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gun name review what is up you sexy YouTube mother lovers we are here on just another random Thursday for another episode of gun meme review now I know this isn't the first Thursday of every month which if you've been paying attention is when we do the normal gun man reviews but you guys have been asking for it more and more you guys want your fixon of those sweet sweet gun memes and we can't blame you so we've decided to take gun meme review once a week wow I was just screwing with the Lance he physically recoiled so no we cannot take gunman review once a week he's not yet but now we are doing it every first and third Thursday you're welcome but on to the biggest news story of the week Trump has made the decision to pull out entirely of Syria leaving the Kurds unreinforced to fight the Turks alone but a more important gun me review news ABC the news agency not my favorite local small business to support ran a news story about this very same thing however we'll see if you could spot it roll the clip this video right here appearing to show turkeys military bombing Kurd civilians in a Syrian border town the Kurds who fought alongside the u.s. against Isis now if you didn't quite catch that that last clip that they ran is in fact not from a place in Syria it's from the Kentucky Knob Creek machine gun shoot I've been there I have seen that and I can guarantee it is not in fact in Syria it's also a pretty good type of bourbon speaking of bourbon we are not drinking that today Parris dead drinking Tito's handmade vodka the official sponsor of gun mein review they're actually not they don't even condone this they probably don't even like it yeah in fact we're just kind of bouncing back and forth between different liquor companies hoping that one of them sees that we're shamelessly plugging their product and hope they sponsor us I spent a lot of money on alcohol guys oh please help however I just want to harp on ABC for one more moment because I think this proves something very very important the news media in the United States is not one giant conspiracy to feed us fake information at least not all the time the truth is they're mostly just idiots so you know that kid nice schoolteachers shoved into a locker who was doing the school newspaper yeah well he went on to become a journalist that was shoving YouTube clips of Knob Creek in to international news segments so food for thought and bring back bullying let me actually qualify that statement bring back bullying to people who deserve it discretionary call and for anybody any regulatory agency that's watching this right now I do not condone bullying at all don't bully but I mean [ __ ] man does anybody else that was like a gen Xer remember furries in high school I mean goddamn I think the best part about this whole deal is that while this [ __ ] up on the news was happening the Knob Creek machine gun shoot what's happening which prompted plenty of people to mark themselves safe from something that was not possible we're trying to change up the rating system on how we rate these memes so I like this meme but this was a total screwup on the ABC News's part so I'm just gonna write this 25 ACP also my caliber rating system is going to piss off a lot of people and that's okay next meme now we were actually preparing for this very next segment this is some of the footage that was taken from just after the Tri arc event where we did the shooting video with demolition ranch donut operator Leon Lodge all those awesome youtubers and we did the shooting out of a helicopter got some awesome content out of that however we did miss our flight because of the fan meetup in Fort Worth no regrets however we did end up having to just weave we said [ __ ] it we rented a car and we drove basically 18 hours from just south of Waco all the way back to Fayetteville North Carolina I don't know if you've ever made anything close to that drive but it sucked that was pretty [ __ ] terrible so in order to stay awake and you know at least somewhat entertained we crab God raved the entire way which if you have never heard it that's just crab rave mixed with lose yourself by mmm and I'll be damned if it doesn't work really well so we had a series of Instagram videos that were Instagram stories that were basically just me waving my heart out to crab God however when we were testing for this bit to see that would get this entire video demonetised for copyright strikes what we failed to realize I fail to realize the video was set to public and what was more interesting than that was at the minute after when I noticed and I went to go on list it it had a shitload of views and comments because you guys thought it was [ __ ] hilarious so we left it and that's how a complete editing faux pas an accident a total nono [ __ ] turned into a decently be video so I actually I really don't know what this says about you guys honestly I've been kind of scratching my head ever since are you guys okay like is everything okay at home I'm worried but for those of you who saw the video crab god and did not click on it here is the full 46 seconds of Instagram glory you're welcome [Music] I'm not gonna rate this one because it's my meme but no I will I rate this five crab raves next meme yes this is a photo that has been circulating the internet for a little while at least in the last week or so can you spot what's wrong with it let me give you a hint for those of you who don't know you can't have that that is a select-fire glock now i thought you know plausible deniability maybe this is somewhere outside of the country where you know that's not a problem but yeah i got nothing on this one hit it akbar so now we're just gonna transition to a bunch of random memes that we got off of the discord and instagram of course if you are posting things on the discord god help you and if you're posting memes on instagram trying to get us to find it for good meme or if you please stop DMing them to me there's too many to look through i'm so sorry but we are now starting to look through the hashtag gun meme review hashtag gun main review if you post up your memes there and use that hashtag that's what we'll be sorting through from now on when we're trying to you know find memes to show you fine science fine oh god damn it [ __ ] that was a good run that was just angry to show you fine sexy youtube mother lovers let's get to the memes first time appendix carrying yeah yeah I remember I I don't know about you guys but the first time I was ever concealed carrying I was paranoid like I I was I thought they know I'm carrying I'm printing I'm printing hey they do look a my printing or printing too hard you know I'm here and then you realize like nobody actually gives a [ __ ] when your friend shows you his new Anderson Bear Creek build I realize you're a bottom feeder but have some manners it's kind of like a fat chick alright I don't care what you do in your spare time and I sure as [ __ ] don't want to see picture the HK fanboys on their morning commute to call everyone a poor I love how I interjected up or I love poor as a noun more than I do as an adjective right I didn't fail English four to five order and one thing got silly how do did us put us previous a our build my hopefully decent optic new a our build I am so [ __ ] guilty of this it's not even funny i oh god I own like three optics that I know yeah I I'm laughing because it's true and I know you do the same thing when the homeboys in the hood are getting out why did you make me read this when the homeboys in the hood are getting arrested for an ounce but a bunch of 300-pound white kids shoot the fuzz and let the home he's free and arm them all while screaming something about the Boogaloo and Cowabunga Kings and one hand you have some garbage rod rifle and yells till Van Halen border before turning and yelling yet collective black confusion when you're about to buy her a ring but she hits you with I love you but we can't have guns in the house eject OC cuz ya how the [ __ ] did you get that far well you're you're buying her a ring before you know how she groups at a hundred yards the [ __ ] is wrong with you come and take what's left of it oh we need a big F in the chat for her California boys that's rough that's that's rough one simple trick to make airsoft cheaters call their hits Jesus I've seen variations of this meme this is actually pretty good also I just want to point out this absolute [ __ ] Chad who's got the salient Arms ar-15 you got to have that airsoft money I guess own the school year like I hear it no no no no this whole gang name review there's gonna go into a big file cabinet full of [ __ ] that's going to be brought up at my hearing and it's a big file cabinet alright and I'm just gonna flex one that's a lie I'm gonna flex more than this but I've been a flex once in this video I just want to point out the fact that I was able to get a very sly middle finger past demolition ranch's sensory sorry Matt but that's the retribution for taking out an 8k which I find hilarious because like a few minutes earlier in that video he had somebody else's middle finger censored you know words hurt the lens they hurt so that's my flex sneak 100 some thought I did want to tell you guys about real quick we will be at the Iraq veteran 8888 YouTube shoot this weekend so I will be there tomorrow as this video posts so I said Sofia it's one of my favorite shoots of the year guys it's a lot of fun there's a lot of people we know there that are really awesome and we might be doing some collaboration stuff so who knows but either way there'll be some good content coming out of it so that's just something that's on our plate be sure to check instagram at real brandon herrera if you want to keep up with me and see some of the stories and some of the exclusive [ __ ] that I don't post on the youtubes that's just another way of stalking me you weirdos also another big thing to celebrate 200,000 subscribers which Wow holy [ __ ] guys that's yeah it's cool it's really cool but we wanted to do something awesome for you guys too and something that I think is long overdue and I think all the og guys know what I'm talking about if this video gets over 6900 likes because that's a funny number we're gonna be doing a our guys versus a K guys part 4 oh yeah baby another thing I did want to tell you guys about if you are one of the people that is following the channel who is interested in gun design maybe getting into the gun industry doing your own thing as a gunsmith gun designer I know there's a lot of you guys out there there is a series that we are doing that is going to be right up your alley that's right the long awaited long teased brass Valley we are finally getting the point where we're ready to post it so look out for that it's coming in the next couple of weeks I'm very excited for it this has been like a really cool beta test for something that I'm really passionate about and it's gonna really show you guys an inside track on how a lot of this gun design is done a couple of things will try to teach along the way it's gonna be really exciting if you're one of the people I'm talking about don't miss it and if you're not one of those people that I just mentioned watch it anyway that'd be fun plus that is the first part of a really really really big thing that is coming up on the channel very soon and so I'm I've been growing this for a long time I'm very excited for it and who knows maybe we'll shake up shake up the industry a little bit but that's all we have for this episode of gun mein review stay sexy you youtube mother lovers to remember hashtag a EKG notification squad is a thing and I will see you sexy [ __ ] in the next video thanks guys drink Tito's ABC the new just the nudes agency [ __ ]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 624,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, startup, Knob creek, Syria, Turkey, ABC news, News, Gun meme review, Full auto, Glock, Meme review, Tgc news, Trump, Gun memes, Memes
Id: 1ohq56sV0mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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