Testing Alec Baldwin's Revolver Theory

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Herrera provided more evidence than anyone else in the whole ass case.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Deletd_EFT 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

The prosecutor should call him as an expert witness.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GamerFromJump 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
what is up you sexy YouTube mother lovers as you might notice today's video looks a little different that's because it's being shot on a tripod because frankly delance did not want to be here because last time somebody filmed with one of these it did not end well for the camera person I'm just kidding I paid to Lance way too much to be here but this what we are filming with today is the model 1873 called Single Action Army in 45 Long Colt made by pietta this is the revolver that appears to have been used in the infamous incident involving Alec Baldwin on the set of rust not this exact revolver that one is probably an Evidence Locker today we're going to be putting a couple of myths to the test as far as like with this revolver uh can it be fired without pulling the trigger like Alec Baldwin claims it was but aside from that this is just a wonderful piece of History so we're going to respect it for that because this was a very cool weapon before it was used by some Hollywood dip [ __ ] to shoot someone so with that in mind let's Channel our inner Emilio Estevez from Young Guns and put this through her paces [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] there's a new sheriff in town and he hasn't ruled out manslaughter charges now if you guys recognized Andor liked the song that we used for that Montage there you're probably subscribe I feel like you'll like it here the 45 Long called cult Single Action Army is one of the most iconic handguns of the American West so iconic it's used very often in western films including the new film possibly still coming out called rust starring Alec Baldwin on October 21st 2021 actor Alec Baldwin used this particular model of firearm in an accidental slash negligent discharge that killed his cinematographer and wounded his director in later interviews he claimed that he didn't pull the trigger and that the pistol went off by itself we're going to put that to the test but real quick we'd like to thank the people who allowed us to get this uh prop for the channel today's sponsor is Rise of Kingdoms this month rise of Kingdoms is trying to focus on civilizations are you a Roman Empire guy or kind of more of the Viking Blood In Rise of Kingdoms you decide I fall more on the Roman side just because well Caesar's Legion was awesome degenerates like you belong on a cross there are 12 total civilizations in the game Rome Germany ottoman Byzantium Vikings Etc every civilization has its unique soldiers architecture commanders and its own buff like a traditional strategy game upgrade your buildings train your soldiers cultivate your commanders and research technology to improve your combat power the battle scenes and Rise of Kingdoms allow you to experience distinctive soldiers and Generals of 12 different civilizations thanks to different talents and characteristics they can counter each other which gives a stronger strategic experience join the battle and turn the tide with whatever the 12 civilizations you decide is the strongest best part is if you download now using my link in the description and in the pin comment you can get a special bonus and limited time rewards thanks again to rise of Kingdoms for supporting my channel and my content now back to the video so now of course just like any other range video we do it's time to show you the power of the 45 Long Cold cartridge out of one of these cult single action armies except instead of our typical white claw penetration test we now have for this particular video two white claws spaced an appropriate distance apart for no reason that is relevant to this particular yeah all right halting production in three two one [Applause] that's weird a blank round I don't know how that got on set weird I'm gonna have to take that one up with the producer anyway actually doing this test in three two one God I love Western revolvers this brass is expensive foreign so we have our first claw here we had uh entrance here and an exit here some interesting Rippling going on in the uh the stamped aluminum here on the claw and then we had our second claw which this would have been entrance here and exit here of course with plenty of energy to keep going the loads that we're using today are Cowboy loads they're just a solid lead projectile where your standard pistol rounds are going to be Full Metal Jacket you know some sort of coppers and coating something instead of just solid lead where these are more Cowboy loads they're a little more appropriate to use on kind of period pieces older style revolvers weren't really built to handle the pressures of modern cartridges so you use things that are slightly downloaded they don't carry necessarily as much velocity but still they clearly pack a decent punch with a very very heavy projectile one could say much more energy than the typical blank round that should be used on every Hollywood set moving on so in the accidental shooting in question involving this gun Alec Baldwin in later interviews more recently has claimed that he did not pull the trigger as he would never point a weapon at anyone and pull the trigger now those of us with a basic understanding of firearms and or physics knows that at least one of those two things is physically impossible and or both considering that a live firearm was discharged and hit a person actually two people but now let's go ahead and test to see if it is possible to fire this weapon without having pulled the trigger now one of the things on the 45 Long Colt Single Action Army model 1873 in particular it has a protruding firing pin into the area of the frame of the gun where the cylinder rests you see on a center fire cartridge this little spot here in the middle of the back of the casing is the primer this is what ignites the round and causes it to fire only when it struck by the firing pin now if you pull the hammer back you see this this little bit right here is the firing pin that strikes the primer and causes the weapon to discharge now on this revolver when the hammer is all the way forward you can see that the firing pin is actually visible through the side as protruding into the area where the casings are where it strikes the primer so let's go ahead and load our live round we have a otherwise empty revolver here I'm showing you I'm doing a basic safety check because I'm responsible for what happens on the set of my videos loading our one live Round Here advancing that round into the position where it will be next go ahead and lightly let that hammer forward and we are now sitting on a live round so let's see if we can go ahead and get this to go off so as you can see now my finger is nowhere near the trigger we have a live round aligned with the barrel and the hammer here and I I don't have a hammer I meant to bring a hammer out here to just show that see if you can get this to go off without [ __ ] puncturing the side of my hand with a sharp ass Hammer but seeing if you can get this to just go off from shear just impact force or or anything alone now I don't have a hammer but the closest thing I had in my truck was an AK magazine which for all intents and purposes ah it's basically the right tool for the job I think all I am succeeding and doing is [ __ ] up the knurling on a brand new previously unfired revolver try again now still finger off the trigger a little bit up more from the bottom to get kind of more direct impact on this this Hammer surface here let's go ahead and inspect this cartridge and if you look there actually we have a little bit of an indent on the back of the primer I think you guys can agree that was a little bit of an extreme example I don't think he was taking an AK mag and beating the back of his revolver with a live round in the chamber or what was supposed to be a blank round whatever you would have to be really really really beating on the back of that thing to make an indent like we did now why is that so the pietas in particular I don't know about other reproductions and I especially don't know about the original model Colts but the pietta like was specifically mentioned was used by Alec Baldwin I have a firing pin here that is not fixed so as you look here it has a bit of give to it I'm not sure if it's spring-loaded uh but it just it has a bit of give so that when it's resting on that it can move a little bit so it's not directly converting pressure or impact into energy into the primer and just to prove to you of course this isn't a hit piece that is the the round that we had made indentations on I'm going to go ahead and load this and prove that this is an actual live round and could be fired under normal circumstances there you go so let's try another method so we're going to load up another live round here into the chamber advance that forward and now as you can see here with the brass here we are rotating that into place where that is now Square behind the hammer so the other possibility and I think this is what Alec Baldwin is claiming happened is he was practicing his cross draw and was pulling the hammer back didn't pull the hammer back all the way released it back forward and that is what discharged the round which still doesn't explain why he was pointing a live firearm at another human being but you know what semantics that's for the lawyers to decide right now we're just going to determine if that is a possible scenario in which case this gun can fire so we're gonna well we're going to test that here you know put this to the test while we're in a you know controlled and safe environment YouTube we are in a controlled and safe environment alrighty let's give this a shot so the trick is going to be pulling this back to the point where it doesn't start advancing the cylinder right so it seems that Point's about here so let's try to I don't think we're gonna get anywhere on that and uh for those asking why we couldn't go farther back and Advance it to the next one because these have something called half [ __ ] so if you uh let's go ahead and get that live round out of there so I can demonstrate this again partially struck you can actually see where this has had multiple impacts from that free-floating firing pin on the primer but none of which were even remotely strong enough to actually strike the round next time I fire this I'm going to show you guys you can see what an actual struck round looks like this is definitely making an impact but it's nowhere close to being something that is fireable so when your Hammer's All the Way Forward okay you pull it back that's full [ __ ] right giggity half [ __ ] is when you pull it halfway back and it has a little catch here and this allows you to freely rotate the cylinder like if you've seen me uh pulling out the uh the fire brass on this I have it at half [ __ ] this is just kind of a safety that allows the cylinder to freely move uh while not in danger of firing around it is also important to point out that you cannot pull the trigger on half [ __ ] because the cylinder is freely moving if you fired any one of these rounds without it being perfectly aligned with the barrel that's a great way to explode which is why they do not allow you to pull the trigger while you have it in this setting and if you pull the hammer any farther back then half [ __ ] without going to full [ __ ] it just sets you right back to half [ __ ] so that impact has to be made before you get to half [ __ ] and realistically it has to be before that cylinder starts to rotate otherwise that primer does not align with the firing pin so it doesn't even matter so it has to be in this range here all right now of course just to show you this is the round That We Were Striking earlier this is still a live round I am not flubbing anything put that back in the gun and it is fireable [Applause] that is what a round looks like when it has been struck so you see the indentation on the primer is significantly deeper something something the gun likes it when it's deeper I don't know now I'm going to load up three more rounds real quick because I'm going to demonstrate what I think might have actually happened I think this is the most plausible Theory outside of intentional homicide which I'd like not to think about and quick shout out to Tim from Military Arms channel because I think he just did a video I think like a day before we filmed this uh and I think he had a similar Theory as to as to mine I'm moving to an empty cylinder real quick just to demonstrate on these old revolvers it is possible to already have your finger on the trigger and not pull the trigger but just have pressure on the trigger and pull the hammer back and completely miss the Sear that disconnects the trigger there so it is entirely possible that Mr Baldwin was not actively like pulling the trigger but just had his finger in the right place drew his revolver and fired around I'm not going to demonstrate that from a draw just because that's basically swinging around a loaded gun uh with your finger on the trigger and a live round of the chamber that's safe and as it turns out not good for your staff but this in particular is why it is popular in western movies to be able to Fan revolvers that is what allows that to happen now of course that's just my theory if I'm Incorrect and if I've been completely wrong on all this I owe Alec Baldwin an apology and I'll man up to that but so far this seems like the most likely thing to me this of course still does not explain why there was live ammunition on set for any reason especially since he was not just an actor in the film but also the producer you know the kind of person whose job it is to make sure [ __ ] like this doesn't happen and that there isn't live ammo on set it does not account for the failures of the people whose responsibility it was to make sure [ __ ] like this couldn't happen in the first place the armorers ETC I just kind of hope as with Darwin Awards this just goes to show you guys that you need to respect Firearms no matter what state they're in or whatever state you're told they're in you need to verify if somebody says a gun isn't loaded and they hand it to you you don't just start willy-nilly pulling the trigger you verify you look through you do the basic safety checks and that applies to everybody not just gun guys but anybody who is handling a firearm period I feel like I accidentally might have gotten kind of preachy there so uh I'm gonna use this prop gun here and take out this can of Shiner light blonde as a new Texan I think it's important that I defend the good name of shinerbach get rid of this [ __ ] don't worry Shiner the prop Department told me this is unloaded I purposely angled that so I might hit the steel Target behind that and I totally [ __ ] heard it I don't know if that game throw on camera [ __ ] apparently all I have to do to hit targets at [ __ ] 30 yards is uh shoot through a beer first anyhow guys I hope you enjoyed this video and that you thought my theory at least makes a little bit of sense in this context of course none of us outside of Mr Baldwin and literally everybody else who was there on set that day and probably a handful of attorneys will ever know what actually happened that day but if you have your own Theory go ahead and let me know down in the comments that's all I got for you today I'm going to go ahead and put this big Iron back on my wall I appreciate you guys watching to the end and as always I will see you sexy YouTube mother lovers in the next video thanks stop just [Music] like this [ __ ] Cessna appreciation Club route like out today [ __ ]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 4,185,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Mythbusters, revolver, Alec Baldwin, rust, interview, Gun meme review
Id: d5NI1fTx8tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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