Problem Child - Nostalgia Critic

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this episode brought to you by full sail university immerse yourself in the world of filmmaking from every angle [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] hello i'm the nostalgia critic i remember it so you don't have to the 90s was certainly the era of bratty kids wasn't it long gone were the days of kids getting into trouble by accident 90s bratz got into trouble on purpose and were out to break whatever and whoever they wanted reigning in a new decade of rebellious delinquents and at the beginning of this shift was the unbelievably immature ridiculous stupid as hell movie written by the guys who wrote edward people versus larry flint and dolomite is my name wow that sent that score up [Music] released in 1990 problem child did not receive much love from critics when it came out this isn't surprising as well it's a really stupid movie it's incredibly mean and violent which would be fine if it wasn't so incredibly dumb and idiotic but much to my everlasting shame i kinda love it for that okay here's the thing everything said about this movie is true it is hopelessly moronic and childish but it's a movie about a snot-nosed little brat that feels like it was written by a snot-nosed little brat being a snot-nosed little brat myself in the 90s i felt like this movie gave me all the crude cartoony mean-spirited fantasies that a lot of children like me had at that age this might be why the film was such a hit resulting in a sequel as well as a cartoon series soon after but is it actually good how do i put this i don't think the film cares it's not setting out to impress delight and show off it's setting out to mock laugh and get in trouble which in some respects it did get him people walked out at test screenings it still sits at zero percent on rotten tomatoes people even protested the poster for animal abuse it lives in a sadistic adolescent world and honestly i think it's aware of that but 30 years later does that equal out to any value for adults let's look at this masterpiece of idiocy to find out this is problem child we open with our main character junior played by michael oliver being left at a doorstep by his mother presumably with a note that says feed him lots of milk or maybe not well that calls for immediate abandonment the credits roll as junior is passed from house to house each one falling victim to is chaos uh that needs a recall i love that they drop him off via basket despite him being too big as he gets older it's even the same basket like each house held onto it just in case they wanted to ditch him it's that kind of mean-spirited movie oh so you want to play rough huh [Music] i like a comedy where half the footage can be deleted scenes from the good sun meanwhile two parents named ben and flo played by jason ritter and amy yesbeck go to a fertility clinic where they get some bad news told in the worst way the test came back positive that's good no positive is bad no positive is good negative is bad no negative is good you see you are positively infertile this is the childish bad taste you're in for if you're not laughing by now you're gonna hate the hell out of this he continues to explain the problem using a model this is your uterus yellow thing is your ovaries and this you know what it doesn't matter because you don't even have a yellow thing and your green thing is brown i'm sorry i'm sorry by the gods that curse me for having me like films like ace ventura happy gilmore and maximum overdrive this really makes me laugh that purple thing is your cervix meanwhile we see junior is dropped off at an orphanage where he takes pictures of the nuns naked still riding that 80s pg into the 90s and he gets some laughs from the kids showing how nasty the fruit is [Music] okay so junior's performance in this is perfectly obnoxious he makes big faces smiles at his own jokes always shouts his punchlines much like a real mean kid who thinks he's hilarious would i want these pots so shiny i can see my face in them this one kind of looks like you again if you give in to the idea that this is a film about a bratty attention hungry delinquent written in the style a bratty attention-hungry delinquent would write in he works well if you're not down for that you might see him as an evil ronald mcdonald puppy you want to smack but either way he's giving his all there's so many films where the child actors are wooden or not focused or are just saying things in a way that sounds cute this kid knows he's a little [ __ ] in this movie and acts accordingly matching the rest of the film's immature tone perfectly he even looks up to mass murderers yeah that's the side plot he turns on the tv to find a psychopath named the bow tie killer played by michael richards is recaptured and put back in jail i'm not a bad guy i'm just misunderstood nobody cares about me but me oh tweezy i need a challenge the nuns are so pissed off at junior's constant attacks on them that they tell the head of the adoption agency mr peabody played by gilbert gottfried yeah this film was getting too quiet and subtle that he has to go he's evil that's a wicked mind look what he did in our class skeletons headless corpses monsters devouring human flesh has he been reading the bible again junior likes the idea of being kicked out and tries insulting mr peabody to make it go faster what's so funny you are you stupid dick same rating as frozen folks maybe what the child is trying to say is that my god which one's the child which one's godfrey well being part of a pen pal program junior writes to the bow tie killer who confuses it for another killer named jr i love how afraid even the guards are to be around this guy [Applause] i have to say this follow up to the seinfeld finale is more violent than i thought it would be ben and flo decide to adopt and peabody pushes junior as the perfect child i'll admit i love the big selling point is that he wears a bow tie not knowing it was inspired by a serial killer hey we must have gotten a pic of the litter look everyone's come out to see him off just like when i left catholic school here [Music] no no junior make nice with kitty he just got used to his cat sound effects that are in everything so what do you think big guy well there sure are a lot of clowns and with this new mini series coming out this year you're sure to love them even more they invite over his new grandpa played by jack warden and tell him there's a new bundle of joy in their lives you and flo cooked up a cute little kid for my campaign [Laughter] you know i thought you were getting fatter mama and here i thought doing that mel brooks film put the kibosh on that junior sets the room on fire and blames it on one of the toys malfunctioning the grandfather doesn't trust him it's the last time i set foot in this house i'm sorry i i get it i get when people say they don't like this movie it's completely understandable but watch this on a loop tell me those aren't the gifts they play in heaven stephen hawking's laughing his ass off at this get rid of that kid get rid of him ben is convinced that both occurrences were accidents and stands by that junior is still a good little boy i want to be a great dad and you know what i will never be too busy to sit down and listen to what's on my son's mind over a nice cup of hot cocoa joe ritter really is the perfect choice for this nice father being driven to insanity for most of his career ritter was always seen as the nice guy the goofball just trying to do good but as he got older he tried out more edgy material revealing he had a risque side that balanced out with his zany side resulting in that uncle that told you old but still inappropriate jokes you couldn't help but laugh at this was in the middle of him trying to find that edge so when you see him as the nice guy who lets everybody take advantage of him you're waiting and seemingly so is he for him to crack my dad was really proud blow it out your ass every second it looks like he's about to go berserk i keep thinking he's gonna make that face bilbo makes when he tries to steal the ring from frodo we're never gonna get rid of you you're here forever he takes junior camping which leads to some great animal cries from his slingshot but he doesn't get along with the other kids so he pisses on the fire can't all be winners wow is that a weak fire is he the dirt diggler of hoses i bet you've never been camping before it's so much fun junior lures a bear to the camp but of course ben thinks it's just his friend in disguise he's not so bad i'm kind of fascinated by how intriguingly disinterested this kid is yeah we could die but doesn't mean i can't enjoy the mustard on my cheek so that's supposed to not be the guy in the bear suit right they put together junior was behind the scheme and ben tries to figure out how to punish him children often misbehave just to get attention and we should resort to discipline only when other forms of positive reinforcement have failed like if i tell myself this is objectively a good movie maybe i'll finally see it as that leave me alone i still like it short films by a pretentious bald man the light bulb finn symbolic good finn not everyone can be great at film but you can by going to full sail university working in the film industry is an exciting and rewarding experience you know you want to be a part of it but you do not know where to begin you should check out for sale university where you can learn all aspects of filmmaking in cinematography either on campus or online a poorly edited running joke i'm chad finn full sails film bachelor's degree program it murders you in the world of filmmaking from every angle you'll gain hands-on experience while learning what it's like to work on a large-scale production from start to finish giving you a feel for the role each crew member plays and allowing you to specialize in the ones where your strengths and intellect lay drying of invisible man we sharpie on black 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good advice go to to find out more today [Music] like our videos subscribe to be notified about them want to actually be notified about them click on that bell as well also don't forget to check us out on twitch playing some games telling some jokes and overall having a good time hope to see you there [Music] [Applause] so the family goes to a birthday party that requires halloween costumes don't act like that's not a thing but junior doesn't seem to fit in well he's a newborn but he can't play with this he's got cooties now come on they almost have a vaccine for that ben tries to make junior feel better by giving him something special my grandfather gave this to me just before he died what is it it's a hardened prune the grandfather became a little senile toward the end he thought it resembled roosevelt all right we may have found an heirloom more crazy than watkins pocket watch in one place he knew he could hide something his ass this has pretty much no impact on junior as he sabotages the party making everybody's life a living hell it's deleted flo demands that ben gives junior the discipline he deserves here be a man i'm gonna brush his hair so hard barbie would be jealous he finds he can't spank him but does decide to take back his allowance the whole bug that's right now just hand it over i wonder if he's got change for a 20. ah the sound of the last parent dragging their kid out of the theater not knowing what they got themselves into at a baseball game ben's father puts up a big sign which surprisingly never plays into any pranks because it looks like he's running for mayor which also has a pretty weak payoff really doesn't matter who wins or loses just as long as big ben wins for man come on man you have no experience you should clearly run for president it looks like junior is up to bat and he takes the role a little too seriously i have a feeling to cut away from the violence so they could keep this film pg not that there aren't a million other things that should get at a higher rating but ironically the crowd's reaction and the shot of the players on the ground actually seems more graphic somehow we've adopted satan yes i knew this was a sequel junior finds out he's about to be taken back to the orphanage but when ben finds out he's been returned 30 times he decides he doesn't want to be 31 it's easy to give up on a kid damn straight it is but problems don't just go flo you know god bless how stupid this movie is but junior doesn't believe him and tries driving off with the car then still gives him encouragement despite almost killing him look at you handle this baby i'm so proud of you oh he got one of the mannequins too oh wait that was supposed to be a real person well on the big screen i'm sure it's harder to notice after ben pays for the damages completely wiping him out the film inevitably asks how dark can we go though whose father hasn't tried that right but it looks like the bow tie killer escapes prison and i kind of love that this works and he makes his way to meet up with junior who thinks he's a criminal i mean i don't know what crime was about to be committed here i drove a thousand miles to hang out with a seven-year-old i'm gonna be eight in two weeks junior says he's his uncle which gets the parents excited that he might take junior away i just love that ben all this time is holding on to the pillow as if he's still waiting for the right moment to kill this brat i've been with a woman in 15 years uh how dark will this go again did you say 15 years oh okay not that dark the next morning ben finds the bow tie killer kidnap flow in junior and in keeping to the absolute rottenness of this movie he's pleased as hell goodbye junior oh so sad to see you go a hundred thousand dollars made a kid's cartoon out of this you say he discovers though that junior drew a nice picture and held on to the prune ah maybe he wasn't worth suffocating the killer stuff's flow into a suitcase oh he didn't kill her she's still alive so that totally makes sense and he tells ben to meet him at the circus i've never been to the circus before yeah well i hate circuses nothing worse than a bunch of clowns trying to make you laugh that was literally the sum up on rotten tomatoes ben comes to save him but junior kicks his own way out of his clutches come on let's have some kicks good idea i'm actually shocked the film was mature enough not to put a sound effect over that crotch shot it actually feels a little weird without one dare i say not right i'm sorry but i gotta put one in to balance out the universe don't worry i'll make it especially hard and crunchy sorry there's no such thing as a quiet kick to the balls junior runs away with the money and stumbles into the middle of the show however did this guy get recaptured he's so good at keeping a low profile he very randomly decides to run away i guess he didn't want the money it was worth it for this to hell with you hobbs but ben and junior chase him down faster faster i almost killed my son with a pillow you think shooting stanley spadowski is gonna cost me any sleep they stop the car flow goes flying into another vehicle the killer is arrested but again how dark are we willing to go my only regret is stay tuned i'm sorry for all those bad things i did if you come back i promise i'll never do anything naughty again starting to see why there weren't many emotional moments in this daddy come back i love you um here's a pig farting on flow [Music] it's not much better but it feels more familiar now of course the prune is what stopped the bullet movies and i have to give ritter credit for how seriously he said this i'll be all right officer he got me in the prune okay there should be a bafta award for that line delivery alone now you're not gonna hold me to all that stupid drunk i said about being nice are you we need a sequel don't we the film ends literally teasing nan and ana to us [Music] which is honestly the most appropriate note this film could go out on and that was problem child it's not the worst film these writers have worked on this movie is one of the most immature things you could watch it's crude raunchy dumb and like i said feels like a nasty little boy rodent but it's such an unfiltered and raw way that nasty little boy wrote it i can't help but be drawn in by it it's like someone gave that little toady from a christmas story millions of dollars to do whatever he wants i can't act like that's great filmmaking but it is fascinating to witness i hate admitting that as this is such a ridiculous attention-hungry film but i remember when i was a ridiculous attention-hungry kid and i feel like this captured the energy imagination meanness and sure childish stupidity of that age it's bad in the same way a rotten kid plays a prank at a school play you don't encourage it but you are secretly giggling covering your mouth look i can't defend this as something that's very redeemable i don't even know if i'd recommend it to that many people but what i can say is if you remember yourself at your brattiest when you were being punished when whatever you thought of no matter how stupid was the funniest thing in the world to you this movie captures that and i'm sorry i can't help but feel that's something to sort of admire it's loud obnoxious and does a ton of things that make no sense but so did you when you were little and if you're curious to revisit that in the most rotten of ways god help me this might just be the film for you to check out i'm a nostalgia critic i remember it so you don't have to hey doug walker here doing the charity shout out and uh this week we are doing uh one called family promise and uh again there's been a lot going on not just covet but uh hurricane laura uh you know has done a whole lot of damage and so i was trying to find one that kind of tapped into both of them and what family promise does they develop community-based affiliate programs that serve children and families experiencing or at risk of homelessness and provides ongoing support for these affiliates to empower families to achieve and maintain the sustainable independence uh so they help people you know who have lost their homes you know they have a special section for a hurricane lauren they also help people uh who have been affected by covid uh losing their jobs and health and so on so forth uh they provide technical assistance and expertise to a national network of more than 200 affiliates in 43 states mobilizing 200 000 volunteers and serving approximately 125 000 homeless family members each year uh so i mean those are big numbers man as you uh heard there too you can volunteer as well if you don't have money to donate or as i always say even if you can't do either spread the word because there's always so many people doing so many good things and they deserve the attention uh and just the awareness and the support and just seeing if other people can donate volunteer that they just they deserve so much so please definitely take a look see if you can share it around it has four stars on a charity navigator be wonderful if you could get the word out word out about them thank you so much you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 546,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, problem child, problem child review, problem child movie, film, doug walker, movie reviews, film review, movie discussion, 90s movies, nostalgic, nostalgic movies, bad 90s movies, bad movies, funny movies, john ritter, Gilbert Gottfried, film analysis, review, nc, movie, problem child movies, problem child series, critic, movie critic, worst movie ever
Id: wPdA6QyZZY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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