Sleepwalkers - Nostalgia Critic

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For once, Doug chooses to make fun of King for a work that King actually was responsible for since he wrote the damn screenplay.

This was being requested in the 'Stephen King Time!!!' section for years. I was afraid he would skip it this year too and go on to talk about The Dark Tower or something.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hurdy_Gurdy_Man_42 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Meh, the movie is indeed bonkers, there was a great How Did This Get Made? episode about it, but this video is just meh. I didn't laugh, but I did at least enjoy him talking about how weird this movie is, even if he doesn't exactly bring anything new to it. It's just "hey, this movie is crazy, check it out." That's not a bad thing, but I don't understand why the video had to be 30+ minutes just to say "this movie is wild."

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Shagrrotten 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember it so you don't have to to quote Jack Skellington compounded all I love it though it takes a king of Halloween to introduce another king of Halloween [Music] he's given us great story after great story and great hilarity after great hilarity but bad Stephen King films and miniseries have been a highlight every nostalgia tween and this year we're starting right off with it and boy do we have a good one for you I am legit Diddy I can't contain my giddiness holding my giddiness over there this might be the funniest Stephen King movie ever funnier than Maximum Overdrive funnier than the Tommyknockers maybe even funnier than it which has Tim Curry as a cloud that is an accomplishment ladies and gentlemen sleepwalkers [Applause] released in 1992 lockers got panned by critics and barely turned into profit but the impact it left on people who did see it will last for eons because it wasn't exactly a monster hit when it came out it's on the verge of being lost to obscurity we cannot let this happen Xuan in theaters show it in rental stores showing it your children's birthdays Krista the one you don't like and then to the one you really don't like sleepwalkers must live again so with my giddiness ready to burst can't you write one year where we're not covered in blood if I did I know I'd be doing something wrong this is leap walkers is it Christmas yet why it's just gonna cover some more blood oh the film opens with the definition god I love it when the dictionary writes the movie for you Christ shape-shifting felines vampires remember when it was just a funny thing Donald Duck did don't know but Phil's trying to destroy itself before it even starts either there they're upping the terror with a bonanza homage trust me by the time this movie's over that could be valid we get a unique crime scene to say the least somebody sure doesn't like cats this is the first shot the Films opening scene is Luke Skywalker examining Alps all-you-can-eat buffet as far as I'm concerned this movie can do no wrong apart from forgetting to time-travel to get H John Benjamin to say that's like now it's in there I'm totally on board for this ride [Music] well in most horror movies this will be a fake out with a cat but is that a little too predictable at this point keep the sci-fi be more letdown if it did or didn't do that okay I'd be disappointed either way at least they had a little extra though damn catapulting bodies yelling hours after they're dead they find as the corpse of a kid carrying a rose in her hair you know fun fact I let the director know I didn't think my character what's a rose it was too cynical and bitter for someone who was still optimistic I never mind even the titles a clue for the kind of movie you're about to see don't you just want the secret of the ooze written under it this better have a vanilla ice wrap it doesn't help either that the credits give us some pretty hilarious pictures to follow yeah cast your vote terrifying or Monty Python cartoon this one looks like somebody erased a dick that a kid drew in earlier everything about this looks like the opening to Catwoman that's not a flattering comparison male like a demure you know they really should clarify that is this Shawshank Redemption Stephen King or Maximum Overdrive Stephen King I'm excited too we fade in ahaha sorry I had that reaction whenever King story isn't set in Maine we fade in on Indiana the anti Maine if you will where a man named Charles played by Brian Krause is busy rubbing a plastic knife on his arm with blood coming out the top like most growing boys Tanya I forgot how to spell the rest of your name so I'll just output T he goes downstairs to Mary played by Alice Krige who looks out at the increasing number of cats around their house which he sets traps for that actually looked like a real trap how many cats did they go through on this shoot Charles have married danced through the house while discussing the romantic future together going anywhere tonight to the movies maybe actually there's a girl that works there jealous [Music] ooh things are getting interesting I didn't know that Stephen King wrote such steamy scenes early on no yes the way they caress each other's bodies the sounds they lips make when they interlock mother and son yeah but that's not important the way they look into each other's eyes is nasty-ass [ __ ] yeah I don't need to see any erotic thriller from Norman Bates would it make any difference if I told you there was a 15 year difference between them know if you're going against what one critic called sexy and sleek I don't know what to think of you anymore the feeling is very mutual what's with this scene where they're walking into the bedroom when a purple light shines out the window well I just assumed there's so much incest in their family that their jizz naturally glowed purple hem levels of uncomfortable I didn't know existed look if you just read King's original story you'll see how much better he's blamed there is no original story what this started off as a screenplay there wasn't a book or anything yeah you don't have to pretend that there's a better version out there that you're never gonna read this is what he wrote oh my god this is a OEE super you in a totally any now if it were his sister that'd be different because that would be really you II I need a therapist I don't welcome movie theater one of the custodians named Tanya is rocking to the nineties hip do you love me as Charles walks in on her I never did figure out why we left popcorn up there I can't reach it and people can steal it oh well how about we get some slush like that muddy snow you find under the car please enjoy is the health inspector will be closing us down soon Thanks scene class welcome to Travis thanks lad I'll celebrate by being the only go looking guy alone at a theater to watch a movie nobody's seeing suspicions you can use them so the next day at school yeah school because both of them are totally teenagers guys let's do some birthday search and this totally teenagers guys they go to class with other 20-somethings taught by Glenn Shaddix I suggest that next time you keep your hands to yourself mr. Crawford I suggest not shooting a scene like I'm having missionary sex with Bob from demolition man sir after having the class in the library because the classroom would be too obvious Tanya brings Charles to her house oh no he must not discover I put on underwear Christ she's in a breathing heavy at the idea of him finding out where does she think she is reefer madness the Lord knows I think they smoked a joint or two to say some of this dialogue my favorite pictures over there that would I like rice let it be known that one of our most celebrated writers got paid to write the line I like rocks I like rice just then an aging George Lucas watched this film saying to himself I can dialogue like that except in stuff like it be hate and instead of rocks maybe something smaller like like like Charles drives home but it's taught by his teacher who wants to have a talk with him on the side of the road all those mid driving student teacher talks the transcripts are also fakes clever fakes but fakes the teacher discovers that Charles lied about where he came from and is blackmailing him for sexual favors huh who do you think you are my mother I'll be right back after the restroom I have me too actually oh you want me to pause it honestly the movies kind of losing me yeah it's just creepy adults hitting on teens and I don't want to see that oh come on maybe something more traditionally crazy Stephen King will happen matter of fact the teacher is about all this not only does he nonchalantly say he's sorry while running away from a monster while missing his hand but when Charles offers his hand back to him he's like well thank you I think I deserve that wait that's my hand oh and also turning into lion oh that was kind of weird oh my god this is crazy captain something that makes more sense does that cop have a cat in the car like that's a thing what the k-9 unit find out this film is too stupid to be in so they have to settle for the feline unit what the sweet hell am i watching [Music] what so what'd we miss he turned to talk a monster they ripped off the teachers hand and they get chased by a cowboy and a cactus car and then a cat can stand amidst be started changing into all these other weird faces and gleam this Thomas face for some reason they pushed a button in his car disappeared his car disappeared no really what did we miss I swear to god that's what happened to telling me that all of this went down right the hell out of nowhere in the past five minutes yes okay but it still looks like the same lame boring [ __ ] yeah even what the cop is describing sounds dull he didn't have no face a blur yeah I don't know no no it was more interesting than that and it is admittedly we have that great writer couldn't explain that better and the prize should be focusing more on why a cop has a cat in the car but I swear the last five minutes we're totally insane okay fine so it's not just weird adults bunking teams I swear okay then you feed tomorrow and feed me [Music] so Tonya invites Charles to a photo shoot she's doing in a cemetery remember honey I want you home by 5:00 yes mommy and I'll be sure to pack extra dieties - nobody loves a smartass Tanya now I'm just here because Alan Thicke was too expensive Charles mom is upset though because she was him to bring a teenage virgin for her to dine on and he's taking too long boy that's a sentence that doesn't roll off the tongue easy God get it you stay here I love you mom Wow even he can act Paz how disgusting that sounded I love you mom do you have to pay me double every time we do a take of that time he shows up but Charles mother might be jumping the gun it finishes you somehow what are your thoughts on assimilation so they make it to the cemetery where they plan to have a picnic as well as a fake-out you surprised me that deserves a picture I wrote Shawshank didn't you imagine if a whole generation took pictures for no reason like a hippie horrifying dinner do you really feel alone like the characters in your story his idea oh wow a superhot high school girl with tons of friends and literally no problems she must feel so alone yeah you said all this crazy [ __ ] happened earlier it did well we've been here for 15 minutes since we came back where is it look I know something crazy will happen again just give it a chance look there's something exciting has to happen with him hey blow that's what's up you catching the net hey they're gonna Johnny with his pecker nozanne he's a one ball man and he's off to the road yo I was tapping buy me a bat Malcolm you want to go get some snacks for the snorefest sure no I'm telling you 15 minutes ago was crazy was so crazy oh I don't think you're entering into the spirit of this yeah so it goes catch it and sane again let's see how they react to all this kookiness yeah I guess I was a little harsh on that homicidal monster I better make sure my attackers okay thank you baby he's so deserved to get eaten she stabbed him with a wine opener and he complains about blood being on his shirt [Music] so is this an Eddie Murphy comedy now is that him under all that makeup is he playing everybody even the singing cop comes along and takes him out you like that I'm hoping that's gonna be my catchphrase cop kebab like you know something bad happens I think cop kebab it's a work in progress but a pencil in the brain just slows him down as he gets back up and tries to shoot Joe Camel I don't believe you fired a warning shot officer this whole movie feels like a warning shot for any future King written films thank God that essential police cat was there if it attacks Charles the same way the rabbit attacks the Knights of the Holy Grail you know a scary movie shouldn't help there's many money Python comparisons the chem messes him up good and he goes home cryin to mama oh yeah sure sir of course now you coming up now you come in perfect anything exciting happen while we were gone anything exciting happen anything exciting happen anything exciting happen you're asking you if anything exciting happened anything yes exciting huh huh happen see he turned into the Cowardly Lion again his I was taken out with a wine opener the cat fought him off like a pitbull and the pencil was put through a cat spraying coining the phrase cop kebab really because it just looks like a bunch of cops standing around a movie works a ton of nothing happening and then suddenly the dumbest stupidest [ __ ] you can imagine for five minutes let me guess it took place in five minutes poor we don't have to take this come Tamra we have more productive things we could be doing do you know we just want to be around you okay fine be that way but at least look at this thing on the wing before you go [Music] [Applause] so Charles returns home damaged by the cat and strangely enough even with all the cat surrounding his place none of them ever attack that really is like a cat isn't it the fate of the world depends on them stopping these creatures from getting stronger and mr. Lumm fetch [ __ ] of nature Charles mom tends to him next to the Spencer's gift all because of course they have that and she tries to heal his wounds we've got to stay here until he was stronger try to make yourself a dam oh I think he's dim enough already she's referring to him disappearing which he can't quite pull off as back at the crime scene we're giving arguably the most honest of Stephen King cameos I am taking the wrap on this not my fault I just wrote the damn thing the directors the one that made him look like The Lion King speaking of directors there's weirdly a ton of them in this scene there's John Landis Clive Barker Joe Dante tobe Hooper oh I get if they're looking over this crime scene of a movie to figure out how they can fix it let it go boys this won't be nearly as good if it was good this is officer Rayburn and don't worry there's no cats in his vehicle at all he carries a Chihuahua in his car me I like squirrels awkward guy yeah twelve o'clock do her parents know a class one assault did not occur Karina they know she managed to avoid being raped by the bastard yes okay take the rest of the night off the cops get to the home of Charles and his mother just interrupting this bit of brilliant acting yeah I'd want to disappear after giving that read they seem to be invisible in the house as officer ron perlman comes in to obviously be the shitty is cop in an already impressive lineup of shitty cops [Music] checkpoints in a no purpose to it by now IRA what about the cats what about Amaya look as someone who already wore shitty cat makeup you make some choices listen that little girl needs a good smack on the butt and if her mom and daddy won't do it I'll happily volunteer and here I thought sons test would be the most pervy we got in this movie stay away from her Soames he said that like this happened before what is up with this police force stay away from her Soames there's not a name for what I'm into but I still wish to explore it the cops don't find them there so they leave but it's advised someone stay with Tanya while two other cops stay at the house this is the best meal I had since my wife passed on she was delicious [Music] identify yourself maybe it was to win okay every person in every movie ever please cross the wind off your list of suspects I know you always put it at number one but at some point you have to go by the numbers speaking of which reason number 27 million these are the worst cops ever my god they've been young up to death let me take a peek yeah it's probably the wind oh honey we'll be expecting wind well the windows drop by on the nose it turns out it's Mary though as she invites herself in oh no she pushed me I'm down it's like a turn-on useless she pushed me I ain't taking the rap on this not my fault he does eventually find the strength to recover from that push and he demonstrates his cop skills by being the worst shot ever what this looks like the time to bravely run away we know no one before calling these jokers this Maxine I can't even do it justice just watch there's blood everywhere that's right once again Stephen King tries to make a scary spectacle out of time yes tasty why does Damon King want to make cart scary what's your deal how embarrassing would that be to have that on your death certificate and come on after using the cop kebab line you couldn't go with the incredibly obvious porn on the cop I see t-shirts up this man t-shirts well nobody Bank on how ridiculous this is so it's [ __ ] galore is all the town's cats head towards the house and once again the cops have the most non caring manner about the horrors in front of them oh okay you don't approach a psychopath dragging up leading high schooler by her hair the same way you tell a kid to put a Jolly Rancher back put the girl down I'm going to count to five war okay make it two great how am I supposed to spank high school girls now from here on out it just gets crazier and never stops she blows up two cars with just bullets burning this cop knowing this department I wouldn't be shocked if he just lit himself on fire to make it easier on her once again the kiss do nothing because they're cats and Mary kidnaps Tanya and takes her to Charles she's actually right he was very clearly breathing when she said that look at him he's dead I can tell by the way his stomach goes up and down only dead people do that so Mary plays his favorite song in honor of him not being dead she brings his body back to life I think it's not really made that clear I'm sure the non-existent book explained it better and she forces them to dance has she totally forgotten the details of this documentary but don't worry the sheriff and the cops Supercat from earlier is here to save the day no seriously I think this cat is from Krypton watch she window how can a cat break a friggin window oh well I'm sure it's tied to the turtle that's holding the earth or the Dark Tower mythos or you have no original source this time and you just had to call it stupid haha stupid I am taking the wrap on this - not my fault he turns to the Mewtwo to try and suck her virgin this away so they can live but Tonya takes out his eye and now suddenly the cat's attack a pretty goddamn random time to say the least fetching again that just kind of makes sense a candle just sit there doing nothing and then suddenly be like what what what I love that when the sheriff fires at her he gets Sylvester here - well no time for a gun like our motto says to serve and get the hell out of here this climax actually gets so funny you'd swear it was comedic ly time just watch come on you are going for a laugh there you can put the Tom and Jerry sound effect and it that's perfect but sit bear trap some people hurt as he just gets the hell back off and swings the trap in the back of the monsters head I'm moving to Derry Maine where it's nice and quiet once again decide to attack it random and take Mary down and the sentence is really hard to say without laughing they scratch her so much he catches fire Oh King I like your work when it's good but I freaking love it what is bad I am taking the rap on there so cats still look uninterested - come on your closet someone ablaze be impressed by something and Tanya hugs the cops kid who made it out alive it's just you and me clueless just you and me yeah I'm pretty tired for the night take the wheel Clovis that's right this was all a really warped tootsies episode the whole time because a minute that's the only way any of this would make sense this film is bananas absolute bonkers and I loved every minute of it even the slower boring parts which there's quite a few of in the opening only adds to the spontaneous surprise of insanity that mounts to the climax of madness in the end this is one of the most awesomely bad Stephen King movies and it's simply amazing I love its passion I love its energy I love everything about it even if I have no idea what it was trying to be it's a masterpiece of epic proportions and God bless every moment of it oh great you missed the good stuff again the ending was nothing but Stephen King ridiculousness what were you guys well we were watching the good Stephen King movies good Stephen King movies yeah the ones that you always see there's a ton of and they never talked about yeah we were actually trying to be fair with the years and years you're making fun of his worst adaptations huh yeah I guess I have been pretty douchey too legit talented guy all right I think I've tried this fair thing you speak of let's throw off the nostalgia wean right next week I'm gonna count down the top 11 best Stephen King movie adaptations and you can help just tell me in the comments below which ones are your favorite and you think should be on the list and I'll try my best to work them in I'm the Nostalgia Critic and nostalgia ween has just begun seriously you should see that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you cop kebab hey Doug Walker here doing the charity shout out and I swear this is totally a coincidence um it's save a pet whit specializes in dogs and cats cats are wonderful pets as you can see they take out vampires sleepwalkers I guess uh but this is also the charity that we're doing this month for what you can do is shows that you can volunteer as well as donate this is a wonderful organization it's it's a no-kill organization these animals are so friggin cute and you can go and you can help out or you can donate cuz it's not government funded relies on donations from wonderful people like you so we're gonna show you little snippet from from that video we did though I highly recommend you see the whole video so you can see the wonderful work they do and these animals are so cute enjoy [Music] I'm David dias I'm the development manager for save a pet which is a no-kill Animal Rescue and adoption center in Grayslake Illinois we've been in existence since 1972 so we're 46 years old and we started in Palatine and then in 1995 we moved here to our facility in Grayslake in what way does save the pet save a pet well in 46 years we've served about 63 thousand animals we serve about a thousand animals on average a year we deal with only cats and dogs we are a true and pure no-kill mission here at save abet so we don't turn any animals away based on temperament or behavior age their history their medical needs anything like that we are totally inclusive of all animals and we do whatever it takes to set them on the road to recovery and adoption they always say it's better to adopt rescue sure everyone says that you know but yeah but but in your opinion that why is that just so incredibly oh well it's so incredibly important because there are so many animals that need to be adopted there are animals waiting to become part of your family and enrich your lives and instead of going out and supporting someone who is breeding more and more animals our philosophy is that it makes more sense for people to come adopt animals that are here already in need oh this is kind of special to us this is called our Tree of Life and this is where some of our major donors decide to buy a leaf and they add their name to be recognized as a major supporter of same path this is not government funded no a lot of it comes from donations and people giving funds and stuff like that what is the major difference between a place that maybe has government funded I mean to be general about it the expectations and the regulation of the operations and process these are totally different if we were to take governmental funds they would have an input and on our mission which is a pure no kill mission and we just refused to waver from that we get it done through individual donors and business partners who help us out with sponsoring different events and things like that there's four or five different save the pets throughout the world but we serve Lake County and they're not affiliated with each other but they're all doing you know animal welfare work based on the name I guess why would you be the same a pet yes I make myself lotta bottles is that what's one of the more either amazing or inspiring like pet stories that that's come through here they use oh my gosh there's so many like we see something every month that just kind of as a jaw-dropper Willie Nelson is a cat that came in that suffered an accident out on the road have got hit by a car and somebody found it in a ditch and brought it to us three of its four legs were fleeced basically the fern skin was missing on three of the lakes most every other animal rescue shelter would find themselves in a position where they would make the choice I think to euthanize that animal then we don't and so we spent a lot of money went through recovery and is with a family today and you would have no idea that Willie had that experience at all so like all the furs back on his legs over that just like that is crazy totally crazy he just looks like a normal kid a normal cat bopping around and you know he would jump up on the counter and you'd be like nice cat you just would have no idea but they're like I said very resilient and you know they just adapt and overcome so whether people want to volunteer donate give time give money whatever they want you to do any way you look right and that camera and tell them what website they can go to what place they can go to need to go to WWE vApp Nilu RG then you need to do that right now because these animals are counting on you thank you and they are adorable these are cheap and Hannibal Spencer you're so healthy man things done thanks for coming out today thank you thank you for having us yeah [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,374,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, doug walker, nostalgia critic, movie, film, sleepwalkers, sleepwalkers review, stephen king, stephen king movies, bad movies, halloween, best stephen king movies, worst stephen king movies, nostalgiaween, halloween movies, worst adaptations, horror movies, tamara chambers, malcolm ray, nostalgia ween, sleepwalkers movie, movie review, film review, review
Id: H672FUExFak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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