I'm About To Blow Up! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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bless me so much even folk that don't like me cannot deny that you bless in my life bless me so much that the people who know my dirt understand I know that fool ain't no good but God is blessing that jokah right there do I got some NP people in here who testify a god don't bless me a little bit don't don't leave no point of error of who did it blast me indeed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] while you're standing I want to summon your senses and invite you in to let the book of first Chronicles the book of first Chronicles chapter number four first chronicles chapter four and it is there that the Holy Spirit has highlighted for us this familiar passage of Scripture beginning with verse number nine first chronicles chapter 4 verse 9 if you don't have a Bible the word of the Lord is on the screens for your viewing if I'm assured readin jay-bez was more honorable than his brothers and his mother called his name jay-bez because I bear him with sorrow and jay-bez called on the God of Israel saying oh that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my coasts and that your hand might be with me and that you would keep me from evil that it may not grieve me and God granted him that which he requested 1 tag this text I'm about to blow up [Applause] would you just tell somebody I'm this year I'm about to blow up [Applause] now that neighbor got jealous so look at the other neighbor and tell him neighbor I'm about to blow up this year sand is cheap you can go to any beach and get your hands on some sand for free doesn't cost you anything to get access to sand if you take that sand and bag it and lay it in a playground it now has a cost if you take that sand and glue it to paper and make sand paper it now has another cost if you take that sand and heat it and take it through a process and attach it to a computer chip it now is worth hundreds of dollars if it's on the beach is free and out there on the beach that gets laid on stepped on and watered down but if you take it off the beach put it in a bag it now has a value if you take it and glue it to paper it now has another value if you heat it and process it and attach it to a computer chip it now has another value somehow we have to see that maybe our value changes once we are taken out of the common the familiar and the ordinary because as long as you're in the common the familiar and the ordinary you get stepped on laid on and watered down but your value changes as your purpose changes I'm not getting through to you I said your value changes as your purpose changes therefore ladies and gentlemen if you want some value you've got to have a purpose otherwise you get laid on stepped on and watered down and you get laid on stepped on and watered down for free but when your purpose changes your value increases I'm not getting through to these people over here maybe you have not discovered your value because you haven't moved out of the familiar and this year ladies and gentlemen God has kept you alive another year to move you out of the familiar so that your value can increase I'm trying to tell you that this is a year church where God is going to shift you into a greater value but you'd have to be willing to divorce yourself from the familiar and this person and personality here in first chronicles chapter 4 is a man who discovered an increased value once he decided to shift out of the familiar he has only discovered here in 1st chronicles chapter 2 for his name is no place else in the Bible there's only one other mention and that mention is to the place called jay-bez this is the person J Bayless strangely enough the historical backdrop of this passage finds us at that time and season where King Cyrus who was the king of Persia declared an edict to release the children of Israel out of babylonian captivity and allow them to go back into jerusalem and re-engage restart re-establish their lives the issue with that is this audience that came out of the captivity was not the audience that went into the captivity those persons died in the captivity these who have coming out of the captivity are the captivity children those who were born in Babylon who have no sensitivity to God's history with his people they only know bondage but this King has released them to go back into Jerusalem to engage their lives and they have no familiarity with the God who brought them out of Egypt through the wilderness into Canaan they only know slavery and bondage and thus it becomes a challenge for them to re-engage their lives under the obedience of a God who permitted them to go into bondage let me see if I can help it they're they're struggling now that they're out to re-engage with God because it was God who put their parents in and so they've got to try to be reestablished not only in their lives but in their faith how are we going to get re-established in our lives our town has been decimated God moved on the heart of the King to allow some resources from the royal treasury to be invested in the rebuilding of the temple and when they got there the first thing they did was not reconstruct their homes but they reconstructed God's temple somehow they were practicing this principle that we ought to seek ye first the kingdom of God and all of his righteousness and all of these things shall be added somehow they were convinced that God ought to be our priority and not on default so the King provides resources for them to be re-established and the anonymous writer of the book of Chronicles which in its original form was one book and not two books this anonymous writer begins this book with a lengthy genealogy and the first person in the genealogy is a man you and I know as Adam he is trying to establish that you ladies and gentlemen this audience coming out of Babylon back into reestablished in their lives is not just linked to Abraham you are linked to and if you are linked to Acton you are direct derivative of God he is trying to get them that in your effort to be reestablished I need to link you to God and in the smack-dab center of this genealogy it is as though while he's writing this genealogy the Holy Ghost arrests him to this person and personality by the name of jay-bez puts him right in the middle of the genealogy doesn't necessarily link him to anybody in the genealogy but you and I know historically that he comes from the tribe of Judah and because he comes from the tribe of Judah he is a member and a descendant of the people of Israel smack dab in the middle of this genealogy he highlights one thing about jay-bez which is significant to his audience listen to what he says about jay-bez keep in mind who he's talking to he's talking to people who need to reestablish their lives with God and he says oh by the way there's a fellow named jay-bez he's more honorable than his brothers because his mother named him jay-bez because she bore him with pain he prayed to God God granted him his request and he had more honor than his brothers I'll give you the summation jay-bez his name means sorrow and pain but when he prayed to God he got an enlarged territory a blessed life a hand of God on him and more honored here is the whole story all see this text from the eyes of the writer and here's what he said to his audience while I'm trying to get you all to reconnect with God let me stick jay-bez in here because jay-bez is an example of how God can put a good end on a bad beginning come in you excited about the beginning the Lords of Simon on my life for you today is to tell you it's only gonna get better cuz the end is gonna be better than how the beginning start that's God's word for somebody in here here is the story on here is the story I'm going to use jay-bez and what's so significant about jay-bez carol watson is that jay-bez is the first person in the book of chronicles that calls on the name of god he's in the middle of a genealogy and he sticks jay-bez right in the middle cuz somebody need us know that there's a God who can take a bad story and flip that Fame so good that by the time the story ends we'll never know it was bad at the beginning I wish I had about a hundred of y'all who testify it's not how you start it's how you end up I'll tell somebody this thing gonna end up big for me this year I'm bout to blow up you see me right now you need to get accustomed to hearing my name hearing my voice name how God's gonna bless me cuz I'm not just happy about the beginning of the year I'm already acting eared causes go in bigger than the way it's talk and jay-bez is the chroniclers example of how things can change when you call on God I wish I had a church around him he cure facing this story in the middle of this genealogy really the writer Matthew Hudson puts the conclusion in the introduction the way the story should read is jay-bez his mama named him jay-bez because she said I bear him with sorrow and he called on the Lord he prayed for petitions God gave him what he asked for and that's how you end up with honor that's the way the story should read but that's not how the story's written the story y'all missing is the story puts the conclusion at the beginning but y'all don't know when they get happened ladies and gentlemen when you see the end at the beginning you ain't sweat in the middle i'ma try this one more time see ladies and gentlemen you're already excited about this year but you can only be excited if you already see something at the end that's going to be worth you kicking up every morning what you watchin your face going to work handling your business cuz the end is already in dude he end up more honorable Dennis his brothers now here's the question how did that happen well really we can't start with anything other than his birth of his birth is his beginning look at this text she says I named him jay-bez and his and is documented in first person saying I bear him with sorrow ladies and gentlemen she translates his name his name in his Hebrew etymology means grief and sorrow and pain she says I named him jay-bez cuz I bear him with sorrow this is somewhat ambiguous until we see it in up against another passage you got a Bible she says I named him jay-bez because I bear him with sorrow that's a problem for the for the accurate exegete of this passage because it is inconsistent with every birth in Genesis chapter 3 after the fall god is issuing out penalties when he gets to eat he says I'm a penalize you by permitting you to have children in sorrow jay-bez mama says I had this boy with sorrow there's a difference between in sorrow and with sorrow what mama is saying is I gave him birth because there was some sorrow that came with him being born every woman bears children in sorrow but not every woman bears children with sorrow which suggests that there is some other issue going on in her life during the time this boy was born and she labelled him according to her issue [Applause] lord have mercy hold your boy here today every child is born in sorrow that's God's punishment to every woman but which sorrow means there was some outside issue going on that she couldn't shake and she put her problem on her son that every time somebody called this boy's name they were calling her problem when he went to school they were calling him to pain when he went to the parking lot when he went wherever he went he was always associated with somebody else's pain lord have mercy today what we don't see is the daddy [Applause] now your name is not married so you didn't have no Immaculate Conception [Applause] maybe she's in sorrow because of an absentee father because the actual etymology of the name translates he calls his pain well that he is again ambiguous because it could refer to the father it could refer to God it could refer to Satan but we are clear on is that there was some outside issue watch this that she is the reason why she couldn't get delivered from it because she put a name on it and every time she called that name the pain that she thought she was trying to get rid of because every time you label your pain you keep it alive and this is the year for you to stop putting a name on your pain and start living your life the way God wants you to live it and stop activating your own pain I'm sorry to report but your problem is not your man it's not your boo it's not your pain it's not your money it's your mouth is some stuck you got to let die and stop calling it a day [Applause] [Applause] if you wouldn't have never named it you would already spin over it how do you handle life when you got to live with somebody else's pain this isn't even his fault he has been attached and labeled by somebody else's and where did it change Lord holds your boy right here I'm glad this disses as big as it is and she called him jay-bez to perpetuate pain and one day he woke up and called on the Lord y'all don't know when they get happening one day he decided enough is enough this is gonna be the last day that I live with somebody else's baggage somebody else's somebody else's problem I'm going to find my own the name of God waffle tech says he called on the God of Israel y'all still asleep he did just call on God he called on the God of Israel still acting funny its strategic y'all because when I need God to change me I need to have a of reference of some work he's done in somebody else's life so I'm gonna call on the God of Israel because Israel used to be Jacob who was a slickster Ana and Ana Old Testament oh what a strip up people ain't people but one night in a nocturnal wrestling match God met Jacob and Jacob became Israel and his name got changed and here's proof that God can take a bad start and put a good onto a bad start okay Jefferson y'all still ain't getting this so let me get in somebody else's business this why the Lord sent you in here if jay-bez called on the God of Israel Gary to change things then what he was doing was calling on a God who would deliver him from what his own mama put on it see some of you all got a future but it's your own family you got to get delivered from some of you got a future but there are some generational curses that's got to be broken off or your life that's your own mom and daddy put on you and this year in the name of the Lord Jesus you've got to be the one to declare I'm gonna be the last one broke in my family I'm gonna be the last one to perforate this mess because that's my mama's issue but that ain't gonna be my issue [Applause] yes cuz your daddy got children with 50 different women don't mean you got to follow in that step just cuz your mama evil don't mean you got to be evil do I got anybody in here that's bold enough to say God even if you got to break me from what my own hair is put on me do what you got to do [Applause] cuz his request essentially is Lord I want a better life than my own mama Hey I don't wanna be the next her and she has put on me what I don't want my life to be I knew you wasn't gonna say nothing cuz that's what this text is essentially about the breaking of a generational curse and thus he prayed to God to give him a life that is the opposite of what his name is first thing he said Lord let me taste something you the God of Israel God that can make Jacob Israel you don't necessarily have to change my name but changed my life so that my life outweighs my name now god I got full things I want you to do Lord number one I want you to bless you boy listen y'all watch it watch what he says he said he said god bless me convincingly bless me indeed bless me so that nobody can deny I'm being blessed [Applause] bless me so much even folk that don't like me cannot deny that you bless in my life bless me so much that the people who know my dirt understand I know that fool ain't no good but God is blessing that jokah right there do I got some NP people in here who testify a god don't bless me a little bit don't don't leave no point of error who did it blast me in deep what does that mean what does it mean it means y'all that word bless means well it means to kneel it means the kneel it is the Hebrew word Barak similar to the first name of our president it means the meal when you and I bless God we kneel before God but jay-bez ask God to bless him hey Darius it was it was jay-bez asking God a God kneel my ways so when God blesses you it is God sitting on the throne but bringing his face forward your way when God blesses you it is God shining his face on your life thus that's why church we get the benediction the Lord God bless and keep you the Lord make his to shine on you y'all in Philippi it is the picture of you being in earth and God is sitting on the throne and nearly his face towards you and whenever he kneels his face towards you something good is about to happen so if he stick his face on yo job don't stick your face here no if you come in my house Lord put your face here do I got anybody in here that will set God's Jesse you just stick your face in my life now you'll neighbor think you arrogant you'll neighbor think you are bougie but look at me tell him neighbor there's some stuff out of life that ain't nobody give me black that's why I want him to bless me he said Lord bless me now for all of you all of you so call humble people who think is arrogant to ask God to bless you I want to remind you something you have not because you ask not the reason why you not bless is cuz you ain't asked to be bless a Spanish LP seek and ye shall find knock and the door shall be opened I got back one of y'all in here that will testify I don't care what my neighbor feel I don't care what they think I will God to bless me and that's that [Applause] he says first thing first thing I want to do is bless me recipe means Lord give me stuff that only can come from you no hookups I ain't got to sleep for this I ain't got to suck up to nobody for this ain't got to kiss up to nobody for this I ain't got to serve against my dignity for this cuz what God blessed me with only he can do it you said Lord bless me then he says I don't just want you to bless me I want you to end large [Applause] my territory okay he didn't say remove the borders he said in larger listen what he's saying he's not saying God take away don't take away any limits cuz I'm crazy so I need some borders okay let me talk to these people over here if you don't put no borders on me I'm gonna cuss somebody out so I need you to put some borders around me cuz they acting funny over there let me talk to these folk over here hey God if you don't put some borders only I'm gonna get out the car at the stop light I'm gonna tear that person to get out the car cuz it's going down right here so I need you to put some borders that if all you super Saints that's for the real people where the real people at Lord if you don't put some borders on me I'm gonna lose my job cuz I'm gonna put some hands on that sister right over there so I need you to put some borders I can't get no help in here anybody got testimony with me I'm saved and crazy yes I will your honor I'm saved and crazy you want to see my crazy side no you don't want to see my crazy side you better pray that God keep me in the borders I'm not asking you to eliminate the borders I'm asking you to enlarge come in it means Church expand my borders is a request for more land and more land means more work [Applause] so Jay what he asking God to do is don't just blow up my name but do something in my life that's gonna require more work for me I knew you weren't gonna say nothing on that cuz all of y'all just want God to do everything and you do nothing but you want rewards you can't get no more rewards if you don't want no my word breach totally Lord if you want some more rewards you got to get some boat work he said do something in my life that's gonna require more of me I know you weren't praying that huh I know you weren't praying that cuz you want to stay where you are and let your rewards increase no that's not life you can't be jealous at the next person who got more rewards and you don't want to do no work more rewards come with more work enlarged my coast but here's the blessed learning when you enlarge my coasts lord have mercy today's a larger closed shrinks my circumstances sleep okay all of you that are at this front row if you are at this pulpit this pulpit is really big but if you looking at the pulpit from the balcony it ain't that big from the balcony cuz the people from the balcony got a bigger view y'all still slowly God would you increase my territory every devil becomes a little smaller every issue becomes a little smaller because my view is my territory gets increase y'all still ain't acting funny when you down on the ground everything looks big but when you get up in a plane and look everything looks smaller you know why because your clothes fit expanded when you make my coasts bigger you make my circumstances small but I'm preaching good in here today chop your neighbors and that ball head man preach it good in here today anybody ready for your circumstances to be smaller what tell God increase my coast and my circumstances get small hey Brent his watch what he said he said hey man I want you to bless me and when you blessed me Tonya I want you to enlarge my coast because it shrinks my Devils see I told you I woke up with something remind you hey when you get a larger Coast you too busy for some people ain't got time to be playing games with you I got more land to work I don't have time to be involved in your gossip and your foolishness I got more land to work I don't have time to be in other people's business and be nosey I got no laying the work I ain't got time to be freaking out what's going on to somebody else Church I got no church to do he's a man bless me blow up my Coase behold honor when you do all that now don't leave me now let your hand let your hand be on man he's saying God when you decide to do all that don't you go nowhere don't you go off and start being busy and doing all the stuff you stick with your boy cuz I'll never ask you for something I don't need you for I'll never pray for something I don't need you to help get it done keep your hand tap your neighbor to your neighbors neighbor this next point is for you warn them tell them it's rough is rough hey hey Duke I'm practicing my Joel Olsteen right here see I'm walking got something new in 2020 they're gonna give me one of them ear mites it's gonna be a mess imma be walking all out there [Applause] walking all over here once you get them you hit me there Mike if you want some be up in the balcony preaching your all-over truth boy crazy listen listen y'all it's a rough point it's a real point I'm gonna try to say it with love he said lord if you blessed me and you enlarge my coasts and you keep your hand on me I'm also prone to some most sin cuz if I got mole and I got more space to mess up this is not for the fake Saints I want to talk to the real people listen to me Church you can't seeing a lot if you broke [Applause] what people can't seeing that much [Applause] [Music] but the people who got more resources got mold stuff to mess up with do I got anybody who tell the truth so he said God if you're gonna give me some mold on the outside of me I need you to do something on the inside of me listen at his request he said Lord keep me from evil that don't shout you cuz you didn't hear what he didn't say he did not say keep evil from me [Applause] he said keep me from evil he didn't say keep even from me here's what he's saying y'all he's saying y'all Lord touch me on the inside because you blessed my life does not eliminate my proclivity to do the wrong thing the more you bless me the more proud I am I can't stand no fake Church to mess up so I need you to touch me on the inside and keep me from doing evil come here mother's watch this it's a play on words it's a play on words I'm done when I tell you this because you look like you're tired it's a play on words he said Lord keep me from evil that it may not grieve me the word grief is the same Hebrew word as his name his name means sorrow and grief and pain he is saying Lord keep me from evil so I don't relive what you brought me out of so that I don't go back to the stuff that you brought me out of course if I wanted it out of my life I don't wanna have to deal with it again so what he's really praying for me is that God you took the burden of my mama's issue of me but now God I don't need you to let me become my mama all over again cuz after laughs I can't keep blaming my mama for my life after why I can't keep bringing my daddy for my life I can't keep blaming the white man for my life I've got to take responsibility for myself and do what's right [Applause] because the next grief that may happen to my life dent ain't my mama's fault my it ain't my daddy's fault whether he was there or not at some point you got to grow up I'm done Mike here's the clothes my life bout to blow up because God is about to answer some prayers [Applause] I'm believing God for some specific stuff that I am no longer ashamed to pray about I want big life I want a blessed life I want a life where God's hand is on my life and if God permits me to ask him I'm gonna take advantage of asking him would you just look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor neighbor I got it you got excuse me one more time cuz after I heard this word I'm getting ready to praise God for the next 30 seconds cuz my life is about to blow up I want God to bless me I want him to enlarge my coasts so that my circumstances will shrink I need about 30 of y'all to open your mouth and give God praise somebody give it glory you already [Music] the person might Sam I'm about to blow up Tim I'm about to blow up if they don't get excited for you turn to somebody else that's a neighbor I ain't got time for no haters today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] real quick we got to go real quick real quick real quick real quick real quick real quick real quick everybody in here everybody in here either you start to pray about what you want to see in this year or write it on a piece of paper and just leave it here at this altar and pray on it while you up it real quick real quick and God granted them what he requested and God granted them what he requested why because God is a God that can change things God is a God that can change things so my message is I don't have any paper write it on your phone and come pray over it right over your phone at this altar come pray over it right over the soldier God is a God that can change things you're already at the end you're already at the end at the beginning your life is gonna require more of you but you've got to be willing now to be that sand that steps off of the beach and goes into a greater level of value a greater level of purpose over your life you got some particular prayer requests bring them to the altar bring them to the altar whether it's on your phone wear this out of your mouth whether it's own paper bring it to the altar lay it before the Lord lay it before the Lord somebody needs a miracle this year a major miracle a major miracle a major miracle I want God to bless my business I want God to bless my children I want this to be the year that a generational curse is broken off of my life I want this to be the year that I come out of diabetes I want this to be the year that that that addictions are broken over my family normal generation or alcoholism no more generational pain the Bible says one line that changes whole life and jay-bez called on the God of Israel I need my family restored I need my family restored put that prayer in your mouth put it on your phone put it on your paper keep it keep it keep it lay it before the altar I need everybody in here to start praying I need everybody in here and jay-bez called on the name of the Lord I need everybody in here I need everybody if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven I'll hear their land forgive their sins there are some specific things you're seeking God for come on this your year fulfillment this your year fulfillment I'm putting this prophetic word over your life that God will give you more energy for more territory he's getting ready to give in your life God will give you more energy he's gonna change your perspective so that your problems will become smaller I'm not telling you you're gonna live a problem-free life I'm telling you your problem will be smaller as he expands your territory come on Church come on come on come on come on God wants to do something special but you've got to open your heart to him you got to open your heart to him halleluyah halleluyah would you do me a favor and grab one person just begin to pray for them pray with them sometimes intercession is the key to what you need God to do in your life that when you pray for somebody else he's gonna be handling some issues for you in the name of the Lord Jesus in the name of the Lord Jesus in the name of the Lord Jesus come on church come on church God hear your people God hear your people we bow before you we lift our hearts to you we're broken before you God but we thank you for blessing us keeping your hand on us enlarging our territory and keeping us from evil God we will not walk in vengeance or malice or bitterness cuz we're too busy working in the blessings that you've got over our lives so father in the name of Jesus we released joy fulfillment and blessing over your people in the name of the Lord Jesus [Music] I hear the Saints I hear the Saints I hear the Saints [Music] keep your hand upon that no evil see [Music] god I lick ha gee lift your voices say enlarged [Applause] [Applause] smarter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] mess [Applause] [Music] Oh Lord oh Lord [Music] let's [Music] Oh Lord [Music] [Music] if you know God is doing something special for you right now just freeze it right where you are [Music] less [Music] Oh Oh you
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 17,737
Rating: 4.7564101 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Rev. Tolan Morgan, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Fellowship, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins GA, The Ship, Clay Evans, Fellowship Chicago, Reginald Sharpe, Blow Up, Prayer of Jabez, Bless Me Indeed, Donald Lawrence, Gospel, Gospel Music, Enlarge My Territory, Preaching, Pastoring, Black Preachers, Black Pastors, Detroit, Michigan, Georgia
Id: jXNB5T16Xyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 52sec (3772 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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