Just some of the REALLY WEIRD stuff we've played.... - Game Grumps Compilations

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oh god i forgot how funny the bunny man stuff was. the clips in this had me legit crying with laughter.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/beepborpimajorp 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
it's a strawberry yeah oh oh i tried to bash the inside of the strawberry what the hell is going on right now oh i should probably uh stay with you to hold your hand okay right ah what are you doing i'm trying to get the hell away from you i considered standing with you because i'm a nice boy i like that i like that are we winning what's happening right now oh [Laughter] this is bananas it's bad manners you're supposed to let people off first okay wow you've considered it well uh hell i'm not gonna get on this damn train okay okay now we're on get the hell off my train we did it yeah wow that was a very forgiving one the other one was like the cat came out of the strawberries i [ __ ] you [Laughter] i like how we walk very like face first like like my nose doth deceive me oh god oh let's get on the train [Laughter] i would give anything for footage of someone doing that in real life stop looking at me stop it prove to me that you're real i can't move okay partners till the end uh you can say your wish three times before uh uh say your wish what the f why don't they tell you what buttons to push if i get this last pin will you go out with me yeah okay jeez just ask her out man oh that's very sweet 37 i wonder how many of these there are oh my god just a squad with my boys dude very charming hello everybody good day it's speaking simulator to blend any human society you will need to learn to speak go ahead try the jaw ah oh gross oh god now that you are sufficiently motivated you will learn to stretch and pucker your lips okay so uh move the left stick up and down to move your tongue oh man this is so i'm knocking teeth out why why were you knocking teeth out about sorry i'm late traffic is terrible okay hello [Music] [Laughter] man oh my god i am how'd you make the s sound all your teeth got punched out hurry hurry oh okay [Music] how are the controls on this oh it's terrible it's just the worst one of the funniest games we've played in a while [Music] oh my god this is terrible oh you're doing great look happy look nothing look happy look nothing look happy look nothing okay you're good yeah your noses exploding no i can't what am i doing wrong what am i doing wrong i don't know but the suspicion is awfully high maybe your eyebrows need to go down yeah oh boy oh boy oh boy this is hard to watch sorry i'm on the toilet right now over two minutes ago anymore it's exhausting i know i know it's hilarious but like it's so funny my fingers hurt yeah my brain hurts just watching that i do enjoy the process of excretion though like many humans all right not at the expense of oh but not at the expense of productivity yeah correct correct all right have a wonderful day everyone man i want to see how things go with karen though oh i know right no i feel oh i i predict yeah that you will fall in love with karen and you won't be able to destroy humanity because you want to have a life with karen well you know what we'll we'll see how this plays out maybe off screen all right goodbye my love bye everyone bye i'm gonna enjoy the process of excretion right now sick [Laughter] oh oh wait let me get i can make it oh let me make you let me get you okay all right i got you let go okay i'm let go uh [ __ ] well i'm glad the last thing i got to see was your sweet kisses [Laughter] gotta be away oh this is good this is good yes we're doing great we're doing great we're doing great oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah grab one grab one okay okay okay okay yeah let's ride hold on tight oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my god oh my gosh oh i can't swing back oh i can't break back oh we made it we cleared it oh we missed the carrot though all right [ __ ] i'll take it i'll take it okay i think we need to like let go right when we hit that like oh no oh no oh my god oh my god oh my god oh no stop hold on oh no oh [ __ ] [ __ ] man [ __ ] yeah all right oh god i love you so much i love you i love you it was okay all right stop god you smell so good [Laughter] stop all right we're free every i've got the one that's sent from heaven that's such a stupid song oh it's not it's awesome [ __ ] you okay whoa well i want to use a pink ranger [Laughter] i'll give you a b here try that stop what are you doing it's giving you a boost what kind of cyclical hell is this all right i give up [Laughter] all right grab on okay yeah and then we'll do this and then you you you let go and flip i guess all right you have to grab out of my legs this is our circus day olay okay great this is great hello ready ready ready ready ready boom oh [ __ ] ready ready ready ready boom boom boom boom let go of me i don't want to i'm sorry what yeah you know that song you're doing great man [Laughter] i don't think we are no well bye oh oh [Music] my friend left me to die he left me to my doom [Laughter] i thought we'd stay together oh look at that but he thought he was better it's really funny and sad no don't do it because you'll fly off uh-huh oh no oh let go whatever you do don't let go hold on keep going yes you can make it you can clear it yeah i can't grab on because it's too icy oh my god oh my god you're amazing you're amazing stop stop just the way you are okay now what can you get over the ice cream bar of doom just do a lot of kicking against the platform dude [Laughter] okay oh i did it nice grab on and flip up oh boys [Laughter] yes [Laughter] okay okay yes oh i guess and then and then oh [ __ ] grab it i'm grabbing i'm grabbing i'm grabbing i'm grabbing it oh god though we're one giant unit there's no way we can fail okay i actually think you might be right oh god oh geez yes yes keep kicking yeah yeah okay you lied about the unit thing i didn't lie i just was wrong okay now just join me i want to okay i'm holding you yeah i'm holding you i'm holding you we're going oh i guess we have to hold on to the cart did you see that yeah it was awesome my character model look exploded it was fantastic i loved it did you did you actually see it though nope i'm dead my character model just like really turned into this [ __ ] stretch armstrong and just like zapped all over the map oh [ __ ] but we can't do that i'll grab the cart oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i've got it i got [ __ ] [ __ ] i can't i can't oh it's too slow i'm too slow that's the end wait wait no no maybe i can make it hold on hold on what's this watch this what [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god yes oh queen oh queen oh wow god you're amazing dude oh oh oh god oh oh here we go here we go this is it baby this is [ __ ] it oh yeah this is [ __ ] it baby yeah oh okay uh [Music] yeah just push it back oh well [Music] oh that's not good oh oh oh how'd that happen no i i ducked my head into the thing too oh dear josh uh-oh just spare time spear spear time spears beers beer spear time spear oh my gosh i'm so enjoying this stop stop with this [Laughter] i'm just gonna stand under here while it rains hellfire [Applause] well you took 87 shots of grenade damage oh my god all right stop trailing who's out man yeah it's trapped in here forever maybe you can blow your way out of it okay cool well in a sense you did ah no [ __ ] need a gun oh yeah sabotage the footing hmm nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no no no no no no no no no no no oh [Laughter] we played maybe like 30 seconds of this off camera uh i didn't get it but it'll be fine it'll be fine we'll figure it out sure all right i'm being following my dead boy i don't want dead boy following me what the [ __ ] he's the one who collects you can't you can't [ __ ] curse me with dead boy dude well i can't wait for dead boy to suck more of my [ __ ] life savings boy dead boy is brutal oh what the [ __ ] give me something good man oh great yeah that'll float me oh dude bro i just they're really hounding me to pay him back oh come on i have to give it the [ __ ] spoiled kid oh it's 40 million [ __ ] dude you don't know any properties what does that mean i guess i'm just in the bread right now hey plus right pretty good for yourself right now you're all it turned around really fast man dead boy really oh little gulp i ate your monster uh oh does that mean i have dead boy now oh there were no worker monsters around oh god damn it why are you doing this oh no dead boy i took dead boy from you no oh what a bummer oh god so much oh it's so horrible well thank you wow spoiled kid is really rich oh you're very welcome aaron my pleasure meant to do it yeah [ __ ] daddy's inheritance over here jesus oh my god you're doing doing pretty good for yourself right now it turned around really fast man year end it's only april is it oh maybe it's the fiscal year oh got it yeah oh god oh my god even the kid on the weakest setting has [ __ ] cash hot dogs power's erupting hot dog's power is erupting one of my favorite sentences that i've ever read one yes yes well done excellent so if i move here why and i get to move one extra square yes you landed on the airport square what [Laughter] congrats yeah does he kinda remind you of donald trump with a green potato sack over his head a little bit yeah a little bit oh damn i wanna damn damn damn you want to eat play-doh right now i just got a craving to eat play-doh yeah don't you get that [Music] [Laughter] of course it's f oh spoiled kid hey good for him good for you yeah gotta feel happy for him aaron you're over a billion yeah what the [ __ ] when did that happen yeah uh when you took all my money that's yeah okay [Laughter] dude [ __ ] spoiled kid looking like bitcoin right yeah really spoiled kid with that v-shape recovery [Music] i think this is where i have to hoof it in the [ __ ] you okay eh what's happening uh so do we need to pick up monsters now that can fight is that the goal i don't know what is happening will you send your monster into attack what does that mean no i i guess can i send dead boy no no no no no yes okay thank you nice i'm staying away from this world this is terrible yeah no that red's got it god damn it [ __ ] everyone's so good at this ah [ __ ] yo i'm not delivering at all on my promise of like staying in an area and getting the hoops this is ridiculous it's okay your team's doing very well this is mine this is mine this is mine this is mine no no no you [ __ ] yellow son of a [ __ ] yellow i will stab you in the [ __ ] heart and i'll watch you bleed out i'll watch the life drain from your eyes you [ __ ] yellow [ __ ] [Laughter] everything's fine everything's okay [ __ ] [ __ ] this sucks oh my god don't let me through just let me through oh no oh this is terrible oh no this is terrible oh damn it me too no really i got i got squashed at the same door you did jesus christ this is so difficult sometimes dude it's we're practicing okay this is practice call this episode the practice episode because there's no way this isn't real it doesn't count are we falling are we falling into the next match yes okay hold on i'm gonna take off a layer of clothing because i'm getting warm playing this it's like when you're taking a real intense [ __ ] and you just take everything off it's like i gotta be naked i have to be like a werewolf that just turned back into a human i gotta be naked yep oh that's nice that's nice when you get propelled oh squeeze in yeah oh this oh you're fine dude this is in the [ __ ] [Laughter] still okay all right this is the bag baby forget this is it though yeah dude yeah you got it oh you did get it you did it [ __ ] i was so close yeah this is in the bag baby round over i just you shut your [ __ ] trash this game will do it to you man you know it had to do it to you i know i stretch my [ __ ] over somebody's head [Laughter] and then just lay one what kind of thread is garbage veggie farts oh aaron oh there goes another one oh won't stop oh you're all right yeah dude you're gonna be okay i'm so full of it dude i'm like 100 full of it these are the moments when i'm glad we're recording separately oh you would not appreciate this no anytime you're disgusted by them it's that's a very very bad sign it's like what what inside me has been sitting in there what [ __ ] like 30 year old can of chef boy rd is like sitting outside i don't know stomach right now i don't know me you you do eat like a campgrounds raccoon sometimes [Music] just want to qualify just want to qualify i'm not going to make it like did not make it you were so close and it begins again all right i'll watch you aaron thank you yeah man just just give me those positive you know what it's like you've got so much positive vibes that if you combine it with my positive vibes then there's we're sure to win shut up i'm already doing other [ __ ] yeah what's the objective don't get jinxed oh boy first of all the fact that you called it an objective congratulations yeah i forgot you weren't in here so i was like are you blue did you lose did you eat the cheerios thank god did you eat the cheerios yeah don't you remember that you said that when after i uh after i went around and punch out and we punch out but my character took an absolute beating and as the the referee is holding my hand up i have like one eye half closed and i'm smiling and you were like did i win did i eat the cheerios [Laughter] you're in very last place that's cool ain't no big thing oh you might be in a good place actually no no oh why'd you have to go for it i don't know i just thought maybe i could go for it [ __ ] oh you were in the perfect spot but you could let everyone fall in front of you and grab the last oh well oh well it doesn't matter fortune favors the bold man that's what i always say boy i can't talk and play this game at all you need to learn to focus up bro oh [ __ ] perfect timing this stripey guy is happy issue though oh yeah i'm watching stripey guy too he's not gonna make it oh he's striping guys not doing okay but he looks good he looks good while doing it oh you know what i think he is gonna make it wait he's gonna make it holy [ __ ] are there only 38 people on this board um i guess a lot of people dropped hello are you watching the one guy who hasn't qualified yet yes i am dude ah come on boom i already got the rhythm of this the rhythm of the opening of the doors oh [ __ ] yeah it's classic come on come down oh what the [ __ ] come down oh come on yeah i know i know so rude so [ __ ] rude this game is so adorable no i know if only we had thought about it be making millions but instead all we're doing is making memories and i'm sick of it i'm 100 i'm a hundred air yeah can't buy a yacht with memories [Laughter] oh man ironically you can't even buy memory with memories here we go yeah this is it this is for all the beans all right see on the other side baby let's go i love you no matter what happens i look like god don't [ __ ] out of my way [Laughter] oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god did you get it dude i think it's mine i think it's mine no do it no i [ __ ] you up oh you [ __ ] it up i mean it it got [ __ ] up i thought for sure that if i just made it up there i would admit but you actually have to touch it and sometimes yeah no you have to you have to touch it and hit right trigger to get to grab the crown you have to actually grab it yeah read the directions dude i didn't [ __ ] know i did i didn't read the phrase oh no you you jumped at it first and you just collapsed yeah no aaron no that's okay oh oh oh it's fine you had it you just didn't grab it oh i didn't know aaron i wouldn't pay attention i just figured get up and touch it why would you have to grab it it's ridiculous because it says it every time no but i don't read once more we're in the final round together oh yeah could this be it i don't know man i don't know i'm nervous i i hate this oh i got to learn i wanted the crown oh get up get up get up holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my god holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] no no it went up oh my god i did it i did it three years oh i'm so happy for you dude oh my god i didn't know the crown raised that way yeah that's what [ __ ] me up last time oh goodness i jumped too fast that was amazing oh aaron winner winner chicken dinner for my boy aaron you uh pick me up baby oh god damn it goddamn [ __ ] body blocking hot dog boy truer words were never spoken in this game yeah there you go oh you're already ahead of your average from the last time i have it [ __ ] was that a golden egg that just got punched out of your hands smashed out of my hands oh my god just grab them just grab them dude oh my [ __ ] god do i have to do everything around here oh look at you snatching that egg no snatching that egg [ __ ] i'll just steal a regular egg nobody's gonna care about that they're all yeah seriously they're all going after oh [ __ ] there it is no get me out of here it's impossible this many guys watching you tell me impossible all right so here we go yeah here we go no no yeah oh oh oh no yes hold it there hold it there okay okay oop down oh okay oh yep just this is good i'll just oh just nick oh okay okay it's five everything's fine [Laughter] oh god come on ah dang it all right well well looks like i'm killing myself once again yeah we're quickly proving uh erin [Laughter] clear those and then easily clear this no i don't know if that's what we just need to blast through this first part i know but blasting through holding onto each other is the fastest way to uh i did not survive whatever that was and now we jump in okay let's ride it let's ride it oh my god see what happens hang in there hang in there hang in there everything's good okay okay okay okay all right almost got it i think we're good i think we're good and yes [Laughter] all right made it made it no no no no this is not gonna work aaron whatever you're trying to do i don't know man i'm kind of like yes okay okay okay you're back flipping out of the spikes no i'm not ah sh oh [Laughter] this game is so hard um it's great i am the break i am the brick oh okay perfect i'm grabbing on now just hop it oh hop in and grab on to my legs and try to get low try to get low shorty i always get low get low oh shorty please shorty he's shorty shorty i beg you [Laughter] okay [Applause] oh my god i'm back to where i was oh please help in please time of need with my little bunny butt just a second cart please please please please let me please please please please please please please please oh oh god no no why did you let go oh you fool aaron you're already dead i know it's so hard to die here i just did i don't know you just gotta go whoa whoa okay here we go yeah so you just go ahead and do the mine cart thing and i'll catch up okay because you're the mustard baby okay all right this game is a painful mistress you figure out your own [ __ ] i'm just going for it figure out your own [ __ ] watch this watch this check this out [ __ ] [ __ ] it out of the way yeah dude yeah full i'm gonna clear it for my bunny body full clearance full clearance we have clearance clarence oh yes there you go yes yes it's just clear yeah oh yeah yeah oh thank goodness okay all right carrot the carrot though no don't don't please don't let's just beat this once okay okay okay i can't believe we both said the carrot oh whoa oh careful oh oh i'm in i'm in i'm away oh just don't fall just gently yes aaron aaron yeah we made him finally beat level 23. carrot though yeah but maybe we should go back for the carrot oh yeah all right let's just slide back one ah [Music] whoops oh oh no with you okay come on we've been 23 how could this be our how are we thwarted by the [ __ ] [Laughter] it's just an awkward starting point for the person in front because there's not enough time to roll oh this is what are we doing man i know i know here here's the move i think okay roll back a little bit all right or do that yeah i'm in an awkward i get the worst ones man the worst spikes to the face god [Music] oh no no no no no please no oh am i lifting it it's lifting [ __ ] that's amazing oh now it's going back down dang it oh thank god all right that was incredible that was like an act of god yeah that was really nice it's like i would pull please lag tight please let me you can do it please come on dude i know okay thank you it's called teamwork [Laughter] it's a little thing called team oh that's an ugly one too yeah i found it oh [ __ ] i didn't mean to yo you good [Music] you know what i am good [Laughter] oh my god all right we'll lean forward whoops oh my goodness that's called [Laughter] okay this should be easy okay here what's back here there's always doing this okay there's nothing there's there's always doing this now aaron you just pushed me into the [ __ ] spikes this push me the face dude why dude you're [ __ ] messing with my goddamn steez [Laughter] whoa that's pretty all right [Laughter] okay feeling feeling pretty good whatever happened to us like hugging and rolling together whatever happened to that i missed the weapon are you asking in the context of super bunny man or just in general what happened to us oh my god [ __ ] no first god okay okay great this is fine how is it it's so tiny there's so much not spikes it's always the spice oh my god look at this okay now we can do this together cause we're a unit we've it's been long since we've explored this avenue help see [ __ ] beautiful together whoa whoa did you see how it glowed yeah it was crazy oh my god oh my god all right we just got to do this one at a time [Laughter] jesus oh no [Laughter] [Music] oh my god all right oh god over like moving mine carts and like [ __ ] leaping giant but we can't even one tiny little spike pit it's so funny okay okay walls and then yeah and then roll and then just roll backwards roll backwards yeah yeah bro okay all right oh aaron thank you for the lesson master you are welcome my son is safe from the afterlife oh boy all right an obi-wan kenobi style spirit please carrot no stay the carrots fine the carrot's fine yeah oh yes we did it we did it we did it i've got the carrot i've got the [ __ ] carrot dude dude okay can i trust you with it i don't know geez man like i know no lord okay yes just just hang on just hang on i'm coming [Laughter] [Music] oh i think i did it [Laughter] you go first yep [ __ ] nice no but this is a platform for you dude i'm clearing the path feeling it this is the way to do it dude it's so easy for me to grab like around here yeah you're okay dude i'm your saving that [ __ ] [Laughter] jesus oh this game is the worst all right you got it airtown baby oh no how [ __ ] dare you all right all right we're all right we're all right that wasn't intentional let's just try to move forward okay ow [ __ ] [ __ ] no like bumped into the ground ah [Music] the the amazing um uh things you hear while doing this show the carrot bumped into the ground and like said with as much anguish as i watched my sister die all right i don't even know anymore my dad did you send me nine pizzas [Laughter] please please please remind you of anything [Laughter] all right one last try look at the losing my mind dude after considering the situation move the red object and the blue object accordingly sometimes there may be nothing to move just do what you consider the appropriate actions the problems for you to consider will be very different every time so please consider as many times as you like no [Laughter] uh make a little one inch bigger oh if it were only that easy there we go uh yeah i guess oh bang do it what the hell is going on here no four all right this time i'm not yeah go go get it baby i'm getting it oh [ __ ] oh my god the [ __ ] all right yo that was that's that's an easy one yeah of course no one likes pooping right next to someone well i mean what is this grand central station it says [Laughter] what the hell is happening oh my god amy no baby no are you okay oh [ __ ] oh no amy's pretty new to this area yeah she is she wasn't there two seconds earlier where the where did they go frank you're not uh oh oh derek oh no no derek no wow i guess they kill everyone at the party oh holy [ __ ] this is terrifying this is bananas it's really funny no catherine what the [ __ ] i can't get any survivage [Laughter] oh no frank no oh he's on fire oh my god oh jesus they're making out commitment to the man oh no not like no she's gonna start her on self defense dojo [Laughter] aaron's been cracking me up all day because uh well a bunch of reasons the one that keeps getting me is you doing your hey peter but like faster and faster as if it's spiraling out into the cosmos like hey peter hey peter peter egg peter egg baiter egg baiter egg baiter [Laughter] i want to try one thing frank comes in oh yeah he's good he's he's he's good and totally normal right okay yes body part head oh my god oh my god that's not okay hold on i should split the difference okay like what'll be like the most unsettling probably like three right there we go it's pretty unsettling uh wait wait wait does this work looks like a bobble head oh my god oh my god dude wow oh my god no stay away frank you're dead [ __ ] hey dude [Laughter] oh oh my god fight him you have to fight him so scary
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 455,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: LxdHo7Lxuho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 45sec (2865 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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