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gun name review what is up you sexy YouTube mother lovers we are back for another installment of your favorite internet not quite show or at least one of your favorites or you know some of you watch it we have an interesting lineup of gun memes we're trying to get back to the gun memes we've been doing a lot of boob memes you guys did the Boogaloo sidequest memes but now we're starting to see some interesting pushback from the gun meme pages which has kind of been a fun thing to watch and it's kind of been fun to see how you guys have reacted and thought like okay do we like this are they red coats yeah I've got no dog in the fight I just think it's kind of fun to watch so first off what are we drinking this week the new coke energy drink zero Cal I I don't have any alcohol this week Lent or something but I would like to thank our sponsor for gunman review this time around making all of this [ __ ] possible is save your equipment save your equipment makes surprisingly affordable bags specifically meant for firearm transportation a rifle bags pistol bags they have sweet-ass guitar cases that are totally gnarly I'm totally picking one of those up yes I still say gnarly get over it I like the look of a lot of them because they look a lot more like generic backpacking type of bags a little bit more low-profile they don't just scream gun bag which is funny because I have several several submachine guns in them of course transporting your firearms with rifle bags is important or else you end up being this guy alright I'm waiting for the puns in the comments about aka Jesus Savior equipped I'll let you do that on your own but I'll go ahead and leave the link in the description and in the pin comment just again thanks to save your equipment to make this possible let's get into the means again talking about our main theme this time around Boogaloo memes Boogaloo memes have actually become so big of a deal that legitimate news sort well big news sources are talking about them the question or they played out I specifically warned about this exact thing several episodes ago actually I've worried about it multiple times and now the bigger meme pages are actually sick of it so this whole thing seems to have started with this meme or at least this is where I first saw it from Drew Hopkins it play on true Hopkins of t-rex arms fame the notorious gun licker as opposed to the Mannlicher which is ironically a gun booth boys by saying violence is the only viable solution you're acting just like the government you oppose booth boys unfortunately the reading has made me blind it's a very nerdy take on the scroll of truth yeah meme the beds are here so now I'm using satire see see I think that beckons back to what I was worrying about a couple of gun meme reviews ago where there's kind of it's one thing where you understand the joke is funny and I get the sentiment behind it but the thing is satirical I think there's a lot of like edge Lords seventeen-year-olds out there who really just legitimately like can't wait to eat fat boys in the booth Bradon National Guard Armory tomorrow you won't do it f-word that I can't say on twitch and it's not [ __ ] it's the difference between a joke which I've expressed this numerous times past half a punchline it has to be funny or else it's not a joke and then on the other side murder fantasies wish fulfillment so anyway I'm not to get too opinionated too early I've already scared off the edge Lords fun facts with Brandon Herrera putting bug in your caption and NVGs on the thing in the pic doesn't make your meme funny I swear a lot of those guys just actually take one Photoshop and they they they crop out the nods and then they just add it to other [ __ ] and just add a generic caption it's just I get the resisting tyranny element of it I get the the pro-gun you know we're on we're all on the same page you've destroyed this template it no longer brings me joy it's now officially is worn out as your mother's when I see yet another Boogaloo sidequest meme unfollow thankfully those seem to have gone down in frequency after the last couple gun mein reviews but believe it or not the hashtag gun main review on Instagram is coming back it's finally gun memes now it's not talking about murder isn't that awesome man I feel like we're growing we're growing as a community now glad I could experience this with you and it is on that note that I am starting a campaign hashtag make gun meme review about guns again and it is with that we're gonna go into some more memes and they're actually all about guns okay like a proud parent when the larper at the range asks why his $30 optic won't hold zero maybe that's a question you should ask China it comes from China there are good cheap optics and there are bad cheap optics any optic you're gonna get for $30 that's not an iron sight is probably trash unless you're an airsoft ER which case it doesn't matter the funny part is a lot of those serious airsofters have more expensive rigs than a lot of gun owners that I know it's actually it's kind of funny it's kind of a weird paradox nothing wrong with airsoft and milsim I was 16 once - I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm joke III respect I'm kidding $50 whatever you want baby can you install my spring for my magazine release I feel that I feel that probably not on the same platform but I feel like and of course this template the hammer going after the firing pin and the disconnect er stopping it this is serious big brain meme low IQ advertisement high IQ mean template it's a lot of air 15 [ __ ] let's go order something any K if you're no man but that thing it scares me if you talk to an ake a builder who does not have a callus right there from that exact thing you might want to keep going on down the road till you find a new builder so this is referring to what is called the a K hammer spring snakebite basically when you're installing a hammer on an a k that you pull the hammer springs up over the hammer and you just kind of set them there and you try to position it in the gun so you can stick the access pin through if who's [ __ ] let loose while you're trying to do that it'll make a grown man not cry but he might tear up a little bit deep breaths go to your happy place nobody saw it you'll be alright of course you could just stick like a 12-gauge shotgun shell empty over it and contain it or just use a zip tie me after putting 1,000 rounds of steel Tula through my new nova ski AR the gentleman is going to hang himself these [ __ ] don't even know the golden rules if it can't run the steal that doesn't deserve the brass I think I said that last gun remember you and a bunch of people means it I'm feeling like we should do like the 10 commandments of Kalashnikov if you have any ideas for that please put it down in the comments I want to do the 10k I'll get it framed like best ones I feel like number one if it if it can't handle steel it doesn't deserve brass getting your first gun gun buying addiction this is exactly how it is with aks two friends of ours who are like AR fanboys or you know they're just kind of casual gun owners as soon as you get them into the AAA and you start talking about all the different variants and the histories behind different countries and what's compatible with what you know show them how to build and stuff like that oh my god they go down the rabbit hole so fast Josh Eric I'm slowly converting all the brass valley crew to be diehard a.k fanboys should have hired one buying guns saving money yeah no I like this template this is good about the only head in that movie was good for it which means I love how people got their Trump bucks in the mail and immediately everybody's like this is supposed to be you know for rent paying your mortgage food obscenely priced eyelet paper no [ __ ] that [ __ ] went straight to guns and ammo do not pass go collect $1,200 straight to cheaper than dirt if you're buying like five rounds of 9-millimeter mean whenever someone does something stupid with a gun on TV or in a movie yeah no way I totally do that I'm an awful person to watch watch pretty much anything done related with III will seriously spur out watching TV shows that are like poorly produced you just have an error 15 like just those covers closed he can't be shooting that after effects starting a real gun it's probably no plastic I'm sorry I blocked out there for like the last 10 seconds what happened the ATF when they see me posting videos with my form 1 suppressor 2 point 3 7 seconds after it's approved yeah somebody knows how it works so somebody's a little impatient on those forms luckily is an SOT we have to actually so funny fun fun little moment to break down how some of the gun regulations and things work for FF ELLs when we do a form to it isn't permission to build something it's called noticin manufacturer so it's actually kind of cool we don't have the wait time if we're going to build something if we have a form three or something like that I think we still have to wait but if we're building manufacturing machine-gunner manufacturing a suppressor it's not we have to abide by all the rules and regs and everything like that but it's not permission please crown can I build this machine gun it's hey yo Dawg I just built the [ __ ] machine gun here you go here's the here's the number there's a wheel armed clock named clock II runs away in hinds forcing you to get out of bed to shut it off me with a sawed-off shotgun clock eating yeah that thing would last exactly one morning doors lock clock e or the [ __ ] you think you're going no that's not what I meant oh hey this looks a little familiar me walking into the FUD gun store and casually calling the 1911 a jamming piece of [ __ ] the butthurt is gonna be great you should be fair 1911 although probably jams more than a lot of modern handguns if you know not properly built I don't know I got a guy I kind of like him I don't own one and I probably should but I don't I don't think there's anything wrong with the 1911 so everybody over 40 can just go ahead and chill the [ __ ] out says the guy carrying a Makarov but uh you know on that note there's bad guys coming I have in 1911 there's nine guys Oh surprise Pikachu whenever there's a discussion about steel and Chinese armor here it comes just as good the savings same as us armor works for me my 20 year warranty but to the ranch's video I did all of it I didn't think I'd get through a ball I was legitimately impressed by demo ranch's video I don't watch all of Matt's content but occasionally something will catch my eye and I'll watch it and I actually I did see that one where it stopped the 50 Cal [ __ ] absurd that being said I think if you go to wish calm and try to order life-saving equipment to try to save $40 you're gonna have a bad time although that's this did get me thinking because there is a lot of talk right now on the main pages which is where I get all of my firearm news of course there's a lot of talk on the gun main pages about Chinese armor and steel armor versus ceramic armor and all sorts of stuff like that and it just really my brains kind of [ __ ] up so yeah I immediately wanted to go shoot some steel armor so if that's something you guys would want to see let me know because I mean we've got some plates we can definitely get some more so I think we could do some ridiculous [ __ ] and we're getting in a 5-7 spoiler alert we're getting in a five seven we can compare that to seven 62 by 25 Tokarev which is known for penetrating armor and [ __ ] I just I think there's a lot of cool stuff we could do with that in channel so let me know if that's what you guys want to see and let me know what we're gonna shoot at this good shootin cannon at identifying killer trees in Sequoia National Park the trees can't be harmed if the Lorax is armed I was trying to think of a dr. Seuss pun and I had nothing oh god no I'm just going to dark places let's not n-word and we would never say the other thing this is this is current year and we would never actually say that to a variant of this exact name n-word I'm six six and I bench 580 I'll destroy you me I love those perfectly crop memes like that's just that ending right through buckaroo perfect ten of ten sell everything you have in Boogaloo and put it into buckaroo how I see a staircase how PBS seven news you see a staircase yeah if you know you know if you don't know look up African funeral meme not right now like wait until we're finished into the end of the bloopers there's always bloopers that come after the outro if you didn't know it would help our watch time it's not gonna help you a whole lot to pretty trash but you know oh and for everybody asking for the love of Christ the outro music I've been meaning to cover this in a few gun mein reviews then they're getting around never gotten around to it it is a que 50 by Alan Aztec featuring Vitaly Jay and it is on the outro literally wait until this is over and we didn't just put it here it's on other outros it's on the outro and people are like what's the outro music I'm like there we put it there because we know you'd ask who are the chosen one it was supposed to destroy the funds not join them how thank you guys there's a dramatized Lucas t-rex arms and yeah drew drew Hopkins ever mention gun look your Hopkins is my spirit animal and not for that reason I think that just about wraps the gun means but there's another series that you guys like quite a lot that we've just been getting bombarded with requests for and you guys have completely blown up my inbox with lots of just horrific horrific horrific images of firearms and if you haven't figured it out yes we are bringing back another installment of cursed gun images please for my sanity sake if you're going to submit one please feel free hashtag cursed gun images on Instagram please don't the M it to me I don't want to be staying awake in bed at two o'clock in the morning ok 4 o'clock in the morning and open that [ __ ] up and have to think about that all night be considerate use the hashtag curse down images thank you guys so much I appreciate you staying to the end of the video and as always I will see you sexy YouTube [ __ ] on Monday thanks [Music] [Music] there's a wheeled alarm clock named clock e runs away and hides forcing you to get out Oh scuse me I'm sorry forcing you to kid out just [ __ ] it it makes you mean whenever someone does something stupid with a gun on a TV or in a movie on it too on a TV on it to [ __ ] redo
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 553,395
Rating: 4.9606194 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Gun meme review, meme review, Boog, memes, 2a, guntubers, filthy frank, it’s time to stop
Id: wav6OWZR1F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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