Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - Nostalgia Critic

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Even without the “sjw” stuff it’s incomprehensible to me how anyone, including my 13 year old self, ever thought this guy was good or funny.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/weemanjoe 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

The people who watch this guy can't be older than 12.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/thatscandinavianguy 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

he should shoot the SJWS with his iconic meme gun that he shoots the bad nostalgia movies with

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Dongus- 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
this episode brought to you by skill share classes taught by expert practitioners for your career or for your passions the first 500 people who sign up receive a free two-month trial [Music] hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember it so you don't have to my god that was amazing even better than I remember it I spared no expense apologies but John Hammond is here to convince us why there should be another Jurassic Park see he just got done showing us the first one I guess just as spectacular as when I first saw it even after all these years my god how did you do it I'll show you now this is a Jurassic Park movie no I am a Jurassic Park movie but if we were to take just one drop of the movies genius relax John it's all part of the miracle of lazy cloning no Jurassic Park movie by creating the same thing over and over with a drop of the original genius we can have as many Jurassic park's as we want remarkably remarkable the lack of humility before great filmmaking that's being displayed here staggers me Oh like nah yeah I just want to relive my nostalgia without questioning why I'm a social media addict who does it like change no no no let him talk I want to hear everybody's viewpoint before i automatically disagree with it I mean don't you see the danger in what you're doing here Jurassic Park is one of the coolest most groundbreaking movies ever made and you wield it like an alien vs. predator single I don't think you're giving us sequels enough credit haven't you notice each sequel is getting Dumber with every clone I'm to that thick Park 3 I put them both in the park thanks man it's like they're Michael Keaton movie from the 90s no one remembers the paper no speechless oh my life no desperate measures no Jack Frost no much ado about nothing oh one good cop no Pacific Heights no multiplicity that's the one oh come on each sequel has a ton of great scenes - huh - great scenes that's what our scientists figured out you only need two great scenes to keep people coming back lost world had the glass breaking and the t-rex running in the city through have the pterodactyls and the t-rex fight and world had the opening and all that ending but the t-rex I mean look at the t-rex and then she's running around in a high Hughes and then blue comes out of now and before you know it the make jumps after the water and then jump and everybody's swap loading going goodness gracious me so by having only two good moments we could have the same idiot characters doing the same idiots things nobody cares stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could and before you even knew what you had you patented it and package it and slap down the plastic lunchbox and now you're selling it you're selling it well does anyone else feel weird that he's getting the Ian Malcolm dialog cuz my name is literally Malcolm how long is it gonna take before doing the exact same thing over and over it doesn't lead to two great scenes anymore um I hate to interrupt but what are your sequels doing feeding round I knew it there two bowing the original so now there's nothing original left it's like the terrible 90s would be with the awful CGI deep rising though the relic lost us I thought understand these shitty sequence to make mommy happy you got so occupy I think if you could you never bothered to think if you shut it again literally mouth I just don't know how this is possible well this is just like what happened with today's movie Jurassic Park falling obviously we all knew you were making that comparison well do you know why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch yes will you tell us know [Music] it may have made a lot of money but regressive world following Kingdom has left a lot of viewers asking what the heaping pile of dinosaur [ __ ] were they thinking not only does it have little to nothing new in it but the idiotic decisions made in this movie are so massive and so mind-blowing that you feel like that one pilot and Return of the Jedi too many of them along with false advertising making it look like the film was about the dinosaur is being released on the public when it's really just the last few minutes this duped audiences pissed off critics and yet still made a bundle at the box office because dinosaurs are like dangling keys to us just keep waving them in front of our faces and we'll keep forgetting what a lazy repetitive form of entertainment they are so as long as there's still people optimistic enough to have hope for these movies oh God did those sequels just belch up a hungover Jeff Goldblum spared no expense we'll always be here to review it let's take a look at Jurassic world falling Kingdom the film opens up with an inspiring idea that no Jurassic Park film has ever tackled before not just kidding it opens with dinosaurs attacking people like always these guys are sneaking into the now-closed park due to reconstruction appealing tourists out of teeth as they know this is a dangerous and illegal mission so they smartly bring no weapons at all I don't know what this means what does this mean is this a gang sign are you in a gang don't join the gang Hey look the t-rex oh yeah it's not even really a big deal anymore in the first one she always out runs a jeep and the second one she can't catch up to a crowd of people on this one she can't catch up with Homer Simpson's voice actor I'm a mother fan who cares ok never laugh in a survival film unless you want your obvious death to be accompanied by Boop quiet music shit's getting real in this jurassic park yeah we need epic latin gibberish to frame the gigantic size of Jeff Goldblum's ego I think we should allow our glorious dinosaurs to be taken out by the volcano as a dinosaur myself I wish to be put out of my misery it looks like a volcano is about to take out the island of dinosaurs and the debate rages whether or not it's ethical to save them or let them die as well as the debate of did Jeff Goldblum just read the script and only now while saying the lines realize how stupid it is I'm talking about man-made cataclysmic change what kind of change changes like death is that really what I'm saying I'm a scientist and that's what I'm saying okay whatever dad meanwhile we cut to the real heroes of this movie hipsters oh you think I'm joking they have a whole office of sjw's researching what to be offended by next and good news you have the whole movie with them as the original owner of the park Claire played again by Bryce Dallas Howard leads a group of Chevy millennial ads to lobby for the safety of the dinosaurs but they get some bad news the committee has result not to recommend any legislative action regarding the D extinct creatures on Isla Nublar they said this was literally done just to shut Jeff Goldblum up so as you can imagine this is a real big blow to Clair or the music indicates things are good who said this movie was tone-deaf she's brought two John Hammond number two that's honestly what he is did you know John Hammond had a super close business partner he never talked about in any of the other movies and it for some reason you're confused as [ __ ] by that don't worry this incredibly forced exposition ome totally natural human talk will clear things up we actually met one seven eight years ago and you don't remember a Hammond a Lockwood well the custom lab in the sub-basement why don't you run his foundation since college yeah extracted the first DNA from right beneath our feet you wanted someone young and idealistic to spend a fortune John Alfred Hammond father of Jurassic Park but of course you know that oh my god did you really just spell out who Jon Hamm it is like the audience is that stupid John Alfred Hammond but of course you know that this is a dinosaur but you already knew that these are teeth but you already knew that this is paper paper we're just talking how people normally talk hey normally talk him his partner is Ben Lockwood played by James Cromwell my god babe pig in the city wasn't kind to him John said it best these creatures don't need our protection they need our absence that's why we're flying into a ttle fist major once more yep he wants to save them and bring them to a new island to live in peace because all the other times we ever interfere with these [ __ ] it always turned out great there was a tracking system in place in the park radio frequency ID chips in each dinosaur I remember I know we're establishing how bad the rioting is there is one that poses a real challenge for us blue is potentially the second most intelligent piece of life on this planet we honestly should have let her write the screenplay of course there's only one person who can connect with blue and that's her trainer Owen played again by Chris Pratt I was Groot that shouldn't be too tricky to get him on board seeing how those two were an item from the last movie Oh ghostbusters doing this you know that dumb shell where they break up a couple for absolutely no reason except to get them back again in the sequel cuz new ideas are for people who want to think if there's anything twister has taught us is that a divorced couple that constantly acts like a divorced couple should clearly be together I left you you're so stubborn well look at you how you're saving the world yep that's the line that deserve the super over-the-top laughs look at you how you're saving the world if blue is alive you're just gonna let her die well yeah I got a band I'm starting anyway called mouse rat I really think it's got take off meanwhile at a countryside so cliched they actually put in a shooting star make a wish maybe they'll clone samuel l.jackson we see where the real romance in this movie lies hmm mr. Owen blue guess it does have a nice ring to it so he surprises her on the plane heading towards the island I think you were gonna ever show up well I have to change a million things to account for another person supplies rations and so forth but thanks for surprising the [ __ ] don't worry though our duo of self-righteous Lisa Simpsons will bring the last more likely die riding a horse than in a plane no I'm not because I won't get on a horse my chances are zero this is just like when we got the argument of who's green play represented the evils of capitalism better meanwhile back at Lockwood's house oh yeah I'm really scared something's gonna happen and it's not just a fake out I don't know I think one of those statues are gonna move this is Maisie Lockwood's granddaughter he cares for after his daughter died in a car crash I don't wanna back Queens English girl boss boss wild animal it doesn't matter how charming an actress you are honey you will be the worst part of this movie you have your mother's wicked sense of humor do I look like her oh yes Oh took enough notes to make sure I mean now what strong genes ha ha ha we're not playing the stuff there music again it's a bug spray Oh guys aren't gonna what bugs just don't get it it's here I should be dead by now right oh he's afraid of the t-rex did you get that did you get think he's afraid of the t-rex we know we have to spell out a lot for you so here it is again Oh she'd be dead by now right Oh frightfully witty they come across the first whimsically beautiful dinosaur a moment I'm just gonna guess and say brontosaurus because that's always the one they make whimsically beautiful it's a weird thing your dinosaur movies show very few kinds of dinosaurs we get a load of this that's the first dinosaur the dinosaur medic has ever seen that's like a veterinarian never seeing an animal why did you bring her yoga should total money where there no other dinosaur medics when this park was open or did they just not have the badass woke blogger spunk that she has things could get hairy up these are powerful sedatives one too many and she could have respiratory failure also I'm not a soft and witless is your comment implies well at the risk of questioning the towers of conventional cliche this movie is breaking down I will ask the same question I asked in van Helsing mmm when does she get kidnapped fight the good fight Wonder Woman they come across the original car that fell with dr. grant and Timmy in it guess they moved the giant wall but forgot the car as they locate blue but open fire too early we leave son of a [ __ ] cool so a dart they just said could possibly kill a dinosaur just knocks out Chris Pratt providing a comedic Lee goofy moment when the volcano explodes and he has to out numb his body to out slither the lava what Chris Pratt pretending to be mr. bean playing the ground is literally lava supposed to be funny I believe being that close to actual lava would probably leave you looking like this throughout the rest of the movie oh thank god these two are still okay is this your ice - Clarence this is your X are you sure that's notating watch this down here good thing instinctual dinosaurs are just as stupid about staying away from lava go up you dumbass go up go up Scooby you're making fun of what a coward you are wow what a [ __ ] movie can kill tons of people but it can't say the S word the cementing of the pg-13 genius continues yeah that'll work oh okay no I thought that only worked with coke machines and Dennis Rodman shows what I know no no I have to stand still slowly back away and then just there blankly at it rather than take a millisecond to step inside they can't track you if you act really stupid but the t-rex makes her big entrance which we already saw so it's not a big deal but man they try to make it one you know she really is a drama queen she's like the ultimate photo bomber I could totally see a post on her Instagram being like oh my god guys I just happen to be roaring for no reason when a volcano totally erupted what are the chances right like in follow I'll eat you buddy we then get to the film's credit the only good suspenseful scene we're clear and Franklin almost drown but maybe I love it because Claire Franklin almost drowned Pratt gets the mound and they see the dinosaurs are being taken captive well too bad at such a long distance away and they couldn't possibly walk there so they walk there in seconds and find the men are kidnapping the dinosaurs for their own terrible means continue to be late-night these Disney villains and talk about how you're only interested in the money oh and be sure to take an Evo trophy to add to your evil collection even though a friggin volcano is exploding in seconds count you're gonna feel that when you wake up this will make a great necklace for my woman suit our heroes goddamn jump from an island on to the boat while driving a truck and nobody seems to notice oh I cease because she wore a hat that instantly disguises one of the most famous faces the world had ever known for a while oh isn't that the lady who owned the park we were just sent to pillage but she's got a new hat oh of course yeah then why is nobody recognizing those two they don't have mind cloaking hats like she does they were pretty high up in the missions totem pole hell excuse me miss we're in the middle of filming I'm gonna need you to clear out critic it's me did you see that random stranger wearing a hat critic it's the logic of fallen kingdom has not led me astray let me try something Malcolm when did you turn into a white one okay I need a shot or something in keeping with the film's fully constructed toe and the dinosaurs that we're trying to kill everybody and you were supposed to be afraid of we're immediately supposed to feel sorry for now [Music] Wow it's like that incredibly smooth transition they had in the first film just think of it as kind of a big camp it's a rollercoaster of emotion that's not yet finished but you're writing anyway [Applause] [Music] as you may have noticed I'm a big fan of a lot of artwork there's so many great artists and so many great styles I love collecting them I also like to draw a bit myself but sadly I've been out of practice for a while thankfully there's a place where you can pretty much learn anything you need and that place is Skillshare calm Skillshare is an online learning community with more than 20,000 classes indesign photo and more including as you would probably guess drawing i used to be an illustrator but so much time has gone pass I don't always know all the new technology thankfully there's classes on there that can teach you practically anything you need premium membership gives you unlimited access so you can improve your skills unlock new opportunities and do the work you love Skillshare also believes in accessible learning and the price reflects them an annual subscription with unlimited access is less than ten dollars a month ten dollars a month making it one of the best deals you can find for online education and since Skillshare is sponsoring this video the first 500 people to use the promo link in the description will get their first two months free to try it out risk-free it's been a long time since I can draw like any of that but with Skillshare I can get right back into it there's plenty of classes with plenty of opportunities so go to this link to check it out the first 500 people to sign up will receive a two month free trial go to this link to start your trial today it's never too late to learn something [Music] [Applause] beckon Lockwood's house Macy sees two men in suits talking business whoa this would entice any seven-year-olds attention gotta check this out artists have created a direct descendant the animal that took down Jurassic world it follows human in command ah you're making another time to soar based on the one you couldn't control before that destroyed an entire park I see no problems here proceed mazie tries to let her grandfather know what's going on they're going to sell the dinosaurs bring them in sure you misunderstood I know what I had gone crazy it's way past your bedtime you were just like this the first time you were this age our here must find Zia and tried to help her fix up blue who was injured luckily take over for Claire oh my god is in my mouth she says blue needs a blood transplant and the only one that'll work is of course from the t-rex okay I don't know much about dinosaurs and judging by the fact she's never seen one I don't think she does either but he's getting the blood from two very different animals the same if a cat is injured with blood from a lion work just as well Chaplin what do you think oh the tea rice of course wakes up they don't realize they can just stay behind her to be safe and they attempt a crazy escape to get the blood back meanwhile back at Lockwood say I guess big surprises made dr. Wu is helping them weaponize the dinosaurs blues DNA will be part of the next Indo Raptors makeup when did this guy go from just the person next to the dinosaur eggs to the world's biggest DNA splicing supervillain I'll tell you exactly when there's not that nod was up to something of course they figure out that Maisie knows about their super illegal diabolical plan so they give her a timeout keep her in there and keep the door locked now you think about how weaponizing endangered species can benefit you Hey look they like each other again yeah seeing how their chemistry made no sense it was out of nowhere in the last movie I guess it makes sense to do it once more but wait this isn't moving starting to see hipsters painfully forest rump joke take your own damn samples whoa whoa whoa I'm sorry Stephen Colbert SNL and countless Internet means you need to retire Jurassic world has won the battle of political commentary and here everybody thought fair nine eleven nine would be the field to bring Trump down okay nobody thought that but nevertheless Jurassic world has beaten you to the punch oh thank you so much writer of monster trucks you have keeping us of police forget the dinosaurs to Lockwood's house somehow not making any noise for Lockwood or his servants to hear hey I guess if they made this dinosaur dungeon and auctioning house under his nose all this time they must just have really quiet workers and think of the dinosaurs in their cages [Music] doesn't it be fatty wants to hunt everybody who made this hates the first movie but luck would finally finds out hey I guess he does have a little bit of a brain but not too much did you really think you could get away with it pick up that farmer I want you to call the police oh hey Malcolm what are you up to oh well I've spent years and years building a quieren to auction off weaponized killer whales I've hired a lot of people to transport them and the bidder should be amazing no no Malcolm this won't do it all I need you to call the police and turn yourself in well I guess there's no other way around it no not at all I'm sure once I let all my accomplices know they'll gladly turn themselves in - I think that goes without saying thank you for setting me straight and bringing my life to a crashing halt absolutely it's the least I could do wait could I kill you oh man I guess you're right okay I'm placing the call right now spit-spot hello police yeah I've got a whale of a tale for you he's a good kid so anyway the bad guy doesn't call the cops and kills Lockwood meanwhile Owen and Clara found out and captured who oh you should have stayed on the island grab him by the [ __ ] man build a wall to keep him locked up so okay they're locked up in the house the auction for the dinosaurs is about to begin surely this must be the opening of the third act nope we're only at the halfway point yeah there's still a ton of this movie left Christ this film winning faster if you just killed him instead of explaining your plan like a James Bond villain I saved these animals you betrayed a dying man for money Claire I admire your idealism I never ever ironically uses the trick that the Raptors used in the Jurassic Park parody from The Critic proving this pretty much is a parody of a parody and even then it seems pointless because she climbs out of a window a moment later well why did you just have her climb out her bedroom window to save time no wonder we still have an hour left stop writing pointless [ __ ] dog God Delia by the way there is a small child climbing up your building you may want to get that looked at so the auction begins as all the world's most darkly dressed supervillain leaders come to bid on the flintstones garage sale the ankylosaurus is a herbivorous and quadruped ed this is one of the largest are dinosaurs the ankylosaurus is wearing our Late Cretaceous fall look which seems to say to on lookers I give pointed conversation sassy Owen has an idea though for how to get out of their cell that thing's gonna kill us totally gonna kill us oh don't worry I'm sure there's yet another cartoon dumbell scene that'll save everybody they come across Maisie and quickly earn each other's trust my name is Claire what's yours Maisie maybe you don't good Maisie number two Lockwood and I always thought as a we're middle name I mean well they bring out the leftover Rex and tell them it's not being bid on because it's only a prototype then why are you showing it are you trying to cement your place in the ever-growing dinosaur auction market I feel like you got the seal on this for a while 20 million what do you want they bid on it anyway which once again is a pointless scene because Owen comes in to stop again you could have cut that and not miss [ __ ] there's clearly blame on both sides for this some of you are mighty fine people of course dumbass goes into the cage of gets the best thing to call it is coke three asaurus two one else get a tooth for his tooth collection what follows is amazingly not the stupidest thing in the movie she smiled at the camera it's official we're in a weird out video we are seconds away from this thing just straight-up talking kids what has one arm and is you know but don't think on top of that you're not giving a WoW moment - we used to make real movies we then get the dumbest most pointless twists in all the film and on top of that it comes out of nowhere the bad guys corner our heroes and floor no reason just starts talking about this you have no idea what she is Lockwood never had a grandchild he just wanted his daughter back he made her again mm yeah that's pretty stupid right she's a clone what's the point of that it doesn't connect to anything and despite being I guess a few clues nobody could have guessed this because it doesn't tie into any of the characters motivations why even tell him that just shoot them at acre in fact what tell me see that what did he think was honestly gonna happen after he let her know that's right she's a clone now Maisie come here good girl good girl yeah you were faced by that all were you yeah no not only what some ice cream well it's an ice cream yell be nice yeah yeah you're a clone right shoot them Franklin saves Xia from the evil dr. Wu God that still sounds weird and who gives a [ __ ] Soros tries to hunt down our heroes as the rest of the movie pretty much just turns into Yoshi's mansion boy does wipe a nice killing machine is kind of a dumbass she can't even find them when they're literally under her nose and even when she does she's so goddamn clumsy you'd swear the scream killer gave her stalking lessons oh yeah you sure heightened sense of smell to completely miss that they were right in front of you a door oh well can't get beyond that I guess she's the signs aliens been great idea leave the two larger meals who are trapped behind and chase after the smaller morsel running away what this thing is gonna have some serious buyer's remorse Claire's leg is busted up bad so she urges Owen to go and save Maisie can't leave you here remember I dumped you the choir music comes back again totally warranted for such a giant epic image like Oh rapture and we see the kid who figured out this giant evil conspiracy boarded the bad guys at every turn and even managed to outsmart a prehistoric predator it's now the Cobbers for safety it's one of the bugs of cloning they can find ingenious escape routes along dangerous ledges but think bedsheets are indestructible bomb shelters but honestly it's almost as bad as our bug with cloning dinosaurs or even when they find their prey they just slowly wave their fingers in front of them rather than attack like every other instance what I'm trying to say is science is stupid but oh it comes in two shooter but it doesn't seem to work so he hay goes to protect the kid B runs out the door behind him C grabs the kid and takes her with him through the door behind him or D leans up against the wall like a seven-year-old who's dumb enough to hide under bed covers yeah I'm convinced this whole thing is a big-budget Johnny karate episode blue comes in to save the day so now they can go out the door or the window yeah that's um okay it's not as safe as the bedsheets but it'll have to do Claire somehow climbs the windows as well despite having a busted leg a second ago and distracts the soon to be forgotten thesaurus long enough for Owens true love to take her down what's the matter feeling blue oh but it looks like a toxic gas is going to kill off what's left of the dinosaurs unless they free them with that giant red cartoony button Wow the designers really took opening a door very seriously but they decide not to as in one of the few adult moments of the movie they realize their love for animals it's not worth the countless loss of human life the mixing of two worlds damned I had to so just close the door oh you only have a big red button to open the door not a big red button to close the door if only there was a big red button for the big red button who does I guess and what's her dumbass reason for dooming mankind their life [Music] they're about to kill a lot of little kids like you too dumbass so it's Dino spring break as they're all set loose and the bad guy gets his comeuppance from what used to be the coolest character in the movies but now it just feels like Porky Pig ending a Looney tune short looks like Blu has to part ways to tell that crazy kid thanks whenever I eat up up a Girl Scouts I'll always think of her so yeah this movie ends with Dinosaurs getting ready to eat a mankind would have kind of been cool if this was the movie it's almost as confusing is where the hell did this one come from was she captured in a sea tank it also opened up with the door or did she literally swim all the freaking way to a California beach and what's even more confusing is apparently we're supposed to have sympathy for our adorable angel of death but all I can think about is Malcolm McDowell describing Michael Myers these are the eyes of a psychopath but in the end Jurassic world falling Kingdom pulls it all together because of this incredibly spelled out lesson which goes against this incredibly spelled out lesson these creatures were here before us and if we're not careful they're gonna be here after you which doesn't really match up with this incredibly spelled out lesson these creatures don't need our protection they need our absence but at least we can all agree but soon they're gonna have to watch them go extinct we're not if people like you make a difference it's like when we have a lot of messages that say opposite things we're incredibly complex or really transparent we couldn't decide on what message we wanted this movie's awful I'll give credit that the effects are pretty good much better than some of the previous ones I also give credit that it is kind of us so bad it's good kind of flick I mean they just constantly throw stupid [ __ ] after stupid [ __ ] at you it's relentless of the amount of dumbest bits of your face but that's not what people wanted they wanted a real Jurassic Park film one that's fun but also made some semblance of sense and gave us something new and different instead we pretty much got the worst of all the other Jurassic Park movies all the weaknesses none of the strengths everything that didn't work in those past films is showcased in this one it's stupid it's corny is pretentious and it's preachy even though half of the time it doesn't know what it's preachy about I don't care if it made money to me this is a Jurassic flop now with the next genetic Park sequel everything is correctable John box office is a matter of sheer will well it's still a flea circus it's all an illusion when we have a participative you never had a script that's the illusion we were overwhelmed by the first film but now all that matters is not having another alien covenant welcome to jurassic covenant I'm the Nostalgia Critic end I'll see you at Jurassic world The Legend of Curly's gold [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] look at you how you're saving the world [Laughter] hey guys dog walker here doing the charity shout on this week we are doing homes for our troops homes for our troops as a privately funded nonprofit organization they build and donate specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post 9/11 veterans this is done to enable them to rebuild their lives most of these veterans have sustained injuries including multiple limb amputations partial or full paralysis and/or a severe traumatic brain injury these homes restore some of the freedom and independence our veterans sacrifice while defending our country and enable them to focus on their family recovery and rebuilding their lives this organization built these homes where the veteran chooses to live and continues its relationship with them after home delivery to assist with rebuilding their lives if you look at their site on their YouTube channel you can not only see the great people who served our country but also the great people making sure they get all the love and support they deserve click on the link and discover how you can show your gratitude to so many brave soldiers you [Music] you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,581,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, doug walker, nostalgia critic, movie, film, jurassic world fallen kingdom, jurassic world fallen kingdom review, jurassic world, fallen kingdom, jurassic park, jurassic world series, jurassic park series, movie review, film review, review, dinosaurs, dinosaur movies, chris pratt, bryce dallas howard, b.d. wong, jeff goldblum, fallen kingdom review, sc-fi movies, t-rex, indominus
Id: bBAcq8z3nDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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