Joni - Dream Interpretation with John Paul Jackson

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what we remember in dreams is particularly germane to the very focus of what the dream is about John Paul Jackson is back to talk about your dreams whenever God gives us this type of a test it's because there's something greater in life that where you've been called to do don't miss these powerful interpretations we'll be changing the way we think we suddenly are prepared for our purpose or our destiny the conversation starts now real friends loving laughing and learning together sharing stories one life at a time so grab a seat welcome to Joanie able talk well they come in the middle of the night those visions that fill our sleeping minds some are strange some are exotic and some are so vivid they seem real today we're once again taking a look at dreams to help find their deeper meaning joining me around the table is Dorothea Newton how are you great great it's so happy to be here it's always good to have you do you dream I used to yeah it weren't good without their sweet dreams okay I don't know what the shift I think probably the abuse of marriage yeah we'll talk a bit about that and Rebecca lamb my youngest how are you I'm doing great are you dream hold the time I know you do you do you know this cuz we talked about it do and you love it when John Paul comes cuz you're like mom what is that dream yes yes every time Cindy Murdoch how are you great thank you have you been dreaming you know it's been a time of not much dreaming lately but one of you I'll drill II dream but yeah yeah silent and direct there may be our seasons John Paul Jackson are you dreaming still I'm still dreaming yes I am every night so what so what about that Cindy saying she's had a little season where there she's not dreaming as much does that happen so good that happens and lots of times it can be traced right back to stress in our lives or circumstances or that are very difficult that we're going through where have we focus on certain issues and it's like we get we get fixed on those those problematic things so our dream our dreams are our nights sleep will be restless whenever you toss a turn it usually interrupts the sleep that would that affect Dorothy's dreams years ago when she was in a difficult marriage especially I perked up I heard when she was talking about having nightmares attention a switch to sleep - sweet dreams but not many not many lately the stress issues play a lot into that but at the same time the spiritual world you'll pick up on in your dreams and so if you're going through a very difficult time you'll see the spirits that are acting in the other people around you yes well you have sin in your dreams yes you have via Facebook in email hundreds of them every seat hundreds so today we're going to take a look at some of your dreams with the help of John Paul Jackson we'll find out what God is saying to you our first dream this is so neat actually this just came this morning from Danielle in California I thought it was kind of a neat dream and so Danielle I hope that you love the fact John Paul's gonna interpret your dream she said in my dream I was standing in a bedroom and I saw three coats on hangers hanging up the next scene showed all the coats laid out on the bed where I could see each one individually the first coat was a familiar coat that I remember wearing awhile ago the second coat was a coat that did look familiar but it had a new look to it a little of the old and new together the third coat was a new coat I'd never seen before this one was very tailored made for me and it had embellishments and rhinestones upon it it was one-of-a-kind and beautiful so once I looked at all three of them in the dream I thought to myself that I couldn't wait to try on and use each coat for different occasions I was very excited I have many more dreams but I wanted to share this one that's a great dream I figured it was Danielle that's really really very good to Danielle it basically says you're going to you're going to a time of transition Danielle and the time of transition is going from from one type of anointing to another to another so you have three different coats coat speak of times of anointing or things that God has gifted you to do so you had one coat that you had seen historically one coat that you kind of wore but kind of didn't and one court one coat you'd never put on before so speaks of the past what you'd been doing the present of what you are doing the future and what you're going to do and it's interesting that the very last coat that you talked about was one that was perfectly tailored for you you didn't mention that about the other coats sometimes what we remember in dreams even though the other coat too may have been but because you didn't mention them what we remember in dreams is particularly germane to the very focus of what the dream is about so the Lord said do you know there's something he's called you to do you've yet to put it on your maybe a little bit hesitant to do that or have been but because you put the coat on the bed it says the it's the Lord saying to you I want you to rest in this that what you have done what you are doing has all been by my design what you're going to do is also by my design and it would be perfectly tailored for you so Danielle great dream put the coat on yeah all right we're going to read some more dreams that while you're sharing that I really felt Holy Spirit say that there's someone watching that's had a particularly man the Lord's shown you what this dream is so I don't know what that is so could you talk a little bit about that yeah listen to her some yeah I felt like somebody actually had a dream that you would read a day or something would happen where we would hear this and it's a dream about your mother walking and you think it's just a dream but it is a reality attack you think was a dream but is actually a night vision and the Lord is going to do something the key to the walking has to do with your brother's arrival so there's something about your brother's arrival that we'll start the impetus of your mother walking I don't know whether it's an event that will happen or whether it's it is God touching her at that moment but it's a dream you had about your mother walking when you're when your brother arrived it had to do with his arrival and I want to encourage you that it really was God and you really need to believe and have faith for that moment to happen all right I love that all right Dorothy okay this is from Annie tria she says I had a dream that my 13 year old son was laying on the floor under a blanket he was decomposed to the point of being unnoticeable his hand was sticking out from under the blanket and it was the size of a baby's hand the next thing I noticed I was walking to a doorway my back was to him and when I turned around he was thing on the couch back to normal and he was so happy I then began to praise God that's really good you begin to praise you begin to praise God is do you know that your son's about to go through a very difficult time not to give up he's going to try to hide the problems that he has that's the blanket that that you see over him he's going to try to hide the problem he will seem to revert back to doing childish things childish tendencies not meaning that he becomes a child but you know sometimes in life we act like a 15 year old one or 30 or we act like a five year old when we're one were 40 I've seen those type of things happen and so the Lord is just letting into adult loose faith that when this difficult time comes to your son that it is it is he will restore your son things will be okay with your son it also means that you should pray for your son so that this timeframe under the blanket as a short as possible and don't lose hope when you see life draining what seems to be like his life is his energy or is like maybe life force the spirit of the boy kind of leaving him or is not the same child that he used to be don't lose faith remember this dream God's saying I will restore your son usually I might add this this is not a dream but I feel impressed I need to add this to it that's this that whenever God gives us this type of a test is because there's something greater in life that where you have been called to do so the enemy has a has an opportunity to to afflict so that the Lord will be justified and giving a greater anointing to your son so claim the anointing pray the anointing remember trust God even though you hate what you're what what you're going to see in this it is going to result in God being justified and giving your son an even greater anointing or greater mantle than he's ever had before because they blanket is also a mantle but the enemy has the right to afflict him to keep the scales of justice in balance so so God's given him a mantle and the mantle will he will be raised up but the enemy is going to also afflict him because of that man Paul said this is it because of the great revelation I had I was sent a messenger of Satan debuffing me that principle is the Justice of God playing yourself out so don't worry pray and have faith yes do that dreams gonna be such an encouragement to you as you walk through this and every time the enemy comes you go back and you read it again and you see them their whole happy and will I was going to say the same thing that God has a great purpose for this young man Rebecca you have a dream okay it doesn't say the name but I'll read it I had a dream where I walked from my home to Dallas which is a long way and in a second I just appeared at the Daystar studio I hummed as I waltzed in like I knew everybody and Marcus and Joni greeted me and very delicately delicately but directly informed me that I had brakes in my hair and that a complete makeover needed to happen this makeover seemed to be more spiritual than natural they were praying over me and binding something off my life the next second the studio turned into a salon and a woman I didn't know being working on my hair she cut my hair from shoulder length to neck length then I woke up oh very very interesting dream not again you didn't put your name on us I can't call you by name but hair is wisdom and hair is also glory and so basically God is saying that there's something that you're going to get by following Daystar doesn't mean you have to walk the Daystar doesn't mean you have to come today star but it means there's something that you're going to receive by watching day star and what what Marcus and Joni have on the day star television network and it will result in a makeover for you that what you're going to see it will transform you it will renew you and a result of the makeover for you and it will change the way you think about everything around you and will be changed the way we think we suddenly are prepared for our purpose or our destiny so this dream is basically saying there's some things that need to change in the way you think I'm going to allow that to happen as you followed a star that's what walking today strumming wise you followed a star there's programs that are going to be on this this network that will allow your thinking to change and you'll walk into your destiny finally that destiny has something to do with influence that's what television represents influence and so you can have something that is influence I doesn't say you're going to be doing TV or not it just says your thinking is going to change to allow you to walk into your purpose and the purpose has something to do with influence that's good oh so good that's so good john-paul listening to you I'm reminded of a similar dream I had many years ago and as I mentioned I was in an abusive marriage but I had a dream and I thought if I was dreaming because I always watched a star and it was just spiritual food to help me in so many ways and I would have never thought today that I would have purpose in life because so many bad things happen and I was I just lived in fear shame and guilt so you know to whoever this person is believe because God is able and absolutely I'm an idol that's great you have one eye dude Jennifer she rides in and this is her dream I recently had a dream about a spider I was on my knees looking under a bed or some kind of wood and it was a very big spider and she somehow um she said somehow I knew it was female the spider and that it had long legs that look like chopsticks but would Bend she also had big eyes the spider did and she started coming towards me in a friendly manner but I'm not really a spider person so I backed away I sensed it wanted to be friends but I said no I never spoke verbally to the spider and she never spoke to me but we both understood each other I started to run away and it starts to chase me down and as soon as I stopped in the living room she jumped up and bit me in the bottom the rear end and I woke up trying to get trying to get the spider off of me right right well this is there's 20 categories of Dreams and one of the categories as a warning dream this is a warning dream for you and it has to do the Jezebel spirit that's near you and that you're not really afraid of at this particular time that's why it's under your bed Underwood you specifically mentioned Wood Wood represents humility and compassion so you may be having humility and compassion towards this individual but don't wait to run because it'll end up biting you in the rear end that's that's basically the warning that says this thing is going to bite you in the rear and if you don't get don't deal with it quickly because if you tolerate it that's what's going to end up happening so warning dream don't tolerate this Jezebel spirit oh yes and I have had to learn that the hard way when the Lord shows you clearly you need to deal with that that compassion thinking you can help everybody thinking you can save everybody you can't when God shows you clearly you need to get that bad cut out of your life right now okay this is a dream from one of our production one of our producers Pam she said it was me Jim James who's the producer for Marcus and Joni and some other people that I don't recall we were in a room watching a flat screen TV during refreshing times conference waiting for one of the Rowland's to start playing the screen starts to malfunction and then all of a sudden of feed comes up and it's the White House you can see the Washington Mall some other monuments cars in the parking lot the feed was wavy not very strong but it was in color so we're looking at each other like what what is going on and immediately in my head I'm thinking okay here we go it's happening it's starting it's the last of the last days Antichrist one-world government etc then all of a sudden this big bulldozer bulldozes through the parking lot of cars and right through the White House just like it was a deck of cards so we start praying in the spirit immediately she won't got oh wow well that dream that that particular dream is obviously a dream about the last day so it tends to be more on the vision side of things even though their symbol is a minute the great thing is this the bulldozer you may not think the bulldozer is a great thing the great thing is the bulldozer because you're seeing man's plans and you're seeing God's saying but I have a plan that will bulldoze right through the plans and men there is and it's the fact that it wasn't really clear was kind of fuzzy indicates that none of this is is for sure that there's plans of men that change because people react certain ways people pray and so on but God says for in essence pray that my bulldozer comes in it goes right through the middle of this mess and everything gets gets leveled out it's like I will I will take down the plans a minute and I'm going to raise up my plans but I have to take down the plans of men first so very important dream to dream to pray about so any significance to be in the fact they were watching refreshing time yeah thank you the refreshing times conference basically the reason why you sought in the setting wasn't a refreshing times conference is that God's reminding you I have a plan that is the bulldozer says I'm going to bulldoze through this and refreshing times will come but they has there's certain things that have to be taken down and other things that are going to be built up and so the refreshing time says it's not it's not the conference it's the title of the conference that says I want to refresh America but it's going to take some bulldozing in order but none that wow that is awesome good dream Pam well we have to take a short break but you don't want to go anywhere we'll be back with more of your dreams and what they mean so stay with us well we've all had that experience you wake up from a dream and it's so stuck in your mind in your head that you wonder if it means something more well guess what often times God uses dreams to speak to us so today we're looking at some of your dreams that you send in via Facebook and email to find out what they mean Rebecca do you have a dream yes okay it says I was standing in front of the bear tree no leaves but then there were six babies sitting in the tree each one on a different branch it was in front of a small building I was told go I picked up a big baby boy out of the tree on the lower left side I looked at him and named him Hayden then I turned left and looked out over a short brick wall and saw a field of barren trees with babies in them that was the drink Wow bye Jenny well Jenny what did God give you that dream that was an amazing dream of Biscay said that there's a lot of barren leaders out there who have children that not brought to fruition spiritual children and God is going to allow you to help nurture children so-called that have been basically abandoned by leadership of some kind I not doesn't say pastors that didn't say homegroup leaders but in some way they've been they've been let down and the tree is barren but the babies are still there so God is going to use you and others it to one recognize the barren nature of what's going on number two recognized spiritual children that have been left unattended number three pick up eye spiritual child and notice you said specifically you picked it up from the left side of the tree and that the left side represents what you are born and called to do the right side is what you have faith and strength to do so you're going to rescue people who have been abandoned and they're calling and help nurture them to get to their calling and you're going to see many other trees and babies in those trees just like you saw this so God has called you to be you might say a rescue rescuer of the perishing and a carer for the dying that's really good Cindy yes all right this is from Susan she said I saw myself in the midst of people I was holding two passports but my visa had already been given to me some people wanted to take it from me but I refused what does this mean well it's very similar to the previous dream the visa says this is what you were called to do and the passports is the anointing by God to do it notice that you had two passports which basically says there's two measures of favor are two anointings to do what you've been called to do and it says also the visa that people were trying to take from you says that there are those who don't want to recognize what you recall to do there were those around you that don't maybe believe what you're called to do or it may mean the very clear meaning is that there are people that want to stop your call and so they can do what you were called to do in other words you know you're not called to do that I'm called to do that so the visa represents that the passports of the anointing to accomplish what you're called to do and it was great that you didn't allow anyone to take your visa yes good that is really good okay let's see I'm trying to decide which one here I think which one do you think I know I want to read this one because this is the Nicole from India watches us in India okay my cousin brother and I are traveling by the public transport bus suddenly outside the window I see a group of men around five to six armed with machine guns they see me looking at them they hell the bus my cousin and I get off the bus and they seem to be talking to my cousin while I am standing at a distance the bus starts off without us and I am blown into the air in the direction parallel to the moving bus as I suddenly get blown in the air I scream loudly and then I am awakened from my dream because of the loud scream mm-hmm yeah Nicole this is a fear dream there's dreams again different categories of Dreams 20 different categories of dream but this is a feared dream and the feared dream basically says you have a fear of what you believe having repercussions upon you and your family and so the whenever dreams come we want to pray the opposite of the fear we want to pray for courage we want to we want to bind ourselves and loose ourselves they cute if the kingdom begins within you and Jesus talked about the keys being the binding and loosing you want to bind your fear you want to loose your faith and courage that God will not allow anything to come your way that is more than you can bear but we have to be able to say father I give you my family I give you my brother I give you everything I will follow you and no matter what you what happens in my life that I will take refuge in you I trust you and I will not let my own understanding creep into this I trust you the bus would represent an issue of your life for what you're trying to do what you and others are trying to accomplish but you don't have faith to believe you can accomplish it you feel like you need your family you need others to help you accomplish it so the Lord is going to be working on your faith pray for faith pray for courage bind fear and it's as simple as I bind fear in my life and I lose courage in the Lord trust and the Lord understanding of the Lord I loose myself to do the things of God and I will not lean to my own understanding of what could happen I am protected by the hand of God his will will be done I will rejoice in all things for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning me that's good that's good Dorothy okay this one is from Cheryl she says this week I woke up after spending time with Mickey Mantle I knew the name but I'm but nothing about the man other than he played baseball I was standing next to him and discovered who he was I said Mickey Mantle as in baseball player Wow he didn't seem too impressed with himself but I was I commented on his vintage coat he was wearing it was his baseball coat and in a terrific and in terrific condition and so was he he asked him I asked him if he would introduce himself to my grandson because dylon would be so honored to meet him he agreed and then I woke up very good dream obviously wasn't Mickey Mantle but I will say this a this is a synthesis symbolism and Mickey Mantle wore the number seven I happen to be a huge baseball fan and so Mickey Mantle wore the number seven and that that his jersey and the the uniform that he was wearing is really key to this whole to this whole process number seven is perfection and completion and so what the Lord is basically saying concerning your son I will be faithful to perfect and complete what I have called him to become and it probably indicates that your son has some measure of athletic gifting and that there's an anointing on him and God will perfect and complete that anointing in his life so don't be surprised if there's a metal it at the lettuce ISM in your son and also a play on the word mantle oh yes mantle very good yes look see what we're taught a play on the word mantle exactly yeah I mean guys watch out next no I'll get little bits and pieces here well I hate it we're out of time I want to read more we've got with so many more dreams Rose we have no more time you're saying no more time if you enjoyed hearing from John Paul Jackson today I know we couldn't get all of your dreams you sit in because we just received hundreds but we tried to get to as many as we could and for more resources and books you can visit John Paul online at streams if there's a need in your life call the number on your screen our prayer partners are standing by ready to pray with you we'd always love to hear from you on facebook and twitter thanks so much for watching and john paul quickly for people who had a dream and that they're in there saying you know i can't talk to john paul or you didn't read mine or what would you say to encourage them today i'll say read every parable in the bible read every props in the bible and look at the gods the way god interprets a symbol and you can learn a huge amount just by reading the Word of God and how God says this and God can show you what you drink and he will show you right I love that we'll see you next time bye bye for today this has been a day star television production
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 123,057
Rating: 4.8510637 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson (Person), Dream, Dream Interpretation (Literature Subject), Prophetic, Prophecy, Joni, bible, Ministry
Id: tIN5nNEKhoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2013
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