Jambalaya, By Louisiana Cajun Chef Brett Hebert, Shrimp, Crab, Andouille Sausage

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Katie cousins jambalaya I'm sure about that absolutely it's not no boxy this the people that cooked your box they don't have a clue exactly but that's quick and easy there you go this is right here when you want to feed your family and you want feed your family love and tendons there you go and great flavor ain't great flavor all right we did today Santa Claus skinny I've got my cast on brand news Taylor look at that black guy 5 quart Dutch oven out the box I guarantee you they can jump a line out in here what we're gonna do we got our three pounds of Gulf of Mexico shrimp okay nothing upon doesn't I mean none from the whales got it to go blue claw crabmeat can't go 1 pound of that what bomb okay three pounds andouille sausage 2 pounds to burn okay 3 cups of rice all right 3 large onions already chopped up okay and in here I have a half of a female bell pepper two stalks of celery and one bunch of green onions okay I have my Cajun cousins all-purpose seasoning I have a can of Rotel okay some Martin salt some black pepper garlic I love garlic okay some parsley and ahead my seafood stock okay gonna have a little Louisiana Hot Sauce we got four cups of that seafood stock or more cups okay I have three cups of rice all right might not need all those but I got just a little extra juice in case you gotta put some when you want to do you whatever my rice snap that's how much liquid you want to add okay that's the rule of thumb and this is a what we have to make our Cajun cousins jump a lot all right in this I'm keeping you here we go I'll see y'all Newman all right so long and the bottom the pot right here just a little bit splash right here not much it's enough you know proud a cup of tea you can see right here I have three Lords yellow onions you know jambalaya you want a lot of onions to start to jump a lot cuz always gonna cook down and get brown that's where your code is gonna come from so we're gonna Brown these onions down real good time put that on the bottom medium high medium to high fire okay there we go you let that cook down you gotta stir it occasionally and but you don't want to burn them okay you want them dark all right got you all right okay go check on these on your own right here dad it's starting to cook down yeah and this is gonna be very very good right here one get them to a brown dark brown color okay hot black all right so you got a long way to go I'm just cook them down on these your hide you rang and just let them saute together okay all right how do you starting to cook down yeah as you can see how to turn the turn brown they still got a long way to go but with you looking like Andy just sauteing and they can you see this color right here uh-huh that's what you want all of them to love I hate all right that one right there that's what I'm talking isle of man you light spot but this right here is the best one for cooking to jump a lot see that this is really nice okay they Brown a nice man I see what this is gonna be some good stuff right down in that pot perfect let's go see that Brett lovely beautiful it's what you want it would be a jambalaya it all starts with [Music] I guarantee all right I'll get back with you in a minute you see the color of these onions right here oh yeah this is about where you want to be this is me are very nice right here look how nice and brown huh in the venue is really good then get a little more brown I'm gonna add some Oh sup and have you ever stuffing get a little darker for criminalise yeah smells good because the coal over your onions I'm gonna bring out the color in your jumble up okay if you don't cook I'm talking up you can have a light so a jumble of all right junghwa it's supposed to be a good brown color okay that's not beautiful know what I'm gonna do you see I got my bell pepper celery in my in my green onions in here okay Larry now it's time to throw that in here and you vegetables that's right okay that's gonna go in there no okay there we go that's right makes it always looks oh yeah and now it's colors in there that's right and now we have our two phones of on Dewey saw I'm gonna throw that in put that in there to play that oh yeah and now you want to let this cook we're gonna cover that up okay he'll let that soften stood and then let it let it start to brown okay all right I'll be back in a minute all right sounds good hey let's take a look at this many of these are starting to look good yeah yeah that's all Brown and real good right here and it's off the hook yeah hello kilo so my how to onions are getting out of color I did that's what that's what you eat okay we shut its office or going to borrow and I do is just really you can smell it so this is unbelievable bachelors push it in there and then one yinz already down and brown wow what a dish that's right this is perfect man you know what I like I like my little Dutch oven you got there buddy [Music] Dutch oven doing the job that's right I have to move all right buddy okay you ready yeah listen where we at right now now right now it took I guess a bud by 20 minutes to cook the onions okay and right now we got the sausage and the bell peppers and the celery and the green onions in here by ten minutes okay okay so now I would assign the food it's gonna add the shrub okay yeah we're gonna scrub down a little bit how are you say this has been cooking overall probably about thirty minutes okay twenty-five to thirty yeah twenty-five to thirty minutes I can try that sausage getting Brown it is that's perfect it does right you know all right well I love this but well I'll tell you it's really cook it nice oh yeah all right oh yeah go ahead next butter right now right now all right I'm ready let's throw I did it now this is some ghost Gulf of Mexico shrimp already peeled and deveined you wanna do you have devein shrimp you don't want all that vein in there and these are what count about 40 this is uh yeah about a forty fifty count right here okay and do we gonna go ahead let just know I'm gonna stir it up a little bit then when I add a little season okay so that truck in the marinade yeah a little something that okay okay all right oh all right let me come back in all right go ahead all right this is Cajun cousin season right here oh boy look how nice they look nice black pepper my jambalaya okay let's see what we do here a little black cap in a little black pepper okay all right see that right there uh-huh salt okay some salt yeah you wanna listen see that right there uh-huh oh that a little salt right oh my god I put garlic and about everything some granular go gravely go a little garlic good stuff yes yeah right there so garlic he tastes it okay you want to add your portion some dry parsley flakes that's right you want a drop come on give it a little flavor yeah right that's right see that right there yep of that I was beautiful look at it I'm gonna put a little pop in there with Louisiana Hot Sauce a little hot sauce just you know cakes all right I'm gonna stir that up okay I'll be back in a minute let's turn up seven once you started having the wok cook for a while right yeah sit down all right I got one more thing I want to put in but I don't put it in just get a little Rotel not the whole can take a little couple of tablespoons cuz he gives it that pop okay not everybody puts it in here I'm not like it in mine okay okay I'm gonna put in that breath see I'm gonna put one uh-huh right there it has a little bit more all right I get it plenty all right I don't walk too much sure but that's perfect right there all right so we're gonna stir that up it was through that up okay clear sure the idea how that coming together huh man it smells amazing boy what everything I could I know rally the sausage run just some alive really coming together oh my goodness guys let me show you something I'm excited about this it's gonna be some good dinner here look at that head I'll do it you know you can eat this on the sandwich bread right absolutely look at this oh man I tell you what night that night she did great in it good I jump a lot of coming oh man gave it up a little touch of it and everything Wow look at that yes we're gonna fix an air dry some crab me Oh pound of crab meat guys call sulfur Mexico so crab look at Grandma's oh my god me going in that jambalaya oh good oh that ain't Cajun I don't know what is that put the Cajun engaging buddy absolutely yeah put a little crab me there you got all the crab me stirred up in there and won't let this don't get a little bit Bowl okay all right yeah dad just smelling unbelievable here I say bomb we got a crazy amazing all right buddy come back that children saying earlier I like to watch more rice good it gets out that chalky Cleveland okay you will see what I'm talking about with the rice chalky vales yeah settle water turns milky look uh-huh all right you don't want that okay I like watching my rice and a lot of people say that washing rice takes the vitamins out but it leaves the dad a chalky flu I don't care for that alright so we're gonna watch our rice and rain it and we're gonna add it to the good a jambalaya okay sounds good is right here yep okay yep okay now I'm gonna add our rice to the to jump a lot okay all right okay little stir this all right really good stuff mm-hmm now we need to add a little liquid okay yeah about three cups of this okay uh-huh and what is this secret um seafood stock okay let's go ahead at the rice I had four cups but we're gonna use about three cups okay uh-huh go about write down and how long we gonna cook this for now what we're gonna do I monster real good uh-huh and then I had a little salt and pepper on top season the rice okay and then we're gonna let it come to ball okay anyone gonna put it on simmer I'm gonna leave it covered for about 35 minutes all right let it rest let it rest all right buddy you get myself bill okay and more seasoning because of the rice does it arise a little salt so I like a little black pepper little black pepper his jambalaya coming on nice ice and watch it is oh we got adding it a little splash just a little kick it's just four or five shots that's all just to have a little taste yeah you gotta have a little tea yeah you see the color the gravy uh-huh right here that's where your onions brown and your onions come in okay you see see what I'm talking about how to that gravy around of course that's what I'm talking about okay it's all about browning them onion gotcha all right here we go I'm gonna cover it let it come to a ball okay okay all right Oh jambalaya has come to a boil uh-huh so what we want to do is give it one good stir and make sure it's not sticking on the bottom yeah pretty this looks bass oh look crab meat shrimp in it in that I'm doing in there yeah okay so Nate the next trick you gonna start one good time uh-huh you gonna put this on a medium to low blow after low five low simmer low simmer anything I'll just let it rest bye-bye about 30 minutes okay yeah open little thing cooking all together right now for close to an hour right okay so everybody knows that's right all right here we go Glen Cove it is okay I'm gonna put this down low far you see the far from my dad I'm right yeah that's where you want it you don't want to open it you want to cut you already minutes leave it there for 30 minutes okay all right I covered up not looked at for 30 minutes on a very low simmer far this is the treat you ready yeah this is good stuff right here look at the rice how it just walked up guys see how fluffy it is oh yeah look at that look look look see this right here this is unreal this is done Wow look at the stock in there we didn't eat that thing and the rice is just separates you see that right there oh yeah this is beautiful yeah man I'm tell you this if if you need this in a restaurant this is gonna cost you $15 a plate oh yeah I guarantee but this is some very very good stuff you got the crab meat you got the shrimp you got the andouille sausage you got all the flavor right you got everything in there this came out perfect look at that this is perfect it's unbelievable absolutely I'm ready for a bowl of this David I think you're getting close yeah you ready I'm in all right I'm ready for that whoo look at that perfect this is this came out really really good oh you see how fluffy that right yes that's how you want it you want it all sticky and mushy look at a scene and you see that right there oh yeah this is very very good now what I'm gonna do look yeah a shot it's gonna flow on this plate right here look a crab meat there buddy yeah right there oh yeah that's how you want you to jump a lot of look oh yeah it's very very good right yeah I see that you're tripping it on going no chip a little piece of crab meat right there they go piece of lump crab right there oh I tell you what you know what I got to say this is some delicious stuff right here buddy I I just wonder sometimes if you know what you're doing here what you're providing here I don't know man but you know what I'm providing I'm providing a lot of knowledge for people to give them the love that I have in my heart for my food that I cook and for me to share it with everybody look look at this bright you know I just gotta take a minute to show our viewers the steam coming off this jambalaya and all the seafood and everything you can see look at a Dutch oven how did man look what kind of good job that they do the cast on cast iron cooks the best jambalaya it really does okay and in when we got we got this new pot right here and I tell you what it really does an amazing job yeah a lot of people cooked jambalaya now the different kind of possible uh-huh so for me jambalaya is cast-iron pot look at this the state let me taste some good you ready to take a taste oh it's that time you know that's real it's always time Thanks yeah I'm in on that oh yeah buddy let's do it all right let's try this out do a sausage look at that okay tell me is that sauce a bomb this is better than saucy bone man are you sure about that God are you sure all right let's see it so that bite trying to get away it's trying to get back on that plate I'm telling the truth this is fantastic yeah it got all the flavor yeah I'm headed trunk you got the crab yeah Dom doing you got the spice you got everything this is everything that a real Cajun jungle I have no racist this is very special right here I can see that you need to get you a bike I'm gonna give me some hold on my turn I'm gonna have myself some guys this this is unreal when I tell you ultimate taste test here with Haley on the jambalaya see what she thinks I love it really it's unbelievable wow that's a really a you got your stuff that tells you right there everything you need to know that's right look at that andouille sausage it's good stuff huh all right man hey Steph's here with crystal we're gonna introduce crystal it's my pretty little girl here crystal you want to take a chart a jumbo line all right let's go what do you think you love it is it good all right baby crab [Music] it's a cajun style as you can see there's Jim bottom really came out well yeah a very fluffy it's very very good this is a this is a treat it really is and which I learned here today is something special right and speaking of something special is our YouTube channel you know we are very blessed to have subscribers of us such as y'all and people that share and God has blessed us with with this YouTube channel and I want to thank y'all so much my name is Brett a bear there's a David Cole yep and y'all have a great day and we appreciate you and thank you for for all your feedback and and all your shares and your likes and thank you very much for watching our video and hope you learned something today and and if you cook it respond to us and let us know how it came out and have a great day and we are cousins [Music]
Channel: Cajun Cousins Cooking
Views: 132,540
Rating: 4.8921313 out of 5
Keywords: video, jambalaya, Cajun jambalaya, seafood jambalaya, Shrimp jambalaya, crab jambalaya, Louisiana jambalaya
Id: b8W-mfoUoAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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