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oh man well that was a fun weekend man i love being back in texas i'm actually kind of excited to film the day let's see what we got on the docket what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers yeah yeah it's it's that time again you guys take great joy in collecting cursed gun images from all over the internet and making me talk about them well nobody makes me talk about them but let's face it it gets the views so that's worth a couple years of my life right right i think we got a couple of good ones today including some that have been going like semi-viral that you guys keep sending in so yeah we're we're going to go ahead and talk about those so let's get cracking so what do we have up here first [Music] okay so this actually might be authentic uh i think this is a photo from some of the original attempts at night vision i forget if it's finnish or russian all you guys with your gucci gamer ars with your pec 15s and your quad nods uh these were your ancestors this is where you came from that stock's got some funky [ __ ] going on with it though i guess this is what you need for eye relief i suppose looks [ __ ] ridiculous let's be honest but it's a huge step up from original soviet night vision that looked like this that is what we call a joke probably but that's historic i know the internet's got worse let's try to find a better one yeah that one works man modern art's [ __ ] weird i actually thought about not including this until i saw the caption which absolutely makes it jesus take the recoil also i just wanted to take a quick second to point out the irony of uh making an art piece of jesus being crucified on an israeli uzi all right that was a quick second moving on yep that is a ghetto and probably non-functional pipe pistol we we see a lot of these submitted i would not have included this had it not been for if you zoom in right there at the base of the pipe somebody felt the need to sharpie on desert eagle not desert eagle by the way desert dazir eagle and in front of it the 50 you know the caliber indication uh with the period on the wrong side of 50. so it's a i guess it's i have to assume it's a 50 inch projectile i also love the effort that they went in to put a front sight on the gun but no rear sight you know ballpark it i guess 7 out of 10 would use in fallout 4. holy stick mag batman also thank you for the foot pick uh it wouldn't be a reddit gun photo without it i give it about 10 odds that this even works a little bit but that's still [ __ ] incredible especially if you zoom in there it's uh it's on a looty uh improvised sub machine gun so that you know somebody's got to be doing a little bit of metal working there to make that even feasible if you're unfamiliar with the ludi or how to build one i'm not gonna tell you not even gonna tell you to go look it up this is some serious thinking right here who needs a bipod you know on your improvised submachine gun if you could just make the magazine your monopod makes perfect sense to me go camping with it use it for a temple the the possibilities are endless run out of ammo beat the [ __ ] out of them with your magazine super easy speaking of super easy i'm going to use that as a super easy segue into thanking our sponsor for this video gold is expensive so acre built a system to try to make gold more affordable i'm willing to help them by giving up for everything you give acre's going to give as well and if we all give a [ __ ] together we can make a huge difference in making gold more affordable across the globe and i know this one has been making the rounds on reddit so we had to talk about it a belt fed ak thing this is a prototype patented belt fed akm i can convert your akm to belt fed in several different configurations i love how just ghetto improvised this [ __ ] is with just obvious welds a [ __ ] lug nut on top that this is frankly amazing i'd really like to know how well this actually works and i'd like to also know how it works see what people assume is that belt fed just kind of pumps the belt through uh you know the belt just kind of feeds itself like a magazine feeds itself it's not true uh magazines have springs that just feed the next round up and the you know feed lips catch that bullet so it can't just spring out through the top so the bolt just takes the rounds as it needs the needs them belt fed mechanisms much more complicated if you've ever popped the top cover on those some of them can get [ __ ] complicated so however he figured out how to use i guess the rearward energy of the bolt carrier to advance the next round in the feed tray i i don't know how we did it super interested if uh if the gentleman who made this is out there and would like to get in touch with me i would love to buy one as long as it works yes now this next submission is actually from a 10 year old fan apparently who has a lot of interest in joining the gun industry one day and he made his very own cursed gun my cursed gun woodland site 45 acp with the romanian dong price point apparently coming in it wasn't 15 times 2 000. to buy this it's certainly a very interesting idea and i think somebody should look into that a little bit further i hope you keep up your interest in joining the gun community and uh also be careful about turning in those 15 bills to your local bank they they tend to not like that so much also i would like to take this exact moment to apologize to your parents for saying the awkward so much sorry this i just put in there for fun this appears to be a 3d printable ar lower uh called the atf puppy popper and on the mag well is a picture of david shipman the proposed new atf director a very flattering photo of him i might add by the way if you guys missed it we just uploaded our last gun meme review a couple days ago which was our roast of david chipman if you haven't seen that yet it's a good time plus it digs a little bit into the questionable history of this gentleman and what you can do to help fight his nomination but you're not here for politics you're here for shitty guns so let's deliver this was [ __ ] painful to see for the first time this looks like just a kind of somewhat bubba [ __ ] crank but if you look a little bit closer specifically zoom in that front trunnion area this looks like a type one type one being like the crown jewel of any ak collector's collection uh the original ak-47 from russia holy [ __ ] doing this to a type one in the united states would probably get you burned at the stake at clash bash but zooming in a little bit closer uh you can actually see where the front trunnion meets that rear sight block there there's a couple good indicators that this is actually just a pakistani clone i highly doubt and i hope and i pray every night that this is not actually a type one this is just a clone that was you know kind of made up to look like it you see that front trending area where it meets the recite blocks all looks like it's made as one piece it's definitely not the way the type ones were also just some of the stuff around the rear trending area and of course the flowery pattern in the background are kind of giveaways that this might be a pakistani project this looks like the handiwork of the famous alibaba for those of you unfamiliar kyber pass is a region of pakistan in which they do some really weird uh just projects with aks all sorts of gun spinning stuff with some soviet weaponry of course the stuff that's popping around there we've talked about this next one on the channel before i'm sure but there's a new video going around of it that goes in a little bit more detail so yeah let's let's dive right in so this here is an ar ak hybrid more specifically kind of like an m16 ak hybrid this is the first video i've ever seen of them taking it completely apart so it's got that standard air style charging handle but if you look into this this is actually an ak in the guts you see that comes off just like a normal dust cover uh they've just included that flip open dust cover like the ar-15 has and the charging handle up top but in the guts the recoil spring is ak bolt carrier assembly and bolt is all ak this is basically just a five five six ak i'm assuming five five six uh that is dressed up to look like an m16 uh why would you do this yeah so moving on cc puts that top cover carry handle thing back on it zooms out this is just a piston driven standard ak is no really incorporation of the ar-15 design at all until you stick the magazine in because there's this 556 ar mag well it's really funny because as he flips it over here you see the colt markings with a shortened ak selector i guess they're big on clone and cold stuff i i'm really not sure what the idea is there it's kind of like the fake gucci i guess he flips it over here and we have the colt markings again we have property of the us government and before carving i doubt it and pause colt dot s manufacturing co inc hartford connecticut i'm gonna go out on a limb and say this was neither made in hartford connecticut nor property of the us government any point so yes it's not just privileged americans that are cloning the gucci rifles uh it's also the pakistanis are trying their best to to clone correct their markings on whatever the hell this is it's kind of like sorority chicks who uh get those weird asian letters tattooed on their backs in spring break and they don't realize that they just had mustard written in japanese on the smaller their back now for the rest of their life it's kind of like that this next one hits a little bit close to home we have a makarov specifically a makarov that somebody felt the need to have a windowed magazine on now there's really nothing wrong with windowed magazines the only problem with the mac rob is that the magazine is in the handle or i guess more correctly the pistol grip because it's a pistol and that's where where you grip it also this mac rob looks like it's been absolutely to hill and back or just to bulgaria which is where this one came from it's a circle 10. makarov that's irrelevant but this actually bothers me very little other than just the fact that smackdrop is trash just [ __ ] but you know it's mac rough it will be fine but brandon i hear you say why would you be okay with somebody trashing and cutting open the frame of a beautiful beautiful makarov such as this well dear hypothetical viewer it's because they didn't observe see as it turns out all macaroons once you take the grip off of them have said windowed cut away all they did was as it seems put a piece of shitty kydex on the back so they could actually grip the gun showing clear for the safety sally's out there the reason you need kydex on the back there is because this spring is actually what actuates the hammer macro of knowledge for you there today i filed this one under not cursed but definitely weird now bringing it forward to handguns of a bit more of you know the modern era we have this custom glock um as you can see the barrel is actually a barrel landslide are pointed backward i can think of a few people i would like to own this pistol collectors of guns that clearly can't function this this this would never work magazine loaded completely backwards this this is a completely non-functional gun so if you're into that sort of thing you know this is the sort of thing you should you should look after no go away go away go away this next one is a poor poor i'm gonna go out on a limb and say svt-40 becoming more and more sought after in the united states um [ __ ] you canadians uh you have plenty of them apparently apparently so many of them that you're doing [ __ ] like this it's worse is that you're using ak parts to help bubba this thing alibaba no now why someone would bubba bullpup an svt40 with ak parts i i i couldn't tell you it doesn't make it look cooler really doesn't make it any more functional and uh yeah i i'm quite sure of it i i hate them okay this is something only an ar guy could come up with um ladies and gentlemen with some slight censorship you're welcome i present to you the anal buster 5000 this looks like an x products can canon uh you know perfectly fine painted purple with uh well the part that you hold on to with your right hand is the part that ar guys love holding on to with their right hand a purple member if one may be so bold i'm assuming this isn't actually for firing cans and instead uh it's more like what donut operator likes to do with it and firing uh more phallic objects out the front yes that is a thing you can do and yes we have done it and no doubt so is the owner of the anal buster 5000 i am sure of it i'm perfectly fine with civilians owning ar-15s aks whatever they would like you know what it's a free country we have a second amendment i am very uncomfortable with the idea that my neighbor might own an anal buster 5000. what a [ __ ] world all right well anyways guys i think that wraps up this episode of cursed gun images as always i appreciate you guys tuning in i appreciate you staying to the end of the video if you want to check out some of the links in the description we're going to have t-shirts merch down there and be sure to remember to subscribe youtube just did another purge of inactive or dead subs make sure that wasn't you because they don't get it right 100 of the time especially if you want to see more content like this who wouldn't want to see more cursed gun images it's the highlight of my day still awesome anyways guys again i appreciate it and as always i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks [Music] wow stab myself the balls i don't know how i did that i have no clue
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 1,888,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, cursed, cursed images, cursed gun images, gun meme review, meme review, glock, mosin, khyber, khyber pass
Id: 2_CUvhz797s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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