Ridiculous Cereal Mascots (Game)

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. There's lots of mascots associated with cereals, but some of them twinkie fingers made up. Or twinkle fingers photo-shopped and the team made up, let's find out. - You know what was also made up? This thing that we do, where if you're caught wearing our merch with the #merchicality in the wild, you might qualify for a $30 mythical.com gift certificate. Especially if your name is T, just T. - [Link] T - [Rhett] At least that's the person who won this time. - That merch means you get more merch, #merchicality. Rep ya boys. Check out mythical.com to see all types of stuff that we sell. - Waimea Canyon may be on the big Island? I don't know if that's Kawaii, but I did the helicopter in both places, I think. I can't remember. - I don't do helicopters anymore. - Why? - Mea. - What? - Waimea. Isn't that the name of canyon. They're kind of a dangerous. - It is Kawaii. Okay, yeah. Okay, good. So that was a Jurassic Park thing. - Yeah, I did that too. Speaking of mythical.com, this is your last chance to get your hands on our Bleak Creek merch collection over there. Once it's sold out, it's gone forever. So check that out now while you still can. Alright, let's talk about some mascots. - It's a lot harder, Okay- - Of the cereal - a lot harder to hike up than it is to take the copter up. - I'm listening. - [Stevie] How about Jean Lafoote? - Jean Lafoote? - [Stevie] In the 1960s, a very popular time for both real and fake cereal mascots, Quaker Oats decided that Cap'n Crunch needed an antagonist character, a Joker to his Batman, if you will. - Jean Lafoote. - [Stevie] Jean Lafoote was a pirate complete with a gold earring. His mission was to uncover the Cap'n's secret as to how Cap'n Crunch cereal stays so crunchy in milk. - Was he just a big foot? - No, he had a foot. - [Stevie] I don't, yeah. - This whole mascot, evil villain, counterpart, - It's a good idea. - It definitely did happen because didn't we establish on this very show that Ronald McDonald had an adversary at some point? Or, no, that Burger King had an adversary. - No, Ronald had one too, Nonald McRonald. - So I'm going to go with real on this one cause it was something that was done. - [Stevie] Real. - Yep. - Let's take a look. - [ Rhett] Oh, I remember I remembered this dude. - [ Link] It's a still frame from an old television ad. - [Rhett] Jean Lafoote. - He could have come up with a better name for him.. - [Stevie] I'm also being told he has his own real, official Twitter account, but he hasn't tweeted since 2012. - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Link] His last tweet was "My leg! Zee Crunch not working on zis @realseadog! I am jumping overboard! Zee Crunch will still be mine." - Wow. I would have followed that if he was still tweeting. - [Stevie] Mikey the Magician. - Fake. - [Stevie] In 1962, before rabbit became the sole mascot for Trix cereal, he had a companion called Mikey the Magician. Mikey was a little boy with the top hat and magical powers who could change any food into Trix cereal. Mikey was discontinued after Quaker oats threatened a lawsuit due to the name similarity from their famous life cereal, Mikey likes it, commercial campaigns. - Well, now that you've said all that, I kind of want to go back to real because that's a lot to make up. - Well, I'll go to fake, if you go to real. - No, you know what? Like they say when you take the SAT, go with your first instinct, it was fake. - Nobody cares about the SAT anymore. - [Stevie] Are we locked in? - Yeah. - [Stevie] Fake. - Ha, first instinct. - [Stevie] The Mikey likes it was in the seventies. - [Rhett] Now that is pretty awesome. - [Link] That's great work twinkle fingers. - [Rhett] What he would look like. Cause we've got a whole class of kids who are excited about, about him. And there's a burger inside? - Yeah. - [Stevie] No, he's changed the burger to Trix magically. - Ah, because that's what you do. - But what does that, does he have a magic hand? What is that hand? - [Rhett] That's a gloved hand. - What did you use MS paint for this? Or, did you do this with no hands? You're busy, I get it. Next one. - [Stevie] Wolf Bran. During the mid 1980s Count Chocula and Frankenberry were at their height in popularity and General Mills capitalized on this success by creating Yummy Mummies cereal. That same year, they also created a lesser known cereal called Wolf Bran. Which was meant to be a healthier option for kids. The cereal consists of bran flakes and full moon marshmallows. The Wolf brand mascot was a werewolf drawn with large muscles, tattered clothes and yellow eyes. The cereal faded into obscurity one year after its inception. - I wonder why. - Yeah. - Kids don't like bran. Even if you put it on a wolf. - I don't think, In the eighties they weren't trying to make cereal for kids that was healthy. Or maybe they did this and they learned their lesson. - I think that's it. I think they did it once. I think they all talk about, remember Wolf Bran. I think that that was very, very commonly said in boardrooms of cereal places. Remember Wolf Bran. - They would write it at the top of their whiteboard and they wouldn't erase that. - Let's not Wolf Bran again, whatever we do. - Nigel, you're Wolf Branning in it. Come on. Just take a break. - When Nigel starts talking about the fiber content of the kid's cereal, that's called Wolf Branning and you're immediately asked to leave. - Did you not read the memo, Nigel? Don't erase Wolf Branning from the top of the whiteboard and don't Wolf Bran in the meeting. - [Stevie] Fake. - I wanted it to be real so bad. - [Link] Well, hold on. It looks so real though, look at that. - [Rhett] It's interesting that the same kids are back. - You know, look at the Wolf's pants. I mean, they almost look painted on. Those are boxer briefs. - Yeah. He has boxer briefs. - Come on, with holes. I got a few of those. - Okay. - You know what? Well, let me put it in the form of a question. Would you know my favorite cereal right now? The cereal that I'm really into now. - I thought you were doing only smoothies. - I've gone, for breakfast, yeah, but I've gone back to cereal for comfort. Cereal is my quarantine comfort, and it's been sticking around. - It must not be Frosted Mini Wheats because you're an old man now, and you feel like you couldn't enjoy Frosted Mini Wheats as like a regular thing. So you wanna cover yourself, but you do wanna Wolf Bran a little bit. - Wolf. You can't say it, can you? - You wanna Wolf Bran a little bit. - I'm not gonna give you any hints before you give a guess. Stevie, you can guess too. - [Stevie] Thank you. - What cereal do you think I'm really into these days? - You're still a man child. So I have to take that into account. So something that a man shouldn't eat on his own. So it's not Raisin Bran. - [Stevie] Ooh. That's a good guess. Cause Raisin Bran like, seems like it's adulty, but it's actually not that good for you. And it has sugar in it, and it tastes good. - It is good. - [Stevie] Plus they're targeting dads nowadays. - Is that your guess? - Raisin Bran. - What's your guess, Stevie? - [Stevie] That's a good one. I think I would go with that one too. - And so you're both wrong, but everything you've said is right. - [Stevie] So it's a cereal that seems like it's healthy? - Total? - [Stevie] Honey, honey, honey... Oh my gosh, why can't I think of the name? - Honey Bunches of Oats. - [Stevie] Yeah. - You're both guessing the same thing every time. Wrong. - [Stevie] Honey Bunches of Oats is delicious. - You know what? - Gets soggy too quick. - You know what a good cereal is? Is Kashi Peanut Butter Crunch or something like that. They actually have one that's not super, super healthy, but it's good. - Everything you've said is right. - You should get the Kashi. - It's not that specialized. - Special K. - You can think about it some more. You want to show us another one, Stevie. - [Stevie] The Crazy Craving Monster. In 1995, Honeycomb created a bug eyed, wild haired possum like mascot called the Crazy Craving. In the commercials, a child would start to crave honeycomb and then promptly become possessed by the monster. It proved to be too scary for children and was discontinued soon after its inception. - Real. - Yeah. I remember that. - I've been possessed by this. - [Stevie] Yeah, it's real. - [Link] Crazy looking. I mean, look at that thing. - [Rhett] Man. So he's craving. He's craving his Honeycomb. - [Link] You know what's gonna sell our cereal? Possession. Let's possess a child, turn him into some, I mean it's like a werewolf there. - I feel like I need a cereal word bank. - Honeycomb is a good cereal, if you eat it- - [Stevie] Life, life. Is life cereal that you're obsessed with? - No, he wouldn't, it's not squirrely enough for him. - All of your criteria is correct. But you didn't meet your criteria with your first answer. - This man is not going to eat a cereal that doesn't have at least four, four to five ingredients in it. Like, you're not going to like a flake or something like that. - Wrong. - [Stevie] Wheaties? - It's a flake. I thought you were gonna nail it right at the beginning. - It's a flake? - Yeah. - But it's not a Frosted Flakes? - No, it's not just a flake. - It's flakes and something else? - Yep. - Is it flakes and bran twigs? - No. - [Stevie] And strawberries. So that's special K though. - No. - It's not flakes and marshmallows? - No, I don't like marshmallows. - Is it flakes and berries? - Uh, no.... - [Stevie] What's a flakes and berries cereal that's not- - Is it a Berry? It's not a Berry. - I have no idea. Is it a common cereal? Or it like a whole foods type of cereal? - It is a common cereal, but it's tangentially common. - Oh, so it's like total with berries. - Yes, but it's got its own name. It's not like the name with. It feels healthy and it feels adult. But then it's got some man child, kid in it. So Raisin Bran was in the right place, but. - Craisin Bran. - Very close. - Brandon, it's got cranberries in it? - No, not cranberries. They are dried though. I thought this was obvious. It's a very good cereal. I think there's a little hint of cinnamon in it, but they don't talk about that. - Stevie, you got any ideas? - [Stevie] No, I'm now looking at a Wikipedia list of all breakfast cereals. - I'm trying to do that in my brain. - You couldn't have been closer. - I just don't know. - You could not have been closer with your first guest and not guess it. - I just can't think of a cereal like Raisin Bran right now. - [Stevie] I'm not coming up with anything. - Can anybody think of a cereal? I say this, it's tangential. - Total tangent. - I mean, if you look at Raisin Bran, it would be right next to it. - It's just bran. - No, it's not Grapenuts. Morgan's guessing Grapenuts. - Oh no, Grapenuts flakes is a- - Grapenuts flakes, no. - Is a new cereal. - I still have Grapenuts at the house. - I've been putting Grapenuts Let's do another one. - - You know what it is. Give us another one, Stevie. - [Stevie] Crinkles The Clown. In the 1960s post had a bland cereal called Rice Crinkles that would later be flavored and revamped into Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles. Is that what it? No, that's too childish, sorry. One of their mascots was Crinkles the Clown who looked a whole lot like Pennywise, but with a tiny hat. - I guess that's gotta be real. - [Stevie] One of his famous lines from the commercials was "It's so good, I crinkle every time I eat it." - You just crinkle. I think that's what that means. Like, mmm, so good. So fruity pebbles is made out of rice. All of that sounds correct to me. The rice part. - Too complex to be fake. - [Stevie] It's real. - Yeah, let's see that. Oh gosh, let's stop seeing that. Give us another one. Crinkles. Good gosh. - No one can figure out what cereal you have. - [Stevie] I can't, yeah. I have no idea, Go Lean? - No, no, it would be right next to Raisin Bran. - Raisin something else? - Yes. - Raisin flakes? - Yes. - [Stevie] Wait, what did you say? - It's raisins and flakes, but it's not Raisin Bran? - Yes. - [Stevie] Does it have nuts? - No. - [Crew Member] Is Raisin Bran two scoops a separate cereal? - What? - [Crew Member] Two scoops. - Yes. - [Crew Member] Is that your favorite? - Two scoops, yes. - [Stevie] No, I think that- - It has a name. - I think all raisin bread has two scoops. - [Crew Member] No, it's a specific thing where it says two scoops and it's like separate. - No, all raisin bran, - I thought two scoops was the slogan for all Raisin Bran. - Two scoops is, - All Raisin Bran has two scoops. - Yeah. - Who would get one scoop Raisin Bran when there's two? - Raisin Bran with two scoops, that's all of them. - Now with two scoops. You can still get the one scoop. - You got another one, Stevie? I want to see twinkle fingers. - [Stevie] Yeah, I have, I have one more, but now I'm frustrated. - I wanna know what the frickin cereal is. - It's very obvious. - [Stevie] Apple Jacks Jane. - I basically told it to you guys, you just don't- - [Stevie] It's like Raisin Bran? - It is Raisin Bran. - [Stevie] Oh, It's an offshoot of Raisin Bran. - Yes. - [Stevie] Oh. - [Morgan] Is it Raisin Bran Crunch? - Yes, Morgan got it. He had to Google it. Raisin Bran Crunch. - I didn't know that was a cereal. - Oh really? - I could've been here all day. - None of you guys have had Raisin Bran Crunch? - [Stevie] No. - It's like sugary-er Raisin Bran because the flakes are like frosted, but they don't tell you that. And they're really crunchy and they don't get soggy like normal Raisin Bran flakes because they're covered in like an impenetrable sugar barrier. And I'm the sugar bear that's gonna bury it. Cause it's good. - [Stevie] Alright. - I highly recommend raisin bran crunch. - 13 grams of added sugars in one cup. So 26% of your sugar for the day is in your cup of Raisin Bran Crunch. - Yeah, if it's any help, I don't eat all the raisins. It's like Frosted Flakes. - [Stevie] Do you see that section, Rhett? Can you go down to the section that says that you don't eat all of the raisins and see what the sugar- - If one does not eat all of the raisins. Yep, here it is. - Now you're making me feel guilty about it. - It's still bad for you. - Is it more sugar than Frosted Mini Wheats? - So, okay, 13 grams in a cup. I don't think so. Let's see, Frosted Mini Wheats. - See, that's why I want away from cereal because it's so much sugar. But then I went back to it. It's better than eating a bowl of ice cream, right? I mean? - Yeah. Ice cream is got like loads of saturated fat in it. You wanna stay away from that if you can. - Yeah, thank you. Make me feel better. - Where's the, get the facts. - Let's hear the last one while he's talking. While he's googling. - [Stevie] Apple Jacks Jane. In the 1970s, Apple Jacks cereal created a redheaded cartoon mascot named Jane. She was scantily clad in a bikini made of leaves and featured a snake wrapped around her arm that would tempt her into eating Apple Jacks in commercials. She was deemed too sexy and removed from all Apple Jacks advertising in 1974. - Apple Jacks too sexy. - That's fake. - That's fake. But I bet twinkle fingers had a ball with this one. - It has one gram of sugar more than Frosted Mini Wheats per cup. - Oh no. I shouldn't have brought it up. - [Stevie] It's fake, but dang Emily, you fooled me and I had the answers. So kudos. - [Link] Oh that's Emily. - [Stevie] No. Emily is the writer on this episode. - Well, - [Link] Look at that talking snake. - [Rhett] Is that character from something or did twinkie fingies, - [Link] Did you draw that from scratch? - [Rhett] Invent that? - [Link] Zach? - [Zach] You guys like it? - That's cool, yeah. I wanna to talk to her. - [Zach] iStock cartoon lady in grass bikini. - She doesn't have a name. - iStock cartoon lady in grass bikini. Those are leaves. - Did you put that purple snake around her arm? - [Zach] Yeah. That's part of the iStock. - You added that purple snake? - [Zach] Yeah. - Where did you get that from? - Dang, the arm goes right through there and everything. Look how he did that. - [Zach] I spent a lot of time on this one. - She looks like she was made to be with that purple snake. - And those kids are rightfully celebrating. Raisin Bran Crunch, dang. Not good for you, but tastes good. - [Rhett] Last call to get your Bleak Creek merch before it's gone forever. Head over to mythical.com and get yours now.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 761,873
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, gms2020, good mythical summer 2020
Id: FOJok6eyXPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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