Justin Wilson's Lookin' Back Episode 4: Turtle Soup!

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[Music] start there in wine that needs just a little bit of salt you guys didn't hit that Twitter yet oh wait a minute you know I forgot the most important thing yes looking good yeah okay that define lon oh boy [Music] hello there I'm Justin Wilson just about every movie set on location in Louisiana includes at least one machine of someone wrestling with an alligator that really is funny code not too many Louisiana team know descended from the Acadians who settled here in the 18th century go around wrestling alligators come to think of it they don't talk like the Hollywood folks who are pretending to be Cajuns or New Orleanians either I didn't have to wrestle the big old turtle that I used to make the turtle soup the moat delicious soup in the world turtle soup someone else wrestled it for me the time spent preparing this soup is well worth therefore when you got results like that I cooked this turtle soup nearly 25 years ago on my first series for Mississippi educational TV and a wonderful response from viewers join me in looking back at that show I can taste that soup right now on their own tea I'm glad for you to see me I guarantee you know some of the best food in the world is in the restaurants in New Orleans Louisiana and that time of the year when you can't order get into New Orleans there's so many people's down in Mardi Gras is it one of them time that reminds me of a friend one of my friend who went dad during Mardi Gras and he just heard about Mardi Gras just a couple of day before that you just heard about new only on the year before and he went into one the hotel down in the French Quarter and he walked up to the man behind the desk and it's better saying what can I did for you huh he I want a room hey man you got a reserve he said no I ain't got new he said look my friend people make reserve here - year of ahead of time he said I don't even know about this place did he say we crowded we don't got some room not even Bashar laughs in the lobby I'm sorry he said well I've got to have a room I'm so tired I got to rest myself it's a long way too thirty-five here a long time which is even got one there's kids you look at him and say my friend if the president of the new SNA Richard Nixon brought himself yell the day would you have a room for the president in US and he said oh of course we have a room for the president of the new SNA my friends he would he come and give me his room right now when Sarah go to New Orleans sometimes we go to hear my good friend Jeff Fontaine be fountain to you in some time Albert we use your stay at the Hotel Monteleone down in the French Quarter and we love that place and I got to told you this too that that the merrygoround board at kuru Sara Lee called at some time that makes me a little dizzy yeah but it would not guarantee but maybe what we love most about the Monteleone is their oneness turtle soup oh boy in a long long time many years meeting them chef what they got there we got ourself acquainted we shut up good enough the way he told me how he make them turtle soups and this recipe that I got there that's it oh now I don't add a little bit of this and a little bit of that something here and something there but I think he made it more about our see if you don't agree huh now we're gonna start this turtle stew you see what all we got on these pots here oh that's a chicken stock what we got there we're gonna put a chicken in here we got to make we got to make some chicken stops put a whole chicken in that it's got salt in them water we put that in there turn them fire down there yeah now I'm gonna put this out of the way right here and brought this one up here like this but then stock is finish on that and we're gonna borrow them chicken what we just put in there about 45 minutes Oh dad an old chicken is we got to get him out of that somehow Oh yourself stare no there we go come out of there be a good boy now we got them chicken out it out with this pod red back here again put them lay it off and put it on here now I got a rule what I done got finished you know first you make a roof [Music] this Ruben made with a cup of flour plain flour and about 3/4 of a cup of olive oil that's what we use we put on it then we started and cook it real slow slow slow guarantee but it stirred him regret now to worry about them thing burned their self in that pretty look like chocolate candy but it ain't no that's a rule now I'm gonna hold off yeah and chop off a little sorry to show you how that did give me a little go audio and shut this serie for you now you notice all the leaf is gone from that I don't you didn't leave because it got a different flavor now I use them for something but not on this and I want to shop this so serie pretty fine I'm gonna turn up a cup and what I'm going to use chopped that up I got a man John here Oh button get a third of a cup out of this one leave you know this is a leaf of sarah some people call it a stalk I never forgot I accidentally broke missed office area brought me the whole bush chop that up pretty fine it ought to be motion third of a cup right there I'll guarantee let's see here the third measure we're gonna put that on now oh it's a funny thing that's a third of a cup can't get over on two that are guaranteed think that's fine a third of a cup right there imagine now we're gonna put this in the roof did like that we also - gonna put a cup of chopped green on y'all on you shall I put that on down and I'm gonna start at a tease little bit man em on you know my science is right now they always do me put that down on warm now and there we go got them going put the good I guarantee that's pretty I'm now I'm gonna put some chicken stock in there about dough or 3/4 3/4 going in that's close enough at 102 tue - there we go mo stream just a little bit more to be sure got true then we started around just a little bit to get a going there and I'm gonna put some boiled egg on there know what to toy somebody bought him egg you bought him egg but don't that pretty I would take this she can stop down out of my wing when I told you about bar they mean now you put the egg in cold water and you put some salt on that and that kind of keep them shell from broke they sell and make them shell more easy and put a lot of salt in the board I didn't talk about just a pink what about a teaspoon full and then you bar them eggs you bring them to a ball then you cut them down real low just a bubble bubble bubble every now and then and cook them for 20 minutes so they'll be digestible they are you can feed them to a baby if you bought an egg 20 minutes that's the truth guaranteed now look at their egg I'm gonna haul off and peel it Rascals I hope it does what I say hope it peels easy because I put salt in them water well I'll tell you want to get away from it out but it didn't did it peel them a real careful yeah I think you're gonna do it yeah once you get them started nothing to it just like eating lettuce you know come on your show got my senses overlooked and I'm gonna shop this egg already got three up and shop up but I just want to shop this one to show your house did be sure you don't left no shell on that boy that tastes like your dick and when you bite into that you wonderfully I think maybe you loss of teeth we're gonna chop the meat up pretty good yes the minced this is fine as you can when you got the time to did it you know and I'm gonna haul off here and put them in rat on them stuff what I got going here them good turtle soup what I got making its most turtle soup hey now get it out of the way I'm gonna put some other tree egg what I got in there too now I got the shop a quarter of a cup of lemon peeling seed everything you just go ahead on chop them up oh now you know stay together chop that up pretty fine and then you put all that into mister third of a cup we got to get here oh off the fourth look up that's right 1/4 of a cup chopped hope it's a boil chop that up real good keep your fingernails out of it and all that kind of stuff and put that in this Cup well any thing I'd come down 1/4 of a cup idiot I guarantee and we put that on this and we add 8 ounce can of tomato sauce then we put a star on it to be sure we get her in there that's looking better all the time on guarantee mmm get a sandwich I got put a little salt in there and you got an assault and you know I can't old my butter smell didn't got no salt I'll guarantee but that's one teaspoon wait a minute they may be sure that's a teaspoon yeah one teaspoon full of salt hidden that something yeah we gonna put tree I'm like that in their treaty spoonful of salt we pass a stir on that get all the salt getting that then get myself ready to did something else here like now put that there get it warm up a little bit now you've been wondering when we gonna put them turn it in now when we fixing to did that rap now we're gonna put some turn around I just turn about I got you a Cajun friend wouldn't be caught that look at down turtle meat what you look on that but if you ain't got a friend what's a good turtle harder you go to your local butcher your grocery store or your fiving turtle now I'm going to show you what we did here now this is a pound of turtle meat what I got here but this is someone left on the bone so I'll show you how to the bone look ain't no other bone like a turtle Bo and I guarantee you that you cut that meat over there this beauty must meet absolutely butyl miss me and you cut that in about inch squares just about inch we're gonna ways that we're gonna put that on that putting this back in here so we won't waste that too and I'm gonna salt and pepper this term you know that's seven different kinds of meat and a turtle my friend there's a finish on thirty veal pork lamb chicken and beef all of me in here and you can see him if you look close enough you can tell the difference in them I use red pepper and I use a heap of it too I use this red pepper and it all good come on there now and I'm gonna put a little that in this while I'm up and I put salt on it meat nobody got a little salty but this meat that table-turning meat very juicy my friend very very juicy don't want to waste any of that I guarantee you now we're gonna put this in the skillet in Braun that turn that fire down a little bit to brown yourself and I got a little spoon to stir that around with but you know every time I think about this turtle I think about them Cajun love to get turtle and cook down and when they leave they get homesick oh and bad man I guarantee and one of them I don't know how I found that plate but he was in Atlantic Georgia you need to get the digging about home and he want to get back there just as quick as he can so he hauled off there and go down to the I report and he walk up to a man behind a deck say say you got some plane would go from Atlantic to New Orleans huh it's gotta say oh yeah well he's here what time the next one I left Atlantic he said 9:25 he said what time and get to do all the old ec 926 but he didn't tell him about that our different in time you know he said thank you very much and he just turn around walk off and he wait till another man get back there but he hadn't talked with before he walked up to him and say my friend you got some plane from Atlantic to New Orleans on T hi fella say oh yeah we got a lot of daddies here one time the next one left here huh oh he say about 9:25 but he said get down 69 26 he don't settle would just wheeling Wolcott and he waiting to get real busy he find a new man what he ain't talked with before they walk up he say my friend you got some plane from Atlantic to New only hold high sure yeah he said what time the next one left for Atlanta can go to New Orleans you see 9:25 you see what time it get down 926 he say boy he said you want a ticket he's your know but I was doing right you and watch him take off Gerald now I'm gonna put this turtle meat that I've been browned off a little bit yeah I'm gonna put this into the this mixture what I got going here turn it up a little bit you kidding ain't that pretty no guarantee put that on now stir that a little bit I'm gonna put a lid on this and you know it's turtle so naturally you cook it slow slow slow over low low low power for about twice hour to hour you cook that and man you talk about Google guarantee that's gonna be good now we're gonna made a salad note that pretty the first thing what we gun did is put it close one clove of garlic that's what it is one clove of garlic in this salad bowl like that then we gonna put a little salt we could put a little salt on that now that's enough salt for you salad to it'll look like a lot but it not one more great now we got them salt and we're gonna take it just the common ordinary or get you used to feed yourself with and we're gonna mash them garlic into the more you come back Jack but what that man you talk about active garlic you can toll that for sure I guarantee you man but you match all that garlic up in the damn salt actually you're juicing that garlic you take up all the salt with it we'd get acts like salt don't smell the same but aggregate now I'm gonna put on that 1/2 a cup of olive oil that I got measure already now and stir that up but stir it really well this is one of the if there's a secret to making this salad dressing it's to stir it real well I'll guarantee now I'm gonna take input a 2 teaspoon and I'm imagine for you on there I don't make them for me but I'm a medium for you put 2 TSP and Riaan parent Worcestershire sauce on that 2 teaspoon now I'm gonna put a half a teaspoon of hot sauce because some people may not like it too hot shook that real well put a half a teaspoon of hot sauce 1/2 teaspoon put it on your language now you stir this well some more good to get that down you nearly you try to make it look like an emulsion so good Oh nobody asked me see do you love you salad bowl with garlic who ain't got to man now I took a half of lemon and squeeze it down the side of this bowl kind of washed my olive oil and regressing back down in there and it's salt anything is left on the side and star Simoes then I put about a quarter of a cup 1/4 cup a wine vinegar the vinegar vinegar and I'll pull that around the sides you notice that and I stir them real good you talk about now I'm gonna fall off you and put this out of my way that's a good way to do it we gotta look pretty high note that pretty we're gonna put that on in a little bit but I got something else I want to show you first I got three times the lettuce here and it's an important thing to keep this lettuce you got to keep it cool cold and so to be fresh and crisp now I'm gonna use three kinds of lettuce Nerine I'm one did that cut there's an old Cajun saying that goes up three heads are better than one this is iceberg lettuce this is romaine you want to be sure and get the stem out of this cut it bitter and this is escarole you one did the same thing of you I've got um I'm gonna put this out of my way yeah I've got something I want to show you I got to have a car have a car to you then I'm on appeal for you to get an avocado in the store what you want to did you want to be sure you get one there's not green if it green is hard like my head if it's right it's soft and it's good to ya guarantee then don't try to cut all the way through this avocado because they've got a great big seed on the middle what you did you take that in pull it apart the seed there and you got to get them seed off she comes right out and then I hear them I'm get that seat over take them peel off of that use your finger around a knife Ju that bill now take this knife and chop up this avocado in this salad you see I'm squeezing lemon on there notice that they'll keep that from turning brown well put this in here with my tomatoes already quarter put them on that Saturday that looks good put this out of my way chopped up this then small piece 1 2 3 4 5 yeah I got ya bite side and what you want to do thank God hmm nom on chopped I mean toss this salad guarantees we chunk this salad comes off ooh-wee that's pretty huh jump in salad up like that take it back up and put it on the hole and I'm gonna serve myself a little bowl of them salad right now who you kid that pretty yeah not too much just enough that's pretty now I'm gonna get myself a bowl of this finished product turtle soup rat shell this is what we got you putting that down like that hmm serve myself a bowl of that and put a little sherry wine on that just happened to have some ID underneath there I ain't that fine and put one tablespoon for no more on that wine on that turtle soup there put that wine on that turtle soup now I'm going to the table and go eat that I've guarantee man that's out of this world that smells so good whoo-whee now you know what I said that well that remind me of a friend with me what become one damn exultant preach and he preached on the parking lot all over the South Louisiana and he'd get there one day and he was preaching to get a lot of a minute yeah man that's right oh yeah and he look out in audience he got about 40 or 35 people and he said Oh y'all want to go to heaven my guarantee high Amen that's right oh yeah he said look all y'all want to go to heaven step oh right you buy my automobile Oh all of them step over there except one he stay right there he said don't you want to go to heaven my friend he's your yeah how come you did not step over there with the rest of them he I told you gonna took a busload rat now [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 25,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qN-37JQm3s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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