Losing to Your Mom at “Wii Sports” - Jo Koy

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cooling about coming home cool thing about coming home was uh I think I haven't seen my mom in a long time so I finally got to see my mom and my mom's Filipino my mom's Filipino and uh she's uh oh thanks oh cool Wow really you guys know my mom awesome my mom's uh my mom oh cool thank you sir that's creepy my mom's Filipino my mom's 63 okay my aunt 63 and here's the weird thing about my mom she's been living in this country for 37 years and her accent got thicker how does that happen I think she's just doing the [ __ ] on purpose like she just you know I mean like she's just making it like that's what she was that she's holding on to it and she doesn't and it's just little stuff you know I mean like just HAP that's what she calls me just HAP it's Joseph just AB just had just had come here come here I want to talk to you per second she points with her lips just get that for me [Applause] what are you pointing at that right there my mom picks up stuff with her feet I don't understand this her hands are empty but she uses her feet to pick up stuff and she'll do it in front of my friends um I was 13 and when you're 13 your room is never clean my mom kicks the door open she's like Justin why is your underwear all over the [ __ ] put it over there [Applause] my mom came to my house and and she you know she she was playing Wii with my son okay and she fell in love with this weed like fell in love with her thing like she was so you know like she couldn't wait she's like Jessup she was playing all day with my son she's like Joseph she couldn't wait to duck just that Jessup come here that's how my mom points she says circle pullback and in him I saw her just that can't come here come come here come here mmm just had and I was playing I was playing that video game my mom will never remember what that that thing is called it's called a we you know easy.we is my mom will remember all the other big words to describe it except for we and it's like an hour of her just just that I was playing with your son that beat the bgo game that that's Wow that I forget what it's called the BTO game where you play the games it's manufactured by Nintendo you mean we yeah I like that game it is so much banjos have it is really good it's you interact with it and it really gets my heart going I get very good exercise from it I really enjoy it just have one let's get one for him oh my god I would like that I laugh so she won't be other one right so I go visit her I just visit her I I just discovered my mom is a [ __ ] talker a [ __ ] talker like a person that talks [ __ ] I had no idea my mom was capable of doing this we're playing first of all I just go to visit her okay she's got the Wii okay this is like a month later after she bought it and we're sitting on the couch it's 11:00 at night there's nothing on Emma I'm watching and my mom's just sitting there and she's like just had yeah yeah she's like um do you want to challenge me to a game of whee yeah she's like oh okay this is going to be fun yeah okay so she gets up and she puts the game in in the council right and she only has one game it's we sport it's the one that it came with the free game right so she puts it in there and she closes it right and then and then she does that she goes just said go ahead and pick one of your games what sport do you want to play Oh bowling shoes hope that's my favorite so she picks bowling and then she selects her character if you don't have a Wii you can make your own character she's made a character and this character looks just like her it's got she's got short black hair glasses a red turtleneck a [ __ ] mole and she goes just up I made one for you too I go really she goes yeah and I pick it I pick Joe and it's just a bald [ __ ] guy yeah so now she's up first right she's got the controller in her hand and she's looking at the string she lines up like this she's lining up like she's like she's lining up like this looking at the TV and then she starts walking towards it like this ball and she releases the ball she she would she does that just like the pros and she hits it like this she goes Bob perfect right to left hook boom strike my mum goes god dammit god dammit dark turn so I grabbed the controller I haven't played a lot throw it like this the ball flies up in the air hits the lane goes in the gutter my mom goes home like are you [ __ ] [Applause] shut up so I take the ball again I throw it I pick up like six right now it's my mom's turn again right now she's standing like this she's pretending there's an air vent my mom really think she's in this [ __ ] bowling alley she grabs a controller again she lines up she walks towards us screaming like this Oh perfect right to left hook again BAM strike she claps her hand out her what the [ __ ] where did that come from [Applause] my mom goes just have just choose another game you're not going to beat me on this one my average is 240 pop you have 6 let's reset let's start all over again choose another game so I'm like all right it's like I think of myself tennis that's physical we got to run around tennis I can outrun the 63 year old [ __ ] talker tennis that's what I go bump tennis shoes that's my second babe red so now we're both in character now my mom is dribbling the ball like this I'm right next to her like this I got a headband on she serves it oh she hits this serve smoke is flying out the back of this ball I sue me Anna I miss I go what the hell was that she goes that's an ace read the manual she serves again boom I hit this one BAM she hits back no way I go oh yeah she goes oh no hey I go oh yes mom she goes get that one I go I got it and she goes get this one I go I got it and I go boom and I hit it again and then my mom goes Joseph I go what she goes slice she says slice the pole barely goes over the net I start running towards the TV I died the ball flies up in the air my mom goes just that game [Applause] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,263,017
Rating: 4.920701 out of 5
Keywords: Jo Koy, Don’t Make Him Angry, Jo Koy comedian, Jo Koy stand up, stand up comedy, comedy central stand up, comedy, comedians, Filipino, mom, accent, lips, feet, Wii, video games, Nintendo, bowling, funny, funny video, comedy videos, funny jokes, funny clips, laugh, best comedy, best stand up, wii sports, moms playing video games, filipino mom, mom impersonation
Id: kgEVWaR9-zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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