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you we're going to start answering some of the questions that we didn't get to last month of right after right after I tell you a little bit about this the perfect storm I have I've got some notes here these notes are basically headlines what do I mean what do I mean by headlines well headlines I have anneal things happen to me periodically I will have like a dream or a vision or trance or something happen and I'll see a newspaper come to me and I'll look at the top of the newspaper and it would tell me I will read the headlines and sometimes it tells me like a month or it may even tell me a day sometimes it tells me a year but it won't I won't remember the month of the day and so I don't I'm not saying that the headlines I'm about to read to you are going to happen in the same time frame as the perfect storm by the year 2020 I I don't know so I can't tell you what I don't know I'm just letting you know here are headlines that I have read that came from heaven and the Lord revealed them through headlines like in the newspaper for example one of the one of the headlines that I saw was everything was kind of a black background I saw a newspaper coming to me like this and it came in a gut I don't know if several a few feet away from me and it stood up on it on its edge like this so I saw one half of the newspaper like folded in half so I couldn't see the whole newspaper just the headlines at the top of the newspaper so I get I get headlines from heaven about things we're going to be reading in newspapers around the United States and and even around the world and in some cases so I thought I ought to do that and I did this because I have not released most of these at this time I've been waiting waiting for the right moment waiting for the release of the Spirit to do that I believe that I had that I had this this nudge I would say a nudge from the Holy Spirit to to do this at this particular time I'm not sure exactly why maybe one or more of these things are going to happen and they've in the fairly fairly near future within months maybe so maybe that's it but I also feel an urgency to tell you this I've told you this before and I really I'm saying that again I don't want to scare anybody because God has everything in his hand and he wants to get our attention he wants to get this nation's attention in particular and he wants to get the world's attention he would use this nation to get the world's attention so we've talked a little bit about about things that I feel like you need to have for example I've told my staff this I've told my staff you need to be able to prove the debt that you owe meaning if you what house payments you've made you need to be able to prove and you need to have a nut right now let's just you don't get your checks back most of you I don't think many of you if any of you will get your checks back at the end of the month like we used to do but you'll get a bank statement back telling you the check number that was received and so on you need the so you can't take your check and prove you paid something and so let's just say you have a car payment and that car payment is due or maybe two car payments that are due B because you've made one and you made another one but they have no record somehow and what's going to be happening in in the future they're going to demand that you prove you have made the payments that you have made so you need to have up-to-date proof printed from their website that you made your house payment you made your car payment you made that loan payment if that's if you're making payments you need to be able able to prove that you've done that and again you won't have checks to make for that proof so you need to have you need to have something in your hand that's a hard copy from them that tells you you made that payment I have that I have every two weeks I go in and I make a copy of what I paid in my bank because I have online payments that I do and so on and so I just make I make that list and it tells me and it shows me right there you made your house payment and you paid your utilities and so on but in addition to that I've told my staff you need to have cash preferably for a month if not a month then at least two weeks you need to have cash not in the bank you need to have it somewhere that you can get to it you need to have it I'm not going to tell you if I'm not going to give ideas we're let's just say not in a safety deposit in a bank not in not in some place that people can easily find it you need to remember where it is by the way that's pretty difficult to go where did I hide that money oh my goodness I hid it someplace where nobody could find it now I can't even find it so you need to be able to find to be able to find that you might want to tape it to the top of your dresser drawer underneath so that like a piece of paper so it tells you where you pour you hid of that something along that nature and you'll have to use your own wisdom to do that but you need to have cash on hand because the day is coming when you won't be able to get to that cash you need to have at least two weeks worth of food if not longer I would prefer at least a month worth of food and even then I would say if not longer but then some of you some of you you'd store food and that's not what God is telling you to do some of you get into a fear issue that's not what God is saying either he is just simply saying you want you to have wisdom and he'll tell you what to do if you listen to what he wants you need to have batteries because if the electricity goes out for prolonged period of time you're going to go through batteries like crazy and you'll need to have batteries that to replace the batteries that go out and you need to know what type of batteries you need for example do you need 9-volt batteries do you need double-a triple-a do you need C batteries do you need type D batteries and so on you need to know what kind of batteries at least that your flashlights take so you'll need you'll need to know that so every single one of you could have water that you have extra jugs up you could have cash that you know how to get ahold of you can have food that will tide you over for a period of time at least two weeks if not a month you can have batteries that that you can you can get to and then you need to take a look at what I call real needs real needs this topic this the perfect storm topic or the the things that are going on right now there is there's treachery in the air I just I don't know how to tell you and I don't even know all that it means myself I just know there is treachery in the air and with that you need to understand some things that you might go through now what happens in Saginaw Michigan may not be the same thing that happens in Orlando Florida and what happens in Orlando may not be the same thing that happens in in Tulsa Oklahoma but we do know this that the Lord is giving us some some nudging of preparation and I'm it's falls upon my shoulders to do my part I'm not the whole part I have a sliver a small sliver of this but it falls upon my shoulders to do my part to let you know it's time time to really get prepared this is such a big topic we can't cover it on the streams ministries website so we have set up a separate website to cover this and that website is preparing for the perfect storm com simply preparing for the perfect storm calm and on there you'll see things that disappear from stores very quickly you'll see real real needs like real money what is what is real money and how do you do this you'll see things like like real personal needs such as toothpaste or toothbrushes and and that type of thing do you have an extra at the house and all this type of things you're going to find that on preparing for the perfect storm calm under scarce scarce items I believe it's under scarce items so I want to read you some of the headlines that I have not read publicly maybe I believe it too publicly a few of these not very many but it's again I just feel pressed I believe pressed by the Holy Spirit to to do this again I wish I could tell you when they're going to happen I don't I don't know I may have seen a date but it doesn't tell me whether it's July 17th of this year or next year or September this year next year or the following year I don't know so so as not to not to cloud things I'm just going to leave it simply as headlines that I have that I have seen and here here's some of them and and if I can to by lines that go along along with them first headline that's not this is not the order in which they came by the way so I put them down in the order that they came to my mind but they are not the order in which they came to me and they're certainly not the order in which they're going to be fulfilled so I just ought to say that as well for your sake too big to fail fails Nations Bank being pushed and I don't know I don't know how all this is going to happen but because of certain bank failures gnash a National Bank is going to be pushed some of you probably have seen the episode here on beyond where I talked about a dream that I had where I believe it was last spring of the summer where I told about a being inside of a senator's body or a congressman's body having my arm around the the president comes up and I have my arm around him and he's very skinny very thin and he talks about about funding drying up and he also and and he said he said you need to do what you're going to do quickly because funds are going to dry up and then I found myself inside of a Bank of America building and that and the Bank of America was building was bustling and I talked to a vice-president there and a loan officer vice-president loan officer and he was talking to me and and things were going well like 20 20 tellers at the at windows a big boa building and lots of stuff going on inside there then the scene changes and I find myself back in that building and when I find myself back in the building I look for the loan officer the loan officer I said how's things going and he goes well we're not too busy that's good and we're not too busy and that's bad scene changes again and I go back into that same boa building I find myself opening the door walking the same boa building and this time I look for my friend the loan officer but he's not there and he had quit to go to work for his found out he quit to go to work for his family business thought it was an opportune time business was down but I noticed that just like half the number of loan officers and half the number of tellers at the BOE window at the teller windows so that seemed changes and I'm back in boa the same boa building again this time there's like one loan officer and one teller and a lot of empty desk and a lot of empty windows and I go oh no it's happened now that HAP that dream came to me in May of this this past year and just last week of the week just the week before or was it last week that things are going so fast it's hard to remember I believe it was lat the week before last that Bank of America note of sent out notice that it was going to layoff I believe 16,000 people by the end of this year and if I remember right 30,000 people next year or next year are just after that and and I thought the dream that I had is starting to play itself out so that that I think may have something to do with the headline Lord gave me before I had that dream I saw this headline too big to fail fails Nations Bank being pushed I believe what's going to happen is they're going to nationalize Bank of America and it would change the entire banking system in the United States perhaps in the world when that happens it will set the precedent for the next phase of economic things next next headline that I not the next one I saw but the next headline is this is the infrastructure of America beyond repair meaning it takes so much money to repair the deferred maintenance that we've had we don't have the money to do the deferred maintenance any longer the next headline the rise and fall of the political parties new third party gains ground the rise and fall of political part of the political parties new third party games ground next headline the Washington Monument tilts more delays announced two other monument repairs it's it was like repairs that needed to be done on the Washington Monument were delayed because the monument started tilting and not only what apparently it now let's throw the tilting it started tilting more than it had and so delays were repeated too were announced and it wasn't just it wasn't just to the Washington Monument it was also to other monuments in Washington DC there was delays announced to to monument repairs no no I saw this this strange headline that said the Great Divide the new normal on the Mississippi River in something it's like this was a headline after an earthquake's a little while after an earthquake had happened and they were no longer able to go all the way up the Mississippi from New Orleans all the way up to Mississippi they weren't able to any longer somehow something happened with the river and in an earthquake and so they call it the Great Divide and how business was now operating on the Mississippi River since they could not traverse the whole the whole way up another headline Washington DC riot Washington DC riots continue that's all I saw Washington DC riots continued and then I saw another headline said Chicago up in arms and I believe that had to refer to something of anger maybe riots I don't know I don't want to suppose too much I just sometimes I see headlines I just I don't know what that headline means that's just the headline I saw Chicago up in the arms then it's lost another string or I've seen another strange headline and it's simply said where's the Navy something had happened in the Gulf of Mexico either the Gulf of Mexico and or on one of the coasts and it said where's the Navy it's like something happened and the Navy should have spotted this issue before it happened and they didn't catch it somehow it got under the radar it bypassed the radar it somehow it got got around our protective grid and the ocean protective grid that we have around this nation it got around that and I'm not I don't know how that happened but it did and another headline I saw was new United America being pushed it was like there had to be something economically done with Canada United States Mexico and I'm not sure about South America maybe I just am not sure but for sure Mexico the United States and Canada an economic issue had arisen worldwide economic issue and our solution or the solution it was being pushed was that we become almost like instead of the United States it would be United America and I'm not saying that's the name of it but that's that's the headline that I that I saw new United America being pushed another headline I saw was GPS loses its GPS it's as if for some reason the Global Positioning System GPS no longer worked like it was supposed to work something something happened I'm not sure what it was I can always suppose but I'm again I'm trying to limit this to what I saw or saw a byline or caught a sentence of an article about about what happened I don't I don't know what that means GPS loses its GPS another headline I saw was three planes down from solar tsunami three planes down from solar tsunami and others were missing but it didn't give a number it just said three planes down from solar tsunami then as I read on down and a byline others there were other planes that were missing they were trying to track directly I'm down I'll find out what happened one that I've said said for a while I actually had this this this was actually the first headline that the Lord gave me the very first headline he gave me this was in September of 1985 and September of 1985 the first headline I saw was was this and this was one with a newspaper the first time a newspaper came to me flat and stin stood up before me and I read the headlines and it simply said this volcano erupts near Tokyo seven million dead another million missing volcano erupts near Tokyo seven million dead another million missing and now in this headline actually it was a little more than a headline I I was I was actually found myself standing across from Tokyo on a high and either on a mountain or a high hill or something across from Tokyo some blooming a tree was blooming our head is either at blossoming or it was just finishing blossoming a high-speed train had just gone by on the railroad tracks a little bit in front of me maybe maybe 200 yards down from where I was standing and I looked across the city of Tokyo at a huge mountain in the background that was half covered with snow snow was about halfway halfway down on it and I saw a plume of smoke or steam come out the side of the of the mountain and then I a little while later I saw another plume of steam or smoke come out the side of the bought the mountain the volcano and then I saw a third plume come out the side of the volcano and a short while later I saw its shake and I could hear all the noise of the city the people the people that trains the the planes going overhead they just a hustle and bustle of a huge huge huge city but when this thing happened when it erupted I remember I remember saying oh this is worse than Mount st. Helens and it blew and and smoke and ash came towards the city but it was like steam water it like it was the water was so hot it melted things when it hit it it wouldn't just it blew things over but there was a melting that took place and then a short while later all the noise had turned to it became muffled and then it just quiet absolute absolute quiet and there's there's more details but I don't want to bore you with all the details of it but I'm concerned because at the time I had that Mount Fuji was a dead volcano but today it's now becoming active that's all I thought it was time I better bring that up up again because one day that will happen under the headline I saw was city tunnels closed after bomb a bomb went off and it and some I am some city tunnel I don't know where it was city some city tunnels were closed after the bomb another interesting headline I saw was this I said new year's terror was the the main capture of New Year's terror and then the byline was out with the nude in with the old out with the new in with the old now normally you say out with the old in with the new but this byline said out with the new in with the oldest like we said terrorism was dead but we found out it's not and so New Year's terror out with the new in with the old another headline I saw was record set for number of cities with riot curfews record set for number of cities with riot curfews then I saw another separate headline to said this martial law to be extended for 30 more days and it wasn't just one city it was more than one city I can't remember who at the cities were you know it's like one of those things where you remembered and you're in the experience but you don't remember when you come out of it so don't remember what the cities were but simply said martial law to be extended for 30 more days another headline I saw severe cuts in number of soldiers severe military cut in number of soldiers another headline nucular disaster under the high seas I don't know what that meant but it said nuclear disaster under the high seas another headline ocean temperature rise spreading millions of fish dying something they were trying to find out what happened and I'm not sure they were they were had narrowed down to two or three things and one of them I remember was like the earth opening and the heat from the from the earth like the core of the earth I'm not saying literally the core of the earth but deep inside the earth where there's much higher temperature was being released into the sea at such a rate that a lot the crack of the fissure was so large they were thinking that that's what was causing the ocean temperature to rise and as millions of fish died the picture I saw was whales were dying walruses were dying porpoises were dying and this happened in the Pacific Ocean and the Pacific Ocean another headline I saw was blight in grains spreading blight in grayned spreading there was and it's like there was almost you would think one blight was done and another blight would hit a different type of grain more than one grain was affected another headline drought continues to cause prayer to rise so drought continues to cause prayer to rise another headline I saw NFL postpones all games until answers found NFL postpones all games until answers found another headline read does God play softball hail the size of softballs destroy thousands of homes and autos don't know where that was but this does God play softball you might remember those of you that have been watching since we've been on Mike hello went on now year and a half year and a half that the Lord had me talk about hail more than two feet of hail that would fall on the flat ground more than two feet of hail would follow the flat ground that happened in April in in north north and the panhandle of Texas I think up near Amarillo two feet of hail on wooden two feet actually it was four feet of hail and I just solved more than two feats what I heard more than two feet and ended up being four feet of hail fell on the flat ground in April of this year 2012 you might remember that or you might go back and check that but you'll find out it's it's accurate and so that that already came to pass another headline I saw was the new North Pole is found in North Russia the new North Pole is found in North Russia meaning the North Pole had so the the magnetic north pole had moved so much that it was no longer under the North Pole it was in northern Russia had shifted by that many many kilometers cyberattack cripples grid multiple collapses with restart efforts so cyberattack cripples Grid multiple collapses with restart efforts don't know what that where that was I don't know what grid that was I just know that was a headline another headline is said politics and trust the new oxymoron politics and trust the new oxymoron meaning I guess that means that the time is coming when we won't be able to trust the political leaders to do what they say another headline what other secret weapons does Israel have has Israel played all of its cards was the byline what other secret weapons does Israel have apparently they had one and did something or if they somehow it was found out about and then the byline was has Israel played all of its cards another headline was loss of identity the cost to belong to the new euro community the loss of identity the cost to belong to the new euro community another headline was radical solutions create shockwaves administration says we ran out of answers so radical solutions create shockwaves administration says we ran out of answers so it's like they they tried everything they need to did so they had to do something that never thought about doing never thought really that was that wiser I'm not sure but it was obviously shocking to people what the solutions are what they went on went on to do another headline Israel if missiles hit Jerusalem Mecca will be hit within minutes Israel says if missiles hit Jerusalem Mecca will be hit within minutes so it's like they were using that as a protection mechanism some another issue a drought but this one said record high temps accompany record droughts swept south record high temps accompany record droughts swept south another headline demand for class exceeds skyrocket demand for class exceeds skyrocket another headline derivative panic hits global markets derivative panic hits global markets another headline food prices lead nations escalating inflation woes food prices lead nations escalating inflation woes and then this one kind of this is like County came just not that long after that and it said this Cisco and Kraft considers guards on delivery trucks as food nears 40% of the family budget Cisco and Kraft considers guards on delivery trucks as food nears 40% of the family budget and a little bit of what I remember reading I didn't get to read much about it but a little bit of what I remember reading had something to do with food was so expensive people would people would actually Rob food trucks while they were the driver would be in delivering the food into the store they they would Rob food trucks not and they would lock they tried locking the trucks with padlocks so the driver had to come out and unpaid lock the truck every time but then they were also beating the truck driver and robbing the food truck and also using some type of a a torch or saw or something that while the driver was in then they had this lock mechanism that I guess was hard to get to but they just cut a hole in the side of the truck they just cut a hole inside the truck and went into the side of the truck through the middle of a truck and took the food out while the driver was delivering delivering the food so Cisco and Kraft apparently one day are going to consider guards under delivery trucks another headline I saw that caused me great concern was simply this it said big regulations hit small banks big regulations hit small banks another one said simply said credit markets freeze up credit markets freeze up and the last one that I'm going to read tonight was this it said the new face of Robin Hood flash mobs loot rich neighborhoods flash mobs loot rich neighborhoods so those are headlines that I felt I needed to start sharing and this is one of those places we're going to probably put it we're going to put it on the on the preparing for the perfect storm a web site I'm sure we'll probably have it up for a while under news on the streams ministry's website as well and because it's I need to tell let people know for whatever reason that these headlines are out there and they'll be they'll be reading some of those headlines before before too long I'm afraid you
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 241,416
Rating: 4.8582573 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson, Streams Ministries, Streams TV, prophetic, prophecy, the perfect storm, perfect storm, revelation, prophetic headlines
Id: su7-gje3wwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2012
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