You Are an Unrepeatable Miracle | Sadie Robertson Huff & Taya Smith

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all right well i'm so excited taya that you're on the podcast and i have to tell you that i'm not the only one excited this is pretty hilarious so yesterday i'm sitting on the couch and christian my husband and my dad are there and i'm like so i got some great podcasts coming up this week and they asked me who and i'm sharing all the people that i have and i said and taya and they were like wait tia from hillsong united is on the podcast i was like yeah and my dad and my husband both were like so stoked they're like we cannot wait for that one so the men in our family are super stoked for you and as am i because you're just an incredible person which is a heart of gold but i have to say one other funny story about christians so christian really is not just a huge fan he just lo he loves oceans he loves how you lead and all that stuff and it was pretty funny so one time we got in this conversation about the song oceans and he said that that was his shower song like that is a song that he just worships and i thought that was so funny and i made a joke and i was like what do you do you turn on the water and you say you call me out upon the water and the boy gets so offended that i make fun of his shower song and he was like don't ever make fun of my shower song or oceans again and to this day i won't touch oceans it's the best so hey just know that is awesome that's very sweet it's really sweet well we're stoked to have you tia i'm excited to just get to know you more and ask you the question of our podcast which is what's the best piece of advice that you've ever been given such a light question just just we're diving in to the deep end well firstly thanks for having me you're very kind and your family is very sweet as well um the best piece of advice i have ever been given um i would say because of the effect that it's had on my life would be um i when i first moved out of home and i moved to sydney which was 11 hours drive away so it wasn't just like an easy i mean it was one hour flight but i didn't have my license so yeah but yeah that's fine anyway that's a whole other podcast um and the best advice was um i was feeling uh the tug of just trying to learn how to be planted because i was trying to step into the new that i felt god had called me to a new place a new city um but i felt the tug of you know like the familiarity of going back and you know on the on the weekends basically it was just it was really about being planted um in the house of god and in the church and i had a friend that said hey i think you could just see a bit of the struggle of like uh like you know i was going back to be with people for like birthdays and celebrations and weddings which is great but it was always on the weekend which is when i would actually normally be in the house of god on the sunday and planted in like the new place that i was meant to be so he said hey you just need to make a choice um to be planted he said whether it's in this house which was actually hillsong city campus the small a smaller campus of you know our church and um either this church or a different one it actually doesn't matter but you just need to choose to be planted and then they said and get alongside the vision of the house get um behind the vision of the senior passes for that house and just go for it wow and he said and you and you're gonna watch because you're gonna see all your dreams are gonna be realized on the side which i think is essentially it's you know seek first the kingdom of god and everything else the things that we couldn't even think and imagine um will be added unto us because god's so good about that you know and so i made the decision in that moment okay well i love being here and i love really i love the worship and i love the atmosphere when i walk into the house of god um in in that small campus and i said okay cool this is going to be be the house that i get behind and i just made that decision that i couldn't you know like if i was going to step into the new i couldn't keep going back to the familiar and the old things and and so i yeah just made that commitment in my heart and um literally all the things all the dreams all the things that i didn't even realize that i had in my heart god has done above and beyond more than i could ever think ask or imagine that's ephesians 3 20. wow literally so i would say that's the best piece of advice because it's literally impacted my life to this day you know and you i'm sure you would say the same but you know in the house is where i found my husband in the houses where i found lifelong friends people who you know have walked with me and the people that i've uh learned to be accountable to and and to do community with and not for sake gathering together and um i'm so thankful you know and it says many times in the bible you know um it's the planting in the lord like it's not something that we just you know decide and i think even particularly in a time like this um when things are getting shaken up you know thank goodness we have an unshakable kingdom yeah things of god are not shaken at this time to get anything you know our the foundations of our faith and what we've actually built on come out and um god's kind and if we need a bit of a rebuild he'll do it in the most beautiful way that's great um yeah i don't know like i love that yeah it's important and yeah it's so cool no i love that and it makes me think of in psalms or talks about to be like a tree planted by a stream of living water and how your fruit well it will always be fruitful well you know you never have a dry season and just hearing you talk it's so cool because you planted yourself in the house and now like as you tell your story scripture just flows off of you and you've seen all these promises come to life and you probably didn't go in thinking like okay like i'm gonna do this and this is what god's gonna do like you know you could never think that but as you just live out your life in the house of god you just see god do what only god can do and so i love your story and i love that that's your piece of advice because i can say the same for me and i remember the first time i moved to nashville and you know i remember somebody gave me the advice and it was actually a word that's used in the bible henneni and it's like here i am god with no limits no distractions send me and i like went with like this word i was like oh yeah here i am god no limits no distraction send me and then i kept going back same thing like i can't wait to come back home and you know and i was like yes i'm being sent but i'm also kind of backtracking and like i'm kind of living in both of these places and doing that i couldn't fully embrace what god had for me there and then finally i did and was like okay i need to actually get rid of my limits actually get rid of my distractions and let you send me where you have me and yeah look at that time and that is where i started everything i'm doing now you know and again i didn't think oh i'm gonna do this and this is gonna happen just did that and the faithfulness of god to come through and you know teach me who i am and the process is so cool yeah um so i feel like this is funny because i feel like we're friends because we've seen each other at different events and we cheer each other on from the sidelines we dm but i actually don't even know like your story so before hill song and being a worship leader like how did you grow up what what's your life look like before people knew who you were yeah um well i'm a country girl same same i feel like once country always country like it's true when when we get to travel back home and like we i wasn't born on a farm or anything but you know 10 minutes from my house is like farm area and so it's like green rolling hills and it's so beautiful at the time you're just like i can't wait to get out but then like everybody is just like when they go back they're like it's so exciting like it's amazing and um so grow up in the country and then grow up thankfully in a christian household i know that not everyone has that experience but um it was just it was a pretty strict hassle but i'm thankful for it because i feel like it saved me from many different things that my friends have had to go through you know and so i grew up singing i think i was like mom always says like you know you were three and i was like running around the house singing my own little song and she's like you always have like a song in your heart it's awesome and then she loves to say that like and you never shut up so i was like ah thank you and thank you um and and we weren't allowed to say that word when we were growing up so i say it like a bit with tongue-in-cheek like i can say i'm not in trouble i was like oh my gosh that's a rude word but um and so i always knew about jesus and i always loved him i asked him into my heart in my bedroom with my mom when i was five well um but i really you know the ramifications of of you know what that actually means when you say okay you're the lord and savior of my life um until potentially like you're not forced to go to church because i know that people who grow up within church like there has to come that point and sometimes it's like 16 17 18 years old when you choose for yourself yeah and we're part of a really really small community like 25 people was like revival sunday you know normally it was like really really small but there was things that i'm so thankful for um that i learned in that house like they loved they loved the holy spirit and they loved the prophetic and i feel like that um that probably opened up my eyes and my heart to that that's awesome um and he's the holy trinity that's part of who god is friends i have been listening to this new book that is so good it's called stop calling me beautiful by felicia masenheimer and it is incredible sometimes i like to listen to books because you know i might not have time to actually sit down and read it and i just want to put it you know on my airpods or turn it on the car and if you're like that too audible is the place to do it audible has so many books on there fun fact actually there's so many books on audible that if you were to listen to every title on audible you would be listening for more than three centuries y'all this place has it all so if you want to be a member ottawa you can go on you can get 30 days for free which is incredible audible members also get full access to the popular plus catalog filled with thousands and thousands of audio books original entertainment guided fitness sleep tracks for better rest and podcasts including ad-free versions of your favorite shows and exclusive series so this is the place to get your audiobook this is a place to just chill sit back relax listen to a good book honestly i won't tell y'all for real i was listening to this book at the beach just my headphones and it was so nice and i want that for y'all don't forget new members can get 30 days free so visit sadie that's a-u-d-i-b-l-e sadie or tex-city to 500 500. it's so convenient just take city to 500 500 to get started with audible today in my final year of high school it was the first week of my you know last year and it's meant to be like the most amazing year where you celebrate and it's just like exciting and um five of five of my friends were in a car accident and um one of them survived oh my god and so it's just like like crazy devastation and wow and i think uh like only god can work good from like tragic circumstances like it was amazing how you know teachers would say and i went to a public high school so this wasn't a christian high school it was probably like three or four christian girls like within our entire year and it was just crazy there were teachers who weren't um believers and they just said wow you girls are the faith you're really strong for people wow which i was just like are you kidding me like i'm falling apart here like i didn't even know how to study like so it for me personally it was kind of a write-off for you like you know i obviously you look back and you're like no god you have this completely under control you know i thought when i was younger i was going to be like a doctor and um and i and i wasn't like bad at school like i was doing quite well the whole way through until roughly this happened and then you know my parents didn't have the opportunity to go to university so i feel like they're a little bit riding on the fact that like she's gonna be she's gonna go to university and she's gonna you know do this right and so then this happened i really struggled like i mean praise god i didn't fail any subjects but there was a moment where um i didn't do as well as what i had hoped and so i didn't even apply to go to university which i think potentially was like a kick in the gut to like yeah you know my dad who had always wanted to do a you know science degree or like he was just he's so great with figuring things out and like inventing things and he's amazing and so um there was a period of uh quite a few years after that so i started working like after i finished high school i stayed in the local town and was just working in retail loved it because i love fashion i love people so it's kind of like a perfect mix i can still remember all the steps that they said you definitely crushed the fashion game i will say you're you're in fashion for many people i've tried to pull off some looks you've done too yeah no honestly like how good's pinterest like you just go through for the best okay i like this i like this and you just gotta try it and just like a little piece of um advice that i have you know if you just like want to try something new i just pretend that i'm a model so i pretend i'm paid i'm paid to wear it like if you're wearing something when you say oh i'm paid to wear this like it's okay [Laughter] definitely not but it's it's a lot of fun gives you a bit of confidence yeah oh well um and anyway it got to the point where i was like okay i told my parents i'm going to move to sydney to be a recording artist i had absolutely no plan or were you thinking like worship or were you thinking like oh no no i was just thinking like i love to sing i'll be a singer and i just said i'm gonna be recording artists without even knowing like what does that even mean how do you even recording artists obviously you need to get signed like and i just i don't know so i just moved out of home and i the timing was crazy i felt i just felt like it was just time to go and then obviously my parents were like shouldn't you just like save up and have some money because i didn't have any money saved up and i had 200 in the bank which was literally two hundred dollars that's all i had i didn't have you know and so that was for the following week's rent you know i found a place in sydney that was just like a room of someone from like an older couple from church you know god bless the commons i'm very grateful for them and and my my parents was like oh this doesn't seem wise and so then because i didn't have anything i didn't have anyone like i had uh attended uh hillsong city campus a few times which is like in the centre of the city which isn't the main campus but it's just this beautiful community of people and so i knew that if i was gonna go to sydney like that's where i would you know go and run church um and more on that later because i knew that i wasn't just going to attend church like i wanted to actually like get planted and serve because i wasn't keen to just like take but i wanted to also like right give at the same time and so anyway so i was like okay lord i opened up my bible and i was reading this story where it says jehovah and my provider one of the names of god and i was like cool you are you are all i have yeah i don't have anything so it says that this is who you are i need you to be who you are in this situation because i don't have a job and i need a job by next week which is again like it's just illogical like i don't know i was yeah just like okay i'm like thursday i need i need to be working the next week so then i handed out resumes the next day and then i got ended up all in all like three jobs i got paid trials which i didn't even know that they would pay you to trial for a job and so in the end i had um just over two hundred dollars for the following week's rent i had enough money to buy some food and then a train ticket so i could make it to church because again i didn't drive and then there was like a dollar 20 left over so i could buy a little chocolate oh my gosh i love chocolate and i believe god cares about the little details as well so i agree it was yeah and so then it was just like a couple of years of just living paycheck to paycheck and just trusting god and just seeing um his faithfulness when we just step out and we choose to be obedient to the little promptings and so that kind of went on for a couple of years and i tried to serve within the creative team when i first got down because obviously i love music right i was a singer and um ps i had absolutely no like drive to do my own like things so even though i told my parents i was becoming a recording artist like i just worked in retail down there i had no idea what i was doing and then i just started um i became a youth leader it's awesome and so again once a year i was like uh give me the crazy kids you know like i'm all about it and i just love their passion and their rawness and let's be honest we're not meant to be adults of god where children are guys these kids who are just like like dad what are you gonna do next like i'm you know i'm in whatever it looks like and so and then maybe like a slightly not as well known thing i tried out for the voice oh cool like two years later and i thought that was potentially going to be the way that i would um you know like ta-da my dad i did it you know um but it but it wasn't so i tried out um made it just before we actually got to like you know you do it in front of the live audience and um and i played original songs and and all that and they said like we love it amazing um and you know we'll give you a call soon um yeah icky crushed it today i was like oh thank you so much and then i had a friend um this is where like you know good friends good community um accountability come in and they say hey if you do this everything will change which instantly made me go oh gosh like i don't love change which is i say all the time i laugh now because i think god has a sense of humor because when you follow him like nothing's guaranteed and you just go with the flow literally true holy spirit so um i was like oh gosh and so then she said but if you do this i'll back you and if you don't do it i'll back you but just it will change and so i prayed a prayer that i had a friend who won australian idol and he prayed this prayer at the start that said god if this is your will for my life like we open the door and if it's not what you have for me shut it so i thought you know what it worked for him i'm gonna pray i love that so yeah so i said lord um open the door if this is actually what you want me to do and if not just shout it and i got filled with so much peace that in that moment i feel like i just like put it down it was like cool like whatever happens amazing and then two weeks late later i got forced to go on a uh like a week's holiday with work because when you're in retail christmas is the really busy period it was coming up and they wanted us like rested to basically you know work as like a workhorse um and so i tried to like change the day and they're like no no it has to be this week i'm like okay and then i try to fly home and then all of a sudden like it's usually really cheap like fifty dollars to fly back home which is like for us like quite cheap yeah it's super and which would be like 30 u.s yeah for a flight that is great yeah you're like i'll take two um but then it just like the prices just went up to like 250 one way 350 the other and because i was living you know week to week paycheck to paycheck i was like i don't have that kind of money okay i'm stuck in city for a holiday that i don't want yay and so then on the day of my first holiday like the the first day of that holiday i get a text message and it's from this guy who i had no idea i should have maybe like googled or checked or something and his name is michael gaichis who is the producer and the guitarist of united oh wow just hadn't i just had no idea i don't think i was just living under a rock um and he's like hey we uh would you like to come in and be free to come in to do some um bv's like backing vocals on the latest united project and i was just like this is so weird like but i'm yeah sure like you know i i'm free this week because i am on a holiday so sure and um so i went in wow and um and then we were just singing along and i was like i'm pretty sure this is the melody like this doesn't sound like babies like you're literally getting me to sing whatever this person's singing like it's just exactly the same but i didn't say anything and i was just like just singing along and then they said we'd like you to come back tomorrow is that okay and i'm like well so fine because i'm not doing anything and so then i came back the next day and um i think they just finished the song i mean i know they just finished the song like half an hour before i got in and i you know went into the uh where the engineer was and just like listened and learnt the verse and went in and sung it then led the melody the chorus sang the chorus and then learnt the bridge and then went and sang the bridge and then we did some just a little bit of free worship and then that was oceans and to be honest like i told like two or three people that i even went in because i didn't want to be that person that's like because you just never know if a song is going to make it on an album and so i didn't want to be the person who's like oh my gosh like wait till this next thing comes out next minute like no song you know yeah so i was like totally you said that i haven't been that person that's awesome i was like i can't i would die so i just didn't say anything and then so that was november december january like i'm still just working in retail and and i knew that the album was going to come out um mid-february like early feb and um but i hadn't heard anything so i definitely still was not saying anything or just like asking like did i make the cut like i just you know didn't do anything and then um i don't know if you've met our global creative pastor cass langton she's beautiful and prophetic and she's very funny and she said to me one time that she just came out to the city or maybe it was i can't remember and she just said hey um i'd love to get lunch with you and so i just you know old mate who doesn't really pick up on anything i was like i love that yes like um i work on this day and she's like yeah i'll come to you and i was like it's just in retail so like i have to go when my boss tells me i don't i you know so i was like basically an hour late to lunch because they're like you can go now i was like oh my gosh i was like i'm so sorry they're like that's fine like we were gonna wait like don't even worry because i thought they may would you know reschedule something and so we rock up to lunch and then she literally as soon as i sit down she's like okay she's like would you ever quit your job and i was like i was like uh yeah i'm selling clothes um i love it but yeah and she goes would you quit today and i was like whoa yeah i was like why she's like well we want you to come on staff at church to look after the vocals in the city campus and you have to quit today because you're going on tour next week with united to south africa for the zion tour and so just like i start crying and then through like my tears i'm just like by the way like i didn't go to university i haven't had singing lessons like i'm like kind of saying like i'm unqualified like i don't even know what i'm doing yeah and basically it was the best lunch of my life wow i'd say so and i walk yeah oh my gosh i walk back to work and i'm just like uh i have to tell you something and they're like you're quitting aren't you and i was just like how did you know yeah wow and sorry and then they're like yeah you're gonna work for the church aren't you why i was like what yes i was just like did you guys all just know this and not tell me and they're like we're so stoked for you because normally if someone's leaving particularly in retail you're just like so dirty or just like yeah like because it's so much work for everyone then you gotta rehire and all that stuff but they were stoked wow because i they just you know i just anytime i was leaving work i was usually going to like a youth night or like a connect group or like you know and so they were just pumped and [Music] yeah the following week um [Music] we had like a few little rehearsals and that's when i they're like oh do you hear oceans wow and i was like oh i mean if that's okay sure like i'd love to and so i heard it and that was the first time i heard it and then we were on the plane like you know two days later and i'll never forget jd my brother of all brothers who actually married ben and i he's oh that's awesome he's a yeah special older brother i'll never forget he's like looking back from his seat on the plane he's going you better learn um and he's just like saying all these like hosanna and his like bones and just saying all these like girl songs and i was already feeling stressed trying to learn this because i don't know if anyone's been to hillsong united but there's a lot of songs and again i was probably living under a rock and some of the songs i hadn't ever like learned before and so basically i was just trying to cram all these like um words into my head just going please god please god thank goodness for like let's just say shout out to all graphic lyrics operators within churches on sunday you are the true worship leader and you help us i'm so grateful so pretty crazy i think it was the second night in so the first night when we went on that tour to south africa was in um johannesburg or joburg and then the second night joel leaned over and the album hadn't come out yet and just said hey let's we'll try oceans tonight wow oh totally and i'm just like oh gosh oh gosh but then the album hadn't come out yet so i was like if i stuff it up a little bit no no one will know oh yeah that was wrong and so we started the track and it just had this weird very weird response like no one knows the song and yet everyone just like did this weird cheer at the start it was very weird wow and um and then we just sang it and we had like sweet moments of free worship and then we're just like oh that was a bit weird and amazing and i don't know what that was you know obviously god's power having his way of doing this thing and then um yeah wow and that is the coolest story ever what a testimony i love how you just dropped this like epic god story and then you're like and yeah like that's it but that's that's that i can relate to that because even when you tell whenever i tell my story it's like all you can really say is yeah because it's so god it's like you can look at it and say like yes i sing but i didn't do any like god set that up and what i love about it is that you moved to sydney and like you didn't know really what you were gonna do how that was gonna look there wasn't necessarily like it didn't even financially make sense but you did it and then years go by before you actually realize like the purpose of you being where you're at and all the things that god was doing behind the scenes and i think so many times like in our christian walk we want to have clarity before we do something you know before we have faith right we want god to say move here and here's why and here's all the things that are going to happen and when you get there i'll do this and that's just not how it works like your story reminds me of moses when god showed up and he's like i need you to go back and i need you to talk to pharaoh and moses starts coming up with all these excuses as to why he's not the person just like you like okay well i can't speak i can't do this and you're like i didn't go to university i didn't do this and i i can relate to that too because i did the same thing and he's like just go like i will give you the words to say and yet and here you are years later still leading and god has time and time again giving you the words and the voice and specific moments and that's impacted people's life about how you've led and so i think your story is so powerful and i'm excited for people to listen because i think people are going to say wait god can do that like god works like that that like those whispers that i'm following that that really is him and and it is him and it's so beautiful um also i didn't know that you worked in retail and i think that's such a cool side story um because one of the things i was going to ask you was you know it's funny this week i like dyed my hair pink okay just little little pinks and i loved it thanks girl it was so funny because the comments people say are so funny like oh i've always wanted to do this but i didn't have the i've never had the confidence you know i could never do it like all this stuff about like how i could never do it but it's so cool you did it and i was like you know that's sad you know that our confidence is so rooted in like what our appearance is or like if we dye our hair pink and it doesn't work out then what if we lose confidence or whatever and you've made some pretty bold moves like you shaved your head at one point you have like this and i'm and i'm always so close to going back like i love that like your hair color changes your style is so cool and unique and like how did you get to the point which i know that you love fashion but that you were confident enough in who you were to just freely live out who you are yeah well i grew up with this little um i'll never forget it's a little white plaque and it was written in purple because it was my favorite color i think it was my mom's favorite color for me and somehow i just like took it on it's awesome so it's fine i still like it mom and it just said you're an unrepeatable miracle wow and i would i would like grow up just see it on the back of of my door and not from like a wow like i'm an unrepeated amazing no not at all but just like you know we were handcrafted by the hands that formed the stars and the heavens and the earth and and like we were lovingly made you know it says um he knew our form before we were even born when we were in our mother's womb and it's beautiful and and you know each one of us are unrepeatable miracles and i just feel like um yeah i don't know like i just i i guess it's just the way that my parents just always instilled that yeah and just how like you know my dad would always say like before you were ours you were his and so it was just like this beautiful thing of like okay we're the handiwork of god again not like a to be cocky or anything like that um but yeah just i don't know like and i've always known that like when you try to be like somebody else um it's always the poorest version of it like it's always gonna be yeah and so i can only do like i can only be me yeah and i can only try my best and you know if that's if that's all i can do then that's great and so i mean i think it's a journey like i think about say like you know kids growing up now and then also like our kids you know when they're going to be teenagers they're going to be bombarded by so many different visual things um which maybe that's key like what what are we watching what are we like taking in what are we listening to um that will have an impact on our value identity or where we place it and in whom and i don't know like to be honest with the whole like shaving of my head um i did it at the start because i had damaged it um by going blonde and i was doing like at the hairdresser's like i wasn't a home job but it was at the hairdressers and it was a scalp bleach which i think is the most like distress you could give yeah damaging hair even though i have gone blind again but i did foils nice i think it's a little great for sure yeah so this is another point for people go for foils rather than scalp learn from my mistakes um and and i i did it and at the point like you know i you know if we're just gonna be honest just to help people like i went through a breakup um a little while before that and it wasn't like the nicest breakup and and i was just gonna shave my head because i was like oh like i just need to get like healthy hair again because it was breaking off and and i could have truly like i could have cut it to here i could have cut it like just underneath my ears or like made a bob or something but i was just like you know drastic i was like shave it just shave it you know and i said it a few times as a joke with friends but you know the power of your words like i started thinking about i was like okay let's do this and then just before i shaved it um i felt like this like weird thought of like oh what would that person think if i shaved or what would that person think if i shaved it and i felt like the holy spirit just like interject and said hey even now even more you need to do it because you're not ruled by people's opinions and you're not meant to be ruled by people's opinions so i did it and it was this insane thing of um yeah it was just like a god thing of all of a sudden i was just walking in a different way and i felt free and there was his confidence because you know like i think there's this girl called like india ari that says like i'm not my hair like it's this beautiful old school song like you know kind of shows how old they are and um and i was just like wow like our beauty doesn't lie within our hair our beauty doesn't lie with in what we wear like yeah you know i mean it says in the bible like charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who well this is like the most important part of trying the lord waits in the lord something about the lord all of the above trust love respects all the things oh my goodness i'm going to do this later and be like oh why does that happen anyway we're both yeah so check that out that's so good though and that's so that's so true and that's why i wanted to challenge people with that thought of saying that i don't have the confidence to do that because i think we need to ask ourselves why like if we don't then why is it because of somebody's opinion or is it because of how we would look or our own insecurity or what somebody would say and those are important questions because then what are are we living free you know but even i love what you said about your mom saying that you are a unrepeatable miracle and to me like that's so cool because back whenever i was little my dad used to like give everybody a nickname and i was always bothered that i did not have a nickname and i was like dad like i'm just saying like why like i know i want a nickname like all these people have like these cool names that you've given them and i'm just some sadie and he would always say to me he said city you're just the original and he would always call me the original and now literally behind me you can see my sign says live original that's my whole message that's the let's go again what is ministry but that is the name of my ministry everything i do has been birthed out of this idea that i want to encourage people to like live original confident in the person that god created them to be and so it was really cool that my dad said that over me in my life and it used to bother me until one day it actually was like the thing that affirmed who i was and same for you and so you know for girls out there listening and guys too it's like you know you might have these insecurities and you might not have a parent who said you're the original or you're unrepeatable miracle but at the same time like your heavenly father does say these things over you like like you said you're his handiwork you're made in the image of him like there are so many beautiful words that god has spoken over the creation that you are and if you take that and let that be your confidence and that from who you are you really do get to live more freely like if you want to shave your head you can shave your head not that that's what freedom's about or dying your hair pink but it's a form of expressing that i'm not living bound to what other people say about me or my own insecurity but i'm living in the freedom of who i know i am and so your story just reminds me so much of things i've been through and i think it's going to encourage so many girls out there i want to ask you one final thing because i know we talked a lot but your story's just your testimony has been incredible but i want to ask you about this because it's something i struggle with during um honestly just again to be honest to help people where they're at during this like pandemic and especially actually when i had kobit it was like really hard for me to worship which i've never faced before like honestly i've always been someone that loves to worship i always i've like pretty pretty much maintained a relationship with jesus yes i've gone off and had better seasons than than others but i've never like struggled i never like doubted god or struggled to worship but whenever i had covet it sent me in this like really dark time where i was like really feeling depressed and i was just really struggling to worship through it um and so as a worship leader you know i know that is like what you do that's obviously something you love to do but have there been times in your life even that you've struggled to worship and if there have like how do you navigate through those seasons um when worship is is your job but it's also like the posture of your heart you know yeah oh that's that's a heavy one it's well it's like you know like how do we define worship if worship is just in our minds if worship is just the 20 minutes we have at the top of a service or maybe 40 depending you know what church you go to um then i think we've missed it because then if we miss worship or we rock up late or say online church we just put it on in the background and we don't really focus until the person who's preaching comes on like then we've we've missed it you know one of my favorite stories in the bible and i didn't know why until it wasn't until i actually got to israel and i saw this beautiful mosaic in this amazing church and i was like why is there a picture of jesus on the cross and then there's a picture of the disciples with his mother mary and then there was beside this was um this is on the roof of um it's the holy sepulchre like a church over there and there was a a picture of isaac on the altar with his uh father abraham and there was a ram in the thicket and i said wait a second so there's a picture of jesus and it's new testament and then there's this picture of this old testament story and i was like i didn't why does that correlate and so then um one of my friends katrina who's a bible teacher and theologian herself and um speaks hebrew and well you know all the things are like she's amazing and she started to unpack why that was you know on on the roof of this church and it was actually the first time that worship was mentioned in the bible wow when abraham was going up the mountain with isaac he told to sacrifice him because that's what the lord had said and he told the servant to wait there because isaac and i are going up to worship so he knew he was going up to sacrifice and he knew he was going to be obedient to the lord and he called that worship so it's sacrifice and its obedience wow that's actually the definition you know from what he was saying wow that worship is i don't know if he was going to um sing a song but he was going up there to worship which is you know i love in romans 12 it talks about you know take it every day this is the message translation take your everyday um life you're eating you're sleeping you're walking around life and place it before god um as a holy sacrifice pleasing to him that's how we live not just not just the song not just the 20 minutes but how we live our eating you know do we honor god with the with the temple that he's given us which is you know we're temples of the holy spirit so we honor him in the way that we walk around and the way that we um encounter other people in our in our everyday life you know do we do that as an act of worship and at the start of that verse in romans actually says in full view of god's mercy you know we do everything out of a response because of what jesus did the only reason we can come to the father is because of what jesus did on the cross that he died and took on all of our shame our sin all the weight that we you know carry and will carry like he he died a perfect sacrificial lamb once and for all and um maybe you don't have time to go into it but i would definitely suggest reading those uh reading that early story about abraham and isaac and just how god put abraham in asleep and he back in all day it was um you know it was the way to do a covenant which is like you know a promise that couldn't be broken and that we would shake on it and we would both fulfill it it sounds like really gory but they would like cut animals in half and they would put on either side and there would be a river of blood that would run through and people would walk through one after the other so that they would hold on to that covenant saying that that's what we're going to do and we'll you know like that's like as good as a handshake and in this dream um that's what god showed abraham that he was doing and abraham actually didn't walk through but god did and he saw the back of him wow and so i was just like being blown away this is like my friend telling me and just retelling me the story and obviously i went and read it again later on but that god would say you know i'm gonna do this basically i'm gonna give my son even if you don't well it's insane like the bible's amazing how everything is everything ties together yeah honestly like i've you know i i got given um a new american standard bible by my husband for christmas and just the um because it has like a concordance but also just like car like tells you all the scriptures that correlate with each other so anyway i would say go read that because it's such a beautiful powerful thing so that you know i know we're talking about worship we'll come back to that with like isaac and abraham up on that mountain he was worshiping and then god in his kind of said hey just before you kill him stop i've actually provided and the correct terminology um i'm probably going to get it wrong because i i'm not great with this but you know like god himself will provide a lamb wow so god himself yeah jesus was a lamb and so he was foreshadowing what he was going to do so all for all of us like it's amazing so all that to say worship is sacrifice and obedience even if you don't feel like it um it's the way that we live our lives and you know i'm not perfect this is stuff that like ah you can so easily get out of step with god for me it's like i have to spend time with him every single day otherwise i'm not a good person i'm not good i'm i'm you know we have sinful natures like i sin and i fall short you know i'm not perfect the only person who was perfect was jesus yeah thank goodness for him otherwise we wouldn't get to be in the presence of god and so i've just had to learn how to cultivate it right i can tell you i'm so i will be so excited when we get back to be in the building we've only had one church service since covert here wow the start of last year where we've been together in the building and then the next week we had another outbreak so we they shut everything down again so i can't wait like maybe it'll be this coming sunday i'm not exactly sure but i'll be excited for that but i feel like this is again like this whole season has just like pulled back the layers yeah and it's showing what we've actually built on and the foundations of our faith and what we believe and what do we believe about god when things aren't shaping up to be you know like i i think it's in limitations or it's i think it's limitations three or habakkuk i can't exactly remember both great books totally read them in the bible you know though the fig tree doesn't doesn't actually have fruit and though things aren't looking how how i think it should and yet i'll praise him like you know a sacrifice of praise you know i don't know and maybe this isn't like the correct theology but like let's give something to god that actually costs us because when we get up to heaven we probably can't give him there's going to be no tears no pain no sickness like you know faith is real when you actually are getting refined yeah that's good like when you when you're going through stuff like give him something that like that we couldn't give to him up there yeah because we're going to be healed and whole like wow give him the thing that costs you like trust him yeah i mean i'm still trying to figure it out i don't have the scripture to back that up fully but it's everywhere in scripture you know no i love that that's so good thank you so much you are such a well of wisdom and like on top of just your wisdom your honesty and vulnerability i know it's gonna help so many people and you're so relatable it's always fun when you talk to people who you know you can look at you and you see all the things that you've done and it's really remarkable and amazing but your humility shines through it all and you just see jesus and you just hear jesus in your story and so it's always refreshing to talk to someone and be like man i can relate to that not because i can relate to taya necessarily in her story but i can relate to who god is and what he's gonna do in my life and what he's already done and so your advice is incredible i don't know what i know everybody's being said i know christian's really going to be excited to uh my husband's going to be excited to hear this shout out so just know also we we think you and ben are awesome i wish we got to hang out with y'all new york more but even just who you are online is such a great example to so many people so thanks for spending time with me on the podcast and just sharing your heart you're incredible you're very kind thank you for having me and we love you guys and we're backing you to the hilt and can't wait these baby girls come earth side and one day when we get to travel again we'll get to all hang out yes praise i believe it i believe it well thank you that was so good [Music] hello hello hello how's it going it's oh what's your name ella yes mayor it's nice to meet you nice to meet you so nice to meet you too over the phone how's you having a good day so far yeah yeah um i had my school classes for the day um and now i'm going to cheer practice oh that's awesome yeah you did something i was unable to do make the cheer team congratulations that's still sadie's biggest life regret that's no it it's not it might be my embarrassment but it's not my regret oh that's hilarious well okay what's your question that you sent in yeah so i mean i've dealt with insecurities i think like every other girl i don't know yes like fourth grade um probably that's probably when they started i mean i've had all the thoughts like am i good enough am i pretty enough do i look good enough in this outfit you know right um and i've always just been such a people pleaser and so i naturally just have always felt the need to cater to everyone around me and how they see me um and like being a teenager growing up in a literal pandemic um with like such high standards being set by social media which you look at magazine covers it's just like hard for me sometimes to look at myself and know like that god's opinion is the one that truly matters so i guess my question would be like when did you feel like you started living confidently in god rather than other people's opinions and how did you like get to that point yeah oh it's so good first of all thank you for just your honesty because that is so relatable and so real like if that i think everybody has experienced those feelings and those thoughts um part of it is the culture that we live in i think also it's just a part of being human you know and looking to the left and the right comparing yourself to other people comparing yourself to the magazines to instagram to the likes and all the different things so that's a struggle that everybody goes through but what i am love about you is that you're not willing to just accept it because everybody goes through it because i think that's the thing that we fall into it's like well everybody goes through it everybody struggles with it and then we're like but does that mean we should feel that way does that mean that that's a good thing and no clearly not obviously we know that the bible has something else to offer where there's this peace that surpasses all understanding there's this love and there's this worth and this value and so i love that you're trying to seek truth in that and not just going with the standard of the world but i'll tell you for me whenever that kind of shifted for me i'll never forget i was in eighth grade it was january the 16th 2012. i remember the date because it was so significant to me i basically was just fed up with being insecure and not being confident in myself and i wanted to find a verse on confidence i could just hold on to and this was going to be like my confident verse and to be honest with you what i was wanting to find was something like you are amazing god made you perfect just as you are go rock it but that is like not what i found as i google search how to be confident in the bible verse i'm being confident i actually found hebrews 10 verse 35 and it says so then do not forget the confident trust that you have in the lord for that will be richly rewarded and something just literally like for the first time ever i got this revelation of what it means to be confident as a christian it's not that you have to be confident in yourself and your own ability and your look like you said do i look good enough in this outfit am i enough in this that's not even what it's about it's do i trust god do i have confidence in who god is because if you can find confidence in who god is you naturally will be confident in who you are because god is the one who created you he's the one that formed you and if you're confident in the creator you're going to be a lot more confident in his creation you're also going to free yourself up from looking from the left to the right to be able to accept who he made you to be and what he wants to do with exactly who you are and so honestly it's really shifting your eyes off of everybody else and even off of yourself and onto god and saying my confidence is not going to be rooted in how well i perform it's not gonna be rooted in how good i look it's not gonna be rooted in who i date who i don't it's not gonna read how many friends i have my confidence will be rooted in who god is and how he created me and that's gonna free you up to live the confident life that that god has for you so it's a total perspective shift off of yourself off of the world and on to god and i'm telling you it'll truly truly change your life and i think it's interesting that you said like when did that start for you when did you you know stop valuing the world's like words of self and value and gods and it's interesting now that i'm pregnant and i have this view of my daughter it's so beautiful because you know she's in the womb the only person who knows her right now is god she's so beautiful she's so wonderful she's so amazing and that's all she knows about herself and then when she's born into the world the only thing she'll know for a few years is what her her earthly dad and her mom say over her that she's beautiful and she's wonderful that she's amazing and she will have a confidence when she's young like we all do you know and then there will be a time that sadly she will be insecure because at some point she will shift her eyes off of you know and her ears from the words of truth and onto the world so i think we all start out with the confidence we all start out with um because the only we all start out only knowing god only being known that we're wonderfully made only being mentally amazing and then we get with the world and then there's this crucial point in our life that we have to get back to the original word spoken over us from god and so it's really just getting back to to what you really know and how you were really formed yep that was great i really don't have anything to add after that well you can just affirm you did well yeah you pretty much covered um all the bases there but for me just quick tidbit um i would say when i truly felt like the lord converted me and i really feel like my life changed that was kind of when i kind of shifted from mother's opinions to what god said about me and not that because i do think that it can happen in an instant but i do also think that it's like a gradual process yeah there are some people who say like january 16 2012 but but even that there's a process you know because i mean they're still yeah i still have thoughts that creep in about what other people think of me but i know that that that's not what defines me and it and it it did take a time and a place where where i found my confidence in god that that surely after time what others thought of me slowly started to become less what i thought about yeah let's go babe well ella i hope that that encouraged you and again just like thank you for being so real because every girl and guy is gonna hear that and be like that's me she's me that's exactly how i feel and hopefully we can speak some truth into that so we're so glad you called and thanks so much for sending in your question yeah thank you so much for answering you are such an inspiration to me and it's just crazy that i'm even talking to you guys right now oh what thanks friend will you have the best rest your day enjoy your cheer don't get hurt i will i will bye is that your dad don't get hurt i didn't want her to like go you know don't twist your ankle that was so cute y'all keep sending an advice to our what else good podcast instagram we would love to chat with you on the phone and get to hopefully give you the advice that we've learned some some of the hard way some some the easy way but really just what we found in god's word so keep calling we'd love to answer keep calling [Music] you
Channel: Sadie Robertson
Views: 164,498
Rating: 4.9520183 out of 5
Id: Hn3pAAOaQlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 26sec (3446 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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