Happy Death Day (2017) KILL COUNT

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Also, happy birthday u/JamesAJanisse !

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Boom_Explosion 📅︎︎ May 06 2018 🗫︎ replies
U Make Me Feel - MK2 Welcome to the Kill Count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies! I'm James A Janisse and today we're looking at Happy Deathday released in 2017 by Blumhouse Productions I'm doing this because today is, in fact, my birthday! And what better way to celebrate than by making more work for myself with an extra Kill Count? wait a minute... Happy Death Day is a movie that blends a lot of genres. If you come into it expecting a straight slasher, you're bound to be disappointed. Instead it might help to think of it as a romantic comedy with horror elements and of course a premise borrowed from the Bill Murray classic Groundhog Day. As you probably already know Happy Death Day is about a girl who is murdered on the night of her birthday only to wake up back at the start of the same day. She finds herself in a seemingly endless loop as she tries to figure out who keeps killing her behind that baby face mask. And you know what? She might just learn a little bit about herself in the process. People have questioned how I would cover the kills in this movie, but it's pretty simple: I'm gonna count any kills that I see. Yeah, things get reset at the start of every morning, but, I don't know, consider them like tangent timelines or some s**t. Whatever makes you comfortable. So let's see how many happen in all the various time loops and get to them! Slow Shock - Silent Partner The movie begins with the bell tower ringing. Our protagonist Tree, short for Teresa, wakes up in a dorm room with a real bad case of the Blackout Blues and as her awesome ringtone reveals it's her birthday! [phone buzzzing] ["Ayy, it's my birthday and I ain't gotta pick up my phone! Ayy, it's my birthday, ya'll should just leave me alone!"] The dorm room belongs to this friendly, dude Carter Who averts his eyes while she gets dressed and who has a Mystery Science Theater poster on his desk. So you already know, this guy's a keeper! But Tree doesn't even remember his name! She was super schwaysted last night and just wants to get back to her sorority house without running into any douche bags. "DUDE! Did you get that fine vagi...oowha" Too late! Her stride of pride is marked by a bunch of details that'll keep coming back during the movie You've got poorly dressed leering man, global warming petitioner gal, kids making out who become sprinkler victims, a car alarm going off and some frat hazing that causes one bro to collapse to the ground. She runs into Tim, a dude who's obsessed she hasn't returned any of his texts but dude... "Who takes their first date to Subway?!" "It's not like you have a footlong:" She gets back to her sorority, Kappa Pi Alpha, where Tree's put upon roommate Laurie, a nursing student, gives Tree a homemade birthday cupcake. But if you couldn't gather by now, Tree's not the nicest person. - "What'd you wish for?" - "A new roommate." And she tosses the treat in the trash. Damn Tree, why are you acting like a shrub?! At a lunch meeting mean girl Kappa president, Danielle, barades a Kappa sister over her chocolate milk, because it's too many Kappa-calories. When the sister leaves the table upset she bumps into Carter and spills the milk all over Tree's head! That's not how you water a tree, silly! Carters there to return Tree's bracelet to her, but she doesn't get too sappy over it. Instead, she just gives him a not so happy death stare until he shirks away in shame. Tree heads to the campus hospital where she ignores a birthday call from her dad and passes a security guard on her way to the office of her professor, Gregory Butler, who shows up To talk to her about her recent tests. Oh wait no, they're having an affair A poorly timed affair, too, since Gregory's wife Stephanie is knocking at the door and the look on her face says She's probably figured out what was going on inside that locked office. Tree also runs into Lori who knows what Tree's doing there and warns her that it might be dangerous -"I think something like this is bound to have some pretty serious consequences" That night, while Danielle tells Tree not to be late to a frat party they're going to they experience a rolling blackout. That doesn't stop Tree from getting dressed in her finest and walking through the dark campus alone while she listens to a voicemail from her dad, upset that she missed a birthday lunch with him. She comes across a tunnel full of traffic lights and a birthday music box in the middle. But when she goes to inspect it further a baby-faced person in a black hoodie appears at the end of the tunnel. They run off only to shortly drop down in a jump-scare and chase Tree with a knife. We get our first Happy death of the movie when the killer appears behind Tree, standing over her and bringing a knife down into her head. We never see the impact or the actual death since that can be kind of weird with the whole reset thing. Tree wakes up to the bell tower ringing and she's in the same place as before with Carter doing his good guy thing and her phone playing that awesome ringtone again She's a little confused and pushes past the Fine Vagine bro as she sets out to repeat her day. Creeper guy, check. Global warming gal, check. Sprinklers, car alarm, collapse due to hazing, check, check, check. At least that means another chance to eat Lori's delicious birthday cupcake but Tree's too freaked out to indulge so she leaves without even blowing out the candle! One day she'll appreciate your culinary skills, Lori. While zoning out at the lunchtime Kappa congregation Tree notices astand selling the Bayfield baby mask! Which, by the way, is an awful mascot for a college! Who wants to watch a bunch of drunk baby stumbling around campus?! Oh actually now that I say it, It sounds kind of fun. She heads to Dr. Adulterer to ask him about her current condition he attacks her neck before she can ask anything at all and the consultation ends with another close call from Stephanie showing up to the office. That night in her room Tree watches a Compton video on her phone her and her mom enjoying a birthday cake together Danielle comes in to be a pain and the rolling blackout occurs again And then Tree is back outside on her way to the party But this time when she runs into the Halloween Horror Nights scare tunnel she wisely turns around and takes a different path to the frat house where there's Supposed to be a party going on? Maybe it's one of those silent discos in the dark.. Or maybe there's a baby face in the doorway! BAM, bitch went down! Too bad. -"Surprise?'' The punch is played off as a victory and the party gets going. Oh shit, they playing hold em'? This is my kinda party! Tree is chatting with her frenemy when Nick, the dude who got punched in the baby face mask, shows up. Danielle is super into him, even though it's obvious he'd rather be a Tree climber. -"You know exactly what you're doing, Tree." -"What am I doing, Danielle?" Tree winds up in Nick's bedroom, that's home to a bunch of rooster posters and a big blue box, noochie boochies. While she looks in the mirror a friggin' baby face appears! Wow, watch out, Tree Not 'cause it's the killer, but because it's Nick with a real shitty pick-up line for her. -"Welcome, to The Pleasure Dome." The Pleasure Dome is apparently a gaudy place with subpar techno music where Nick feels free to dance like he's rolling at a music festival. Which is to say, poorly. Loud music makes it so he doesn't hear a babyface coming out of the closet behind him and as Tree texts with Danielle, Nick gets stabbed a whole bunch of times in the background. He dies and after a bit of confusion over the babyface thing, Tree sees his body on the ground looks like his crash came earlier than Expected tree second death isn't far behind It's after a short fight a killer breaks the blue bong against the headboard and raises it high above their head to stab her win Again, we don't see the point of impact so if you're here looking for a bunch of gruesome kills Do you pick the wrong movie tree wakes up and Carter's bed again and now that it's the third time? She's done it she is understandably wigging out as relayed to us through the shaky camera that captures her by now well known morning trip through the quad despite how Crazy, she knows it'll sound Shree confides in Lori about what's going on and tries to convince her? It's legit by saying she knows about the cupcake and the surprise party that night. She even tries to tell Lori about her ultimate concern But Lori thinks tree Just isn't feeling well and recommends that she stay inside that night so tree does boarding up her windows and blocking her door all in An effort to stay safe But on her desk she finds a black envelope with a birthday card and the spinning baby face inside is accompanied by a threatening message the TV turns off unexpectedly and tree gets concerned so she grabs a hammer to defend herself with good thing she does cuz here comes baby face slashing at Her with a knife hammer knocks them down Temporarily the trees door blockade bites her in the ass when baby face charges her and stabs her through the door with a knife giving Us the third tree killed the movie Hamwi needs us a Lorax up in this page She wakes up again But she seems to be more messed up and not just mentally why is there stomach hurt like that and why is her vision got? The weird distortion and blurriness to it while she runs around Witnessing the usual series of unfortunate events when Carter runs after her to return her clothes She breaks down and asks him for help. She explains everything to him off screen and although he's skeptical He's willing to entertain the idea and suggests that maybe this is all happening today because it's her birthday We also find out that Carter meets the minimum standard of decency for the record. I didn't take advantage you last night Okay, I slept on Ryan's bed. That's right. I never slept together cuz she was too wasted take note dude Carter is a righteous horror character to emulate he helps kick off the fun and game segments of the movie when he Says that since tree has unlimited lives She has unlimited opportunities to figure out who the murderer is Hugh a music field montage tree makes a list of possible suspects and starts checking names off Nixon knows since she saw him get killed Already next Tim who's angry at her for ignoring his text? But when she spies on him the night of her murder All she discovers is that the dude is in decay for a fact that makes a whole lot of sense to her in a very Funny moment of the film it's followed immediately by her getting killed for the fourth time by baby face with a gut stab damn it Tree you could have ripped that mask off right now But we're still in montage mode here so no time for conclusions on her next pass she cuts her hair and goes all Kappa commando to spy on Stephanie dr. Gregory's wife but it doesn't look like she's the murderer either since the real killer shows up and tackles tree into a fountain over watering her and Drowning her in it to give us the fifth tree kill of the movie next is Danielle and during the Investigation tree discovers that the envelope with the threatening birthday card came from her she tackles Danielle into the street but her scuffle is interrupted by an oncoming bus hits and kills both of them giving us another pair of kills to add on the Count I'm not sure why that little incident disqualifies, Danielle from the suspect list But we've got to end this montage and the last kill comes from a simple baseball bat to the head it has a fun little Transition from the end of the day back to the beginning Knocking tree right back into her last save point in Carter's bed She wakes up once more with a splitting headache and a lot of other pain going on too so much so that when find Vijayan Walks in she straight-up collapses on top event he wakes up that night to carter visiting her in the campus hospital and after the rolling blackout happens right on schedule dr Gregory is in the room Helen Carter to go on and get his visiting hours are over Gregory says her x-rays show signs of insane trauma that by all accounts means she should be dead as fuck so although she keeps resetting To the same morning after each death the continual kills have taken a toll on her body She sneaks her way out of her hospital room But when Gregory finds her he becomes another non-tree victim after Babyface shows up behind him and stabs him with a knife Huff's He got back stabbed, dude, but now you know how your wife feels right baby-faced chases tree down the hospital Hallway, and into the parking garage But she's able to just barely escape them and drive away in her car leaving them staring after her in the garage she drives down the road in jubilation But it's a short-lived Celebration since she gets pulled over for speeding she gets the idea that a jail cell will keep her safe for maybe face So she fesses up to a false charge of driving under the influence. I'm drunk You are wasted, and I'm high you know pills weed. You name it, man I'm on it the very confused police officer kindly complies an arrest sir But after he puts her in the back of his cruiser trees plant hits a snag because he gets hit by a speeding car It's a pretty great kill that comes out of nowhere as long You didn't watch too many trailers, which I did so thanks marketing you totally spoiled the scene for me the reckless driver is of course babyface and for this happy death we get a less stabby more splode II kill after they drop a Birthday candle out the window of their car the fire follows the trail of gas leading back to the damaged police car and trapped inside Three gets blown up to die for the eighth time Tam I think she's passed Rasputin at this point she wakes up downs all of Carter's tylenol and tells him about her time loop again proving it to him quickly By calling out the sprinklers the car alarm and the sleepy frat boy They go to a diner where she takes advantage of his inevitable memory wipe Hmm check it all out whatever You won't remember it anyway their Conversation turns from airy to serious after she ignores another call from her dad and reveals that her mom had shared a birthday with her But died three years ago That's why she's been avoiding her dad's calls and his scheduled birthday launch this day is the tough one for free says that her repeated Lives has made her realize who she is I'm not a good person Carter Good to know but tough to change especially when each death leaves her weaker than before the diner TV has a news story on about John twos a murderer being treated at The campus hospital after seeing his other tree looking victims. She remembers the security guard in the hospital Hallway, and figures it must be John tooms who's been killing her She runs to the hospital just in time to see the security guard go into tooms his room and after arming yourself with an emergency Act she follows to find that yes, indeed the security guard got killed courtesy of a knife in the back I don't mean to tell you how to do your job or anything dude But he got stabbed in the back by a guy in a hospital bed that you were supposed to be guarding might want to be More careful next time around baby-faced John tooms comes out of hiding and starts to shoot at trees She manages to escape but the hospital Receptionist is not so lucky catching a bullet and getting killed in the hallway or maybe she was able to survive being in a hospital And all but I know how much y'all like big kill numbers So let's throw her on the list fuckin John tooms catches up to tree and takes off his mask to give the moment more weight But before he can get another kill He gets tackled to the ground by Carter tree tries to shoot John But the gun doesn't work for so John's able to grab Carter and do the twist with his net breaking it and killing the poor Lad right there in the hospital Hallway, as tree looks on in horror another chase scene ensues that tree takes to the bell tower to man Just to get the jump on John and knock him down with a crowbar to the face But then she realizes that if she survives the day Carter will be forever de she drops the crowbar and runs past John tooms to Do some self Deforestation with a noose around her neck she falls down the belltower shaft to hang herself and give us yet another tree kill to add to the count she wakes up with a crick in the neck and is super relieved to find Carter alive and just as boyish as Ever I don't know if you have ever mining crater. Yeah, oh these two are cute because she has it all figured out She's in a great mood. Even when it comes to find vagina burrow Vagina and that's not all she's signing petitions warning kids about sprinklers even setting down a fluffy landing pad for the frat Bro when she runs into Tim she tells him he should stop her to be someone He's not you go out there and get yourself a fine piece of man ass. Yeah you go to him She's also able to finally apologize to Lori for being such a crappy roommate and promises that she'll be better She even breaks off her affair with dr. Gregory who is unsurprisingly a dick in response, but that don't bother tree She's busy with all that character girl later on she makes birthday dinner plans with Carter and finally meets her dad for that birthday launch So many birthday meals going on There's a pretty touching scene between daughter and dad as they talk about her mom and how much they both miss her how it was Wrong of tree to ignore her dad as a way to avoid dealing with the grief. They make up and yeah, man It's a real sweet moment This movie's definitely not just a standard horror movie with all that emotional closure out the way to reset the timer and puts her plan into action she goes to the hospital and pulls a knife on the security guard and a roundabout way of making him go get help against the Soon-to-be escaped convict. He's guarding Then she goes and just tries to straight-up shoot John tooms to death in his sleep But again the gun doesn't work for her and tooms wigs up to give her some firearm instruction Safety's on little girl During the ensuing fight he ends up throwing her against the wall wall crazy but her timer goes off and it turns out it was to warn her of the rolling blackout when the lights come back on the Safety's off and shree fires a few rounds into John tubes killing him in self-defense I'm not sure what the legal situation is here tree you did kind of wake that dude up and try to preemptively kill him permission Accomplished tree celebrates in a room with Carter and her cap a cupcake. She's finally gonna get to enjoy it her birthday Wish is a simple one, but after she blows out the candle. Well, it fades to black and she wakes up back in Carter's bed. Son of a biiitch! So listen that means that she died and I'll add it to the count here since I don't want to spoil the ending just yet i'ma leave the means by which she Was killed a mystery for now deal with it. It's actually really sad all that good person stuff She had been doing on her last speedrun never actually happened now. She runs back home to pack her bags So she can run as far away as she can and that's when Laurie tries to give her the usual birthday cupcake. Thanks last night Ventre realizes she died in her sleep from a poisoned Cupcake all those times tree didn't eat the cupcake Laurie had to find other ways to kill her and with John tooms in the same Hospital she worked at she was able to use him as a scapegoat Letting him escape with a knife and mask so everyone would assume he was the one who killed tree But he ain't been the baby-faced lumberjack. It's been Laurie the whole time Laurie attacks tree and reveals her motivation She's also been having an affair with After Gregory and his pissed that he likes tree more than her Wrassle around the room for a little bit before tree gives laureate taste of her own medicine while quoting Chelsea from the first drug Disney episode bitch With a poison cupcake in the mouth and a swinging chandelier Kappa kick tree knocks Lori out of the window and Kappa kills her which again is bound to present some insane Legal issues tree force-fed a poison cupcake to a roommate and threw her out the window to her death this movie's not trying to delve Into all that instead we just see a happy ending where tree is talking to her dad again and maintaining her Relationship with Carter things are so good. They even get metaphor a minute. You know your little scenario reminds me. We're moving that Hyundai Mm-hmm with Bill Murray who's Bill Murray, but then wait why is that bell tower ringing like always? He wakes up in Carter's bed and things look real familiar because Carter's just fucking went there. Oh Carter You're such a clown the movie ends with the Kappa kiss on Carter's bed and a zoom in on his door where there's a very poignant bumper sticker oh yeah most these Dustin's dick But let's not miss the force for the tree there were still plenty of kills, and I can show you at the numbers So yeah most of these deaths didn't stick But let's not miss the force for the tree there were still plenty of kills, and I can show you at the numbers So yeah, I show you at the numbers Ha Ha ok there are 19 deaths in happy deathday an impressive number That's mostly due to the victims constantly resetting out of the victims 13 were women and 6 were men a rare occurrence on the kill Count of more lady victims, but that's mostly because so many of them were tree with the runtime of 96 minutes We had to kill on average just about every 5 minutes a pretty quick pace. Thanks to that montage in the middle I'll give the golden chainsaw 4 coolest kill to tree death number 2 it's not on screen But it's a death via broken bond of course that beats the other tame kills here almost ready for lamest kill will be the hospital Receptionist who just got shot one time in the chest and died And that's it heavy death day came out in 2017 and already has a sequel in the works in fact They're starting to film this very month. I hope you all enjoyed my birthday gift back to you for my 29th birthday Yes, I know death is coming for me soon until that happens I'm James age Indies this has been the kill cap so yeah most come on Thanks a lot for watching my birthday kill cap no you can do for me for my birthday Get one or two of your friends to subscribe That's it if all of you did that that would be a lot more Subscribers for me this message whoever you know and be like hey do me a favor go subscribe to this guy's channel It's his birthday It's not like I'm hurting for subscribers, but you know a little birthday bump will be nice And the other best birthday gift. You could give to me is to be good people
Channel: undefined
Views: 9,773,768
Rating: 4.9423418 out of 5
Keywords: blumhouse, death, scott lobdell, films, kill count, day, DMKC, tree, jaj, mean girls, bear mcreary, christopher landon, romantic, pine commander boogie, horror, mystery, funny, movies, half to death, teen, rachel matthews, comedy, jessica rothe, body count, groundhog, james a. janisse, loop, scary, birthday, time loop, who done it, time, cake, killer, ruby modine, israel broussard, whodunit, carter, murder, kills, jason blum, dead meat, cupcake, groundhogs, mtv, repeat, scream
Id: NuBt9A2iMGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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