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today I have signed a stay at home order for the entire state of North Carolina it has the force of law alrighty I think that about wraps it up sound of film some gun name review [ __ ] I forgot my phone damn it seriously Trump said we were session C servers in here nothing seriously that's disappointing you guys need a video for Thursday huh mama didn't raise no quitter what is up you sexy YouTube mother lovers you are back and I am back we're back together for another episode of gunman review there's a lot to go over this time around but we're just gonna jump right on into the memes cuz you know there's always those couple people down in the comment section that just [ __ ] about how long it takes us to get to the memes but there's a little bit of background on this one so let's just jump right in been a pretty damn good two weeks for gun memes I was getting really worried toward the end it was just more Corona crap and boob sidequest memes and then the last like five or six days have been as the kids say lit as [ __ ] still the same old same old coronavirus memes which pretty sure we just got to monetize cuz I just said that word out loud but also another rising champion Tiger gang here's just a tiny bit of background for those of you who haven't seen this show do a hostile takeover of your social media feeds for the last seven days Netflix has a new show called Tiger king that has gone mega viral would it have gone viral if we all weren't you know mostly stuck inside who knows who cares we get killer memes out of it this show has spawned like six meme templates in the first week of its existence my Jim Cramer moment Korona memes are down Tiger king is in if you're unfamiliar with the show this sums it up pretty well if I want gay married couples to protect their marijuana plants with guns was a person I guarantee you because of that right there one of two things is gonna happen within the Libertarian Party who has used that line for a long time as like a bumper sticker they're either going to completely stop using it or they're just gonna skip the middleman and just start championing geo exotic is just the poster child of true libertarianism somehow that just doesn't even do this show justice add some Tigers polygamy and a blatant disregard for gun safety and you're almost there we go from we are MOA how do you think the ATF should handle I'm a libertarian so technically you [ __ ] the feds that guy very quickly turned into my favorite character for obvious reasons heck off steppers read another wonderful part of this is that everybody's talking about getting their co vid 19 welfare checks or I'm sorry I'm sorry it's not a welfare check it's a stimulus check stimulus check that's something better and of course everybody I know is talking about immediately what gun they're gonna [ __ ] buy with that which leads to a perfect blend of Tiger King stimulus check and gun meme goodness sugar spice and everything nice when that co bid 19 check shows up so you buy nvgs and guns but you get laid off because you're not essential I'm never gonna financially recover from this when I finally get my $1200 stimulus checks so I spend eight grand on guns and ammo I'm never going to financially recover from this yeah that was bad that one that that your accountant is not your biggest fan see if I was your accountant I would have told you to spend 80 100 dollars on guns and ammo after the $1,200 check that way you're only in the hole exactly 69 hundred bucks when they deploy the National Guard to keep people on their on their homes a [ __ ] do you live when they deployed the National Guard to keep people on their homes after everyone spent their 1200 bucks on guns and ammo guess what [ __ ] you got to say it like him to like I don't know how to not do that I also want to point out I was apparently first to the game of pointing out that Joe exotic is putting off some serious gun drama Johnny or Johnny B vibes love you Johnny I'm sorry for pointing that out you were one of our first guests on bonus main for gun main review and I've done you dirty it was pretty funny me walking out of the gun store I'm never going to financially recover from this yeah so like I get it we all saw the show at the same time come on guys this is a really good meme template don't kill it in the first two weeks so Tiger king basically if you don't live in the United States that's rural America a bunch of tigers meth polygamy and butt sex well maybe that's not entirely fair we don't have a whole lot of tigers but I'm excited to see what kind of gun memes could continue to come out of these templates I think it's very promising start I rate this one 357 Magnum which is coincidentally the same caliber that that [ __ ] Carol Baskins used to kill her husband before we move on to the next mean it's time to tell you about our sponsor we don't have one but in a normal sponsored spot I'm just gonna go ahead and give a shout-out to X Tech tactical I've used an X heck mags for a long time now they make some of the most durable magazines in the whole industry and I am proud to call them friends right now they're running a cool special in this time of quarantine they're doing a special run of social distancing mags but since I don't have mine yet here's some slow-mo footage of a gun bunny dancing with one it's a lot better to look at [Music] see wasn't that everything you hoped for anyway link to X Tech is in the pin comment in the description and there's a code there that'll save you some money government we're gonna give every American one thousand dollars to alleviate economic concerns associated with kovat nineteen me buys a level four plates and mo government you are supposed to do that come on I'm stimulating local businesses if you go to strip club local businesses are stimulating you yeah baby Yoda you know get enough baby Yoda ones on here remember when people remembered what the Mandalorian was me waiting on those $1200 so I can build another ar-15 I'm sorry I can't stop looking at that AR there that's the that's the photo you chose baby Yoda if you're building an ar-15 it looks like that I'm gonna punch you in a [ __ ] drug ready when chieftains tried to take club I almost passed by this meme and I laughed for a solid like three minutes at the [ __ ] concrete nods oh my god I'm just now noticing this literally for the first time I was about to move past this meme again is that a romanian dong handguard chilling for no reason at the bottom of this frame I see you're a man of culture and you like Photoshop and dongs my unimpressed girlfriend me enthusiastically telling my girlfriend about my new mil surprise yeah that is so true it hurts at least the good ones pretend ilysm and the great ones are already helping you load the mags and the ones you probably have are still on the computer screen these are two of my favorite people in the gun tuber space we have Tim from military arms Channel and James Reeves from tfbtv who I recently beefed with in a very sarcastic and obviously satirical way that all of the boomers coming over from the firearm blog and and Facebook had no idea we were doing that ar-15 versus a K thing I was attacking the AR for sh t f4 [ __ ] hits the fan poopy hits the oscillating excrement hits the thing that goes mmm thought makes it cold and it was just my favorite part of this week was seeing on the buttered fanboys but that is also where this next comedian comes from when you follow Brandon's advice and get an ache a butt you shoot through a wall and hit your child Brandon you son of a [ __ ] it's 2020 James we use birth control we don't have [ __ ] kids well look at that handsome devil looking more like Mac from always sunny every day showing the firefighters your sweet new flamethrower after they finish putting out the massive forest fire you started I don't think I told anybody about that all jokes aside I'm extremely careful with the flamethrower as far as you know making sure we shoot it after it rains and things like that so the the you know wildlife the trees brush and whatnot are already kind of wet and they don't really want to catch you know different things like that just be really careful with it because you can cause a lot of damage with something like that very quickly and something that's completely out of your control if you're not careful which is why if I was gonna be responsible with it I get a really nice insurance policy on this place first you know Boy Scout motto be prepared I cannot wait for the freak accident that happens that makes this video get played in insurance fraud court it's gonna be pretty [ __ ] hard to explain no you can't just deface a valuable historic artifact you're destroyed decades of history just buy a new gund Bubba they're not cheap garbage anymore no drum will go boom I love this [ __ ] template so much even though yeah please don't [ __ ] Bubba guns of historical importance and of course Brownells come in with that Photoshop of our man mr. Guns N'Roses Mike mr. Gunson gear alright I dig it late 80s Mike oh god I almost [ __ ] docks you sorry late 80s mr. guns and gear looking like he's not only gonna [ __ ] your [ __ ] he's also gonna show her where she can save 10% on ammo from the Glock der origin of American kovat 19 discovered God if you know this place I was gonna say we could be friends but we're probably already friends and you gave me Corona for those who don't know this is the infamous Circle bar at shot show and one of my favorite games to play at shot show is trying to listen to the noobs frantically figure out where Circle Bar is yeah that's where basically where the who's who who didn't get invited to parties or slept in too much after your nap go to drink after shacho when you beat all the gun shop Gary's and have to face the final boss some familiar gentlemen here we have the wonderful Hickok 45 and the much shorter but equally is wonderful if not much more so to food who I think I'm still technically engaged to - who is one of the hosts of Mead fuelled rants and a good friend of mine and also Asian so it's funnier when he's shorter than Hickok who honestly is a [ __ ] transformer if you've never seen Hickok 45 stand next to a normal human it's hilarious he makes me feel like I'm four years old I'm not [ __ ] kidding like you guys like seven foot oh come on all Americans were racist tell me that's not [ __ ] funny look into Hickox eyes right now and tell me it doesn't look like he knows I'm making a racist joke about this right now but I can already feel what's left of our monetization if any slipping away so I am probably gonna call that a good place to end this episode of gunman review thank you guys so much for following along I'm gonna try to figure out a way to get out of here before this situation gets much worse because I like being in the shop I don't like being stuck in a shop so I'll see you sexy YouTube mother lovers on Monday and you know how all things considered you're gonna fun here over the weekend won't be too bad at least we still have power [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 466,854
Rating: 4.9602594 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Tiger king, Netflix, meme review, gun meme review, Stimulus check, memes, James reeves, Joe exotic, Tiger
Id: CURKN_kojpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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