John Mulaney is a great STORYTELLER
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Channel: LaughPlanet
Views: 3,818,146
Rating: 4.9196744 out of 5
Keywords: john mulaney story, john mulaney, john mulaney stand up, john mulaney hilarious, john mulaney delta airlines, john mulaney milk the cow, john mulaney the one thing, john mulaney a child with lawyers, john mulaney proposal, funniest standup stories, stand up stories, best of storytelling, funniest stories, funny stories, john mulaney funniest moments, 2019, new in town, the comeback kid, comedian, christmas, funny, comedy sketches, funny video
Id: kTzmVgGG5Bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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His Netflix specials are great. That 2nd and 3rd stories are in the specials. He also recently appeared in Conan's podcast.
I used to hate him with a passion, because of that dumbass sitcom he had that was terrible... Then I watched his stand-up and now I'm a fan.
I can't believe they left out the best story ever told about the best meal ever eaten. I present to you... The Salt and Pepper Diner.
What's new Pussycat?
I thought this was going to be one of those video essays. Kind of a dick move to just upload excerpts from his work with no commentary or anything.
This running for the train thing literally happened to me, and I'm afraid to tell the story. I'm going to get called for ripping off JM on one of my favourite stories.
Funny thing about what a decade will do. LIC is now all ex-manhattan yuppies in luxury high rises that shot up practically overnight. He’s talking about the Court Square station that’ll also get you into Brooklyn. It’s now a completely renovated, modernist train station. The Who area has been scrubbed of all danger and dirt.
His story about the party at his asshole teacher's house is still one of my favourite stories told by a comedian.
Was the intro a naruto soundtrack remix?