Dream Lab Journey to the Mountain

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[Music] you so welcome to the dream lab glad you guys tuned in this month we're getting ready to go through another dream and we have our friend Rahel that's going to come up and share a dream for you guys and we'll get to walk through this one together come on up so I saw my parents they were just back from a vacation from some mountains and that was some twenty four thousand feet high and they told me that they wanted to take me there along with them and then the scene changes and then I see that it's the vacation time for me and then I was on my way to my home and and then I started seeing small houses and shops on the side of the road that was off some main road it was late in the evening and dark but I took a shelter in a small house to my surprise I saw that there was a 1 feet square of me of miniature farm having real wheat plants and it was they oh that area it was having sunlight over that area in that room and then a girl was taking care of it and she said to me that the wheat friend used here would be sufficient for this entire region and I was kind of surprised the scene changes and then I was in my family house but it was not my real family house I felt that my cousins were there and I was quite excited I had two weeks of vacation and then I was told to be ready because my parents were about to come and pick me up to go to that mountain which was 24,000 feet high for a vacation but I really wanted to be my friends and my cousins but then no one was ready to come along with me then someone told me that my parents were waiting in a three-wheeler public transport outside and when I came out of the room I was kind of thinking to myself that out of two weeks of vacation my five days would be gone with two days traveling up and down and two and half days on the mountains as I came to us the vehicle it looked like a small car I saw that my parents were sitting on the backseat and I thought since there isn't much space I'll sit on the seat next to the driver but my parents insisted that there was enough place to sit behind and as I peeped inside the car I could see beautiful white tufted sofas in the car and inside the car it was all lit up it was all enlarged as the size of a big room so I came and sat with my parents and then I also saw a few people joining and as we were on the way to the mountains I heard people saying that most people lose their rings on the top of the mountains and when I realized it I actually had this kind of ring on my finger and it had lots of precious stone and I told to myself that I'll be careful and I will not lose that ring we were at the foot of the mountain and there was a small place to eat just to take a rest for that night and I saw food being cooked there and it was a small room and to my surprise they said that this food will suffice almost 30,000 people per day who came to visit the mountain and I was sitting on one of the benches there were two benches and I saw that that there was a bench and a number of round not two in the size of extra-large pizza was wrote was wrong of us roasted in a huge oven and it was done by a man who had plenty of dough and he was rolling it out and when the nachos was fully cooked he used a rod to take it out and put it on the other side but the interesting thing was the rod never touched the nachos and I caught up okay so let's see if we can remember this so it starts out the year your parents were had gone up under this mountain it was 24,000 foot tall and they were really excited because it was so good and they told you that they wanted to take you there and the next scene you're traveling to meet up with your parents because you're having vacation time and you're seeing you know it's not necessarily a main road but more of a side road and you're seeing all these little places off to the side of the road and one of them is a house that you're now in that is open to all the lights and they're growing wheat in this house and they're explaining to you how the wheat is enough wheat to supply this whole region with food and you're thinking that doesn't even make sense it doesn't look like very much but Wow okay and then the scene changes in your in your family home and in your family home your cousins are there you're really excited to see your family you're excited to be with them you know that your parents are coming to pick you up to take you on this vacation and you're realizing you only have two weeks and you want to spend time with your family and then you're thinking about the fact that it's going to take two and a half days to drive to this mountain and two and a half days to drive back you're not even have very much time on the mountain and then someone mentions that your parents are outside in the vehicle waiting for you and so you go outside to where this vehicle is and it's this little three-wheeled vehicle the driver in the front and the seat in the back it looks yeah and then looks like this bigger car but as you're looking at it you're thinking there's not a lot of room in the back I should sit up with the driver and your parents say no no there's plenty of room and they you look inside of the car and you see these huge white couches and this thing is it's like a big vehicle and you're like there's plenty of space and so you get into the car and you begin to move towards this mountain and as you're moving towards the mountain you're hearing people talk about this mountain and somebody says a lot of people lose their rings on this mountain and you have your ring that's on your finger and you're thinking I'm gonna be very very careful so that I don't lose my ring on this mountain and you're traveling up to this mountain twenty four thousand feet tall and so that next day we can go up but we were just taking rest and was trying to have some food trying to have some food again and then that's where you are in this in the shop and they're talking about how they have they they provide enough food that feeds 30,000 people every single day and you're thinking again this doesn't make sense that's so much more than what you would think for this little thing and you see this guy that's working with these pizzas and he's got all these dough and he's rolling it out making these these big pizzas and he's cooking it in the oven but when he moves it off to the rack to cool he picks it up but he doesn't actually touch it with the rod that he's using to pick it up but it moves however he's doing that I could see the rods touching those things and lifting I could just see his hand movements with the BOD okay and it just moved yes and then that was the end of the dream yes okay thank you yay okay fun dream keep it simple oh my god oh yeah I'm not gonna remember all the details anyways make sure you get the the main points so what you're gonna do is sit down find your what's what are you going to title this one all kinds of titles you come up with what's your focus who are what your focus what are your Sub Focus is what are your details right that out and then come up with an interpretation and when you're ready start the video again go ahead and pause your video now but when you're ready start the video again and see what we came up with here in the lab you alright ok so welcome back to the dream lab we're getting ready to diagram this dream I hope you've had some fun and your page probably looks very confusing with your bubbles but we'll try to clarify that as we go through what you guys come up with as a title for this one journey to the mountain okay journey to the mountain who our what's our focus some focuses and let's start in the order of the drink let's kind of walk through so first part of the dream parents very important what happens to the parents so I'm gonna put 24 hey you know and I never thought of this how many places like 24 K does that actually equate outside of the United States does that mean something in India 24 K would that be a way you would say 24,000 yeah okay okay so it does equate cross-culturally I just realize I mean I've actually got to think about this stuff because I don't always think how American I actually talk until I go other places and I'm like wait a second we speak funny where I'm from all right it's very next our next piece right so she's traveling and she sees the farm that was in a house all right and I'm just gonna write farm and remember that was wheat could write wheat farm and then I'm gonna write region because we need to remember that feeds the whole region okay what's next yeah where am I gonna put that it came in here somewhere and it's furs so two-week vacation yes so family house and so I'm just debating cuz family sells cousins but I'm gonna put the cousins there just to help us remember that this is the extended family okay what next [Music] [Applause] three-wheeled car white couches and we'll just we'll use this to remember how big because the three-wheeled car is not gonna have couches alright so that we'll use we'll just tie in the fact that it's white tight fact that there's a lot more room than expected oh it turned into a four-wheel car okay so I'll put an arrow okay right I'm not gonna right pizza helps if I make a Z instead of an S so and that was during the car she hears the ring and I'm gonna put the question mark to remind us that that was she hears people lose their rings up on this mountain oh I'm gonna be very careful not to lose my ring okay [Music] yes all right so let's start out with getting a couple of your interpretations so I know we've got somebody that's excited to jump up here in their interpretation yay that's it that's the right shirt for this be brave this by no means covers everything beautiful dreams what we decided this dream is about the position of authority that you've been invited into in the courts of heaven or the high places and the access that you've been given to supernatural provision as you pursue rest and adventure in the Lord and continue in a relationship with spiritual mothers and fathers you will find that he has made a spacious place for you and there's always more than enough you also have the wisdom to guard the authority you've been given and not forfeit your spiritual position as many others have done on their way up to the high places I'm mad that it's it's everything maybe maybe the question mark here of her hearts with her family even though she knows she's called to move on alright anybody else have another way of saying that another perspective on it alright we've got a couple of them so Alan and then Melanie will come up next yay all right I'd love that interpretation that we just heard and so this is just a little different way of saying the same thing but this dream Rahel actually tells me a lot about you you have I believe a spiritual heritage I don't know your spiritual background but I can I can tell by the dream that you really have a your heritage and you're probably a very spiritual person and this is an invitation to you to come up to a higher place of spiritual authority and leadership and there are a couple of a couple of details in the dream that are significant for example that the the family your cousins were not ready to go with you and so you may have to be faced with you may be faced with a decision to actually move on to this to achieve this spiritual invitation to answer the spiritual invitation even though your family is not ready to go with you that may be a decision that you have to make and also there's a caution in the dream many other people have lost their rings they have given up on their commitments as they've gone up the mountain and so there's a caution to you and you you feel the urgency to hold on to your ring and to make sure that you stay true to your commitment and so I I would just encourage you to pursue this invitation this high invitation to go to go up higher you see how Eve even as he was saying that he was he was trying very carefully to use language that was not exactly Christian ease on and when you get a dream like this it's it's so hard and so yeah like if you were if you were on the streets I mean you get a dream like this you're gonna know a bunch already but you you never want to assume and so a great question to ask and and you know I've done this like when I was up in hunting happenings that I'd asked this a lot people that have a calling dream like this and I just say hey I got a question what would you what's your spiritual background like you know what was spirituality like for you growing up and usually because that's very different than if you know in that type of setting you say you know what what does spirituality mean to you right now that's going to say one thing versus what's your spiritual background and so they'll usually go into well I used to but now they will add the but now but you because a lot of times there's heritage especially with a dream like this it's got all the generational stuff that's going on in that that that is tied to it you know you have some you have some good clues but that was a great way of doing that without using that language yeah great Melanie come on up I wanted to add some details that we were talking about in our group one of the things obviously the 24k mountain that that is God's dwelling place that that's God's Mountain the gold and all of that but wanted it but things that stood out stuck out to us was that this was vacation it wasn't work so it was a place of rest and that her two weeks were coming up and she only had five designated days so she was due her rest so it's time to rest and that then with the rain that went okay and then with the family that could be the church family or it could be her her real family but there's a difference between she sent friends and cousins friends you pick cousins which kind of stuck with and or they were picked for you you know you didn't get a choice in that but none of them were ready to go only she was ready to go so who you're surrounded with whether you invited them into your life or whether they're there before you got to decide they're part of you know your your surroundings no one was ready and you still had to make the decision that you're gonna go and then with the ring we thought it was very significant that what the ring represents and that she had a warning that a lot of people lose their ring at the top of the mountain so when they go when people go there to rest in that high place that belongs to the Lord they people might have a tendency to lose their coven or lose their promise so she made a declaration that she felt very good about saying that's not going to happen to me and then if I'm remembering correctly then after that she looked down and she saw stones in the ring and so it's like the further of the furthering of the promise more was revealed so like going generally speaking you're being called to a higher place than it's going to be rest it's not going to be work and all along the way you're gonna get to see that what you thought was small becomes huge and accommodates many and you're gonna get to experience that and that's actually your training ground so that by the time you get to them on top of the mountain to rest you're ready for that and you'll not lose any of your promises that's good Wow yeah and there's so many great things that we could pull out on a dream like this one of the things to recognize is a journey dream so there are a lot of times where you run into dreams where the dream is a journey and on the dream the dreamer is actually going through there traveling from this place to the next and different things happen along that journey most of the time that's a timeline so it's talking about different parts of the journey and the question that always comes up is where is the dreamer at now and that that's the question there's nothing in this dream that says exactly where they're at it it's left with part of the journey still yet to be fulfilled but the expectation that they're going there and so you have the the first part of you know spiritual leaders or spiritual parents or people that have looked up to that have had encounters that have gone into the high places with the Lord you have the second part we're recognizing that the people that are involved in the harvest have been doing a lot more than what would seem to be allowed that would seem to be normal that they're able to do a lot more we talking about harvest so debts that was a ministry that was involved in evangelism that was probably small but was affecting a lot of people was affecting a whole region and that was going on then there was a season where there had to be a choice to choose family or choose to go further and God was calling and the choice had to be made and to move into this new thing and what it's done is is you know at first she thought that there was a there wasn't a lot of space for her on this journey but the recognition that there's a lot more spaces a lot more favored than what she realizes with what she knows and that she's going to be taken to this and in the process she's going to learn about the things that other people have had to go through that hurt them that they caused difficulties so that she doesn't fall into the same traps and have that happen again and then again another ministry where it looks small but it's huge I mean 30,000 people and 30,000 you get pizza that's gonna feed 30,000 people that that 30,000 there's something important about that often times you'll find 30 is representing the beginning of ministry all right Jesus was 30 when when he stepped into ministry and I can't remember that I think was it David that was 30 when he first became King Hebburn um so you you have these you have a couple different things but 30 will often represent this thing but it's very different than then harvest this is something that's prepared right that's being given to other people but it's given it's being given in a way that's supernatural that's beyond just the capacity I mean she sees the hand and she knows that there's a coal but she's not seeing anything actually touching the food but it's being put where it needs to be so that it's ready and so there's that that supernatural element of what she's recognizing and the next part of the journey is is beginning to climb this mountain towards a whole nother level of authority so that's a lot of fun yay so and one more piece three-wheeled versus four wheel and got now got a question is rickshaw is it that's the three wheel so it was a rickshaw that turned into a car so what you thought was gonna be local to your heritage and how you grew up cuz they grew up in India and they've moved over to the states in the last two years three years yeah so that background gives you a little bit of understanding that they thought it was gonna look a little bit more local to what they were used to but it's actually much bigger and has more room than what they thought and so going from the three will the rickshaw to the car which would be more Western type transportation at what they've been brought into looks a little bit different than what they initially thought but it's got a lot more room to take them where they're going so the Trinity will empower except for its once they actually get moving it's four wheels instead of the Trinity okay yeah okay yeah so do we get our comments questions come on up I'll let you get on the camera that way you guys can hear what we're saying so my question is um you said this is a journey dream yeah um if you were talking to the dreamer are you telling her that some of this has already happened and there's more to come or is this all future that's basically my question yeah and that's a really good question now I know enough about their situation in their history that I can place them they're probably right about here okay maybe here but I don't want to say that very clearly because I don't have clear revelation on that I know that from knowledge and I can look at the pattern of their life and I can see sorry I can see this so just from the dream itself the the only clue that you have the fact that the journey was left before it ended and so generally that means that they're there right at the end and they're ready to go to whatever didn't get finished so that this is what's happened and this is where they're going so sometimes it's happened sometimes it's happening right you've got to come up if you're gonna give them clue to that the husband is now going to speak into the situation and clarify some things for us you know the beet farm and the whole region you know knowing my in-laws they actually you know the actual parents they have a small congregation that gathers in their home has been for quite a while and they've actually helped another ministry you know before in the past but that that small congregation of you know the weed farm the small congregation of how is why I say that is because all the people that come to their home for that Sunday afternoon prayer service if you may call call it that they're all Hindus they're not from any Christian background they are all people who have actually come from a non believing background who come there because they you know there and there are signs and wonders they get delivered of demons or they get healed and that's the reason why they keep coming back and then you know they're fed the Word of God that's the small congregation so not definitely their part is I was great I'll see you that's so good yeah come on up kill all of the people who get stuck in the details yes so um I was wondering because she said rod and I immediately went into Christianese um and then you said pol it was a well I should have I should have asked her because she said rod and the rod didn't touch the piece of butt that you know and so when I heard that I thought I thought the rod was significant and could it could it be because when I heard rod I thought well that's the Lord making food and he is serving the people that was my assumption but when I thought rod I was wondering if it was somehow like don't be afraid of correction don't don't be like in the higher places at the base of the mountain where you're going to a place where things have happened to people they've lost their rings no no no no that that whole thing that it it might be it it's almost like the whole thing was training the whole thing is things are not what they seem opening her perspective changing her perspective during the entire journey and then when you get to the end like the kind of the beginning which is the base of the mountain which is a pizzas but because he was feeding the people using the rod is that a significant it can be it can be um and one of the things I mean again you're learning a lot of lessons by looking at different things and so and in how you say that you would want to say let's say if you've gone in that direction you wouldn't say you've experienced the rod you've been taught through correction but it's just saying you know but if the rod would represent correction in that then you'd say that you've recognized how God has given people sustenance through correction and through yeah it seemed like a very healthy a very like vibrant alive run it wasn't something to be like shying away from yeah but one of the things you might want to do is is you know I I would almost clarify because the rod that would be correction is very specific rod right because Shepherds rod that's the only one that actually represents correction yeah so you know what was that rod and it was a is that just a word that you're using to describe what he was using did that look like the normal thing or was it an odd thing because it just depends on how you yeah right so that was my only thing I do get in the details of it well in in that that's an important piece because getting into the details so when you take like a word play like that it might be helpful just to ask the dreamer so got a question you called that a rod like tell me a little bit about that is that rod was it it looks specific or did you just know about it but then she was did you say that you didn't actually see it you just knew he was moving it you could see his hand but you saw the pizzas moving okay kind of like what you would see at a brick oven pizza yes okay okay so another thing and they never think she said that was kind of interesting she's like there was a lot of dough and I was like that's why on Russ yeah you know so I different language because there's our slang no that's good that's good well and that raises a great question because when you go cross-culturally you've got a lot of different things that play into it so you know here I'm we use dough as slang for money and so there's a lot of dough oh there's a lot of provision so you you would want to in a dream like this where the dough is being used in a particular purpose and you're seeing the the pizza the pies that's actually been prepared in a cook dinner and are done being prepared you probably are not going to put as much import on the word dough just simply because of how it's being now if it was just though that was sitting there and you weren't seeing that full process then you might it was more about something that's that there's there's plenty for more to be prepared there's some that's in the process of being prepared there's some that's already prepared and is ready to be released ready to be delivered and it's happening in a very super natural way so again you let that sometimes the dream will give you some clues that help you to the dream will interpret itself when it doesn't have that and then you're asking Holy Spirit now does that fit great idea okay how does that yeah that I feel something on that thing then you go for it and that that's how you figure it out but if there's something in the dream that okay so yeah that kind of makes sense here but when you follow this through and he's kneading out the dough he's making it into these pies how does that fit does that symbolism still fit everything else that's happening to that thing in the dream because if it doesn't if you have to kind of change the dream to keep that symbolism then you know that's not the right symbolism so that I mean it kind of could be either way is it about dough that's being prepared that's gonna feed other people finances that's going to provide other people or is it just that the the fact that it's a foundation I went with the idea there was the foundation of what's being prepared in the process so what a fun dream I know that was a long one thankfully you guys have a video you could stop it and listen and write down all of your details it's a lot easier than when you're listening to it live but hey bless you guys thanks for joining the lab and we will see you next month with another dream
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 4,850
Rating: 4.9764705 out of 5
Id: 3IFpZqgB4Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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