Child's Play (2019 Remake) KILL COUNT

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Come for the roast, stay for the kills

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZuccJuice9 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

James hit the nail on the head with his opening monologue

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SilverFirePrime πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a movie it’s good. The biggest problem it has going against it is, the fact it’s called Child’s Play and the Chucky doll.

They should have called the movie Buddi and just had the bears as the doll.

Same problem with the Dawn of the Dead remake. If it was called Zombie Mall (bad title but still) it might be more remembered.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cerial442 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Aahhh! You win this time, Sirius!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Stoop_Girl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm glad James backed up Don Mancini and criticized MGM for being greedy.

Also that he called out those people who:

A. Don't appreciate the fact that Chucky would not be the popular/iconic character he is today without the sequels

B. Are constantly hoping this remake will squash any future Chucky projects from Don

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TSPM24 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love the concept of this Chucky Good Guy Buddi. The kills are cool. The Fiend's lantern style watermelon was also great.

As a stand alone doll movie its not bad at all. But 'stealing' someones baby is never cool. Fack those guys. Great background info James, thanks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/realise2056 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

8:36 is the timestamp if you want to skip the monologue on future viewings.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FriskeyVsWorld πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shadowlord2004 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the killcam where we tally up the victims and all our favorite horror movies I'm James a Jenice and it's time I look at the childsplay remake released in 2019 now here's the thing I have complicated feelings towards this movie and how it was made and it wouldn't be sincere of me if I didn't address them in this video so just buddy bear with me for a few minutes alright we'll be counting the kill soon enough when I started dead meat back in 2017 every major franchise that I was planning to cover had had some kind of remake or reboot Jason Michael Freddy Leatherface the little shit leprechaun all of them had had their timelines discontinued and restarted hell even ghost face kind of had a splintering with that MTV series but not Chucky over the course of nearly three decades Chucky's story continued uninterrupted through various highs and lows and quality and constant experimentation with tone and style guiding this continuity was Don Mancini and producer David Kirchner Mancini wrote or co-wrote every single installment of the franchise and eventually took over directing duties for himself sure his first directorial effort seed of Chucky is widely regarded as the worst of the series but Mancini never faltered in his devotion to the franchise and he brought it back very strongly in my opinion with the more mature and gothic and sadly straight-to-video curse and cult of Chucky I know that some people think Mancini ruined the series with stuff like seed but there wouldn't be a Chucky series without it yes the original screenplay was polished and rewritten by John Lafayette and the film's director Tom Holland no not that Tom Holland and Holland who had a sort of falling-out with Mancini and Kirchner gave this remake the thumbs up while it was being made but Holland's involvement and the involvement of distributor MGM ended after the first movie it was Mancini and Kirchner who kept the killer dog going and I would argue that without all the sequels chunky wouldn't be the cultural icon he is today you don't wind up and ready player one just because of a single successful film unless you know you're the shining although Universal helped make most of the Chucky sequel MGM retained the rights to the original film which is why they were legally allowed to create this remake but to me they're just cashing in on the iconic image of Chucky that was cultivated by Mancini all these years heels kind of like a cash grab and note that this criticism is directed towards the studio MGM not the casting crew who obviously cared about the movie they were making and who did a solid job but whereas MGM has been hands-off since 1988 the Chucky series has always been Don mancini's baby besides his work on Hannibal and channel zero his entire creative career has been centered on the killer doll and his passion and loyalty to the series is reflected in how many people behind and in front of the camera have stuck with him the whole way through Brad Dourif and Jennifer Tilly are friggin oscar-nominated actors but they love Mancini and the Chuck E series so much they've never left its side and it's worth noting have both been vocally against the remake being made and I know I know a remake doesn't erase the originals and they'll always be there to watch but coats of Chucky ended on a cliffhanger and Mancini and everyone else involved wants to continue that story the same story that's been going for 30 years now in a child's play TV series they're developing for sci-fi and I do think the existence of a different parallel Chucky might confuse or deter people from watching mancini show it just bothers me that even though Mancini didn't want this movie to be made the studio went ahead and did it anyway just because they legally owned the rights it's not like Chucky was a dormant series like all the other horror franchises that got rebooted and the latest movies weren't like the later Hellraiser or children of the corn sequels where something lazy was churned out just to retain the rights even if you don't like what cult did you can't deny that Mancini was definitely trying to do something with it it's important to point out that this remakes director Lars Clive bird and seemingly everyone else involved with the film have never said anything negative towards Mancini in fact Mancini was even offered an executive producer credit on this movie but since it wouldn't include any creative input and since he was still working on his own Chuckie series he turned it down it was argh not to feel like I was being patronized they weren't asking for your creative crowd just one less are imprimatur of you know approval which i strenuously deny them I really wish MGM had just made a different movie this remake has enough changes from the original that it could function as its own separate thing we really wanted to have something new to bring to it something relevant to today's audiences they definitely did that with their movie addressing a fear of technology and surveillance gone wrong that's great but why did it have to be a child's play movie literally the only reason is money without that title and the look of the Chucky doll that Mancini helped Kevin Jaeger design the film wouldn't have made nearly as much money god forbid throughout the original Chucky series Don Mancini tried new things sometimes they were good sometimes they were awful but sometimes they were great I fucking love how much he experimented even when I didn't like the outcome and I can't stand it when I hear people say that they're glad a new Chucky is being made despite his opposition because they didn't like what he did with the series Chucky is his creation just because we're fans doesn't mean we're entitled to have Chucky movies made the way we want them to be made we didn't create that little bastard killer doll Don Mancini did and for 30 years he's been loyal to the character and all the cast and crew who have helped him along the way I know MGM is within their legal rights to make this remake but its creation reflects a different value system than I'd prefer to see in the world one that doesn't respect an artist who's always stayed devoted to experimental width and passionate towards their life's work I just wish we cared about that a little more that's about all I have to say about this sorry it took so long but again I wouldn't feel right not addressing it and with that out of the way I promise to cover this remake on its own merits and treat it like any other movie on the killcam if you really want to know I personally rank it below cult and curse but above brides seed and three and it's okay if you disagree with that people have different opinions alright with that I'm done talking about the original series the childsplay remake reimagines Chucky has a home a ice basically an Alexa in physical form he's no longer a good guy doll but instead a body doll and although he still wants to be friends to the end he's also down to help you with work both home and yard Andy Barclay has been aged up now more in line with the adolescence of stranger things in it while Karen Barclay has been ever so slightly aged down and is now played by Aubrey Plaza which when I realized her age actually made sense for this role how boy did I feel old rounding out the human cast is Brian Tyree Henry as Detective Mike Norris and all three of these actors do a great job being funny and relatable their performances are definitely a highlight in fact I think their acting and bear McCreary's awesome score actually masks some of the weaker points of the movie which can sometimes feel like it has more style than substance I think it's too hip by half with a few too many sitcom like scenes and side characters and as I examined it more closely with repeat viewings I noticed a lot of character and story decisions that simply don't make a lot of sense kind of feels like the screenplay was forcing certain things to happen just to hit some predetermined story beats but I can understand people enjoying this movie not only is it well paced and stays entertaining the whole way through it's got mark Frick and Hamill as the new voice of Chucky hi are you my buddy there aren't too many people who could rival Brad Dourif slice work for the character but I've got to say that Hamill's performance feels pretty pitch perfect although sorry note from editors Oren here he insists that I mentioned that Hamill's voice for Chuckie is the same as they Briggs be bear whatever the fuck that is Briggs beat Chuckie Luke I don't give a damn about his name I care about his kills so let's get to him [Music] the movie begins with an all-seeing corporate logo and a picture-perfect businessman this is Henry Casman caslen core chairman and he's damn glad to meet you he's here to introduce their all new home AI system the Buddy doll hey buddy let's watch some TV I'm not your Buddy Guy this nightmare looking smart doll can wave his weird little et finger around and be the master of your domain even raising your goddamn kids for ya don't forget your science book and he can start as soon as you pop that baby out is like a twilight werewolf this mofo imprints on people a process that comes with a free saw you are mine of course this mass-manufactured BFF is made overseas where sometimes caslen employees get abused humiliated and fired before this particular ex factory worker leaves though he's gonna take some sweaty vengeance and disable all the safety protocols on a buddy doll computer chimp because those would definitely have an easy to change on/off setting after packing up the dangerous buddy doll the worker kills himself with a jump from the top of the factory onto a car oh shit that's the same way Aunt Maggie died in the first movie sorry I'm not supposed to be mentioning those some awesome damn music plays courtesy of composer Bear McCreary and that leads us into our title card ho ho that's an evil looking rat Karen Barclay has just moved into a new Chicago apartment building which has a Jack Black looking maintenance man with her snarky thirteen-year-old son Andy whoa you look like shit what happened to you thanks watch your language they've actually got a cute relationship can tell they really love each other even though Karen would prefer Andy get off his bone every once in a while she'd rather he uh go make friends with stranger kids standing out in the rain what the heck mom that's so weird and he's not having a good time with this move or with the fact that his mom's been getting her grind on with a douchebag named Shane I bet he thinks he's the best in the world to avoid Shane and he posts up in the hallway on his phone which is where he meets detective Mike Norris while he's visiting his mom Doreen who lives down the hall from the barclays Norris is a real cool dude and quickly develops a playful rapport with the lonesome young Andy so what are you some kind of fourth floor hallway hobo or something like that it's good that Andy has a friend now since Karen's always working at dead mark where zombies are sold at the Z M she's constantly dealing with buddy doll bullshit like this woman returning one whose eyes keep turning red hmm evil eyes I guess no one would really miss it if Karen took it home for herself ah healing she gives it to Andy as an early birthday gift but his reaction isn't exactly to her liking is that a scythe yeah it turns out he's no longer a buddy bro just this thing is for like little kids now it came in like a year okay but she convinces him to give it a shot with the caveat that it was refurbished aka defective and/or evil and he plugs in the buddy doll who gets straight to making introductions what's your name Andy so hi auntie sup and what's the doll's name Andy console did you say what no not even close get it console Oh Star Wars Mark Hamill the doll is all sorts of busted ass but a me promises his mom that he likes it and takes Chucky into his room I think the doll looks pretty good here and in fact I didn't even realize that this was CG when I watched it Twitter user the scream King had to send me this video of how Andy's actor Gabriel Bateman is just acting with an arm here good looking stuff and they did of course use animatronics as well Jason Ward made the doll to productions design specifications covering the animatronic innards with a plastic exoskeleton and foam latex skin there were at least nine different Chucky dolls used for various purposes like having one just for stunts and it took three or four puppeteers to operate them each controlling different things like body movement or facial expressions even though it's only night one Chucky and Andy warm-up to each other enough for Chucky to do his weird little imprint song you are my buddy until the end more than a buddy you're my best friend yo good I just make friends with the Joker hell yeah you did dude your sandwich pals and everything but uh oh that creepy looking fucker might be learning the wrong lessons there and you know what he's dropping the ball with the whole school prep thing too this is not a book none of these are books this fun and game segment is a lot of fun to watch again thanks in large part to Bear McCreary's music my favorite special feature on the blu-ray in fact was a video of him performing the theme on all these fun toy like instruments I didn't know what atomic tones were before seeing this but now I'm pretty much obsessed with that and also just got to say mr. McCreary was a super nice guy when I talked to him at the happy deathday to you premiere fingers crossed for an interview one day the good times montage leaves Chucky so imprinted on Andy that when he sees his best friend gets scratched by their cat Mickey Rooney he quickly turns violent against the poor little kitty and he scolds Chucky and tells him he's not allowed to hurt things or people even if their major douche nozzles like Shane look at this room not my dad Shane and he's sitting in the hallway dressed like Elliot to honor Chucky ZT finger and training the doll to epicly prank Shane when he meets two new characters who are coming in hot it doesn't follow the rules like it has a choice kinda sorry can I pop in here so he just does whatever what did these actors stumble out of an SNL audition what the hell's going on here this is Fallon and pug new friends for Andy who are unfortunately going to be around this whole damn movie but hey Beatrice kisos who plays Fallon was in season two of the criminally under watched Exorcist series on Fox so that's kind of cool I'm happy that Andy has friends that are part of his age cohort now but gotta admit these characters are not my favorite this is pretty hot that's my mom even hotter like this pug motherfucker is sitting there with binoculars as they use chunky to steal snacks from the vending machine how about to have a character less realistic than the talking doll I'd rather this movie's humor come from kids trying to make junkies they funny Pig now say this is for two o'clock one night the kids are watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre - but it must be some kind of scrambled cut I've never heard of that shits way the fuck out of order trust me I can tell especially since they use so damn much of it Chuckie sees them all laughing their balls off at chop top which inspires him to mimic Bill Mosley and come at them all with the knife when Andy tackles the little bastard to the ground he accidentally slices Andy's arm and that's gonna be a big timeout for you mister you stay here think about what you did that leaves Chucky feeling bad so we get some payback via playback when he shares what Andy said in a secretly recorded voice message to shame Karen takes the doll away from Andy and locks him in a little cupboard but that's not enough to contain Chucky who breaks free and murders Mickey Rooney the cast Lucy don't look and he disposes the evidence down the garbage chute but if he was hoping to just forget about it and move on I've got some bad news for him cuz Chucky is gonna make sure Mickey Rooney is always right there with him that is messed up you fuck you Chucky he continues to mess with Andy's life when he scares the piss out of hand all over Shane causing the angry mother lover to get all up in Andy's face with his beer Brad I know Shane sucks more than super Freddy Andy but you gotta be careful with what you say you have a very impressionable evil doll in the house Shane leaves Karen after an argument and returns home to his family would know Shane's been don draper in us this whole damn time he gets up to some dad duties that night and starts taking down the Christmas lights when his ladder is knocked out from beneath him sending him crashing to the ground timber hurt badly and needing help he sees this bone and starts to crawl towards it through a Plano watermelon patch - the fuck can you grow watermelons in Chicago in the winter if you can you probably need gardening equipment like this that chunky starts up and sends the stock down Shane he uses it to trap Shane and when he goes to stab him it causes the tiller to mulch up the top of Skol damn it even scalps the guy and gives us garden gnome but toupee Chucky finishes the kill with a bunch of stabbings and a tribute yes it's for two pockets at some point during that kill Chucky found the time to deface shame completely since Andy finds it wrapped around a watermelon in his room the next morning surprise now we can pray again although Chucky thinks he's done good and he locks him in his closet and asks his over expressive friends for help instead of going to the police they decide to wrap that head up like a present and eventually after a long series of high jinks spread across multiple scenes with various near misses Andy is able to dispose of the evidence down the garbage chute once more he retrieves the sadden Chucky from his closet prison and leads him into a room with a kick-ass killer Klowns poster where Chucky gets ambushed by pug and falen it was a trap Chucky a clever ploy to tear out your arc reactor haha the poor little buddy was singing his little buddy song as he shut down that's bound to be hard on Andy you can't just throw those feelings down the garbage chute pal because of Andy's onestop style of evidence disposal that Jack Black janitor gained finds a jackpot in the trash and he takes Chucky home with him so we can bring the doll back to life with some enhanced interrogation it's here we find out that this gross bastard has somehow installed high fidelity spy cams all over the apartment building including in the Berkeley bathroom but before he can enjoy that illegal show the new weary awakened Chucky shuts it down wait what you had those spy cams hooked up to your home network dog you're just asking for jail time with that or at least some karmic justice which looks like it's coming right up since Chucky just disappeared and is now messing with his electronics ho ho and slashing his way oh when stabbing him in the babymaker Chucky Ashley tears into gabe quite a bit but it's not until the dude stupidly steps onto a buzzsaw table that we see where this death is going we even the fucking table saw GaN the Wi-Fi what kind of dumb smart future is this apparently one that doesn't have any safety limits on its thermostat since Chucky is able to get the room nice and boiling that causes Gabe to let go of the heating pipe he's holding on to and fall crotch bursts onto the table saw you know besides the cat chugs he's not choosing his victims too poorly so far and he gets a knock on his door from a random fucking kid there to tell him the latest neighborhood news sounds like a buddy dog was just left on the doorstep of another apartment building kid named Omar the one who taught Chuckie about Makaveli Omar's named his supposedly new buddy dog showed which is actually pretty great but Andy has his doubts that shows on the up-and-up work continues to be held for Karen especially since the new buddy too is about to come out along with a brand new terrifying buddy bear and some all-new buddy accessories like this little shit outfit in the store Chuckie gives up the choke game real fast when he plays some of Andy's home videos on the zed mark TVs that leads to a fight between Andy and Omar that causes Omar's phone to fall out of his pants during the fight Andy also pushes POG unfortunately not out of the movie and after the dust is settled he grabs Omar's phone off the ground along with his hearing aid that fell out oh yeah and he's deaf and has to wear a hearing aid I didn't bring it up before because I honestly haven't really needed to you but yeah that's the thing Andy uses Omar's phone to connect to chose where he sees his friends talking shit about him in the wake of his ed store freakout he's not a friend I guess all the kids at Omar's place don't notice Chucky chode walking away though since Andy watches him grab a knife before his video feed cuts out when it comes back the doll is all of a sudden outside on the sidewalk watching norris's mom Doreen get picked up by a driverless haslund car wait how did chunky get outside so fast why is he running around like that I'm not sure but at least Doreen continues to be great Durin's taking this driverless car to bingo night an automatic ride that goes great until it doesn't and she finds herself in the parking lot staring down a plastic Little Joe should I even bother asking how Chucky beat a car to this bingo place he's mad at Doreen because earlier in pervy kung fu panda's basement he overheard her on a camera feed saying that Andy was a new best friend well nobody steals show's best friend so he uses his glowing fingertip to send the castling car spiraling around the lot he deactivates Dorian's airbags on buckles or seat belts and sends her into a collision with another vehicle but that doesn't kill her on its own so Chuck he has to finish the job himself right after a jump scare using the car's radio he kills her with a stab off-screen and her son Detective Mike unfortunately is the one who has to uncover the body at the crime scene back at home Andy tries to tell his mom about Chucky but instead of believing him she yells at him for taking Omar's phone and goes to return the stolen device while she's gone Chucky hacks into the Berkeley Wi-Fi and shows Andy that his friends were talking shit about it which gets the kids so mad he has to batter up and so when Karen comes back she finds her son looking like he's trying to escape a poltergeist movie to keep a closer eye on him she takes him to Zed Mart and while they're gone a police presence at Doreen's door and footage of Doreen from shocky shown on Omar's body AB convinces Fallon that Andy was right about the killer doll they look at the app again and what do you know Chucky's now at Zen mark just in time for the release of the buddy 2.0 that's good Chuckie you wouldn't want to miss this dude in a Buddy doll see it's pretty great detective Mike Norris has been investigating all these crime scenes and after being shown a picture of Shane's face with Andy's wrapping paper all around it he concludes that Andy must be the one behind all the kill so even though Andy's friends go to Zedd Marta helped him avoid Chucky they don't make it very far before Norris takes Andy to the ground and starts to cuff him the buddy 2.0 release countdown finishes and all hell breaks loose which gives Chuckie cover to stab that sue performer right in the neck ha yeah it's actually a darkly hilarious scene as the poor dude stumbles around with that big ass buddy hat on Norris cuffs Andy to a display case or something right before the lights all go off so the Chucky show can begin oh really wait yeah where is she going why she just leave her son right there anyway as everyone's distracted by Jonny Quest on TV Chucky activates some drones and sends them into the crowd he misses Norris thanks to Karen but the drone does head west that worker who had been stabbed in the neck and the blades finally put an end to the poor guy there's a whole bunch of chaos as people try to flee the store before Chucky can lock it down but even though detective Norris gets slashed in the chest I only see a single confirmed kill this employee lying on the ground dead a few people get attacked by the new Buddy Bears brought to life but I don't see any critical injuries being inflicted and I'm hoping these grown-ass adults can survive an attack from a teddy bear shouldn't be that hard right oh shit but that guy's yeah that guy dad chalk one up for the creepy ass bears and he is saved from a bear attack by balan using a variety of tools but as they go to leave the store Chucky shows Andy a feat of Karen on the TV and she's not looking too comfortable there maybe you should have stayed with your son when that public emergency broke out oh really where the fuck were you going Andy decides to go save her but only after locking his friends outside determined to take care of that chode himself do you want to play he goes to the back in the warehouse portion of the store and follows h OD o controlled car to Karen who's all tied up for plot purposes where the fuck you go Chucky starts talking directly into Andy's hearing aid which like come on why would that be on the Internet whatever man the dog taunts the kid and then knocks him the hell out when Andy comes to he finds Chucky dulling his knife against the ground and his mom tied to an ever-rising for claim Chuck is full-on nutso now threatening to cut Andy open so he can fix his insides but before he can and he confuses the doll with a sweet serenade of friendship he uses the opportunity to knock Chucky aside then begins to climb some scaffolding to cut his mom down he's just about succeeded when Chucky jumps out and ready player wants him off the air candy manages to grab the rope and cut his mom free with the knight sending them all down to the floor in a seriously rough landing but Andy persevered and climbs on top of chunky so he can stab him in a stupid little doll chest that's gotta be it for him then right haha this is Chucky were talking about so he's gonna have to be put down multiple times this is then the actual end friend comes courtesy of Karen who decapitates the doll with her mama bare hands but this Chucky doesn't go on the kill cap he doesn't have a human soul he's just a I made up of code and like I said in the banana splits he'll cow this is different from the androids in the Alien movies who had sophisticated human-like intelligence chunky was just a malfunctioning Alexa made of silicon so get out of here Chucky burn in hell the movie ends with Andy hanging out with his friends on a billboard and a buddy doll being put on a shelf where it still has smiles for miles how many people became permanently unplugged thanks to some rogue AI let's find out and get to the numbers ah ah man this fucking thing has green in it I'm sorry but my count seven people died in the child's play remake consisting of six men and only a single woman really thought there'd be more kills here the runtime of 90 minutes that left us with a kill on average every twelve point eight six minutes I'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to shame I still don't know what a watermelon patch is doing in the middle of a Chicago suburb but whatever dude got a scalped or nah that's pretty cool the OL machete for lamest kill we'll go to the random Zed Martin ploy seemed dead on the ground I kind of had to give it to him you know and that's it the childsplay remake came out in 2019 and did pretty well at the box office so who knows maybe we'll get another one until next time I'm James a Jenice there's been the kill Kyle thanks a lot for watching this kill Kyle I want to thank some patrons like James cheek Brendan Crispin uncle Marcus Chevy McLean Anthony Kemp and Mohammed Abdallah I hope all the things I said at the beginning made sense and were fair let me know what you think about the situation I've had the smaller Chucky doll since I covered the series way back when but now he's got a big brother thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 9,101,056
Rating: 4.9110141 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, remake, reboot, chucky, doll, evil, ai, child's play, controversy, don mancini, original, mgm, franchise, aubrey plaza, gabriel bateman, brian tyree henry, tim matheson, beatrice kitsos, mark hamill, ty consiglio, seth grahame-smith, explained, behind the scenes, DMKC
Id: OU6xXdlaZIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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