John Mulaney - Back To The Future Is Very Weird

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oh my email got hacked a few weeks ago but it was kind of cool it was that new thing was the thing where they hack into your email has this happened the hack in and then they send like a weird spam link to everyone in your address book so I basically sent a spam link to everyone I know which was kind of nice cuz I don't keep in touch with people so that's my bit for the year that is my Christmas card as far as I'm concerned and then everyone wrote back to me to tell me I've been hacked so I heard from everybody it was nice it was like I had a baby or something email viruses bring people together in amazing waves one guy I know emailed me and he said hey I clicked on the link you sent I don't want to buy any herbal viagra and he wasn't being funny I've known him for 17 years not a funny person he's an idiot so what I liked about that was a few things one he clicked on the link who the hell still clicks on the link when you get the spam link and this by the way this was the ugliest internet link I've ever seen in my life it had like dollar signs and swastikas in it it looked like a virus I don't mean an Internet virus I mean it looked like if HPV was a website written out he got that in a blank email and he went okay and he clicked on it he was intrigued and then he has taken to a website that sells something called herbal viagra and his first thought is that I am now selling herbal viagra but do you know what kind of offended me it was that he thought that that's how I would sell herbal viagra that I would be that pissed poor of a Salesman that I would just put a link in a blank email with the subject line check this out which I've never said before in my life and then in the two column I'd write everybody and I got and this speaks for itself if I was going to email everyone I've ever met about a very shaky new business I was involved in I would write a long like introduction letter before I got to the link I would be like dear friends and family comedy did not work out also have you ever wanted to try viagra but you fear the side-effects of the non herbal kind well me and my Cayman Island business partners have the solution for you just click on the swastika below and in seconds you'll be taken to the world's ugliest website I hope you can read pink on purple as that is the layout we have chosen thank you I didn't pause for that but that's nice I paused for that that's why I paused I turned 30 recently I watched movies very differently because you understand for years and years I was a child and when I would watch an action movie I would identify with the action hero who's trying to help people now when I watch an action movie I only identify with like the side characters who are often the corner rolling their eyes you know the ones that I like spider-man like those types that's how I'd feel if I heard about a spider-man you know is my fav you know is my favorite action hero when I was a kid was Michael J Fox is Marty McFly and back to the future that was when he was my hero I love Marty McFly he's great right I wanted to be like him in every way I watched that movie again recently Marty McFly is a 17 year old high school student whose best friend is a disgraced nuclear physicist and I [ __ ] you not they never explained how they became friends and we were all fine with it we never even asked you know that we were just like who's his best friend a disgraced nuclear physicist okay yet pursued yeah no no it's good to proceed with the movie I know back to the future is a great movie in a hit movie it's a very weird movie I just watched it again it has a lot of weird things in it two guys had to go in and sell that movie two guys had to go into a movie studio and be like okay so we have an idea for the next huge family action movie and it's about a guy named Marty and he's a he's a high school student and he's very lazy he's always sleeping late they're like okay okay is he is he cool like Ferris Bueller now but he has a best friend yeah you know who's a you know a disgraced nuclear physicist I'm sorry I'm confused this is this is another student or oh no no no no no this other guy's either like 40 or 80 even even we don't know how old he's supposed to be anyway so one so one day the boy and the scientist they build a time machine whoa okay okay I think I see where this is going now let me guess they build a time machine and they go back in time and they stop the Kennedy assassination ah no no I asked a really good idea uh yeah we didn't even think of that okay well what do they do with the time machine well now I'm embarrassed to say all right all right here goes nothing we thought we thought you know that it would be fun for people if the boy you know he went back in time and he tried to [ __ ] his mom we just we thought that that would be fun and then oh yeah no but you know but don't worry he doesn't he doesn't get to [ __ ] the mom because this family friend named Biff shows up and he tries to rape the mom you know in front of the Sun and then the dad he has to beat the rapist off of her and we're also gonna say that a white man wrote Johnny be good so we're gonna take that away from them well this sounds like a fantastic movie we are definitely gonna make this now you say that they go to the past do you want to call it back to the past nine I know Back to the Future right but they go to the past yeah good I Montreal thanks for your time everybody even people say Jeffers smoked marijuana I go I don't need another reason to be hungry like you ever seen a guy hit on a woman through a group of other people like not they didn't bother walking up to her just like yells at her like hey you with the tits you guys move what's up I'm Greg like that guy
Channel: Just For Laughs
Views: 5,354,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Just for Laughs, JFL, Stand Up Comedy, Stand-up, Stand up, Comedy, Funny, Comedian, Montreal, Stand up comedians, comedians, best stand up, stand up comedian, youtube stand up, juste pour rire, juste, just for laugh, John Mulaney, mulaney, john mulaney, jonh mulaney comedy, mulaney comedian, mulaney stand up, mulaney standup, comedian john mulaney, mullaney, john mullaney, john mulaney youtube, john mulaney full, John Mulaney Back To The Future Is Very Weird, John Mulaney JFL, snl
Id: ButlizwQXnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2016
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