach out to and extend our heart to and that's the call of jesus for our life and it's so cool because i had this question i was going to ask y'all but it's so irrelevant because it's so obvious what the answer is i was going to talk to you about how you all both experienced so much fame but you've been so grounded in your faith and you know the question would be how but the question is so obviously answered by how you live your life because it's not about you you've never made it about you it's always been about god and whenever you come under god that's what i tell people for me too it's like you can't even you can't even try to make it about you because it's so obviously god that has orchestrated your whole life to get where you are and so obviously god that you're in the position you are to give back to people who need to grow the kingdom and you all just do such a beautiful job at that so just thank y'all for living your life such an obvious example of what it looks like to just live as humble leaders um well i i i think we're we're trying but i'll tell you for me um i failed at that so many times sadie um i have got caught up and what i thought at times was everything i gotta have this win or i gotta get this or i gotta do this or you know i i gotta prove the doubters wrong or and whether that's been for a minute for five minutes for a day for a week for a year um there's been too many times where i've lost track of what's most important right um and i'm so grateful for the times like with sure and other times in my life where god's reminded me hey i didn't put you here for a game i didn't put you here uh to try to win a championship or a trophy it's good i put you here to help people to love people and there's been way too many times in my life that i've lost sight and track of that but i'm grateful that god has you know every time brought someone or something into my path to help give me that perspective and that's why i also think that having wise counsel around you and being in god's word um is so important because his word is also our direction and wise counsel can also be um that wisdom that helps lead us back to um the road that we're supposed to be on and so i would encourage people is listen i think it's going to be true for for for most people is all of a sudden we we deviate a little bit um but then god's word helps us get back to where we're supposed to be and the wise counsel is so important um and to help us get back and so i encourage people is um don't feel like if you've got off track that you can never get back right let's look at a lot of the heroes in the bible is i mean a lot of the the biggest best heroes in the bible some of them got pretty far off track you know but our god is a god um not just of second chances but a third and fourth and he's a god of um of correction and discipline and training but also in a loving way is um 30 times in proverbs there is the hebrew word musar that is used and it is it's uh it's used for correction for discipline for training for instruction and um proverbs is so clear about that's why it says it uh 30 times is that we should be open to that we should be open to um god's correction and training and discipline and instruction but also we should seek it we should we should seek it from uh our pastors and friends and wise people and parents and everybody in our lives so that because sometimes we might be veering off track and we're not even we don't even realize it and so those people can help gear us back and and you know what um i'm just grateful that god's given me so many chances when i've either either you know um just deviated for um you know whatever i just get my perspective gets lost to what is most important but then most of the time it's actually meeting other people that bring it back it's meeting sherwin it's meeting um kids with life-threatening illnesses it's meeting other people in countries that are hurting and it brings me back to dang timmy why are you so stupid you got caught up in x y and z but what matters is this what matters is god what matters is loving people what matters is growing closer to him and and so i'm just grateful of that so god can even use us after we screw up hey preach everybody needs to hear that because man thank god he is not a god that just you know one one strike and you're out you know he's such a god of redemption and that's what repentance is all about i love that you mentioned wise counsel and one of the things because i know you guys just hung out with my parents and i was like mom so tell me about them like what did you learn about them while you were with them and she was like one of the things that really stuck out to me was how they talked about how they intentionally sought out mentors and wise counsel whenever they were dating i thought that was really cool and so demi i want to ask you about like y'all's dating life because so many people are lost in the world of dating how do i date in a godly way how do i date right how do i date in an intentional way and so what were some of the things that you all dated that y'all were intentional about that you think led y'all to the point of being able to commit to a life time together well say i think first of all how we met was a very integral part of our relationship and i feel like that kind of just laid down the foundation for our relationship and i don't know if you actually know this but i had a baby sister with um with special needs she was born without a cerebellum long story short of just small brain and she passed away um in may of 2019 but before a year be about a year before she passed um tim and i got connected through night to shine um which we actually just had a couple weeks ago with you supportive of and thank you so much thank you so much just for those of um the listeners don't know it's a worldwide prompt for people with special needs in 2018 when i lived in new york as this universe um the first uh night to shine was held um in south africa the first one that was held in south africa happened that here and so my sister got invited and although she was not physically able to attend um my parents were volunteers and long story short we got connected through something that we both deeply care about that we're both deeply passionate about and you know my little sister was our matchmaker but um in a big way that really just laid down the foundation for our relationship wow and um speaking of wise counsel i think you know that's just something so important to be honest it's really something that i've learned from tim um throughout our dating period if you want to call it that um we've just really tried to you know do devotionals together we did long distance so i would go most of our dating back as long as pretty much everything yeah i would like to go into like a bookstore and buy two of the same devotional and like fedex it to him and then i'll have one and every night we'll we'll have date night and we will like have a specific time when i know like his baseball game would aim at that time whatever and we do devotionals together and i think um not just that but you know getting on phone calls with pastors pastor louie was a really integral played a really integral part in our relationship and just you know having that um i guess courage to ask hard questions to work through things um was very important i think in our dating and just period one thing that i really liked that we did was we read um we read a lot of books together as well and you know sometimes that really helps you to um get a game i was going to say get into new conversations get into newcomers yes because sometimes it might be things like if you're just talking you talk about whatever you yeah how was your day whatever pops up but sometimes if new things can oh i've never thought about it that way and we talk about it i've never heard it that way we talk about it or like bigger questions yeah and deeper and and so i i totally agree i think that not only were i don't actually think the questions that the books led us to were more impactful than the the books actually were yeah yeah because it led us to better conversations that's so true yeah i learned so much from you and i think you learned so much from me yeah and just oh what do you think of that and just brought up really sometimes weird sometimes awesome profound but whatever it's just really good and so that was i love it a blessing of dating you know doing it long distance was just that we were forced to just have really good conversation and to learn to communicate efficiently um and i think that was a really big place yeah but to go back to part of your question i do think the wise counsel is um it's something we really rely on because we don't want to rely on our own wisdom our own strength but we want to get wisdom and ask people do we have a blind spot can you see it for us can you help us give us wisdom you know i want to be um not only connected to the source of life in my relationship with god but i also want to um have wise people that i know love him are following him speak into my life that's great you know and and and i want that that that correction that discipline that instruction that knowledge you know um and um so that we can learn and get better and i think um that was very important to us and i think we've learned so much from that um but i would also say um kind of getting a little bit different to the dating part is you know so many people especially early on they were like oh what do y'all have in common like she's been all into pageants and you're all into sports and i haven't watched a lot of pageants and she's never seen a baseball or a football game and at that point and and so and the one thing that i learned and i really believe is that the um a strong relationship isn't built on what you have in common it's built on what you have in purpose and we have a lot in purpose and on the surface we don't necessarily love a lot of the same things in common we don't shop at the same stores we don't our favorite movies aren't the same our favorite um foods aren't the same our backgrounds and cultures aren't the same now i love learning from her and hers and and south african culture and for khan's culture it's surface level but you know what the things that we really are most passionate about is is growing closer to the lord is how can we help people how can we help hurting people special needs you know god called my heart to it and then you know god gave her a baby sister with special needs and so then it was like all of the most important things to us were the same yeah and it was like okay you're you know you watch a pageant i'll watch a game and we'll sit beside each other you know um that's okay i didn't i didn't eat or want to come home and say you know hey babe i went one for three with the walk you know and let's talk about your bats right you know and she didn't want to come home and you know probably have me say oh what heels did you pick tonight you know that's so good yo it's so cool our stories are so similar like christian and i were long distance most of our relations actually yeah our whole relationship until yeah until we got married we weren't even together when we got engaged we were long distance the whole time and it helped our communication so much and one of the things we did was like we read through proverbs together and then we read single day engaged married we read mingling of souls we read all these incredible books and it did it set us up to not talk about ourself but to really not just talk about ourselves but to really talk about what we're learning about god what we're learning about the world what we're learning about each other and yeah it really did strengthen our relationship so much and i can't i mean attest more to the wise counsel even to this day in our marriage that's not just in dating or engagement like the other day christian and i had this little argument and then he goes away comes back he's like oh i just talked to my pastor about it and i just feel like i have such a greater perspective and then we're able to have like a healthy conversation because we have this wise counsel speaking into it so you guys set a great example for that i'm so glad you shared that because it's so similar to us one of the things ben stewart says in his book is he says you know a marriage on mission is a marriage that lasts and y'all are clearly just on mission together you'll have so much purpose together um and i'm so thankful that you took some time to share your heart with us to share some of the things y'all are doing i i hope and pray that all of our listeners get behind it uh and like you said i love how you said not just what y'all are doing but just the overall mission of what y'all are trying to do in this world to make it a better place so thank you all for who you are what you're doing the marriage example that you all set christian and i are so for you guys and thanks for being on the world that's good podcast we're so grateful thank you for having us and again thank you for everything that you've done you're going to do we know that you're going to change so many lives um through your life and through what god's going to do through you and we're just so grateful and we're cheering you on and we're ruining you on and we're here for you whenever you need this then we can't wait to meet baby girl i know i'm so excited for baby girl i guess that the next passion she'll be there but hopefully we get to hang out before that we we actually need to hang out we would love that we would love to see you guys we look forward to it come get some good florida weather anytime we just might that's tempting well again thank you all so much hello hey hey is this emma it is what's up girl it's sadie and christian hey emma i'm so excited oh i'm so excited how's your day going you know i'm studying for a chem test all the college things nice that sounds brutal nice what uh what year are you i'm a freshman this year nice uga oh amazing awesome well it's so fun to talk to you what was the question that you sent in okay so for a tiny background um i went to church in elementary school then like kind of like my family kind of fell off and i didn't start going again until about halfway through high school so obviously there's a large chunk of time where i just wasn't learning anything about like the lord or the word so what is y'all's advice for someone who didn't really grow up in the church and just advice on how to not get frustrated and that lack of knowledge yeah that's so good that's a that's a great question emma and i think too i i think i can relate to that in the sense of i grew up in church but there were still so many things that i did not know when i when i when i truly had my conversion with the lord um but something that i can encourage you in and it's something that i've really grown and kind of since quarantine started this um i've just been reading so much and just studying so much and i know that um you know being in school and i'm sure all the tests and i'm sure all the stuff you have it can be difficult to um to feel like you can can can study the bible that much and dive into it that much but um just not like because there are a lot of people who did grow up in church but they don't they don't really know what the stuff means um so just to encourage you of you know maybe you feel like you lost a few years of where you um you know that time would have been devoted to the word and would have been devoted to studying um but there's no better time than now and i just encourage you just to just to start reading now and start asking questions find people who who do know things and don't be intimidated by that but just be encouraged by that and reach out to them for help and advice yeah and the thing is like christian said the reality is you could have been in church your whole life and still felt like a lack of knowledge because you know ultimately church is just an hour and a half maybe on a sunday but it's the rest of the week that we have to truly you know pursue the lord and read his word to develop a relationship with him i love church i think church is amazing but i'm just saying that's not the end-all be-all for your relationship with christ and so one of the things i would encourage you with practically is like if you're like oh i don't know the the you know stories i don't know this like honestly get like a children's bible story book because they're so easy to read and that's a great way to learn all the stories and other great resources um the bible project you can go on the bible project and like nutrition and i watch those all the time and any chapter of the bible you can type in and it'll just teach you in a seven minute video of like the what the context of that book was and so there are just so many ways that you can learn um these days in a really easy but very efficient way yeah um and yeah chris and i were both of that we grew up in church but it wasn't until we started really pursuing the lord on our own and diving deeper reading the stories all those different things that we really had such a relationship with the lord and felt more knowledgeable about the scripture but there's still so many things i don't know that's what keeps there will always be things that you don't know that's what will keep you in the words so like christian said no better time but the present now is a great time to start and you know it might take you a year to read the bible and learn the things but what's a year in the grand scheme of your life you know you're only a freshman in college ten years from now you know you'll be maybe married maybe thinking about having kids and you'll have all this wisdom from the years that you started pursuing god and so you're you're not far behind you you didn't you're not slacking you're you're right where you're supposed to be and so i hope that encourages you and go get some children's books and get to know the story and read the bible look into the bible project yeah look into the my project i hope that's helpful emma it is thank you so much yes it's so fun to talk to you good luck on your kimchi you're gonna crush it thank you you
Channel: Sadie Robertson
Views: 147,741
Rating: 4.9441609 out of 5
Id: kTcoYZUEmdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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