Jo Koy in Toronto - Stand up Comedy

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what's up look at this huh yeah very ethnic isn't it you guys are looking at me like what are you I'm Filipino that's what I am I'm Filipino oh yeah Filipinos ah help you Filipinos are Asians we just look Mexican I guarantee your mom and my mom do the same damn thing alright just for starters um okay check this out they cannot pronounce their P's and they're apps right you know what I'm talking see she's going to watch let me tell you what you guys don't know what I'm talking about let me explain a peas and s they can pronounce them just at the wrong time alright growing up if my mom want to get my attention she I just app just said pick up the dead up on pick up the telephone ja sab that's just the peas and the apps but then we got the fees and the bees right right like Joe said pick up the telephone it's been ringing for a very long time Joseph II fell upon Joseph do you want breakfast do you hug frosted flakes Josef you hear that all your life you're like what the [ __ ] are you talking about that's not even the funny so this is the funny part my mom likes to use these big English words that people don't even use that means you just big giant words I think she was showing off you know I mean every time I went out late with my friends right my mom would always use these big words she hated it when I went out late with my friends just said why are you always oh by the way my mom always talked with I don't know what this was but she always did this dip point like dipping and then point John just add just add just add John said come here I want to talk to you for a second all right why are you always out there gallivanting outside color banding outside Joe said going to those late-night extravaganzas late-night extravaganzas John said all the time you go to those late-night a Stravaganza John said and you'll always take that girl you take that girl are you courting her are you courting that girl just said and I'm like no I'm packing her what he talking everyone in my family had talent you know I mean that's the Filipino thing they love talent my mom has been looking for talent cuz that's her ticket out someone in the family has to have talent and it better be you Joe said my mom signed me up for this talent show when I was 13 it was called the Philippine was a Christmas party the Filipino talent show my sister was in it and she signed me up in it and let me tell you why she signed me up for it okay because earlier that week all right earlier that week my mom discovered what she thought was Talent now let me tell you what happened I was taking a shower early that week now when you're 13 you don't really take a shower I mean you do but the only thing clean is like your hand and you know what I'm talking about that's what you do when you're 13 you don't really take showers you just uh and my mom of course little Filipino woman walking down the hallway and she's like wow he has been in there for a long time I hope he's not hurt I better check up on here so she opens up the door and catches me oh my god Josh Adam what are you doing to your penis put it down you're going to go blind so I had to play dumb I didn't want to get caught I'm 13 so I played up and when I was 13 Michael Jackson was the big thing everyone was dancing like Michael so I just was like no I'm doing Michael Jackson and my mom was like oh my god that's dollar I love you guys you
Channel: PsimoesWeb Comedy
Views: 2,067,072
Rating: 4.8555403 out of 5
Keywords: Comedy (Theater Genre), psimoesweb, comedy, Funny, Joke, Laugh, Prank, Jokes, Laughs, Laughing, Hilarious
Id: je_U7r-A-bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2015
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